#im writing about my choice for Randy's kids later lol
msookyspooky · 2 years
Fours a Franchise
Part 2
wordcount: 9,222
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   You sat at the police station clutching your head, your elbows resting on the table in front of you…10 years. It had been 10 long years since something like this happened. 15 years since it happened in Woodsboro. Your eyes darted to the calendar on the wall... The date was past when Casey and Steve died…The anniversary was a mere few days away.  You knew it…You fucking knew coming back here was a bad idea especially this time of year. Even 10 years later…The implication of exactly what this meant made your stomach turn.
'No…No, no, no. I can't. I've been free of this shit for a decade; I can't do this again. Not with them. Not now.' 
Your head shot up to see Dewey slowly coming into the room. He wore a regretful expression. "YN. I'm…I'm sorry." 
You took a moment, sucking in a shaky breath and swiping your hand across your mouth. "For what?" You softly asked as he sucked in his own heavy breath and sat across from you.
"For this being your welcome home and not being there for you with those protestors …And…For…" 
"Questioning me?" You asked simply as he hung his head. You sighed and shrugged. "It is what it is. We need to figure this out. It's not the first time I've been questioned at a police station." 
"No but it's the first time I'm the one…Getting your report." Dewey stared at you before getting to the point. "Can you run me through the exact time frame?" 
"Sure." You laced your hands together on the table in front of you. "...Rebecca got us there at about 11:35. Protestors were outside boycotting my book." 
"Any violent ones? You know, shady characters?" 
"No more than usual. They all don't like my presence in this town." 
"Anyone you recognize?" 
"...No." You softly gave as he ran a hand over his hair, hat sitting on the table. 
"I should have been there." He murmured. "We apprehended a few for questioning and they're all on a suspect list but I'm sure there's more. Any information can help."
"It's okay. You had your hands full…Does Randy know that Jenny girl was one of the victims?" 
He nodded with an exasperated look. "Yeah…He's being-" He raised his brows with a puff of air past his lips. "He's being…Just-" 
"Anxious, a little neurotic and dropping suspects already? Yes. To be fair…I think we all are anxious right now…Although, this is the most freaked out I've seen him out of all the times we've ever gone over suspects or questions. " 
You nodded in agreement before continuing. "Anyways...We got inside. I didn't see the exact time after that. Rebecca went missing to look for Randy while I talked to him." 
"And Randy…Was missing too before Rebecca left to look for him and then he just appeared out of no where?" 
You huffed with a shake of your head, looking at the ceiling. "Dewey. He wasn't there, and within a minute, he was. He probably was near the bookcases and wanted to surprise me…Even if he is a suspect; There was a crowd outside. He couldn't have done it that fast without being seen." 
"And Rebecca? She had the keys." 
You rolled your lips in thought. "I'm aware but I don't think so. Rebecca will do a lot for publicity but she couldn't have done this. I had my luggage in the back so this happened at Woodsboro, not before. She wasn't gone that long, and again, the crowd. How could she do it in front of the crowd?....Unless." 
"Unless?" Dewey urged.
"Unless…Someone in the crowd blended in and used an opportunity when no one was looking. Rebecca went out there after we talked and she was yelling something at them. Everyone is looking towards her and not at the car…It's the only scenario that makes sense." 
Dewey's face lit up and he furiously wrote it down. "So do you think someone in the crowd could do this?" 
You shrugged and stammered. "I-I don't know. Probably! I don't know who else....There was a half an hour time frame between us arriving and us talking inside." 
"All three of you?" 
You hesitated before replying. "Well…No. Like I said, Rebecca was outside dispersing the protestors and Randy went to stock books while I set up the table. It was like 5 to 10 minutes and then they both came back and probably 10 minutes later the first people arrived for the book signing." 
Dewey slowly nodded with a thoughtful look as he took in the information. "...Okay." 
You looked at the table with a frown. "...You know, somehow I knew something like this would happen. I wanted to think I was being paranoid but here we are…I should have never come back here. This all happened because I came back." 
Dewey stared a moment before he reached out to you, gently laying his hand on your own. "Hey, now. YN, this is not your fault. This would have happened regardless…I mean, I think it would at least." He mumbled, grimacing at his own choice of words as he patted your hand. "We'll find the person responsible and you'll be safe. I promise…I think I'm done taking your statement, thank you for cooperating." He said the last part like he rehearsed it with everyone he questioned.
You nodded even though you knew it wasn't true. That you'd be safe.
Suddenly, you saw the door almost open before closing again followed by Gale yelling at Judy outside. Dewey groaned and quickly stood up. His limp he once had was barely there at all as he staggered just a moment before walking normally. You stood up as well, following behind as Gale rushed in to argue with Dewey. 
He let you out as you looked at Gale. "Hi Gale." 
"YN. If you don't mind giving us a minute." Gale gave as she narrowed her eyes at her husband. You instantly stepped out with a subtle cringe as you heard Judy arguing with Dewey that Gale shouldn't be here and Gale slamming the door on her.
'Yikes' You thought as a deputy offered you a cup of coffee and you stood near the wall. Thinking heavily. 
You knew what this meant and you dreaded it so much. It made you want to just hop in the nearest car and drive as far away from this town as possible. 10 years of peace washed away just by stepping foot into this damn town.
A few minutes went by before Gale rushed out the door and turned back around to tell Judy in a harsh voice. "- And your lemon squares taste like ass!" Before storming off; marching out of the precinct.
You didn't know if Dewey and Gale were on the fritz or not but it seemed like it. You hadn't talked to Dewey in person in years; only ever talking on the phone on rare occasions and Gale you only talked on the phone with to relay a message to Dewey; which became more common the last year or two…It was sad all things considered but that was how it was now. You talked to Randy's wife Karla occasionally just as little as you talked to Randy with how busy everyone seemed to be…At one point you knew everything between all of you and now you were out of the loop.
You saw Dewey come out with an exhausted expression as Judy talked to him. He comforted her on the lemon squares and she thanked him. 
Your eyes focused on her…She was the one that traced the device to your car and the dislike Gale had for her seemed to be mutual. She walked away with a pip in her step as you watched intently. You were already making a suspect list but you knew it was second nature at this point. In a way, this was the first time in a while you felt like yourself instead of a numb version going through the motions your publicist gave you. 
You saw Dewey talking with another deputy before he motioned for you. You shoved off the wall, sitting your Styrofoam cup down on a desk and followed him. Judy led Dewey as you followed him into a room. There were 3 teenage girls sitting at the table as Dewey motioned for you to come all the way inside. 
Dewey looked at you. "YN. This is Kirby Reed, Olivia Morris and Jill Roberts…She's Sidney's cousin." 
You glanced at Dewey in surprise before looking at her. The dark haired girl in the middle looked at you in wonder…She didn't look like Sidney or Roman but the resemblance was somewhat there. "YN? Like, my cousin Sidney's old best friend? Wow, you're younger looking in person." She held up her hand. "Not that you look old in pictures or anything but I thought by 33 you'd be more...You know…" She drew out.
"Mature looking." Kirby finished for her with a smile.
 "Yes, that's me. And no, my official walking cane and wrinkles haven't arrived in the mail yet. Are you cousins on Neil or Maureen's side?…" 
She gave a down turned smile. "Maureen and my Mom are sisters…I never met Sidney, obviously, I mean, I'm just 17…Why?" 
 "Just wondering. I kind of see the resemblance to you and Sidney…And I was wondering because…Well…"
"Roman?" Jill smiled politely. "That was an interesting conversation piece for Thanksgiving when I was a kid. Crazy to think my Aunt Maureen had such a secret-filled life." 
Olivia gave you and Jill a wary look. Relatively silent the entire time.
Kirby added with a raise of her hand. " I actually have questions on things if you don't mind like did Billy Loomis actually use corn syrup or was that just bullshit from Stab because-" 
Dewey cut her off. "Ladies…We're here because you claim you were called by the killer this morning…Two of you got phone calls?" 
Jill lost her smile and looked at Olivia. "Yeah, us two. "What's your favorite scary movie?'..."
Kirby addressed the room, looking between everyone. "It was the voice. You know, from Stab." She looked at you and like any awkward teen mumbled. "Uh well. I mean. You know…Your life." 
You sighed but gave a knowing look in response. 
Kirby smiled and lightly waved. "I'm. I'm Kirby, by the way." 
"Hi." You simply gave. Regretting not being more friendly to these kids but with the situation at hand; it was hard. Looking at them, it was down right out bizarre to think you were near these girls' ages when this all first happened to you.
Dewey looked at Kirby. "And the killer didn't call you?" 
"No." She looked worried as she nervously chewed at her nails "Is this…This is a bad thing?…Does that mean I'm not going to live as long as these two??" She pointed at her friends.
Dewey cringed and tilted his head. "No…Maybe." He corrected himself as you gave him a look. "Of course not! Just…Just be careful." He gave as he stood up while Judy wrote things on a notepad behind him. 
You saw Kirby's mouth drop as she turned to her friends and harshly whispered. "Oh my God, did you hear that?! That means I'm next!" 
You felt guilt eating at you the longer you were here and the more obvious it was that you were the target like so many other times…Besides, if this was anything like last time; you couldn't risk your secret getting out. You couldn't risk being here at all!
You urgently whispered to Dewey as he stood off to the side. "Dewey, I need to leave town. I shouldn't be here." 
"I'm afraid it's not possible, YN" Judy interjected as she circled something on her notepad. 
You felt your face sag as Dewey looked at you. "Look. No one thinks you're involved but everyone's a suspect." 
You huffed, shaking your head a moment. "That's literally the same thing, Dewey…I know you had to question me and I know everyone's a suspect. Okay, I get that and accept that but even if everyone is a suspect...I think we can narrow things down  I mean, realistically you actually think I'd put evidence in my own rental car?" 
Judy chimed in again. "It was your rental car and your event. We have to go with the evidence we have at hand. Besides, as a reason, you could have easily been stashing the evidence in your trunk to hide it." 
"...Then why would I have my own face covered in blood? You think Rebecca helped me? For godsakes, check my plane ticket! I wasn't even anywhere near Woodsboro when this happened. This was clearly a threat sent to me. A warning." You said to Dewey before Judy answered for him.
"I'm sorry but we'll be the ones to decide that, YN. Right now, you're on permanent supervision until this case is over." 
You narrowed your eyes at her, slowly realizing why Gale had a problem with her. You looked back at Dewey, ignoring Judy. "Dewey, if I stay here; more people will die. You know this."
You heard Olivia harshly whisper behind you. "See? Angel of death." 
Dewey gave you a calming hand gesture and said. "I'm sorry but there was evidence in your car connecting you to a killer. You may be a material witness." 
"I get that but I could still be sent to a safe house someplace where I'm monitored. And if the killer tracks me, they'll follow me there. Not here. Not with these innocent people." 
"I'm afraid we can't do that either." Judy told you.
Dewey gave cringe. "…Not yet, anyways. Until you're attacked, we can't do anything but monitor you. It's protocol." 
You stared at Dewey, your mouth open in disbelief. "...You've got to be kidding me, Dewey. I shouldn't be here!" 
"YN, you are not allowed to leave. I'm sorry but as Sheriff…I just can't let you leave town as a potential witness to this case. That's final."
Dewey talked to you like you were the age these girls were…Something about that, especially as many times as you were the one to save the day against these numerous killers; went right through you.
You felt yourself huff in disbelief. "Dewey, this is a mistake. You're making a giant mistake having me stay here." 
 He frowned with his head held high. "I'm sorry you think that, YN. You'll have police surveillance 24/7 till the killer is caught for your protection but you have to stay in town." 
You shook your head before smacking your hand against your leg with a sigh. "Great..." 
Judy raised a brow as she scribbled something on her notepad before asking you. "Why the long face? Shouldn't the person we found evidence in their trunk want police protection?"  
Finally, you felt how Gale must be feeling and snapped. Especially with the situation at hand. "With all due respect; I was talking to the Sheriff, Deputy Hicks." 
You saw Judy's face fall as Dewey gave you a disappointed look. You returned a deathly serious stare right back at him, whispering low. "We both know that won't work and as long as I'm forced to be here; the killer will target everyone around me. Even cops. We've been down this road before, Dewey!…I don't need to be placed under house arrest in the town that started all of this; I need to be put somewhere far away where the killer won't find me and so does Randy's family, these girls and Gale too. Where's their police protection?...Or is it just to watch me as a suspect?" You harshly whispered. 
Kirby raised her hand, all the girls eavesdropping as she mumbled. "Uh, I kind of think she's making sense. I mean, the killer obviously wants her the most, so…Why have her stay??" 
Olivia furiously nodded her head in agreement; eager for you to leave town.
 "Kirby please." Judy then glared at you. "You need to give Sheriff Riley more respect and credit that he knows what he's doing, Miss YN. " She retorted.
You felt an icy glare towards Judy. You looked back towards Dewey. "...May I be excused... Sheriff? Did you get all the questions from me as a suspect or witness or whatever I am?" 
Dewey looked conflicted, his mouth in a tight frown and his brows tense but nodded. "Yes." 
You grabbed your purse and walked out saying behind you. "It was nice to meet you girls! I'll see you around." You grumbled under your breath. "Especially since I'm grounded here." 
You heard them say bye as Dewey released a heavy sigh and you walked out. You were stopped and asked a few questions at the desk before being allowed to fully leave, going outside with a glare on your face. You didn't think you and Gale would be storming out of here the same way but here you were. 
'How the fuck did he go from the older brother figure willing to break the law and sneak a police file out of one of LAPD's precincts plus arguing with Mark to not let me be found. Literally risked being arrested over me…To being too lawful to send me to a safehouse because of protocol?!...What's changed? Has he really changed that much or…Did something happen to make him think I did this?...And what's this cop attitude he's gotten as if he was the one saving everyone's asses the last few attacks!' You ranted in your head. Your heels clacking on the sidewalk as you stopped and furiously adjusted one. 'And I HATE these fucking shoes!!' 
You stopped and blinked at the sky repeatedly with a nauseated feeling…Everything that could go wrong was but most of all…You knew the inevitable. You didn't want to ever make that call but what choice did you have? Especially being forced to stay in this town with cops guarding you…What happens if Hollywood repeats itself? Then what? Without them; you were a sitting duck.
You looked back down to the bustling sidewalk. Avoiding the news cameras everywhere as you saw Rebecca talking excitedly on the phone. You ignored her. She was one of the last people you wanted to talk to right now.
You saw Randy's car with him leaning against it. Arms folded, lost in thought with his sweater off and just the button down shirt on. You walked over to him and he still didn't seem to notice you.
He blinked and looked up at you. 
You held yourself close as you came towards him. " Are you done here?" 
"Y-yeah. Yeah, just waiting for you. Figured you would need a ride." 
"Oh thanks. I'd appreciate it." You rolled your lips looking behind yourself to see a pair of cops watching you intently. You rolled your eyes and told Randy. "Just an FYI; I'm being monitored as both a suspect and witness and potential victim. Dewey wasn't clear; just that I'm to have police surveillance 24/7 wherever I go." 
Randy nodded. "I figured. He told me I'm a material witness and suspect because I was just so lucky to have this happen in from of my store…Anyone else getting monitored?" 
"Oh, well that's perfect. Not like my family doesn't need protection or Jenny's family for that matter." He sarcastically gave.
"I told him your family needed it and Gale and even Jenny and her family and now these girls that got calls; but who knows…Which…I'm sorry about Jenny." 
Randy nodded solemnly. "It's a shame. Kid had her whole life ahead of her…So, do you need to tell Starsky and Hutch you're leaving with me or-" 
You shrugged. "I don't think so? Screw it. They'll follow wherever I go, I guess." He nodded and opened the door for you. "Oh my God, Karla did it. She finally turned you into a gentleman that opens doors for people." 
He gave a smirk but didn't outwardly joke like he normally did. Your smile faded slightly as you hopped in and he shut the door before walking to his driver's side. You huffed as both officers watching you quickly got in their car as well.
He buckled up and you pointed. "I bet they'll start following us." 
"One way to find out…" He muttered as he started up his car and pulled away from the curb. You both released a 'oh!' noise as the cop car followed you.
Randy looked in his rear view mirror. "Uuhh…I really hope I remembered to put on my sticker for this year or that my tail light isn't busted or something."
"You'll find out." You gave with a subtle smirk. 
"So…Am I driving you to the airport tonight because I can if you want me too but I really don't think you should stay at your house alone. Please tell me Dewey got you a safe place to stay at least-"
"Um, about that." You leaned back in your seat with a frown. "Dewey…Is forcing me to stay." 
"Like...At his house with law enforcement?"
"No he just said I have to stay. He told me I'm not allowed to leave Woodsboro and if I do I'll probably be arrested." You told him and his expression fell.
"WHAT?" Randy exclaimed. "Are the buttons on his shirt too tight or what?! What the fuck is he talking about; you don't need to be stuck in the place where the killer wants you to be stuck at! Jesus H Christ this is horror movie 101!! Didn't you tell him that?! Didn't you remind him that if you stay here you'll die and God knows who else?!" 
He yelled in the car as you grimaced, protecting your ears. "Randy, noise control! And you don't think I didn't tell him that? He won't listen! He just has the same 'I'm the law and you'll do as I say' attitude every other cop I've ever talked to had about this situation. At least Mark-" You hesitated as Randy spared you a sideways glance. "...At least Detective Kincaid tried to listen to me and he barely knew me. Dewey has known me since I was 18 and he refused to see that I shouldn't be here. He has it handled, basically." 
Randy gave a sarcastic laugh. " Oh, that's rich. The guy couldn't even protect you from protestors today! He got shocked last time we had a fight with a killer in a mask all because he stuck tweezers in a fucking light socket but that's it!! As much as it pains me to admit I wasn't the badass saving the day; you had most of the boss energy in that fight. You could've died and we all probably would have died without you. Even at Windsor and Woodsboro he was out of commission for most of it! I may have been put out too but I'm not slinging my gun and badge around acting like I have this under control." 
"He didn't say that exactly, he just-" 
"Hinted? Guy gets a badge bigger than his head and doesn't know how to act. He's changed…If he's gonna start acting like a stereotypical, donut munching fed from a horror movie then he's no help to us now." 
You faltered at that. "Now, wait a minute. Randy, let's just chill out a moment-" 
"I CAN'T CHILL OUT!" He yelled out as you flinched. "I have kids, YN! I have a wife I love! I didn't have this 10 years ago but now I do and if something happens to them all because Chief Wiggum doesn't want to upset his delicate lawful moral code then…" He cut off, wiping at his face with groan at a stop sign as you stared at him.
It was quiet a moment before you spoke up. "...Randy, I'm so sorry." 
He lost his stressed expression, giving you a sideways glance as he drove. "Sorry? What are you talking about?"
You shook your head. "Isn't it obvious? This is my fault. I should have never come here. I should have rejected Rebecca's idea and because I was a spineless money hungry idiot; we're stuck here and it's all on me. It's the fucking horror movie rules for keeping a stupid franchise going and I ignored them." 
"What? YN, shut up and be real right now-"
It was your turn to raise your voice. "I'm being real, Randy! You're telling me that this killer just coincidentally attacked 2 girls this year at this time just because? Fuck no! It's because they saw my face on your store, they saw the flyers, they knew I was making my way to Woodsboro and they killed Jenny and Marnie because of me-" 
"YN, shut up!" He snapped. You went to argue with him but he held up a hand. "I'm sorry but just stop it. Please stop. You did not put the knife in this asshole's hand, you did not kill those girls, you didn't want them killed, you didn't intend to put anyone in danger and you definitely are not at fault for walking into a damn town for god sakes! You constantly try to face this thing alone and blame yourself and there's no reason for it!...No matter what, this isn't your fault. Got it?" 
You didn't say anything at first.
"Okay…" He gave you a look with a raised brow. "Okay! I said okay…It's not my fault." 
His shoulders relaxed a bit as he drove. "Good. I don't feel like dealing with Edward Cullen SULKING over shit they can't change for however long you're here." 
"Yeah? As long as you don't do the same." You gave. "Randy…We're gonna worry. It's natural to worry about your kids; you're a Dad…But I'd like the old Randy to come out now. You know, the one that enthusiastically talked about suspects so we can narrow it down and protect ourselves and each other and now your family?" 
He sighed to recompose himself and nodded. "Okay…So I heard you mention girls getting a call. Who?" 
"Uh I forgot their names…Kirby and another one that I can't remember. She didn't talk much. Oh, one was Sidney's cousin." 
His face fell. "The Robert's girl? Jill got a phone call from the killer?" 
You nodded.
He drew out a heavy sigh with wide eyes. "Ooohhh nooo." 
"What? Other than yet another Prescott being targeted." 
"Shit....The Roberts live across the street from me." He mumbled, turning pale as a ghost at the thought. 
You gave a surprised look. "Oh…Well, I'm sure it means nothing especially since they called the other girl too!…Damn, I wish I could remember her name. Olivia something …Anyways, Dewey has a few protestors he wrangled at the scene and the only suspects so far are Me, Rebecca and You." 
"Wow." He gave with a huff.
"Hey, you can't blame him for that entirely. Remember-" 
"Everyone's a suspect." You both said in unison.
You added. "Even me. I get why he wants to monitor me but…Couldn't he have done it in a safehouse outside of town?" You muttered looking at the cops following closely behind the car in your mirror.
"If we're being honest here; the killer would probably just threaten me or Dewey and you'd come running back here anyways. Just like at Milton's." 
You softly groaned to yourself but nodded. Feeling guilty for earlier even if it was just a knee jerk reaction to being told you had to stay where the killer could easily get to you…You still weren't enthusiastic about the potential phone call you had to make.
You glanced at Randy and asked. "Where are we going anyways?" 
"My house. Duh." 
You hesitated. "No…Uh no, no, no. Ray, that's not a good idea!-" 
"No, it probably isn't a good idea having the final girl and or target at my home BUT I am not going to sleep well at night with you staying at the motel on the outskirts of town by yourself with cops probably sleeping on the job. Besides, the kids haven't seen you since Christmas and…You've got a gun. Right?" 
You sat in silence before you smiled at that as he smiled back. "Yes. I have my CCW I renew yearly and it's a pain dealing with airport security. But yes, I do." You gave him a knowing look. "So…What I'm hearing is I kick ass and you need me-" 
He held up a finger as he drove down a street. "Hey, hey, hey! I never said that! But…It would be nice to have extra eyes for guarding the kids. A man has to sleep, okay." 
"Gee, so I'm on nightwatch? I hope you know I'm raiding your movie collection and snacks." 
"Deal…But stay away from the movies in the very top shelf of my closet that have no labels-" 
"EW!" You exclaimed as he gave you a strange look. "God, Randy! Put that shit in a vault! If I see any home movies of you and Karla doing god knows what I will literally rip my eyeballs out of their sockets." 
He slowly started laughing. It ascended from a small chuckle to outright cackling laughter. He tried to stop laughing while driving, covering his mouth with the back of his hand for a moment as he slowed down and started to pull into a drive way "Haha! It's not that, perv-" He stopped laughing just enough to speak. "It's my VHS copies of Phantasm I bought at a yardsale years ago that someone taped! I can't find it anywhere and I'm too chicken to pirate it off the internet." 
You rolled your eyes as he continued chuckling to himself. "Doesn't everyone pirate things now, old man?" 
"Uh, after people were getting arrested and going to prison?? Don't you remember those commercials they warned people about in 2000? I'm not risking it." He gave as he parked the car in his driveway and unbuckled. He started laughing again as he got out. "God, that was priceless! I can't wait to tell Karla later." 
"Do not!" You exclaimed as he shut his door, still laughing to himself. You gave an annoyed groan while you unbuckled and stepped out right as the cop car pulled in down the street. You shut your door and decided to wave at them as only one waved back and the other one smacked his hand and told him something. You shrugged to yourself and followed Randy while adjusting your dress.
"Wow. So I finally get to see the Meeks' residence. It's nice!…Where does Sidney's cousin live?" 
Randy walked over and slung an arm over your shoulder to point it out. "Riigghht there." He whispered to you. "The Mom is such a nosey ass. Karla and her are constantly getting into it over the stupidest shit. She needs to keep her opinion on her side of the street." 
"Ah, the benefits of living in the middle of the woods with no neighbors." You whispered back. "So…Suspect list?" 
His arm relaxed to rest on your lower arm near your side. "Possibly. But I don't take her for Pamela Voorhees." 
His arm still on you while whispering, standing side by side as you heard a woman clear her throat behind you. You turned to see Karla, a glare sent your way. "Randy Meeks, I know damn well that ain't Martha so you have 3 seconds to get your hand off this- ....Oh…Oh shit, YN! I didn't even recognize you!" 
Randy gave you a mocking look while letting go. "Told you."
"Wow, do I really look THAT bad regularly or??-" You mumbled.
"No! Not at all, just...Different." Karla put a hand on her chest with bewildered chuckle. "That was this close to be on Oxygen as an episode of Snapped. God, I was about to tell my husband here if he had he lost his damn mind or what-" 
 He walked over to Karla to address her with a dumbfounded expression. "Woman, do you think I'm suicidal or stupid enough to cheat on you AND bring her here in broad daylight in front of our house?" 
Karla didn't answer as she rushed over to hug you. "Oh my God, YN! Look at you! I love the dress. And the shoes to match?" 
You hugged Karla with a smile before letting go. "Yeah well, they're killing my feet and I miss taking deep breaths." 
"Eh, who needs air when you can have a snatched waist?" Karla chuckled and pulled away. "I saw the ad for you at the book store." She then gave you a regretful look. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it. My job doesn't let me out till 4 and I'm out of time off. I JUST picked up the kids from school and pulled in." 
"Wow, past 4 already?" You stopped yourself from saying 'being questioned at a police station sure takes a while.' 
"So, how was the book signing? Did you like the store? Are you staying for dinner?" Karla asked with a smile.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess so to uh most of that." You forced a tight downward smile and Randy cringed. Karla's face dropped as her eyes darted between you both. "...What?...WHAT?" She asked again to Randy as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"You haven't heard anything at your banking job?" You asked. 
"No?? Heard what? I work mainly with CD's in the backroom so gossip doesn't always travel my way every single day." 
Randy walked over and wrapped his arm around her. "Uh…Sweetheart, can we discuss it after dinner? And not in front of the kids?" She gave him a raised brow as he kissed her forehead. "Please just don't freak out. Remember; This is nothing compared to our past." 
"Why would I?...Wait, why are those cops watching us?...Oh God, what the hell happened-" 
She was interrupted by two kids' voices yelling and rushing out the door. "DAD!!" Was all you could hear as one tackled Randy's leg. The same leg you stabbed years ago as he released a loud 'Oof!' past his lips. He keeled over a bit, clutching Karla to steady himself as he looked down at the boy.
"Randy!" Karla demanded an answer and Randy harshly whispered 'After dinner!' before looking down at his son.
"Remember Dad's bad leg, Chad? Remember we talked about that like 2 days ago?" Randy forced out with a grimace of a smile. "I think the geek gene skipped a generation. You're definitely gonna be a linebacker when you get bigger- Ugh!" It fell on deaf ears as a girl jumped up to hug him around his neck. He barely caught her as Karla stepped back with a huff but a tiny smile.
"Daddy! Your home early! Did you miss me? Did you?!" Mindy excitedly asked as Randy laughed and bent down to hug her tightly. 
"Only every second!" He exclaimed as the boy hung onto him as well.
"And me, Dad? What about me?" 
Randy kissed Chad on the temple before ruffling their heads. "We've been over this; the love is equally measured and I can't wait to get home every single day to see you two rugrats." He gave with a grin and goofy voice.
"Randy, I just did Mindy's hair today. Quit ruffling it." Karla softly scolded even though she wore a smile the entire time.
They're faces fell as they saw you standing there. You instantly bent down, scared they'd knock you over as Randy was completely forgotten for you. 
"YN!!" They bolted for you, almost knocking you over into the grass as they hugged onto you asking a million questions a minute.
"One at a time, kids! I can't understand you when you talk so fast." You laughed out.
Randy gave an offended look. "Mindy! Chad! What about me?" 
"We saw you already! We see you everyday, Dad. We never see YN!" Mindy gave as Randy forced a dramatic pained look on his face and clutched his chest. 
Karla covered her mouth with a grin as Randy acted like he had been shot in the chest all over again. "What?! The betrayal! And by my own two kids!? Over her?!" He exclaimed. 
You gave a smug grin his way. "You're old news, Father. Auntie YN is the special guest here." The twins agreed in unison as Randy shook his head.
"Okay…I guess I have no choice but to leave. Just run away forever since I'm not wanted…" He gave the most ridiculous sniffling fake cry and covered his face.
You tried not to laugh as both the twins seemed to fall for it. Their faces falling as you nudged them. "Go make your Dad feel better so he doesn't cry about it." You mumbled as they almost went over to them. "Besides, I'll be here for a while I guess…" 
And just like that, Randy was forgotten. Fake dramatic crying and all. 
Chad exclaimed. "Woah, you're having a sleepover with us?!" Before both him and Mindy high fived each other. 
Randy threw up his arms in defeat at being ignored for you again. "Well fine! Be that way. I'm going to just watch Scooby Doo without you both then and eat ice cream for dessert!" 
They instantly focused back on Randy. "Daddy wait! What kind?!" Mindy demanded like it was life or death. 
Randy gave her a serious expression before shrugging "...Brownie Batter. I had it hidden and saved…Guess I'll eat the entire thing by myself." 
Mindy gasped. "W-Wait!-" She ran to him but Chad stayed behind to hold your hand as you walked and smiled down at him. His round eyes and sideways grin reminded you so much of Randy while Mindy had her Mom's eyes and smile but all of Randy's interest.
"Do you want to see a new pokemon card I got? It's shiny and a fire type." Chad had a tiny lisp every so often with his one front baby tooth missing.
"Of course!" You replied with a smile.
For a moment, you could forget everything. Forget a killer was after you or where you were or that you had to make that call later…
Then you saw the cops smiling to themselves at the display they just saw down the street in their patrol car and you were instantly teleported back to the present matter at hand. Letting the boy lead you to his house as Karla gave Randy a strange look whispering the question of why you were staying the night and what the hell was going on.
Dinner was awkward with Karla urgently staring at Randy and you; wanting an answer when he didn't let her even put on the news. Saying it's better to hear it from them instead of the media. 
Halfway through dinner when the kids were just pushing their vegetables around their plates, Karla told Mindy and Chad. "Sweethearts, can you let Mommy and Daddy and YN talk in private?" 
They groaned at that, pushing away from the table. You smiled and told them. "How about you both bring me a list of what you want for your birthday? Go write it out for me." 
They perked up a bit at that as their tiny feet carried them to their rooms and once a door was shut; Karla folded her arms to lean back in her chair and stare at you both. "...Now, I want to know what is going on." 
Randy exchanged a look with you as Karla demanded. "Today, Randy. I need to know…YN?" 
He sighed and decided to just say it. "...There was a murder today. Marnie Cooper and…Jenny Randall." 
Karla's mouth hung open as she looked at you. You sadly nodded and added. "...They think it's related to Ghostface. You know, the costume every killer has worn since Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. Police found some bloody posters of me, a phone linked to the killings and a bloody knife in the trunk of my rental car." Karla stared at you, eyes wide as you gave her a regretful look. "I-I'm sorry, Karla."
Randy told you. "YN, I told you it's not your fault, damn it." 
"No, but this is starting again...My arrival was the first domino and I don't think it's too outrageous to say that." 
Karla eruptly pushed herself away from the table to walk to the window. Nervously chewing her nails as Randy watched her with a soft expression. "Baby?" He called out to her, getting up to comfort her. He went to touch her but she shrugged away, shaking her head.
"No…No, Randy! I can't!-"...She sucked in a breath, voice high as she tried to whisper. "I can't do this again! I swore when me and Julie got off that goddamn island that I would NEVER deal with some maniac again!" She turned an accusing glare his way. "You told me Woodsboro was safe! That our kids would be fine here!" 
Randy gave her a sad look. "Karla…We met at a survival meeting for victims of serial killers. You knew the risk came with the territory just like I did with you." 
She gave him a glare, eyes shining. "I went there to connect with other victims I didn't expect to fall in love with you! I don't regret that, okay, I don't but I thought I was connecting with a man that was over this just like I was; not someone that the killers are still after!" 
You hesitated before stepping in. "Karla." She looked at you. "This is me. This killer is after me like all the other times. I'm like your best friend Julie… If I could leave town and let this asshole kill me away from all of you; I would." 
Karla shook her head, tears in her eyes. "YN, don't say that. I would never wish that on you." 
"But." You continued. "Sheriff Riley won't let me leave. I don't think Randy can leave either since it was his shop I was at and where the rental car was parked at…" 
Randy added. "Yeah…Dewey didn't directly tell me not to leave but he did hint at it. I'm a witness and suspect." 
You gave Karla a serious look. "If you don't want me to stay here; I understand." 
Randy gave you an annoyed look. "You're not staying at some shitty motel." 
Karla hesitated, thinking. "Now, wait a minute…You didn't ask me if she could stay." 
"Karla!" Randy exclaimed.
"Damn it, Randy! We have kids and ourselves! YN doesn't…" She turned to you with a remorseful expression. "YN, I care about you. I've grown so attached to you and see you as a good family friend that I wish we talked and hung out more and I know this isn't your fault…But I can't have you bringing this shit here at my house." 
Randy interrupted. "They're after the Roberts girl too and the Morris girl…Was that her name? Olivia Morris" 
You nodded.
"Her and Jill Roberts are neighbors right across the street from us…" 
Karla's face fell. "What? God..." 
"Exactly. We live across the street from two potential victims so it's not going to matter whether YN is here or not…Karla, it's here and we just…We just gotta deal with it! But you can't ask me to send my best friend to go fiend for herself. I wouldn't ask you to do that to Julie, okay?" Randy argued, a stressed look on his face as Karla turned away. 
You frowned deeply as Randy came up to hug her from behind, whispering something to her as the doorbell rang. Their heads turned towards the door but you offered to get it.
You walked over, peering through the peephole with a surprised look before opening the door. Dewey stood there, hands clasped together in front of him as he asked. "YN…Can I come in?" 
Dewey and you sat on the couch as Karla got Mindy and Chad settled in for the night and Randy did the dishes. 
Dewey sat there, only a small lamp highlighting both of your faces as he spoke. "YN, I'm sorry…I know I'm coming off as a jerk. I don't want to make you feel like I'm some big headed macho cop throwing his weight around. Probably a little too heavy of weight with all these pastries Deputy Hicks keeps making." He joked with a half smile that faded as he swallowed. "…I know what you've been through with police and these killers. I don't want you thinking of me that way." He hung his head, elbows on his knees as you sat across from him.
You gave him a once over before nodding to yourself. "It's okay. I just wish you would give me more credit…You know, like the Dewey I always knew that constantly stuck up for me and told me how capable I am. Not the one I talk to every few months if I'm lucky and thinks I can't handle myself enough that he has to have me on lockdown." 
He looked up at you in surprise. "Did I give you that impression? That's not true! I know how capable you are! In fact, I know how brave and strong and fearless you can be…Maybe that's why I'm doing this? I don't want you to go through this feeling like you have to protect yourself when I'm here and can protect you. My entire police force can. Things are different, YN. " He breathed deeply through his nose, leaning back. "YN, I'm the Sheriff now. I can't…I can't bend the rules like I could in the past. People in Woodsboro need me. I have to go by the books now." 
"I know... I'm sorry if I gave you a hard time earlier, Dewey. Fear took over and I haven't seen you face to face in so long…It was just a shock seeing Sheriff Riley talk to me like a regular civilian instead of Dewey." 
He gave you a soft smile. " Dewey's always here even if he has to put on a brave act as Sheriff Riley…Maybe it was a shock for me to see YN the famous author with her fancy clothes and new hair and nice rental car in town instead of the YN I always knew." 
You smiled while looking at the carpet for a second. "Oh, I haven't changed that much. You all act like I'm a totally different person…Well, I suppose I am considering who I was at my cabin all these years." You looked up at him again. "How are you, Dewey? How's Gale?" 
He was quiet for a moment, fiddling with his hat in his hands. "Well…I'm alright. But Gale, it's been hard on her. Small town. Small town husband. Not much to write about." 
You glanced away before looking back at him and softly asking. "You two okay?" 
Dewey blinked a few times before staring at you. "Well, I read somewhere once 'Just when you think things can't get any worse-" A smile stretched across his face. "Sometimes they don't. Sometimes, they get better…Out of Darkness by YN page 220." 
You felt your chest warm as a wobbly smile crossed your face. You looked away a moment before looking back up at him smiling back at you and nodding. 
You stared at him in amazement. "You actually read my book enough to know page numbers?" 
"Yeah. Yeah it got me through some hard times…Besides, if you wrote it; I have to read it. I'm proud of you, YN. I know you don't need me to tell you this but I am…I'm proud of you." 
You smiled at him before your smile faded slightly. The fact that book was a forced thing from you…The secret…The lying…You couldn't help feeling your smile fade as his faded as well. The guilt twisting your stomach.
He seemed to have something on his mind as well as he asked. "Y-YN?...Is there…It's none of my business normally but is there anyone I should know about? Any suspects to add to the list?...Even...A man or two in your life?" 
You reeled back, staring at him. "Uh no…No, definitely not!...Why?" 
"Just…Nevermind. It's not important." He gave quickly. "I've gotta get going." He stood up, holding his hat in his hands as you followed him to the door. 
He turned to you as you told him. "It's nice to see you, Dewey. I missed you…We've been through a lot together, haven't we?" 
He smiled and nudged you lightly. "And we'll get through this too." 
"Hey, turn on the lights! And sirens!" Mindy yelled as she came running into the room in her pjs. Chad following behind with an oversized pikachu onsie. The hoodie with ears flooping when he ran. He chimed in. "Yeah! It'll be cool!" 
Dewey gave them a smile and rubbed his neck. "Sorry, kids. That's only for emergencies." 
"Aww." They groaned, flooping onto a bean bag chair on the floor and an arm chair.
You chuckled as you turned back to Dewey. "Bye Dewey. After this is all over and you have some free time; maybe we can go away for a weekend? Just me, you, Randy, Gale and Karla if she wants to." 
He smiled warmly at you with a toothh grin. "I'd like that…Bye Karla! Bye Randy!" 
Karla yelled from the back room and Randy mumbled the most monotoned 'bye'. Still upset over Dewey's choices as Sheriff to force you and him to stay at this town.
You gave Dewey a tight smile. "He'll get over it once the….You know who is caught." You eyed the kids trying to put their Scooby Doo live action movie in the dvd player.
Dewey nodded. "Bye Mindy. Bye Chad." 
"Bye Sheriff Dewey!" 
You chuckled at them as he waved and you went to shut the door before he stopped. "Oh, one more thing. I have your suitcase in the back of my cruiser. I'll go get it for you." 
You sighed in relief. "Oh, thank you! I can't wait to change out of these clothes." He handed you keys and you gave him a strange look. "Uh…What are these?" 
"Well, I know I really left you in a bind so I thought you could drive my personal jeep until you can leave again. Just for around town, of course. I had a Deputy pick it up for me." 
You grinned ear to ear and hugged him as he hugged you back tightly. A proper one this time. He mumbled to you. "I really am sorry about all this." 
"It's alright. I understand. Thank you, Dewey…Tell Gale I still want to have coffee whenever she's free."
He pulled away and put on his hat. You watched him bring your suitcase inside and then leave, his jeep in front of the house behind his cruiser. The police officers down a ways away just enough to watch but not be right in front of the house. You sighed to yourself before shutting the door and locking it.
"That thing is BUGGED. Probably a spycam in the seat." Randy commented with a few bowls of ice cream balancing in his arms.
You gave him a blank stare. "Yeah right. Dewey isn't tech savy enough. Besides, he can spy all he wants. I have nothing to hide." 
"Hey, I'm just saying. I hope you don't have any special friend you want to show the backseat too. You'll traumatize our big brother." He replied, sitting on the love seat and putting a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth as he gave you a shrug. 
Mindy and Chad took there's from the table as Chad asked. "Why would they want to see the back seat?" 
"To see how roomy it is for traveling. A-And storing stuff in it."
You gave him an annoyed look. "Nice save, dork...I don't think I'm making 'special friends' at a time like this, Ray." 
"I'm just saying!" He exclaimed with his mouth full and a dramatic expression.
"Speaking of special friends; where's Karla?" 
Randy clanked the spoon in the bowl with a sigh. "Not…Cuddling up and watching tv that's for sure...She didn't even find the VHS tape thing from earlier funny." 
"Is she mad at you over me staying?" 
"No, she's mad at the situation. She hasn't had to deal with this sort of thing as much as we have. You saw how I reacted earlier so imagine her." 
"I know…Should I talk to her?" 
"Not right now, YN. She's practical. She'll understand, she just needs time…For now, I can't say both kids won't be sleeping in bed with me and her with this situation. " 
"Agreed and I'm not sleeping much myself with this going on…Anyways, on a lighter note, what are we watching?" You asked sipping your drink.
"Scooby Doo. The kids love it. Me? I can't stand the Dennis guy that plays Shaggy." 
You choked on the liquid in your cup, gagging at the name. "W-W-What?!" You stammered.
Randy gave you a strange smile. "Geez, you alright? You're supposed to breath after drinking." 
"What name did you just say?!" 
"Dennis? Dennis Rafkin? He's just some one hit wonder...Oh, right! He auditioned for Stu years ago on Stab during…Well, you know." He picked up the DVD and looked at the cover, flicking Shaggy's face. "Yep. That'll do it. That's why I don't like him. He looks like he got hit in the face with a shovel aka too much like Stu Macher for my comfort." 
Your mouth hung open so wide you thought your lower jaw would fall off. You jerked the DVD from Randy. Blood running cold at Stu on the cover as Dennis Rafkin playing Shaggy…
Randy gave you a strange look. "…Did you meet him on set or something?" 
You had to quickly force yourself to recover. "Y-Yeah. Yeah I did." You swallowed hard as Mindy interrupted you. 
"Shh! It's starting!" 
Randy sighed with a playful eye roll. Whispering to you. "She has to reenact her favorite characters word for word…No idea where she got that from. " He winked at you as you forced a smile even though you wanted to crawl into a hole.
You watched with wide eyes, a dry mouth no matter how much you drank…And butterflies you blamed on nerves as you saw Stu pretending to be Shaggy on a popular movie that was made a year after Roman and Neil were Ghostface…If Billy was still alive and well wherever he was; you wondered how much his head would explode if he was in the room right now
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