#im writing sheith tonight boys
thechaoscryptid · 5 years
Writer’s Tag Game, Bouncy’s Edition
Many thanks to @tipsyraconteur for tagging me ❤❤ I know I said this was going to be my strictly Naruto blog but there’s definitely some of my other fandoms that are going to worm their way in heh.
Rules: brag to your heart’s content, you’re awesome, and then tag 5-10 people to do the same.
I’m tagging (if you’d like to play, no obligation): @magnustesla, @scarecrowinthewoods, @dunloth, @caped-ace, @alexianite, @benicemurphy, and @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul (you Voltron peeps, it’s Ary 😉)
1) What’s a paragraph you’ve written that you’re really proud of?
From Order and Obedience (KakaIru): 
“Think Konoha’s dog is going to be an easy fuck, ranger?” Kakashi asked, eyeing every possible exit. Just in case. “That my allegiance is so easily swayed?”
“I think if you were still wearing your boots you’d be trembling in them,” Iruka said without missing a beat. “Your desire to serve the light may not make sense to me, but even I can see that the way your skin drinks in the moon would be pleasing to any god. I’m not demanding darkness, only obedience.”
2) Pick a favorite scene from your longest fic!
The scene in Wake the White Wolf (KakaIru) where Sera and Kakashi part ways. I still get chills at the lines “You are no longer my problem. I am no longer your whore.” There’s plenty of fantastic scenes from that fic, but that still remains one of my favorites. That whole arc, really, from when she finds out the news to when it’s finally 100% over. 
3) Give us a snippet of your most recent WIP:
Voltron! This is a part of one of my stories for the Sheith Big Bang coming up:
A galaxy will never be enough to contain my love for you. 
Mechanically, Keith’s hands go through the motions of powering up Black as Krolia’s voice comes through the comm link. It’s another diplomacy mission--another he’d rather skip in favor of liberating some far off colony from oppressors or just staying in bed, unmoving. The lion doesn’t speak to him the way she used to, and neither does anything else. The universe, for all its glory, has become simple.
Grey, even with color sprays from passing planets and nebulas.
He chews on the side of his lip as he lets his head tip to the side, checking to make sure things are in order. His mother’s still rattling off information about the mission and he just wants to tell her to be quiet, he’ll figure it out on his own later. He wants to hear the ghost of Shiro’s voice whispering it loves him again.
Ghosts are never enough, but Shiro’s I’ll love you until forever ends echoing in his head assuages the pre-mission blues. “Not that it’s ever anything else these days,” he says under his breath. Krolia asks what he said, and he blames it on a squeaky chair. “Gotta get in here and tune up the cockpit when I’m back. Project for Shiro and I.”
“Well, just as long as it doesn’t interfere with things now. You ready to give ‘em hell?”
Keith pastes a smile on his face, though he knows she’s not on the video link. “Would you expect anything different?”
4) If all of your published fics sparred, who would win and why?
Ohh, tough one...based off of stats, Wake the White Wolf, no question. Off of personal preference? Probably Crescendo (SakuOro) right now. 
5) What’s a fic/author you’ve taken inspiration from and in which one of your works did you incorporate that inspiration?
I won’t lie, Tipsy, a lot of my recent style choices came from Scar Tissue 😅 I found I really enjoy storytelling in present tense, with longer flowing lines punctuated by short lil ones for emphasis. It’s appeared in...most of my recent stuff? I switched within the last year or so.
(putting the rest under a cut because there’s some longer answers)
6) Which fanfiction character do you enjoy writing the most? In which one of your fics do you think you wrote them best?
This is another tough one xD I think I actually have to go with a three part answer here, though really, I enjoy writing so many more.
Kakashi Hatake: Shatter Me (KakaIru), best fic
Dazai Osamu: Marionette (Dazushi), best fic
Keith Kogane: since I can’t tell which one of my bang fics yet, I’ll go with my favorite published, which is Unsteady (Sheith). Truly, it’s going to be the fic from the above snippet hehe
7) Smut or fluff? Give us a sneak peek of your favorite fluffy/smutty scene you’ve written.
Mmm, smut. I’ve really got to be in the right mood for fluff, and my not-so-guilty pleasure reading is angsty smut.
My favorite fluffy/smutty scene...I think it’s probably from Reciprocity (KakaSaku)!
He wishes he still had the Sharingan to capture these moments. Sakura’s still got her thin undershirt on, but the delicate hollows of her collarbones call to him as she reaches over to light their lantern. There will be no fire tonight save for the one burning low and heavy in his stomach, as if he’s swallowed molten rock.
“Do I need to do the rest?” she says, dragging her hands up her legs as she stands. “Should I strip for you, Kakashi?”
He stands along with her and tugs off his mask first, then his shirt. Sakura gasps as the angry red of fresh scars is revealed, fingers twitching toward him before he shakes his head. “Let me,” he murmurs.
Inch by inch, the pale curve of her stomach is revealed. Shadows flicker and dance over it along with the flames, and when Kakashi pulls Sakura’s shirt the entire way off he thinks not even the prettiest sunset could compare. There’s several scars--no shinobi makes it out without them--and no shortage of muscle packed into her small frame, but somehow she makes a battleborn body beautiful.
Sakura makes life beautiful.
Her breath hitches when he tells her this, something shifting in her at the tender touch of his lips against her forehead. “You’re sure you don’t want me to just jump you right now?” she says breathlessly.
“No jumping,” he says. “Only falling.”
8) What’s a scene in one of your fics you wish you would receive fanart for?
Uh, literally any one 😅 My top choice, though, I think would be of my favorite OT3 in Desperately:
“I’ll be a lot cuter when the day comes.” Sakura shoved the bandana up and crunched her nose as she looked back with Ibiki. “You might have to leave me at the altar to catch everyone fainting at the sight of me.”
Ibiki’s laugh rumbled through the living room as he gathered her back to his chest. “We’re never leaving you there, baby, you know we couldn’t,” he said. “Or maybe we could take turns catching them. How d’you think your clothes will hold up, Rai?”
“They’ll be fine. I volunteer for catching duty as long as it’s you two falling for me at the end,” he said, spreading his arms over the back of the couch as he watched them sway. “And of course, falling into bed with me later.” Ibiki cocked an eyebrow as Sakura giggled into his scarred chest. “What, you think I”m joking?”
“Never considered it,” Ibiki said. He pulled away from Sakura to trail his hand up her arm, urging her to spin. His uniform lifted from her creamy skin and Raidou sucked in a breath as the purple lace on the bottom of her underwear was revealed. She knew he couldn’t resist those, and Ibiki certainly didn’t mind them either.
“Come here,” he said. Ibiki let her go and gave her a gentle push toward Raidou’s outstretched arms before flopping next to them as the song began to repeat. “I saw those. You can’t hide them from me.” Her hair tickled his face as he kissed over her cheek down to her ear. “Wearing my husband’s shirt and my wife-to-be’s favorite underwear, how scandalous, Sakura,” he purred.
“I’m sure your wife-to-be will be so very displeased I stole them,” she said, pulling back with a mock pout before turning to beg a kiss from Ibiki. “I hear she picked them specifically for tonight because she wanted to get laid.”
9) Would you ever consider turning one of your fics into a podfic? If no, why not?
Not on my own? I have hearing problems, so it’s just really never occurred to me. If anyone else wanted to, though, I wouldn’t say no!
10) The best (or your favourite) 5 reviews you’ve ever gotten! Don’t forget to tell us which one of your fics received them!
There’s so many 😭😭 My commenters are all fucking awesome, but I’ll trawl my saved comments for some highlights!
P5eud0Nym on Wake the White Wolf (KakaIru omegaverse): So, I just wanted to say you’ve been doing a fantastic job. I appreciate that this isn’t, and hasn’t at any point been, a dumb tropey kink fic. That you’ve taken the time to put so much heart into all of this. The fact that you’re exploring the politics, the social issues, and writing all of the characters as being more than just their A/B/O designations, so good. The multifaceted way you write is just really and truly refreshing. It’s obvious how much work and thought you put into this. You’re tackling a lot of really important stuff, from consent to civil rights, and it’s some grade A USDA certified Good Shit. Thanks for the fic and keep up the good work <3
Lilmeliz on Monster (ShigaDabi): AAAAAAA GUARANTEED I CAN BLOW YOUR MIND mwa. Please excuse the lame dua lipa reference I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I couldn’t-- Delicious. Finally some fucking good food. I want to congratulate you. This is such a beautiful, touching, heartwarming masterpiece. I even cried a little. I usually read shiggy with his dark past and his (soul) scars and all that jazz, and venturing into the thought of him having a mere fiber of good will in himself, in his actual self, is risky and prone to be ooc. But here it sounds right. It feels personal, private and even possible, my boi :( Dabi is an angel, I’m dying. I like the reminder “they lie, they kill...” Yes he’s an angel but he’s still evil. I don’t know what else to add but really, this is stunning! IM GONNA TATTOO THISSS amazing work 
Prism0467 on Forbidden (KakaIru): You have written their mutual dependency with such nurturing attention to detail I feel as if I know them. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt...embraced by a work of fanfiction before now...this may well be a first. Your enthusiasm for this pairing comes through loud and clear, I’ll tell you that :)
PearlBear on Crescendo (SakuOro): Wow. Just wow. This is brilliant, heart-wrenching, creative and extremely, extremely well-written. You have such a way with words, I was actually crying. And you adapt their lives as shinobi so seamlessly to situations that happen in real life (how many partners give up on possibilities for their significant one and get nothing in return?). This story managed to move me deeply and all the while, they all were in-character (it hurt when Tsunade looked at Orochimaru in the same way they all do, also loved how Tobirama and Madara are his parents). The omegaverse wasn’t heavy at all, instead it’s well integrated enough that I, who don’t particularly like it, barely noticed and completely accepted it. It’s just the way things are. You manage to convey so, so much in a few words. I’m amazed. So, thank you for sharing this! I am very, very excited for what’s next, whether Orochimaru experiments to save himself, whether Sakumo commits suicide (or worse, dies on this mission), whether... So many possibilities. Your story is outstanding. Thank you for writing this gem!
(insert special shoutout to Tipsy’s review of Testing the Waters...)
and no comment appreciation section would be complete without at least one from @magnustesla! 
This one from Of Scale and Steel (Sheith naga AU): Ary, sometimes I am left speechless and I don’t quite know how to articulate my thoughts after reading one of your fics. Like, everything is just so...so brilliant that it’s like my brain fucks off when I try to get my thoughts down onto a page. Turning well known and beloved characters into something else entirely isn’t easy and often they miss the mark leaving the reader not really connecting with it. But you, you are brilliant and clever in all that you write because damn, I love Naga Keith. It feels like it IS part of canon. And your oc? Super adorable and she just belongs. I really loved her interactions with Shiro and the chewing on his finger had me rollling because it reminded me of when J would test everything by chomping it. Not relevant but it sparked a good laugh from me, especially because it is totally something kids do. I’m so fucking proud of you and I’m excited to see you get your mojo back with this fandom. Love you ❤
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commodorecliche · 7 years
She1th (ofc): 6, 12, 14, 22, 26, 29 holy shit im so thirsty forgivv me (i'd send all tbh but???????)
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Keith’s favorite physical feature(s) of Shiro’s (now) are his scars. he knows how insecure Shiro gets about them, he knows how unsure Shiro feels about the way these scars make him look. Keith knows that Shiro feels like every scar makes him a little less human than he was before. but Keith loves them for how human they show that Shiro truly is. Keith hates, hates how Shiro has suffered… Keith hates that Shiro ever had to go through all the awful, horrible things he endured. but those horrible things are done now, and there’s no way that they go back and change them (and if Keith could, he would). the scars are there now whether they like it or not… but rather than hate them, Keith wants Shiro to see his scars for what they are: they’re reminders to Keith of just how strong, how resilient, how breathtakingly human Shiro really is. Keith knows these scars are Shiro’s least favorite things about himself… but Keith wants Shiro to see their beauty. to see that they are a sign that Shiro made it despite every horrible thing he went through. they’re the marks of Shiro’s survival.
Shiro’s favorite feature of Keith’s is his willpower and strength. Shiro often sees himself as weak…fragile…fatalistic, whereas to him, Keith is resilient and determined. in Shiro’s eyes, Keith is the one who never gives up. and Shiro truly admires every ounce of drive, determination, and fight that Keith has inside him. Keith inspires him - Keith is often the one who reminds him that Shiro is stronger than he thinks he is. it’s Keith’s drive and reassurance that ultimately reminds Shiro that they’re in this fight together, and that they’ll come out of it together. 
12. Who initiates kisses?
It used to be Shiro when they first got together - because Shiro has never really shied away from expressing how he feels. But after a while, once Keith grew more comfortable with himself and came to understand his desire for physical contact, once he realized that he didn’t have to be so touch-starved (especially when it comes to Shiro) he ached for every single touch he could get. eventually, Keith was the one to initiate their kisses, their touches, ultimately because he realized that he could. 
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Shiro, definitely. He’s a very physical man. Like I said before, he’s never shied away from expressing how he feels. When they kiss, that expression is breathtakingly physical. Shiro kisses hard and deep - tongue eager to touch and taste. His fingers are quick to cup and cradle and caress. When they kiss, his arms are always around Keith, always pulling him in close, urging their bodies more tightly together. He’s learned to kiss this way because he’s never sure how long he’s going to have it - their lives are always hanging by a thread, and Shiro never knows if this is the last kiss they’ll share, the last taste he’ll ever have, the last time he’ll ever feel the cambre of Keith’s body against his own. He kisses hard because he never wants to forget it. 
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
ooooh, okay, so Shiro definitely cooks the most. But Keith actually is the better cook. Keith is actually a really good cook (Shiro is good, don’t get me wrong, but Keith is good), but Keith literally hates to cook. so Shiro usually is the one who winds up cooking, with Keith just helping him out. but once in a blue moon he convinces Keith to cook them something, and oh boy, when he does, Shiro savors it. 
26. What would be their theme song?
you are the voice that I can hear, now I can see // I am a photograph of who I used to be // I get carried away // please warm the blood inside my veins (honestly this is just one of many songs that could be their theme song though)
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
when Shiro went on the Kerberos mission and subsequently didn’t come home, Keith’s life basically just got put on pause… his world just kind of…halted. he was booted from the Garrison, he went back to that decrepit old shack in the desert. and instead of living and moving on and letting Shiro go, Keith just kind of lets the world around him keep turning while he stays in place, convinced Shiro is alive, trying to find him, and waiting for him to come home. I’m actually writing a fic about this right now and I’m hoping to have it finished and posted tonight. 
send me some OTP questions
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