#image discription under the cut cause they wont let me add it for some reason
gaylos-lobos · 1 year
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first glyphs 
a digital drawn picture of Philip Wittebane, Luz Noceda and King. The drawing is kept in greyscale except the fire and light ball which are colored in colors. The fire is orange, yellow and red and the light blue has three different yellows the one at the center of it nearly white. Philip sits on the left side, he is sitting on the floor. He is dressed as he was in elsewhere and elsewhen his coat is still clean and the shoes and socks are also not damaged yet outside of a cut on the inside of his right leg. His right leg is angled up, his right arm is resting on his knee, his face is resting on his right hand, his face is angled slightly down his expression is dead. His jawline in the beginning of a beard growing and a mustache is starting to grow, his hair is messy and you can see that he has a ponytail. His left leg is angled so that his left foot rest on the floor behind his right foor and under the angled leg, his left hand is pressed onto the floor. In fromt of his left knee is his diary opened up the pages are written on but you can not read any of it. Further away from him in the foreground is a fire glyph drawn onto the floor and the flames of a small fire are burning over it. Luz sits on the right side also on the floor. She is wearing her season one outfit, she also has two pillows tide around her and is wearing the yellow cloves and Band aid’s from the intruder. Her right leg is angled so that her foot is laying on the floor with her shoes heel up and only the knee from her left leg is visible, in front of her legs is her cracked smarty. Both of her arms are angled up but the only properly viewable one is her right one, her hands are formed into a half ball and on the same hight of her neck, the light ball of a light glyph is hovering over her hands. She has a happy and surprised expression on her face as she stares directly into the glyph, her hair is curlier then her season one her but has still the same length as it. King is standing on Luzes left side, he is also looking at the light glyph, the lower part of his face is covered by Luzes arms and his upper body is covered by a pillow his legs disappear behind Luzes left one so that his feet aren’t visible. A little bit of his left arm is pecking out behind the pillow.
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