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octhbroken · 1 year
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The Masks We Wear
@imaginariaarbor Inquired: Try This Mask + Kalpas from Honkai—
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After giving himself a look over, the MANTIS let out a highly irritated growl. His normally gold, black, and white attire had been stained... a fluorescent pink hue. All he had done was decide to take a nap; he was sure that he had found a spot where he wouldn't be found or disturbed. Well, based upon his current irritant, it was clear that he had assumed wrong.
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" ... Elysia. "
It didn't take him much thinking to figure that the Flamechaser's second in command had something to do with this-- or at least would know something about it. None of the others would dare to provoke him in such a way, even if Aponia would likely step in to attempt calming him down if they did. But needless to say as he started to move, in a quest to track down the "Pink Elf", he air around him quickly began to distort as he heated up. It was a good thing that is clothing didn't burn most of the time... it would cheat everyone on the sight of seeing him dressed even slightly in bright pink!
" She has some explaining to do... I don't do pink. "
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fctedivided · 1 year
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A  VALENTINE’S  APPLICATION. - @imaginariaarbor sent:
[For Trie]
your  name: Elpis
your age: Old Enough
your perfect date: Somewhere peaceful and away from most people
make out in private or in public?: Private of course!
do you like to cuddle?: what type of question is this-? Uhm... Yes?
tell me something about you: .... [this is left blank because she doesn't know what to put]
why do you want to be my valentine?: Do I have to say it? Ugh. Just shut up and take the application.
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"Told you we're a match made in heaven.~" It was an obvious yes for Trie.
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fxtelism · 1 year
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Send "Icons only" and something for my muse to react to. - @imaginariaarbor sent:
[Elpis collapsing near Trie]
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fxtelism-moved · 2 years
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Positivity Meme! 
@pinklocksoflove sent: 😁 - Our interactions bring me joy!
@imaginariaarbor sent: 😊😍😁💙🤎🖤🤍💞
@stainedcarmine sent: 😊💜🖤💞
@wxrld-xf-cxts sent: 😁 - Our interactions bring me joy!
@shichishi-chii sent: 😊😍🤩😁❤️💙💜 💞
@cfmanymuses​ sent: 😊 😁😆 💙💚🤎🖤💞
😊 - It makes me happy to see you on my dashboard!
😍 - I love your writing style!
🤩 - You’re one of the blogs I admire the most!
😁 - Our interactions bring me joy!
😆 - You always make me laugh!
❤️ - You’re my favourite blog!
💚 - You inspire me!
💙 - I love your muses!
💜 - I love you, the mun!
🤎 - Your characters are well developed and deserve more love!
🖤 - Your OCs are valid and important!
🤍 - Your headcanons give me life!
💞 - I’m glad we are friends!
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Thank you all, no, really. Despite they might be small gestures, I truly appreciate these. I have to admit I had days that brought me down a bit, but they did make my day.
You guys are amazing! 
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octhbroken-a · 2 years
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Masks We Wear
@imaginariaarbor​ Inquired:  Try This Mask + Gilgamesh (°▽°)
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“ ...... “
Silent. That was the way the servant would watch the one foolish enough to approach him, idly swirling the wine around in the golden chalice he had in hand right now. He had been... far from the most compliant of individuals to be summoned to this place, despite what it was meant for and his assistance was required for; yet when he had been needed most he had provided such, with a touch of his own ego of course. That being said though, there was no such thing going on at this exact moment so the fact that he was being approached by a human was amusing it an of itself to the King.
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“ You may speak. “ He didn’t even allow this so called “Master” the opportunity to try saying anything before he himself chimed up. “ Your King is in a good mood today. I will humor you in some conversation, “Master”. “
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informateurparia · 2 years
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⇛ @imaginariaarbor | ◣liked this starter call◥
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► ◣🔫◥ || Dante was definitely confused by this new woman that appeared in his sight as he looked at her. Who was she? There was something that caused Dante to feel a bit wary around her. Something that seemed hidden from his view - hidden information always made him wary and nervous.
" 'ello there - how can I help ya?"
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stainedcarmine · 2 years
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“DON’T COPY OR STEAL MY GRAPHICS/ICONS.” Okay so first off, UNLESS you’re drawing your own icons or using your own art or art you’ve had commissioned for your personal use, you know you’re stealing right? It’s unsightly that people are so entitled to their theft that they get upset when someone steals what they stole in the first place. Second of all, you don’t own the rights to particular imagery or thematic elements, such as shapes, symbols, plants, animals, objects and colors. Say you make yourself hexagon shaped icon. You don’t own the hexagon. Anyone can go into photoshop and create shapes and stick an image in them. Sure, if someone saves your graphics to their computer and re-uploads them to their own blog and starts claiming your graphics as their own, yeah, you can get up in arms about it. That’s completely valid. But when you take it too fair and start screaming shit like “LOOK! THEIR ICONS ARE DIAMOND SHAPED!! THEY STOLE FROM ME!!!”, you need to shut the fuck up and go take a walk. Outside preferably. Breathe some fresh air.
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tiredstudents · 1 year
@imaginariaarbor​ said: [Elpis to Iris] “What do you think of hatred?”
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously!
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Iris blinked for a moment as she gazed upon Elpis without any fear in her gaze as she conciders the question. 
“Well, that’s a complex question. My own fews on hatred are simple, it’s going to cause more and more pain the more people hold onto it. Yet paradoxically it is hard to let go of. Hatred is a paradox that can destory a person from the inside.”
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shootingxstardust · 1 year
[Before 2022 ends, I just wanted to say that I know we don't talk or interact and I hope we can in the new year, but I'm glad to see you on my dash and watching you write and be happy.]
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I’m so sorry that I didn’t answer this until well within 2023. I’ve been busy with life, work, birthday, etc. But I really really appreciate this message and really did when I first read it,  which was several weeks ago now.  Anyways thank you so much for the kind words and I hope we can interact sometime as well, I enjoy seeing you on the dash too.
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emystic-a · 1 year
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the salty af munday meme / Accepting
@imaginariaarbor​ sent a letter: ♥
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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A long while ago I already talked about this terrible experience I had with a old former role play partner, but here is one that was just one of the worst in general without any personal friendship or anything. This was back when I was role playing on DeviantArt as a teenager.
I was using this OC (who I since revised), and someone just came out of nowhere attacking my muse without any context or OOC permission. My muse talked to another muse who was a enemy of someone else and that guy had a assassin or some crap. I don’t mind cross-role playing with multiple people, but ask my permission first, let me know you even are. I don’t even know your account or you, or this other guy. That it was just kinda gross too cause my muse was I don’t know 14 or 15 and you got this grown man licking his lips, about wanting to torture him? Ew, what the hell man? I excused that of them not even reading the information, but if they did and still wrote that sort of crap just get out my face.
Don’t involve my characters in assassination attempts cause of a unrelated interaction with a muse that your muse is beefing with. My dude is unrelated to what that is. And the OOC messages I had is now vague in memory, but it was so dumb for me I remember that much. That all of these clowns just thought it was okay to drag me into a situation without me knowing of it of or them.
If it just pissed me off so much, that I cut off ties to the person I actually interacted with, because yeah no you not just going to be making up scenarios with your buddies, saying they’ll add me in when I don’t know them either. Especially when our muses had the most basic, mundane interaction of just “Yo what’s good, I’m so and so” basically.
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cosmicdreamt · 1 year
[Cui Originia] The female concept was a bit curious about the other, tilting her head to the side. "You're an interesting one." A faint smile tugged on her lips. "Pardon my manners, my name is Cui. What's yours?"
Unprompted || @imaginariaarbor feat. Cui Originia
You're an interesting one.
Is that so? Neff wonders just how much of herself this woman can read - and for that the comment is actually quite amusing to her because now it's a question of 'How much do they know about each other at a glance'. Does she realize Neff can read auras? Does she know Neff is a dream walker, a magical human, tied to a deity?
But maybe the whole point of this approach was to talk about that.
"Nefeloma, but feel free to call me Neff." And then her own faint smile forms. "So, Cui, may I ask what about me it was that caught your interest?"
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ryogai · 1 year
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@imaginariaarbor​ said : [Cui Originia] Have a bored female wandering around Chaldea.
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“Hm? Wait, Cui!” Nix raced after the other woman until she caught up. “Are you lost or just taking a look around? I would hate to leave you alone if you got turned around on accident.. Or are you bored?” That was a rather bored expression on her face after all.
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fxtelism-moved · 2 years
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Send Me 💬 + a Name and My Muse will Talk About That Person. - @imaginariaarbor​​ sent:
Zio 💬 Psychi
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“Z-Zio likes Psychi v-very much, she is m-much more than a f-friend, s-she looks after Z-Zio, she’s l-like Septine and R-Raffa...” 
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octhbroken-a · 2 years
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Send my Muses something to talk about their Mun!
@imaginariaarbor​ Inquired: “ 3 — Alaric “
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On grounds that this man has already trash talked one human being today he is not being allowed to answer this, please standby.
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sangdelavie · 2 years
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@imaginariaarbor​ said :  [Chyou] She appears to be lost, the awkward female tucked her hands in front of her. “E-excuse me…! Uhm…” She fidgeted, one visible green eye flicking back and forth as if trying to find the words she needed. “Can you help me…? I seem to have taken a wrong turn trying to…uhm… r-return to my hotel.” Her words were stiff, a foreign accent showing through on words she seemed to struggle with.
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Leo was making her way down the ever busy streets of Paris when the stranger asked for assistance. Wanting to be of help, the woman halted in her stride to hear the other out. Seemed she had gotten lost while heading back to her hotel! That was something the silverette could understand and relate too, seeing as it happened to her before as well. “I will do my best to assist you! What’s the name of the hotel you’re staying at? With any luck, it could be the same I’m lodged at for the time being too.”
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