#imagine also if it *was* internet forum username logic. hello agent dawn-was-taken. whats ur status?
lavenoon · 2 years
Decided to take a break from drawing your and Zelda's deaths and started thinking about Accidently Undercover and how it would be fun to try and draw my sona and Eclipse design working as transfers for the agency. However, when i got to thinking about their code names I was dying of laughter at my Eclipse.
My Eclipse design is so bright that his name would be Agent Neon. Problem: There already is an agent Neon; lab tech if I'm remembering correctly. The confusion and chaos of just two agents/techs with the same name that would bring.
This made me wonder: since there are different buildings/locations, is it possible to have agents with similar/same code names? After all, if they're all spread out what are the chances of running into someone with the same name?
Even if there was going to be a transfer, someone would have to check to make sure there is no overlapping names, right?
Yes and No
They would probably check to see what active agents are out in the field if it's a field agent and vice versa for the lab if it's a lab tech; not both sectors though.
Queue Field Agent Neon transferring and running into Lab Tech Neon and Horizon.
This probably would never actually happen, but it gave me a good laugh to think about.
Kinda want to draw my Eclipse meeting your Eclipse and introducing themselves as Agent Neon now. The confusion between Horizon and Neon meeting this guy would be so stupid but it fills me with so much joy.
Welp, guess i have something to do when I'm done drawing these drawings.
: )
- Agent Viper
Ohhh I am living for the concept of having a different Eclipse interact with AU Eclipse!!
Gonna clarify real quick, since the agents choose their code names, there can be some overlap! It's still just names, and they have employee files and codes that go beyond just one name so it's not the only way to recognize them within the agency. The agency, shady as it is, does at least not adhere to internet forum username rules fhdjds New agents will be informed if there already is someone with their chosen codename at that location, but they are fully within their rights to shrug and go "What of it?", just as the senior agent may be a little grumpy that their previously unique name is now a little less unique. That's all fair, no one has to get along, but everyone has to realize that there's bound to be some overlap, just like in civilian life! (It's of course connected with some "social"/ within agency stigma if you hear someone in your department has the same name already and you still stick to it, willfully causing confusion if you two interact a lot, so there is some push to think of something new. Not agency mandated though!)
So Eclipse and your Sona meeting Eclipse and Neon? Totally an option! And I love the idea of like. Eclipse meets Eclipse, introduces himself as Neon, and Horizon!Eclipse has to buffer like "Celestial eclipse animatronic. Neon. Wait. I'm celestial eclipse animatronic? My angel is Neon?" And he's just standing there, elevator music playing in his head as far as the world can judge, before he processes the actual situation FHDGSH
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