#imagine at one point they actually ask her abt it cbxnfbdn
cheemken · 1 year
I knew that the Champions would be disappointed with Iris almost losing, that they’d definitely berate her for not being strong enough
Diantha really just told Cynthia to put Iris in Hell for timeout. But god even without Giratina in the distortion world it’s still pretty scary looking. Can’t imagine being stuck there for an hour and thinking you’ve been abandoned or something
But ough, this time the punishment will be even worse. Because Iris wasn’t just down to her last Pokémon, she was down to her last move. If she made the wrong call then she’d no longer be champion, but luckily (or unluckily) for her she won that battle
But yeah the Unova kids
With the next champion meet up in Unova and them spying on the meeting, it’s only a matter of time for one of the champions to ask Iris about the challengers she’s faced in the past while. And she answer truthfully for all except one, but Diantha had eyes watching Iris that report back to her. So the color drains from her face when Diantha asks about her last challenger, Hilbert. And the way Diantha is looking at her tells Iris that she knows. And there’s nothing she can do to get out of this
God all five of them watching in horror as Iris tries to get away from the champions and explain that she still had her title, she never lost. That she’ll train even more then she already is. But it gets even worse when a portal opens up and Iris starts panicking even more then she already is
They’re all smart enough to know that they could never take down 8 champions so they just have to watch Iris getting tormented by them. But Hilbert definitely feels like shit because this is all happening to her because of him. If he gave up sooner then Iris wouldn’t be in this situation
Im fucking vibing man bc this post is gon be on top of my post abt the Unova kids being wholesome like😭😭🤣
But yeah, things are heating up in the au huh ouo
But holy shit imagine tho, Cynthia already in the Distortion World, Gira's tendrils coming out from the portal, grabbing Iris' limbs, slowly pulling her down with them, and Iris is there, fighting back, trying to not be pulled down in Hell w Cynthia (bc Cynthia was terrifying and Cynthia was merciless and Cynthia wants her to scream until she loses her voice, Cynthia wraps those tendrils around her neck until she sees black, and Cynthia would just laugh at her and sneer and jeer and tell her how useless their training was if she's still this weak), begging Diantha to forgive her, that she'll be better, I promise! Diantha, please! I promise I'll be better! But Diantha just looked at her, glaring at her, disappointed, and with a snap of her fingers, Cynthia finally dragged Iris down to the Distortion World with her, her sinister laugh echoed within the room, and it sent a shiver down the Unova kids' spines.
God imagine how much that'd fuck then up, finding out whats happening behind closed doors, that they start to panic too, every bone in their body telling them to run, and it only took Bianca tugging on Hilda's shirt for them to run.
Imagine them trying to get away from the champions as quickly and quietly as they could. And god Hilbert was so fucking guilty, he was honestly crying as they ran, blaming himself that Iris had to go through that, and he just fucking hates himself god he hates himself so fucking much so so fucking much his friend is hurt because of him
The others try to calm him down before he spiralled even more to the point Cheren and N had to carry him out, as he actually passed out
And yo all five of them staying w each other that night, terrified that the champions might find them, that one or two of em has to stay up to be on guard, Reshiram and Zekrom's pokeballs at the ready, hoping that the champions also don't have another legendary Pokémon w them
The next day, they see Iris again, and she acted like nothing happened, she was still her usual (well, the usual now) self, and she's there w the champions as if they didn't just drag her to hell and back the day before
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