#they just stood there as they watched knowing theyre also powerless to stop them
cheemken · 1 year
I knew that the Champions would be disappointed with Iris almost losing, that they’d definitely berate her for not being strong enough
Diantha really just told Cynthia to put Iris in Hell for timeout. But god even without Giratina in the distortion world it’s still pretty scary looking. Can’t imagine being stuck there for an hour and thinking you’ve been abandoned or something
But ough, this time the punishment will be even worse. Because Iris wasn’t just down to her last Pokémon, she was down to her last move. If she made the wrong call then she’d no longer be champion, but luckily (or unluckily) for her she won that battle
But yeah the Unova kids
With the next champion meet up in Unova and them spying on the meeting, it’s only a matter of time for one of the champions to ask Iris about the challengers she’s faced in the past while. And she answer truthfully for all except one, but Diantha had eyes watching Iris that report back to her. So the color drains from her face when Diantha asks about her last challenger, Hilbert. And the way Diantha is looking at her tells Iris that she knows. And there’s nothing she can do to get out of this
God all five of them watching in horror as Iris tries to get away from the champions and explain that she still had her title, she never lost. That she’ll train even more then she already is. But it gets even worse when a portal opens up and Iris starts panicking even more then she already is
They’re all smart enough to know that they could never take down 8 champions so they just have to watch Iris getting tormented by them. But Hilbert definitely feels like shit because this is all happening to her because of him. If he gave up sooner then Iris wouldn’t be in this situation
Im fucking vibing man bc this post is gon be on top of my post abt the Unova kids being wholesome like😭😭🤣
But yeah, things are heating up in the au huh ouo
But holy shit imagine tho, Cynthia already in the Distortion World, Gira's tendrils coming out from the portal, grabbing Iris' limbs, slowly pulling her down with them, and Iris is there, fighting back, trying to not be pulled down in Hell w Cynthia (bc Cynthia was terrifying and Cynthia was merciless and Cynthia wants her to scream until she loses her voice, Cynthia wraps those tendrils around her neck until she sees black, and Cynthia would just laugh at her and sneer and jeer and tell her how useless their training was if she's still this weak), begging Diantha to forgive her, that she'll be better, I promise! Diantha, please! I promise I'll be better! But Diantha just looked at her, glaring at her, disappointed, and with a snap of her fingers, Cynthia finally dragged Iris down to the Distortion World with her, her sinister laugh echoed within the room, and it sent a shiver down the Unova kids' spines.
God imagine how much that'd fuck then up, finding out whats happening behind closed doors, that they start to panic too, every bone in their body telling them to run, and it only took Bianca tugging on Hilda's shirt for them to run.
Imagine them trying to get away from the champions as quickly and quietly as they could. And god Hilbert was so fucking guilty, he was honestly crying as they ran, blaming himself that Iris had to go through that, and he just fucking hates himself god he hates himself so fucking much so so fucking much his friend is hurt because of him
The others try to calm him down before he spiralled even more to the point Cheren and N had to carry him out, as he actually passed out
And yo all five of them staying w each other that night, terrified that the champions might find them, that one or two of em has to stay up to be on guard, Reshiram and Zekrom's pokeballs at the ready, hoping that the champions also don't have another legendary Pokémon w them
The next day, they see Iris again, and she acted like nothing happened, she was still her usual (well, the usual now) self, and she's there w the champions as if they didn't just drag her to hell and back the day before
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My thoughts on Erkenci Kus- Episode 17 (Spoilers!)
If you haven’t watched the recent episode, and don’t want any spoilers, STOP READING RIGHT NOW. If you don’t care, tag along. 
Well, that was a hell of an episode... wasn’t it? And not in a good way. This episode was basically a filler. Not a lot of things happened that would push the story forward. The events in this episode basically mirrored everything in the episode summary that I translated earlier this week (it’s in my blog). 
Anyways, here's my review.
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Character development
1. Can:
In terms of Can, there really wasn’t a new development, but a deeper look into his character. He was his usual self-righteous, angry yet jealous self. But we could kinda see that he's fighting a war with himself. On one hand, he totally in love with this girl. On the other hand, his “principles” are telling him to let her go. So in conclusion, we have a cold/angry Can, but at the same time, he’s very protective and jealous of his girl. The audience could really see that development in this episode. On one hand, he is cold towards her, on the other he’s helping her mom and he is trying to get rid of Fabri because of his jealousy. So all in all, he wasn’t terrible in this episode, but it was also nothing new. We just got to see more of that inner war that he’s fighting. But he really is coming off as an asshole in my opinion. What do you guys think?
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2. Sanem:
I think the most important character development in this episode was Sanem. The whole episode she was either trying to explain herself to Can (with the partnership papers) or she was in cloud nine thinking Can wanted her back. But when all that came crashing down at the end, she made a decision. After Can completely lost it (when he saw Fabri with Sanem), he left the party and told her that she was like every other employee of hers from now on. So, Sanem made a decision. She said fine. She said that he won’t see her ever again and that she’ll walk out of his life. This all probably implied that she’ll quit her job too. She decided to no longer go after him or try to get his forgiveness. She just stood up for herself, and her pride, and said fine, be that way. I think this was very important because it allows her to move on (not that she actually will, this is a RomCom and they will end up together). It allows her to be her own person, and she can make her own decisions. She’s no longer limited to the reactions/thoughts of Can. She’s no longer running after him. He knows the truth, and the remaining parts of it he wouldn’t let her explain. So it’s all on him from now on. She’s free. At this point, either Can cleans up his act and goes after her, or she’ll just move on. She’s done explaining herself. Which I really loved. She has her power back. She’s not the powerless Sanem anymore. At it girl.
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3. Leyla:
God I hate this character. She is just so weak and naive, yet so self-righteous. She keeps looking down on everyone but herself. And in this episode, she chose to give up her own sister, for Emre. And justified it with the fact that she “loves” him. Pathetic.
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4. Fabri: 
Well, I must say I was surprised by this one. I genuinely thought Fabri was just a good guy, trying to help. NOPE! He’s actually after the real perfume AND Sanem. He also wants to “embarrass” Can and Sanem like they embarrassed him at the party? He’s nothing but trouble. 
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Final thoughts
Overall, it was an ok episode. Minus the actual plot, the side-stories were very entertaining to watch. Mevkebe’s campaign scenes were actually hilarious. Cey Cey and Sanem scenes were adorable. Osmal seeing Leyla’s true colors was a big one as well. This was an episode in which the side plots were better when compared to the actual plots. Like I said, it was a filler episode, and well, all shows must have them. You can’t get to the bottom of everything quickly. It is a show after all. So im excited to see how theyre going to clean up the mess in the coming epiosodes. Comment me your thoughts and analysis on this episode. Love to read them and see what you think.
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leaughrilke · 8 years
Now that we know how they react with Kara getting hurt any head cannons on how the kids act when Lena gets hurt or is in danger? Do they have any concept of how many threats arise because of her family name or has enough time passed since Lex that it's just a bad memory?
so this ask sort of goes hand in hand with this other one i received so i sort of split the long answer between the two!!  i’ll link it for ya babes, enjoy the angst and the superbabies Constantly Worrying abt their human mommy
so like??  if u think the kiddos react poorly when its kara that’s hurt, i need ya to remember that they’re still pretty confident that kara will always walk away from a fight in one piece.  like she might get hurt??  but they (perhaps a lil naively) dont think that kara’s rlly ever going to be Hurt.  like they’re terrified in the moment, but it doesn’t like??  stick i guess??  i guess it’s sort of like…….she’s a superhero, danger sort of comes with it and kara’s careful and she’s like???  invincible??  one time stella gets rlly scared for her, so maia gets the idea to prove that they cant get hurt and bends like all of the kitchen knives trying to stab her hand so like…thats what’s in the kiddos’ heads when kara goes off to save the city/world.  bent kitchen knives and stella’s laughter and maia’s grin and finn rolling his eyes but going alone with it, holding his hand over open flame to prove he can’t get burned
but lena??  lena is terrifyingly human.  lena can burn and bruise and bleed and each kiddo has their own relationship to that, like finn cries and frets and maia seethes and rages and stella worries and plans (mind u, stella probably is the most……not ok with it, but she’s the most comfortable with lena’s vulnerability if only bc she’s just as vulnerable, often has a similar target on her back from lex/lillian bc she’s the most easily hurt of the kiddos??)
god they dont handle lena being in danger well At All and they handle her being hurt even worse, bc like??  she doesn’t heal as fast as kara, she heals at a human rate and there’s no magic sun lamp to make her all better
like when the kiddos are p young (like finn’s eleven or so) lena gets in a minor car accident and breaks her wrist and they all sort of freak the fuck out and that first day after she’s released from the er, she’s taking pain killers and is sort of just lazing around and taking it easy and the kiddos wont leave her side, like kara runs out to pick up dinner and the kids r sort of hovering around lena, pretending like theyre doing their own things, but when she comes back, they’ve all just cuddled up to her on the couch and maia’s carefully painting the nails on lena’s injured hand and stella’s fallen asleep on lena’s lap and finn’s tucked up against lena’s good side and they dont rlly move for the rest of the night tbh
i would say they have a p good grasp of the sort of threats against lena, like they grew up knowing how to behave in panic rooms and learned several emergency drills as part of their routine and saw lena hurt, threatened more times than they’d ever like to remember.  they react as well as can be expected from kids in that sort of situation, and it helps a lot that their moms r so good and rlly work to make sure they feel safe as much as possible and try and assure them as best they can
but like??  they’re all so protective of lena, they rlly are, and unfortunately they have good reason to be.  she’s on several ppl’s shit list tbh, and there are a fair few attempts on her life within the kids’ memories, like stella was there for several just bc she generally spends more time around lena and every single time resulted in her refusing to leave lena’s side for weeks after the fact.  she just Will Not, like when she’s older and has to go to school, she is just constantly texting lena and like normally lena would tell her to stop, she needs to pay attention in class, but she also saw stella all but wailing in kara’s arms when lena got loaded into the ambulance so maybe she writes a note for stella’s teachers asking that they excuse her texting for a couple weeks
woo that got Dark
finn like…..idk its not like he feels like As the Man of the House he needs to protect all the girls in his life bc thats ridiculous and ignores their agency and his mamas raised him right, but he grew up watching kara protect their family, their city, the earth and he carries those instincts rlly deep in him and like he worries abt everyone, he’s such a worrier, but its different for maia and for kara and its even different for stella, bc stella at least has powers, can sense things, but lena is???  completely human????  
and the first time he’s fully aware of this is when he’s three and his little sister is still so small and round and giggly and he had a stomach ache so lena calls out from work, tells jess to push her meetings so she can stay home and she’s put maia down for a nap and is coming in to check on him when he hears her scream from down the hall and like??  u know how little kids dont necessarily know when bad shits going down, but they Know??  well he knows.  
so finn forgets all abt how his tummy hurts and runs as fast as he can and he’s rounding the hall just as kara barrels through a window, shoves him into the bathroom and pulls the door closed, but he saw lena on the floor, face twisted in pain with blood at her temple, oozing sluggishly from her shoulder and down her arm, saw the masked man that stood over her
he doesnt rlly ever forget that.  the memory fades a little, dulls over time, but he has a lot of nightmares abt it, can’t completely put it behind him bc it was the first time he realized his mommy wasnt the same as his mama, wasnt as strong, wasnt as safe
it’s rlly bad for almost half a year after that, like he has nightmares more often than he doesnt and ends up in kara and lena’s bed most nights after waking up sobbing
when he gets older he sort of??  he doesn’t outgrow that bone deep fear, but it gets channeled into different avenues i guess
the first time maia ever has to confront that shit, she’s eight and its the assassination attempt from sun is gonna shine above and she’s never??  realized???  like she saw lena with a broken wrist and she’s seen her sick and so on and so forth so she’s got a grasp on the fact that lena’s human, not quite so invulnerable, but she’s never rlly understood what the consequences of that might mean??  but then they’re all sprawled on the floor of the deo and finn’s wailing into kara’s arms abt how he thought they were dead and she looks at lena and she looks at stella and she looks at kara and she’s terrified suddenly and she starts to cry and it all becomes a blur after that but then it’s a couple weeks later and she’s finally processed a little and she sort of scares her moms bc she crawls into their bed one night very late and asks very seriously if lena’s going to die
and like???  shit what are you supposed to say when your eight year old asks if you’re going to die???  jesus, there was no chapter abt this in literally any parenting book either of them have ever read
they explain it as best they can, that there are some very bad people in the world and they dont like lena very much and sometimes they want to hurt lena, but kara’s quick to remind maia that they’re all very safe and that she and aunt alex and uncle james and everyone at the deo work rlly hard to make sure they all stay safe but maia’s sort of changed after that??
and like…..her anger isnt from this one flashpoint alone, but it is a launching point.  like??  her mom is so kind and loving and soft, why would anyone want to hurt her??  why should the world allow her to get hurt???  it’s not fair.  so maia gets angry and she stays angry and she takes it out on bad ppl that hurt her family, takes it out on bad ppl that try to hurt lena and the difference btwn how she reacts with kara and how she reacts with lena is that she never, never says a word of it to lena, she refuses, bc if she does that, she’s admitting she’s scared that lena’s going to get taken from them, she’s admitting that lena’s human, that she’s mortal, that she can bleed and die and maia’s not willing to admit that
stella is probably the kiddo that never rlly has the realization bc its so ingrained in her like and i dont mean this in a bad way but there’s this understanding that where kara and finn and maia are alike, stella and lena are alike and stella understands that she’s not as strong as her siblings so it makes sense that lena’s not as strong as them either, u know??  it doesnt come as a surprise or anything and her powers mean that the threats to her mother dont come as a surprise either, bc by the time she’s registered what those threats rlly mean, she’s already been living with the reality of them for years
and ive said this a bunch but stella responds by becoming lena’s shadow tbh, she just sticks even closer to her mom and freaks out when she can’t bc she feels rlly powerless???  she cant help kara, but that makes sense, bc stella’s not the same as kara??  but she’s like lena and she can’t help her either, so what good is she to anyone, what use is she, how does she deserve her mothers
and to be fair, most of these feelings arent hers alone, bc when she gets sad or angry or hurts, its a lot easier for her to sort of take on negative emotions from the rest of the world, so it sort of spirals but that is the reality of it, she’s sad and she’s scared and she refuses to let lena out of her sight every time lena gets threatened or hurt
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