#imagine him as little elementary schooler trying to be self sufficient
ridiasfangirlings · 6 months
Fushimi as Kotaro while the s4 members as the other apartment tenants in a Kotaro Lives Alone AU. (I sometimes don't end up sending an ask cause I think I already sent too much before so I may or may not have sent this same ask to you before, I'm sorry if I have and feel free to ignore this. Thanks).
Imagine everyone just falling in love with poor little Fushimi who is all on his own D: Say in this AU Kisa dies young and her little son Fushimi gets her inheritance, though he’s unaware of it. Fushimi is taken away from his creepy dad and set up at an orphanage but when he’s found by Niki he decides to run away and go hide, living by himself at an apartment complex. His rent is paid by a ‘generous benefactor,’ which is actually Kisa’s inheritance that’s being handled by lawyer Munakata. Munakata would love to adopt this adorable child himself but is aware that Fushimi would reject him if Munakata decided to do this without getting Fushimi’s agreement first, so instead he just brings Fushimi money regularly and tries to play puzzles with him. He’s hoping that eventually little Fushimi will ask to come home with him but it hasn’t happened yet, even so Munakata is willing to be patient and does his best to support Fushimi from afar. Fushimi thinks Mr. Glasses is weird and creepy. 
Meanwhile the rest of the tenants at the apartment complex become aware that there’s this little gloomy child living in one of the apartments and there doesn’t seem to be any parents anywhere (but this strange sparkly nerd man in glasses will show up every now and again). Awashima works with Munakata and helped him get the apartment for Fushimi so when she’s off work she checks on him in Munakata’s place, imagine she’s always bringing him giant stuffed animals even though Fushimi says he doesn’t need them (and imagine Fushimi with this huge collection and he has no idea what to do with them but also somehow he can’t get rid of them). Government employee Hidaka immediately goes full big brother mode with Fushimi, imagine Fushimi’s school happens to be in the same direction as Hidaka’s office and Hidaka likes to walk Fushimi to school every day. Hidaka’s always smiling and chatting, even with Fushimi glares and complains, but at the same time Fushimi is now never bothered by bullies because he has his ‘giant big brother’ with him. Hidaka’s coworker Enomoto walks with them too, imagine Enomoto trying to get Fushimi into conversations about anime and being crestfallen that Fushimi doesn’t watch anything like that (except secretly Fushimi totally does and loves it). 
Kamo meanwhile brings Fushimi a lot of his food, he’s not allowed to see his own daughter and probably kinda tries to take a parental role towards this kid who’s only a few years older than his daughter. Kamo runs a sushi restaurant and brings Fushimi leftovers, though he quickly realizes that Fushimi won’t eat a lot of things and has to be particular in what he brings. Akiyama and Benzai are policemen who are like vaguely aware that a small kid shouldn’t be alone in an apartment and maybe they even find out that Niki is looking for Fushimi. They eventually realize why Fushimi is hiding from Niki though and use their position to throw Niki off the scent so Fushimi can be safe. The rest of the apartment complex finds out about this too and imagine Gotou putting up some cursed statues around the foundation just to be safe, while Doumyouji tries to teach Fushimi how to defend himself with a stick (this ends with Fushimi hitting Doumyouji with a stick for being an idiot while Doumyouji cries that Fushimi is mean). Even Fuse, who pretends he finds the kid annoying, is always keeping an eye out and making sure Fushimi is okay, the whole apartment complex wants to protect him.
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