#imagine if the first fic i posted for buddie is a a/b/o crack fic
warpedpuppeteer · 6 months
Thinking about "I'm a nester, I nest" and the jacuzzi scene in an a/b/o context is funny as hell because imagine a Buddie crack fic where omega Eddie has to talk down alpha Buck so that his knot deflates because they've been stuck forever and they'd rather both die than call 911 and get the 118 dispatched and be forever humiliated. And Buck's panicking because he's scared he's hurting Eddie and ok yeah so Eddie is kind of feeling the pain now but he needs Buck to not freak out and accidentally hurt either of them so there he is talking about "imagine your limbs are jello" 😭
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sagechanoafterdark · 4 years
Mighty Project List 2020
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Alright, kiddos here's the list of projects that I’m currently working on and have waiting for me to take a crack at. This is by no means a complete project list and things will inevitably get added to the list of works in progress. But these are all of the things I’ve been spending my time working on while I try to wrap up our dearly loved Held for Ransom.
The full list is under the cut along with a synopsis for each fic that I’m working on. Some projects are nearly finished and will be posted soon, while others are still really in their infancy for planning.
I’m very excited for a lot of these fics and I want to reassure that I’ll be working on fics in between these such as the ones for the Primal Instincts and Random Story writings since those are always fun to do.
List under the cut. These boys are going to kill me.
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Held For Ransom - Ongoing Series
Synopsis:  Never in a million years would you have expected Hugh Ransom Drysdale to show up on your doorstep. Never in a billion years would you have expected him to weasel his way into living with you as he tries to get his bearings. Despite everything that’s happened over the last year he’s just as difficult and arrogant as ever, at least that hasn’t changed.
The Chatroom - Ongoing Mini-Series
Synopsis: Steve isn’t an amateur when it comes to wandering the vastness of the internet, but his naivety gets the better of him when he forgets rule one: You never know who you’re talking to.
And They Were Roommates - Ongoing Mini-Series
Synopsis: Living with Bucky Barnes was never your idea in fact you both can’t stand one another. But through a series of awkward conversations and graphic daydreams, it looks like the two of you are growing closer than before.
Zero Hour - Ongoing Series
Synopsis:  Soulmates are a novelty and more trouble than their worth. At least that’s what you thought until you saw those sad blue eyes and an awestruck smile. Now all that’s left is to find your way, together.
Primal Instincts - Ongoing Mini-series
Synopsis:  A collection of A/B/O shorts and one-shots featuring Steven Grant Rogers, James Buchanan Barnes and Hugh Ransom Drysdale.
Fall Into You - Ongoing Series
Synopsis:  Steve needs a vacation to unwind. So much media presence after the Snap was undone has left his nerves frazzled. Lucky for him Bucky canceled on you for the trip back to your hometown, leaving him to go along with you instead. Treating him to a true taste of normalcy that’s anything but normal, in a town where nobody knows who he is or at least they don’t care, it’s a vacation full of warm sweaters, hot cider and fall shenanigans.
The Killing Game - New Series (Bucky x Reader)
Synopsis: What will define a man who’s lost so much?
The day you first met in Anthony Starks club you should have known he was going to be trouble. Living a life tangled in a web of deception, and half-truths he’s one of the first honest faces you’ve seen in this city. That has to be why you see those damn sad blue eyes almost every night.
Never would James Barnes imagine he’d find a flower in this concrete hell of New York and desperate to shield it from being trampled he’s losing sight of his own goals. But some flowers have thorns and he is a man stalked by a past that he wants nothing more than to leave behind. But as they say, cut off one head, two more shall take its place.
Auction Block - One-Shot (Bucky x Reader)
Synopsis: Reader purchases Bucky from Tony’s bachelor auction. 
Tag Your It - One-Shot (Bucky x Reader)
Synopsis: After a pretty drastic breakup, a team-building exercise pushes you and your best buddy a little closer together.
Bad Blood - One-Shot (Stucky x Reader)
Synopsis: Running away from her abusive life, the reader and her child find peace with two men in a tiny town.
The Loneliest Number (Bucky x Reader)
Synopsis: Bucky misunderstands a situation as usual.
Little Soldier Boy (Codename: Lazarus)
Synopsis: Bucky remembers the first time he met Lazarus.
The Island (Codename: Lazarus)
Synopsis: Fake married and on vacation together, Bucky and Lazarus have to uncover the mystery on the island kind of Scooby-Doo style. Zoinks.
Blast From The Past (Codename: Lazarus)
Synopsis: Bucky gets bonked on the head and just isn’t himself, well he’s more himself than before but you’re more concerned about how he’s taking not having a flying car.
Space Cowboy (Codename: Lazarus)
Synopsis: Bucky comes home from a mission only to find your attention drawn to the suave and stupidly charismatic Peter Quill.
Easy A (Codename: Lazarus)
Synopsis: Bucky and Lazarus become Ticktoc famous.
Unbound - New Series (Bucky x Reader)
Synopsis: This one is a top-secret story that I’m still in the process of plotting, the idea came to me in a daydream as I was driving home from work one day and the person I’ve talked to about it seemed excited about the idea.
Total Rewind - New Mini-series (Steve x Reader)
Synopsis: Top Secret fic featuring Steve and a super-powered reader. I’ve been playing with this idea since November and it’s really been flushed out in the last two weeks.
In Another Life - New Series (Bucky x Reader)
Synopsis: Top Secret series that I’ve been planning for months now. It's sure to knock your socks off a little bit with how much I’ve got thrown into this fic and I’m really excited about sharing it.
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cyn2k · 5 years
Sherlock Fic Recs (mostly lesser-known)
All right, I’ve recommended individual fics from time to time,and I certainly reblog fic rec lists, but this is the first time I’ve tried to assemble a Sherlock rec list of my own. I’m trying to select stories I’ve not seen often (or ever) on other lists for this, and they are in no particular order. Mind the tags. Nearly all are end-game Johnlock, although a couple are more gen.
Since this is my first time writing a fic rec list, please let me know if you enjoyed it.
A Telling Touch - by MikayoToudaiji, 91K, E, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson 
Post-Reichenbach. After Sherlock’s death, John manages to get himself re-enlisted and is sent back to war. But when two series of gruesome murders link home and outland together, John is suddenly faced with more battles than he could have imagined. A Reunion, multi-chapter, case fic.
This is one of my go-to fics. John is grieving the loss of Sherlock and back in the army, this time in Syria, courtesy of Mycroft, when he is called home due to the mysterious death of Irene Adler. Irene was the latest victim of a serial killer, but she has managed to leave John a mysterious message. Sherlock does eventually return, but badly injured. There’s a fascinating case fic, a very different and totally platonic Mary Morstan, Sebastian Moran makes an appearance, and a Mummy Holmes who’s absolutely lovely. I find this story so emotionally rewarding, on many levels.
Follow My Voice - by flawedamythyst, 9K, T, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Sherlock's voice is all John has.
John is in a coma, and his only link back to the world is Sherlock’s voice. Told mostly from John’s perspective, the payoff when John finally wakes up is lovely.
Meeting Clara - by BlueSkye12, 2K, G, no pairings (pre-Johnlock, perhaps, if you squint)
John and Sherlock have a chance meeting with John's former sister-in-law and Sherlock learns a thing or two about John's return from Afghanistan.
Sherlock learns exactly how much damage John suffered from the bullet that brought him to London and that fateful meeting at St. Bart’s. Clara is very protective of John, even if he’s no longer her brother-in-law.
Bitter Sweet - by distantstarlight, 17K, E, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Alpha John Watson is a retired army doctor with a chance to acquire an omega mate. He meets the most unusual omega he’s ever encountered.
A somewhat unusual take on A/B/O dynamics, where alphas need to have a use in life, either with a satisfactory career or as a parent to the next generation. Omegas, including Sherlock, are bought at auction, which some may find disturbing, but there’s no indications of maltreatment on anyone’s part. It’s Sherlock who has all the power in this relationship, although he’s deleted the reasons why. John may have to pay the price for that.
The Art of Seduction series - by flawedamythyst, 97K across 6 works, T to E, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes/many OMCs, John Watson/OMC, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade
Sherlock ran a website called The Science Of Seduction, on which he gave advice on the best ways to get laid, wrote blog entries detailing the results of his various sexual 'experiments' and generally contributed to the stereotype of 'every gay man is a sex-mad playboy'. John avoided the thing like the plague. AU in which Sherlock treats sex like he does crime in canon. Inspired by Queer As Folk UK, but it very quickly went its own way.
I love this series. Sherlock is obsessed, not with crime, but with sex. John is his flatmate and pretty much the only gay man in London with whom Sherlock has not slept. John pines, Sherlock sleeps with most of gay London, and they all go dancing every weekend. Then Jim shows up and ruins everything. Or does he?
Semper Fidelis - by Blind_Author, 57K, M, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Anthea
Written for a prompt. Moriarty frames John and "Anthea" of betrayals which cause both of the Holmes brothers to cut them off. Cue BAMF!John and BAMF!"Anthea" doing their best to clear their names.
John and Anthea go on the run after they are both framed the same day. They protect one another and bond over the idiocy of their respective Holmeses. Both are in established, if hidden, relationships. They bond while on the run.
Evidence of Human Life - by thesardine, 17K, E, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Sherlock's sanity deteriorates while he and John are stranded on a deserted island.
I basically summed this up in my personal bookmark as: Sherlock and John on a deserted island. They hunt seals, Sherlock periodically goes nuts, and they start having sex.   
This Doesn’t Feel Like Falling - by Dark3Star, 148K, E, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, pre Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade
When he fell from St. Barts, Sherlock knew he loved John Watson. John couldn't love him back (or so he thinks). Now that he's back from the dead things are back to normal... sort of. When a serial killer targets increasingly high profile gay couples Sherlock is on the case. With a, possibly ill-advised, plan Sherlock and John go undercover as a couple to uncover the truth.
Part 1 of a series, although this is by far the largest part.  Your classic “married for a case” trope, taken to the extreme. There’s a decent case fic, a lot of mutual pining, and some interesting wedding planning. Heed the warnings, there are some pretty graphic depictions of violence when they finally confront the murderer.
The Secret Identity of John Watson - by scifigrl47, 27K, G, John Watson/OFC (but don’t let that scare you!)
Taken out of context, John Watson leads a terrifying life. You have to wonder what those poor women he dates thinks of it, especially if John decides to try keeping one away from Sherlock, and Sherlock decides that it'd be best if he could get rid of her. After all, Mycroft's taught him a thing or two about removing potential 'problems.'
Told from the point of view of the bank girl John saves and then dates. Guys, I am a total Johnlock shipper, and so is everyone else in this crack-fest, although they aren’t actually together. Samantha and her girlfriends are an absolute riot, and their impressions of both John and Sherlock are hysterical.
Small Steps - by crossroadrain, 16K, unrated, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
"It's John's birthday and all his army buddies have got him a prostitute for a laugh.
A/B/O fic, where Sherlock is an unwilling omega stripper hired to entertain for John’s birthday get-together with a bunch of his army buddies. When John takes him aside to protect him from his army buddies, he learns something more is going on. The writing is a little uneven, because the writer is not a native English speaker, but the story is quite good.
Endings - by Purple_Slippers_18, 3K, T, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Fifty years. Eighteen thousand two hundred and sixty two days. It was a long time to be alive, never mind the thirty-four years Sherlock had breathed before he'd met John, which the man in question most certainly did not. As far as Sherlock was concerned, his life – the one whose memories he hoarded like a dragon protecting caverns of stolen gold – began on that serendipitous January afternoon when two strangers met in the research labs at St. Bart's.
Not for those who can’t deal with MCD or find assisted suicide disturbing, but they’re so in love here. Retirement!Lock.
Body Language - by CeruleanDarkangelis,2K, T Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
There is a language to dancing; a call-and-response from one body to another. Even with the poncy kind of dancing I knew he was versed in, the kind that requires classes and counting and rules, there is communication between bodies. Watching him now, I’m more than pleased to discover that he understands my dialect as well.
This is just 2K of absolutely hot dancing seduction. There’s a follow-up fic, Touch Me, about what happens when they get home
Blind series - by inspiration_assaulted, 19K across 3 works, G to T, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Lt John Watson, 25, will do just about anything to stay in the Army, even if it means marrying a man he's never met. It's only for two years, and he'll probably be in Afghanistan the whole time. How much can his life really change?
Mycroft arranges a marriage between Sherlock and John, allowing John to stay in the army and Sherlock to pay for rehab. They write each other letters, but have never met. I originally read this story on FF.net and loved it. I was delighted to find it on AO3, which is easier on my eyes.
Words of One Syllable and At A Loss- GwendolynnFiction, 101K across 2 works on FF.net, M, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
The landmine at Baskerville leaves Sherlock deafened. Unable to stand living without his friend John agrees to learn to sign, but foreign languages cannot be learned in a void. Sherlock helps John learn to sign by finally learning to talk to him.
This was one of my early favorites when I first started reading Sherlock stories on fanfiction.net. The author has slightly different versions up on AO3, but I find these much more enjoyable, as their relationship just seems to work better. The followup story is what happens during the Moriarty trial and after the fall, when Sherlock has to return unexpectedly after John goes missing.
The Otter and the Hedgehog - by Trinity Fire, 23K on FF.net, T, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade.
Just when John and Sherlock think they have time to rest after a case, they get an unexpected surprise... Unexpected, yes, and fluffy!
This is a little uneven, and has a very awkward, very weird self-insert OC, but Sherlock the otter wandering around the flat tucking John the hedgehog into his scarf to carry him everywhere is just too cute!
Letters to a Soldier - by Pakmai, 70K on FF.net, T, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Captain John Watson is a soldier in Afghanistan. Sherlock Holmes has just been admitted to a drug rehab facility, assigned to write a letter to an unknown soldier. He doesn't expect to get a letter back from someone as interesting as John. John doesn't expect to get letter from a recovering drug addict. Together they form an unlikely friendship through letters.
I’ll admit, it’s been a while since I read this one, but this series turned me into a big fan of epistolary fics. The follow-up fic, Letters to a High-Functioning Sociopath, finished after I’d stopped reading regularly on FF, so I admit I don’t know how the series ended.
Flare - by iMusicalMinji, 6K on FF.net, T, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
John has a lot to learn about an elusive species when he ends up living with one. Like how he doesn't have to change under a full moon, how he is fireproof even if he cannot breathe fire himself, and how he loves the doctor. MythicalCreature!AU
A sweet dragon!Lock story, with some parental elements. Sherlock’s hoard made me laugh, and then I thought about it and it made sense. 
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