#imagine kaiba trying to write the warners off as a glitch in the holograms
olddirtybadfic · 4 months
oh oh another one
(reposted here because I think this is too good to be attached to that insane oldfic I posted)
I have this theory that the Warner siblings are Set animals (like from ancient Egyptian lore), so the rules of mere mortals don't apply to them. One of Set's many domains is disorder and chaos, so I think it checks out.
Or, maybe they're the offspring of Set (conceived while he was in his animal form, so that's why they resemble Set animals) and the Hounds of Tindalos. That's why they have to be kept in the round Warner Brothers Tower--there are no corners through which they can escape (but they've found other ways of getting out).
But they're not malicious like the Hounds are said to be; they're just a little mischievous.
Or maybe there's some Fair Folk in there too, I don't know.
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