#imagine knowing Jean is going to be alive imagine knowing the ending to tkm that’s crazy
crazy-fangirl2524 · 28 days
I cant imagine new people joining the fandom now that tsc is out and imagine people being able to read all five aftg books at the same time??? They will never get the feeling of finishing the third book and thinking it’s the final final and then discovering there’s the EC (that doesn’t exist anymore rip) and then Nora disappearing for years and suddenly back with news of a new book of a couple that was so good the author came back to make them canon and then us just waiting for news and everything and I’m so glad to be here when history was made and to experience everything I wouldn’t have it any other way
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aftgficrec · 4 years
I know this is kind of unorthodox, but are there any tumblr posts or even fics that archive and like compile the book timeline? Or like even pre book events like when Neil would have left Baltimore at x age, and what age andrew was when he went to juive and then got out and such?
Ok, I’ve scooped up some fandom tumblr posts that are a bit jumbled but still helpful. Some have discussions with differing opinions in the comments, so check for that. Also including a link to the fandom wiki which has a lot of good meta. I did not find a calendar for pre-fandom events, but you may be able to glean stuff from Nora’s extra content on tumblr and her Courting Madness blog. - A
Fandom Wiki
NB: Contents include - About the Series; Characters: Teams/Foxes/Criminals; and Community: Recent Blog Posts/Forum/Most Visited Articles/Newly Changed Articles
- For example, Neil’s character summary includes full name, aliases, birthday(s), zodiac sign, status (alive), occupation, list of known residences, team(s), jersey number(s), family and romantic relationships, gender, and physical description including height.
Fan-Created Timelines
Rough-draft-ish timeline for book 1! - REBLOG (includes The Raven King - Rough Timeline/ First Draft) by @sexysmeagolshitposting /@flowerparrish [Tumblr, 2016]
BTW if you are visual like me, the closest we get to a calendar year for All For the Game is 2006/2007. It’s not 100% accurate, because not all of the dates match up perfectly throughout the whole series, but this is the closest one, with only a few dates off. It diverges in June, so I kept to the book for the rest of June because dates were easy to track; it meets back up with the calendar year in August and so far as I’ve checked sticks pretty close to it for the rest of the series?? The games do at least??
TKM Timeline by @coldsaturn​ [Tumblr, 2016]
ok so, @flowerparrish gained legend status by giving us the timelines for TFC and TRK (you can find them HERE), but we were still missing TKM, and for the meta I’m preparing I needed all three laid out, so I wrote the one that was left.
timeline in TKM by @spanglebangle [Tumblr, 2017]
Okay so I was hunting around to figure out the timeline in TKM as precisely as possible for the next few chapters of Trust Fall and I have the following PRECISE timeline nailed down with bonus rambly meta thoughts and comments, under the cut bc this is over 4k of rambles ENJOY it took me nearly seven hours
What year are the books set in? by @briennetarhs​, @coldsaturn​, others [Tumblr, 2016]
i feel like i’m missing something because i’ve just seen 3 people talk about how tfc is set in the early 2000s… like… am i MISSING SMTH HERE! there are no years specified anywhere so i’ve just been going off the years they were published? where do ya’ll get your info??
Characters Canon Ages/College Class at End of Series
DURING THE BOOKS/AT THE END OF TKM summary by @bienmoreau​ [Tumblr, 2016]
- Here’s a thing that might be helpful:🌦🌦
NB: Updated post with new info for Jean: i’ve been peddling lies and i’m sorry  by @bienmoreau​ - Soooo I just made this ~ post ~ about which years the AFTG characters are in because I always get really confused..
The 90′s Foxhole Court. by @hookersplease​ [Tumblr, 2017]
So, TFC took place in the late 90′s/ early 2000′s, right? (Although, I love the modern Foxhole Court too!) (And I���ve posted some musing on 90′s TFC before, but this is gonna be a full out...something.)
Just Imagine- full on everything 90′s TFC.
Like, the 90′s explains the jorts. All of the Jorts. And The Jooooooorts.
Alternate JereJean Timeline™ by @thx-quxxn​ [Tumblr, 2016]
Okay so I know the exyspacegays have a solid jerejean timeline,* but I give you an Alternate JereJean Timeline™ starting from a few years after Jean graduates from USC (which got super fic-y a little ways through so it’s mainly just how they get together)
*NB: I could not find this
Jeremy & Jean canon descriptions by @bienmoreau​ [Tumblr, 2016]
Anonymous asked: Hi there! Sorry for the question but I'm hoping you could help me. In the AFTG series, do we actually have a physical description of either Jeremy Knox or Jean Moreau? I can't seem to remember that (and people seem to have their own headcanons so...)
do you have a idea for Jeremy knoxs height? how about jeans? by @exyspacegays​ [Tumblr, 2016]
do you know what grade Riko, Kevin, Jean, or Jeremy? by @exyspacegays [Tumblr, 2016]
I DO! 
WE DO!! 
are jean's or jeremy's ages mentioned in tkm? by @exyspacegays [Tumblr, 2016]
i'm making a fic and i guess i'm lost on what ages they are when jean gets signed onto the trojans? alsooo, i understand that you guys where the one to basically make up jer's whole family and i can't find the original post so do you guys have a link somewhere?
Hey has nora ever said anything about jerejean? by @exyspacegays [Tumblr, 2016]
She has,,,, to an extent. To be exact she has said this:
-“that pairing had never even occurred to me before tumblr took off running with them, ahaha..”
- and essentially that since it was never considered there’s no ‘canon reason’ for it not to happen..
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