#imagine like 10000000 quotes around the word au
vintagemiserie · 7 years
@ineedtorundry i decided to start writing the lil thing i described and i somehow wrote 1.2k words in one sitting lmao
Joe was madly in love. He wasn't gay, he swore he wasn't, but Patrick was just so… God, his heart melted just thinking about him. He was so cute, the way he was so enthusiastic about music and his favorite artists, the way his hair tufted up where the bill of his hat started, how it seemed like he was always smiling around Joe. Sure, his singing was rough occasionally, but that didn't matter when he was so fucking hot holy shit.
So, he organized a time to hang out as a practice, of some sort. Patrick told Joe that his bleached hair was cute, so he might as well hang out more, right? Patrick wouldn't just, like, say that if he didn't feel similarly. It wasn't for anything like that, though, it was a practice, he swore, and even though they both knew that they'd stop practicing and play video games after, like, ten minutes, but it was worth a try. God, and Patrick just responded to the text, and he put a smiley face at the end of his response, that is so fucking adorable.
He wasn't gay, Patrick was just… Pete was gonna make fun of him so much when Patrick would leave and Joe'd rant to him about how great it was to be around Patrick. Fuck, okay, Patrick was at the door, okay, he could manage this. He was good at acting normal. “Hey, dude,” Joe called, opening the door for him when he was only just starting to step up to the door.
“Something tells me we're not gonna get, like, any practice in,” Patrick said, grinning at him as he stepped up. “I know you're tricks, Trohman.”
Joe laughed lightly. “Yeah, well, I'm trying my best,” He replied jokingly, patting Patrick’s back as he stepped in. “I'm just, like, we don't hang out alone enough.”
“Yeah, we don't. I do have some stuff that I'd, like, really like to show you, but I feel like it'd be better to show Pete at the same time. He's, like, so fucking weird about lyrics, I swear.”
“Yeah. Do you know if he's getting us a drummer, yet?”
“I have no idea, man. I think he has someone, but apparently the guy’s up in Milwaukee, and I, like, highly fucking doubt that he'll actually join our shitty band.”
“Hey, that's better than nothing, god damn,” Joe said. They stepped down into his basement, and Patrick sat on the couch a reliable distance from the center. They were just friends, after all, why would Patrick sit down like he would expect to sit right against Joe? He was just being stupid. Speaking of stupid, he turned on his GameCube and looked at the opening animation confusedly before realizing there was still an actual disc in the console.
It was Mario Kart, luckily, so he grabbed a couple controllers off the ground and handed one to Patrick. “You good with this?” He asked, and Patrick nodded, looking like a goddamn puppy.
The hours, the various games went by oh-so quickly, and it must have been six or seven by the time Joe snapped back into reality and realized they were sitting against each other, shoulders and hips touching. He tried to not let it bother him, but, jeez, it was hard to not think about how nice it would be if he could muster up the courage to actually, like, make a move. Joe got up to change the game, Goldeneye having gotten a bit boring after a while. “Hey, Patrick, you can leave anytime, it's getting kinda late,” He mentioned, just on the offhand chance that Patrick was disinterested. Or the onhand chance, like, Joe couldn't be too serious about thinking like that.
“I was actually thinking about, like, calling my mom and asking if I could stay the night.”
Oh, okay, that was a very nice comment.
It must have been around, like, two until Joe started to seriously think about admitting his.. it wasn't a crush, on Patrick, it was just a really strong friendship. He wasn't, like—
“Hey, Joe, I've been, like, thinking about some stuff, recently,” Patrick murmured, not even looking over at Joe. That was great. Sure, like, yeah, he was staying until the morning, but there was no way this could be anything but negative. You don't just say something phrased like that, and then say something really positive.
“Yeah, man?” Joe asked, already lamenting any future, like, anything with them.
“I.. god, this is so stupid, maybe I shouldn't…” He set his controller on his lap, and sighed. “I've had a crush on you since, god, since I first saw you. Like, like, before we ever talked, when I saw you, like, playing at an Arma show, I'm just…” He looked away. “Feel free to kick me out, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking stupid.”
Joe felt his hands go clammy. That… wasn't a negative comment at all, holy shit. He paused the game, Star Fox was a little too intense for him to focus on at that moment, and forced his brain to figure out a reply of some sorts. Which was difficult. “I… I think I feel the same,” He said slowly.
“You do?” Patrick turned back towards him, and Joe nodded, lacking the brain power to speak. He was pulled into a big hug, and Joe hugged back, feeling so, so wonderful. “I'm, Joe, I'm not gay, but, but, I've never felt like this about, god, about anyone before,” Patrick said, pulling away.
“Can we kiss?”
“Wh—Yeah, yes, let's please kiss.”
They held each other's arms for a few moments, just trying to figure out how the hell they got here from an invitation to hang out (or, at least, Joe guessed Patrick was thinking the same), and after a few more moments of staring at each other, Patrick closed his eyes and leaned forward.
It felt like it was just going to be a quick chaste kiss, but suddenly Joe felt Patrick put his arms around him, and Joe pulled him even closer, opening his mouth slightly.
And then they were, like, actually making out. Joe felt like he was on top of the world, with Patrick being so fucking awesome. Like, holy shit, he couldn't believe he was making out with his crush, and that their feelings were, like, mutual.
They were breathing hard when they separated, Patrick's hands still on Joe's cheeks. “Wow,” Joe said. Patrick echoed him, starting to laugh. They both laughed, Patrick putting his head on Joe's shoulder as they steadied their breathing.
“Can this not be a one-off thing?” Joe asked, threading his fingers into Patrick's hair lazily.
“I'd be really happy if we can do that again. Holy fucking shit, that was… that was so good.”
“I can't fucking believe we just did that.”
“Yeah, that was so crazy.”
Joe opened his mouth, to say something risky, then decided against it.
“I'm gonna sleep on you, now, Joe,” Patrick said, making a cute little noise and putting a hand on the back of Joe's neck. Joe nodded.
“G’night, dude.”
“Yeah, g'night.”
Joe woke up with Patrick still in his arms. Once they fully woke up, they discussed when to meet up with Pete for an actual band meeting, kissed a little more, and then Patrick left and they didn't talk about that night at all for the next week.
Joe supposed that it really was too good to be true, but, like, at least Patrick knew about how he actually felt. He really wanted to bring it back up, but, like… god, he really had no idea.
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