#imagine showinf him your favorite songs??? hed love them
fbfh · 2 years
[Warnings: mentions of anxiety/mild panic attack]
Thinking about how comforting Eddie is, especially if you're having anxiety. One look at you and he's pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you in the most secure reassuring hug.
"You feelin' panicky?" He asks softly. You nod, face on his shoulder, resting on the rough denim of his vest, taking in his scent. He hums in response. You're still breathing fast and shallow in spite of your best efforts to slow down, and he can feel your heart pounding like a rabbit against him. You cling tight onto him, and he holds you just as tight.
"Had a feeling. I can always tell when you're worried, peach."
He'll probably rock you a little, humming your favorite songs, pressing soft periodic kisses to the side of your head. After a while, however long it takes for your breathing to slow back down, he'll talk to you to gage how you're doing now. Once you're all the way calmed down, you better believe he's sticking to you like glue for the rest of the day, holding your hand and keeping you close, keeping an eye on you. There's no way he's letting his baby face that alone.
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