#imagine them calling it their son. this is uhhhh. we are definitely a functional relationship
kozzax · 2 years
For a few days now, I've been trying to figure out who in Double Life I think would fall victim to the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement. In case you don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of soulmate tropes and types like I do, here's a quick run-down of what the Goose is:
The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement is a relatively uncommon trope that typically comes alongside a more humorous soulmates one-shot. The specifics of it range from a goose enforcing soulmates that have denied their connection to the goose pushing them together being that connection, but the general premise remains the same for all of them: There is a goose, typically similar to the one from the Untitled Goose Game, who will annoy both you and your soulmate to hell and back until you get together or accept that you're soulmates. It cannot be killed, and it cannot be stopped. It is the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement.
Now, of course, when I remembered its existence a week or so ago I immediately started brainstorming on exactly which Double Life couple the Goose would appear for. The problem is that nearly every couple would be really entertaining with the Goose.
Divorce quartet would obviously have some really fun stuff with the denial of soulmates and the Goose being a nuisance over it. Team Rancher, on the other hand, wouldn't necessarily have to be annoyed by the Goose-- but they do generally have a bird theme in fanart, and white geese like the Soulmate Goose typically is are generally associated with farms and ranches.
Finally, though, I feel that I have determined exactly which pair should have the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement: Bigb and Ren.
It would be really funny, I think. The thing about Bigb and Ren is that for most of the series they're in denial about being a dysfunctional soulmate pair, which in turn would mean that the Goose wouldn't leave them alone. They'd just constantly be being harassed by the Goose of Soulmate Enforcement and neither of them is willing to tell the other that actually he's the reason the Goose is still around.
Also, even after they have their breakup in session three, the world itself demands they stay together and forces them together onto their red lives. This is very much the same sort of vibe that the Soulmate Goose has, though the Goose typically has more of a benevolent spin on it in which it just honks at you until you talk through your issues.
I just think that giving them the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement would be hilarious. Also I think Ren would try to chase it and that would be really funny too.
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