#look i think soulmate stories in which every bond has their own unique manifestation of that bond are the most interesting ones
kozzax · 2 years
For a few days now, I've been trying to figure out who in Double Life I think would fall victim to the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement. In case you don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of soulmate tropes and types like I do, here's a quick run-down of what the Goose is:
The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement is a relatively uncommon trope that typically comes alongside a more humorous soulmates one-shot. The specifics of it range from a goose enforcing soulmates that have denied their connection to the goose pushing them together being that connection, but the general premise remains the same for all of them: There is a goose, typically similar to the one from the Untitled Goose Game, who will annoy both you and your soulmate to hell and back until you get together or accept that you're soulmates. It cannot be killed, and it cannot be stopped. It is the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement.
Now, of course, when I remembered its existence a week or so ago I immediately started brainstorming on exactly which Double Life couple the Goose would appear for. The problem is that nearly every couple would be really entertaining with the Goose.
Divorce quartet would obviously have some really fun stuff with the denial of soulmates and the Goose being a nuisance over it. Team Rancher, on the other hand, wouldn't necessarily have to be annoyed by the Goose-- but they do generally have a bird theme in fanart, and white geese like the Soulmate Goose typically is are generally associated with farms and ranches.
Finally, though, I feel that I have determined exactly which pair should have the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement: Bigb and Ren.
It would be really funny, I think. The thing about Bigb and Ren is that for most of the series they're in denial about being a dysfunctional soulmate pair, which in turn would mean that the Goose wouldn't leave them alone. They'd just constantly be being harassed by the Goose of Soulmate Enforcement and neither of them is willing to tell the other that actually he's the reason the Goose is still around.
Also, even after they have their breakup in session three, the world itself demands they stay together and forces them together onto their red lives. This is very much the same sort of vibe that the Soulmate Goose has, though the Goose typically has more of a benevolent spin on it in which it just honks at you until you talk through your issues.
I just think that giving them the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement would be hilarious. Also I think Ren would try to chase it and that would be really funny too.
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Written on Your Heart - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 of my soulmates AU.
12-year-old Rose and 15-year-old James must find a way to navigate their budding relationship while not being allowed to meet until she is 18.
Fic masterlist
Sarah Jane Smith may be an award-winning investigative journalist, but Jackie Tyler was a self-proclaimed gossiping busybody, and therefore it didn’t take her much longer to snoop out that there was something different about her daughter.
Almost overnight, Rose changed.  Where Jackie’s bright, fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, almost naïve twelve-year-old had been was now a much more serious, hardworking girl.  All week she still spent time out with her friends after school, but she was now home before dinner, and diligently working on her homework until it was time to eat.  Rose was more thoughtful, more measured in what she said.  She’d always been polite without prompting, but it always seemed an afterthought – now, she seemed to make an effort to thank Jackie for everything, offering to do more around the flat and tell her she loved her.
Jackie’d bet every penny she had that there was a boy involved somehow, most likely a posh one who’d never seriously want anything to do with an Estate girl.
She’d noticed it that first weekend, but rather than have it out then, gave it the week, to watch Rose carefully and make notes of the changes.  The following Saturday, rather than going to Bev’s as usual, she sat at her own table, waiting patiently for her daughter to get up.  That was another suspicious thing – Rose had always needed to be practically dragged out of bed, but now when Jackie would knock Rose would almost instantly emerge, dressed for school and looking as though she’d been up for ages.
Therefore, she was only slightly surprised when Rose appeared, yawning, just after nine. “Morning, sweetheart.”  Jackie said, watching her daughter fix herself a cuppa.
“Morning.  Still here?”  Rose asked, slumping down into her usual chair.
“Yeah, seems like I haven’t seen you all week.  Thought we’d spend the day together, go window shopping maybe?”  She suggested as casually as she could.
Rose’s eyes narrowed slightly, but she shrugged and agreed easily.  “Yeah, all right.  Sounds good.”
“Good.  I’ll start breakfast, why don’t you talk to me while I do?”
Slowly at first, Rose started talking about how classes had gone that week, though she quickly built up to her usual enthusiasm.  Jackie noticed that rather than the usual stories about her friends and what happened during class, it was more about the classes themselves – what she was learning, what she thought about the subjects, and an altogether higher level of conversation.
Now Jackie was seriously worried.
“Anything you want to talk about?”  Jackie asked her daughter a few hours later as they wandered through the mall.  Rose had been chatty all morning, but not about anything Jackie deemed important – certainly nothing about what had caused the change in her.
Rose hesitated, playing with the wrist of her shirt.
“Go on, what is it?” Jackie encouraged, sure the girl was moments from spitting it out.
“Tell me about your soulmark?”  The innocent question knocked the breath out of Jackie’s lungs, and she heard a roaring in her ears.  Distantly, she registered the look on Rose’s face, which suggested that she was as surprised at the question as her mother was.
Swallowing a few times, Jackie managed to come back to reality, though she couldn’t stop herself from absentmindedly rubbing at the faint words just under her left collarbone.
Rose’s eyes were wide with worry, and she rushed to take it back before Jackie could even say anything. “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry!  I don’t know what I was thinking – you don’t have to answer if it’s too much.  I’m sorry!”  The girl bit her lip, watching her mother with troubled sorrow in her eyes.
“No, s’all right. You’ve a right to ask, after all.” She led her daughter over to an empty bench and sat down, patting the space next to her.  Like a little girl, Rose snuggled under Jackie’s arm, head resting against her shoulder as Jackie held her tightly.
“So, soulmarks.  As you know, every couple’s marks manifest differently.  My parents, for example, had each other’s names written on the backs of their necks. Your other grandparents, your dad’s parents, they were unable to see color until they met.  Your dad and I, we had the first words we’d ever say to each other under our collarbones, on the left side of our heart.”
She got lost in the memories, as if it was only yesterday Pete was still with her, and they would trace the first words to each other over and over, laughing about it all the while.
“And you knew, as soon as you found each other?”  Rose questioned, hesitant to bring her mother out of her trance but dying to know. Usually if she asked, Jackie would throw out a small detail then change the subject.  This was the first time she’d been so open about the subject personally, though she had no issues with gossiping about other bonded couples throughout the estate.
“We did.  Though, of course, we had some… unique words that don’t typically come up in normal conversation.”  Jackie said delicately, remembering the string of swears and insults her husband had written on him from an early age.  Needless to say, his mother had been none to impressed with the young Jackie Prentice.  She, meanwhile, had ‘dear God, you’re gorgeous’.
Rose only rolled her eyes, more than familiar with her mother’s habit of using less-than-proper language.
“Rose?”  Jackie wasn’t sure how, but she suddenly knew exactly what had happened to cause this change in her daughter.  “Did you meet your soulmate?”
Rose tensed, drawing back to stare at her mother’s chin.  “No?”
“Rose.  The truth please, sweetheart.  I won’t be mad.”  She promised, and Rose slowly looked up.
“Technically, we didn’t meet.”  Rose offered hesitantly.
“Wewriteonourskinandtheothercanseeit.”  Rose mumbled, blushing slightly.
“What was that?”
“We write on our skin and the other can see it.”  Rose repeated louder, unable to stop the smile from forming at the thought of James.
Jackie just blinked at her, fascinated.  “Really?” Jackie thought she’d heard of everything, but this was the first she’d heard of anyone actually being marked that way.
Rose nodded shyly.
“Okay.”  Despite having been somewhat prepared for the eventuality, Jackie’s still stunned.  She thought she’d have more time before losing her daughter to her soulmate, even if Rose couldn’t meet him for another six years.
“Mum?  All right?”  Rose asked, and Jackie managed a weak but genuine smile.
“Yeah, think so.  Tell me about them?”
Rose lit up like the sun.
“His name is James, and oh, Mum, he’s wonderful!  He’s so smart, and funny-” and she was off, babbling at a hundred miles an hour about this boy, though Jackie was quick to notice that she left out details such as how old he was and where he lived.  She let the girl go on, half listening to her words while the rest of her tried to process the concept.
Eventually, Rose ran out of breath and just looked at her mother, grinning happily at the thought of her James.
“Well, he sounds wonderful.” Jackie said.  “But I think you left out a few details – such as, how old is he and where does he live?”
Rose considered lying, but her mother had taken everything so far honestly better than expected, and decided to trust her.
“He lives in Ealing. And, um, he’s fifteen.”
Jackie’s heart stopped.
Barely managing to keep from losing it, she grin her teeth and said, “Fifteen.  That’s…” she struggled for a moment before settling on, “nice.”
Rose had a wry look on her face.  “We’ve already discussed we won’t try to meet until I’m 18, and he’s not asking anything too weird or personal.”
Jackie nodded slowly. “Can I see?”  She asked, raising an eyebrow when Rose hesitated.
“Um, okay.”  Rose thought for a moment, before digging out her pen and rolling up left sleeve.  Jackie could see traces of ink that hadn’t been washed away, and now understood why Rose’s sheets were so stained with the stuff.  The girl rotated her arm around, before settling on a patch of clean skin.  Looking up at her mother one more time, she took a deep breath and pressed the pen tip to her skin.
She got an immediate response.
Hi!  How’s shopping?
Good.  She paused, peeking up at Jackie to see her watching intently, expressionless.  My mum guessed.  She wanted to see.  She had a sudden, horrible thought that he might get mad, and not want her any more – true, he’d told his aunt, but he didn’t say she’d actually watched them talk. His answering message displaced most of those fears.
Hi, Rose’s mum!  I’m James. Nice to meet you, such as it is.
The two Tylers looked at the message for a few long moments, a hundred thoughts going through their minds. Impulsively, Rose offered the pen to Jackie.  “Want to say hello?”
Hesitantly, Jackie took the pen in one hand and her daughter’s arm in the other.  “Let me know if I press to hard.”  She told her, before carefully printing, Hello, James.
They waited with bated breath, but no response came.  Rose was just starting to think he’d gotten pulled away unexpectedly when writing appeared.
Rose?  Everything all right?
Yeah – why?
Well, just, I said hello, didn’t hear from you.  Was worried.
Rose blinked, staring at her mother’s writing in confusion.  James had practically written over it.
Mum said hi back – did you not see it?
No – where?
Rose carefully circled her mother’s writing.
That’s weird – there’s nothing in the circle.  Maybe it only works if it’s us writing?
Maybe.  Rose considered, looking up at her mother with a shrug.  “Sorry, looks like it only goes through if it’s us writing.”
Did you get that?   James asked, and Rose frowned.
Get what?
Smiley face.
Had Sarah try, she did the smiley face, and if you didn’t get it, that means only we can write?
Looks like.
That’s good?
We’ll never have to wonder if anything sent is genuine. Plus, my sister has a tendency to sneak into my room while I’m asleep and draw on my face.  Good to know that won’t go through to you – the humiliation of seeing it in the mirror when I wake up is enough.
I think I’m going to like your sister.
Probably.  She laughed when he included a frowny face, before suddenly remembering her mother was watching.
Um, talk later.
OK.  Lo Later.
Rose carefully rolled her sleeve down and tucked her pen away before looking up at her mother.
“What do you think?”
“I think… he seems like a very nice boy.  I’ve had enough of shopping, though – want to head home?  See if there’s a good movie on telly?”
Rose nodded, a little disappointed at her mother’s lackluster reaction.  Then again, she considered as they headed out, Jackie hadn’t forbidden them from communicating, and wasn’t throwing a fit.  She had to take what she could get.
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fakeasskpop · 7 years
AO3 Fic Rec
*** are personal favourites
The Adventures of BTS (Barely Trained Superheroes) by  blurrylines
Super Heroes Academy AU. Seven different boys each possess a unique Power, to be trained and controlled within the classrooms of the Academy. In a surprising turn of events, the unlikely group of boys must work together to overcome the greatest threat to their Academy and all they believe in.
large, extra cheese, extra sauce (extra you) by vminism
Taehyung starts everything by procrastinating. Even unhealthy crushes on the pizza delivery boy.
the engineers of a special kind of craft by peachguk
A merge of requests, but he likes ‘im anyway.
dream on you (dream on me) by jaqueenilini
In which Yoongi can't sleep and only Taehyung can help
Home (It's With You) by arabellarosebts
Bangtan gets the gift of going home for Christmas ~ Taehyung & Yoongi go back to Daegu
pick me up, buttercup by vppa
AU where your soulmate's first words to you will be tattooed on your wrist when you meet. Which freakin sucks, because Jungkook's forearm will now forever read "Hey baby, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first." What the fuck, universe.
whatta man (good man) by aeterisks
Out of all the kinds of blogs Jeon Jeongguk could have run, never in a million years Taehyung would have expected him to have a porn blog. (Or, Jeongguk runs a porn blog and Taehyung not so accidentally finds it.)
Be My Eyes by jxnghoseok
Blind au
***the moon and the stars (are nothing without you) bywowoashley
based off the prompt: "Taekook college AU! The college tour guide raved about the uni's friendly atmosphere and amicable student body, but wanted a high five from a cute student and all he got was a glare"
five fingers on it (hit it like you own it) by prkjimin
“it's nothing that bad, gukkie. i just want to be choked a little, maybe. pin me down, pull my hair, call me names. nothing too intense, but everyone's too delicate, or they just don't do it right.” taehyung complains and suddenly sitting so close feels like a bad idea to jeongguk.
Shameless by foolishbangtan
it started out as a simple gesture, a normal pat on the ass. neither of them anticipated this.
Let me Dream with the Stars by hippocrates (BlueCyanide)
Falling in love with Kim Taehyung is easy.
hide in you awhile by gentlestars
“Come on,” Jeongguk says, long fingers tangling up with Taehyung’s and he squeezes his hand. He motions with a simple nod of his head towards the bathroom door. “Come take a bath with me.”
Under The Rug by dehluxes
Taehyung didn’t know when all of it exactly started. Probably yesterday, when Jeongguk texted him about the date he attended and Taehyung knew he shouldn’t have felt envious of the fact but he still did. Or probably when he got in the basketball varsity and, the famous, Jeon Jeongguk smiled at him so genuinely while welcoming him to the team. Maybe not that, maybe it was the time when Jeongguk told him that he felt most comfortable with Taehyung than with anyone else in the team, that the bond between them was tight and healthy. If it’s not one of those three things, it could have possibly been the time when Jeongguk told him that Taehyung made him the happiest with the biggest smile on his face while looking at Taehyung so fondly.
I Missed You (Did You Miss Me Too?) by officialkth
Taehyung gets home from America, Jeongguk wonders if Taehyung is as happy to see him as he is to see Taehyung.
it was a big world (but we thought we were bigger) by  jhopeg
At the age of five, Jeongguk wanted to hate Taehyung. At the age of sixteen, Jeongguk wanted to kiss Taehyung. At the age of eighteen, Jeongguk really didn't know what he wanted. The story of two childhood friends slowly inching towards each other.
you're my favorite song by heytaetae
taehyung goes on to too many dates and jungkook can only wait
You been ridin' three-wheelers all your life (and I mean literally) by  chardonnay
Jeongguk is pretty damn sure that cycling isn't a life skill. Like what could you even do? He can probably run faster than Taehyung can ever pedal on his crackpot bike, but okay. Whatever he says.
fever chills by  cleo_withoutthepatra
"Taehyung looks down at the thermometer and feels his blood run cold and there it is - the moment you realize you've let things go on how they are for too long and now it's too late." or, alternatively: the one where jungkook works himself straight into sickness (per usual), only this time is different and the hyungs don't know what to do
***Taehyung's Currency by TaeAndKookies
The five times they kiss and the one time it means something.
before the tide by blushmark
Taehyung is full of great ideas, starting with convincing his bandmates to go on a beach vacation. Or: 5 times Taehyung doesn't act like a hyung and 1 time he does
***Hercules by GinForInk
Taehyung forgets his strength kink until Jungkook picks him up during a group project meeting.
love is a laserquest by sassyneki 
When Jeongguk's wet dreams turn into daydreams about his best friend—furniture shops, purple daisies, and all—he knows he's fucked.
Feel it Kicking in by  rix
Jeongguk and Taehyung are just riding it out together, getting high on waves and drugs and each other—platonically, of course.
hold me like i'm hope by jjks
“Uh,” he says eloquently, looking back at Taehyung. “Do you, like, want something?” “Nah, I’m just popping in,” Taehyung says, looking around the place again. Jeongguk stares at him in confusion. “Wh–” he starts to ask when he’s interrupted by Taehyung grinning at him. “Yeah, I’d like to schedule a time to get a tattoo.” “Of course he wants a fucking tattoo, dumbass, why do you think he’s here?” It’s Hoseok, and honestly that warrants another punch to the shoulder, but Jeongguk decides to play it nice. He’s a good boy. OR: let me present to you the most cliché trope of all, starring tattoo artist jeon jeongguk & florist kim taehyung.
***Laws of Attraction by whenflowersbloom 
Jin leaves to film Law of the Jungle. Yoongi shouldn’t be missing him that much, right? Right.
The Garden of Words by  miskeen 
just a lazy sunday afternoon with a pair of boyfriends
I could take you home (if you let me) by beeminie 
The issue about having a dog isn’t that it can be an absolute hell sometimes. The issue about having a dog like Jjanggu is that it’s always an absolute hell.
Yoonjin oneshots by baapsae
A collection of short yoonjin stories
***Cleaning House by itsdatrollmon
“Oh my god, that is it!” Seokjin bursts into the bathroom, where Hoseok is not-so-miserably cleaning the toilet because yeah, it’s the grossest chore in the entire dorm but if he doesn’t do it then who will (nobody, that’s who). -- In which Seokjin has had enough of being the 'mother-in-law' of the house, Yoongi has a lot of things he isn't saying, and Hoseok plays mediator.
Bed Space by troubleseason 
Sometimes comfort isn't just a place, it's a person.
I Dream in the Shape of Your Mouth by jonghyun
Seokjin spends a lot of time in the library. Now, Namjoon does too. Taemin tries to summon Satan, and Jimin is a fuckboy.
***all you need is love (and pink) by vppa
Most people only have one miniature angel or devil riding on their shoulders to serve as the physical manifestation of their conscience. Poor Namjoon has five, and they're all telling him the same thing: "fucking talk to him god dammit what the fuck is wrong with you"
Four Years by serenemelodies 
There’s slow and then there’s glacial.
***Beta Tau Sigma by bazooka
A collection of events occurring within (and without) the walls of the Beta Tau Sigma fraternity house. At Beta Tau Sigma, there are only a few rules: 1) have a declared major in the College of Music; 2) keep your GPA above a 3.4; 3) don't let Taehyung into the liquor cabinet; 4) don't fuck up with Kim Seokjin. The rest is all fine print.
Hyung, Let's Play A Game by Lindanele
Hoseok has always wanted Yoongi to look at him. Shame Yoongi is too busy looking at someone else. *Dope Era*
I'm Looking at the World in Your Eyes by infinitizeit 
Yoongi has been busy with work and Hoseok is more than patient and lovely as usual.
can you trust me? by minniemonnie 
Jungkook takes a deep breath, “ I t-think,” he curses himself for stuttering. “I think I’m gay.” Silence.
over time (i love you more) by heartbee4
Jungkook stopped signing in shock, staring at Yoongi, mouth slightly agape. Yoongi didn’t look away, refused to; he watched every expression that ran over Jungkook’s face – surprise, confusion, fondness, happiness, love. (or: Yoongi learns sign language to communicate with Jungkook).
***riding the wavelength by siderum  ONGOING
"i was asking jungkookie about how yoongi hyung and he could read each other's minds, and yoongi hyung was completely out of earshot, but when i said, 'is it dark in there?' hyung told me to shut up from the other side of the room. he wasn't even looking up from his phone" - park jimin
Window of Sin™ by yoooongi (Stellaluciano)
Yoongi expects a kid Jungkook is most certainly not a kid you can see where this is going
9 Benefits to Dating Min Yoongi by Haru207
On most days, Jungkook thinks to himself that there are definitely benefits to having Yoongi as a boyfriend. First. It means that it only took Jungkook nineteen years of living to discover that anime hair colours can actually look fashionable.
***You Stir up a McFlurry in My Heart by tau
Jungkook is completely and utterly screwed the moment he develops a crush on the voice behind the McDonald’s Drive Thru speaker.
No One But Me by Lindanele
Jungkook loved his boyfriend to death, but damn could Hoseok be oblivious. (aka Jungkook is a jealous boyfriend and Hoseok can’t take a hint)
Dancing on Quicksand by lethallergic
Who needs a functional relationship when you dig your step-sister's boyfriend? Not Taehyung.
it's your heart i wanna live (& sleep) in by knth
The first time Jimin sleeps over at Taehyung's, it's an emergency. The other times after? That's a different story.
our sinking friendships (we drown them all) by skateboardsound
Like most bad decisions, it could be traced back to cheap alcohol—the kind with a taste that clung to your tongue too long and gave you a hangover before the high was over. And like most bad decisions, it had also seemed like a great idea at the time.
for you, anything. by kadotas
in which Taehyung and Jimin navigate through married life together, realising belatedly that it’s not always smooth sailing.
***i do by skswriting
“Are you guys going on a date?” “We’re headed to the bridal show.” You and Taehyung go to a bridal show for the food and end up with more than you bargained for. In the best way possible. white lines, pretty baby by darkparadises (queenhinata)
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