#imagine ur me. age 12. you stopped bringing up su years ago even tho it consumes your every waking thought.
thatone-highlighter · 2 years
What’s ur favorite SU songs
The first song to come to mind is actually Be Wherever You Are. It seems like such a random song and def not one i see talked about much, im not even sure why i like it so much but its just one thats Stuck with me. I have such clear memories of singing it to myself every week when i walked to soccer training for at least a year. Its such a nice and and simple song with a lot of repetition, and while the repetition does make it s but hard to keep track of if you sing off the top of your head im never one to turn some down.
That said, while i would have to call Be Wherever You are my favourite there are still a good few that hold nice little places in my heart.
Love Like You has to get an acknowledgement, even to this day if im standing somewhere wasting time not listening to anything its the first song to pop into my head to hum, i have so many memories of walking around school, around shops, a soccer field, in a game and humming or singing it to myself. Around the time season 2 and maybe early season 3 i used to love to think about who the song could be sung by and sung at, because all the answers i could come up with none of them fit the lyrics perfectly.
Peace and Love because like, u mean come on its peace and love you can tell me anyone hates that song, it was also the first i learned to play fully on my ukulele. The song is lovely and it shows up in a nice place during peridots arc, whats there not to like. Oh yeah and because Steven actually plays his uke on screen at the start it was the song that made me realise they accurately animate his hands to the chords hes playing. I dont know guitar or piano chords well enough to be able to say anything about a few other songs where they diegetically play the instrument but i thought that was a nifty little detail
Tower Of Mistakes id like to mention as well. Il always a sucker for songs with amethyst in them, and ToM is actually Amethyst‘s only solo song, every other time she sings(on the run, extended intro, peace and love, for just one day, no matter what, happily ever after) theres st least one other person (usually steven) singing with her in the song as well
There are only a few songs on the SU soundtrack i dont really like (Sorry but the Sadie Killer and the Suspects songs arent really for me) but those ones id say are at the top of my list uwu
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