imfbigbang · 5 years
Thank you, everyone!
This post is really late. We’re so sorry ^^;; Both us mods have been insanely caught up with our internships so we apologize. 
Thank you to everyone who participated! Even if you ended up dropping out, we sincerely hope to see you back again next time! 
We’re extremely grateful for every person that cheered this little challenge on and helped promote it! We really hope to keep this a yearly event, so we hope to see you again next year! 
Considering how small our fandom is, we were so thrilled to see that people participated and seemed to have fun! 
We do realize things were a little rocky and spotty considering the running of the challenge and the change in schedules, etc. We’ll do our best to make it more organized as we get better at running this challenge. 
In lieu of that, if there are any suggestions you would like to make, any feedback you would like us to consider for next year, please do let us know! This is a collaborative effort. This challenge wouldn’t exist without our participants and supporters. If you have any ideas, any constructive criticisms for how we can improve the running of this Big Bang for the upcoming years, please feel free to head on over to our ask box or email us at [email protected] 
Once again, we are so grateful and thankful to everyone that cheered this little project on! 
See you next year! 
Your mods, 
Remy and Sanj 
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