intrasol · 4 months
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t1003x · 1 year
zippo ライター オイル ジッポライター Banksy バンクシー 刻印 ZIPPO 200 200番 ? zippo ライター オイル ジッポライター Banksy バンクシー 刻印 ZIPPO 200 200番 ジッポー ライター レーザー 喫煙具 タバコ 煙草 石 グッズ 防災グッズ 地震対策 ギフト プレゼント 【【 詳細は → 】】 【【 詳細は → 楽天市場をCheck!! 】】
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adjetehninja · 6 years
Russian massacre #bf1 #battlefield1 #lmg #wrecked #whitearmy #russiancivilwar #russian #ww1 #worldwar1 #gaming #xbox #xboxone #videogames #ea #img08/18loweight
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aeiiiou · 6 years
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https://twitter.com/CLAMP_news/status/1011808193394061312?s=20 https://twitter.com/CLAMP_news/status/1012860987978887169?s=20 https://twitter.com/CLAMP_news/status/1013974141668429824?s=20 https://twitter.com/CLAMP_news/status/1016238745878552581?s=20 https://twitter.com/CLAMP_news/status/1021546328919224320?s=20 https://www.facebook.com/saikoku33.1300/ https://www.saikoku33-1300years.jp/children/ https://www.saikoku33-1300years.jp/children/img/img05-l.jpg https://www.saikoku33-1300years.jp/children/img/img06-l.jpg https://www.saikoku33-1300years.jp/children/img/img07-l.jpg https://www.saikoku33-1300years.jp/children/img/img08-l.jpg https://www.saikoku33-1300years.jp/children/img/img09-l.jpg
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Futility Valued
Self indulgent little thing that reminds me that it's okay to fuck up every once in a while. Even if going through the motions if said fuckup hurt like hell.
Main Characters:
http://www.sobi.org/photos/Cat/Malta/MalteseCat_148.jpg. (Paleheart)
http://img15.deviantart.net/ae26/i/2013/244/d/d/fluffy_commission_by_gato_iberico-d6knfvt.png.  (Mapletail)
http://img08.deviantart.net/ba2e/i/2008/239/3/0/eyes_like_heaven_by_tuja.jpg    (Snowfrost)
http://img07.deviantart.net/d027/i/2011/123/0/b/crowfeather_by_zann_taggerung-d3fiowj.png. (Northstar- this color fur with white paws, ears, chest)
The pale grey she-cat crept forward, focus solely on her prey. The squirrel was huge, and would make a great meal for the elders.  "Snowfrost?" A familiar voice meowed curiously. She hissed quietly, but the squirrel had already noticed her. She lunged for the creature once, twice, three times before-
"Watch out!" Paleheart yowled, but it was too late. Snowfrost smacked head-first into the tree that the squirrel had raced halfway up, and seeing that, the determined she-cat began to climb. The squirrel chittered happily, and if she didn't know any better, she'd say it was mocking her. When she finally made it to the branch the squirrel was on, the dumb rodent was back on the ground and mocking her again! She let out a battle yowl and leapt for the ground, claws unsheathed. The squirrel squeaked and raced... right into Paleheart's paws. The light brown tom laughed as he held the dead rodent out to his friend.
"Don't worry, Snow, we'll say you caught it, now let's head back to camp and get you looked at. You probably hit your head."
"But I didn't! You did, and when the others find out what happened, even the elders will laugh me out of the forest!"
"Aw, Snow..."
"For once, I just want to catch a piece of prey without messing up! I want to be able to fight Talonheart and know that he's not going easy on me! I don't want to be another mouth to feed, Paleheart, I want to defend my Clan!" Snowfrost growled, panting as they limped slowly to camp. Paleheart sighed. They had this discussion every time something went wrong, and that happened a lot. There wasn't anything wrong with Snowfrost in the physical sense. She was a healthy young she-cat who would make some tom extremely happy if she ever had kits, but she saw the world differently, didn't always understand the way things were done and most times had to be reminded to do certain things. If they pertained to her interests, however, you couldn't get her to stop for all the world. She was currently in a slump brought on by a series of unfortunate events that all involved her messing up the simple things, even when she was doing her best not to disrupt Clan life. Especially the harder she tried. Snowfrost limped into camp, leaning heavily on Paleheart, not much to anyone's surprise.
"Nice catch, guys." The deputy, Mapletail, offered cheerfully from the Highledge.
"Paleheart's catch." The light grey she-cat scowled as she headed for her nest.
"Wait!" Mapletail yelped, taking note of her injuries. "Where are you going? You have to get to the medicine den!" The tortoiseshell exclaimed as she scrambled down the boulder path that led from the leader's den to the rest of the camp.
"I'm fine!" Snowfrost snarled. "Frostmint and Scarletpaw don't need to bother with me."
"But you're not fine!" Paleheart snapped. "And that's exactly what they train for!"
"SNOWFROST!" Frostmint stormed out of the medicine den and caught sight of the pale grey warrior. "You get your sorry tail into my den right now! Or I'll order Northstar to keep you in camp for the rest of the moon!"
"Like he won't do that anyway!" The injured she-cat spat back, racing for the camp entrance. Paleheart beat her to it and blocked the way, mirroring her every time she tried to get around him. Finally, she went straight for an attack and he barely dodged in time. She yowled as he stomped his paw on her tail in a last effort, and she tumbled to the ground. He bundled her back into camp and toward the medicine den, nodding as she cursed him to StarClan and beyond. By now, most of the Clan was outside, wondering what exactly happened to the warrior this time.
"You've just made yourself worse, y'know.' He said as he led her to a nest in the medicine den.
"Should've just let me go. Not like it'd make a difference."
"I'm not leaving you out on your own, Snow. Not ever, and especially not at night."
"Why, because I'm useless?"
"I bet I'd be dead in the morning." She scoffed airily.
"Exactly!" Paleheart roared, leaping to his paws. His claws were unsheathed and his fur ruffled, eyes wide with panic. He loomed over his friend and she shrank back in her nest. "You think I'd waste all the time I spent looking after you just to let you go off and get yourself killed five heartbeats later?! Not happening, Snowfrost. I'm your friend. Friends don't let each other go off and get hurt just because they're feeling down." Paleheart explained. "Tell you what, if we haven't scared off all the prey, you can try again later, we'll do a hunting patrol. I'm sure you'll catch something."
"Right. Good luck with that."
"You should go find Kinkpelt. She usually cheers you up, right? Just go."
"Get out!" The injured she-cat snapped. Once her friend was out of sight, Snowfrost sighed and flopped into her nest. That turned out to be a mistake, she thought as she groaned.
"I would give you a poppy seed, but we have to see what's wrong first." Scarletpaw offered.
"Sure." Snowfrost growled, flicking her limp tail. "Whatever... How am I supposed to be a warrior if I can't hunt or fight? I'm not good with herbs either. I'd probably poison some cat sooner than heal them. Honestly, I'm kinda hopeless and I have no clue what Paleheart's going on about. He doesn't have to follow every pawstep I take. I'm not fragile." She scowled. "Just a screw-up."
"He does that because he cares, Snowfrost." Frostmint offered.
"Well if he paid Kinkpelt half as much attention as he does me then maybe she wouldn't act like she's got ants in her pelt."
"Their problems are theirs to work through, just as you have yours."
"He shouldn't be neglecting his mate just because I can't catch a squirrel."
"You don't know what they do when you're not around, no matter how much you think you are. They have their business and you have yours. If you want to know so badly, ask Kinkpelt yourself."
"I just want to make sure she doesn't hate me."
"I doubt she hates you, Snowfrost. In fact, it's probably the exact opposite. Whatever she feels, she'll tell you if she thinks you're a problem. Now be still and let me splint your leg. Scarletpaw, fetch a stick and some rush-weed binds so we can straighten these bones before they heal crookedly." _______________________________________________
Mapletail paced across the leader's den, tail flicking anxiously as she turned every few pawsteps. Northstar looked as anxious as she felt, though the dark blue, white-pawed tom didn't show as much.
"I just don't know what you want me to do, Mapletail. She's a warrior, yes, but she brings in no prey, can't fight to save her life, even when it might actually save her life... I want her to succeed just as much as you do, but I can't stalk her every pawstep. Snowfrost has to find her own way, and I'm confident that she can do it standing on her own four paws. You heard Paleheart, she jumped out of a tree to catch a squirrel for the elders. If she'd done anymore then she'd have chased it all the way to camp!" Northstar purred, pride shining in his eyes. "I don't think smothering her is going to help her get better, but she does need to heal. Who knows, maybe Kinkpelt can talk some sense into Paleheart, make him take a few steps back and realize that enabling her isn't the answer."
"Then what is?!" The tortoiseshell deputy snarled, stopping suddenly and leaning forward to glare at her leader. "She's not useless, Northstar! Just different. There has to be a place for her here!"
"Who said there isn't?" Northstar asked, eyes widening in question. "I'm not letting her leave us, I could never-." He cut himself off before he said too much. "She has a place with us, where she belongs, in ThunderClan, no matter what anyone else thinks."
"So," Mapletail snickered. "How long do you think you can hold out before you crack and tell her what you really think of her, hmm?"
"No." The dark blue leader growled, voice flat. "I'm not what she needs right now, and I can control myself. Stop prying and go bother Viperclaw."
"Whatever you say, fearless leader." Mapletail purred sweetly. "Tell her soon, or I'll do it for you. Bet you'll be embarrassed then." _______________________________________________
Kinkpelt came to visit her a few days later, in the afternoon. She was getting better, the splint was working and her head was checked every few hours. She healed quickly, for some reason, and she had never been one to let life slow her down, even when it tried its best.
"I want to know why you sent him away." The tan, ever-ruffled she-cat meowed upon sight of her mate's best friend. "He just wants to help you."
"If he smothered you the way he smothered me it'd be a different story." Snowfrost grumbled. "It's bad enough I can't do much, but he's my only friend, and he pities me! It's ridiculous!" The grey cripple snapped. "I don't want to be pitied, I want to be respected, like you and Mapletail. I want to earn my way in the Clan like the rest of you, but I get the feeling it'll be a while, if my leg has anything to say about it."
"Well, you did jump out of a tree..." Kinkpelt offered, mirth shining in her sympathetic gaze. "That tends to hurt."
"Paleheart didn't tell you the full story, did he?"
"Apparently not. What really happened?"
"I almost had it, but he shocked me out of my fur and scared the squirrel up a tree. So I climbed up, and it just sits there, staring at me like some kind of maniac!"
"Wait, the squirrel was mocking you?" Kinkpelt laughed. Snowfrost snickered along, glad that she got the reaction she was going for.
"Exactly! So I chased it down and it ran right into Paleheart's paws."
"I think I know what your problem is, Snowfrost." Kinkpelt offered slowly, as if something had just occurred to her. Snowfrost stiffened.
"What?" She growled, incredulous.
"It's rare, because cats are hunters by nature, and we live in the forest, but it's bound to happen. Not everyone can be the same." The tan she-cat meowed quickly, voice reassuring.
"What? What is it?" Snowfrost pleaded.
"I don't think you can kill things." Snowfrost narrowed her eyes and made to speak, but Kinkpelt beat her to it. "Please, just hear me out!" Snowfrost nodded and flicked her tail for the tan she-cat to go on. "You might not think about it, but something stops you everytime you try to catch prey, and you don't hurt anyone too badly in battle."
"So... I'm not a proper cat? No wonder I can never be a warrior." Snowfrost scowled.
"Of course you're a cat, silly! There are other ways to serve the Clan. You can talk to Northstar and Mapletail about having a partner on patrols, because you're really good at sniffing out prey. You just can't catch it, right? Something always stops you, doesn't it?"
"Yeah... that's true."
"And we never do mean to kill in battle, but you can still score a few hits. I've seen your fighting style. It's mostly defensive, but you still use your claws. You're not as fast, but you're pretty good at being determined. Use that to your advantage instead of letting it stress you out." Kinkpelt offered.
"Thanks... I need to find Northstar. I think you're on to something. Say, where'd you figure that out anyway?"
"My father knew a cat like that. Name was Darkclaw. Spent his whole life in the medicine den, because they didn't know what was wrong with him. Stormwing knew, though, and he told me that if I ever came across a cat like Darkclaw, I should give them the chance he never got. You're rare, Snowfrost, and you should be proud of that. There are ways around killing things. We're your Clan. We can help you if you let us. Isn't that what Clan life is?"
"Yeah... Thanks, Kinkpelt."
Northstar jerked awake when something tapped his flank half a moon later.
"Great StarClan, Snowfrost, don't do that!" He yowled, scrambling to his paws unseeingly.
"How'd you know it was me?" The pale grey warrior asked curiously. Northstar licked his chest fur, embarrassed as he realized that the object of his affections was actually in his den. "You're fearless." He deadpanned. "Any other cat would call out before they enter my den. Probably scared I'd scratch their face off."
"Well you won't. I talked to Kinkpelt a while ago, and she thinks she knows what my problem is."
"Go on." Northstar mused, interested. No one had ever given an idea as to why they thought Snowfrost was so different, so he was curious as to what Kinkpelt knew that the rest might not. When Snowfrost finished about her talk with Kinkpelt, it took everything Northstar had not to yowl his heart out. The fact that this had happened before meant that it truly did exist. It wasn't just Snowfrost, and even if it was, this wasn't a problem.
"So you're a kit a heart?" The blue and white tom purred mischievously.
"I wouldn't say in every aspect." Snowfrost offered thoughtfully. "I just... literally can't do it, no matter how much I want to catch prey or go into battle by myself."
"First of all, you'll never be alone in battle. Someone will always be there to back you up, and even if it's not one of us, StarClan has our backs. They won't let you be alone."
"At least in battle."
"At least in battle." The leader repeated. If it were up to him, he would never want to leave her alone, but she had to be her own cat and she couldn't do that if someone stalked her every other pawstep.
Snowfrost watched as her leader went from joyful to determined, and it confused her. Why was he so cautious of her? He knew she would be alright, didn't he? She bumped her muzzle against his to get his attention. He jolted and glanced up at her, confusion and hope warring in his gaze.
"What's wrong?" She'd seen that look before, when Paleheart agonized over Kinkpelt, before she asked him to be her mate because he was a scaredy-mouse and Snowfrost asked her to just make it stop! The mooning was agonizing and-... Understanding lit her gaze and she smirked.
"I know what's wrong with you." She snickered playfully, thwaping his nose with her tail. "You're mooning over someone. There aren't many she-cats in our Clan that aren't already taken. I was wondering if it was Mapletail you had a crush on when you first became a warrior, because you were the same age, but then she paired up with Viperclaw and you seemed happy for her, so it's not her. Kinkpelt is with Paleheart and you haven't shown any interest with her... We don't really have a lot of she-cats, do we? There's Scarletpaw and her sisters? But Scarletpaw is a medicine cat and the other two have probably got their own crushes." Snowfrost snorted. "You're not in love with one of them, though, are you? You'd fall in love with an apprentice?"
Northstar fought the urge to wail and lowered his head to his paws, ears flat.
"I did once." He muttered, and it came out strangled.
"What happened to her?"
"She grew up."
That got Snowfrost thinking. ThunderClan has been pretty small lately, compared to the stories the elders tell. She and Kinkpelt were the only female apprentices, alongside Paleheart, but she knew right away that she and Paleheart would be the best of friends, because he was clearly mooning over Kinkpelt. It was hilarious, watching them dance around each other. But she'd always admired Northstar, then Northheart, for his unwavering determination and his ability to be so kind to everyone he met, even if they were enemies or useless, like her. Apparently he felt the same way about her.
"Okay, let's go." She insisted. "Up, North, we're going for a walk. You've got some explaining to do." She snorted, pushing into his side with her muzzle so that he rolled over and yowled in surprise.
"No, seriously, get up. We're getting out of camp, you're going to tell me how long you've had this crush, and then we'll go from there. But I need to get out of camp because I'm gonna go crazy if I don't, and you're going to be my escort. So get up and come with me or I'll get Mapletail to make you."
"You can't-!"
"Watch me." Snowfrost purred mischievously. "You know she'd be more than happy to."
Snowfrost loped over to the den entrance and opened her mouth. Northstar shot to his paws.
"Okay! Let's go." He meowed frantically. "Just don't call Mapletail."
"She already sees me." Snowfrost snickered as she prowled down the Highledge and headed for the entrance. Northstar rolled his eyes and padded after her. Mapletail whooped for joy and pranced back to the warriors den. Clearly her work was done.
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purpelwing · 7 years
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(via silodon_saber_tooth_cat_by_wrelm-d2k3ms9.jpg (900×579))
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rakugakineru · 7 years
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Quería dibujar a Ruki con su trajecito nuevo :c ♡. Acá hay calideishon: http://img08.deviantart.net/8b67/i/2017/058/8/b/ruki_15th_anniversary_by_cerulean_lilim-db0my5d.jpg #doodle #digitalart #chibistyle #vkei #visualart #japanese #ruki #takanorimatsumoto #Vocal #thegazette #RukiTG #jrock #Visualkei #15th #anniversary
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bbp4bonnzai · 7 years
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gpsdanoticia · 5 years
Huawei adia lançamento do dobrável Mate X para outubro
Huawei adia lançamento do dobrável Mate X para outubro
Em fevereiro, a Huawei anunciou seu primeiro smartphones dobrável – o Mate X. O dispositivo estava programado inicialmente para chegar até o final deste mês, mas depois várias situações surgiram que obrigaram a repensar a estratégia. Primeiro, o bloqueio dos EUA à marca, depois também os vários problemas que surgiram com o Galaxy Fold e que também fez com que a Samsung tivesse de adiar o…
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theroomdowntown · 6 years
Photos From the Nationwide “Families Belong Together” Marches
More photos and information about the studio at www.theroomdowntown.com
  Across the country yesterday, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in small towns and big cities to march and voice their opposition to the Trump administration’s immigration policies. Demonstrators in more than 700 locations called for the swift reunification of immigrant families separated by border agencies, and an end to the policies that cause so many separations. Collected here, photos from Indianapolis, Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, Chicago, Salt Lake City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and more.
HINTS: View this page full screen. Skip to the next and previous photo by typing j/k or ←/→.
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Immigration activists march toward the U.S. Capitol to protest the Trump Administration’s immigration policy in Washington, D.C., on June 30, 2018. #
Joshua Roberts / Reuters
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A woman attends a protest outside the Metropolitan Detention Center, after marching to decry Trump administration immigration and refugee policies on June 30, 2018, in Los Angeles, California. #
David McNew / Getty
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An aerial view of the demonstrators at “Families Belong Together—Freedom for Immigrants March Los Angeles” at Los Angeles City Hall on June 30, 2018, in Los Angeles, California. #
Emma McIntyre / Getty for Families Belong Together LA
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Walden Paige, of Marshalltown, Iowa, center, looks on during a rally to protest the Trump administration’s immigration policies on June 30, 2018, outside the Marshall County Courthouse in Marshalltown. #
Charlie Neibergall / AP
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Young children hold hands during a rally to protest the Trump administration’s immigration policies outside the Marshall County Courthouse in Marshalltown, Iowa, on June 30, 2018. #
Charlie Neibergall / AP
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Jonathan Reed of Silver Spring, Maryland, holds up a sign as he stands in a spray of water from a fire truck during rally by immigration activists to protest against the Trump Administration’s immigration policy outside the White House in Washington, D.C., on June 30, 2018. #
Joshua Roberts / Reuters
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Activists march to protest the Trump administration’s approach to illegal border crossings and separation of children from immigrant parents, on June 30, 2018, in Washington, D.C. #
Alex Brandon / AP
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Immigration activists gather during a rally outside the White House on June 30, 2018. #
Joshua Roberts / Reuters
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Activists march past the White House to protest the Trump administration’s immigration policies on June 30, 2018. #
Alex Brandon / AP
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An activist places a sign on the doors of the Department of Justice during a protest march on June 30, 2018, in Washington, D.C. #
Alex Brandon / AP
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Outside the U.S Embassy in Mexico City, Mexico, demonstrators take part in a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump administration’s immigration policies on June 30, 2018. #
Daniel Becerril / Reuters
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Outside the U.S Embassy in Mexico City, Mexico, demonstrators protest against U.S. immigration policies on June 30, 2018. #
Daniel Becerril / Reuters
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In Portland, Maine, about 2,000 people protest Trump administration immigration policies outside City Hall on June 30, 2018. #
David Sharp / AP
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A woman takes part in a protest against U.S. immigration policies separating migrant families in Chicago on June 30, 2018. #
Jim Young / AFP / Getty
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Demonstrators protest against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Trump administration’s immigration policies on June 30, 2018, in Chicago, Illinois. #
Joshua Lott / Getty
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Demonstrators protest against Trump administration immigration policies at Daley Plaza in Chicago, Illinois, on June 30, 2018. #
Joshua Lott / Getty
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A woman takes part in a protest against the US immigration policies separating migrant families in Chicago on June 30, 2018. #
Jim Young / AFP / Getty
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Protesters rally against President Trump’s immigrant family separation policies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 30, 2018. #
Dominick Reuter / AFP / Getty
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Protesters gather near a U.S. Customs and Border Protection station to speak out against immigration policy in McAllen, Texas, on June 30, 2018. #
Eric Gay / AP
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Homeland Security police officers watch over protesters at the Paso Del Norte port of entry, an international bridge connecting Juarez, Mexico in downtown El Paso, Texas, on June 30, 2018. #
Julio-César Chávez / Reuters
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Demonstrators rally against the Trump administration’s immigration policies outside of the Texas Capitol in Austin, Texas, on June 30, 2018. #
Tamir Kalifa / Getty
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A sign lampoons U.S. first lady Melania Trump’s “I don’t really care, do u?” jacket worn on a recent border visit, as protesters approach the international bridge, during a protest march in downtown El Paso, Texas, on June 30, 2018. #
Julio-César Chávez / Reuters
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In Salt Lake City, Utah, activists hold signs during a rally to protest the Trump administration’s immigration policies on June 30, 2018. #
Rick Bowmer / AP
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Demonstrators carry signs during the “Families Belong Together” rally in Boston, Massachusetts, on June 30, 2018. #
Brian Snyder / Reuters
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A crowd gathers on Boston Common during the “Rally Against Separation” in Boston, Massachusetts, on June 30, 2018. #
Winslow Townson / AP
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In Indianapolis, Indiana, an activist holds a sign during a protest of the Trump administration’s approach to illegal border crossings and separation of children from immigrant parents at the Statehouse, on June 30, 2018. #
Darron Cummings / AP
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In downtown Denver, Colorado, Brenda Villa, left, comforts her 11-year-old daughter, Kathryn, after speaking during an immigration rally and protest in Civic Center Park on June 30, 2018. The protest was one of hundreds staged nationwide that has brought liberal activists, parents and first-time protesters—motivated by accounts of children separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border—to press President Donald Trump to reunite families quickly. #
David Zalubowski / AP
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Protesters wave placards during an immigration rally and protest in Civic Center Park on June 30, 2018, in downtown Denver. #
David Zalubowski / AP
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Demonstrators cross the Brooklyn Bridge during a march against the separation of immigrant families, on June 30, 2018 in New York. #
Eduardo Munoz Alvarez / AFP / Getty
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Activists hold protest signs during a rally against the Trump administration’s immigration policies on June 30, 2018, in New York City. #
Kevin Hagen / AP
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Demonstrators participate in “Keep Families Together” march to protest Trump administration’s immigration policies in Manhattan, New York, on June 30, 2018. #
The post Photos From the Nationwide “Families Belong Together” Marches appeared first on The Room Downtown.
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mundotecnologico · 7 years
Windows 10: Microsoft Revela Mudanças Para A Fall's Update
Windows 10: Microsoft Revela Mudanças Para A Fall’s Update
Nesta quinta-feira, a Microsoft começou a oferecer a nova Build (16215) das provas da atualização Fall’s Update do Windows 10 — já entregue aos membros do Windows Insider que fazem parte de Fast Ring. E como muitos já esperavam, há algumas novidades muito interessantes neste novo release. Como aponta o The Verge, uma das maiores mudanças está localizado no Centro de atividades e Notificações —…
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t1003x · 1 year
zippo ライター オイル ジッポライター Banksy バンクシー 刻印 ZIPPO 200 200番 ? zippo ライター オイル ジッポライター Banksy バンクシー 刻印 ZIPPO 200 200番 ジッポー ライター レーザー 喫煙具 タバコ 煙草 石 グッズ 防災グッズ 地震対策 ギフト プレゼント 【【 詳細は → 】】 【【 詳細は → 楽天市場をCheck!! 】】
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coisasinteressates · 7 years
Avistamentos Do Impróprios Em Chicago Podem Ser Um Alerta, Diz Especialista
Avistamentos Do Impróprios Em Chicago Podem Ser Um Alerta, Diz Especialista
O OVNI Hoje está seguindo atentamente as alegações de uma suposta criatura conhecida como Impróprios (Homem Mariposa) na cidade de Chicago, já que quando houve uma série de avistamentos semelhantes na cidade de Point Pleasant, no estado da Virgínia Ocidental (EUA), e tudo culminou com uma catástrofe (Detalhes sobre o evento de Pleasant Point aqui. Artigos anteriores sobre Chicago, aqui, aqui e…
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monarchwritesstuff · 7 years
A delightful work of fanart for One Plus One Equals Three
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rbrittes · 7 years
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purpelwing · 7 years
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(via crow_tattoo_design_by_ragnarulf-d8i8z7m.jpg (1024×724))
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