#imhertwin rp
imhertwin · 4 months
“I don’t like this…” Wanda sighs. She’s sitting next to her brother in the back of the transport vehicle.
“Just because Stark thinks he knows these people…” she trails off. Knowing she doesn’t need to finish her thought.
“Though I suppose we could run…” she fidgets with one of her bracelets.
“What do you think?”
Pietro sat leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. His mind raced only slowing down when Wanda spoke. He glanced back at his sister, "We could run but we have no place to run to." He said with a sad smile.
And it was true, they were orphans from a country that no longer existed. Sakovia had been destroyed by Ultron. He had thought that they had a home with the Avengers yet they had shipped them away as well.
They had told the twins that needed to get a proper education. They said they needed to be with others their age. As far as Pietro was concerned though the Avengers were just like everyone else in their lives. Used them for a purpose and then tossed them out when they no longer needed them.
Sitting up Pietro put an arm around Wanda and pulled her into his side. While he hated that they were being shipped out, he knew this was their only choice right now. "I say we try this place, and if worse comes worse I can find a job easy enough."
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endlessxrealities · 3 years
Chaos. That’s the first word that would come to mind if you’d asked Lauren what the last few hours had been like.
The headache remained, even now, hours later; finally exiting the room in which she’d just stood over a body with at least a dozen bullets embedded within; essentially having just played a very REAL game of hands-free operation, in which if you hit the edges when extracting the oddity from the patient, you don’t just get a buzzer going off.
When being brought into SHIELD because of her abilities of physical manipulation, she didn’t exactly think her first real mission would be to extract lead from someone whose body was going to simultaneously try to heal itself before it was safe to do so.
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I can officially say I’ve had to telekinetically force someone’s inner tissues apart, while also telekinetically yanking out a heavy bullet from their spleen. Lauren thought. That’ll be a story to share with dad.
A bruised and a bit dirty woman clad in a rather stylish black and red outfit hurried down the hall towards the room Lauren had just exited - no doubt this was the sister she’d overheard an agent mention. Maximoff Twins, if she’d heard correctly. The two women didn’t exchange any words, as the former turned into the room the latter had just left - heading out to go find and talk to Fury.
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imherpuddin · 4 years
Hiatus Update
I am SLOWLY getting back into Rping
For those of you who do not know. In July 2020 my husband and I lost our son. There were complications while I was in labor. The last 2 years have been alot of up and downs.
I am starting to feel like me again.
Slowly I plan to get more of my muses active.
I get over whelmed easily now (even though I try really hard not to) so of we start an RP I'm sorry if I don't respond right away.
When I feel more comfortable I will update this.
@imherpuddin – Suicide Squad – Joker
@imhertwin – MCU – Pietro Maximoff
@thefirstknightofren – Start Wars – Kylo Ren
@visionofthemindstone – MCU – Vision
@crownedprincessofgotham – DC – Lucy Quinzel
@drydenvosofthecrimsondawn – Star Wars – Dryden Vos
@worest-vampire-ever – OC – Beth
@thranduilelvenkingofmirkwood – The Hobbit – Thranduil
@imherknight – Code Geass – Gilbert G.P Guilford
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imhertwin · 4 years
⚡New Beginnings ⚡ 《Closed RP》
Pietro hated waiting, but since being shot thats all he had been doing. Waiting...
Waiting to heal. Waiting for Doctors, and physical therapist. Waiting on meals and waiting on visitors.
He hated waiting. Maybe it was because of his powers, and his inability to sit still for to long. Sitting still made him nervous, but what kicked that nervousness into over drive was being away from his sister.
He knew she was ok, he had seen her a few times since waking up. But where she was staying at the moment he didn't know. She hadn't been aloud to stay with him, something about visiting hours. And him needing to rest.
Lost in thought Pietro's good leg started tapping on the fake wooden base board of his bed making it rattle as his tapping sped up to the point his whole bed was shaking.
He hated waiting on others, even more so he hated waiting for visiting hours.
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imhertwin · 4 years
You wpuld think that growing up on the streets of Sokovia would have taught the silver haired man a thing or two about about working outside in the elements. But no, he insisted that he was ok with just a light jacket as they fixed a broken hanger gate in the sleeting rain.
Of course that wouldn't have been so bad if he had listened to his smarter half and gotten out of his wet clothes and into a hot shower. He had ignored her though and instead had fallen asleep on one of the community couches.
He woke up a few hours feeling like his head was going to explode, his arms and legs felt light lead. A shiver ran down his spine and he rolled over curling up as he tried to get warm. When tossing and turning on the couch did nothing he decided that he should go to his room.
He tried to run but he maybe made it a few steps before to stumbled to the floor. Groaning he tried again but he could muster the coordination so he settled on stumbling down the hall to the living quarters.
Pietro counted the doors, his was the 4th...no the 3rd...wait was his door the 3rd or 4th? Better yet which door belonged to Wanda or another responsible adult?
"The brown door was her's" he thought not realizing that all the doors in the living quarters were brown. So he found the closest brown door and tapped on it as he rested his head on the cool material.
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