#immobiliter / giselle .
reddhaed · 1 year
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“I need you so much closer.” ( from giselle! )
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it had been sometime since she has been home, and even though her travels left sera a particular brand of exhausted she couldn't help herself, immediately going to giselle, wrapping her arms around her. delicately, soft. reserved for the light of her life, her partner. oh. something so divine. and giselle always held the truth for sera, her words made so much sense. surely, giselle needed her to be closer. and that was it. what sera needed. "oh mon amour-" it was difficult to see in the moment why the mere idea of leaving and running off to far away places would even cross sera's mind in the first place, she then frames giselle's face in her hand "-i've missed you dearly, i am the one who needs you much closer." it's meant to be teasing, but it feels a little too close to the truth. peppers chaste kisses along her cheeks, the corner of her lips. has her giggling, like it's a silly thing. it's not. it's everything. smiles against giselle lips. "you have to tell me everything that's happened." she says between kisses, before moving back slightly. a soft smile on her face. "-please? i have absolutely missed the sound of your voice...among other things."
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The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
        okay there are a lot so I’m just gonna name the primary/main muses that I write across my two blogs lmfao. literally anyone who isn’t Jack can be found over at @immobiliter
Captain Jack Sparrow ( POTC )
Anamaria ( POTC )
Diana of Themyscira / Wonder Woman ( DC )
Emma Woodhouse ( Austen )
James Flint and Long John Silver ( Black Sails )
Jamie Fraser ( Outlander )
Martha Jones ( Doctor Who )
Morgana Pendragon ( BBC Merlin )
Pepper Potts ( MCU )
Mulan ( Disney )
       I’m at the point where I’m pretty happy with my muse roster so?? there’s not anyone I’m particularly dying to add at present ( although that will change eventually lmfao ). there’s only really one new muse I’m trying to bring to my multi at the moment and that is:
Jim Moriarty ( BBC Sherlock ), because it’s about damn time that I indulged my deep, burning desire to write a full on villain
       there are probably others, this isn’t an exhaustive list, but looking through the ‘retired’ muses’ tab in my folder, I identified these lmao
Giselle from POTC
Scrum ( again, from POTC lmao )
Ron Weasley ( HP )
Jane Eyre
Guinevere ( BBC Merlin based )
El Lazo / Lawrence Gonzalez ( Westworld )
       I would gladly bring back the two POTC muses ( and probably add more ) had I the time and inclination to truly flesh them out, and I would bring Jane back in a heartbeat if I felt like I would actually get a proper chance to write her ( because she’s my favourite literary heroine ever ). but I don’t really have an active desire to bring back any of the others at the moment
Tagged by: my love and my partner in salt @initiare Tagging: @wingedfounder ( yes jen ur doing this lmao ), @thecodekeeper, @jernhjerte, @aglaecan & anyone else who wants to do this!
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reddhaed · 1 year
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at least let me look at it. ( from giselle! )
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sera huffs. it's mostly for herself, she does like being pampered, she does like being taken care of. what she doesn't want is to overworry giselle. sera is getting the hang off it when she actually had to put up a fight and won might she add. here in one piece, it's barely a graze, she wants to argue. but she is holding her arm close to her chest. there is some blood, and if it's anyone that sera will allow to get close, it would be giselle. she extends her arm to her, so she can get a better look at the wound. barely. a wound. "here." she says, softly. "-i can barely feel it. it's a scratch." and there it is, on her forearm. she doesn't think she is downplaying the severity of it. but she could be wrong. pale blue eyes turn to giselle, an almost apologetic look on her face.
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reddhaed · 1 year
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you’re the most interesting person i’ve ever met ( from giselle! )
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it draws a giggle out of her. it's the most fun she's had in a while, linking her arm with giselle's, just a small stroll around the town heading back to sera's place ( her husbands, she wants to remind herself ) her head tilts, looks at giselle and sera for once has hope. she is hopeful that her life doesn't end here, in a marriage she did not want with a husband she feels nothing but disdain for. she glows underneath the praise. "oh stop it." she fakes modesty, it's what she is used to do. "-i do have to say, flattery will get you very far with me." she winks at giselle. but the words got to her. she felt them and rang something pretty between her chest. it's something flowery and soft. she looks down for a moment, maybe shy in a way sera usually isn't. she stops walking. and takes a moment, sincerity also unusual, but carried heavy in her voice. "-but thank you. i believe words are just said, without thought. and what matters is what one does not what they say, however, you mean so much to me, giselle, you're important to me. and so very much more interesting than any of the people i have to interact with in the daily, i'm grateful to have met you. truly."
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post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, or might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same. ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. )
Captain Jack Sparrow ( main, @trickstercaptain )
Anamaria ( multimuse, @immobiliter )
Mr. Scott ( private, multimuse )
Morgana Pendragon ( multimuse )
Guinevere ( multimuse )
Lawrence Pedro Maria Gonzalez ( multimuse )
Martha Jones ( multimuse )
Emma Woodhouse ( multimuse )
Jane Eyre ( multimuse )
Mary Read ( multimuse )
Jamie Fraser ( multimuse )
Luis Montoya ( private, multimuse )
Ron Weasley ( multimuse )
Giselle ( potc )
Giselle -- I am trying to bring her back on my multi, I just need to settle on a bio/background for her
Long John Silver ( @constructedstories ) - he IS coming back, but on a super lowkey basis
Mr. Darcy ( I’m slow as hell but I am setting him up on my multi )
Mulan ( she’s likely to pop up on my multi at some point )
tagged by: @piraticalwit
tagging:  anybody who wants to do this!
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