#/ * tagged — 💋 askbox *answered .
reddhaed · 1 year
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❛ don’t look at me like that. ❜
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seraphine grins something wicked. plays coy, acts innocent. looks at him like he wants to devour him, and maybe she does. walks up to jack, slowly. she knows what she is doing, this game they play. it's fun. "-hm?" she inquires, there's a nice little chair hands on his shoulders and she sits jack down. "-i haven't got the slightest clue of what you are referring to." her head tilts. "enjoy the show, love, you'll have fun." her hand slides down his arm and sets his hand on her waist, she's all dressed up. nice rows of pearls around her neck and a decorated corset, skirt lifted on the side, her legs can be seen. "one dance just for you. free of charge. maybe learn a thing or two." it's just the two of them in the privacy of the room she gets all done up in. it's the priviledge of knowing the darling of the tavern. bits her lip. painted a bright ruby red. contrasts the soft blue color on her eyelids. "you'll be surprised what a good dance can get you."
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themistressdomme · 3 months
Don't mind me. I'm just here waiting to get fucked like a whore but @mommyghostface28 doesn't want to fuck the brat out of me 😒 I think she can't do it either and that's why she doesn't answer 😉
However, you can both try to tame me at the same time, maybe something will come of it? 😋
- ☃️
Oh? Why, hello, little snowy 💋
Quite bold of you to strut into my askbox accusing Ghostface of not being able to fuck the brat out of you, hm? Maybe we do ought to tag team it. If you want to be so mouthy, I think you need to have your little mouth stuffed. Maybe being spitroasted by the two of us will knock some sense into you and simultaneously knock the brat out of you, hm?
I think we can take on a brat such as yourself, little snowy. Ghostface, what do you think? 😏
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slxve · 13 days
slxve || 22 years old || She / Her || Mess between an office siren and an insomniac dude || Yandere vent blog.
- Minors don’t send asks please this has the potential to make me hella uncomfortable ( Take care though… ) -
- Askbox open / DMS closed. -
- This is a sideblog. I follow back from @slxve2-0. 💋-
- Radqueer, terfs, racists, p3d0s and the likes do not interact. -
- TAGS -
#slxvescrxms = Original posts.
#slxverxflxcts = Reblogs.
#slxvexsks = Answered asks.
#slxvemxtxals = Interactions with my babies.
#slxvensft = NSFW posts.
#slxverxnts = Personal rants.
0 notes
emptyheadedkxtten · 8 months
21 y/o transmasc system(US). it/its + he/him. we dont do pics or meetups 👍. not into misgendering or detrans. aroace + on/off hypersexual or sex repulsion, activity will vary based on which is hitting us.
Some headmates' gender does not match our collective gender, and that is okay!! If you see a post where we refer for ourselves with feminine words, it's likely a fem alter!! But unless you use their tag to send an ask directly to them, please only use masc terms on us :)
very heavy kinks here, we use the word rape and post about fauxcest.
very into rapeplay, knotting, breeding, fauxcest, size differences, omegaverse, monster fuckery, cannibalism, gore, etc.
ask are open for rape threats + other sexual asks (go crazy, no hard limits expect for spit. we hate spit.) sub4sub/bottom4bottom asks allowed, too.
#kitten rambles - original posts
#kitten purrs - answers to askbox
#kitten meows - targeted (either at a friend or members within our system)
#kitten whines - venting or complaining i guess. this exists now lmfao
various tags for certain headmates (ex; ptw, ftc, 💋) will be used. we wont elaborate on most of them because they're fictives, but feel free to direct asks at them based on their tags
friends <3
finch (puppytoybitchboy)
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cheekykitsune · 2 years
Unplanned Confessions
Okay, so first of all. 
5880 words.
That’s a lot. That’s more than I have EVER written for a single NSFW scenario one-shot. Like, ever. Usually I like to keep them to about 3000 max.
That was blown outta the water this time, lemme tell you!
On that note, this actually took...so much time and energy and it’s hit pretty hard. I kept getting stuck on it, or falling asleep because of my meds and other bullshittery.
So I would greatly appreciate it, if you could let me know whether you enjoyed it or not! A comment, tags in a reblog (bc I see them all. I do, I promise I do), hell even an ask in my askbox.
But thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it and have a good night!
(It’s currently 5am and I’m exhausted, so Imma head to bed)
Cheeky Kitsune 🦊💋
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  Wandering through the streets at night wasn’t anything new to Taishiro, seeing people do disgusting things to each other was also something he was used to at this point. After all, he was known as one of the strongest villains in the area that was still ‘at large’. A unique way to put it considering the man’s size.
  But even so, Taishiro took no pleasure in seeing some random scumbag hassle a woman in the alleyways that he used to get back home, pinning her up against a wall and doing god only knows what. Which is exactly why he changed the direction he was walking.
  It was only temporary, the briefest of changes that allowed him to get closer to the two of them without the man realising until it was too late. Taishiro’s large hand closing around the back of his head and slamming his face into the solid brick wall behind the terrified woman that had stared at him in a silent plea for help the moment he laid eyes on her.
 He found it truly amazing how a well-known villain was more help to a woman in distress than the heroes that paraded around claiming to be the people that were needed most.
  Taishiro watched the disgusting man crumple to the ground in a broken heap, having clearly heard the loud, unmistakable sound of his skull cracking from the force he had used to hurt him; he had no mercy for people like the now unconscious man in front of him and little time for inconveniences when he was as tired as he was. Only just having finished a fight with a frustratingly persistent hero that insisted on declaring him to be his nemesis, though at best he was a minor inconvenience to the large villain.
  Something easily dealt with.
  “T-Thank you…”
  Taishiro peered down at the woman, offering a quiet grunt in acknowledgement before turning his back to her, ready to go back to his home where he could rest and get something to eat after the long day he had had to endure.
  “Wait…Taishiro!” The soft call of his name coming from the lips of a woman he didn’t know had him spinning around faster than she could ever possibly hope to comprehend. His hand clamping down around her mouth, allowing her to continue breathing through her mouth only because he refused to allow anyone to compare him to the disgusting trash that he had just taken out.
  “Don’t. Say my name.” The words came out in a whispered warning as he leaned his head down so that he could stare deep into her eyes, trying to work out how she knew his name and not what he went by as a villain. There was a big difference between the two.
  “How do you know that name? Are you a hero? Sent by one? Answer by nodding or shaking your head, I’m not giving you the opportunity to scream for help” He kept his voice low as he spoke, watching the smaller woman give an instant shake of her head; her wide eyes staring so earnestly into his own that he couldn’t help but believe her.
  Unfortunately, that didn’t solve the issue of how she knew his name. It didn’t make sense to him and he couldn’t think of any scenario where she would come to know of it, Taishiro was antisocial. He wasn’t always, no, but it had been a long time since he had last enjoyed going out with friends and enjoying the freedom of young life.
  “If you know that name, then you know what I could do to you to keep you quiet, don’t you?” He watched as the woman gave a slight nod of her head, her eyes never leaving his while he threw around ideas of what to do with her around in his head.
  “Then you have a choice. Nod your head if you’ll come with me quietly and we can have a…chat, about what’s going to happen to you if you tell anyone what you know, shake your head if you’re stupid enough to try and scream while we go have a chat. Make your choice carefully, little woman” Taishiro spoke with a fierceness that he kept for those that were against him, wanting her to be fully aware of the danger that she could possibly be in. It all depended on her answer, but luckily for her, she was smart.
  The nod of her head causing Taishiro to slowly remove his hand, hesitating slightly as he waited for her to try something stupid and scream out like he had warned again; though no sound escaped her. The woman in front of him simply stayed where she was, watching him with a quiet calmness; her hands fidgeting with the edge of her long-sleeve top.
  “Seems like you do have a brain…alright then, you and me are gonna have ourselves a nice little chat” Taishiro grunted low as he spoke, lifting the woman over his shoulder with his arm around her legs to keep her steady; resisting the urge to snicker at the hands he felt smack against his back.
  It was only once though and it was easy enough for him to work out that she was using his back to brace herself while he began his journey back to his home; and while it wasn’t his first choice, it was his only choice right now.
  ~  ~  ~
  You gulped nervously as you sat in a kitchen that you assumed belonged to the giant that sat across from you, his large arms cross over his chest while he watched you with narrowed eyes; his lips drawn into a thin unimpressed line.
  “I…you want to know how I know your name…right?” You asked the question hesitantly, wanting to get the silence over with before it could drag out any longer. When you first spoke his name about half an hour ago, you had thought it a terrible mistake given how quickly he had turned to you with his hand over your mouth.
  At the time, you honestly believed that he was going to kill you despite the fact he had saved you from a fate that you didn’t particularly wish to think about.
  “Might be a good place to start sweetheart. Not many know that name anymore.” His voice sent a shiver down your spine, the unimpressed look not leaving his features while you fidgeted where you sat; lightly chewing on your bottom lip as you tried your best to arrange the words in your mind properly. It wasn’t the time to be making small mistakes, unfortunately though, it also wasn’t the time to be wasting his time by trying to make your sentences perfect.
  “Well, it isn’t…we’ve met before. You saved me then too, but I think you were drunk that night, maybe? I really don’t know, but you saved me and then took me home” You offered the explanation somewhat quietly, speaking only loud enough for him to hear your words clearly, not entirely sure if he would believe you; even though you were telling the truth.
  “I’m a villain. You know it and for some reason, despite knowing that. Here you are, sitting there nervous but unafraid. Why? Because I saved you? That’s naive” He sneered the observation at you, leaning forwards in the chair that he sat on to rest his arms against the table between the two of you; his gaze so intense that even though you wanted to, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away.
  “If you were going to hurt me, I think you would have done it by now…besides, I’ve known your name for an entire year now and I haven’t said a thing to anyone. I’m not trying to bring you any trouble” He scoffed at your words, tapping his finger against the table while running his eyes over you slowly; for what reason you couldn’t tell. Maybe it was to see if you were lying or not, it was impossible to judge since you weren’t the man in question.
  “Then what do you want? What are you after? Why put yourself in this position?” His demanding questions made you more nervous than his scrutiny.
  Before tonight happened, that horrible encounter with some drunken pervert, you could happily observe the giant of a man without him realising. Not stalk him, per se, but every time you happened to come across him; you could take the opportunity to admire the villain that you had developed feelings for.
  It certainly wasn’t one of your best moments, falling for him. However, he had saved you a year ago and then again tonight. Each time you saw him, even if he was doing something against the law, it wasn’t hurting people’s lives unnecessarily that you could see and even if it did.
  Well, you weren’t entirely certain you would care anymore. Taishiro Toyomitsu was important to you and now you had him sitting across from you with his full attention. Asking all the questions that could only lead to a single answer.
  “You should probably answer me while I’m willing to listen to you. I might not be like the filth that was on top of you earlier, but I won’t object to killing you if I ha–”
  “I don’t want anything! I’m keeping quiet because I’ve fallen for you!”
  Your face burned with a mix of embarrassment and humiliation, being left with no alternative than to confess your one-sided feelings. The words leaving Taishiro wide-eyed and suitably speechless for a moment; his mouth falling open, and any words he had to say unable to leave his lips.
  If you hadn’t just confessed to him, it might have been giggle-worthy. But considering that you had, it filled you with unease; having no idea what to expect from the silence that currently suffocated you.
  “...You’re kidding, right?” The disbelief in his voice made you frown, annoyance building at the fact that you had spoken your feelings honestly and the giant of a man that you had fallen for didn’t believe you. It was insulting, even if you did partially understand where his doubts could be coming from.
  “No. I’m not…it isn’t just something I said to get out of having you kill me either.” You stood up as you spoke, glaring down at him while he stared up at you, an unknown emotion swirling within his honeyed gaze. A slight grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.
  “I don’t just see you when you somehow end up saving me…I see you walking through the streets, enjoying the food stalls when it’s so busy that you could get away with showing your face in public and when there are less-known villains that close in on the area. Do you not think people notice what you do around here? You might be a villain now but there are old habits from your early days as a pro-hero and don’t bother trying to deny it!” You couldn’t stop yourself from the words that managed to slip past your tongue, realising that it wasn’t the smartest idea to shout at the man that had both saved you and had the ability to end your life before you could be a liability to him.
  On the same note, if there was a possibility that you were going to die anyway, you might as well say how you feel. Especially since you had been somewhat forced to announce your feelings to him, you had so very little to lose now.
  Taishiro rose from his seat slowly, uttering not even a single sound as he stepped around the table that separated the two of you; two steps before he was standing in front of you with his thumb resting on your jaw and his forefinger curled beneath your chin, tilting your head back so that he could look down into your eyes.
  His expression giving nothing away to you. No anger. No amusement. No curiosity. Just a blank stare that had your heart thundering in your ears.
  “So, you know all that…and you’re brave enough, or should I say stupid enough, to shout it at me while I’m threatening your safety.” Taishiro leaned down as he spoke quietly, his nose lightly brushing against yours while you watched him with wide eyes, holding your breath simply because you were certain that if you made even the slightest of movements; that he would kill you right then and there.
  “I guess you wouldn’t mind it then, little miss courageous, if I were to do this…”
  His lips came in contact with yours a second after the words left him, demanding and warm against your own until your body started to respond. You didn’t quite understand what was going on, your brain hadn’t caught up and was still trying to process everything, but your body? Your body responded eagerly.
  Your hands moved to his chest, fisting the light material of his shirt while his hands fell to your waist, pulling you closer to his body until you were pressed against him tightly; a position you’ve only been able to dream about up until this point in time.
  When he pulled his head away slightly, just enough to allow you to breathe once more, you couldn’t stop yourself from whining low in disappointment; the sound pulling a light-hearted chuckle from Taishiro while his lips began to ghost over your jawline, slowly dipping lower and lower as he explored the skin that he could get to.
  His hands surprisingly staying on your hips, keeping you close but not invading your personal space any more than that.
  “I guess you really didn’t mind, if that adorable little whine is anything to go by” His teasing words resulted in you smacking your hand against his chest lightly, the other still grasping onto his shirt tightly; refusing to let go in case this was another one of your blissful dreams that teased you in only the worst ways.
  “So what if I didn’t? I told you…didn’t I? How I felt…” You trailed off quietly, leaning down to rest your forehead against his broad shoulder, allowing yourself to enjoy the feel of his mouth against your skin before your dream came to an end.
  At this point, it was 50/50 as to whether or not you were hallucinating to make your encounter in the alleyway seem like a distant problem, or if it was truly happening. But right now, you didn’t want to find out.
  “I don’t exactly know you well enough to have feelings for you, for most that might bring up problems” His words made sense to you, however that didn’t mean that they meant a thing to you.
  His point was well-made, of course. But you hadn’t exactly asked him to feel the same, merely confessed your own feelings. It wasn’t his responsibility to decide right then and there as to whether he felt the same way you did. That would be ridiculous.
  “I’m not asking you to say anything like that.” You kept your feelings on the matter simple, not wanting to start a rambled speech of nonsense that would only ruin the strangely calm, enjoyable mood that had settled over the both of you. Likely due to the way his lips glided over your skin.
  “Then what is it that you’re asking of me?” His question surprised you, your mouth dropping open while your brain struggled to come up with a response for him. Mostly because you didn’t exactly have one. It wasn’t like you had expected him to feel the same way you do, or for him to even remember saving you in the first place.
  Your confession of feelings was simply the most truthful way to answer his demands as to why you kept his identity a secret. Though his height basically made that impossible. It was one of the few things about the blonde giant that baffled you.
  “I…I’m not asking anything of you, I understand that there’s no reason for you to even know me, let alone love me. But you asked me a question and I tried to answer it as honestly as I could” You gave yourself a mental pat on the back for sounding as strong as you did, though slightly out of breath.
  That wasn’t because of fear or a lack of courage to speak to Taishiro though. It was simply because his mouth was working wonders on some of the most sensitive places on your neck and it was starting to make your head spin violently.
  Every lick of his tongue, every nip of his teeth and gentle suck on the spots that he had taken the time to shower with his rough attention; it all felt amazing to you and you wanted to ask him for more. The only downside is that you would just be another fuck to him; unlike him, who would end up being someone deeply special to yourself.
  “Then if you aren’t asking for my feelings, would you settle for my touch?” His question came out in a low growl of curiosity that lit your skin on fire wherever his lips touched, your thighs pressing together slowly at the mere thought of having him between them. 
  You were touch starved and the first to admit it, all because no other man could compare to the villain in front of you. Not in your mind and finding small-time villains wasn’t enough to get your heart racing.
  And now, the solution had presented itself to you shamelessly but you were seriously debating whether or not you should accept it. Like a god-damned fool.
  “Your…touch…two minutes ago you wanted me out of your hair” You couldn’t stop the half-hearted chuckle that escaped you, your eyes dropping down to his while he simply grinned back up at you, nipping at the edge of your shirt teasingly; going no further without your say so. Surprising for a villain, but you appreciated it all the same.
  “And now I want you in my bed, on my tongue, my fingers and wrapped around my cock.” Your face burned fiercely at his words. The heat that radiated off of your cheeks enough to toast marshmallows had you had any on hand.
  “I…yes, I would settle for your touch Taishiro.” You spoke softly, gasping out in surprise when he stood up to his full height, lifting you into his strong arms as he did so; the action seeming to take little to no effort from the giant.
  “You’re an interesting woman.” He chuckled as he walked through the apartment at a quick pace, passing by doorways and open rooms until he came up to the only closed door. A swift kick causing it to burst open while simultaneously startling you. Which wasn’t such a hard thing to achieve if you were being entirely honest with yourself.
  “So are you going to bother telling me your name? Or are you just going to be a nameless fuck for me?” He questioned you while laying you down on the large bed in the room, his hands effortlessly tugging your clothes free from your body; revealing yourself to him entirely.
  “You mean, you’re actually interested in my name?” You gasped out faintly as his large hands closed around your thighs, spreading them so that he could run his tongue along your folds slowly; the warmth that shot through you addictive.
  “Are you going to make me ask a second time?” Taishiro didn’t bother to hide his amusement as he looked up into your eyes, a deep hunger beginning to surface while you squirmed beneath him; enjoying the feel of his tongue against you.
  He hummed low in response, holding onto your thighs firmly and keeping them spread so that he could continue with his task of exploration. Each slow stroke of his tongue pulling soft whines and quiet moans from your lips, your reluctance to moan properly due to the embarrassment of having him watch your reactions so closely.
  “You sound almost as good as you taste, (Name)” He muttered out the words in a low rumble as he began to kiss his way up along your body, large hands sliding up along over the spots that his lips graced until they left your body altogether in order to press into the mattress on either side of you. Allowing him to keep his balance above you while his head came to hover above your own, his tongue sliding along his lips to lick away the slick that had spread over them from when he sampled your taste.
  “I think it would be better if you weren’t holding yourself back” You looked away as he spoke, squirming beneath him. Naked and vulnerable to everything he had to offer.
  “I think this is the best you’re getting for the moment” You spoke softly, gasping out when his hand closed around the bottom half of your face, his fingers squishing your cheeks as he turned your head so that he could look you in the eyes once more. Displeasure reflecting within his honeyed orbs.
  “I take no pleasure in taking from an unwilling partner. I can’t decide whether everything is just a show so that you could keep breathing, or if you’ve lost your nerve at the last moment…but do not try to lie to me with your body, because it will win you no favours” He practically growled out the words at you while you could do little more than stare up into his annoyed gaze, wishing that you weren’t so awkward in such a moment.
  “I haven’t lost my nerve, if anything I’ve just gained a hundred of them. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You’re a giant compared to me and it makes me a little nervous like this. Excuse me for being human!” You huffed out the words while he blinked slowly, clearly taking a moment to process the information before slowly sitting back, his hands landing on your thighs; rubbing slow circles into the soft skin.
  “Tell me then, (Name). Have you ever been fucked before?” You wanted to hit him. You honestly wanted to hit him for that question, but he seemed oblivious to the fact, continuing to watch you while your mouth fell open and your brain decided to fail you for a proper response. 
  “I’ll take that as a yes” He snorted at your reaction, giving a lazy roll of his hips and causing his large cock to rub up along your folds, your slick coating him in a generous amount with just a single movement. You would be embarrassed, but you were much too busy whining at the feel of him against you; impossibly large and about to be buried inside of you.
  You blinked in confusion when Taishiro moved away from you, instead positioning himself at the head of the bed, getting himself comfortable in a sitting position before motioning over to you with a quick flick of his wrist.
  If you were to take a guess, you assumed he wanted you in his lap. However, you couldn’t quite put your finger on why, the position you were just in had been fine; it was your nerves that was the problem.
  “Hurry it up midget, before I change my mind and fuck you face-first into the mattress!”
  You jumped at his words, crawling your way over to him and allowing him to pull you close to his chest the moment you were within arms’ reach; a not-so-quiet gasp falling from your lips when you felt his dick press against your folds.
  Taishiro made no effort to thrust himself inside of you, instead moving one hand to your waist, while the other helped you get settled in his lap; making sure that you were both steady and comfortable. Not exactly something you expected from the villainous giant, but certainly, something that you appreciated given everything that had happened that day.
  “Alright, here’s how it’s going to work. I’m going to guide my dick inside you, as much as you can take before you start feeling discomfort” He paused, sending you a pointed look before moving his hand between your bodies and guiding the tip of his dick to your folds; slowly rubbing along them to give you a moment to adjust yourself to the idea of it, of him, being inside of you.
  “Once you’re good, you’ll be in control for a little. I’ll let you decide how much you can take at a time and then when you can take all of me, I’ll take over again. You understand?” You nodded slowly at his question, nervously chewing on your bottom lip while moving your hands to his shoulders, the warmth of his skin beneath yours somehow enough to settle the butterflies in your stomach. Some of them anyhow.
  “Good girl…don’t expect this every time we fuck either” He groaned out quietly as he spoke, your moan just barely louder than his words as he thrust himself inside of you slowly, spreading you around his impressively thick cock.
  “Every time?” You spoke the words before you could stop yourself, the slight wince that you were unable to hide causing Taishiro to move his hands to your hips, holding you in place and preventing you from taking any more of him inside of you for the time being. 
  The disapproving click of his tongue following soon after.
  “Yes, every time. I asked if you would settle for my touch, I didn’t specify that it would be a once off…if you can take what I have to offer, then some effort on my part might be called for”
  He hummed faintly as he moved a hand to brush a strand of your hair off of your cheek, his thumb ghosting over your lips while his eyes studied you closely, taking in any movement you made. If it were anyone else, you were certain that you would be uncomfortable, but since it was Taishiro. Well, you found yourself enjoying the attention more and more as time passed.
  “Though I don’t promise anything more than a good fuck” He muttered the words plainly, flicking his gaze up to yours for a brief moment before allowing his eyes to return to wherever it was he was currently studying; possibly his hand that had settled on the base of your neck. His fingers lightly brushing against the soft skin.
  “So then, you don’t mind my company?” You tilted your head as you spoke, slowly leaning your head closer to his own; using your hold on his shoulders to steady yourself so that you didn’t end up hurting yourself by accidentally taking in more of him than you were ready to.
  “Now that I know you’re harmless, not particularly” He raised an eyebrow as you smiled, happy with his answer and even going as far as to kiss him tenderly. About to pull your head away before he surprised you by kissing back eagerly.
  Sure, he had been the one to kiss you first. But you had honestly believed that to be a quick way for him to test how serious you had been about your confession. The idea of him kissing you because he felt like it, was a little harder to grasp.
  “What’s the matter? Weren’t expecting the big bad villain to kiss you back?” He chuckled loudly when you pulled your head away from his, cheeks burning and eyes wide; shock clearly being your new favourite expression after the night you were currently experiencing.
  “Silly woman, I expected you to know better” His head dropped lower as he spoke, your eyes following after him while his mouth closed around one of your nipples, sharp canines grazing the sensitive bud; causing you to gasp out in pleasure. Your back arching ever-so-slightly.
  Needing a way to get back at him for the way he was finding his entertainment in the moment, you took a deep breath and gave a heavy roll of your hips; taking in as much of his dick as you possibly could.
  Your mouth fell open when Taishiro bucked his hips, the action sending a burning hot jolt of pleasure through your body. You were positive, no matter how crazy it sounded in your mind, that the fat tip of his dick was pressed up against your cervix and the fact that you enjoyed the sensation as much as you did made you want to crawl your way out of the room and hide away for the rest of your young life.
  “You know…” Taishiro trailed off as he teased your nipple with his hot tongue, giving a firm nip before lifting his head so that he could look you in the eye; amusement reflecting from within his honeyed gaze.
  “The idea of me letting you have some control over this, was so that you could take your time and adjust” He paused, sliding his hands along your body and down to your arse, cupping the soft cheeks before digging his fingers into them roughly; allowing him to lift your body off of his throbbing dick slowly.
  Leaving only the tip nestled comfortably within your entrance, the low whine that left you signalling your displeasure with the decision.
  “It wasn’t so that you could rush yourself!”
  With the annoyed growl that left him, Taishiro gave a harsh thrust of his hips, using his hold on you to pull you down onto his lap harshly; the force of his actions ripping his name from your lips in a scream with little effort. A satisfied smirk decorating his features.
  “Then again, I think I like it. You’re just as helpless like this, as you are on your back beneath me” You wanted to argue his chuckled remark, but it was impossible to find the words while he continued to manhandle you.
  Lifting your body, only to pull you back down onto his dick without mercy. Sharp teeth catching the soft flesh of your breasts every time they happened to catch his eye.
  Everything about this man right now was a contradiction to his villainous self and granted, you knew that he was more than just the villain he let people see, it was still hard to process. Though that could be due to the way your mind would just blank out every few seconds, having Taishiro’s cock pounding against your cervix wasn’t so great for keeping your train of thoughts it seemed.
  “Look at you, look at how beautiful you are when you’re being destroyed by my cock…” Taishiro stared up at you in wonder as you tilted your head down, staring down at him with a dazed expression and lidded eyes; your mouth opening to question him on why he would bother saying such a thing before yet another scream left your lips instead. Your back arching from the burning pleasure that he sent racing throughout your body with each powerful thrust of his hips.
  Taishiro’s hand moved faster than you could predict while you did your best to bounce yourself on his dick, a loud cry of surprise escaping you as he slapped your arse harshly; the stinging sensation soon followed by a pleasure that you couldn’t quite explain.
  “Don’t give me that look, it was a reward for being so good” Taishiro leaned up to nip along your jaw as he purred out the praise, a quiet snicker hidden beneath your loud whines and moans of pleasure; the perfect cover to hide his endless amusement.
  “Sounds like someone enjoys getting spanked” The shamelessly uttered words made you whine out loudly in protest before burying your face against the crook of his neck, not bothering to try and hide your enjoyment of the situation.
  Instead, you simply let yourself be submerged in the pleasure. Your moans growing louder and more desperate as Taishiro continued to fuck you, the pace quickly becoming too much for you to keep up with, prompting him to change your positions; though he seemed to refuse the idea of taking a quick break to do so.
  Taishiro had you on your back on the bed in no time at all, his hands moving from your ass up to your wrists and pinning them above your head so that you were unable to do little more than enjoy the way he continued to slam into you without care or mercy.
  Each thrust seemed to drag you closer and closer to the edge, an unbearable heat building in the very pit of your stomach while Taishiro’s mouth explored your body, teeth digging into your soft and previously unmarked skin. Leaving behind bruises and bite marks to make sure that anyone that spared you a glance would know that you had someone to satisfy your every need.
  “You’re getting tighter…”
  Taishiro barely got out the words in a choked-out moan, his grip on your wrists tightening ever-so-slightly while you continued to whimper and gasp out in pleasure beneath him, your legs trembling as he kept burying his large dick inside of you.
  You couldn’t even respond to him, managing a couple of out-of-breath gasps before his name tore itself from your throat in the form of a loud, pleasure-filled shout. Your orgasm rocking through your entire body while his hips moved harder and faster.
  His brutal pace lasted only a few more seconds before his hips jerked suddenly, burying every inch he had to offer inside of you and filling you with his seed. The sensation new and strange to you as you came down from one of the most intense orgasms that you had ever had. Having one from getting fucked senseless entirely different from inducing one yourself, as you had just learnt.
  “Fuck…I really should have pulled out for that…” Taishiro breathed heavily as he released your wrists, slowly leaning back so that he was sitting between your thighs, still buried deep inside of you; seemingly in no hurry to remove himself.
  “Fuck it, you’ll stay the night. I’ll just buy you plan B tomorrow morning” He grumbled out a solution lowly before his hands began brushing over the bite marks that he had left behind in an almost soothing way; stopping once he noticed you staring up at him.
  Though you were more than a little dazed, still trying to blink away the black spots in your vision.
  “If I move us to the bathroom, you think you can go another round? Little miss (Name)?”
  You gave a slow nod of your head at his question, unable to feel the embarrassment that you otherwise would have while he removed himself from your still trembling body; his large arms scooping you up as carefully as he could manage.
  “Poor woman, when I’m finally done with you tonight you’re going to be stuck in bed for a whole week” He chuckled low, paying your wide-eyed stare no mind as he made his way through the apartment; whistling a low, happy tune to himself with a rather large grin on his lips.
  “Don’t worry though, I’ll make sure you love every second of it. All you gotta do is keep up. You can do that right?”
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hello !
we’re the starry eyed collective, a system of 200+ :) we aren't exactly sure what our origins are, but we do know we're mixed origin and endogenic. that being said, we do not want endophobes following us and won't argue about our existence. i'm not sure how active people will be on this blog, but whoever the current host is will probably be the most active. we tend to forget about our sideblogs a lot, so we may disappear off the face of the earth for weeks/months at a time, but chances are we're completely fine /gen
the askbox and submissions are always open ! feel free to ask us things individually or as a collective, we love interaction :) we’ll answer any questions as well, as long as we have the information necessary to do so. you can message us on here if you’d like, and will give our discord if anyone asks. we don’t always have the spoons to respond but we do our best !
collectively we go by mythos or mystery, they/it/ve/ae (in no particular order) and silence or space related pronouns ! if you don’t know who’s fronting (which we’ll try to have in the blog’s title), use that for us :) our blurry/mixed tag is #mythos.txt or # - 💫 . we will also tag posts with (name).txt or similar tags, along with #starry thoughts, and tag whatever triggers you need so feel free to send in an ask !
sys members and DNI below cut
anon: proxy (is that the word?) for when somebody wants to remain anonymous. if someone’s using this tag, they/them is fine. tags are #anon.txt and # - 🎭
parker: previous host, any of these names or pronouns with a preference towards parker/flotsam/icarus and he/they/any volume related pronouns, tags are #parker.txt, #flotsam.txt, #icarus.txt and # - 🦕, my blog/our main is @fear-ze-queer
arsenic: current host alongside connor as of june 2023. he/him - i’m an anger holder and generally don’t trust new ppl for a while. love my friends tho. tags r #arsenic.txt and # - ☄️ and my blog is @arsenic-more-like-arsonic
Evangeline: She/Her pronouns please :) tags are #evangeline.txt, # - 💋 and # - 💜
Koi: He/Him and Koi/Koiself pronouns!!! Tags are #koi.txt and # - 🔥 :) One of the most frequent fronters so you’ll probably see me around a lot!!! My blog is @koi-romantic if you’re curious (it’s a lovecore blog :) )
janus: he/him, but they is fine too, tags are #janus.txt and # - ✂️. some kind of caretaker or protector, i front a lot when parker gets overwhelmed with negative emotions towards himself
Stan: He/Him. Tags are #stan.txt, # - 🚫 and # - ⛔️. I probably won’t be very active here, I don’t front often and don’t care for people when I do. Protector, and if I don’t talk to someone it’s likely personal.
Heretic: He/Him, my tags are #heretic.txt and # - 🤬 but subject to change if I find any emojis I like better.
Kyle Broflovski: He/him, tags are #kyle.txt and # - 😡, I guess I’d be considered an active fronter? Some kind of co-host maybe, a semico-host at least. South park fictive
Stan Marsh: He/they :) different than the other Stan, I’m a fictive from South Park. Tags are #marsh.txt and # - 🐶
Butters Stotch: Any pronouns!! Another South Park fictive :D I’m very expressive and friendly, at least I like to think so!! Median subsystem/sidesystem, I forget which word :( Tags are #butters.txt and # - 🍎 !!!
Bakugou Katsuki: he/him. MHA fictive. I’m a protector and I’m an angry person (duh) so if I seem rude you probably didn’t do anything wrong. Trust me, you’ll know if you’ve pissed me off. Don’t call me Katsuki or I’ll maul you. Tags are #bakugou.txt and # - 💥
Kaminari Denki: he/him, but honestly I won’t correct you if you call me something else haha. MHA fictive! I’m not sure of my role yet but I might be a cohost. Besties with Jirou <333 and also a bisexual disaster!! Tags are #denki.txt and # - ⚡️
Michael Afton: He/They. FNAF fictive. Be aware that Ennard is an asshole (/lighthearted, because apparently that needs clarification). Tags are #michael.txt and # - 👾
Kirishima Eijirou: MHA fictive!! He/him pronouns please :) my friends describe me as a himbo?? I’m not sure of my role or if I even have one honestly. Bakugou’s best friend, but he won’t admit it 😉 my tags are #kirishima.txt and # - 🪨 !!
woolie/aries/lamb/fleece/ewe: i don’t wanna list all of my pronouns here cause it’s a lot, but i use basically any sheep or sleep related pronouns !!! i’m the resident Sleeby Boye (i’m not really a boy though ^^). my tags are #woolie.txt and # - 🐑 !!
Zero: Undecided on pronouns, but it/its works. Robot/computer in the system. Will likely not be active much here, as I reside mostly in the innerworld. Tags: #zero.txt, #- 0️⃣ and # - 🔳
Vee: She/they, queer and aspec and maybe a demigirl, I haven’t decided if I like the term yet. I’m an anxiety holder and a demifictive of Virgil from Sanders Sides, and the first to front when we discovered our plurality. Tags are #vee.txt and # - 🖤
Chris: Genderfluid, I switch between she/he/they pronouns, but they is fine if you aren’t sure what my preference is :) Caretaker of the system; usually I work internally, but have been out more recently to take care of the body as well. I try to be kind, but will not put up with others hurting my system. My tags are #chris.txt and # - 🌸 :)
Kyouka Jirou: any pronouns work, most people use she/he/they. MHA fictive, bisexual as all hell and besties with Denki <3 I love music, basically my entire life honestly. my tags are #jirou.txt and # - 🎶
Hue: I don’t know what pronouns i like yet, so just they/them is fine. I’m the host but also not? It’s a whole confusing thing, there’s a few of us actually, I don’t really know how to explain it. My tags are #hue.txt and # - 🌈
Shouto Todoroki:: Fictive from MHA, he/him pronouns please. I text very formally so apologies if I come across as upset in any way. My tags are #shouto.txt and # - 🧊🔥
Kirby: Undecided on pronouns at the moment but he/him is okay!! Best friends with Mulberry 💗💗💗 Not sure of my role, or if I have one!! Tags are #kirby.txt and # - 🍬
Mulberry/Kyle: i haven’t decided completely but mostly he/him, i don’t mind anything as long as it’s not she/her please,, best friends with kirby as he said above. my tags are #mulberry.txt and # - 😖
Ookido Guriin: he/him, fictive from pokemon, you might know me better as Green. So call me either of those, I don’t really care. Tags are #green.txt and # - 🔵
Isamu Akai: he/him :) fictive from pokemon, I’m also called Red if you don’t know my actual name, but I ask that you don’t call me that please. My tags are #red.txt and # - 🔴
Ethan Hibiki: mostly he/him, but I’m okay with others if you want to try them out on me!! Also known as Gold from pokemon, so call me that if you want. Tags are #gold.txt and # - 🥇 !!
Silver: he/him but idrc. Pokemon fictive as well, tags are #silver.txt and # - 🥈
DNI if queerphobic in any way including ace/aro/enby/mspec/mogai/neopronouns/literally anything, sysphobic, endophobic, against fictive heavy systems, against mostly nonhuman systems, racist, anti-BLM, sexist, ableist, TERF/SWERF/FART/whatever you call yourselves, MAP/NOMAP/p3d0s, cringe/flop blogs, n$fw blogs
Jax/Ace: he/they/ze pronouns, in no particular order :) X’s twin!! And objectively the better looking one /j. My tags are #jax.txt, #ace.txt and # - 👌
connor: he/him, dear evan hansen fictive & host alongside arsenic as of june 2023. tag is connor.txt
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userboxes by @plural-userboxes !!!
that’s all for now !! have a nice time :)
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reddhaed · 1 year
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you've done this before, haven't you?
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seraphine grins, she loves showing off what she's good at. which is most things, eyelashes flutter. hand gently taps asha's shoulder. "-lucky for you, i am a woman of many, many talents." although asha and her met while seraphine was on some down time, gathering resources and she knew her only as a dancer well, she's more than excited to help now. "and i'd love to put them to good use, count me in." she isn't lying. and she would not mind spending more time with asha if she was being completely honest with herself. and in the moment, she trusts asha to know more. just enough.
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reddhaed · 1 year
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“I need you so much closer.” ( from giselle! )
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it had been sometime since she has been home, and even though her travels left sera a particular brand of exhausted she couldn't help herself, immediately going to giselle, wrapping her arms around her. delicately, soft. reserved for the light of her life, her partner. oh. something so divine. and giselle always held the truth for sera, her words made so much sense. surely, giselle needed her to be closer. and that was it. what sera needed. "oh mon amour-" it was difficult to see in the moment why the mere idea of leaving and running off to far away places would even cross sera's mind in the first place, she then frames giselle's face in her hand "-i've missed you dearly, i am the one who needs you much closer." it's meant to be teasing, but it feels a little too close to the truth. peppers chaste kisses along her cheeks, the corner of her lips. has her giggling, like it's a silly thing. it's not. it's everything. smiles against giselle lips. "you have to tell me everything that's happened." she says between kisses, before moving back slightly. a soft smile on her face. "-please? i have absolutely missed the sound of your voice...among other things."
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reddhaed · 1 year
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at least let me look at it. ( from giselle! )
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sera huffs. it's mostly for herself, she does like being pampered, she does like being taken care of. what she doesn't want is to overworry giselle. sera is getting the hang off it when she actually had to put up a fight and won might she add. here in one piece, it's barely a graze, she wants to argue. but she is holding her arm close to her chest. there is some blood, and if it's anyone that sera will allow to get close, it would be giselle. she extends her arm to her, so she can get a better look at the wound. barely. a wound. "here." she says, softly. "-i can barely feel it. it's a scratch." and there it is, on her forearm. she doesn't think she is downplaying the severity of it. but she could be wrong. pale blue eyes turn to giselle, an almost apologetic look on her face.
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reddhaed · 1 year
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do you believe in aliens? ( he's definitely drunk or high lmao )
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hawkins in summer are sticky, hot and ugly. it's been years since sera has had fun. summer fun, making memories or whatever she is supposed to be doing in these years. she wasn't one to do drugs regularly. ( alone, drugs aren't fun. and she doesn't trust people enough to even enjoy it.) but jack had some weed, and sera had an empty house for once. family all too busy doing things she wasn't invited to. not that she wanted to. they're on the floor of her room. the window is open to let the smoke out, red hair all spread around her. the smoke did pretty swirls above them that had her attention captivated. jack speaks and it brings out a laugh out of her. she turns to look at him. and that's something she has being doing the entire afternoon. looking at him. tracing and memorizing his face. like it's a shiny new thing. but it feels like he has been here forever. like life hasn't been melting away from her hands. "oh i am not answering that, not until you tell me what you think." sera moves slowly, hair following suit. she's closer to him, looking down at him with her chin resting on her hand. red curls cascading down next to his face. sometimes it feels like she wants to open that skull of his and tinker with whatever is going inside of his brain. "-so?" she raises an eyebrow, trying to hide the impulse of not even letting him speak and interrupting him before the question continues. she feels like she's pure air. floating away.
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reddhaed · 1 year
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46.  ACCOMPLICE :  for one muse to assist the other at the scene of a crime.
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seraphine keeps her feet feather light. out of everything freedom comes with, getting things. well, it's probably her favorite thing. it wasn't always she had someone with her, but it's fun and they aren't hurting anyone with this. not yet anyways. using the keys she swiped early they got full access to all the rooms, including the lady of the house's dressing room. the door clicks and she grins at jack, which she so conviently brought with her, fun night activity. "-so nice of you to tag along, i usually do this all on my own." she opens the door slowly, trying not to make a sound. "promise not to take too long, you can keep watch for me or maybe we can play dress up." winks at him, she isn't entirely sure she will find what she wants but there isn't harm in looking in the first place.
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reddhaed · 1 year
❝ i don't know how i'm ever going to be able to repay you. ❞ fantasy verse!
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seraphine did not want to think too much about what she had done. her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, spill all over. and barely overcoming the sense of dread that had so neatly taken the easiness of breath was the feeling of relief. the agony she felt wasn't over the decision, it had felt like it was obvious what she had to do, when she had agreed to be married off, the way her own words echoed over her ears, what she did so evidently in the right and she did not regret it. jack was here, and he was safe and she would choose that over and over again if she had to. she smiles at him, at the sincerity in his words. touches his face so gently. thumb rubbing his cheek. "you don't have to." she means it. someone as vain and selfish as her, she was bound to find something to remind her that she still had a heart. she didn't want to be married, the politics and arrangements of her father's kingdom were of no interest or concern to her. she didn't care, she didn't want to belong to another one. she didn't want a wedding, she didn't want a ceremony. the idea terrified her. "-you're going to be alright, and you don't have to go back-" and that's everything to me, words unsaid but there in her tone, in her eyes. could she be married off when it was clear as day that her heart was already with someone else? they were bound to find out. "-but if you really insist then, you can break your little head thinking about how you can make it up to me." she teases, trying to be teasing. be a little funny even though what loomed over her felt so dark. is it really selfless when she can keep jack to herself?
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reddhaed · 1 year
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you’re the most interesting person i’ve ever met ( from giselle! )
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it draws a giggle out of her. it's the most fun she's had in a while, linking her arm with giselle's, just a small stroll around the town heading back to sera's place ( her husbands, she wants to remind herself ) her head tilts, looks at giselle and sera for once has hope. she is hopeful that her life doesn't end here, in a marriage she did not want with a husband she feels nothing but disdain for. she glows underneath the praise. "oh stop it." she fakes modesty, it's what she is used to do. "-i do have to say, flattery will get you very far with me." she winks at giselle. but the words got to her. she felt them and rang something pretty between her chest. it's something flowery and soft. she looks down for a moment, maybe shy in a way sera usually isn't. she stops walking. and takes a moment, sincerity also unusual, but carried heavy in her voice. "-but thank you. i believe words are just said, without thought. and what matters is what one does not what they say, however, you mean so much to me, giselle, you're important to me. and so very much more interesting than any of the people i have to interact with in the daily, i'm grateful to have met you. truly."
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reddhaed · 1 year
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you just go on ahead. i'll be fine on my own.
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goodbyes where usually so easy for sera. she could even argue she is the best at them. it reassures her, she doesn't have to stay. she's never had to stay, not when it came to steve. and this was everything she wanted from him. but there is this bittersweetness to it. she wasn't too sure she liked it. looked at him, stared and looked in brown doe eyes looking for something. searched for...what it was she was trying to get to, she didn't know. she smiles. something hidden in it. just like the rest of her. and she walks over to him, slow. her hand at the back of his neck. and she pulls him, down, down. and she kisses him. kisses like she's dragging the truth out of his mouth, kisses him like she's apologizing. like she's saying the things she can't say. licks into his mouth. holds tightly into him. doesn't need to say anything. wants to. what if she stayed just a little bit longer?
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reddhaed · 1 year
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[ giggle ] sender starts tickling and kissing the receiver all over in order to make them laugh ( def hawkins verse )
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sera was annoyed at someone in particular, it took a lot to get to her but this guy had managed to find a way in and so she was upset, extremely so. she had been complaining to jack and had been so sour and left it at that, she didn't think even jack would find a way to cheer her up told him so. whatever it was it left her mind, when jack started tickling her, and kissing her. had told him, he wasn't going to get her to laugh or anything. she might have spoken too soon. she tries to stay serious, but she breaks, especially when kisses are peppered through out her face. she giggles, giggles that turn into full laughter. tries to half heartedly move away from jack's soft but tricky hands. "jack! okay, okay-" she starts between laughs, tries to regain her composure, and fails miserably. it seems that with him there is a smile permanently found on her face. everything simply clicked. everything made sense. the horrors of this town faded far away. and it was just the two of them. "-you got me, you got me alright!" it was rare the ocassion that she found herself giggling so much, her body almost curling on itself. ended up wrapped in his arms. face to face. "you won." she admits defeat. her hand reaches out to his. holds it, smile still bright. "-let's get out of here. for a while. just a bit." this is what freedom felt like. this is what having that weight on your shoulders lifted, felt like.
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reddhaed · 1 year
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[ 𝐇𝐔𝐌 ] ― sender hums a lullaby to lull receiver to sleep
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sera thinks it's a little ironic, a sea creature who sings people to their death. but she wasn't going to deny something intended to help her sleep. sometimes she struggles with sleeping. she thinks she's good at hiding it. but not enough. she's made a promise to keep them both safe and thinks that maybe she'll do a better job of it if she's well rested. her head rests on christine's shoulder, red hair cascading along with the movement. the humming doing what is intended, melody sweet and quiet. she smiles. chuckles something quietly. "-promise me you won't eat me." it's meant to be lighthearted. sera hopes it's taken as so. her eye lids feel heavier, and the weigh down slowly, let's out a soft breath, gets more comfortable. doesn't move her head from the place it's set. "i trust you." it's a quieter thing.
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