needmoreteeth-blog · 6 years
@immortallionheart | human!rexie starter call [x]
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There was kindness in Rexie’s eyes as she looked at Blue. She felt a great amount of concern for the other, concern she didn’t usually feel for many people,  and she wanted to ensure that her ally was well.
“Do you need anything, Blue?” 
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tiarawcman · 6 years
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All she wanted was a drink.  Something cold to cool off the hellscape that was this planet while she tried to find something that felt acceptable to her for cloth because while most of her clothes were suited for Daxam’s significantly cooler temperatures, she had a smaller assortment available for warmer planets and that pool was getting smaller from overuse.  No, she didn’t want a water bottle or any of that plastic.  Why was everything on earth in plastic?  She brought her own cup; she’d pay for the whole thing; and they’ve done it before.  Why was this so hard?  And if the woman behind her didn’t stop suggesting that she could just go in the completely unsanitary public bathroom and fill up her cup in the sink if she was that particular, then she was going to--
Rhea placed a hand on Ivy’s arm and gave her a look as the guy (was it always a guy) finally took her cup to the back (he was going to spit in it and then she really wouldn’t be able to drink it, she couldn’t give him that satisfaction), very calmly, evenly, whispering, “Remind me that it would be unseemly for a queen to kill members of the lower class for disrespect and inadequacy.”
She knows it’s true.  She doesn’t need to hear it.  But she wants the reminder.
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@immortallionheart gets a starter for Tilly !! 
Killian quietly approached the tree his daughter was hiding behind, a slight pain creeping towards his heart that caused him to come a halt. This seemed like a safe distance. It had been a while since they’d seen each other, a month at most and he couldn’t help but smile slightly. God, he missed her. What he wouldn’t give to hold her in his arms again but he wasn’t any use if he was in pain and the last thing he wanted to do was scare her again.
“Alice, it’s just me. I hope you’re doing well. Or as well as you can be.”
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“I delivered your letter... Robyn seems like a sweet girl. She’s lucky to have you.”
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@immortallionheart || s.c. for Echo
Fingers tapped irritably against her forearm, her narrowed gaze only further enhanced by the perpetual snarl on her features offered by the scar on her upper lip. She didn’t like this. She didn’t like this at all.
“You’re really going to trust them? Just like that?” Echo hissed, golden amber gaze finally snapping to the older woman.
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greenmartyrdom · 6 years
@immortallionheart || plotted a starter for BLUE <3
       He needed to clear his head, and it was rather IRONIC that the one place he could find peace was the one place that brought him more misery and torture than any other aspects of his life. Oliver tried not to think about the wonderful and supportive people he left behind in order to do this---right now, he needed to not be tied down to anything emotionally and just BE.
       Lian Yu was a place of much comfort now that it was after-the-fact---the thought alone that he surpassed all the difficulties it brought forth gave a sense of control to the archer that he couldn’t find anywhere else. Starling City was in shambles, and his relationships with the people he cared about were strained.
       Once stepping foot onto the land, he felt a shift within himself, and he moved into a sense of familiarity and confidence. Closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath, he smelled the salt in the air from the ocean behind him, and the dirt from the forest ahead of him. Blue eyes emerged from behind eyelashes and scanned the area before making his way into PURGATORY.
* * * * *
       Nightfall was only a mere hour or so away, and soon the sky would darken fast, so Oliver set out to hunt for dinner. Despite being able to bring with himself food from back at home, he actively left those behind and decided to forage and hunt like when he was stuck here.
       Bow and arrow in hand, he walked between trees in search for something to eat. There was a bush that rustled and he immediately started to track the small rabbit that was quickly running through the plants at the sight of him. Oliver quickly followed, but it kept a good speed so then he had to pick up his own pace. He heard some strange sounds coming ahead, and he was hoping no other animal was hunting the same thing as him. Suddenly he reached a clearing and aimed his bow and arrow, but to his surprise, it wasn’t the rabbit that he was staring at.
       Instead---well, he felt crazy just thinking it, but it was clear as day, right in front of him---it was a RAPTOR. How is that even possible? he asked himself in confusion. They were obviously extinct, so why was this creature living and breathing right in front of him???
       For some reason, despite knowing the ferocity and viciousness of said creature, he felt an easiness as it stared at him. It almost felt as though there was some sort of sentience behind those eyes despite that being the most ridiculous thing he could have ever thought. Despite his better judgement, he lowered his weapon and watched as the raptor watched him back. It was a little freaky, actually, the fact that it wasn’t running to attack and didn’t even seem remotely interested in being hostile.
       That was when the archer then placed his bow and arrow on the grass in front of him, showing the creature that he didn’t mean it any harm. Oliver was unsure WHY he was feeling this way when he looked at it, but all he knew was that he felt peaceful right now even though this would be the moment a normal person would run away.
       He wouldn’t, though.
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heckcduparchived · 6 years
immortallionheart replied to your post “[starter call] Like this post for a starter from Claire Dearing Verse...” accepting
for rexie
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She hadn’t seen this dinosaur before, and while her life thus far had taught her to be cautious no matter what form of these animals she came close to she still couldn’t help but smile. “You’re a cutie-- aren’t you?” 
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whydoyouthinkileft · 6 years
Jemma had noticed she had changed in a whole new - odd- way, but even so it wasn't something she had been able to change. She had become too clingy with Skye, always choosing to stand closer to her than others, always trying to be in her same room, sometimes even falling asleep in one of the few break rooms when Skye stayed in one to work at one of her computers, because her body was exhausted and even an armchair or a couch felt heavenly. She was lucky Skye hadn't shrugged her off yet, because she needed that time spent together, she was the only person who knew about the real devastation brought by the LMDs, and the one beside Fitz who seemed to have grasped how disgusting it had been to serve Kasius as a slave. In her case, one he used for her prettiness too. Fitz had also understood, though he was obviously worried for her. But Jemma hadn't been able to explain all her issues to him, the panic, how weak she had felt, let alone the memory of stabbing his LMD, because telling Fitz any of that would only add to all the guilt he carried.
So she had tried to do her best to be healthy, eat even when not hungry, drink water, not throw herself into danger with missions, and hoped her mind would also recover faster that way. It hadn't, and when Skye had come back from a mission needing medical she had almost panicked there and then. She hated that she still had that inhibitor in her neck, that she couldn't defend herself like she had always done. The whole Destroyer of Worlds story was bullshit.
Eyes narrowed but not a word, she threated her wounds, wondering if Skye could tell how shaky she was. Thankfully she didn't need stitches because that wouldn't have ended well. "You need to be more careful..." It was a plea, and she instinctively brushed Skye's long hair, almost a motherly instinct - which was rich considering she hadn't done any protecting in a long time. She was the one being treated with gloves because this close to a breakdown. Unfairly too, because Skye had been through far more horrible things and there she was, still fighting, still standing. But then, Skye had always been stronger than her. Jemma retreated back into her silence, hating that even without Kasius' orders speaking didn't feel natural anymore, not when she risked crying every time she opened her mouth.
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badasshybridqueen · 6 years
immortallionheart replied to your post “Well then. Cool. What did we think of this episode hmm?”
season 5 doesn't exist
I mean clearly I’ll get on that band wagon in 5 episodes so lmao.
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@immortallionheart || s.c. for Charlie
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A soft purr rumbled in the youngest raptor as she stood before Blue, tail lazily swaying behind her as she lightly nudged her shoulder. Despite the late hour of that evening, Charlie was not ready for sleep. And the waning hours alone in her waking state had grown lonesome and boring. Surely her eldest sibling could join her in a moment of companionship. Perhaps even a little game if Blue would allow it.
Her nudges grew more insistent and impatient, however. Purrs morphing into a low hiss.
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He’s supposed to distrust her and yet it seems as though there’s nothing to fear from her. She’s yet to lash out, she’s yet to do something to him that should send him reeling in protective mode. So he’s kept his demeanor as easy as he can allow it. But he’s been knee deep in paranoia for sometime ever since his father’s death. He was hell bent on knowing who killed him, one of the world’s most respected Templars. He had been torn apart when he heard the news and he was tasked by his brother’s to find the culprit, the one who would dare strike down a Templar, and one as affluent as his own father. 
Ansel had been found face down in a body of water, his Templar markings all torn away from him. But drowning was not the cause of death, no it had been three stabbings to his belly - which would later be revealed were the markings of an Assassin’s blade. He should have figured, he should have known. The Assassin’s were always integrating themselves into Templar business, claiming a better world should they take away the paths that the Templars were re-carving for themselves.
Meeting Camille had been accidental and he soon came quick to suspect her. Signs pointed to her being in the area but there had been a glint in her eyes when he had held her at sword point, his demands for confession all falling without anything stumbling from her lips. She was innocent but simply being made to look as though she were guilty. A Templar? An Assassin? Someone was making her life miserable and Klaus found himself even further in the thick of a web that his father’s death had created.
" Things were simpler once. “ he finally breaks the silence that gathered around them, his eyes lifting to Camille’s over the glow of the fire between them. The flicker of it whispers shadows across her features and when her eyes catch his he glances down to the food in his hands. “ Before all of this started. “ But she knows that, doesn’t she? She was the one being framed by someone and Klaus was eager to understand why and when it had all started happening. 
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@immortallionheart liked for a reece starter
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“Do you still believe in the Maker, Cullen? I mean -- after everything...” Reece tries not to let the opinions of her companions weigh on her; she already has the entirety of Thedas believing she’s some Herald or prophet for a god she doesn’t follow by nature. Who’s to say he isn’t real, though? That all of their cultures had it right, and all pantheons exist together? Maybe none of them do. She supposes it doesn’t matter. “I mean -- do you think Andraste sent me to help? An elf?”
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pulitzerpanther · 6 years
💓…because they just couldn’t resist my muse’s lips - KAra
Send me a heart for my muse’s reactions to yours giving them a kiss…💓…because they just couldn’t resist my muse’s lips
@penuymbra || Meme Status: Accepting
Cat has a bit of an…oral fixation, at times. Not for other people, but herself. It’s not an old smoker’s habit–constantly moving hands that twirl and smooth and intentionally pick at edges of paper until the corners straighten–or an old lover’s one–tongue sliding over lips when she’s perfectly hydrated; white teeth piercing the flesh of a pout–but something she’s always done, ever since she was a little girl.
She rarely–rarely–leaves her own lips alone. 
Curiosity leads to a pen’s tip tapping in three short successions along the corner of a pressing frown.
Thought leads to the singular press of one finger, rigid and unmoving, along a parted lower lip, stoic and unyielding.
Uncertainty (rare) leads to two fingers pinching the lower plump of it, a rolling hill of flesh curving upwards, unbidden, as she pulls–tugs–and then lets it bounce back to endless captivity. The gesture is only ever done once.
Intrigue leads to the part of red seas, a tongue skimming along between the line of two front teeth, wetting skin.
Attraction leads to a singular nail skimming along the rim of her upper lip from the middle to the left of it, barely curving a u in the lower before dropping. This action is usually followed closely by intrigue.
There’s several combinations–a hundred in-betweens; lines of a story told between carefully-applied lipstick and gloss, smiles curving and teeth caught–but it’s not unusual for whatever object in Cat’s fingers (always sanitized) to find its way up to the edge of her mouth. For a pen to hang out of the corner of her lips, to press up against them, to ply between teeth. 
They can be intentional or thoughtless–careful or careless–and the sound of rain skitters along the windows as Cat works, one Sunday morning. The paper is splayed along her knees even as a cascading river of pages–just as turbulent and ever-changing, waters of black and red swirling together in a spatter of hand-written notes crossing out typed ones–covers the nearby table. There’s no heels tucked on feet or some fashionable, expensive power suit clinging to shoulders, glasses pushed high on the bridge of a nose, but there’s a certain rigidity to the framework of her muscles, like the solidity of them would never be easily shaken. 
However comfortable she is, it’s clear she’s focused.
Brows are barely knit as she writes and Cat, in a rare display–because, oh, she often fusses with her lips when her lover is so near, just to get a rise out of her–is unaware of the series of actions. A pen taps against her lips–traces it–a tongue. Teeth tug. A manicured nail causes a staccato flutter of fingers against skin as she sighs into the morning air, a furrowing pout settling on features as the rain dances outside their window. 
It might be the tongue flicking over her lower lip that does it, Cat isn’t sure, but somewhere along a mess of pens and fingers and tongue along her lips, the woman who’s been sitting next to her this entire time decides to replace them with something far better. 
Kara leans across the distance and kisses her.
Cat’s breath catches along the edge of parted lips, pen caught, sagging between them in momentarily-limp fingers as their lips so knowingly slot together, the hand that had been skimming along sheets raising up to cup the back of a neck as Kara presses closer. 
(Cat will ask herself later, of course, ‘what did it–which action was it?’, because Cat Grant is nothing but self aware. She’ll decide that it was likely all of them).
Warm breath of a shared smile spreads against both of their lips, not much air between them when they part and this time Cat lightly tugs on the lower lip in front of her with white, perfect teeth, gently sucking it between parted lips.
A laugh when she pulls away–quiet and thoroughly distracted, now (rarer, even, than ‘uncertainty’)–nose brushing along Kara’s, teasing: “There’s no need to be jealous.” She almost asks Kara, then–asks what did it?–but, oh, there’s far more important things….
Instead of tracing her own, a singular nail raises up to trace from Kara’s upper lip from the middle down in a curving u about her lower lip before pulling her in, again, marked pages thoughtlessly scattering to the floor, as she does, trading her own oral fixation for another.
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They are the kind of ᴡ ᴏ ᴍ ᴇ ɴ                that when their feet                      𝔥  𝔦  𝔱                                    the floor each morning, 
       𝖍 𝖆 𝖉 𝖊 𝖘   says              "Oh shit, they’re up,"
                             Diana Prince and Sara Lance
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demandsacrifice · 7 years
@immortallionheart    ♚
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It was crazy that she was upset. Freya knew what she was getting herself into when she signed up for this. She knew her magic would be gone. She knew blood would become a much larger piece of her life than it already was. She knew she was signing up to be immortal. She had even prepared for it, creating a daylight ring for herself before drinking the blood and dying. But the loss of her human life and the connection she had to magic was greater than she had expected. She had only barely left New Orleans, parking herself in a bed and breakfast outside the city. She couldn’t step foot inside NOLA because it was the birthplace of The Hollow. She was actually supposed to be much further away, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave without finding a way to bring her family back together. 
The hostess had left for the day, asking if she could pick anything up for her house guest. Freya had asked for a few herbs, knowing that she wouldn’t really be able to use them like before, but wanting them nonetheless. She was glad that the woman had left because the temptation of drinking her blood was getting stronger. She tried to occupy her mind by going through her family’s old books. Not just grimoires, but photo albums and old papers, too. They were scattered around the living room floor when she heard someone coming up the steps.
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
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My Crushes:
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camillethebrave · 7 years
@immortallionheart liked for a starter 
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“I was hoping you could help me,” Cami stated as she stood in front of Freya.  In her hand was one of the many dark objects she had inherited from her uncle.  “This thing...it’s been glowing at night.  I’ve been around this stuff long enough to know that is not a good thing.”
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