#implied ler!kai
randommusicalfluff · 4 months
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I love love love Zane so finally having an excuse to draw him via @tickleartfight makes me so happy!! @carrie-tate get art fought!! Raaahh!!
Obligatory @bichambered-reservoir for Ninjago 🫶🏾
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Anyways, this is a shoutout to the small TK community interested in Ninjago! I'm giving an @luv4lance to you because your headcanons were the final straw for me to sit down and draw some ninjas, I love your writing!
Closeups & dialogue under the cut:
Zane says, "Precious laughter, my friend." In an alternate drawing, I would also incorporate the tease, "I'm certain you sure do love to laugh Jay!"
Kai says, "What's wrong Jay? Does it TICKLE??" He's such an asshole. (/pos /lh) He digs in, he has experience in tickle fights. (Though, it's less of a tickle fight here and more of a slaughter.)
Cole says, "PFFFT! Did I just hear a SNORT?" Asshole Number 2. (/pos /lh) He'll keep Jay from kicking too much, wouldn't want anyone to get hurt. What a nice friend!
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gaybananabread · 11 months
Hi!!! 💖 If 21 isn’t filled yet for tickletober, do you think you could do ler Asmodeus and lee Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss? The new episode has me craving for some tickle content for them they’re so cute!! Hope you’re well and take all the time you need. 💖
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TickleTober Day 21 - New Discovery
Writing this one made me happy. I dunno what it was, but writing the scrunkles just boosted my happy brain chems. I know I’ve been squeaking these in at like 11:50 something at night, but I actually paced myself this week and loved getting this out! Hopefully you like reading this as much as I did writing it. Enjoy!
Lee: Fizzarolli
Ler: Asmodeus
Summary: After a shitty day, Fizz is more than ready for some love from his partner. Ozzie is happy to help, though he does it in his own silly way. After all, what's love without some laughter?
Warnings: swearing (obviously), implied murder (don't worry, they deserve it)! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Hell's worst kept secret…
Not wrong, but the title still pissed the pair off. Ever since the kidnapping incident, they had been a bit more open with their relationship. They obviously weren't announcing it; all of Hell didn't need to know that Ozzie and an Imp were together. But around the factory and his quarters, the fruits were showing more PDA and less shitty excuses when they were caught. 
The workers knew better than to say anything.
Still, the occasional whisper or snide comment outside of Asmodeus's safe zone got the jester's blood boiling. Especially when they were about his man.
"Did you hear about Asmodeus and that little imp? Man, what a way to fall. Never thought the embodiment of Lust would do that to himself." The second demon nodded, smirking. "Oh, Fizzer-something? Yeah, a big rooster and a clown. Sounds like the plot of a shitty porno." "Heh, they kinda are!"
Oho, Fizz wanted to rip their throats out and shove them so far up their-
Whooo-kay. Deep breaths, deep breaths. He promised Asmodeus that he wouldn't let small-minded loudmouths get to him, especially sinners. But they so deserved it, and he was just a few feet away…
They just had to keep talking, though. "And hey, he didn't even pick a working one! The thing's defective! Robotic limbs and shit. Dude really needs higher standards."
That was it. The jester turned, running at them with nothing but rage and hate in his eyes. The dumb fuckheads barely had time to begin a plea before Fizz went to town.
When his Fizzie got home, Ozzie immediately knew something was wrong. His partner’s colorful clothes were coated with black blood. The sin hurried over to him, surveying the imp for injuries before scooping him up into his arms. “Fizzie, babe, what happened?”
Asmodeus’s voice radiated concern, comfort and love for the jester. Fizzarolli couldn’t have gotten any luckier when him and the demon connected for the first time. Or the second. Or the many, many times after that. Eh, who needs labels?
“Some…assholes, spewing shit about you and me. I tried, but…they needed a lesson on how to shut up.” One of the robotic arms was damaged in his fit of rage. Apparently the loudmouthed sinners had a bit of fight in them. Fizz still disposed of the garbage; he just got a bit messy.
Ozzie sighed, nuzzling his feathery head against Fizz’s smooth skin. “Froggie, I love that you wanna defend me, but it’s not worth you getting hurt. I’d take all the shit-talk Hell has to offer if it meant you’d be okay.”
So mushy… The imp rolled his eyes, secretly melting inside at the sweet words. “Alright, alright, I get it. No more fighting over your honor. Tell Hallmark the message worked.”
Then he did Fizzarolli’s most favorite thing ever. He laughed, a deep snort kicking off the rumbling chuckles. Fizz laid his head on Ozzie’s chest, feeling the vibrations and listening to the short burst of amusement. The sin stood, sighing out a final huff before carrying his partner to their bed. It was the only one big enough for Asmodeus, let alone Fizz, to fit. 
Following their pattern, Ozzie removed his elaborate suit, slipping on his robe instead. He then helped the jester peel away the blood-stained outfit, quickly drawing a bath for him. They were at the point where it was just second nature; one of them has a bad day, they get a warm bath, cuddles and shitty RomComs until they fall asleep. That day was Fizz’s day to be pampered.
After some calming back rubs in a nice bath, all blood was clean and the imp was feeling a bit better. Ozzie got him a new arm, making sure to give him little forehead kisses as he worked. Finally, they were ready to lay down.
Surprising no one, Ozzie was the big spoon. He hugged Fizz close under the covers, rubbing his back soothingly. The Lust ring’s RomCom channel played distantly on the TV.  It was barely a minute before the jester was dozing off. The sin’s touch softened, absentmindedly wandering across Fizzarolli’s bare skin. 
His feathery fingers eventually made their way to the imp’s sides. Fizz was drawn from his sleepy stupor by an unexpected buzzing along his side. A feeling he hadn’t felt in quite some time. He squirmed a bit, feeling the fingers go back to his back. The moment he settled back down, however, they returned. 
A quick glance at Ozzie’s dreamy expression told him that the sin wasn’t doing it on purpose. The rooster just thought he was giving him soft affections. Sighing, Fizz squirmed again, adjusting himself so the tracing was closer to his lower back. That was apparently a big mistake.
The moment one of the feathery fingers brushed his back, he squeaked, flinching away from the touch. Asmodeus immediately went into Mother Hen mode, lightning his touch and looking for injuries. “Fizzarolli, why didn’t you tell me you hurt yourself? Back injuries are serious!”
Ugh, why did he have to care so much? “I-I didn’t…” The lighter touch was somehow worse, sending a flurry of butterflies to attack his stomach. Fizz’s tail twitched, trying to wag; he made sure to force it still. Unfortunately for him, that also meant he took a small amount of focus off his verbal reactions. The smallest, teensiest little giggle slipped past his lips. Ozzie immediately stilled his fingers; as a sin, he easily heard the noise. Then something clicked.
“Froggie…are you ticklish?” Shit…Fizz tried to run, a burst of adrenaline pulling him from the sleepy peace. Ozzie was on him before he could move an inch. The little imp didn’t stand a chance.
“W-wait! Ozz, don’t you fucking dare!” His robotic arms wrapped around the sin’s body, trying to push him off. That was nearly impossible, as Asmodeus was over four times his size and much stronger than the prosthetics. Still, he could only try. 
The rooster smirked, his demeanor doing a complete 180. Ozzie went from concerned and soft to playful and smug in seconds; it was almost scary how fast he could switch like that. “Oooh, babe, I definitely fucking do~”
Before he could get another protest out, ten feathered fingers attacked his torso. Five running along his back, five snaking around to his stomach. In seconds, small giggles slipped past his lips, a blush tinting his scarred cheeks. “N-nohoho! Ohohozzie you dihihick!”
“I know it’s one of your favorite features, but let’s leave my dick out of this.” Stupid, cheesy words; it was unfair how blushy they made him. Fizz tried to wiggle away, but even with his insane flexibility, Ozzie’s strong arms kept him trapped.
He twisted and kicked, his limbs swinging and flailing as he tried to escape. He didn’t fully mind the tickling, but Fizz had an image to protect. The amazing, alluring, ass-kicking Fizzarolli couldn’t be seen getting reduced to a giggly puddle; even if nobody was watching but his boyfriend.
“Tickle tickle tickle, Fizzie~” He just had to tease… If there was one thing that killed Fizz, it was Ozzie’s silly teases. Normally, they were just flustering. Those teases, though; they drove him nuts. “Shuhut the fuhuhuck uhuhup!”
Ozzie loved the sight of his squirmy boyfriend. The genuine laughter, happy smile, vibrant blushes and adorable noises warmed his loving heart. He genuinely couldn’t be happier than when he was with his Fizzie Frog; especially when the imp was all giggly like that. “Awww, babe, I’m just tryna cheer you up! Are you not feelin’ just a teeny bit better?”
Okay, that wasn’t fair. He was definitely feeling better than when he arrived, but that wasn’t totally because of the tickling. Being around Asmodeus, as evil as he was, immediately boosted his mood. “Thihis- ihit’s nohot fahahair! Youhuhu suhuhuck!”
“Only for you, Fizz~” Just to be evil, Asmodeus fluttered his fingers on the jester’s hips. FIzz squealed, his arms swinging to try and grab Ozzie’s hands. Oh, that asshole! “SH-SHIHIHIT! AHASMODEHEHEUS! NAHAT THEHERE!” 
Ozzie chuckled, loving the high-pitched cackles from his partner. “But right there is my favorite! C’mon babe, you gotta admit that this is pretty cute.” Fizz groaned through his laughter, thrashing under the sin’s tickly assault. His robotic appendages were no help, merely bouncing off the sin’s feathered skin instead of actually deterring him. 
“NOHO IHIHI”M NAHAT! OHOZZIEHEHEEEE!” Fizz could feel his tail wagging, the tip making a gentle thump against the sheets. At least the rooster wasn’t teasing him about that. “Ooh, Fizzie, your tail’s wagging. Are you enjoying yourself?” Spoke too soon…
Seeing that he was working his partner up a bit too much, he moved away from the imp’s hips, deciding to focus on Fizz’s neck instead. “Alright, alright. I won’t kill you, Fizzie babe.”
“F-fuhuckin’ feehels like ihihit!” Fizz whined, his laughter dying down to squeaky giggles. He turned his head, burying his face in the pillowy mattress. The muffled giggles only made him cuter, in Ozzie’s opinion. He leaned his head down, peppering the jester’s face with light kisses. Fizz scrunched up his shoulders, both loving and hating how the ticklish kisses made him melt. “Bahahahaaaabe!”
Ozzie chuckled, basking in the way his boyfriend reacted to the silly affections. The faces in his hair were smiling wide, portraying his obvious adoration and love. So fucking cute…
It was almost comical, the way the large sin cuddled up to the smaller imp. The love they shared was like no other; based on good communication, mutual respect and pure affection, it was about as healthy as you could get. Sure, they weren’t officially public, but nobody else needed to know about them for it to be wonderful. Especially in the cutesy moments like those.
As much as Fizzarolli loved the attention, he was wearing out. Dealing with the dicks from that morning, combined with the goofy fun, had him pretty drained. “Ohozziehehe! Plehease, noho mohohore!” 
And just like that, it was over. Asmodeus respected boundaries more than any other creature in hell; the moment Fizz wanted him to stop, he would, no questions asked. He did, however, pull the imp against his chest, rubbing small circles into his back to help calm him down. The sin’s voice was soft once again, save for a teasing edge. “Easy, babe. You okay? I didn’t go too far, did I?”
Fizz took a few deep breaths, getting out the last few giggles as he snuggled against his man. “Uhum…no, you’re good. But *damn*, did you have to go for my hips?” Ozzie snorted, nuzzling his head against the imp’s. “You know I did. It’s adorable, how can I not?”
He held Fizz tight, flipping them over so the jester was laying on his chest. It was their favorite way to sleep; Fizz could feel the warmth of his boyfriend, and Ozzie could sleep peacefully, knowing his partner was safe while he was with him. Fizzie grumbled, but didn’t protest the movement. He was tired, and he couldn’t deny that the sin’s chest was rather comfortable.
The covers were pulled over the pair, concealing almost all of Fizz’s body. His concealing hat was removed, placed on its holder for the night. It was nice, affectionate and calm; just the way the pair liked it. They drifted off, the small yet happy smile never leaving the imp’s face.
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jeonginsdiary · 2 years
can I request for a lee!hueningkai and lee!Yeonjun with the rest of the members as lers? So I had an idea yesterday, imagine that one of them gets tickled lightly by only 1 ler, while the other lee gets wreck by the 2 other lers.
only the one getting lightly tickled can say “switch”, which will have the one getting lightly tickled by one ler, get wrecked by the 2 other lers and vice versa
it’s kinda like a loyalty game, the lee that’s only getting lightly tickled could just leave the other to get wrecked and never say “switch”, and then the one getting wrecked could inspire pity and the three lers just gang up on the betrayer and the scenarios are endless XD
ofc, you can change the roles for each members, and if there are too many characters then you’re free to change the request <3
thank you!
Okay so I think I understand the concept of this one!
I apologize if what I wrote wasn’t the plot you were expecting but i’ll try to write it based off of what I think you mean!
[I’m literally writing the first half of this on my way to dance class HAHAHA]
Lee: Huening Kai
Lee: Yeonjun
Ler: TxT
Fun and Games
It had been a hectic day for TxT.. They had a break from performing and they were definitely using that to there advantage. The members were spending ALL day playing games with each other as they bonded. The majority of their games were just stuff that came to mind like hide and seek, tag, board games, etc. Eventually, the members felt like they had played it all. The group sat slumped on the couch, unsure of what they should do next. “Ugh, i’m so bored!” Said a frustrated Yeonjun, who playfully laid his whole body on top of Soobin. “Yah! Get off of me!” grumbled a frustrated yet evil Soobin as he poked Yeonjun’s sides. “Wahahait stohop!” Yeonjun giggled as he fell off of the younger. “You know, hasn’t Yeonjun been annoying us for like a week straight now?” Soobin said while mercilessly squeezing his hyungs stomach, resulting in screams mixed with laughs as Yeonjun desperately tried to escape.
These kind of things happened so much between the members that the rest of them already knew what Soobin was implying. “Hmm, I suppose so..” Replied a smiley Beomgyu who climbed on top of the struggling Yeonjun while Soobin yanked the others arms up, completely exposing his torso. “WAIT WAIT GUYS!” Yelled a distressed Yeonjun who attempted pulling his arms down only to be met with teases of how he “couldn’t get away”. “AHH DON’T!” Screamed the poor boy as he watched Taehyun stretch his fingers towards his upper ribs, a pretty bad spot for Yeonjun. Taehyun being as evil as he is, slowed his fingers down so he was reaching towards the olders ribs ever so slowly. Yeonjun tried wiggling his body the other way, failing miserably as Taehyun’s hands just came closer and closer. All three of them just laughed at Yeonjuns begging before Taehyun buried his hands deep into the olders upper ribs, resulting in a loud scream from the older who was now laughing hysterically. “STAHAHAP! HEHELP MEHE HYUKA!” Begged the boy as he directed his eyes towards the maknae. Huening Kai just sat there, a million thoughts going through his head. Should he help Yeonjun? Or should he help his hyungs wreck Yeonjun? “Come on Kai~ Help us!” Said an overjoyed Beomgyu as he wiggled his fingers on the olders stomach. “NOHO HELP MEHEHE!” Yeonjun retorted, hoping that he sounded at least a bit intimidating.
Eventually, the maknae decided to help Yeonjun. Why? Because he had been tickled well over a thousand times by his hyungs and he knew how bad it was. Hyuka still sat frozen on the couch, thinking of his master plan. He settled on a classic scheme, trying to tickle another member to get them to fall off of Yeonjun. He went with Soobin, who was pretty ticklish, making Hyuka believe it would be more effective. Kai then proceeded to stand up and walk over to the group, pretending like he was gonna attack Yeonjun with them. Instead, he stuck his fingers into Soobin’s exposed armpits, pulling a yelp from the older. To the maknaes dismay, Taehyun saw that coming, grabbing Kai’s sides and squeezing them full force, causing Huening Kai to let go of Soobin as he tried breaking loose from Taehyun’s grip. “AHAHAHA WAHAHAIT! IHIHI’M SOHORRY!” The younger laughed out as he twisted his body in every direction. “He tried to betray us!” Beomgyu said while finding the whole situation way too funny. He was still seated on Yeonjun, making it impossible for the older to escape. Soobin had moved back to holding the others arms up as Gyu had now switched to kneading the olders lower sides, causing Yeonjun to arch his back as he shook his head back and forth.
Taehyun on the other hand, had pinned down Huening Kai, scribbling only lightly on the youngers sides. Taehyun wasn’t gonna wreck the maknae solely because he knew how ticklish the poor boy was. There were now two boys, pinned to the ground. One screaming and laughing his head off and the other softly giggling. Soobin had wanted to have some fun with the older too, scribbling his fingers into each of Yeonjun’s armpits. The boy screamed, falling into helpless laughter soon after that. “GUHUHUYS NAHAHAHA!” Laughed Yeonjun who had the biggest smile stuck to his lips. “Aww look how cute you look~” Teased Beomgyu, who had started scooting down to sit on his hyungs thighs. Yeonjun just blushed as he now bucked his hips, not being able to before due to Beomgyu’s weight on them. “Hey hyung! I have a question!” A jubilant Gyu said as he paused his tickling. “Whahahat?” Replied a giggling Yeonjun who only had to focus on Soobin’s fingers which were roaming around his neck, not a very sensitive spot for the older but it still got him laughing and scrunching his shoulders. “I’ll tell you but you have to answer honestly.” Said an intent Beomgyu who watched the olders cute smile. “Okahahay juhust tell mehe!” Yeonjun replied, barely being able to take the anticipation anymore. “Okay..” Answered Beomgyu, purposely dramatizing the situation. “Are your..” He started his question, causing Yeonjun’s ears to perk up, still giggling hysterically along with Kai who was now having small shapes traced onto his bare tummy.
Beomgyu finally finished his sentence.. “Are your hips ticklish?” He questioned, drilling into the olders hips right after the sentence escaped his lips. “Wha- NOHOHOHO GYUHU STAHAHAHA-” Yeonjun screamed out as he was thrusted into silent laughter. “They are!” Soobin happily responded, knowing full well that this was the olders weak spot. Yeonjun thrashed his body around as he attempted to remove the youngers hands off of his hips by bucking up and forcefully yanking at his hands. He pulled so hard that Soobin had to stop tickling his neck in order to sit on the olders hands so he for sure couldn’t escape.
Kai, who was still softly giggling, watched in anxiousness as Yeonjun was put through torture. He knew how much it sucked when you were silently laughing and couldn’t to anything to get the attackers to stop. Soobin looked over at Hyuka, noticing how anxious he looked for his hyung. “Look Hyuka, if you really wanna save him just say ‘switch’ and we’ll only tickle him lightly, you’ll have to get wrecked instead though.” Soobin said while having the time of his life. What kind of offer was that? Why would Kai willingly get wrecked like that? Well.. in all honesty, Yeonjun did look like he was about to die.. Huening Kai did feel pretty bad for his hyung and after all he was pretty used to getting wrecked. It wouldn’t be that bad if it happened again, right? Wrong. The maknae didn’t even know how he survived all the tickle attacks coming from his hyungs. “So..?” Taehyun impatiently asked, waiting for an answer from the younger and disrupting the maknaes internal thoughts. “The longer you wait, the longer Yeonjun gets wrecked for~” Teased Beomgyu who was still torturing the older. Kai watched as Yeonjun arched his back up, bucked his hips, and attempted to beg, even though no sound came out of his mouth. Taehyun had now stopped tickling the maknae, eagerly waiting for a response. “Alright alright fine.. ‘switch..’” Huening Kai said hesitantly.
In the blink of an eye, Soobin and Beomgyu had climbed off of Yeonjun and on top of Hyuka, Beomgyu sitting on his thighs while Soobin sat on his arms just as they had done to Yeonjun. Taehyun immediately scrambled onto Yeonjun’s hips while he was still weak enough to not fight back. The olders face was completely red as he gasped for breath, rubbing his hips in attempts to get rid of the leftover tingly feeling. Unfortunately for the boy, he was stopped by Taehyun who took his weak arms, pinning them with his knees. “Ughh Taehyuhun!” Giggled the boy as Taehyun begun lightly poking his sides and stomach. “Hyung, you should be thanking Hyuka, he’s about to get wrecked!” Stated the younger boy matter of factly. Yeonjun shifted his eyes over to Kai and sure enough, the maknae was about to be put through torture. Beomgyu was carefully lifting the youngers shirt up, ignoring the maknaes pleas. Both Yeonjun and Taehyun were startled by a sudden scream as they looked over, watching Beomgyu as he suddenly blew a raspberry on the top of Hyuka’s stomach. The younger let out a loud scream, laughing hysterically as Beomgyu kept up his attack, giving the boy long raspberries all over his stomach, only coming up for air for a split second before lowering his head back down and blowing another one. “HYUHUHUNG AHAHANYTHIHING BUHUT THAT!” Screamed the maknae as he viciously jolted with every raspberry. “It’s your loss Kai, you shouldn’t have said ‘switch.’” Replied Soobin who was wiggling his pointer fingers into the boys lower ribs. “NAHAHA GUHUHUYS I CAHAN’T TAHAKE IHIT!” The vulnerable boy begged as Beomgyu placed as many raspberries as he could manage onto the boys exposed tummy. Huening Kai attempted to jerk his body upwards, but was met with a lengthy raspberry to his bellybutton in punishment for trying to escape, resulting in the highest pitched scream the maknae could muster. “Ow, Kai you’re hurting our ears!” Taehyun whined while he pinched Yeonjun’s sides and ribs, ignoring the boys giggly begging. “THEHEHEN TEHELL HYUHUNG TO STOHOP!” Screamed Kai who was a shrieking mess at this point. “Hmm, should I stop?” Questioned Beomgyu who had momentarily stopped his raspberry session. “Yeah maybe you should stop, I think his thighs would be a better place~” Teased Soobin, satisfied with how the younger begged them not to. “Wait hyung I have an idea..” Beomgyu told Soobin as he eyed the maknae. At this point, both of them had stopped tickling hyuka as they decided where to wreck him next. “W-what ihis it..?” Asked Huening Kai in suspense. Seeing the look in their eyes, Kai knew that this would not turn out good for him.
Taehyun had now stopped his light tickles with Yeonjun as he was now cuddling with his hyung. “Hmmm..” Beomgyu thought aloud, causing everyone’s in the rooms eyes to be on the mischievous boy. “I wonder..” Continued the boy. “Gyu just hurry up and finish your sentence.” Demanded an impatient Yeonjun. The rest of the members besides Taehyun, turned to Yeonjun after hearing his voice. “Ah, Taehyun’s done with you? How did you like it~” Questioned a devilish Soobin. “Tsk be quiet” Replied the oldest boy, ears turning red from the question. “Anyways, I wonder if..” Beomgyu said as all eyes were back on him. “You’re just like Yeonjun hyung..”
“What is that supposed to AH-” Before the maknae could even finish his sentence, he was caught in an endless fit of laughter. The evil Gyu made his way into the very hollow of the boys hips, pressing down with his thumbs and massaging in deep. The younger tried letting out a scream. Unfortunately for him, it was way too sensitive for the boy that all he could get out of his mouth was an “AH” before he was swallowed in the loudest laughter he’s ever produced. Besides when they tickle his thighs.. But we all know that, don’t we? “NONONO STOHOP STOHO-” The defenseless Hyuka could only scream out a few of his pleas until, just like Yeonjun, he too was thrown into endless silent laughter. “He is just like Yeonjun!” Beomgyu stated happily as he continued his attack. The worst part was that Kai couldn’t even try and pull his arms down. Soobin was still seated on his wrists, outstretching the younger boy and making it impossible for him to fight back! Now Huening Kai had gotten absolutely wrecked by his hyungs way too many times and he knew full well that tugging at his wrists, arching his back, and bucking his hips up never worked.. But it’s still worth a shot, right? The younger fought as much as he could but just couldn’t escape. Well that plan flopped.
After seeing how much Kai was dying, they stopped their torture, leaving a panting maknae on the ground who rubbed his hips just like Yeonjun had done. “Dohon’t do thahat again!” The younger boy said tiredly as he focused his eyes on Beomgyu. “Hey, you’re the one who tried saving Yeonjun hyung!” Retorted the boy who helped the maknae onto the couch. “Yeah, I think we’re all done with games today, aren’t we?” Said Soobin as he draped a nearby blanket on Huening Kai’s body. The rest of the members just laughed as they all climbed onto the couch, cuddling as they one by one fell asleep to each other’s warm touches.
Oh how much they loved their troublesome Yeonjun and Hyuka..
Wait I actually had so much fun writing this HAHAHA
I don’t know if this is just me but the beginning paragraphs feel different to how I normally write..? Did anyone else notice that??
I normally put a semi-long beginning to the story before the tk part but for this one I just got straight to it.. I hope you don’t mind!
Stay healthy <3
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