#implied smooching your hubby before your date night while sitting on his lap bc he deserves all the nice things in the world
pollyna · 8 months
Friday is marked on Ice's secretary's calendar as "date night" since the moment she started working for him. And it means his husband is going to stroll in their part of the building at 4.30, leave her favourite coffee on the table before closing the door behind him. It takes between fifteen to thirty minutes before she sees both men strolling out, Admiral Kazansky's hair a little messed up and his husband's sporting the biggest and brightest grin she has seen on a person before. She never takes appointments on Friday after four, and when Admiral Cain laments that she can't just decide not to schedule a meeting because Admiral Kazansky has something better to do, she laughs and writes a long ass email to tell him, in very polite words, sorry, no can do. Fuck you.
The next Friday, Maverick leaves a muffin with her favourite coffee and pats her back before closing the door behind his back. They are out of the office in ten minutes, laughing and holding hands in front of her, for the first time.
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