#important for Shadow’s turning point at the end of sa2 so she must show up righ???
another-sonic-blog · 4 years
By Accident Ch.3
Based on the presumption that Amy found Shadow in stasis instead of Eggman in SA2
A/N: I know its being a long time ... 54 years may be? I can even find the the previous chapters in tumblr ...Anyways I hope you still enjoy!  I dedicate this chapter to @itsdaqueensposts because she is amazing! <3 She will be making a comic based on this fanfic, so I hope you guys will look forwards to it! 
Previous: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/619412011978309632/by-accident-ch2
It was easy for Shadow to teleport to the ARK. Walking through the corridors of the space colony was harder than Shadow thought it would be. He remembers running around with Maria, playing hide and seek, and from time to time they would get scolded from the other scientists. The place used to be so lively and full of life, now it has been reduced to a memory in Shadow's mind.
It was strange for him, that things hadn't changed in the time he was gone. How long was it? 20? 30? 50 years?
And still, everything looked the same.  A space colony had its perks because it wasn't affected by the laws of nature. No dust, no erosion, no human intervention that could destroy the architecture over time. The laboratories, the unused white papers, and pens, the lab coats that were never used again ... Everything was left the same from the day G.U.N. came.
Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to walk around. If Eggman shows up, he could just run to their meeting point.
There was a particular place where he wanted to go since he woke up from stasis.
Maria and his favorite place.
When he entered the room, he couldn't help but notice the blue planet in front of him. Stars surrounding it and even a blue aura that made the planet look like paradise. It was so beautiful that it pained Shadow ... just a little.
He turned around to look at the room. Made up from mostly metal, there were no beakers, no test tubes nor burettes. This room existed for the solemn reason to appreciate the view in front of them. To relax and it was the only room Maria and Shadow could play around freely.
Shadow knew that it was never going to happen but a part of him still had hoped... That Maria would come running through those doors, giggling and smiling like she always does.
How could this happen? How did he let this happen? For him, just a couple of days had passed since he last saw Maria and now ... She was dead.
And it was all G.U.N.'s fault.
And his fault as well.
He was supposed to be the ultimate life form, he was supposed to be her cure so they could go live together happily on Earth.
The moment he heard her call his name, the black hedgehog felt his heart stop for a second. He stopped breathing, his body began to shake and for a moment he really thought he was going to die. He let in and out heavy breaths as he tried to get lungs to his air. He felt like throwing up, his chest felt like it had been pierced by a Chaos Spear and his body was drowning in sweat.
It was as if she was there as if Maria had just whispered his name. He just couldn't stop the memory. It played over and over again in his head. Her words, her face ... Her eyes that hoped that someway, somehow they could be saved.
That G.U.N. agent who shot her. The sound, his screaming, the way he saw the lightscape her eyes as she fell dead to the ground.
That was her last memory of her.
He wanted to forget. Shadow didn't want to remember, it was emotionally and physically painful. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move and most of it all, he couldn't stop the memory.
He had never felt like this, and for a moment he was scared, terrified that he will keep feeling like this for all of eternity.
Maybe this was his punishment.
"Shadow do it for me ..."
"For all of those people on that planet,"
"Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog."
"I know you are not bad, I trust you Shadow."
Shadow opened his eyes, as the voice of the pink hedgehog resonated on his mind.
"He can hurt you, what if you need me to protect you?"
"You will come back, right?"
"I promise."
The words came out like a soft whisper and as of art of magic, Shadow was finally able to breathe again. His heartbeat was stabilizing again and the sweating had stopped. He felt chills run down his spine and he was a relief to feel that his body was going back to normal. There was still a mild pain on his chest but he knew he just needed to stand still for a bit for the pain to go away.
He looked at the green Chaos Emerald on his hand, the gem that had taken him to this place. Now, he needed it to go back to her.
He promised her he was going to come back after all.
But before that, there was another promise he needed to fulfill.
"Finish this fast ... So you can go back to her."
"We interrupt this broadcast for an important news flash. There has been a break-in at the federal reserve bank today. Mysteriously, the only thing that was stolen was the Chaos Emerald. According to eyewitnesses at the scene, the suspect was identified as the world-renowned hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. The suspect was seen fleeing the scene destroying the reserve's guard robots in his path. Stay tuned for more details."
There was only one thing that ran through Amy's mind as she finished watching the news.
What had happened that day she left him at the Federal Reserve Bank? Did Shadow steal the Chaos Emerald?
"Of course he did Amy, you just saw the news."
Was he that desperate to get it?
But there was another thing Amy needed to focus her attention on.
The military must be going after Sonic, thinking that he was the one who stole the Chaos Emerald. Did they already capture him? Where was he?
Amy didn't hesitate for a moment. Although she had already asked too many favors out of Rouge, she just needed to know if Sonic was alright.
She was on the edge of her seat on the couch. She extended her hand to reach her cellphone that was placed on top of the small table.
The pink hedgehog was quick to turn on the cellphone and look for Rouge's contact phone number.
And she called.
There was a beep sound coming from the phone, the call entering but no one was picking up. The pink hedgehog felt a little bit bad at the moment because after all Rouge was a government agent and she was busy most of the time. Nonetheless, this was an emergency and Amy needed to eat her embarrassment to find information about her lover.
Amy sighed in relief as she recognized the bat's voice. She didn't want to take much of her time so she jumped quickly to ask questions.
"Hey, Rouge how are you? Are you busy?"
"Well, just a bit I am about to teleport myself to an abandoned space colony but besides that I am good. What's up?"
The signal wasn't the best and this only happened when Rouge was in a faraway country. She never had luck with cellphones, such a bad signal for a government spy.
"I am sorry to bother you while you are at work, but I was wondering if you knew about ..." Amy made a pause. She didn't want to give away that she knew Shadow nor that he was the one that stole the Chaos Emerald. Because even when Amy trusted Rouge, she still knew that the bat took her job seriously and wouldn't hesitate to ask questions. "About Sonic stealing a Chaos Emerald and the military going after them."
"Of course, and I am guessing you want to ask where he is being held, prisoner ... Correct?"
Amy heard the bat sigh heavily, the pink hedgehog cursed mentally mostly because she was ashamed of herself. She knew it was too much to ask for, and knowing Rouge she won't give up that information to her so easily.
"Amy is dangerous ... I don't want you to go," Rouge made a pause. "But knowing how stupid G.U.N. is and that they will make this information public ... I can say that Sonic is currently in Prison Island."
"That's where I found Shadow."
"Oh? I thought that place had been shut down years ago." Amy responded. To Amy's knowledge, Rouge didn't know that Amy had broken into the base and met Shadow the Hedgehog.
"It was but a few days ago ... Something happened at the base, something got 're-activated' ... That made G.U.N. reopen the base and because it's on an island, that's the safest place to put Sonic."
A few things crossed Amy's mind. The first thing was that she needed to ask Tails for a ride to Prison Island and knowing her two-tailed friend, Tails must be making preparations to go there himself.
"Thank you for the information Rouge, I am sorry. I'll try not to bother you anymore," The pink one let out a soft smile and her heart felt relieved as she heard the white bat giggle back at her.
"Don't worry, you have helped me a lot too. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of you." Rouge said. "I know it's futile to ask you to stay home so, please ... Be careful."
"I'll try my best ... You too be careful," Amy was thankful for Rouge. Because although she acted like a big sister to her, Rouge always knew to respect her independence. "I hope to see you soon, goodbye."
"Me too hun, goodbye."
The call ended and there was an emptiness in Amy that she couldn't describe. It was quiet, too quiet and although she was used to it, it wasn't something she enjoyed all the time. Especially after Shadow stayed with her a couple of days.
She didn't want to jump to any conclusions, not when she wasn't heard Shadow's version of the story yet.
She trusted Shadow.
And she was going to keep doing so until her questions were answered.
And she was gonna look for them.
Shadow was in the ARK's Central Control Room. Memories again overtaking his mind. Here he was, in front of all of its glory. Although Shadow wasn't let inside of the room must of the time, the scientists instructed him well about the functions of the machine.
The Eclipse Gannon.
One of Gerald's greatest creations. The machine capable of destroying a whole planet.
And the one who will help him full-feel his promise and set him free.
Shadow heard machine steps coming towards, he recognized them perfectly well.
"I have been waiting for you, doctor," Shadow said as he finally faced Dr. Eggman who came down from his machine. "Now I will show the glorious achievement of what the world's leading scientist, Professor Gerald has created."
Rouge was surprised that they still didn't know about her presence. Not like it matters too much, after all, she was there to get more information about Eggman's doing. What caught her interest the most, however, was the black hedgehog who spoke so eloquently about the ARK.
"To reactivate the machine we need the seven Chaos Emeralds. Once you have that, then you have the ultimate power of destruction to use as you please. And then the world could be yours!"
Rouge was very perceptive of things. Especially words. The black hedgehog spoke of a possibility. "Could be yours." Instead of "Will be yours."
Either this hedgehog knew more information than the things he is telling Eggman or he just didn't trust his fully yet. Although his way of speaking didn't make him seem like the insecure type. The world could be Eggman's ... But was there more? A heavy price to pay for it? A double-edged sword?"
"Hahaha! Sounds like a plan. I like the way you think Shadow!"
Shadow, so that's his name.
"I will get the Chaos Emeralds, use the machine to dominate the world, and build a legacy of my own!"
Well, it was time to get back to work, after all that Master Emerald is not going to build itself back.
"Do you really think it would be that easy?" Rouge came down from the ceiling, making her introduction. She loved it when she caught people red-handed. It seemed like not even 'Shadow' was aware of her presence early on.
"I've got a great idea. How about we make a deal?"
Prison Island Coastline
They didn't lose any time as the next day Rouge had already informed them of a location of a Chaos Emerald.
Last night was the first night that Shadow didn't see Amy. He had spent the night running around, looking at the city, the natural views, and the people living on the planet. The black hedgehog had to admit that he knew the reason why Maria was so interested in Earth. After all, there were many things to do, so many things to see and explore. The planet was beautiful but the individuals living on it were the thing that made it a horrible place to live. The humans would kill each other, steal, humiliate each other for material things.
Everyone on this planet was rotten, and it should be destroyed just like Maria wanted.
He shook his head as he tried to forget the pink hedgehog. Shadow found himself struggling to keep his promise to Maria whenever he remembered Amy. Now it wasn't the moment to think about her, not when he was about to still another Chaos Emerald.
On the back of his mind, Shadow knew that it was necessary to eventually let go of any attachments. Because there was still nothing set on stone whether Amy would want to come with him to the ARK when the doctor decides to destroy the Earth.
They were in front of Prison Island. Ready to start their mission, it was fairly simple for Shadow. Eggman was going to distract the military, Rouge was going to get the Chaos Emeralds and he was going to place dynamite inside the base to make the Island explode.
"Ok, everyone ready? Shadow, Rouge, on with the show!"
There was no time to hesitate now. For the moment, Shadow had to live on with the idea that Amy indeed will come with him to the ARK.
She had to ... Right? What kind of idiot wouldn't want to save their lives.
Amy knew it was wrong to have left Tails so quickly even after he gave her a ride to Prison Island. Nonetheless, her heart was already thriving to look out for her blue love and the answers to the questions she was looking for.
In the port of her Prison Island, she recognized three individuals from afar. Eggman, Rouge, and Shadow.
Wait, Shadow? Just what in Chaos was he doing here? And what was he doing with Rouge and Eggman?
Rouge? She could understand. As far as Amy knew, Rouge had to sometimes side with the bad guys to provide information to G.U.N. But Shadow? Was he in danger?
"Maybe Eggman is forcing him to steal the Chaos Emeralds! That has to be it!"
Amy thought of many things but at the moment her only thought was to take Shadow to a safer place or at least to create a distraction meanwhile Shadow could escape. She had to think of something and quick.
Something that does not expose Rouge's position but that gives Shadow enough time to escape.
"Oh, Sonic! I thought I would never see you again! I am so glad you made it!
The pink hedgehog hugged Shadow from the back, she knew that her fangirl acting skills would come in handy one day.
Shadow was more than astonished, still not believing his eyes. Just a few moments ago, he was thinking about her and now here she was, Amy Rose was hugging him.
"Hey, Shadow I found you!"
It was another day on the Space Colony ARK. Experimentations on Shadow were done for the day and Maria was feeling good without any health complications. It was a pretty good day and because of that Shadow and Maria decided to play hide and seek.
"You are really good at this Maria," Shadow said as he came out of the darkness of the metal room. They were in their favorite section in the entire ARK. The room that allowed them to see the entirety of the planet Earth.
"Of course I am! I am the best-"
Suddenly the blond girl began to cough desperately. She placed a hand to her mouth and the other to her chest as it began to pain her uncontrollably.
The black hedgehog ran towards her as he got worried about her wellbeing.
"Are you alright? Should I call for help-"
"No, I am fine-"
Shadow knew she was lying and it pained him more to know that she dared to do so. She began coughing more and more but Shadow knew it was better to just stand and watch. If he were to call the doctors on the ARK, Maria would get angry with him.
Her coughs began to slow down and finally, Maria felt her heartbeat go back to normal. The coughs ended and with a small smile, Maria focused her attention to Shadow again.
"I am sorry, I am sure you want a friend who doesn't have health complications every 15 minutes."
"Of course not! You are the only friend that I need."
Maria smiled at him and softly caressed the top of his head. The creation of Shadow had to be the greatest blessing she has had. Her grandfather saw him as a cure but she saw him as her only friend and she only wished the best for him.
"Whether you want it or not, eventually you will have friends, and when you do" Maria bent down to look at Shadow at his vermillion eyes. "You must take care of them and protect them just like you do with me."
"Leave it to me! I'll take care of her. You two, go!"
Eggman's voice made Shadow escape from his trance. And the next thing he knew was that Amy was already running away, with Eggman going behind her.
Rouge was about to interfere when all of a sudden Shadow was already running towards the pink hedgehog.
She watched them from afar. Amy had no escape but Shadow had put himself in between Amy and Eggman. Rouge was baffled not only did the dark hedgehog ran as his life depended on it but he was in a fighting stance. Rouge didn't know the reason behind Shadow joining Eggman, but something was definite. Shadow was ready to throw everything away for the pink hedgehog.
Shadow had decided if Eggman took another step closer to Amy, he wouldn't hesitate to attack.
Even Eggman felt a chill ran down his spine as he felt intimidated by vermillion eyes.
"Shadow! What are you doing? Move out of the way so I can-"
"No!" Shadow interrupted Eggman. There had to be a way in which he could fool Eggman and not get Amy dragged into this. "Don't waste time, if you want Rouge and me to enter the facility we need you to take down the guards first. Follow the plan, I'll take care of her while you take care of the military."
It was weird for Shadow to take charge but in times like this Eggman really didn't think too much about it.
"Fine, but hurry up! It won't take long for me to get rid of the guards!" Eggman turned to face Rouge as he noticed that she had barely moved from her previous position. "You batgirl, let's get back to work!"
Rouge nodded and ran towards the entrance of the base, following Eggman. She didn't worry too much about the pink hedgehog at the moment. Besides knowing that she could take care of herself, it seemed like the black hedgehog could take care of Amy if the situation required it.
One of Rouge's talents was to be very perceptive and to her, there was no doubt.
Shadow and Amy knew each other, some way or another.
Either that or Shadow fell in love at first sight with Amy, which Rouge doubted wholeheartedly but it would be a lie if she didn't say that the statement could lead to an interesting story.
Shadow turned to face Amy, he didn't think too much about his current situation and began to ask questions himself.
"What do you think you are doing?" he asked.
"I should be asking you the same thing!"
There were a few seconds of silence between the black and pink hedgehog. Emerald and vermillion eyes stared at each with determination but the only difference between the two was the Shadow was the only one who had to hide something. He felt his stance grow weaker as Amy's eyes felt heavy on him. Even if the pink hedgehog was smaller than him, she had her way of intimating him.
"I know this seems strange, but I have my reasons." Shadow looked away as to try not to give too much information to the pink one. "You have to leave this island, it's dangerous."
"I can't! Sonic is inside!" Amy was almost on her tippy toes, trying to stand her ground against Shadow as much as she could. "And I am going to help him!"
"No, you got to leave now! Trust me!"
"How can I trust you when you won't tell me what is going on? Why are you here? Why are you with Eggman?"
Shadow knew that he was being extremely unfair to Amy. While she had been nothing but kind to him, Shadow was lying to her. And as if the universe wanted it, he was putting her in unnecessary danger.
"I'll go inside and look for Sonic, how does he look like?"
"He is blue and has green eyes and-"
"Got it."
Shadow turned around, as he faced the entrance of Prison Island. Eggman was already in and by the looks of it, Rouge was already inside doing her job. The black hedgehog looked at his right hand and saw the dynamite he was bond to place inside the base. Shadow turned around and took a moment to appreciate the pink hedgehog in front of him.
The breeze of the ocean moved her hair softly and the sunlight made her eyes shine brightly. Due to the heat, her cheeks were tinted pink and her lips were a rosy color. Strangely enough, this was the first time Shadow noticed these small details.
"I'll go for him and when I come back, I'll explain everything."
Shadow watched Amy tilt her head in curiosity but there was more than that. She looked extremely worried and that was eating her from the inside.
"I'll be back, I promise and I'll bring your friend with me."
Amy trusted Shadow but there was still something about him that made her feel anxious. He was definitely hiding something but what could she do? She couldn't force him to tell him the truth ... She had to wait for him to be comfortable to open up to her.
And then, there was Sonic.
"I don't know what is going on ... But please, protect Sonic and bring him safe to me."
The look on Amy's eyes was something that Shadow would never forget. Her eyes were filled with an emotion he couldn't quite describe. But only one thing was certain.
"She must really care about this blue friend of hers."
"I will," Shadow said. "Now please, get off this island."
After watching the soft nod Amy gave him, Shadow felt relieved. Yes, he can do this. He will fulfill this mission and deliver to Amy her friend as fast as possible. Shadow would do anything if that meant Amy can stop worrying about him and her blue friend.
It was easy to place the timer for the dynamite packs on the armory room. Only ten minutes, that should be enough for him to find that blue friend of Amy and get out of the base before the Island explodes.
Besides how hard could it be to find someone who is blue?
As he ran through the corridors of Prison Island, Shadow felt a sense of deja vu, this was the same place that Amy found him by accident some days ago. How many days has it been since? A week? two? More? A part of him felt numb, it felt like such a long time since things started to go this way. He was in a constant dream but at the same time he wasn't.
"I'll stop them as much as I can. There is a small airplane in the jungle, run towards the east and it will be there. If I am not there in within five minutes, leave."
The memory of him and Amy running from the robots flooded his mind. Strange enough, he never took the time to fully appreciate her words. Was the pink hedgehog sacrificing herself to give him a chance to live? Why would she do that? Why throw her life away for someone she didn't know? Why put so much trust ...
On a failure like him?
It was times like this when Shadow thought that destiny must be playing around with his fate, messing with his head. Because there was no doubt in Shadow's heart and mind before. It was true, if it wasn't because Amy had discovered him in stasis, he wouldn't doubt in destroying this miserable planet.
He was now looking up and down on each room of the base until finally, he reached an old door. Oxidated, almost unused. Shadow had to admit that all of this was strange. There were no guards, no robots nor military. He knew that Eggman had distracted most of them but this was such a big facility, it seemed strange to leave unattended a place that held the Chaos Emeralds.
Not only that but ... What was a friend of Amy doing in a place like this?
Shadow stopped thinking, there was no time for that now. He kicked open the oxidated door and walked inside the cold room. A few steps in and the first thing he noticed was the large room cell and metal bars that started from the ground to the top of the ceiling. A jail cell worthy of such a military facility.
And then, he saw him.
Blue and green.
"You! What are you doing here?"
How could he be so stupid? Amy's friend was the blue hedgehog he met two days ago on the streets of the city.
"It really seems like destiny is playing a joke on me," Shadow walked towards the cell, getting closer to the blue hedgehog. "You should be grateful, I am going to save you."
Sonic watched the black hedgehog approach him in silence until he finally made a stop in front of the metal bars. He then kicked two of them, making the bars fall to the ground and made an opening big enough for Sonic to come out. The blue bur watched in silence as Shadow entered the cell, he didn't trust him.
"Come out," Shadow said as he pointed towards the exit.
"No, I don't know what you are planning but I know it's not good."
"Look, I don't have time for this! Amy is-"
Shadow's attention was taken by the writings on the walls. It was everywhere, white writing plastered across the cell's walls. Numbers, charts, writings ... complete and utter madness. Shadow would have cared less if it wasn't because he recognized the hand-writing.
Gerald Robotnik's handwriting.
The man who created him used to be here, lived his lasts moments in this prison cell. Probably even tortured by the people who killed Maria.
Shadow couldn't help it ... He felt furious, his hands trembled in anger and his whole body emitted heat. The more he looked into the writings the more anger it gave him but there was another feeling inside as well.
He could imagine it, Gerald ... Writing away his pain, giving into madness little by little. His sleepless nights, the torture of having his research destroyed, and the life of his granddaughter taken away.
Shadow now knew what it was ... It was sadness.
How could he ever doubt? How can he go against his creator's orders? He just couldn't let Gerald's pain go without revenge.
And now the mere thought of not doing anything, of doubting at the beginning ... It made Shadow sick to his stomach.
He needed to do this. There was no stopping him now.
But first.
"How do you know Amy? Is she here!?"
Things had changed now for Sonic. He feared that the black hedgehog might be planning something but he had to put those thoughts aside as his priority at the moment was to find his pink lady.
"Get out of this cell right this moment or I'll take you out ... by force." Shadow was surprised that Sonic wasn't intimidated by him. Actually, he had a smirk across his face.
"I would like to see you try."
Shadow knew that the clock was ticking. But he would do anything to wipe off that stupid smirk.
Amy knew that Shadow had asked her to leave the island, but there was just something that wouldn't let her do so.
Suddenly, Amy felt something vibrating on her dress pocket. She knew what it was, it was her pink cellphone. The pink hedgehog didn't hesitate to answer as she saw Rouge's name appear on the screen of her cellphone.
"Amy! Is Shadow with you still?" Rouge's voice sounded worried and accelerated.
"No, he went inside the base a few minutes ago," Amy responded.
"Dammit, he is not answering my radio calls. Amy, listen you have to get off this island right this minute."
"Rouge, what is happening? Shadow told me the same thing! I am confused, scared! I don't know what is going on anymore."
A few seconds passed where it seemed like an eternity for Amy. She heard the white bat sigh in defeat.
"Amy, listen ... Shadow is not who you think he is."
"What are you talking about?"
"He was giving the mission to put a timed dynamite pack inside the base ... and I am sure he has already done so," Rouge said. "We must have around five minutes before this island explodes."
There were so many questions going inside Amy's head. So many things she wanted to ask Shadow but she couldn't. What she needed at the moment was to act.
"Where are you? Are you alright?" asked Amy through her phone, more desperate than anything else.
"I am trapped in a room, I am trying to contact Shadow but he just won't answer me-"
"I am looking for you!" Amy said. "And I don't care what you say, I am going inside!"
"No, Amy wait-"
Amy finished the call and as she was about to rush in, the entrance of another friend of hers interrupted her.
"Amy! Sorry, I am late I was having problems with the Tornado."
Tails Miles Prower entered at the perfect moment. Amy smiled at him as she made her way to the machine, ready to go on top of it.
"There's no time! We have five minutes to find Sonic and Rouge before this island explodes!"
"What?" Tails looked at Amy as she finally made her way to the seat behind him on his machine.
"Just trust me!"
There was no much Tails could do but to accept the words of the pink hedgehog. Not like he minds at all, Amy was a special friend and although he wouldn't say she was the most reliable, she was definitely trustworthy.
"Alright, let's go!"
And with that, the yellow fox and the pink hedgehog venture inside the main base of Prison Island.
"I would like to see you try."
Emerald eyes met vermillion ones, they stared at each other's eyes and for a moment time didn't exist. Shadow nor Sonic were planing on backing away, and if Sonic was being honest he was ready to fight the black hedgehog. However, doubt-filled the blue bur's mind. How did this guy know Amy?
"Shadow? Are you there?"
As to break the tension between the hedgehogs, Rouge's voice began to sound from Shadow's radio. Shadow didn't respond as he felt that he didn't have the luxury to put his guard down in front of the blue one.
"I am trapped inside the security room. Have you placed the dynamite already?"
"Dynamite?!" Sonic said surprised and this is when Shadow knew he needed to take action now.
"I don't have time for this!"
How much time was left? A minute? Dammit.
He dropped the radio and suddenly Shadow went towards Sonic and picked up on his shoulders. Carrying him like a potato bag.
"Hey put me down!" Sonic screamed at him, trying to break free.
But he didn't, Shadow began to run as fast as he could, he needed to get to Rouge. If she had done her job, she must have Chaos Emeralds with her. All he needed to do was to Chaos Control them out of the island. After that, Shadow just needed to find for Amy who must be out of the island by now and give her the blue hedgehog.
He was fast to find her as Shadow kicked the door open and found her sitting down on the cold metal floor. There was no time left. He ran towards her as he noticed that she carrying two Chaos Emeralds, just what he needed to take them out of here.
"Shadow, wait!"
Rouge tried to stop him but Shadow didn't give her time to explain herself. She couldn't do anything but watch the black hedgehog touch the Chaos Emerald she was holding.
"Chaos Control!"
And the bomb timer went off.
"Amy was inside the base! We need to look for her!"
Rouge was almost on her knees, begging the black hedgehog who had saved her to go back to the island. Shadow still didn't know what was happening, he could hear screaming from both endings. The blue hedgehog was screaming and Rouge was almost crying, something that Shadow was unknown to.
They were on top of a building and for the moment, Shadow felt like time didn't exist. Like the things Rouge said just didn't happen. He couldn't hear anything nor feel anything.
"I am going back! If you know anything from G.U.N let me know!" Sonic said as he was about to run away. "I'll come back and make you pay black hedgehog!"
Amy and Tails were fine. They had made it out of Prison Island before it completely exploded. After getting scolded by Sonic, the pink hedgehog went back home with her tail between her legs. By what Sonic had told her, Rouge and Shadow were completely fine. She had many questions going inside her head and no answer made sense. She only had to wait and see if Shadow could provide the answers to her questions.
She had finally entered her home after a long day and she was ready to go to sleep. The pink one opens up the wooden door of her small apartment and without thinking too much about it, she closed it behind her. It was dark and the only light that could be seen was the moonlight that came across her window.
And that's when she saw him. His black fur mixed with the darkness of the room, but his blood-red eyes shone through the darkness. Like the small tint of hope had vanished from his eyes, they were cold and with no emotion. But then he noticed her and for a moment he couldn't believe it.
And there he was again. The eyes that Amy had become so fond of. For a moment, they had lost everything but now, small sparkles were created as his eyes twinkle. They stared at each other for a few seconds. The pink hedgehog waited for an explanation, not as to why he was in her apartment but an explanation of why he was looking at her as if life itself depended on it.
"Shadow?" Amy's voice was soft, she moved closer to the black hedgehog who was still sitting down on her sofa. " Are you alright-"
"I thought I had lost you too," Shadow's voice broke a little. He still felt numb, like inside a dream that didn't want to end. "I don't know what to do anymore ... I am lost ... I am lost, I don't know what to do and I have no home to go to."
For the first time in her life ... Amy felt her heart being ripped apart. At the moment, Shadow was the depiction of vulnerability. As he was sitting on the sofa, he was inclined and his elbows placed on his knees served as support as he covered his face with his hands. The pink one didn't want to say anything, but she saw how he was shaking a little, how his hands covered mostly his face and his mouth trembled a little as he didn't want to cry in front of her.
"I don't want to do it ... I don't but ... They took everything away from me ... My family, my home ..." the black hedgehog knew that he wasn't making much sense at the moment. But right now he didn't care. Many things had happened today, seeing how Gerald was pushed into insanity and the thought that he had lost Amy was too much too handle. Two parts of him battle and he didn't know which one was going to win. "But if I do it ... I will be taking everything away from you too ... How ... How can I do that to you?"
"So tell me, Amy ... What should I do?"
Amy took a small gulp and sat down next to the black hedgehog on the sofa. If there was one thing Amy knew about him is that he wasn't a bad hedgehog. There was no malice in his heart, there was just a terrible wound and a scar that hasn't healed. She didn't know the reason behind it but it didn't matter. Nothing matters but the hedgehog next to her.
"I ... I can't tell you what you should do," Amy placed a hand on Shadow's shoulder and with this, the black hedgehog finally realized that this wasn't madness. It was Amy, she was here, next to him. As if he had another chance to do, whatever he had to do. "But I can assure you ... That whatever decision you take, I'll be here."
Shadow didn't say anything but only stared at her beautiful emerald eyes.
"Shadow I promise you that whatever you do, I'll support you," Amy said. Unintentionally, her body began to move close to him. "I could never replace the family and home you had ... But I can be your home, your family ... So, don't hesitate. Do whatever you think is right ... I'll be with you on whatever path you take."
Suddenly, he felt soft arms embrace him. She was filled with the hope, the approval and acceptance he needed. Her body was warm against his, and he holds her back. Not wanting to let go, not wanting for time to pass, he will give everything to just stay like this forever.
There was no more doubt in his heart, he knew what must be done. He needed to trust that whatever he chooses to do, she will be there. And trusting Amy was the only thing he could ever be sure of.
"Thank you," Shadow holds her closer and Amy doesn't mind the contact. How long has it been since he felt at home? How long has it been since he felt like he belongs? Shadow didn't know, the only thing he knew was that he didn't want to let go of the feeling. "Thank you ... for finding me."
They met by accident but fate was the one that brought them together.
A/N: I hope you all didn't forget this story. It took me so long to finish and it's not even that long of a chapter. Anyways, next time we will see more of Team Sonic lol.
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105ttt · 7 years
I’m just going to ramble about how we see Shadow’s character develop throughout the Sonic games (mostly the Dreamcast era with some modern era stuff thrown in there) and why I think his character is a lot more than just being an “edgy hedgie with a gun”. Everything is going to be below a readmore, since this is going to be really long.
Yes, it’s an old complaint that Shadow is not just some edgy teenager with a gun who gets angry all the time and solely lives to pick on Sonic, but if you actually take time to sit back and consider all of Shadow’s actions from his first appearance in SA2 onward, he actually seems less evil and edgy than people make him out to be.
Shadow’s character changes a lot in my opinion from SA2 to Heroes, but there are reasons that he acts differently in these games. Starting in SA2, Shadow is depicted as a villain who helps Eggman in trying to destroy the world with the ARK, and of course his tragic backstory combined with his evil actions makes him look like a stereotypical edgy angst magnet. But we need to consider the reason why Shadow helps Eggman in order to make a judgement about how evil he really is.
Shadow wasn’t helping Eggman just because he wanted to see the world burn out of some innate sadistic desire or a desire to have power over everyone else for no reason other than being evil. He helped Eggman because he incorrectly remembered Maria’s wish before dying as her wanting revenge for her death. He was also somehow made to believe he owed Eggman a favor for waking him up from cryostasis (literally calling him “Master” and saying he will grant him one wish).
Speaking of cryostasis, a friend of mine brought up the fact that from Shadow’s point-of-view at that point in time, he had literally just plummeted to Earth after watching his only friend sacrifice herself to send him to safety and then be murdered by people he doesn’t know for reasons he doesn’t understand, was then captured and imprisoned by said people he doesn’t know for reasons he doesn’t understand, and now has been awoken by someone he hardly seems to know and is expected to fulfill that person’s wish of destroying the world. Shadow’s mistaken memory conveniently matches up with Eggman’s desire to destroy the world, and while it’s not justified to kill innocent people just to get revenge for the unjust death of one person, Shadow didn’t necessarily want to murder people out of sadism or some evil desire - his actions in SA2 are done out of his devotion to Maria, a trait which we see in later games.
Shadow’s actions take a dramatic turn when he eventually remembers what Maria really wanted after Amy convinces him to help the others stop the ARK. After that point, he abandons his stubborn refusal to help and leaves Amy immediately to go join up with everyone as quickly as he can (even though he had been Sonic’s nemesis up until that point throughout the entire game). He even goes as far as to fight the Biolizard for Sonic and Knuckles so they can stop the Chaos Emeralds and later joins Sonic in his super form to stop Finalhazard, only to sacrifice himself to save the Earth in the end. These actions are clearly linked with the fact that Maria’s true wish was for Shadow to protect the Earth, and we see here that again, his actions are done out of devotion to Maria and possibly a genuine sense of heroism.
What do I mean by heroism? Well, even as early as SA2, we see that Shadow is quick to defend or protect innocent people and his friends, and he doesn’t let innocent people be endangered if he can help it. One major example I can think of in SA2 is when Rouge is trapped on Prison Island. After running late in escaping the island on her mission to get the Chaos Emeralds, she calls Shadow and lets him know she won’t make it off in time with the Emeralds. Shadow naturally wants to save the Emeralds because he needs them to achieve his goal, but when he uses Chaos Control to get to Rouge, does he simply grab the Emeralds and leave again? Absolutely not. He takes Rouge with him right before the island explodes, thus rescuing both her and the Emeralds. When the two talk later, Rouge brings this up, and Shadow claims he only came to save the Emeralds, but that may be a cover so that he doesn’t show Rouge he cares (this connects to something I’ll mention later). After all, he could have, in theory, grabbed the Emeralds while Rouge was still shocked from seeing him use Chaos Control and then left Rouge to die in the explosion.
Shadow actually shows this same willingness to protect others in Sonic Heroes and Sonic ‘06, both incidents involving Rouge as well. The example from Heroes is really striking because it’s implied that Shadow forgot everything that happened in SA2 after falling back to Earth again. In the opening cutscene of Team Dark’s route, Omega awakens when Rouge tries to unlock the capsule holding Eggman’s “secret treasure” and opens fire on her. Shadow wakes up to notice this and, instead of immediately facing off with Omega to stop his reckless shooting, actually pushes Rouge out of harm’s way and then tries to stop Omega. What’s significant about this interaction is that Shadow supposedly doesn’t remember Rouge at all, and yet he decides to keep her safe even though he doesn’t know her. He could have left her to die from Omega’s gunfire and used that to stall Omega so he could take him out, but he decides to make sure she’s safe first. On the other hand, he attacks Omega because Omega seems like a threat to him - Omega attacked first, and so Shadow feels the need to stop him. This scene brings up another interesting point in Shadow’s character we see a lot: Shadow doesn’t attack someone who doesn’t threaten him first or otherwise causes him some sort of problem. This may be why Shadow was so quick to fight Sonic in SA2 despite not knowing who Sonic is. Sonic often posed a threat to Shadow by trying to take the Chaos Emeralds away from him or otherwise just demanding a fight, to which Shadow obliged. The same is true for the inter-team boss fights in Sonic Heroes, where Team Dark faced off with the other teams because Rouge was worried they would get in Team Dark’s way. Rather than being the aggressors who pick a fight for no reason, both teams involved typically had a reason to defend themselves.
But getting back to Shadow’s heroism, the example from Sonic ‘06 I mentioned earlier is equally important in showing this facet of Shadow’s character. When Rouge and Shadow are on a mission to get the scepter holding Mephiles, they are ambushed by Eggman, and at one point Rouge is struck down from the sky. Shadow had a choice at this point to either keep his hold on the scepter and let Rouge crash or save her and let the scepter break. He goes for the latter and catches Rouge just in time, but as a result, the scepter breaks, and Mephiles is freed. This decision to save Rouge over keeping whatever dark power trapped inside the scepter contained shows that Shadow prioritizes his friends’ safety greatly, even if it means he has to sacrifice something else.
Shadow really is a kind and loyal person at heart, though sometimes his emotions get the best of him. The same friend I mentioned earlier pointed out that Shadow’s aggression in earlier games like SA2, Heroes, and ShTh was probably just a side-effect of him being so confused about who he is - and more importantly where he is. Keep in mind that Shadow had never been on Earth before SA2, and now that he has to face this brand-new world, all while not knowing what his intended purpose was in life, must have driven him to be aggressive. His dedication to achieving his goals probably fed this aggression as well, since it may have been the best way to deter any impediments to his goals. My friend also brought up the fact that Shadow, while being chronologically 66 years old, is mentally and physically 16 years old. He’s going to act and think like a typical 16-year-old, albeit with some behaviors found in people who experienced trauma, because that’s what he is. He likes blowing things up and being powerful because he knows how powerful he is (he brings up the fact that he’s the ultimate life form all the time), but he doesn’t use that power for evil or just for kicks, as we see in many games where, when Shadow acts like his true self, he uses his powers for only good. His overconfidence in games like SA2 and Heroes also stems from the fact that he is, in fact, a young teenager with lots of power at his fingertips and a new world to explore. In this respect, he and Sonic are very similar: both are kind and a bit prideful, but they don’t put down others unless they prove to be evil or a threat.
An interesting side note on Shadow’s power is that he seems to get untold amounts of strength from his love for and devotion to the people he cares about. We see this multiple times in the true ending of ShTH, where Shadow is able to instantly recover from the effect of Black Doom’s paralyzing gas through his accumulated memories of Maria and later when he breaks free from Black Doom’s mind control after seeing Gerald’s message to Shadow about the Black Comet. The entire premise of Heroes being that each Team grows stronger through teamwork and the friendship between all three people in each Team also remains true for Shadow, despite people typically seeing him as a loner-type. And just as much as Shadow gets strength from his loved ones, he encourages them as well when they need strength. Throughout the entire Finalhazard fight in SA2, Shadow constantly checks on Sonic to make sure he is okay and even compliments him at one point, saying with a laugh that he believes Sonic may be the actual ultimate life form. In Heroes we see this same kind of support towards Sonic when Shadow offers to distract Metal Sonic during the Metal Madness fight so that Team Sonic can go super, and later in Generations Shadow says the infamous line: “You’ve got this, Sonic!” as an expression of genuine encouragement and faith in Sonic’s abilities.
Just as Shadow believes in his own power and others’ power, Shadow also has a capacity for understanding right from wrong, and though ShTH shows that he understands that some choices aren’t black and white, he knows when evil needs to be punished. It is ironic that people consider Shadow a villain simply because of his appearance when he has spoken out against evil multiple times in multiple games. In Heroes, during the Metal Madness fight, Shadow actually criticizes Metal Sonic for stealing data on all living life forms in order to become strong, showing that he doesn’t believe in unfair methods of obtaining power. In ShTH he shows the same kind of sentiment towards Black Doom, refusing to give him the Chaos Emeralds and becoming angry at Black Doom for tricking him into collecting them for him in order to enslave the human race. Shadow’s distaste for evil is shown directly in the lyrics of “Supporting Me”, where the “air of darkness” is said to be “disgusting”, and yet Shadow “never [loses] out” to it, indicating that he doesn’t let his past evil actions get him down or discourage him from wanting to change for the better. He even outright states in his victory phrase after defeating Finalhazard that he wants to destroy “all the evil [Professor Gerald] has created”.
Another point in Shadow’s character that is similar to Sonic but also shows his own unique perspective on life: he values his freedom just as much as he values his friends, and doesn’t let his past get to him. The Dreamcast era games really focused on Shadow’s identity issues, but they also showed that he handles them in a way that doesn’t let them bring him down. In fact, Rouge is the one to mention Shadow’s identity problems in both SA2 and Heroes. In SA2, Rouge confronts Shadow about the fact that his memories may be fake and that he may not be the real end product of Project Shadow, but Shadow doesn’t respond with sorrow or a typical “angsty” answer. He instead asserts that even if his memories are fake, he is who he is now as a result of his actions throughout the entire story of SA2, and he is content with the identity he has made for himself. He then doesn’t dwell on the issue any longer and focuses on his own goal. A similar situation occurs in Heroes, where, upon finding the Shadow Androids, Rouge attempts to console Shadow, who has gone silent. Rather than breaking down, Shadow simply tells Rouge to disregard the Androids and to keep moving. This action ties back to the point I made earlier about Shadow not letting others see that he cares all the time. Possibly because he doesn’t want to burden others with his problems or let those problems affect who he is as a person, Shadow doesn’t let Rouge dwell on what he may have felt upon seeing the Androids and decides to ignore them. We see a similar reaction in Sonic ‘06, after learning that Omega was the one to seal him away in the future, Shadow doesn’t go off on Omega or cause an uproar. He simply walks away, probably to give himself time to think or just to avoid burdening Rouge and Omega with his feelings at that moment.
During the final stage of Heroes, Shadow makes a declaration reminiscent of the one in SA2 and affirms his identity as who he is currently rather than what he was in the past. ShTH really brings this together during the True Ending, when Shadow outright declares to Black Doom after breaking free from the paralyzing gas, “I’m Shadow the Hedgehog. I’ve left the past behind me. No one can tell me what to do now!” Shadow not only retains his freedom to determine who he is but also his destiny - which brings up another quote from Sonic ‘06. After Mephiles shows Shadow his future self imprisoned in a capsule permanently for fear of his power in order to convince him to take revenge on the humans who imprisoned him, Shadow simply tells Mephiles to quit the act and that he will never listen to his futile persuasion. Upon Mephiles asking if Shadow will really forgive humanity for his fate, Shadow says only one thing: “I determine my own destiny.” We even see in ShTH that Shadow doesn’t let his memories of Maria and Gerald haunt him: in the final cutscene of the True Ending, Shadow tosses away a picture of himself and Maria while saying “Goodbye forever, Shadow the Hedgehog”, signifying that he won’t let his past define him or haunt him any longer. He doesn’t let anyone - whether it be his own father, Maria, Gerald, or even his friends - determine his path of action and his choices. The entirety of ShTH is spent with Shadow determining his course of action in order to get to what he believes in the truth, demonstrating his belief in his own strength and sense of right and wrong (which is shown to be less black-and-white than it seems at first). All of Shadow’s character songs tie back to themes of freedom to be oneself or confidence in one’s identity created through one’s actions, and these songs often give off a feeling of being victory songs because victory for Shadow is asserting that he is who he is no matter what may have happened in the past.
In the end, I think Shadow is a kind, loyal, and determined person at heart who knows that right and wrong aren’t always easy to discern at first but still wants to protect the world from wrongdoing and help those in the world who are symbols of goodness, and who also values his freedom and loved ones more than anything.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Some random Sonic movie sequel stuff
So this is something I wanted to make. Yet I guess for almost an hour or I forgot. I remember my last reblog and that net neutrality is important. Yet I was thinking of reblogging this post about it again after I make this.
This is just random and about that Reddit leak about what the 2019 movies story will be about. I remember talking to myself about it playing Sonic Forces talking about and spoilers basically imagine the sequel well a comment I thought said Metal Sonic and Shadow in the sequel g. But it was about Knuckles and Metal Sonic...or Shadow....just.....
Basically spoilers the leak mentions a post credits scene revealing Metal Sonic which did make me smile. Including today was thinking okay if they are gonna take liberties with the movie which is alright.
I seriously thought of this....just...Shadow's in the movie too but he's important.
Yet was thinking of just....I'll make the joke now.
Sonic: we saved the world from Perfect Chaos and Dr. Eggman and we're heroes.
Dr. Eggman: well guess what surprise surprise, I made a robotic version of you with it's only purpose in life to kill you.
Sonic: oh crap.
Dr. Eggman: not also that I even found out some secrets about a project from my grandfather Gerald Robotnik, stuff about Project Shadow and the Space Colony Ark. His name is Shadow and he's gonna kick your ass too.
Sonic: oh double crap.
Shadow: screw you all, my sister my family Maria died for no reason at all. The world needs to know my suffering of what it feels like to lose family after everything I've been through. Including she was just a kid with a disease called NIDS that couldn't be cured.
Sonic: oh triple crap and that's sad bro. Yet would your sister really approve of that and you becoming the monster you so desperately hate and want to destroy.
Metal Sonic: screw everything, my father doesn't love me, I can't do what I've been programmed to do. I HATE EVERYTHING AND IM GONNA DESTROY EVERYTHING IN HOPES OF KILLING SONIC FINALLY AND MAKE MY OWN DESTINY!
Sonic:....uhhhh a lot of crap.
Knuckles: you guys stole my Master Emerald.
Dr. Eggman: yet Sonic is the villain.
Knuckles: screw that I was forgotten in this joke and the guy writing realized he forgotten about me. Yet that's maybe the story maybe for me to go with me being introduced. Yet even though you have a robotic evil Sonic that should and would make me question you of how evil it looks compared to Sonic.
Metal Sonic: I HATE EVERYTHING SONIC MUST DIE ALL LIVING THINGS KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER! *turns into Metal Madness and to Metal Overlord*
Sonic: oh shit that's a lot of crap we have to deal with. *Him and Shadow turn super*
Shadow: where's the Biolizard right now screw that. In Sonic Adventure 2 I realized I'm a big asshole and becoming the monster I want to destroy so I'm gonna scarifice myself to save everyone. Also the guy writing this almost put me turning super but decided to put it under Sonic's line before me.
Sonic: oh wait Shadow don't do that. I'm gonna scarifice myself instead.
*record sound stops*
Shadow: wait what the hell why. *Shadow looking confused and putting his hands like why or whatever this confused what the fuck face*
Sonic: because so instead of you in a way dying and possibly well will come back. I'm gonna scarifice myself or basically try to destroy or basically some how kill Metal Sonic to show everyone that I'm a true hero. Along with the idea the world is doubting me, their blaming me for Eggman, the battles we've fought that have caused destruction. Including blaming my existence of Metal Sonic even existing. Including me at a point I'm starting to lose myself, some times angry and acting different. Along with believing does the world really need me. But it ends with me realizing I need to do that right thing even if it costs me life. To show I don't care about that but I care more about people.
Shadow:......umm wow.
Sonic: including when the guy was writing my last paragraph before you just talked. He remembered about putting Tikal in here to make sure Chaos from the last movie still had that sort of back story. Including thought I talk to her at times she appears at times and it's weird man still thinking.
Shadow: okay but seriously your gonna die in the sequel the 2nd movie!
Sonic: kind of yet I'm gonna disappear mainly and it's gonna look like I died. But actually I guess the idea some what in the process is me using Chaos Control on Metal Sonic to send him some where else. Yet in a way he some what stabs me and you get a visual reference of you falling down like in SA2 but instead you basically see what is happening to me. While it's close to the ground still in the sky, everyone hears my death scream it's so loud that the whole city hears it's maybe Station Square need to think or Metropolis or some shit. Also probably Blaze in the Sol Dimension and maybe Classic Sonic from his dimension.
Shadow:....you can't be serious.
Sonic: no I'm serious bro or 50 plus years old bro lol don't worry I'll probably be in a different place maybe Blaze's dimension or some shit but the Classic dimension I don't know a Sonic Mania movie seems better first before the third film. Anyway see you in the next film! *Flies off waving his right hand and just smiles as he says that last line. After that Shadow just watches in confusion with no facial expression but just like what even as a very bright yellow light shines like an explosion and Sonic's and Metal's screams are heard and everyone hears too and like Shadow too maybe*
Metal Sonic: oh I am dead or just very damaged just I'm down. *Falls on the front side of his body all damaged and some pieces fall apart too. But in Neo Metal Sonic form too.
Shadow: what the hell was that.
Blaze: seriously what is this.
Classic Sonic: I'm questioning this too.
Infinite: I'm the main villain of the next film. The whole world is depressed that Sonic is basically dead in a way. While me and Eggman rule the world I some how have Shadow and Chaos and Metal Sonic is back with us. But he's real. Yet Tikal is pissed and just appears when Chaos is fake. Also theirs no Zavok because their isn't much of him and we haven't introduced him yet. Including screw you Shadow for beating me up, my team leaving me, and everyone being so happy screw everything, I HATE THE WORLD AND HAPPINESS AND WEAKNESS IM NOT WEAK! ALL HOPE IS LOST HOPE IS FOR THE WEAK AND FAMILY IS FOR THE WEAK!
Sonic: hey you big asshole of a jerk with a cool song still. You and Eggman are going down.
Buddy/Gadget/Rookie: I'm gay for Sonic or something like that or even like brothers like Tails. Yet I feel quite gay for Sonic he really inspired me to be brave and fight back.
Shadow:.....this is just so confusing right now.
I think I'll leave Shadow as that and before Sonic explaining his role in the sequel where Shadow asks about it well Sonic's first big paragraph. I changed the channel to Boomerang.
Basically was thinking of BVS and even thought of, "This Is My World" from the soundtrack. I thought of this at Walmart and even thought of how sad and emotional that would be. Including listened to the track at home which I am at home now.
Also the idea that Shadow is surprised and in a way inspired and shocked by Sonic's scarifice which is something almost like Maria's scarifice and shows Shadow the world's different something and not everyone is bad....
This is BVS but I've finally thought of the perfect some what story okay how we gonna get it through with people of how Sonic is important and how selfless he is and cares more about everyone and it even makes characters think about their lives and how some could change them for the better.
While the Reddit leak it's unknown if it's true or not. It's the only biggest piece of information we have for the movie and I seriously thought of a sequel might be. Even of how crazy it is.
Basically okay or my head like the script I want to see the movie and I'm just happy or still happy theirs some sort of information to work with.
Including it's basically Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes into one better or something and remembered Sonic 3 and just remembered Sonic And Knuckles and some shit like that.
Got tags down and almost left the word rags I'm sorry to bother and remember I'm gonna reblog something after this.
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