#importantly: i am not condemning armand (one of my favs)--i want him to fly his freak flag in the fictional story about vampires doing
indelicateink · 8 months
Hi I love reading your tags on iwtv post! What would make season 2 perfect in your eyes re: louis/armand/lestat?
thanks! (i'm taking that as in general, lmk if I misunderstood/there's one in particular that pertains to your question.)
i need s2 to be fucked-up-shit o'clock on our fucked-up-shit show (affectionate). my total emotional annihilation would make it perfect for me re: our guys.
armand has done some seriously naughty shit that's going to put a major dent in their lives for the next century, and i'm hopeful we get to explore that in a no-holds-barred dicks-out blood-tears abject-humiliation existential-horror love letter to the fans.
i want sam reid to get to have the juiciest time portraying the agonizing devastation that is visited upon lestat this season (affectionate)
i want assad zaman to seduce us utterly with armand's beauty and outrageous horror (affectionate)
i want jacob anderson to melt our fucking minds as louis goes through the most traumatizing events of his life (concerned)
that would be perfect for me, for them
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