#imprisioned marionette
pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
Imprisoned Marionette Event Story Summary
TL;DR: Kanade continues to struggle writing a song that can save Mafuyu. Honami, her housekeeper, suggests that the best way to help someone is to get to know them. She also hands her two tickets to a nearby doll exhibit. Kanade invites everyone from the circle to go with her.
While there, Mafuyu stumbles upon a marionette doll and has a panic attack. She doesn't know why, though. Kanade goes to talk to Miku about it, who suggests that Mafuyu might have seen herself in the doll.
Meanwhile, Mafuyu has a nightmare that she had turned into an unfeeling, uncaring marionette. She's snapped out of it by Kanade asking how she feels. Yuki tells K about it on call right after, though she can't piece together what it means. K asks if Yuki did see herself in the doll, to which Yuki isn't sure. K prompts her to write lyrics from the emotions she feels from the doll.
Mafuyu goes to SEKAI to work. Miku tells her that her emotions aren't useless like she thinks, since they're a part of her. She also reveals a marionette that's been there since the beginning, though she's cut the strings off to play cat's cradle.
Yuki finishes the song lyrics, which the others praise as her best yet. Amia and K want her to continue to try expressing her feelings through lyrics, even if she doesn't know how to identify what they are.
Fan translation (HLYF) (playlist includes card stories)/ Official English YouTube Upload / Song (Jackpot Sad Girl) 2DMV
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Chapter 1: Kanade continues to compose a song that will save Mafuyu. She sends the demo to Yuki, Enanan, and Amia. The latter two love it, but Yuki doesn't feel anything towards it. After Yuki logs off, Enanan expresses her frustration with trying to understand Mafuyu through her expressionless personality. Kanade realizes she doesn't know Mafuyu well at all.
Chapter 2: Honami comes over to clean and cook for Kanade. She makes some tea, pleased to find it relax her. Kanade thanks Honami for helping her, to which Honami replies she's just happy to help. Kanade asks for some advice on how to help people. Honami tells her that the best way is to simply get to know someone. Honami also hands Kanade some tickets to a doll exhibit nearby, since she can't go herself and it's close to her dad's hospital.
Chapter 3: Nightcord continue to work on the song. K doesn't recognize any feelings within Yuki's lyrics, unlike her songs as OWN. K offers Amia tickets to the doll exhibit, who in turn turns it into a full-group outing.
On her way out the day of, Mafuyu tells her mom about the doll exhibit. Her mother doesn't stop her, but wishes she'd go see some more emotionally enriching art, like paintings.
Chapter 4: All four arrive at the doll exhibit. Mizuki comments on how cute all the clothes are, while Kanade admires how each doll lives in it's own "world". While talking, she notices a small change in Mafuyu's expression. As they continue on, Mafuyu stumbles upon a marionette. She has a memory of someone saying "You're such a good girl" while looking at it, sparking a panic attack.
Chapter 5: Kanade finds Mafuyu and asks what's wrong. All Mafuyu can pinpoint is the doll making her sick. She doesn't know why. All four go home so Mafuyu can recover.
Kanade still doesn't know what happened, however. She goes to SEKAI to ask Miku, who's playing cat's cradle. Though Miku was born from Mafuyu's feelings, not even she knows what those emotions are. Still, she wants to help. Kanade tells her about Mafuyu's reaction to the doll. Miku thinks the doll might have reminded Mafuyu of herself.
Chapter 6: That night, Mafuyu dreams she's the doll in the exhibit. She doesn't mind at first, since she doesn't have to feel or think anything. However, Kanade asks her what she feels, insisting that she cares, forces Mafuyu awake. She returns to the Nightcord call, where K is still working. Yuki tells K about her dream. She can't put her feelings into words, though. K asks if she can try putting them into lyrics instead.
Chapter 7: Yuki still isn't sure if she can do that. K, remembering Miku's words, asks Yuki if she saw herself in the doll. She wants her to write about that experience. Reluctantly, Yuki agrees.
Mafuyu goes to SEKAI to work, where she finds Miku. Miku tells her about Kanade's question. Mafuyu doesn't know why Kanade cares so much, since emotions are ugly and unnecessary. Miku disagrees, however. They're still a part of Mafuyu, so they can't be useless. Mafuyu notices a marionette next to Miku, who reveals it's been there the whole time. Miku had cut off the strings to play cat's cradle.
Meanwhile, K joins the Nightcord call with Enanan and Amia to tell them what's up. Amia suggests that Mafuyu might feel like the marionette because of the relationship she has with her mother.
Chapter 8: Yuki shows the rest of the group the lyrics. They're all impressed, since the lyrics feel much more alive than before. K decides to turn them into a new song right away. A week later, she finishes. Mafuyu still doesn't know what she feels when she hears it, but the pain isn't the same as the ache from before. K and Amia suggest that Mafuyu might not be as emotionless as she thinks she is and prompt her to express things through songwriting. In response, Mafuyu becomes more brutally honest about all her opinions (much to Ena's annoyance). She's not sure if she's enjoying herself yet, but she might be.
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sekai-fashion · 4 months
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Event number 2 - Imprisioned Marionette Article Writer: Amia Outfit Descriptions: Amia Song Analysis: Ruso Revising: Woming Design / Page Layout: Max
Graphics on page 10 provided by @cafekitsune
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decorabnuy · 3 months
a reblog that I did got me thinking about the Saying Goodbye to my Persona cards and how FUCKING GOOD they are so I obviously want to talk about them because I'm mentally ill
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firstly Mafuyu's card, the main attraction and focus of this set, as we can see this is a direct parallel to her first 4 star card Captive Masquerade, where she had the same mask - that is now broken - and she had lots of strings tied to her, that now she's finally cutting them off with scissors.
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All of this means that Mafuyu's mom isn't controlling her anymore, she cut the ties, she broke the mask, she's finally free to be who she is and find her lost identity in peace. I also like the detail that she also have strings around her neck, which is a part where she normally wears a choker/necklace, which sometimes can represent that someone is taking control over you, I think it's really nice
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now Kanade... AUGHHHHH Kanade the girl you are... anyways. By the name of the gacha "Where is ♡?", this obviously means that Mafuyu is the heart, which is represented by the rest of niigo's cards.
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Kanade is gently hugging the heart, protecting it from the surroundings, which alludes to Kanade always making all of her efforts to protect and Save Mafuyu as much as possible, and the heart is glowing, Mafuyu is glowing, and accepts the help coming from her friend dearly... but also, we can see that there's scissors next to her, and yet, she doesn't cut the strings like Mafuyu does, Kanade is trying her best to help but she doesn't cut the problem from its root. Kanade never asks Mafuyu what could help her, she always thinks of ideas of helping her without Mafuyu's imput, and she even talked with Mafumom behind her back, which could've been (and it was) a big problem to her, leading to something bad happening (the whole Saying Goodbye to my Persona event). She tries her best to help, and she does it genuinely, but sometimes, the way she does it can lead to other's downfall
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Mafuyu and Ena's cards are my favorite from this set BY FAR. I LOVE Ena's card and what it means for mafuena's relationship.
Ena is harshly pulling the strings away from the heart, she's desperately pulling Mafuyu's mom away from her, that is the way she's trying to solve the problem, by fighting it back, which is what Ena said to Mafuyu at her 3rd focus event (the I Nandesu one). She explains that mfy needs to go against her mom or else nothing will happen, things won't get solved if Mafuyu don't do something about it. I've said it but I also like a lot that Ena looks so desperate in her card, she has a hard core but she deeply cares for Mafuyu and wants her safety, so, like in the card, she would throw herself in the dark just to bring Mafuyu back to the light, and I think that's so, but SO beautiful.... my mafuena bias is showing sorry lmao
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And lastly Mizuki! This card is very very beautiful for a 3 star and I love it so much!! it's full of meaning and it's so beautiful. We can see that the strings around them are ALREADY cut off, it reminds me of her card in the Imprisioned Marionette set where she already had scissors and was cutting the strings since then. This means that Mizuki always wanted to help Mafuyu from the start, she understood her problems and already had an idea of what to do, which is why she's holding the heart with so much care, and even gently talking to it, assuring it that things are going to be okay, and what she needs to do is to run away, is to cut the strings that hold her back from doing so
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theguardianace · 2 years
sits down in front of you. dump all your wxs event leaks on me im also procrastinating on hw i wat to hear all of it
ok. so
this will definitely change once we get the event summary tomorrow, but my gut reaction based on the nene's card where tsukasa gets in a fight with sakurako, thus leading to him not being able to participate in the show in some capacity, explaining why he seems to be watching a play on the phoenix stage in more formal attire with such a pained look. if this is the case, it would provide both wonderlands x showtime with the feeling of actually performing without tsukasa and a full troupe, and for tsukasa, what it feels like to leave them. (this would hurt a lot). good ending for the event then would be they realize seperation would genuinely hurt them all so much so for the time remaining, cherish it all. cherish the stage you have and let it take you as far as possible.
a lot of the phrasing for this event seems to revolve around phoenixes, so i'm guessing the play will most likely have that as the theme. phoenixes represent rebirth. in a way, isn't that what tsukasa has been doing all this time? a phoenix will rise from it's ashes. in tsukasa's case, his ashes may well be his forgetfulness. in the main story, it was his forgotten desire to make people smile, to bring joy to his sister. once he truly remembered his feelings, it did almost seem as if he 'rebirthed' himself, in a way. he was still the same ol tsukasa, but he was more aware of the feelings of those around him, arrogant but less cocky, able to sacrifice some of his ambition for the greater good. over the course of wxs seperation arc, it feels like he's forgetting these things again. he's starting to become soley focused on stardom again, albeit differently- he's looking for ways to grow as an actor, but he's overlooking the stage he currently stands on and the people he's standing with. something about working with the phoenix stage might make him realize this and potentially set another "reset" in the more metaphorical sense? the most important thing to tsukasa is family. will he finally realize wxs is family, too? this is pretty loose conjecture though.
i really love the symbolism of the rocking horse. tsukasa is the pegasus guy. loves comparing himself to one. pegasus are mythical and beautiful and ultimately free. they can soar as high as they want, go wherever their heart takes them. tsukasa wants to reach the stars! he wants to go to wherever he can get even better, even higher. but the rocking horse is grounded. it can't go very far, if at all. right now, tsukasa is stuck where he is, rocking between a decision- a dream and a home.
The strings he's tied to in the trained card sort of play into that feeling of "stuck". sure, the standard meaning of marionette strings are manipulation and control. imprisioned marrionette used that very well to show how mafuyu, and by extent nightcord, isn't in control of their own being. it's different here, though. we can't see what tsukasa's strings are attached to. they almost seem to be holding him down to the ground below- to the wonder stage.
the light in the eyes is a pretty common thing people point out, but i really love the way it's done in this set. emu's the only one with any light, pretty much. nene's acknowledged the fact wxs won't last forever. it's something she's aware of, but to her, it's still in the far future. rui? the thought of leaving this troupe physically pains him. he knows they'll leave. he almost left! but this is the only home he's ever known. he can't lose it that easily, no matter how much he tries. and tsukasa? well, this is his event, isn't it? he wants to go past the wonder stage, but can he truly let this troupe go? emu, though. she knows they'll all leave. she knows that by pushing her friends towards their dreams, she'll eventually push them away from her. she knows that. but she knows it's ok.
the placement of the tear marks seem to be significant, too. both rui and emu have theirs on the same side. the two who dream, but who can't leave because of them. nene and tsukasa have them on the other side. the two that dream, but who must leave because of them. it's also interesting that rui, nene, and emu have three tear drops leading to a star, but the star has his star creating the tear.
less of an analysis with meaning, but the costumes seem to reflect their standard stage outfits and the props standard wxs imagery. tsukasa's coat, emu's dress, nene's ribbon, rui's coat and bowtie. the triangle ribbon banner, the chick plushies, the confetti, the pins
i don't know if you've seen the music video for the song yet, but there's a scene in it where tsukasa sits on the cresent moon holding a bunch of balloons. the balloons have various symbols and references to past wonderlands x showtime events. it's hard to tell with the low quality of the game size, but ones i could see so far were rui's hat from wonder halloween, the plane from pop! in my heart, and presents from the christmas show. tsukasa is looking at those balloons fondly and has the strings wrapped around his finger. he does truly value wxs. he loves the memories he's made, the places they've gone, the growth they've found. the strings are long, though. you can't see them when tsukasa is just sitting there on the moon (which, when you think about it, isnt' that pretty close to the stars?). they're there, but they seem distant, somehow. balloons are fragile things, too. one wrong move, and they'll all float away....
anyways that's what i have right now!! i cannot wait for this event it will hurt so so so so so much but i have the sinking feeling it will end up ok. also mr showtime is such a good song. it's so cute. the animation is wonderful, somehow combining the darker vibes of this set with a standard wonderlands x showtime flare. it's catchy, and despite the event seeming like the pinnacle of wxs seperation arc, it's the most unified they've been in a com. also tsukasa sounds so good. i'm usually pretty neutral on his vocals, but he really really shines in this one.
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t4tbedehopmar · 2 years
i just remembered i was the one who started the imprisioned marionette event
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deckagermanotta · 4 years
Imprisioned marionette
Project Sekai inspired fanart of Mimic the Octopus 💖🐙
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