#imvho is discourse so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
janiedean · 5 months
bro honestly i had to say it.... referring to the israeli occupation of palestine as israel/palestine DISCOURSE is very... improper. from a political, historical and maybe even humanitarian standpoint. you're not obligated to, but i suggest you read something from pappè/khalidi/said/kadman <3 it's important in this day and age to be educated on this matter
anon thank you for the recs which I will check out because I’m interested in reading on the topic in general (I read said in university btw I’m not completely out of touch) but like…. I wasn’t talking about THAT ^^’
the post in question was about the whole k*ndrick vs dr*ke debate and I will absolutely call it discourse when it’s 6k notes of people arguing in a circle while not giving a single source for us foreigners who are not familiar with the topic not being us american or not into rap music, i never heard a song from either bc it’s not on my radar and i’d appreciate a source which isn’t saying if you aren’t familiar with that music scene you have a bias (like i don’t listen to rap music bc 99% of rappers sing fast and I’m esl and I can’t follow it, I do listen to some italian rap so…..:…)
and for that matter i spotted the terf bc she said she was allowed in disliking the whole genre bc misogyny so like… next time ask first what it was about if you’re concerned about it instead of presuming? like sorry swear this isnt meant to be passive aggressive but i wouldn’t refer to the the isra*l/p*lestine question as discourse at any point bc i think it’s the most complicated sociopolitical situation in existence atm which requires more nuance and knowledge to discuss on main than I ever have had or will ever, and I don’t think people getting killed nonsensically at that level is discourse nor I ever did, so again thanks for the recs and I’ll see to check them out but like I wasn’t talking abt it in the first place
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janiedean · 2 years
Me, innocently: I'm gonna check out some green blogs, see what they think because I feel like sometimes blacks fans are too biased. What I immediately see: I can excuse Aegon being a rapist because it's only there to make Rhaenyra look better and makes no sense (no it isn't and yes it does) plus unironically stanning Criston and Otto. Me: Jesus Christ. We're only one season in and it's already as bad as got discourse.
you are me anon you are me and honestly i am not EVER looking forward to the b&c discourse that will inevitably bring back WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT DISCOURSE FROM ASOIAF which had gotten old in 2013 imvho :’)))) anyway like i am forever perplexed at the fact that it seems like a lot of ppl on that side aren’t grasping the point that dislike or like rhaenyra *she* was supposed to have the crown end of story X’D like aegon being crown was usurping her regardless of everything else so the whole discourse of ‘they make her look better’ makes me go ????? never mind that whether you agree with the aegon change or not (i don’t find it beyond him tbh i mean……. again anyone capable of doing THAT THING HE DOES THAT ALSO CONCERNED RHAENYRA’S SON WITH HIS SAME NAME is imvho the worst so X’D) it was made to make alicent look better not rhaenyra so X’DDDDDD it was ENTIRELY for alicent’s char development not for anyone else’s so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
that said i get that more than stanning criston and most of all thrift shop tywin from notting hill who is honestly the literal worst but again considering most greens opinions i block on twitter basically hinge around the fact that rhaenyra’s kids aren’t legit so aegon should be king bc he has legit children…. like what did u even understand about these books because legitimacy being what should make you rule is NOT the message grrm wants to send but okay then
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