#in a sudden flash of 2 am clarity i remembered that we made sharkboy and lavagirl blogs for like 5 seconds DJDHDJDHDJ
soulscrying · 1 year
@heartinhands: ❛ I’m a truth-teller. Some people can’t handle it. ❜
so it would once again appear that maura is going green for more than just her environmental engineering club.
she’d sooner burn to a crisp than admit that, though. instead, she narrows her eyes at the smug blond standing beside her. “first of all, sharkie’s not even my type. as if. not even when pigs fly!” her final exclamation is made so loudly that it earns her several odd looks from her surrounding peers. she takes their reactions in stride, leaning against her booth with both arms crossed over her chest.
“and secondly –” she prattles on, pretending like ed had asked her to. “– i couldn’t care less about what or who he does.” maura straightens her posture and resumes distributing infographics to passersby. “it’s his prerogative if he wants to associate with a girl more shallow than the kiddie pool at max’s party.”
sure, that remark was pretty damn misogynistic, especially for the maura mendiola – feminist fatale and egalitarian extraordinaire – but who’s keeping track? not her. and definitely not ed.
maura slumps into the chair behind her booth with a huff too audible to mean nothing. she is quiet for a record five seconds before clearing her throat – also way too conspicuously for comfort - and asking,
“they’re not really together, are they?”
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