#in all honesty elliotts-personal-property is starting to become my fav😭
Hey y’all!!
For a while now I’ve been thinking about changing my url. Since this account is pretty much a def leppard fan account, unlike when I first started it. I feel like I want a more fitting dl themed url now.
So I need some help picking out a new name. Here’s me spitballing a few ideas, so please let me know what one you like the most!
If you absolutely hate all of these and have any suggestions, I’m open to those too!!❤️
Also please let me know if you like any of my options but would change something about it, ex: replacing any zeros with an o (or vise vera) or taking away/adding hyphens.
Sorry for tagging you all but there is no way I’m waiting a whole week for this poll to end and/or the potential for half of you to not see it if I don’t tag you.
@genxrocker @rickallensbarefeet @i-love-def-leppard @oneluckygirl @queen-defleppardfan1 @alexaelliott @friccinfricks @whitelightningstrikes @steveinscarlet @ilovemycatsoverymuch @duzzy-my-beloved @make-me-your-animal
Anyways thank you, I love y’all!!🫶
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