#in case my lack of coherency didn't make my emotional state obvious enough sdkhfsdhfk
altruistic-meme · 2 years
ok ok ok so i’ve seen you on tumblr as a young royals blog BUT i didn’t realize till now that you’re the author of (why is there) joy in this poison which is actually one of my favorite aftg fics that i’ve read and i’ve read a great deal of aftg fics. kevin and neil’s dynamic in this story is EVERYTHING to me (much like it is in the series) and i absolutely adore how this story is going so far.
i could say more but i’ll leave it there for now hahaha
-miels 💜✨
replying to this 2 days later because i have literally been crying over it since i saw it hELLO THERE
thank you so much Miels!! ;;A;; i'm really really insanely glad you like (wit)jitp!!! it's been a lot of fun to write and there is so much more to go that im excited to get to eheh
top ways to make Abram cry every time: compliment character dynamics in their writing. no but really, i was actually sort of nervous when it came to Kevin and Nathaniel's relationship bc i wanted it to be natural and not too out of character of them while keeping in mind how different they are in this universe, and hearing that you like what it's become??? that is EVERYTHING to me!!!
you're incredibly sweet and i have been thinking about this ask for the last two days bc it's just. AAAA. im emotional. <3
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