#in fact Pike worries he’s hurting HER career
“Among the Lotus Eaters” is probably the most classic Star Trek plot SNW has done so far and yet did absolutely nothing interesting with it. This should’ve been the character work episode and yet all we learned about Ortegas is “she really loves her job and is very good at it” which describes the whole fucking cast.
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hermadnessmac · 7 years
SasuSakuMonth17 Day 2
Title: And Nothing More Summary: In pointing out everything Sakura’s not, Sasuke starts to figure out just who she is. Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto--I just like to play in the universe. Prompt: Something More from day two of the SasuSakuMonth Prompts. Rating: T Words: 2,880 Warning(s): None
When a girl with bubblegum pink hair walked into Sasuke Uchiha’s life at age twelve, he had no intention of letting her stay.
Sakura Haruno was smart, that much was true. It was also true, however, that one glance at her too-wide stance and weak grip on her kunai would tell even the lowest ranking chunin that this particular ninja-in-training had very little aptitude for the more practical aspects of her chosen career. What was her plan for facing an opponent, anyway? Lecture them on chakra pathways until they got bored and left? Stun them with her brilliant use of the most basic substitution technique? Startle them by throwing kunai in their general direction?
No. This girl with bright green eyes and innocence wrapped around her as tightly as a swaddled baby was not going to last. Innocents made great sheaths for the monsters of the shinobi world; Sasuke was only too aware of this.
At best, he concluded, Sakura was an accessory. A shiny bauble that dangled off the arms of nin far stronger and more menacing than they. At worst, she would become canon fodder. The unskilled foot soldiers that provided the numbers or distraction of any large scale operation.
Even Naruto, dead-last imbecile that he was, had the unwavering resolve to get better. Grow stronger. He knew the cold ache of loneliness that had long since taken root in the very marrow of Sasuke’s existence. While Naruto dealt with that sickly sting differently than he--choosing to shout out instead of shut up--Sasuke could respect that the blonde was still racing in the same direction as him: forward. And if his teammate had set his sights on Sasuke’s back as some sort of target, so be it.
Maybe he would use him as a springboard.
Sasuke had no need of arm candy with appropriately colored hair, however, so he elected to leave Sakura behind.
She was dead weight. A liability. A nuisance. Annoying.
And nothing more.
When a girl with wide, innocent eyes stepped in front of a deadly opponent with nothing but a poorly grasped kunai, Sasuke’s brain told him it was only a matter of time.
His feet apparently responded to different sort of logic, and he found himself acting as a human shield for his terrified female teammate before his brain had finished its smug, “I told you so.”
Luckily Kakashi had intervened, but later, when the threat of danger was no longer imminent, Sasuke had to wonder about his actions. Why was he so willing to throw his life away for a meaningless girl? He had goals to achieve. Threats to eliminate. Family to avenge. Offering himself up as a pincushion would bring about none of the things he strove for.
So why? Why?
Sasuke found sleep more elusive than it usually was for the duration of the mission. He wasted nights he should have been resting weighing the restless souls of his clan against the bright life of his teammate. Perhaps that--the fact that she still had a future ahead of her--was the reason he intervened. But was it forgivable to put the needs of an outsider above the needs of his family--even if they were dead?
When, no more than a few days later, Sasuke found himself protecting Naruto from sure death, he was annoyed, yes. Annoyed, but also a little relieved.
His apparent death wish wasn’t reserved only for Sakura but also for his teammates. Sasuke had been reporting to Kakashi for less than a month, and already his first lesson repeated like a mantra in his head: those who don’t take care of their comrades are lower than trash.
Not that, Sasuke told himself, he particularly cared what Kakashi thought. He needed the Jonin’s jutsu expertise--not his life advice. Still, the man was a legend. Not as legendary as the man he wanted to kill, but legendary enough that Sasuke could forgive himself for letting Kakashi’s words take root in his subconscious so quickly.
Out of the corner of his eye, Sasuke observed Sakura as she walked in a subdued manner beside him. Although the tear tracks staining her cheeks were no longer, her eyes were bright red and puffy. That was because of him. When she had thought he was dead, she had cried for him. Not dainty, fake tears. Messy, snotty, heartbroken tears. For him.
And even though it wasn’t useful, even though it broke shinobi rule #25, and even though he normally found her attention grating to an extreme level, somewhere a lot less deep than he wanted it to be, Sasuke was touched. It felt..nice to have someone care about you. To know someone would have his back and care about his well-being.
Sasuke looked at Sakura for a second longer before glancing at Naruto. The barest of grins fell into place. If this was what teammates were, Kakashi’s rule might make sense. And, therefore, so did his actions.
She was a person worthy of his protection. A fellow nin. A comrade.
And nothing more.
When his female teammate stood in front of him covered in an alarming numbers of bruises and scratches and swollen bits, Sasuke Uchiha never meant to act with anything but indifference.
Injuries were a constant companion of every ninja that ever was and ever would be.
So why was he burning with rage instead? The last time Sasuke could remember being this furious was the day he swore to himself he would avenge his clan’s death with his brother’s head on a pike. He could barely look at her without wanting to burn the whole fucking forest down.
On Naruto the deep wounds decorating her arms would be battle scars. Although Sasuke personally felt walking away from a fight unscathed was a stronger testament to a ninja’s adroitness than a brocade of scars, there was no denying that they were evidence of survival. After all, no one picked a fight with Ibiki on a whim.
Sakura, though--Sakura’s skin was supposed to stay unstained. She had chosen to place herself on the front lines, true. Just like him, just like Naruto, and just like every other Leaf nin. She was Sasuke’s sister in arms, technically. A back to place against his when the kunai were dense and escape routes were few.
But Sasuke saw the soft in Sakura all too easily.
There was affection in her eyes as she groused at Naruto and a playful tilt on her lips as she scolded Kakashi for his choices in literature. He knew that she adored sunrises and sunsets and butterflies and fireflies. She would rather be curled up in a patch of sunlight reading a book on genjutsu than training with her weaponry, but Sasuke had noticed the calluses that slowly grew on her hands.
It seemed, slowly but surely, Sakura was evening out the number of hair products and weapons she owned. Her bravery was matched equally with her fear. Labeling her the ‘weak link’ of the team would be easy--Sasuke had thought the same thing at first--but the exact same characteristics that made her weak made her a crucial component of their team.
She was Sakura, and, somewhere along the way, she had snuck up in Sasuke’s ranks from ‘comrade’ to ‘precious person.’
Because Sasuke cared that Sakura felt confident and not dejected, and not just because her insecurities could be the downfall of their team. He knew it was naive to think so, but in the last couple of months he had convinced himself that he and Naruto could shield her from any harm. If they could just grow strong enough, move fast enough, learn enough jutsu, Sasuke would never have to hear her scream in fear again. Never.
It didn’t matter that she was just one person or that Sasuke was older; he could no better protect her than he could stop his brother from annihilating everyone he had loved.
She was a pink target. A fleeting ray of sunshine. A doomed precious person.
And nothing more.
When a worried friend placed herself between him and the path out of Konoha's smothering walls, Sasuke Uchiha had every intention of brushing her aside and never looking back.
Sakura was a weakness, but her liability didn’t stem from her overly-conditioned hair and practically empty repertoire of useful ninja techniques as he had initially assumed. Sakura was his weakness specifically. She was his siren’s call.
In retrospect, he should have figured it out sooner. Sasuke had tasted power, just the smallest nibble, before Sakura’s arms and voice drew him back too soon. Instead of begrudging the loss, though, he spent his time mourning the blemishes on his teammate’s once-porcelain skin. Weak, unfocused, pathetic.
The twine-like bonds she had laid on him as a teammate had already transformed into shackles, and Sasuke could bear nothing holding him back if he wanted to move forward.
He had it right in the first place; Sakura was a shiny bauble. A distraction. To hell with Kakashi and his lectures on teamwork. Throwing himself between Sakura and danger wasn’t admirable. It was folly. Pure and simple.
So when Sakura cried, unshielded and honest, loudly enough for any to overhear that she loved him, Sasuke told her how annoying he found her.
But he also told her thank you, because he hadn’t yet squashed the part of himself that responded to those pure eyes, hopeful lips, and honest heart. He laid her down because he couldn’t bear to throw her aside like nothing, and he did it gently because the thought of hurting her any more made his stomach turn.
“It’s because your heart is lacking...lacking in hatred.”
And it was. His actions of the past few months with Team 7, towards Sakura now, proved that. But no longer.
She was a temptation. A moment’s weakness. A comfort.
And nothing more.
When a furious femme fatale  stormed the walls of Orochimaru’s crumbling hideout, Sasuke Uchiha hadn’t meant to call to her.
Striking Sakura down before she realized the threat would have been the more disciplined approach. It had been two and a half years since they had laid eyes on each other, though, and Sasuke was curious to see what he would find in those eyes. Were they still as unshielded and innocent as when he had left her behind?
Immediately Sasuke cursed his own weakness. He thought he had squashed the softness from his soul years ago. Yet not even a minute had passed in Sakura’s presence, and he was already seeking out her attentions--longing to see her look up at him in awe. Wanting to see her recognize how powerful he’d become without her to drag him down.
As he drew his sword to strike Naruto down, he told himself it was only her strength that captivated him now. He had heard the rumours, of course. Shutting out news of old teammates was hard when each member had landed themselves an apprenticeship from one of the legendary Sannin. So, yes, Sasuke had heard about Sakura in their time apart. Stories of a young medic already stepping out of her mentor’s shadow flitted about most villages. Already whispers of a pink-haired kunoichi who downed Sasori of the Red Sand could be heard in the shadows.
Reconciling the image of the trendy and polished girl he had left behind with the practically dressed young woman before him was difficult, though. Once painted nails were chipped and full of grime. Then enchanting, calculating green eyes narrowed beneath long, full eyelashes, and Sakura charged.
At that moment, Sasuke became certain that his fascination with the temptress before him was...professional.
She was a kunoichi. A fellow apprentice of a Sannin. A force to be reckoned with.
And nothing more.
When a Leaf kunoichi held a poisoned kunai in her hands and lies on her lips, Sasuke Uchiha felt the last fraying cord of his sanity snap.
There was not one thing, he was certain, not one single thing about Konoha that was worth saving. They thought they were so good and noble. Playing at being samurais in shining armor while war, death, disease, and famine sprung forth in their wake. How dare they preach morality from pedestals forged from his clan’s bones?
And it was all of them.
Not just the leaders or the politicians. Not just the Anbu and the elites. The Jonins and Chunins. The blacksmiths and doctors and civilians, too. Until this very second, he had considered the Genin and children an unfortunate casualty. He had only considered them guilty by associated with a tainted system, but now he knew that they too would rot from the inside out as time passed.
Of all the terrible things he had thought of Sakura, Sasuke had never considered her a deceiver. They stood on opposite sides, but he had expected her to approach him as openly as she always had. Yet here she stood with falsehoods forged to suit her own goals.
She was an enemy. A backstabber. A liar.
And nothing more.
When a Konoha colluder broke the horn off of a Goddess’s head with only her fist, Sasuke found he wasn’t the least bit surprised.
The moment Sakura jumped up onto the rock overhang with Naruto and him was the moment she came into her full power, and she had been turning heads ever since. Even the dobe, the one teammate who had been around to see her grow the most, had been shocked by the monstrous strength she suddenly channeled. It wasn’t that Sakura’s display left him unfazed. Instead, reunited on the ultimate battlefield, Sasuke felt a surge of pride for the mountain-leveling hellion before him.
They had separated once more soon after, but Sasuke saw the miniature versions of Katsuya attached to the cannon fodder nin of the Alliance. Saw shinobi up and fighting that should have already taken their final breaths.
Later, when Sasuke had felt Sakura falter under Madara’s gaze, he was almost hopeful she would let his ancestor focus on Naruto and him and stay out of sight. It proved to only be a moment’s hesitation, however, because Sakura shot past the both of them with the order to use her as a diversion.
Then she went and got herself impaled.
His heart seized when he saw the chakra rod holding Sakura aloft poking through the back of her flak jacket. She didn’t cry out, though; she just gritted her teeth and raised her fist to deliver a devastating blow. Of course, one of Madara’s shadows acted as an invisible shield, but the fact of the matter was she had tried to face down Sasuke’s ancestor--she had surprised Madara, even. After all, not many people still throw earth-shattering punches when they’ve been impaled.
As far as he knew, Sakura hadn’t spoken with the Sage of Six Paths. She hadn’t received any insights or gifts from one of the first chakra wielders. So, when Sasuke told her there was nothing she could do anymore, it was just because he wanted her to understand that, just like that time in the Forest of Death, she was facing opponents far above her pay-grade.
Sakura refused to back down, though. Madara’s murderous gaze made her falter but didn’t make her flee. Kaguya’s overwhelming reservoir of chakra made her wary but didn’t make her retreat. Had Sasuke not placed a genjutsu on her, she probably would have tried to interfere with Naruto and his fight, too.
Because, power ups or no, Sakura Haruno was one of them.
She was an elite. A Neo-sannin. An equal.
And nothing more.
When Tsunade’s successor crouched over his prone form and focused on knitting his mortal wound closed, Sasuke Uchiha wasn’t overwhelmed with relief at his survival.
He was overwhelmed with guilt.
Kami, how had he gotten everything so wrong and twisted up? Labeling Sakura--who she was to him, what she had accomplished--had become something a habit. As if summing up her existence in a few tidy words would make his feelings for her easier to contain.
Of course, it didn’t. Demeaning her and idolizing her had failed in equal measures. It had been like using explosive tags to try and defy gravity. Sasuke wrought plenty of wreckage in his wake, his fevered attempts at escape, but sooner or later physics became an inevitability.
And Sasuke was left to face the fact that he had spent his life hurting the person he loved the most.
The fact was that he had understood so very little. It had been a long time--ten years, to be precise--since Sasuke had allowed himself to love. Not lust for or admire, but love unabashedly and unfiltered in the way that Sakura had her whole life. So, for the first time, Sasuke was beginning that Sasuke loved every facet of her--not just this label or that description or that characteristic.
Because, the truth was, she was all of that. Annoying. A comrade. A precious person. A comfort. A force to be reckoned with. A liar. An equal. Sakura Haruno was all of those things, every single one and sometimes none of them at all, but still--still, she was…well.
His soulmate. His future. His second chance.
And still something more.
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Closure 4
Day four post coma, Jamie woke up early from a bone-chilling nightmare that left her gasping and crying out for Chris. She’d seen Khan killing him in slow motion while she was trapped in the Warp core, burning and unable to move.
“No! Stop!! Chris!!” She screamed, struggling wildly to help him. She had to get to him. Had to stop that phaser from hurting the love of her life…..
A pair of hands settled on her burning cheeks.
“Easy, Jamie, Easy, its only a dream. Come back, Jamie. You’re all right. You’re safe.”
She jolted awake, gasping and saw Bones standing over her in his white scrubs with a worried look in his eyes.
Her own eyes were streaming with tears as she relived her husband’s death again.
“Bones!” She what whimpered. “I saw Chris die and I couldn’t stop it! Burning up! It’s so awful!”
She gave up and sobbed with fear and grief, her heartbreak pouring out uncontrollably as Bones attempted to comfort her with muttered words and holding her hand, while wiping away her tears.
When the storm finally passed, she blinked up through her swollen eyelids and saw he looked almost as anguished as she did.
“It was terrible, Bones. I watched him die all over again.” She whispered plaintively, wiping her eyes.
The doctor sighed and held up a straw so she could sip water, which she quickly accepted, having screamed herself hoarse.
“No wonder you cried so hard. I don’t even know what to say, Jamie. I’m so sorry.”
“I know, Bones,” she sniffled, seeing the genuine pain on his face. “It’s so comforting to have you here instead of some random doc I don’t know. I can only imagine the amount of people who’ve lost love ones and spouses in the attack.”
“Yes, well. They ain’t my best friend.” Bones said ruefully. “Now, try to rest easy for a bit before your momma comes. Why don’t you tell me about that "other conversation” you and Chris had? I never got the low-down on that.“
Jamie pushed away the dark remnants of the nightmare and her pain to contemplate the first happy memory of them as a couple. As Bones went about preparing her litany of treatments, she opened up and told the tale.
******** It was nearly two weeks before she heard from Pike about the talk they needed to have and she wondered if he’d changed his mind about her when she got a message asking her to meet him at a small park just outside Academy grounds.
So on the lovely Saturday afternoon, Jamie had garbed herself in her favorite turquoise skinny jeans, gray T-shirt and denim jacket (after changing three times) and made the walk to the scenic area he’d specified.
He was waiting for her by a bench at the edge of the walking trail that led away into the woods. Her heartbeat sped up as she saw him in civvies for the first time in months.
"Wow. So you do have more than just uniforms in your wardrobe,” she’d said cheekily as she joined him, trying to hide how he’d thrown her off balance from the start with the way he rocked the leather and denim.
��It’s hard to believe it, I know,” he said dryly, motioning her to sit on the bench beside him.
Jamie found herself suddenly shy in front of her long time secret crush. She hadn’t even told Bones about the meeting for fear he’d get all suspicious or say something dumb to Pike.
“Cat got your tongue?” He spoke up at last, trying to sound casual.
“More like it’s been stepped on by the elephant in the room,” she admitted, flashing a nervous smile and plucking up her courage. “Let’s just say, those less-than-professional feelings as you put it, go both ways. I was far from horrified at your admittance, the complete opposite, in fact. You ever wonder why I suddenly quit my serial dating and carefree ways?”
“I thought it was good sense finally kicking in,” he said with that goofy half grin. “You’re telling me I was wrong?”
“I’m a Kirk, what do you think?” She shot back, looking him full in the eyes at last.
“Touché.” He conceded the point with a smirk and Jamie was getting antsy when he made his move, turning sideways and taking both of her hands in his.
“I’m not sure it’s showing good sense to get involved with me, but for once I find myself tempted to throw caution out the window. That day you flounced into my office declaring your utter contempt for all mankind, I knew I was a goner.”
Jamie flushed and smiled. She’d been furious after the thing with Gary had ended badly and proved him to be a fame whore. Chris had let her rant and rave until she was out of energy then told her he agreed Gary was a complete idiot and offered her a consoling hug, which she’d accepted gratefully.
“You’ve always been good for me and good to me,” she sighed. “I kept quiet about my interest for the same reasons you did, but you must know I do find you VERY attractive, Captain.”
Just saying it made her blush furiously, which aggravated her. She’d never had problems telling people what she thought of them, before.
“C'mon now, Jamie, let me see those beautiful baby blues,” he urged, tilting her chin up so she had to look at him again. The grey eyes that were generally sharp and piercing were looking at her with a gentle expression that sent a thrill of delight through her.
“You’re incredibly beautiful, you know that? Everything about you is: your genius level brain, your rule-skirting tendencies, your reckless enthusiasm, your infectious smile. Even when you make me want to tear out my hair, I also wanted to kiss that smirk right off your face.”
“Go ahead, Christopher,” She whispered huskily, boldly using his whole name, “I dare you.” And he did. ********
“Don’t worry, Bones, I won’t go into detail, just that it was fabulous.”
Jamie concluded her tale with a dreamy sigh which turned into a yawn. Her friend shook his head in wonder.
“So that’s how you wooed the hard-nosed Captain, huh?”
“Yep,” she said thoughtfully. “Turns out he wasn’t so impervious to my charms after all.” She looked at her friend earnestly. “I hope you get a chance to have great love, too, Bones. I know I drove him crazy, but I never doubted he loved me and I hope I never gave him reason to doubt I loved him, either.”
“Some of us maybe aren’t meant to have that kind of great love, though,” Bones said with a pained expression. “I’d rather be following your sorry self around and keeping you alive than getting myself into emotional entanglements again.”
Jamie was touched at his statement, but hoped Bones would be surprised one day. It was clear at least part of Chris’s observations were correct in regards to Leonard McCoy being very loyal to her.
She dozed off again for awhile and awoke to see her mother watching her.
“Hi, honey,” Winona said softly, lines of sorrow and worry around her face.
“Hi, Mom,” Jamie greeted. “Glad you could make it. I know everything’s chaos right now.”
“Yes, but I’ll let them deal with it,” Winona waved her hand towards the window where the rescue and clean up efforts could be seen ongoing in the damaged city. “I’m here for you, baby. I would have been here a lot faster if we hadn’t been out on the edge of Alpha Quadrant.”
“Did you get briefed on what happened?” Jamie asked, hoping she wouldn’t have to repeat it all again.
“Yes,” Winona’s gaze fell to her daughter’s left hand and the ring. “Oh, honey, It killed me when I heard about Chris. Did you see it happen?”
“No, I was distracted trying to clear the room and return fire. When I got back, he’d taken a shot to the chest and was gone.”
Gone. It was such a final word, but she hated saying “dead” far more.
Winona squeezed her hand in silent sympathy. She certainly knew what it felt like and Jamie was thankful she’d have her to lean on as she adjusted to life without her beloved Admiral.
“Since we both missed the funeral, do you want to watch it with me? All I have to do is message Spock and he’ll send the video to my PADD.”
“Do you think you’re ready to see it, Jamie?” Winona asked. “I don’t want you to have a physical setback from the surge of emotions.”
“It can’t be as bad as my dreams,” she shrugged. “I’d like to hear what people had to say about him. I’ll be okay.”
So in a matter of minutes, Spock had sent the tape and they were watching a hugely attended funeral filled with top brass and dignitaries from many species. Once the formal speeches praising his astounding career and character were finished, several people shared personal anecdotes and memories that had Jamie sniffling and smiling because these people actually knew her husband and really understood what he was all about.
“Good ole Number One,” Winona murmured as Pike’s former first officer talked about him staring down hostile Romulans while battling Rigellian flu.
“He always was a stubborn mule,” she said. “Kind of like someone else I know.” She winked at Jamie, who didn’t try to deny it.
“If I’d been there I would have told them how he pulled my phaser from the holster and shot two Romulans who’d crept up behind me–while he had that slug in him and was paralyzed,” Jamie mused. “It was incredible how FIERCE Chris was when he got riled up.”
She fell silent as the camera focused on the casket, stomach clenching at the cold hard reality in the shiny brown wood box.
Admiral Barnett concluded the service with another heartfelt tribute to his colleague and friend.
“I’ve never met an officer more suited to Command than Chris Pike. He embodied all the qualities of an ideal Captain: leadership, courage, and selflessness as well as diplomacy and compassion. He knew how to push to get the best out of his crew without them even realizing it. But he was more than just a great Captain and later, Admiral, he was a great friend.”
He proceeded to talk about Chris and his friendship that dated back to the Yorktown years and Winona smiled and nodded at several points as she remembered many of the events Barnett referred to. Jamie was thinking about family parties at the ranch in Mojave when her attention was grabbed by the next statement.
“There were only three things that could cause Chris to get riled up: One, mess with his crew. Bad Idea. Two, mess with his family. Even worse. Three, cast aspersions on his marriage, which was grounds for being disowned completely.”
Jamie knew all about that. Chris had frozen out quite a few media and ignorant “fans” who talked smack about their relationship and it was glorious. She’d mildly protested that he didn’t need to do it, she didn’t care what they said, but she knew it would be hypocritical to stop him. After all, she’d put an ensign on long term gamma shift for insulting him in her hearing and another had spent the night in the brig after using the term “sugar daddy.”
“In summary,” Richard continued, “the world lost a very high quality man and we will honor his memory by returning Starfleet to the organization he believed in and prioritizing the loved ones in our lives. Rest In Peace, Admiral.”
He saluted and shortly afterwards the service ended. Jamie realized with a shock she didn’t even know where her husband had been buried and made a mental note to find out immediately.
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beardcore-blog · 5 years
Mothpoint #9- Family Feud
*It felt wrong, locking them up, but Simon didn’t have any other choice. He was sure if he let them go, they’d kill him. Or, he’d have to kill them, and he couldn’t live with himself if it came to that*
Thawne- -name is Chronos.
Simon- Huh?
Thawne- *sigh* The time traveller on Pike’s payroll. I should have known.
Simon- Who… who is he?
Thawne- A long time Atom foe, went off the grid a few years ago. Palmer, that is the Atom, damaged his time belt, stranding him in the void. A space outside of time, when a timeline has been overwritten. Spent a millennia there before he managed to break out, and when he did… he was different. Picked up some temporal abilities, clairvoyance, the usual. Made him even more annoying
Simon- This Chronos guy, why would he help Pike?
Thawne- Why would you?
Simon- What?
Thawne- She’s still breathing. It would have been one less thing to worry about, now wouldn’t it?
Simon- I’m not you.
Thawne- And they’re not them. Stop treating them as such.
Simon- *They* are my family.
Thawne- Touching. But wrong
*No. Thawne was wrong, he was a trickster, a liar and a monster thought Simon. He had to get through to her. He knew if he got through to her, then the world was fixable. He didn’t know how he knew that, but he just knew. While he waited for her to wake up, he was working on a new costume. Old costume? It would be the same style he wore up to the City of Fear incident. Very classic. Bright pink and yellow, trunks, eyes instead of a visor. It was his most “heroic” look, even if he preferred his current suit for a myriad of reasons. He was hoping he’d finish before she awoke, but alas he heard her struggle against her bonds behind him as he worked, and he managed to turn around and face what he’d done only when he heard the chair fall over. He walked over and gingerly righted her. She spat at him.*
Emi- Get me out of here. Now.
*He closed his eyes, took a deep breath.*
Simon- Emi-
Emi- Go on then, how do you know my name?
Simon- We’re… Emi, this is going to sound crazy, but… Emi, you and I… We… we’re boyfriend and girlfriend. In an alternate timeline.
*Suddenly Emi laughs, loud, harsh, a sound Simon had never heard from her, not like this. It was a cruel laugh, sarcastic*
Emi- I’m not buying it. You think I’m stupid enough to go out with you? In this, or any time!
*He sighed, and returned to his work station. He’d been in a lot of crazy scenarios before. But altered timelines? That was new. He had thought himself immune to that all-encompassing phobia, the fear of change. He had thought wrong. Maybe, when he fixed everything, he’d visit Arkham and ask Doctor Crane about that… Or Professor Strange? Maybe there was a psychiatrist somewhere in Gotham who wasn’t insane…*
Emi- Look, freak, you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into. Green Arrow’ll be here any minute and ohhhhhh man we are going to have some fun with you.
Thawne- You’re referring to your tracking device? The one you hid in the heel of your boot? First thing the kid did was destroy it. Waste of parts, if you ask me…
Simon- Could you-?
Thawne- Sorry, should I leave you "love birds" alone?
Emi- Ok, so maybe you do know my secrets. What good’s that gonna do ya? Do you even have a plan, or am I just gonna die of old age?
Thawne- I have a plan. No idea what the kid’s is though.
Simon- Really?
Thawne- I’m going.
Simon- Sorry, he’s… it’s complicated
Emi- Seems like a recurring problem
Simon- Well, I …am working on a plan. You’re not actually part of it – yet! If you’d like to help me, that’d be great, but for now, I just wanted to have someone to talk to. Not him, I can’t… You, I wanted you to talk to. Or I’ll just listen to you. Even when you’re being mean, I can’t not love you.
*He was pretty sure Thawne put his palm to his forehead at that point. Admittedly, it wasn’t Simon’s best line*
Emi- Oh. My God, you are by far the most naïve supervillain I’ve ever dealt with. How the hell are you one of the best enforcers of Gotham’s underworld.
Simon- That’s what I’m saying, I’m not.
*He had finally got the antennae on, those were always the trickiest, and thus the costume was complete. He stepped out of the room to change, then leapt back in with a dramatic “Ta-da!” Upon which Emiko burst out laughing, again.*
Simon- You don’t like it? You always liked it before…
Emi- AhahahahohmyGod. Oh my God. That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.
*Simon looked down, dejected, then pulled a chair over, in front of Emiko. He sat down, removed his mask, and looked at her.*
Emi- What do you think you’re doing?
Simon- -I need to know that…that you’re my Emi. Maybe I’m wrong and I can’t fix everything. But Jay, Jay always told me you-you get the lightning rod and that keeps you grounded and so if I can-can get through to you I’ll be able to fix everything.
*The words were hard to get out. The idea that maybe he couldn’t fix everything, that maybe he couldn’t get her back. It killed him.*
Emi Get me. The fuck. Out of this cell. You stupid. Piece of shit.
*He dropped his mask on the floor, put his head in his hands, and started to weep. He would still try and find a solution, but he wasn’t going to get through to her now, was he?*
Emi- Oh my God, you’re crying? Over some mean wittle words? Geez, what’ll you do when I throw you in Arkham?
*In that moment, he bolted up from the chair*
Simon- Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up!
*He had never yelled with that much anger…ever. And certainly not at her. He saw the brief flash of fear in her eyes, even as she hid it. What did he look like to her, he wondered. Was that that other him, breaking through, or was he always like this? Was this what was always beneath the surface? No wonder Charaxes wanted him… He reached back for the chair, tried to sit down, instead he just fell down on the ground. He lay back fully, put his hands over his eyes and began to laugh. The laugh became a scream and then, silence. He stood himself up, picked up his mask, looked at her one last time, for now he tried to tell himself, then he put on his mask and left the room*
Thawne- *Sigh* Young love…
*Simon wanted to hit him so badly, if only he had speed… Then he could kill him, like he killed him, over and over and over. But then he realised that it simply wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it. Right now Thawne was his only hope. Emi wasn’t going to help him. And so, he slumped out of that room too, ignoring his companion’s mocking "tutting," defeated to be met with his father’s face. Kinda. It was peculiar. His mask bore a striking resemblance to the Arkham Moth’s; both were green, both had dark rebreathers, and both had yellow, tinted visors Simon was sure hid an inner pain. Perhaps that was how, if not to Emi, he could appeal to his dad. Perhaps*
Drury- Went well, did it?
Simon- What was in the vial?
Drury- It doesn’t matter, does it?
Simon- It matters to me.
Drury- *You* don’t matter. If you don’t mind, I’d rather await my impending doom, then listen to you right now.
Simon- I know about your friends. Gar, and Mira-
Drury- Don’t you speak their names. Don’t you dare. What, did you think we’re equal or something, you think we can talk now because you know my tragic backstory? The friends that I’ve lost-! … Who told you anyway, your pal Carson?
Simon- I’m… I’m sorry.
Drury- Hnh. I don’t care.
Simon- Carson’s not my friend or anything. In case you thought-
Drury- Hmph.
Simon- He blew me up once.
Drury- You look pretty good considering.
Simon- What happened Drury. What really happened?
Drury- I was drunk. Gar was drunk. Miranda was- We were all drunk, we were on our way back from a play, Les Miserables- yeah, don’t look surprised, I’m a theatre buff. The radio was glitching in and out… thought it was a horror channel, turns out, it wasn’t.
Simon- The Blackest Night.
Drury- I wasn’t watching the road, in-between arguments with Gar, and trying to switch off the radio, I swerved, careered off of a cliff. I got off alright, but them? Miranda had fallen, she wasn’t going to make it. And what about Gar, eh? Well. Heh.
*He takes his mask off, his face shadowed. He wipes a single tear from his eye, and continues*
Drury- He hadn’t got out the car, don’t know if he even coulda, heck by that point it was on fire, blazing even. But he wouldn’t move. He just… sat there, seatbelt still buckled- burning, entranced by the flames. I tried pulling him out, I really did, but it was too late. I shoulda watched the road, yet I- I killed them. And then, then they came back. Black, grey, dead, like the rest of those so called ‘Black Lanterns’….
*Drury takes a step forward, Simon a step back, he knew it was coming but there it was. His dad’s face. Scarred, burned all on one side, not unlike Two-Face’s, one eye dead, the other filled with regret. Never before had Simon felt so much… pity for his father*
Drury- I watched them die, then I watched them be perverted, transformed into zombies by some necromancer, and they spoke to me. Mocked me. Blamed me. And y’know, they were right. Was that what you wanted to hear?
Drury- I’ve answered your questions, suppose it’s my turn. Who, are you?
Simon- My name is Simon. Simon… King.
Drury- Simon. I always liked that name…
Simon- You ever considered naming Ax- your son that?
Drury- My son-? I… I put my kids into foster care. They deserve better than I could give them. Axel, and Kitte- Katie. Heh.
Simon- I didn’t grow up with my father, but… I idolised him. I still felt like I knew him. Every news report, every article, I watched it all. My dad was one of the "greats"… Two years ago, I finally met him. He wasn’t that legend. In fact, he was better than I could imagine.
Drury- Why’s that?
Simon- He was kind. He was good. Yeah, he did bad crap, yeah he hurt people, but he always did it for his family, and for his friends. He was there for them. Like you should be for your kids.
Drury- I don’t deserve them.
Simon- They deserve a father, don’t they?
Drury- Your old man, what happened to him?
Simon- I lost him. ==== *It was for the best, he knew that. But it hurt all the same, like a bullet in his chest. Granted, he did have a bullet in his chest, so that might just be that that stung, but he doubted it. He had spent a good minute staring at that keypad, going back and forth on it, before finally, he put in the code he’d set. It was her birthday*
Simon- You’re… you’re free to go.
Emi- This is a trick, right?
Simon- No. Please.
*Emi stared at him, and the pain returned- having her look at him like he was nothing was worse than any wound, that was now a certainty. She climbed out the window, and then, she was gone. Simon walked quietly back to the main cortex*
Thawne- Did you do it?
*Simon doesn’t say anything. Thawne smiles, and nods*
Thawne- Good boy. This, is our key to getting out of this mess.
*Thawne picks the courier up from the workbench. It’s heavily modified*
Thawne- This is a hypertime tracker. Alone, it’s useless, but combined with DNA, it can track that person’s movements across time, to the last place they travelled.
Simon- Then, it’s nearly over…
Thawne- Aside from your daddy issues, the Fireflies and Bane, yes. Yes it’ll be over, but first, we need Chronos.
——– Credit to Brute, who wrote the framework of the Simon/Emi conversation back when this story was just a concept. It’s been heavily adapted since, as new characters and plot lines were introduced
Posted by Duncan C. Young on 2019-02-09 14:16:23
The post Mothpoint #9- Family Feud appeared first on Good Info.
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