#in last life being boogeyman is incompatible with only getting permakills and he never got boogeyman
thinking about how for one glorious, horrible session of third life, skizzleman was basically the grim freakin reaper.
thinking about how in session 7, he got eight whole seconds into his episode before declaring that he had to kill somebody today, that today someone would die.
and he did kill somebody.  two somebodies.  two red lives.
y’know skizz is the only life series member to have ONLY gotten permakills?  everyone else has gotten at least one kill on someone other than a red life.
thing about it is, skizz was very, very bloodthirsty that episode, but despite that bloodlust, he actually arguably spared as many as he slew.  after jimmy’s death, scar was still relatively cornered in that same box, and while the rest of the red army did tell him that it was the banner or death, skizz was the one to rephrase that to “give up the banner and you get to live”, which was an opportunity that scar took to change the situation from Combat (a fight he would lose) to Negotiation (a fight he can, and did, win).  after cleo’s death, he even more explicitly spares bdubs, allows him to go because, unlike cleo, bdubs didn’t attack ren.
it’s not just the murders that make me describe him as the grim freakin reaper, it’s the long-term effects.  obviously the permakills stay permadead for the rest of third life.  but the folks he spared came second and third in duration of being alive, and the guy who won the season was the guy who ultimately killed him.  for one glorious, horrible session, skizz determined who lives and dies, not entirely to his own benefit.
and THEN.  so obviously the permakills stay permadead for the rest of the season.  and cleo’s already technically undead, so uh. bottom text. 
but then there’s jimmy.  the guy whose failed bomb defusal set both himself and skizz to red life, the guy who skizz was hanging out with during scar’s death, the first permadeath of third life and of all other life serieses since.  i could make a pretty convincing argument that jimmy is still feeling the consequences of the arrow skizz put through his him, seeing as uh, he’s still permadying first in life series to this day.  grim freakin reaper.  long-term consequences.
and this is a kind of ridiculous tangent to go off on about someone who is generally just a silly goofy guy who is unflinchingly loyal to his friends, but like, it’s also true.
it’s like. skizz caused the first two permadeaths of third life and then became the third.  we’re all just normal about that?
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