#in local news: green ninja Lloyd Garmadon and Wu Garmadon were seen being forcibly removed from a FSM church
Lloyd: I got banned from a FSM church.
Lloyd: Apparently, even if I'm the grandson of God-
Lloyd: I can't waltz in there and call my own grampa a "conniving bitch" without everyone telling me not to disrespect him.
Lloyd: And then the old ladies tossed me out when I told them he wasn't going to come back to life and screw them.
Lloyd: I plan to do this stunt until I am banned in every major and minor FSM church in Ninjago.
Wu: Let me get this straight-
Lloyd: I'm not straight, but continue.
Wu: You went to one of my father's temples of worship, disrespected him, threw verbal nonsense at the elderly, got kicked out, and banned-
Lloyd: I know, Uncle-
Wu: Without me?
Lloyd: a-
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