#in my defense I at least registered I'd heard his voice before when I started watching logh but then forgot to look into that until recentl
sparklingpax · 1 year
realizing only like a month ago now that Masashi Hironaka was the narrator + Wingwaver (and a Dinoforce member) in Victory is so wild to me. like how did I not know this immediately
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amazingmsme · 8 months
For the prompts maybeeee 14 for Curtwen or 24 for Lautski? Whichever you feel more like writing!
Good luck with the longer fics!! No rush at all, I know at least I’m in no rush for you to pump out work when the end result is wirth a longer wait! Have a great day :)
Went with Lautski cause I did 24 with Curtwen already. But I love them sooo much, they’re so silly!
Edit: I can’t believe I fucking posting this without copy pasting the fic I’m high ok
Peter didn't like his laugh. To be entirely honest, he hated it. It's something he was teased for a lot in the past, and it developed into a pretty big source for insecurity. He got into the habit of masking it, twisting it to try and sound more manly. But there were times, around those he trusted, that he'd let his guard down.
He and Steph were cuddling on the couch watching Spaceballs. He was excited to know that she'd never seen it before and was eager to see her reaction to all the jokes. She has seen Star Wars, so she could appreciate and laugh along with all the clever quips and references. But even more than the jokes, she was amused by how much Peter was enjoying it.
"Wow, who knew you were such a giggle bug!" she teased after he recovered from a giggle fit. He choked on his spit in shock, pretending to clear his throat. He looked at her incredulously.
She furrowed her brows. "What?"
"I don't giggle," he insisted, as if the very idea was a stupid thought. She cocked her head to the side as she looked at him with a mixture of shock, amusement, and disbelief.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Uh, no?"
"You were literally just giggling!" she reasoned, an annoyed grin twitching at her lips.
"Steph, what'd I just say?" he asked, cocking a brow. She arched an eyebrow back at him.
"Oh? Am I gonna have to prove my point?" she asked, voice dipping into a more sultry register. A pale blush crept up Peter's neck as he shifted in his seat.
"Heh, I'd like to see you try," he sassed, returning his attention to the movie. Her mouth hung open at his sheer audacity.
"Oh, okay, so you wanna be like that," she said, nodding to herself. She could do this the hard way. She preferred it, actually.
He let out a startled noise of protest as she paused the movie, eyes widening as she straddled his waist.
"W-whoa Steph, my brother could get home any minute!" he said, a blush already burning his cheeks. She chuckled and shook her head.
"I'm sure it's nothing he's never seen before."
Peter gawked, left speechless by her bold words, but before he could question her further, she started squeezing his sides. He curled in, barking out a laugh in shock.
"W-wahait!" he held his arms out in front of himself for protection, but she easily slipped under his defenses.
"Nope! You said you don't giggle, so just prove me wrong! Shouldn't be that hard since, y'know, you don't giggle," she mocked, leaning down into his personal space as her fingers skittered across his skin, crawling across his stomach.
He snorted as her nails grazed a particularly sensitive spot, helpless giggles spilling out.
"Ihi was wrong, okahay? Ihihi'm sohohorry!" he pleaded, weakly swatting her hands. She gasped in fake shock.
"So you lied?" she asked dramatically.
"No no wait Steph-"
She didn't let him finish his sentence, replacing whatever it was he planned on saying with the most adorable giggles she's ever heard.
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I Think I'll Love You Too III
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Chapter: 3/?
Rating: U
Summary: George and Ringo have been going out officially for a couple of months. Ringo anticipated that dating a stripper would be complicated, but he didn't understand exactly how complicated it would be.
Tags: Modern AU, Established Relationship
Pairing: George Harrison/Ringo Starr (Background McLennon)
AO3 link here / Fic masterlist here
Ringo hadn't been back to The Helter Skelter since he and George had started dating, much to the disappointment of John who had been begging constantly. However there cane a point where George began to grow suspicious, evidently he was worried that his relationship history was beginning to repeat itself. Not that he expressed any of these concerns to Ringo, instead he dropped passive aggressive hints and made vague comments which unfortunately reminded Ringo of the potential downsides to dating. Once the clues had been deciphered, Ringo vowed to return to the club the following night which seemed to please both John and George.
"You're not gonna get jealous are you?" George had asked while getting ready for his shift "Because if you are, just don't come."
Ringo certainly wasn't enjoying the harsher side of George but he understood the defensive tactic well "Of course not." He sat behind George who was doing his makeup in the mirror and wrapped his arms around his waist "What have I got to be jealous about?"
"I'm just saying..." George leaned in to the touch "You might think you won't get jealous, but when you see me rubbing my arse on some ugly bloke you might flip."
"George." Ringo said sternly "Stop worrying, please. I'll be just fine."
"Hmm, if you're sure." George sounded distracted as he coated his eyelashes in mascara.
Ringo had headed back home when George had left for work, he saw no use in hanging around the club so early in the evening. He caught up on some much needed sleep, his body was still rather exhausted. When night fell, John was excitedly knocking on Ringo's door. Awakening feeling groggy and disoriented Ringo shuffled over to open it. John burst in immediately, swinging the door so violently that Ringo had to jump backwards to avoid being hit.
"Jesus!" Ringo scolded "Could've taken my nose off."
"I'd be doing you a favour." John joked with a grin, collapsing onto Ringo's sofa "You got anything to drink?"
"Nice to see you too." Ringo scoffed, closing the door.
The two of them shared a few cold beers before heading out to the club, blasting the radio as they drove through the night. John was eager to see Paul, even though they'd spent the last few nights together, it was refreshing for Ringo to see his best friend so happy.
Ringo had forgotten how loud the music had been, the vibrations rattling in his ears as they made their way past the bouncer and into the warmth of the club. It was relatively packed, unsurprisingly for a Saturday night, but luckily their usual seats at the bar were free. John didn't even have to order a drink, as soon as he sat down he was being served without a word. Ringo supposed it would be an impressive sight if they weren't in a strip club, the thought passed his mind that John had paid the bartender prior just to make him look cool.
Ringo didn't recognise the dancer on stage, they had short platinum blonde hair and intricate tattoos dotted across their skin. Neither of them paid much attention, far more invested in their own conversation. Eventually they were shooed away from the bar to make room for other customers, so they sat at the back of the rows of chair and continued their nonsensical discussion as best they could.
"Ey up." John's tone changed as he nodded his head towards the stage "Someone's got their eye on you."
Ringo didn't register the words entirely at first, both his thoughts and visions gradually  blurring as he drank more and more. John nudged Ringo to direct his attention, the dancer was making their way through the throng of customers who were eagerly waving money in the air. Gradually they maneuverered over to Ringo and John, swinging their hips with their eyes glued to Ringo.
"Shit." Ringo breathed with a hint of a laugh.
He looked around the room to see if George was around, but there was no sign of him. As the dancer got closer and closer, Ringo figured there was nothing he could do but humour them and to get the whole thing over with as soon as possible. He could hardly complain, it was the guy's job after all. John seemed ready to burst into a fit of laughter upon witnessing Ringo's dilemma, his face scrunched up in an attempt to keep it in.
It was strange to compare the difference in emotion Ringo felt when being singled out by this new dancer versus how he'd previously felt with George; surprisingly the nerves were still present but were far more of a negative rather than actual excitement. Ringo leaned back in his chair a little in an attempt to gain some distance from the blonde dancer who had begun gyrating in front of him, but the gesture was mistaken for encouragement as he only intensified his lewd movements. John's laughter began pouring from his pursed lips, luckily the music masked the noise so that the dancer took no notice.
Ringo felt a hand on his shoulder, he assumed it was John trying to further his discomfort but then he heard shouting behind him and he knew something was up. Turning his head, Ringo saw an extremely pissed off looking George.
"You trying to be funny?" George was yelling, his hand possessively pressing down on Ringo's skin.
The other dancer seemed unfazed, passing George a momentary glance before reaching his hand forward to caress Ringo's cheek; at least that's where Ringo assumed he was aiming for it never reached it's destination. George gripped the dancer's wrist, the anger in his face melting away into a strange kind of satisfaction.
"Watch it." George spoke in a low voice, Ringo hardly even heard it.
By this point John was unable to restrain his emotions, his mouth agape in shock for a few moments before laughing again; George paid no attention to him, his dark eyes fixed solely on the blonde in front of him. He tried to shake George's hand off, it was causing quite the scene, but couldn't. After a few more moments of struggling, George released his grip and the dancer shuffled sheepishly away and attempted to finish their number with the little dignity they had left.
Ringo started laughing now, mostly because he was nervous, but was silenced when George ordered him to meet him outside. John gave Ringo a look which said 'good luck' with a mixture of both encouragement and worry.
In the cold air of the night Ringo felt himself sobering up a little, he hadn't fully registered the whole situation but it still felt pretty comical to him, though that may have just been the alcohol.
"You alright?" Ringo broke the silence, offering George a cigarette who snatched it.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." George mumbled as he lit it.
"One too many 'yeah's there, I think." Ringo chuckled.
George just looked at him, saying nothing. Ringo knitted his brows together in worry.
"Er- You gonna say anything?" Ringo shifted his weight between his feet awkwardly.
George said nothing for a few more moments then finally said "I'm sorry."
Ringo laughed again "Sorry? For what?"
"I..." George broke off his speech with a huff "That was out of line. On my part, I mean."
Ringo rolled his eyes and moved closer to George, interlacing their fingers together "Don't be daft, George. I get it."
"But- I just..." George sighed, Ringo had never seen him so internally frustrated, he tried to speak again but Ringo silenced him with a kiss.
"You don't have to explain yourself to me." Ringo said firmly, his hands cupping George's cheeks.
"I- Alright..." George huffed, closing his eyes in an attempt to dispel the frustration "I really hate that new prick."
Ringo laughed, breaking whatever tension was laugh "I can tell. What's his deal anyway?"
"Oh, I dunno." George flicked his cigarette away "Think he's jealous of me or something. Can you blame him?"
"Not at all." Ringo hummed happily, planting a short kiss on George's now cold lips.
Ringo could feel the tension leaving George's body: his shoulders lowering, his breath slowing. He wondered whether he'd ever be able to have a drama-free night at this place.
"You wanna go back in?" Ringo offered, rubbing his thumb on George's cheek before pulling the hand away entirely.
"Sure, sure." George still seemed a little distracted, Ringo knew he wasn't being told everything "Let me get you a drink."
"If you're offering." Ringo smiled, leading the way back into the humid club.
"Will you stay until I finish?" George asked, sounding almost shy "Please." He added after a moment.
"Of course." Ringo held the door open for George to walk through.
Inside George led them over to the bar where he ordered another round for both Ringo and John. He placed a brief kiss on Ringo's cheek then vanished into the crowds. Ringo let out a huff of air, managing to find John who had moved to the front of the stage and was hollering even louder than the music. It was no mystery as to why, Paul was currently onstage spinning around the pole in a way Ringo only assumed was incredibly difficult. He was wearing no shirt yet a multicoloured tie was hanging around his neck, his trousers a sheer black material with relatively high platform boots on his feet.
When John realised Ringo had returned, he offered him a cheesy grin which revealed how drunk he really was. His face lit up when Ringo offered him yet another drink, accepting it gladly and downing it almost instantly.
"Everything alright?" John yelled into Ringo's ear, his eyes not moving from Paul.
"Yeah." Ringo shouted back, it was all that needed to be said.
As soon as Paul had finished his number, he sought John out in the crowd instantly and the two disappeared giggling excitedly into one of the private room. This left Ringo alone to think and, more importantly, drink. He spotted the blonde dancer serving drinks later on but avoided eye contact as best he could.
George had been appearing and disappearing throughout the night but Ringo didn't really mind, it wouldn't be too long until the club was closing for the night. Ringo tucked himself away in a distant corner, finishing an array of drinks and scrolling through his phone aimlessly.
Eventually John resurfaced, dark bruises dotting the skin of his neck, with a very satisfied grin. He didn't hang around for too long, helping Ringo finish some of his drinks, before excitedly saying goodbye to head to Paul's for the night. It was a relief to Ringo, he no longer had to worry about getting him home safely.
George appeared only several minutes later, his skin covered in a sheen of sweat from exertion. Ringo smiled at him drunkenly, stumbling up from his seat and banging into the table which knocked a few empty glasses over.
"Ready to go?" Ringo asked "You're sober enough to drive, right? Because I am not."
"Sure thing." George pulled Ringo close to his body "I'm bloody knackered, let's just get to bed."
Ringo made a noise of agreement "Lemme just have a piss, then we'll go."
"You don't wanna go in there, trust me." George scoffed, nodding his head towards the toilet "It gets blocked every night, it's dead grotty."
Ringo curled his lip up in disgust "Really? I don't care, I'll just-"
George stopped Ringo from turning away "No, no, really, it's dreadful. I'll just get us home quick, alright?"
There was a strange tone to George's voice, at least Ringo thought so but his senses were considerably dulled from the alcohol. Ringo gave him a quizzical look but allowed himself to be pulled out of the club all the same, his stomach feeling a little sensitive as the car pulled out onto the road.
George was silent, his hands gripping the wheel tightly as he drove. Ringo wasn't quite sure what was awaiting him when they were fully alone back at George's place, but he knew it was something big.
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S.T. REWRITE - S2:E2; Chapter Two, Trick or Treat, Freak - [Pt. 3 - FINAL PART]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven’s still out there. Tensions grow between Y/n and Mike as does their concern for Will.
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||Reader's POV||
There was a slight hiccup in plans, so I was unable to go over to wills house before hand for trick-or-treating, but thankfully everything was back on track. I ended meeting at mikes house with Dustin and by the looks of it, we had gotten there just in time. Jonathan pulled up and we all waited anxiously for them. The boys started hitting each other with their empty pillow cases and I laughed. Movement up ahead caught my eye and i smiled when I saw will heading our way
"Hey, Egon!"
We all caught up quickly before, planning our route.
"So, Jonathan's not coming?" I asked, knowing that was originally the plan.
Will smiled and told us Jonathan was cool enough to let us go alone, as long as he was back by 9. I smiled at him and linked our arms, as I goofily marched on down the street.
"Tonight we feast, fellas!"
We'd been out for about an hour now, and will had turned on the video camera he brought.
We all waited patiently at the front door, Dustin and Lucas fought over who got to ring the bell. Soon enough a nice lady answered the door.
"Trick or treat!"
"Oh!" She beamed, reaching for the candy bowl. "Well, aren't you cute? The little exterminators." We all tried to hide our disappointment and the unexpected statement, when the lady turned to me.
"And who are you, young lady?" I forced a weak and awkward smile, and I felt the camera pan over to me, I could see Will snickering at the comment.
"Uh," I looked around, and finally shrugged. "It doesn't matter, thank you!" I trailed off, taking the candy. 
The door had closed behind us and the boys did not miss the opportunity to laugh. "Well, at least I'm not an exterminator!" I retort with a laugh.
Lucas began rummaging through his pillow case and sighed. "If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself."
"What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Dustin asked.
"'What's wrong with 3 Musketeers'?"
"No one likes 3 Musketeers." Mike argued.
"Yeah, it's just nougat?." Will said.
"Uh oh, here we go." I thought.
Dustin was quick to the defense. "Whoa, 'just nougat'? Just nougat? It is top three for me."
"Top three?"
"Top three!"
"Oh God, Give me a break." Mike whined.
"Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up."
"That's cause you're weird, Dustin." I laughed, as he stuck his tongue out at me.
I had fallen into the head of the group and just as I turned around I was surprised to say the least when I saw a Michael Myers Mask inches from my face, the figure was in all black and swinging a machete.
In my fight or flight response, I screamed, and threw my arms out and pushed the figure away as backed up.
The figure had been laughing, by winced and it's hands flew to to it's arm, holding it and wincing. "Ow, what the hell?"
The voice sounded familiar and with it's free hand, pulled the mask back and we all relaxed when we saw it was Max.
She shook her arm out and frowned, seeming confused, but she looked back at us and laughed.
"Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces. Also, your hands are, are like burning up, you might have a fever or something, cause like, what the hell was that. And you?" She pointed at Lucas. "Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl." 
She laughed and continued walking. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were still pretty red. I frowned as I looked at my hands, and rolled up my hands and touched m arm, wincing at how hot it was.
Lately, I've been noticing that it's been getting... worse. More frequent, to be specific. It's getting harder to control, like when I'm caught off guard like this, it's like a reflex and I can't control it. I don't know what's wrong with me, or how this is possible, or even how in the hell I got these abilities, but i can't help but feel more.... isolated. I-
I looked, up, realizing everyone was heading for the next house, except for Will. He lowered the camera a little.
"Are you okay?" 
I smiled weakly and shook my head. "Yeah, I'm fine." I wanted to tell him my concerns, but the tape was going so I opted not to. "Let's go, we better catch up."
I straightened my head and kept on walking.
Some time had passed, and we had stopped by a few houses at Loch Nora. And Max was right, there were a ton of full sized candy bars.
"Another full-size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers." Dustin laughed, but then he grew quiet. "Wait, you're not rich, right?"
"No, I live up Old Cherry Road."
"No, it's fine. I mean, the street's good for skating."
"Mmm, yeah. Totally tubular." Max raised her eyebrows and laughed at Dustin's comment.
"What? Did I say that right? Or is it, like, tubular."
Lucas and Dustin started doing their impression of a surfer, which made Max and I laugh. "Stop, my ears are actually hurting."
I had started to fall behind so I could walk with Mike and Will.
"You okay, Mike? You've been quiet."
He looked between Will and I, Will was now aiming the camera at us.
"Did you agree to this?" 
"What?" Will asked.
"What do you mean?"
Will lowered the camera. 
Mike glared at Max. "To her joining our party."
"It's just for Halloween." Will offered.
"You should have checked with me." He snapped.
I frowned. "Mike, what is your problem?" I asked, annoyed by his sudden behavior.
"She is! She's my problem. She's ruining the best night of the year." With that he stormed off.
"Mike," I called after him, quickly walking to catch up with him. "Mike, we should at last talk about this, Mike-!"
I heard a clatter from where we came from and my instinctively whipped around. I noticed Will wasn't with us.
"Will?" I called out, my heart starting to pound.
I ran back around the corner, and I could hear Mike following me.
I wanted to kick myself for not getting there in time, a bunch of a-hole teenagers were harassing him. Will was laying on his back, looking taken aback and his camera was on the ground with him. But all I could focus on were those bullies who were laughing and pointing at him as they walked away.
I ran after them. "Hey, piss off! You leave him alone, you hear me? Mind your own fucking business, a-holes!"
They just laughed and sneered as they kept on walking. I took a sharp and deep breath, and turned around. I heard Will calling my name, he was frightened.
"Will, are you okay-?"
"[Y/N]! Mike!"
I felt my stomach drop when I saw him. He was pale as a ghost and staring up at the sky. Before I could say or do anything, he turned ran behind some houses.
"Will!" I ran after him and I could hear Mike behind me. 
"What's going on?"
"He must be having another episode. Some assholes cornered him and now he's having an attack. Come on!"
I heard other footsteps join us and I assumed the others overheard and ran after us.
I saw Will stop suddenly and dive behind a ledge. "Will!"
I came around to halt, and saw more frightened than I'd seen him in a while. He was clutching his legs as they were tucked far into his chest, he rocked back and forth, his eyes closed and his breathing heavy."
My heart ached to see him like this. As quickly as my body could register, I reached out to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped when he saw me.
"Will, it's me. It's okay, it's over. It's just me. What happened."
His eyes ere wide and frantic, he was looking around, still in shock.
"Will, I need you to breathe, okay?" He was shaking pretty heavily but he looked at me and nodded, taking deep breathes.
"Holy shit!"
"Is he okay?'
The others had caught up to us. 
"I-I don't know."
Mike knelled down and I moved over so they could talk.
"Will are you hurt? Are you okay?"
"I'm gonna get you home, okay? I'm gonna get you home. Hold on."
I stood up and offered my hand, Mike did the same. Will grabbed our hands and shakily stood up, he still hadn't said a word.
I grabbed an arm and started soothing him. That was when Mike snapped at me. "I got him."
I just stood there in shocked silence.
Even Dustin seemed put off by his behavior. "Mike?"
"Keep trick-or-treating. I'm bored anyways." He had a weird venom in his voice, and my blood began to boil.
We all stared after them. I was very angry at Mike, but more than anything I as worried about Will, and I just wanted to make sure he was okay.
"What's wrong with him?"
I felt anger and sadness blending together and I stormed off. I wanted to run after Mike and give him a piece of my mind, but I knew that's not what Will needs right now. I stopped short when I saw Will's camera and candy bag. I sighed, all the anger leaving my body and all that was left was worry.
I walked over and knelled down, pickup the camera and checking it. Thankfully, it seemed to still be in good shape, nothing other than some scratches and a dent in the plastic but other than that it seemed fine. I sighed, and turned off the camera, having realized it was still on. I closed it up and knelled back down, picking up his pillow case full of candy. 
My mind was racing, and but it never seemed to leave Will. 
||3rd Person POV||
"It's like... It's like I'm stuck."
Mike and Will had made it back to Mike's house. Will was currently waiting for Jonathan to show up, and the two were hiding out in the basement. Just before they had gotten to the house, [Y/N] had caught up to them, returning Will's camera and candy. She checked in with Will and quietly slipped away, something the boys couldn't help but feel a little bad for, Mike specifically.
Will had calmed down enough and he trembled ever so slightly as he recalled the encounter.
"Like, like, stuck in the Upside Down?" Mike asked gently.
"No." Will sighed, trying to find the right words. "You know how on a View-Master, when it get's like..." Will struggled with the words and gesturing.
"Caught between two slides?"
"Yeah. Like that. Like, one side's our world, and the other... the other slide is the Upside Down."
Mike was quiet s tried to understand all that was being said, all the while Will continued. "And there was this noise coming from everywhere."
Mike noticed the look in Will's eye, it was distant like he wasn't there. "And then I saw something."
"The demogorgon?"
"No. It was like this huge shadow in the sky. Only, it was alive. and it was coming for me."
"Is this all real?" Mike asked gently. "Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?"
"I don't know. Just..." Will looked to Mike desperately. "Just please don't tell the others, okay? Especially [Y/N]. I don't want her to worry, and... and I know she's got a lot of stuff to worry abut already. And the others, they... They won't understand."
Mike looked to his lap and nodded. "Eleven would."
Will recalled all the stories they would tell him about Eleven. This made Will perk up. "She would?"
"Yeah. She always did."
The boys grew silent and Mike smiled sadly. "Sometimes I feel like, I can still see her. Like she's still around, but she never is." he shook his head, sniffling ever so slightly. "I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy."
"Me, too."
Mike looked to his best friend and smiled weakly. "Hey, well, if we're both going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?"
Will chuckled lightly, and smiled at Mike. "Yeah. Crazy together."
"[Y/N], are you sure you're okay, you seem kinda not fine" Dustin called after his sister as she walked sadly into the house.
Her only reply was the front door slamming shut. Dustin sighed and was about to go after her when he heard a noise coming from behind him. He froze in place, and ever so slowly turned around. He stared at the metal trashcan as he heard the strange noise again. It was strange, high pitched growl.
"Mews," he called softly, not believing for a second i twas his mother's cat. "is that--"
The trash can moved suddenly with a loud echoing thud and Dustin gasped, dropping his bag of candy on the pavement. His heart was racing and he kept telling himself that there had to be reasonable explanation but for the life of him he could not think of one. Dustin slowly reached behind his back and pulled out his "proton blaster" and aimed it at the trash.
He slowly and cautiously stalked forward.
The high pitched growl echoed off in a metallic manner once more and the trash can shook.
He crept further. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."
It chirped and growled. 
He stepped closer.
It growled again.
This is it, He thought, Now or never.
Dustin summoned every scrap of courage he could muster and let out his best battle cry as he ripped the lid off the trash can, and aiming his blaster at the bottom of the can.
He froze suddenly, staring at the strange sight before him.
"Holy sh-"
Tag List: @dickkwad @aimee-lucass @iblesstherainsdown-in-africa @miscellaneoustoasts @acexattorney
DM me if you want to be added!
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