#in my defense i just found out i'm not likely to go to the 5sos concert so the money i was saving for that i'm now using to fill the void
tsuncda · 1 year
someone help i’m making poor financial decisions
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
good morning 💕 (morning for me anyway) so firstly waking up to a new spidey au part is amazing & then a cute jalex prompt is even better 🙈 also i'm very excited to listen to the happy recs 😊
anyway since i had a night of too many vivid dreams i'd like to request "33. Kiss in a dream" with lashton, please? -fiancee
good morning! except you sent this at almost 4am for me and now it’s 9pm so not really morning either way but i accept the sentiment. i’m very happy u liked the fics and i hope u like the recs <3 AND i hope you like THIS fic. i fell down a rabbit hole of 5sos family instagrams so we also get a jack scene because, you know, i love him. xoxo
“Had a weird dream last night,” Luke yawns, trekking into the kitchen. Jack’s sitting on the counter, looking at his phone with a mug of coffee in his left hand. 
“Yeah?” Jack says. He doesn’t look up. “What about?”
Luke frowns. He probably shouldn’t have mentioned it, but whatever. It’s just a dream. “Have you ever kissed someone in a dream?”
Now Jack does look up, grinning. “Oh shit, really? First dream kiss! Congrats, Lukey, that’s a big deal.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Luke says defensively. He doesn’t want it to be a big deal. He has weird dreams all the time, and those aren’t big deals. Just because in this one he’d kissed his friend, doesn’t make it a bigger deal than the one where he’d been invisible in a broken-down elevator with Green Day.
“Who’d you kiss?” Jack prods, then takes a sip of his coffee. “Someone I know?”
Luke blushes. “No,” he says, except he’s always been a terrible liar.
“It totally is,” Jack says. Luke turns away, reaching for the loaf of bread on the counter and pulling out two slices. “It is! Who was it?”
“I don’t want to tell you,” Luke says, putting the bread in the toaster. 
“If I guess it, will you tell me?”
Luke sighs. “Fine.”
“No, oh my God!”
“Well, I don’t know,” Jack says, holding up his hands in surrender. “Uh, Calum’s sister?”
“No.” Luke makes a face. “Michael? Really?”
“I’m just going down my mental list of your friends,” Jack says. He gives Luke an impassive look. “There aren’t that many of them, you know. I’m bound to get it eventually.”
“Maybe it wasn’t one of my friends,” Luke challenges.
Jack waves him off. “No, it definitely was, or you’d have told me. Okay, who haven’t I said. Calum, Michael…Ashton? Was it Ashton?”
Luke reddens. He turns back to the toaster. “No.”
“It was Ashton!” Jack crows. “Hey, no shame, mate! Ashton’s cute.”
“He is not.”
“You don’t think Ashton is cute?”
Luke splutters. “He’s — that’s not the point! Stop it,” he says, pointing a finger at Jack. “I didn’t ask to dream-kiss him, okay? I’m not in control of my dreams.”
“They’ve got to come from somewhere, though,” Jack says. He grins. Jack always grins like he’s going to make fun of Luke, whether or not he actually is. “It’s fine, bro, you can want to kiss Ashton if you —”
“I don’t want to kiss Ashton!” Luke insists.
“You wouldn’t have dreamed it if you didn’t,” Jack says.
“That’s so not true! I dream weird shit all the time that I don’t actually care about.”
“Yeah, but it’s a kiss, Luke. That’s not just some random weird shit. That’s a real thing you actually dreamed about doing with a person you know. Your friend.” Jack gives him a meaningful look. “Who you think is cute.”
“This is why I don’t tell you this kind of thing,” Luke says, scowling. “It was just a dream.”
Jack shrugs. “If you say so. I don’t care.” He takes another sip of his coffee. Luke makes a face. He can’t fathom that Jack actually enjoys coffee. It smells awful. “Are you going to tell him?”
“Tell Ashton?”
“Yeah,” Jack says. “If it was just a dream, you might as well. If someone snogged me in a dream I’d want to know.” Luke supposes he’d want to know, too. Jack has him cornered, too, because if he says no, of course I won’t tell Ashton, Jack will point a victorious finger — so it wasn’t just a dream after all! But he really doesn’t want to tell Ashton, because that’s a weird thing to tell. And even if he prefaces it with this doesn’t mean anything at all, I just thought you’d be interested to know, it’s still weird. Ashton will think it’s weird.
(Also, maybe Luke has a small crush on Ashton, maybe. And he really doesn’t want to jeopardize their friendship, which is still so new.)
“Sure,” he lies. “I’ll tell him.”
Jack shakes his head and drains the last of his coffee. “You will not.”
“Why would you ask if you’re just going to argue when I say I will?” Jack laughs. “Whatever, Luke, fine. Let me know what he says.”
“I will,” Luke says stubbornly, forgetting that this is a lie. He’s not going to tell Ashton, right? He can just make something up. Yeah, he said good for me, and everything’s aces! Yeah, right. Jack’s seen through every single one of Luke’s lies this morning. Luke should invest in lying lessons, or else he’s not going to get very far at all.
“Good,” Jack says, hopping down off the counter. “And it’s your day to take the trash out, don’t forget.”
“I know,” Luke says. Jack puts his mug in the sink.
“Have fun at band practice,” he says as a farewell, and then retreats from the kitchen, maybe to go do homework or, more likely, play Fifa. Luke scowls at his back. There’s a reason he doesn’t share embarrassing shit with his brothers (Jack, specifically) anymore.
He reaches for Jack’s mug and rinses it out so the coffee doesn’t dry at the bottom, then grabs a plate for his toast and retrieves the Vegemite. The dream is exiled to the back of his mind, and he doesn’t think about it the rest of the morning.
(Doesn’t think about how much he’d like to remember exactly how it had felt, because all things considered it’s not like he’s ever going to get closer to kissing Ashton, and already the details are slipping through his fingers, until all he can remember is the warmth in his chest from knowing that someone like Ashton could have ever wanted to kiss someone like Luke.)
“Okay, we need to take a break,” Michael declares, setting aside his guitar. Michael’s not the boss of them, but Luke is inclined to agree. He’s getting bored of playing “I Miss You” over and over, and anyway he needs water. “Five minutes.”
“Five,” Ashton repeats, firmly. “And then everyone back here.”
“Sick,” Luke says, also putting his guitar down. “I’m getting water, anybody want?”
All three of his bandmates raise their hands, and Luke sighs. “I can’t carry four cups of water.” “I’ll help,” Ashton says, leaping to his feet. Calum coughs, and Ashton shoots him a look. Luke just smiles gratefully, and together they head to the kitchen.
“I really like that song,” Ashton says as Luke reaches for four plastic cups from the cabinet. 
“Me too,” Luke says. “Fun chords. And the ending is cool.”
“Yeah,” Ashton says, although he probably wouldn’t know fun chords from boring ones. But Luke appreciates the effort. 
“It looks fun to do on the drums, or,” Luke makes hitting gestures with his hands, “the cajón. You know.”
Ashton mirrors his movements, laughing. “Yeah,” he says. “It is, yeah.”
“Alright, look.” Luke scowls, but Ashton just pats his shoulder, and the look disappears pretty quickly.
“It’s fine,” he says, taking one of the cups out of Luke’s hands and thrusting it under the tap. “Tap water is fine, right?”
“Unless you see someplace else to get water,” Luke says, making a show out of glancing around the room. Ashton rolls his eyes. The smile doesn’t disappear from his lips. Luke likes that about Ashton, that he’s always smiling.
“So how are you?” Ashton asks. “I mean, aside from rehearsal? How was your morning? How were you yesterday?”
“One question at a time,” Luke jokes. “Fine, all fine. I mean, I didn’t sleep much last night because of homework, and then Jack was making fun of me this morning, but you know.”
“Making fun of you for what?”
“My —” Luke breaks off. He can’t stop now, or it’ll seem very suspicious, but they’re getting dangerously close to uncharted waters. “Just a weird dream I had.”
“Ooh, I love weird dreams,” Ashton says conspiratorially, handing off one full cup to Luke and swapping it for an empty one. “What was it?”
“No, it wasn’t that weird,” Luke tries to say, but Ashton’s face starts to fall, and Luke doesn’t want to be responsible for that. “I mean, it was just — I kissed someone, in my dream. Which was really strange. I’ve never had a dream-kiss before.”
Ashton raises an eyebrow. “Get it,” he says, and Luke ducks his head, laughing through the nerves. His face is surely burning red by now. “Who’d you kiss?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Luke says emphatically. Attempting to change to subject, he adds, “Anyway, that was right after I found out I was adopted and Billie Joe Armstrong was my real dad all along.”
“Did you kiss Billie Joe Armstrong?”
“Ew, Ashton, I just said he was my dad in my dream!”
“Well I don’t know what kind of freaky shit your mind comes up with!”
“No,” Luke says vehemently. “It was a friend, oh my God.”
Ashton immediately looks more interested. “A friend?”
Fuck. “Well,” Luke says diplomatically, “more like just a person that I know in real life. Not necessarily a friend. Could be someone from school. Or, like.”
“So a friend,” Ashton says, a teasing smile on his lips. “I can see why Jack made fun of you for this. Why don’t you just tell me who it was? I won’t laugh, I promise.”
“You will laugh,” Luke says. “I don’t want to tell you.”
“Come on,” Ashton wheedles. “What’s the worst that could happen? Can I guess?”
“No,” Luke says, because that’s exactly how Jack had gotten him this morning, and he’s not going to make the same mistake twice. “Nothing bad will happen. It’s just weird, and I don’t want to say.”
Ashton rolls his eyes. They’ve filled all four cups of water now, and there’s no reason for them to linger by the sink, yet Ashton looks like he’s not planning to move. “You don’t have to tell me,” he says. “I just thought you could. Because we’re friends. You know. If you really don’t want to, then I’m not going to make you.”
Luke stares at him, guilt rolling around his stomach. That’s not fair. Ashton’s totally manipulating him, and Luke knows that, and it shouldn’t be working, and Luke wishes it weren’t working, but it is.
Fuck. It totally is.
“Fine,” Luke sighs. “I’ll tell you, but promise you won’t make it weird?”
“I won’t make it weird,” Ashton swears.
Luke worries his bottom lip between his teeth. He picks up a cup and takes a long drink from it. “Okay, well, it was you,” he finally says, looking down at the tiles of the kitchen floor so he doesn’t have to see the look on Ashton’s face.
A beat.
“Oh.” Another beat. “That’s nice. How was I?”
Luke looks up. “Don’t make fun of me,” he says.
“I’m not!” Ashton says quickly. He cracks a smile but it’s a little uncertain. “I just want to be sure your first dream-kiss was an enjoyable experience.” Luke groans. “This is weird,” he says. “You’re making it weird.”
“I’m not trying to.”
“Well, you are. I take it back. Pretend I never said anything.” Luke takes his cup of water and moves past Ashton, but Ashton grabs his arm.
“Luke, just calm down a second. Sorry if I sounded like I was making fun. I’m just, um, I guess I’m just wondering —” He clears his throat. “Like, maybe it would be nicer in real life than in a dream?”
Slowly, Luke turns, fingers tightening around his cup. “What? Like, kissing in real life?” 
Ashton is blushing. Luke’s never seen Ashton blush before, but he’s definitely doing it now, cheeks turning patchy pink as he rubs a hand across the back of his neck. “Well, I don’t know. Yeah. I mean, it’s not really fair that you got to have a dream about kissing me and I’ve still never kissed you, in dreams or otherwise.”
“What?” Luke says dimly. “You don’t want to kiss me.”
“Well,” Ashton says, “I can pretend I don’t, if you want. I just thought — I’ve never kissed anyone in a dream that I didn’t want to actually kiss in real life, so I figured —”
“Yes, I want to kiss you,” Luke says boldly, over the sound of his heart battering his chest. “Are you serious?”
“Yes,” Ashton says, frowning. “I wouldn’t joke about this, what kind of person do you think I am?”
“I know, I just, um, you’re you? And I’m me,” Luke says, gesturing between them like this is some big revelation. “So I’m taking a moment to process.”
“Oh,” Ashton says. “Well, take all the time you need.”
Luke stares at him. It occurs to him that Ashton is waiting to kiss him, and that thought fills his whole body with butterflies. “Okay, I’m done,” he says, even though he’s not really, and could spend hours trying to reconcile the idea of Ashton as a person with Ashton wanting to kiss Luke and probably still come up empty. 
“That was fast,” Ashton says. “Can I kiss you now?”
“Yeah,” Luke breathes, setting his cup of water down on the counter. Ashton smiles and shuffles closer. He presses both palms to the sides of Luke’s face, and Luke’s eyes flutter shut, soaking up the heat of Ashton’s hands against his skin. Already this is better than his dream, a hundred times better. 
Then Ashton presses their lips together, gently, and all thoughts of Luke’s dream dissipate, replaced by real Ashton, actually kissing him, in real life, in Michael’s kitchen. He’s pretty sure his hands are shaking from the excitement.
Ashton pulls away and smiles, and Luke smiles back, then ducks his head, feeling far too nervous to look Ashton in the eyes.
“So?” Ashton prompts, which makes Luke look up again. “Better than the dream?”
“Oh,” Luke says, smiling like an idiot, “so much better.”
Ashton looks pleased, and Luke hopes he dreams of kissing Ashton again tonight, just so he can wake up and remember that he’s actually done it for real. 
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joannie95 · 5 years
Legacy Part- 25
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Pairing: Carter! reader x ?????
Summary:  Everyone knows Peggy Carter is a force to be reckoned with, who could have guessed her granddaughter would hold the same ferocity, if not more.This story follows y/n Carter’s life as she faces the obstacles life pitches her.
A/N: Since I explained the family I created for Sharon in the last chapter I will be referring to her as either Sharon or Agent Miller so it doesn't become confusing since the reader is also a Carter and Sharon never went by Agent Carter while working at SHIELD.
A/N: The descriptions for each weapon were found on Wikipedia 
Warnings: None
Phil, Clint and Natasha stand in the corner as they watch you work. Ever since you saw Sharon you locked yourself in your lab; instead of sitting around and pouting, you decided to be productive.
"She looks angry." Phil notices the look on your face.
"Of course she's angry, you didn't tell her Sharon was here." The redhead stated.
"I did tell her!" He tried to defend himself.
"Actually you waited till she cornered you to tell her." The archer started laughing. 
"Are you ladies done chatting, I'm trying to work over here." You heard a chorus of sorrys coming from them.
"Go find out what she's doing." Natasha slightly pushed Phil in your direction.
"Do you think I have some sort of death wish? Clint should go check."
"What? Why me?" He argued.
"You named your baby after her, do you really think she'd hurt you for bothering her." 
You clench your fists and let out a breath; you were getting very irritated with them at this point, and were close to snapping. They started to get louder, arguing about who had the guts to bother you. "Alright, that's enough!" You slammed your hands down on the table. "You can either keep quiet while I work or leave."
"Sorry." They all looked down and mumbled in unison.
"Now if you'd all shut up for a second I can show you your new weapons." You said with a smile. 
Natasha and Clint looked at each other and ran up to you with excitement in their eyes.
"They need a few adjustments but they're just about ready. Nat, I made you an electroshock weapon that can deliver electrical high powered discharges from two bracelets worn around your wrists when activated." You connect a few more wires, close up the panels and hand them to her. 
"Each bracelet illuminates blue lights charged from electrical capacitors that wrap around the circumference of the bracelet allowing you to electrocute someone upon contact. I call them black widow's bite."
"Oh, I'll definitely get some use from this." She slides them on and watches in amazement as they light up. 
"Clint I actually made you a couple of items. The first is a collapsible bow along with a specialized arrow quiver that is designed to organize and store arrows as well as assemble and present them on demand." You snap your arm and open the collapsible bow as you hand it to him.
You hand him each arrow as you list them off. 
"They come with a standard arrow, a stun arrow that is non-lethal and knocks someone unconscious or into a dazed semi-conscious state. An explosive arrow that serves as a remote explosive that could be triggered via the remote in your bow. These arrows contain an explosive tip that can be detonated at any time after it's been fired on impact. Lastly, a grapple arrow with three small claw-like prongs that was made to function as a form of grappling hook."
"The second is a wrist bow that stores seven miniature arrows, three on either side and one in the centre already drawn ready for quick fire. Once it's fired another arrow moves into the center it includes standard arrows and grappling hook arrows."
He straps on the wrist bow and shoots an arrow that narrowly misses Phil. 
 "This is amazing." He lets out a laugh
"Do you guys mind giving Y/N and I a minute?" Phil walked up to the three of you.
They both furrowed their brows and gave looks of hesitation. 
"It’s fine, I'll meet you guys later."  They both walked out as Phil walked towards you.
"I know you're mad, and I'm sorry."
You let out a long breath. 
"You know I'm not mad Phil, you know how I feel about Sharon so the fact that you didn't give me a heads up that she's here just hurt."
He pulled you into a hug. "I'm sorry, I promise if I ever hear anything you'll be the first to know." 
"Thank you, Phil."
 You both looked up when you hear Albert’s voice. "Miss Carter, Director Fury wants to speak with you.
"Alright, thank you, Albert." You look towards Phil with a raised brow. "Do you know what that's about?"
"Absolutely no idea." He puts his hands up in defense. 
"What can I do for you, Nick?" When you arrive at his office you see him sitting behind his desk and Sharon standing to the side. She rolls her eyes as you walk up to the desk. 
"I need you to train with Agent Carter, show her what to expect."
"You mean Agent Miller." You scoffed and crossed your arms. 
You could see the look she was giving you, if looks could kill you'd be six feet under.
"No, find someone else. How about Natasha I'm sure she'd love to show her how it’s done." You said with a smirk on your face.
"I wasn't asking Agent."
"Nick, I'm sure there are better people I can train with."
"That's Director to you Agent, don't forget it." He raised his brow towards her. 
You let out a small chuckle but once he looked at you, you covered your mouth and tried to pass it off as a cough.  
"You two will train together and that's final." 
"Yes, sir." You both mumbled and walked out of his office. 
You turned and looked towards Sharon. 
"Meet me in the training room in one hour. Don't be late." You walked away, not giving her a chance to speak. 
You were sparring in the gym with Natasha and testing out her new weapons.
"She's half an hour late Nat, how does she expect us to take her seriously if she can't show up on time." You moved side to side, dodging every punch she threw.
She caught you off guard grabbed you by the wrist and flipped you onto your back. 
"I don't know what your problem with each other is, but if this is how its always going to be, then I can't work with her. If we're going to be out on the field together, then I need to trust that she'll have my back, and being late is not helping her case."
Before standing back up you swept your feet and knocked her on her back. As you helped Natasha back up the doors swung open and Sharon walked in your direction.
" Agent Miller, you're late. When I told you to meet me here in an hour, I meant it." 
"I'm here now aren't I?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.
You walked up to her so you were right in her face. 
"That doesn't matter, I gave you a specific time and you should have been here. If you're not gonna take this seriously then you can walk out that door."
"Yes, ma'am." She spoke with gritted teeth. You weren't sure if it was your tone, the fact that Natasha was standing behind you, or that you were giving her a threatening look, but she stood down.
The next hour was spent with you sparring with Sharon, knocking her on her ass a couple of times as Natasha watched from the sides. 
"That's enough for today,” You slightly shoulder check her as you walk out. “Next time we train together, I expect you to be on time."
Legacy Tags:
@agentmarvel13 @1v-kayla @5sos-wdw @a-dancing-hufflepuff @annoylinglyaries @avngrsinitiative @bradfordsgreekgod @babypink224221 @captainam-erika-trash @carisi-sonny @chook007 @cosmiccomicloverqueen @daniellajocelyn @doctoranon @ecamille-xo @editsbyjenny @ellieababy @futuremissstark @gummiwormsandonedirection @henrietteoaks @hermionie-is-my-queen @ineedmorefanfics @isabella-bby @jaemingold @junitorials13 @katykyll @klanceiscannon14 @littlephoenix-fire @lovemarvelousfics @l0kisbitch @ludwigvonbaethoven @maddie-laufeyson @magnificentsoulecollector @mikariell95 @mistressoftorture  @moli1497 @nanajaeminniee @orderoftheflamingflamingos @paintballkid711 @pastelpurplexoox @princessizzy36 @shallowshawn @sillydecoy @spodermanpete @starstruckgardenstudentzonk @stuckyandsciencebros @thatweirdchick147 @tienna-laufeeyson16 @wishiwasanavenger @xalinx @zaza-jones @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash
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