#in my top 2 sexiest voices on the planet the other being Tom Sturridge
grabyourpillow · 2 years
Absolutely incredible take on the story from Desire's POV by Mason Alexander Park/Neil Gaiman.
(The whole interview with multiple cast pairs is incredible btw, great questions and mood by the interviewer.)
[TRANSCRIPT] –because sometimes, reading is ,,, easier
“In my experience Desire is the hero their own story.
One of the first things Neil told me in our earlier meetings about the characer was that: Sandman could very easily be a story that's told from Desire's perspective, and it would probably be a lot more fun, and would probably have a lot more sex in it.
And, that in that version of the story they just keep brushing up against their stuffy older brother who refuses to change, and refuses to acknowledge how important they are to him. And sort of resents and blames them for everything that has gone wrong in his previous— you know, past when it comes to love and things that fall under Desire's realm, when in reality it's very much so on Dream.
So, I think what's fun about the character is because The Sandman is told from his perspective, it's very easy for audiences to interpret Desire as the menacing kind of, fun villain but, for them, they're really just... dealing with familial issues! And... A lot of the reasons they mess with Dream is because they know Dream can handle it?
And Despair is in need of something to do, you know? Despair is the only Endless that has ever died, at this point in the story.
We are meeting these two characters and Desire is trying to bring their sibling along, on some kind of journey whatever that is, in order to keep them alive as well.
So I really tried my darndest to... give people both sides of that character so that people can eventually — if we get to expand all the stories and tell the whole scope of it — they will get to a point where they'll really understand every thing that has happened between Dream and Desire, why we meet them where they are in season one.
But for now it's kinda fun that people just interpret me as these~ little nasty minx”
— Mason Alexander Park
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