#in order to create this whole sense of identity crafted purely for shitting on others and Justify it through a moral lens
dr3amofagame · 5 months
l'manburg is colonialism is out lmanburg is stantwt is in
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lunenari · 7 years
Beloved Jewel (Prt 13/18)
As the crown prince, Seijuro had access to many rare jewels, but there was always one he cherished more than the rest. But through a cruel twist of fate, it managed to slip through his outstretched fingers. Now, years later, on the cusp of being crowned emperor, his search resumes for it, not expecting to find the treasure under the guard of another. Akashi x Furihata, Kuroko x Furihata
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Kouki froze, hands clasped over his mouth as he realized the fatal error he’d made.
He’d never expected to say what he had. Hadn’t he decided days ago that he wasn’t attending with Kuroko? That should have been the end, then and there. But he’d once more underestimated his heart, for it had won that battle, and prevailed victoriously before he could regain control of his actions.
Kuroko moved to stand beside him, surprise washing over his face.
“Is that what you want, Kiku-san?”
Kouki gripped the doorway, his breath hitching. This was the final time. After that, there would be no more chances. He knew the risks, yes, knew there was potential that everything between Akashi and him was in shambles. But he had to try. Kouki would never forgive himself if he lost this opportunity. Whatever other worries he had on his plate now could be dealt with after Kuroko and he returned.
“…I… yes, Kuroko-san. I would like to go. If that’s okay with you.”
Kuroko smiled. “Of course it is, but you will need to pack.”
Kouki’s lips trembled slightly. It was taking all his composure to act normal, and now he had another reason to loathe his decision. 
“I’ll be delaying you now.”
“That is no matter. We will leave tomorrow instead.”
It didn’t ease his anxiety any. “But won’t that make you late?”
Kuroko shook his head. “I have things to finish. While you pack, I’ll attend to them.”
His attention shifted to the servant lounging against the wall.
“Kagami-kun, please assist Kiku-san with anything she needs.”
Realism returned. “Ah, it’s okay, Kuroko-san.” Kouki waved his hands. “I can do it myself.”
Aside from the fact that he didn’t require any assistance, Kouki needed to rest his voice. Though the servant was unlikely to spark any conversation, Kouki wanted to eliminate the possibility. The feminine high-pitched tone he used day in and out was beginning to agitate his throat, and he couldn’t rest or indeed, retreat to his usual voice with Kagami in the room.
“Very well. When you are finished, someone will come and take your luggage to the carriage for our trip tomorrow morning.”
Kouki nodded. “Thank you, Kuroko-san. I’ll go and pack now.”
He turned back into the suite, heading toward the closet. A few steps in, he paused in his tracks when he realized the items within the room weren’t remotely close to his. Kouki’s cheeks flushed, and he hurried out into the hall to see Kuroko blankly staring at him.
His mind must have been completely preoccupied.
“Oops,” he laughed sheepishly, “I forgot where I was.”
The faint smile he received was enough for Kouki to flee down the hall. Anything to avoid further embarrassment. Though, the difficulty of walking in heels wasn’t aiding him any. Destination reached, he nudged at the door, which he knew for certain was his room, and then slowly closed it behind himself. It was better to do this without anyone sneaking up behind him- even Kuroko.
For certain purposes.
Tugging open his closet, Kouki began to skim the countless outfits inside. All were truly lovely, as was everything Kuroko had gifted him in the past. Beautifully crafted to perfection, down to the final stitch. However….
He peered behind himself for good measure before venturing further into the walk-in closet. Shuffling through dress after dress, he paused when his attention landed on one in particular. He gazed at it, eyes capturing every breathless aspect, while his hands trailed over the elegant material.
Truthfully, he had wanted to store it where it originally came from, but it had been designed for him. Created from pure scratch for a rather special, if not one of the most important, occasions. He didn’t want to reject the gift by abandoning it.
But he couldn’t wear it there. Wouldn’t that enrage Akashi, if he wasn’t already at that point? Or would Akashi be elated to see that he had held onto it and treasured the gown? Then again, Kuroko would ask him where he got it from, and then…
Kouki quickly slapped a hand to his face. Idiot! Hopefully his closet was as deep as it looked, and concealed any sudden, alarming sounds.
Packing wasn’t the issue. If that was all he had to do, he would have been done ages ago. He had many casual outfits for voyaging, but this was a ball. And not only just a ball, but the one where Akashi was to…
He bit his lip, tossing that thought aside. This wasn’t helping him decide any quicker.
“You need something really fancy,” he tried to soothe himself, “That’s all. Fancy for a nice ball. There’s nothing else. It’s only a ball.”
But what? Nothing, despite how fancy they were, would be as luxurious to wear to a ball at the palace. He could… maybe… no, that would take time, and they were leaving tomorrow. Besides, that would be extremely selfish on his part.
This conundrum would have to be figured out later tonight.
"How long are you going to glare at me like that?”
Reo scowled and pointed to the clutter on the counter.
“Until you stop making a mess!”
Flour coated most of the surface, pieces of moist dough clinging to the edges. Large bowls and pans lined with some dark paste were piled in the sink, and for some reason, frosting was stuck to the once-polished taps. If it wasn’t frosting, some other condiment had spilled, marking a path toward where the stove was.
To think this was only one section of the kitchen.
“I’m already behind.” Nebuya paused to shake the powder off his apron. “You gonna help me, or complain? I know you can do this stuff, too. Better than me, I’d bet.”
The chamberlain scoffed.
“I have no time for baking. The ballroom is only half-decorated, nothing is in the order it should be, and Sei-chan is already in a foul mood. Which makes me wonder why he’s even holding this ball.”
“Probably bored.”
Unconvinced, Reo began to fold the embroidered napkins they’d be using for the ball’s table settings.
“No. You don’t understand, Ei-chan.” The uncertainty oozed in his tone. “This makes absolutely no sense. Sei-chan doesn’t have any interest in anything the council suggests.”
He peered over to see Nebuya removing a cake from the oven. From what he could distinguish, it seemed edible, but that was never the issue. The issue was Nebuya indulging in cakes before they ever made it to the guests. Which usually resulted in Reo rushing to produce a replacement.
Thankfully, the last few hadn’t met that tragic demise.
“Sei-chan never agrees with them on anything. He can’t stand parties, balls, anything where he’s flocked to by the public.”
Not only was this a rather large gala, but it had a specific purpose. A purpose the council had been nagging Akashi about constantly for months now. That should have been enough of a motive for him to reject their request, but for some bizarre reason, he hadn’t. There hadn’t even been a slight disagreement, no hint of provoking a quarrel. Something that always occurred when the council presented their demands.
It didn’t make any sense.
“Yeah,” Nebuya placed the cakes on top of one another, “but if he picks some chick, then they’ll stop bugging him. That’s why.”
Reo tried not to roll his eyes. “Believe me, Ei-chan. When I say that’s not happening, it’s not.”
“Isn’t that the point of this shit? All these people coming all over because that’s what he’s supposed to do?”
Reo sighed. “Yes, it is the point. Which is why I’m saying it makes no sense. Something is fishy about the whole situation.”
“What do you think’s happening?”
Wasn’t that the question he had been asking since this all began? Akashi was a mystery in of himself. It was difficult enough to understand what he was thinking, even more complicated to get him to admit anything. But this was something Reo was stumped on, even when he was the top person that Akashi confided in. For him to invite Kuroko, without informing the chamberlain as to why, Reo knew something was amiss.
Not only Kuroko, but Furihata as well. Why would he allow them to be here and accept the notion the council was requesting? Especially Furihata.
He could easily prove Akashi had no interest because of Furihata. However, no one else knew of the masqueraded boy’s true identity, and he surely wasn’t about to expose that. Unless there was some underlying cause that Reo was hoping wasn’t the reason; the dots weren’t connecting the way they should have been.
“I’m not sure, but I have a feeling we’ll find out later.”
Reo paused in folding the napkin, squeezing the material between his fingers. He couldn’t soothe the pit of dread that had formed in his stomach, and it was only flourishing with each passing second. What was Akashi planning, and why had he kept him in the dark about it?
All this left him extremely unsettled.
“Though I’m not sure I really want to…”
 There were a few raps against his door. Gentle enough to know it wasn’t Kagami or Aomine knocking, but persistent enough to where he knew exactly it belonged to. Who was he trying to fool? This should have been predictable. Word traveled fast in these parts, especially with the soaring gossip from the upcoming event.
Hopefully it was only her, though.
Gathering his long skirts, Kouki approached the door to grant entrance. He was barely able to utter a greeting, as he was swept into a pink cloud when Momoi stepped into the room. Her beaming smile and giddy posture revealed all he needed to know about why she was here, even so late in the evening.
“Kiku-chan! Tetsu-kun tells me you’re going after all!”
His laugh was wary. “Yeah, I...um…” Kouki stumbled over his words, “I-I thought it over, and decided I really did want to go.”
When in all truth, no, he didn’t want to go. Kouki didn’t wish to be around all these strangers. Crowds made him nervous as it was. And though he knew Kuroko would be there by his side, the thought of being surrounded by people from possibly all over the world was only increasing his anxiety. If it wasn’t for the chance to see Akashi, maybe for the final time, he would have never given it a second thought.
How come it had to be this way?
“What changed your mind?” Momoi’s voice pierced his troubled thoughts.
That was the grand question, wasn’t it. What had changed his mind? Aside from that he was carelessly leaping into the opportunity, there was no solid answer. Surely Kuroko would be asking him the same during the trip there.
“Nothing really… I… um… thought maybe it would be nice to go.”
He sounded so unconvincing, it was pathetic. Get the spotlight off you, Kouki! Get it off! If they continued to discuss this reason, he would end up rambling on about everything he had worked so hard to keep hidden.
“I’m surprised you’re not going, Momoi-san. You said you liked adventures.”
Momoi giggled. “This is a bit too much, Kiku-chan. I’ll sit this one out.”
Did she ever have it right on the mark. It definitely was too much, overwhelming in fact. He wished he could sit it out as well, but there was one leading factor preventing that. The only resolution he had was to go, even if every passing thought was building up a sickening feeling inside.
Kouki smiled faintly. “Maybe next time?”
If there was a next time.
“Maybe.” She noticed the half-packed bag. “Are you leaving tonight?”
He shook his head. “Ah, no. Tomorrow morning, but really early. Kuroko-san had something to take care of. …um…”
Momoi frowned at the hesitation.
“What’s wrong?”
He could at least tell her that.
“I really wanted to wear something fancy,” he confessed, “All my clothes are pretty, but I’m not sure they would suit a ball at the palace…”
Well, one did, but that was completely out of the question. Geez, was this fuss called for? Maybe he was the one being too critical, and there would be no consequences in wearing one of his usual. Besides, he was sure Kuroko wasn’t griping about the whole ordeal as he was. He never did.
Momoi tapped her chin in thought.
“I have just the thing, Kiku-chan!” She latched onto his hand and headed toward the door. “Come on!”
He didn’t believe revealing his dilemma would result in being dragged through the manor.
“W-where are we going?”
“Back to my place.”
Kouki froze. “O-outside? I-in the night?”
The one time they had tried that, it had evolved into a disaster. Not only had it been in the middle of the village, with Kuroko a few paces away, but had occurred during the daylight. If it had floundered then, Kouki was certain traveling in the evening wasn’t going to be any better. In fact, he was positive it would be worse. And though he knew she was trying to help, the wisest choice would have been to stay at the manor.
Fearful of a relapse, he quickly thought of a way to politely decline. He wouldn’t be alone, yes, but that wasn’t enough to appease him. After all, back at the palace, he had been with two of the servants. The journey had been for their own selfish reasons, and Momoi surely wouldn’t abandon him as they had done… but it still didn’t change the fact it was out there, during nightfall.
If something did occur, there would be no Akashi there to rescue them as there had been the last time. But then again, Momoi was extremely self-reliant and could handle herself. She wouldn’t need to be watched over.
It was the sudden footsteps that made their own halt.
“Momoi-san,” Kouki could hear the frown in Kuroko’s tone, “Where are you going, and with Kiku-san?”
She quickly turned to him with a reassuring smile.
“Don’t worry, Tetsu-kun! I promise I’ll have her back soon! We’re just going to my place for a bit to get something.”
Kuroko didn’t budge. “Momoi-san, I don’t want you two going to the village right now. It is not safe. Besides, Kise-kun will be done soon.”
“Silly Tetsu-kun. We’re not walking there! The carriage is still here. We won’t be gone long.”
Kouki had to laugh to himself. He too had assumed the same. The carriage, of course. It was that moment he was thankful for never objecting more, for he would have appeared completely ridiculous. Of course they wouldn’t be walking somewhere so far away. He was foolish to ever think so.
The lord’s gaze locked with his, and Kouki smiled softly in return, nodding.
“All right,” Kuroko sighed, “But do hurry back. Kiku-san needs her rest for the long trip in the morning.”
Satsuki winked, raised her thumb, and then Kouki was once more being dragged from the manor.
       “Come this way, Kiku-chan.”
This wasn’t his first visit to the estate, but he wasn’t familiar with the section they were in. Come to think of it, he wasn’t familiar with any except one area. Each visit, they had always been confined to one room, and it was always a brief trip. By the way it was going on, it didn’t seem as though he was about to get the grand tour tonight either.
They were on limited time, yes, but whatever Momoi had come for, she was anxious to show him.
Before arriving, they had met Riko, and she too had been dragged decided to tag along, Momoi insisting on her help. She seemed as clueless as he, but Kouki could only assume this was in regards to his dress woes. After all, what else could it be if not? Did she know someone who was a swift-paced dressmaker?
No, that wouldn’t be practical. Besides, they could have been the most skilled seamstress in the world, and they wouldn’t be able to produce a gown that quickly.
They entered what he assumed had to be Momoi’s room, with the pink and light blue décor. He was guided to a chair, and then she was heading toward the closet, disappearing for a few moments. Together, Riko and he awaited her return, Kouki peering around at his surroundings.
When she did, she was holding a gown, a beautifully crafted one. Kouki was certain he felt his eyes go wide at the sight of it. Was this…?
“Try it on!” she urged, placing it on his lap.
Kouki stared down at the dress, fingers squeezing the soft material. Even with the numerous cushions underneath his clothing, it would be obvious. Obvious he wasn’t feminine, at least not in one certain sense. There was no turnaround for that fact, something he knew that no matter how much makeup he was caked in, would never change.
He was going to have to think of a way out of this, and fast.
“I’m…. um….” Kouki blushed, words tangling, “I-I’m kind of shy. I’m not like…er…”
However, Momoi somehow understood.
“Oh, don’t worry about that! Aida-san relates to that completely. You see how flat chested she is.”
Riko glared. “She didn’t need to know that.”
“I think it was kind of obvious.” Satsuki stuck her tongue out.
She continued to glare. “You don’t have to bring it up each time!”
Kouki waved before them. “Uh, girls?”
“I wasn’t trying to! Kiku-san is shy, so I figured she needed to know it was perfectly normal.”
“Then use a better example next time!”
Kouki frowned, once more attempting to regain their attention. How would he have ever thought speaking of his physical appearance would result in a massive quarrel. He could only hope it wasn’t going to last much longer, since not only would he feel guilty for causing it, but they were on a time limit.
“Sorry,” Riko sighed, the argument finally diminishing, “I’m constantly bothered by that…and Momoi is really…”
Momoi’s eyebrow quirked.
“Let’s just say… she’s always in my face.”
Kouki couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s kind of how I met her.”
“Okay, okay, enough about my chest.”  Satsuki quickly switched back to the previous discussion. “You don’t have to try it on then now, Kiku-chan. But maybe you could…”
Guiding him toward the mirror, she positioned him before it. Her fingers ran through the long chestnut locks, ridding them of any tangles and placing them delicately over his shoulders. It was a soothing gesture, but Kouki was more concerned that the wig would slip off somehow and raise unwanted questions.
“Aida-san, get the dress, please.”
Once it was in hand, Momoi placed the gown against him, holding Kouki in place as she returned her gaze to the mirror. It wasn’t a proper fit since he wasn’t exactly wearing it, but the design and colors were enough to convince him.
This was the one he wanted to wear.
“Perfect!” She beamed. “It’s going to look wonderful on you, Kiku-san. You’ll be the prettiest girl there.”
“And maybe even become the suitor,” Riko chimed in, causing Momoi to giggle.
Kouki nearly choked. “Ha… haha… y-yeah…maybe.”
…If only you knew… They had absolutely no clue how right on point they really were.
Reo's forehead wrinkled, teal eyes twitching within their slumber as light poured through. Who decided it was a brilliant idea to leave the curtains open? Especially when he absolutely loathed it first thing in the morning? It certainly wouldn’t have been him, so he could only blame the other occupant.
Groaning, he rolled around until he was shielded from the harsh sun’s path. He buried his face in the pillows, once more closing his eyes. As far as he was concerned, it was too early to function properly, or remove himself from the sheets. Whatever had to be done now could wait a few more minutes… or hours.  
At least, that was what he was counting on. Something was trickling onto his brow, causing sleep once again to be disrupted. Bewildered, he cracked his eyes open and peered over to see Nebuya drooling in his sleep. Resisting the urge to push him to the floor, Reo settled on smacking him with one of the pillows on their bed.
“Disgusting! Ugh!”
Unfazed, his lover remained immobile. How typical.
Now thoroughly roused, Reo surrendered to reality and climbed out of bed. There was absolutely no point in trying anymore. Besides, there were countless tasks to be done before the grand hour was upon them. Maybe he could use this spare time to somehow clarify what was afoot here.
He was relying on faith today, in hopes it wasn’t going to transpire the way he had been envisioning. There had to be some other hidden concept about the whole matter, and he had yet to learn it. In truth, Reo was banking on hearing it directly from Akashi, and not having to guess himself, or sit by as the event unfolded.
Exiting from his quarters, he encountered vacant halls. Thank heavens for that. Now maybe he could somehow make a beeline toward Akashi and discover his intentions. They were still within the wee hours, so he could easily travel without any other presences in the way.
If it wasn’t for the sudden joyful, yet extremely annoying voice that was soon piercing the air, that was.
Reo’s steps came to a halt. Of course it had to be one of them. Who else would interrupt his plans other than one of them? Sometimes he swore they had some sort of tracking or monitoring device hidden so they knew when someone was alert in the palace to greet them.
Or kick them out, which was usually the preferred option.
“Mibuchi!” Oh, that voice was grating. “Why the long face? Today is a big day!”
He chose to remain silent. Maybe it would prevent the council member from babbling on more, and then he could be on his way.
“And where is Seijuro-sama?”
No such luck.
Reo shrugged. “I assume still asleep.”
“Well, that shouldn’t be. He should be wide awake and ready for today. It’s an important event, you know.”
The chamberlain rolled his eyes.
“Yes, I know,” he muttered, “You’ve only talked about it nonstop since I’ve had the misfortune of bumping into you.”
“Then I will assume everything is ready?”
At this rate, he would never get to his destination.
“Yes,” he repeated, “Everything is going according to plan. Now if you don’t mind —”
The council member wasn’t convinced. “Why isn’t this area decorated?” He gestured all around them. “Should you not have decorated the whole palace?”
“Oh, how forgetful of me.” Reo’s teeth clenched. “I suppose I should get right on that! Even if no one will be within this part since they are forbidden to be.”
A tsk. “That shouldn’t be. They should be able to enter whatever parts they want.”
“Is that so?” another voice quipped, “They should be able to access areas I deem private?”
Akashi glided down the hallways, already dressed to perfection, and crimson locks secured in a tidy braid. His heterochromatic orbs were narrowed, the expression he wore not requiring an explanation. Once he had arrived where the two stood, his gaze was instantly upon the council member, features darkening more than they already were.
“What, may I ask, is the reason for your visit? I care not for your drivel at this early hour.”
From what he could perceive, Akashi was already in a foul mood, and this unwanted visit would only enhance it. He wouldn’t get the chance to interrogate him. Why did fate have to be so cruel… or better yet, why did the council members have to be so damn annoying and persistent.
“To discuss the occasion of course, Seijuro-sama.”
Akashi’s brow rose. “What occasion are you speaking of?”
“Why, the ball today! You’re going to choose the one to become your empress.”
His tone certainly didn’t match the council member’s elated one.
“Hmm, that.”
The council member nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! Why are you not excited? This is your future!”
Reo’s suspicions magnified when the emperor’s glower unfolded. Was it his imagination, or was Akashi’s lethal aura diminishing at that statement? Akashi was actually eager for this ball? He had been erroneous this whole time, and there was no other meaning behind this? No, that couldn’t be. Then that meant everything his heart held onto for so long would dissolve. Every memory, every cherished moment, and then soon Furihata would be nonexistent.
A chuckle was heard, a low and satirical one.
“You’re more ignorant than I thought you were.”
If he could, Reo would have shouted in joy. That was it, the one remark he had needed, what he had been waiting for. To have some confirmation that he hadn’t been wrong all along. Oh, what a relief it was to know, to hear! And the crowning moment was the confused expression of the council member.
“I don’t under —”
“Leave now.” Akashi’s stoic mien had returned. “I do not need to be pestered since this foolishness isn’t starting for a few more hours.”
Ignoring any protests, Akashi focused on his head servant.
“Come, Reo. We have much to discuss.”
He didn’t have to be told twice. In a split second, Reo was by his side. Now if the damn old fool would leave, maybe Akashi would reveal his hidden intentions. But of course, why would it be that easy? It never was, and usually required some form of extreme manipulation on Akashi’s part.
That wasn’t the case this time around, for Akashi’s patience was already far too thin.
“Apparently, you have become hard of hearing. I said to leave now. I will meet with you in the afternoon.”
No longer caring, Akashi began to walk away, Reo trailing behind him. He was going to uncover everything even if it meant doing some serious prying.
Conveniently, he’d always been good at being nosy.
Prior to this moment, Kouki could only recall one other incident where his anxiety had been this elevated. It had been an entirely different sense of fear compared to those of his childhood, and ironically, it was due to the same person. Only this time, Akashi knew unquestionably who was beneath the many layers of fabric. Unlike the last, when he thought Kouki was simply a guest that he had been forced to take under his wing while Kuroko was away.
No, this time there was a chance Akashi loathed him, and given the purpose of the invite, Kouki was sure he was no longer the center of Akashi’s universe. Honestly though, how could he blame him? He had no say in what happened in Akashi’s life and the choices he made. After all, he had made the ultimate one over a year ago, had he not?
Dreary thoughts aside, Kouki returned to gazing at his reflection. Momoi’s dress fit him like a glove, which had caught him by surprise… given certain aspects. The color scheme was simple, yet elegant enough that it overshadowed any others. Beautifully crafted white lace with a sky-blue trimming interlaced was the top portion of the dress, flowing gracefully down to the middle. The gown itself was the same light blue, made of the softest silk Kouki had ever touched.
Aside from one other dress.  
Now alone, Kouki could admit to himself the reason he had accepted said gown. Being able to mingle with the scheme of royalty wasn’t why he had searched so frantically for a fancy ensemble. No, and while he knew it was now completely pointless… he was hoping. Hoping that it would be enough for Akashi to once more turn in his direction, to turn away from whatever or whomever he was involved in. It was selfish, yes… but Kouki could no longer quarrel with his true feelings.
A knock interrupted his troubles.
“Kiku?” Kagami’s voice rang from the other side. “Uh, Kuroko is ready to leave.”
“Ah, coming!”
He rushed to unlock the door, and was surprised to find Kuroko standing there now instead.
“You look beautiful, Furihata-kun.”
Kouki froze at the name, but then realized it was only them. He laughed softly, cheeks lightly tinted, and reached for the hand being offered to him.
“You look nice as well, Kuroko-san. We kind of match.”
Tetsuya smiled. “Shall we?”
Dawn was barely breaking as they exited the manor. But the sun wouldn’t surface, not within that specific period. A light drizzle had begun to fall from the heavens, and Kouki was quickly covered with a large umbrella. Calm before the storm, wasn’t that the saying? Because a storm was certainly brewing.
“What a pity,” Kuroko tsked, “Good thing it takes place indoors.”
Kouki nodded, slowly climbing into the carriage. His heart thumped heavily in his chest, and he could feel the butterflies flapping their wings against his uneasiness. After so long and so many attempts to stay in contact without anyone knowing, he would finally be within Akashi’s presence. Soon, there would no longer be distance between them… physically.
But Kouki was unsure about anything else.
       Reo maneuvered through the crowds, greeting each maiden he happened to encounter. Most were solo, as they should have been, yet some were attached to a partner. A concept he didn’t understand. What was the logic behind that if you were trying to snag the emperor’s attention? Not that it mattered, since he knew Akashi cared not, but they were unaware.
They were only making themselves appear ridiculous.
He had even been cursed by some batting their darkened eyelashes at him. Reo scoffed at the feeble gestures, but continued to smile politely. His teeth were starting to ache, and he was counting down the seconds until everything would conclude. Even if it had only been an hour since these shenanigans began, he was already clawing at the walls to escape. But there was a purpose, and he was hoping that purpose would soon come to pass.
Or else everything would be in vain.
Finding a clearing, he made his way toward the entrance where he spotted the other chamberlain.
“Kota-chan, have you seen any sign of Kuroko?”
Hayama cocked his head to the side. “Who, Reo-nee?”
“Kuroko Tetsuya,” Reo huffed, “You know, blue hair, blue eyes, nearly Sei-chan’s height?”
He received a blank stare.
Reo scowled. “Then have you seen Kiku? You must remember her. She was here for over a week!”
Tongue poking through his teeth, Hayama brushed it against his lip in thought. His brows furrowed, forehead scrunched in concentration as he tried to recall. There were countless people that went in and out of the palace, so it was hard to pinpoint exactly who it was. But he did know that name from somewhere, didn’t he?
“Oh, her!” Finally, some sort of recognition. “Yeah, there was something really weird about her.”
Reo rolled his eyes.
“Whatever. Keep watch for her or Kuroko, okay?”
Hayama frowned. “How come?”
“Don’t ask questions.” He knew this would end up in a circle. “Just come find me as soon as you see them.”
Turning on his heel, Reo peered around the grand ballroom. There were many guests, most of whom he had never seen before. But the one they were gathered there for was currently absent. Akashi had every reason to be in hiding. The council was watching his every move, and each time some maiden approached him, they were instantly there with their annoying commentary.
The whole matter, as far as Reo was concerned, was a waste of time and effort. Not to mention extremely aggravating. A formality Akashi never would have given a second thought about until the instant it gushed from the council’s lips.
And never would have been arranged, if it wasn’t for the reason of…
Frozen in path, he turned to see Hayama rushing toward him. That was quick, far too quick. He had only left him with instructions only moments ago. Had Kuroko actually shown up?
“We ran out of small cakes!”
Reo’s eye twitched.
“Then tell Ei-chan! I’m busy! I told you to come and get me if you saw Kuroko or Kiku!”
Hayama bowed his head. “Right, right!” He straightened, hand in salute. “Sorry, I’ll keep watch! You can count on me!”
“I’m beginning to wonder otherwise,” he mumbled.
Heaving an irritated sigh, Reo resumed his search for the roving emperor. The guests in their redundant ballgowns made it difficult to thread through the space. But Akashi couldn’t have wandered too far, not when he knew what this pointless event could deliver.
More so, who it could possibly bring.
              They were nearing the entrance when Kouki suddenly froze.
His grip on Kuroko’s hand tightened, his eyes swelling, and soon his breaths were expelling in short-winded gasps. A cool sweat was pooling around the base of his neck and trickling down his back as he began to tremble. Oh, gods. Was he having a panic attack amidst everything else? Kouki didn’t know what was worse, to collapse in front of thousands of people, or to appear foolish in front of Akashi.
Either way, one of the two was about to happen.
“Aomine-kun, Kagami-kun, go on ahead,” Kuroko instructed, “I will meet you soon.”
Despite being a bit skeptical about parting from their lord, the two nodded and left.
With them now out of sight, Kuroko guided him toward a bench and away from the guests’ path. Kouki used the moment to compose himself, trying to prevent any tears from escaping and destroying his makeup. He had worked too hard to beautify himself, and he wasn’t about to let this ruin everything.
To think he had been in control the entire ride, yet the second they arrived…
“I’m… okay,” he breathed, “I just got scared for a moment. That’s all.”
Scared wasn’t remotely close to how he felt. If he said he was about to spew his insides? That might have been somewhat more on the level. The sight of the gates that guarded the palace entrance only caused his heartrate to accelerate. His hands trembled, his chest ached, and his bubbling stomach wasn’t aiding the situation any.
Tetsuya frowned. “We don’t have to go if you don’t wish to, Furihata-kun.”
He quickly shook his head. “No, Kuroko-san. We came all the way here. I couldn’t do that.”
“I do not want you scared.” He brushed a loose strand behind his ear. “I can’t have you feel that way, and you know that. All these people might be a bit too much.”
Kouki’s lips trembled, and he squeezed Kuroko’s hand.
“I’ll be okay,” he repeated in a laugh, hoping it masked his uneasiness, “I promise I will be.”
I have to be… I need to see him.
Mibuchi groaned. He was exhausted from being thrown back and forth. In the past three hours or so, Hayama had come running to him about pointless rambles about ten times. Which wasn’t remotely close to what he had been ordered to do. Aside from that, keeping tabs on Akashi was beginning to wear him down as well, especially when he was snagged by some official each time.
Quite frankly, he was ready to admit defeat.
“What?!” he snapped, “Kota-chan, I am tired of this. I told you that — ”
“But Kuroko is here!” Hayama bounced forward. “And that girl!”
Reo’s eyes widened. He hadn’t been expecting that.
“Are you certain?”
“Yup!” Hayama pointed. “See?”
Peering over the numerous guests, Reo spotted a familiar head. Sure enough, it was Kuroko, and thankfully by some miracle, Furihata was with him. Finally, luck was beginning to shine his way. Even if he wasn’t too keen about what the results would bring, at least they had come.
“Go and get Sei-chan. I think he was… ugh... with one of the council members.” He stomped his foot when Hayama didn’t move. “I said go now!”
      Arm entwined with Kuroko’s, Kouki was guided through the masses of ball gowns. His eyes were peeled for some sort of an opening, as Kuroko knew crowds weren’t his forte. But it was next to impossible, even in such a large room, to locate a vacant area. There had to be thousands of people present, and one of them would be it.
They would be the one to stand next to Akashi.
Kouki could feel the burning gazes on them. While he knew his dress was one to attract attention, that wasn’t the reason. Peering ahead, he caught sight of Akashi approaching them, and there was absolutely nothing standing in his path. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to run.
“Tetsuya.” He nodded respectfully. “It’s wonderful that you have come.”
Kouki’s pulse once more began its violent rampage, and he was sure everyone around could hear it. How long had it been since he peered into those mismatched orbs? That he had seen that face? It was agonizing to grasp this was happening before him. Right then, right there.
Dazed, he could only watch in utter silence as Akashi’s eyes drifted to him.
“And, Kiku, you have returned.” His tone was cool, practically glacial. “I do hope your second stay is enjoyable.”
Thankfully, Kuroko was there to rescue him, as always. Kouki hadn’t even realized how tightly he had been gripping the lord’s hand until Kuroko moved at his side to respond. But Akashi surely did. Perhaps that was the reason for his icy welcome.
“We thank you for the invite, Akashi-kun. This must be a very important occasion for you.”
Akashi’s gaze lingered on the masqueraded form, and he faintly smiled.
“It has served its purpose.”
Confusion swelled in his heart. So he had already chosen someone? Where were they then? Was he going to announce it soon? These horrible, unanswered questions roamed Kouki’s mind, and suddenly he didn’t wish to be there. It was painful enough to accompany Kuroko when he knew of the potential outcome. But now that Akashi had confirmed it, this was the end to anything else. There was absolutely no reason for him to stay, and Kouki found himself searching for an escape.
It was then when the music changed to a slower tempo, and Akashi’s gaze was once more on him. His lips curled slowly, eyes lowering, and he held out his hand.
“May I have this dance, Kiku?” He quickly scanned Kuroko. “That is, if Tetsuya doesn’t mind.”
Kuroko smiled. “It’s Kiku-san’s decision.”
By some bizarre motion on his part, Kouki found himself nodding. Why he had done so, he didn’t know. His heart seemed to still be in control, but he was convinced it was a tad confused. He knew Akashi had another, and the only logical explanation his fogged brain could hatch was that he wanted to gloat. To show Kouki he didn’t need him, without revealing to Kuroko he knew of his hidden identity.
He was then whisked away.
For a few moments, they danced in silence, Kouki debating if he wanted to lean forward and indulge in the warmth radiating from him. He had yearned for it for over a year, but there was now something preventing fulfilling his desires. No longer could he seek shelter in Akashi’s embrace, he could never listen to his soothing voice diminish his fears, never be able to restore the bond that he himself had crippled.
This dance wasn’t anything like the one they had shared alone on the balcony that one magical night. After this, there would be no more, for Akashi’s heart now belonged to another. Someone who wasn’t him. But this was what he had wanted all along, wasn’t it? For Akashi to be happy, for he knew it could never be with him.
Why did it hurt so much, then?
Using their closeness as the opportunity, he began to survey Akashi.
His hair was a glaring feature, now grown down to his shoulders, but tied back neatly in an elegant braid. How Kouki wished he could comb his hands through it, and his trembling fingers exposed that. Akashi’s cheekbones were high, chiseled to perfection, exactly the way Kouki had remembered them. His crimson bangs were much longer now, easily shielding his eyes from the world around him.
… Those... eyes… the mismatched depths that once harbored such warmth only for him, were hardened, callous, absolutely chilling to peer into. At times, Kouki had to look away because it was almost frightening to do so.
Still, despite the darkening aura surrounding him, Kouki found him beautiful.
Akashi never spoke a word, never spared him a glance as they continued to sway gracefully to the music. Even the way he was holding his hand didn’t feel the same. Maybe because it had been so long, that Kouki had forgotten? That was a possibility, but it was beginning to seem like —
He was then dipped, and gently pulled back up. Akashi’s lips brushed against his ear.
“Did you believe I didn’t have some way to bring you back to me?”
Kouki stiffened, but it didn’t stop their movements, Akashi leading their steps with ease. Had he heard right? This was a ploy to lure him back? There was no… wait, this was too confusing for Kouki to follow correctly!
Around them, no one suspected anything. Not as the emperor continued to twist and twirl a mystery girl around on the dance floor. Surely many eyes were upon them, questioning who she was. If only they knew what Akashi and him were to each other, what they once were. And Kuroko, only a few paces, believing it was a simple gesture by the emperor to dance with the girl he had cared for in his absence.
It was so much more.
Somehow, he found his voice. “W-wasn’t this set up by the officials? For the whole… y-you were supposed to find someone to be your empress.”
Akashi laughed lowly. “So, you do know about that.”
Of course he did. That was the reason he believed this event was for, before he learned it had hidden intentions.
“They didn’t pressure me. It would be foolish on their part to do so, but seeing how they spoke of a ball being held for the occasion, I went along with them. They, being clueless, were elated, and had no idea that I would use this to my advantage.” His expression was once again detached. “I’m actually surprised you came. I didn’t think you would.”
Kouki frowned. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“You can answer your own question, Kouki.”
The coldness had diminished, and he could now detect the hurt in Akashi’s tone. It was almost unbearable to hear, especially this close, and to know he had been the cause, only strengthened his guilt.
“Why are you doing this?” he whispered.
Kouki tried not to cringe at the tightened grip.
“I am not a switch, Kouki. You cannot flick me and expect that I would forget everything so quickly. But apparently, you can.”
Forgotten? Kouki was lucky if a day passed where he wouldn’t think of him, if he was able to settle in at night when he yearned for the warmth he had become so accustomed to. The lack of security that he could only find in Akashi’s arms. Sure he had Kuroko, and now Momoi and Riko by his side, but it would never be the same, but Akashi wouldn’t understand that. Not when he had left without an explanation, an explanation he knew he could never explain.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
There was nothing else he could say.
“Not as sorry as I am.”
Akashi swayed him to the side, and then he was once more back in his embrace.
“How is it with Tetsuya?” he suddenly asked, “Is he treating you well?”
Kouki’s head lowered. “O-of course.”
“I suppose better than I, since you chose to go with him instead.”
No, this wasn’t correct at all!
“That’s not true,” he found himself raising his voice, “None of it.”
Akashi’s brow rose. “Oh? You didn’t abandon me over a year ago? After I told you exactly how I felt, and you supposedly the same? Or, was that another lie, Kouki?”
“It was never a lie. Nothing was. Everything I’ve said has always been the truth.”
“Is it now?”
Kouki nodded. “Yes. It always has been.”
“I find that difficult to believe.” The coolness had returned. “Do tell, Kouki. Does Tetsuya hold you the way I do? Does he let you stay with him when you cannot fall asleep? Embraces you when a storm is near so you don’t have to fear it?”
“I suppose he drops everything to assure you are safe. Doesn’t tolerate anyone who mistreats you, who lays a finger on you.”
Kouki’s eyes began to water. “Sei, please stop, I — ”
“You will address me as Akashi.” His mismatched orbs narrowed. “Only those who are close to me are allowed to call me by name. Since you are at least in the ward of one of my acquaintances, I won't expect you to address me by title. Consider yourself privileged.”
It was all Kouki could endure.
Jerking away from Akashi, he disconnected their joined hands, and fled into the masses of people.
     Aomine winked at a passing girl, chuckling when she stuck her nose in the air and continued down the hall.
“Right back at you, babe!”
Kagami scowled. “You’re ridiculous. You’re making yourself look more like an idiot than usual. If that’s possible.”
“Jealous, Kagami?”
Taiga rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’m jealous of your skills at failing to flirt.”
Daiki sat on the couch, sliding closer until their knees bumped.
“There’s no need to be,” he cooed, “You know I have eyes for one person.”
A snort. “Yeah. Yourself.”
“That’s not who I meant.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You know exactly who.”
Kagami blushed. “Listen, asshole, I — ”
Their banter was interrupted when a blur of blue and white came spiraling down the hallway. Instantly, Kagami rushed after it, trying to prevent any further damage, while also trying to figure out the cause. Why was she alone, and where the hell was Kuroko?
“Whoa, Kiku! Calm down!” His hands shot out. “What’s wrong?”
Aomine had joined in, steadily grasping Kouki’s shoulders.
“Hey! Kiku!”
But Kouki’s fragile mind had lost this battle, morphing in a whirlwind of tangled emotion. His anxiety from earlier had magnified, and any sense of sanity he had left was hanging in shreds. Vaguely, could hear Kagami’s panicked voice, feel hands against his back that were elevating him. But his vision was becoming murkier with each passing moment.
And then all he could see was darkness.
Beneath sealed eyelids, Kouki listened as concerned voices flickered in and out all around him. Almost instantly, he recognized Kuroko’s. The other, however, was a bit distorted against his fogged memory. Something was oddly familiar about it, though. He knew this person; that much he was able to grasp, but from where, and why was he having such a difficult time recalling?
As much as he wished to peek for himself, his head was throbbing. His throat was raw and scratchy, though he couldn’t remember why, his chest tight, and his eyes ached. The previous scene continued to flash before him, and Kouki had to restrain himself from unleashing another set of tears.
In simpler terms, he was a complete wreck, and he wasn’t sure if this time he’d be able to piece himself back together.
“Will she be okay?” the owner of the second voice questioned softly, interrupting his thoughts, “She’s been out for a while now.”
Kouki heard Kuroko sigh.
“It probably was not a good idea to come here with so many people around.”
Regret bled in the lord’s tone, and Kouki’s heart clenched. This wasn’t Kuroko’s fault, none of it was. He had been the one who wanted to go, to at least have one last glimpse of person he loved in secret. Even if Akashi was resentful… which he had discovered the hard way, Kouki had wanted to see him one last time. But the results had been absolutely disastrous.  
A fine web he had tangled himself in.
“Do crowds bother Kiku-san?” The worry was practically melded into their tone. “Or, perhaps, did she see something that frightened her?”
Kouki grimaced internally. If the fragments of your heart being obliterated in front of the one you loved consisted as a reason for being frightened, then maybe. Yet again, he couldn’t blame Akashi entirely for how he reacted. He had been the one to provoke that, all of it, and now he was probably adding onto Akashi’s confusion.
The silence reigned between the two, and then Kuroko heaved another sigh, a mournful, strained one.
“She has an extreme fear of crowds.” Kouki could tell Kuroko was hesitating. “I’m sure that was the cause of this.”
“Does she become anxious around them?”
Why was this person so interested in his wellbeing?
“In a way. But it’s not exactly like that, Mibuchi-san.” Kouki fought to open his eyes. Of course! How could he not recognize Mibuchi’s voice? “I do not wish to talk about it since it hurts Kiku-san, but she had something happen to her. Something that shouldn’t happen to anyone, and that is why she becomes afraid so easily.”  
Reo’s concern only magnified, as did his curiosity, but he didn’t want to prod an already extremely delicate situation. If Akashi wasn’t allowed to learn the reason of Furihata’s past and for his disguise, then it was something that was well guarded. He wasn’t going to push any further.
Instead he bowed his head. “I hope she gets all the rest she needs. Please, take all the time that is required and more, and don’t hesitate to call me if you should need anything.”
Kuroko smiled faintly. “Thank you, Mibuchi-san.”
“Of course.” He nodded once more. “I’ll be on my way, now.”
Departing from the room, Reo closed the door and stepped out into the hallway. He expected to encounter Kuroko’s two servants, lazily leaning against the wall and not wanting to interfere in their lord’s care for Furihata.
Yet it still wasn’t a surprise who was there awaiting his return instead.
Akashi stood a few paces to the side, arms crossed and eyes narrowed, the same coldness chiseled into his features. The façade would be easily believed to anyone who had the misfortune of crossing paths with him, but Reo saw right through. Cracks of that frigid demeanor were beginning to form, and the heart that adored and treasured Furihata with its everything was trying to regain control.
He glanced at the emperor and shrugged his shoulders.
“Kou-chan just needs a lot of rest.” And he would have left it at that, but there was no such thing as being brief with Akashi.
“You were in there quite a while for that to be all you discussed.”
Reo frowned, knowing there was no way around it.
“I don’t know much, Sei-chan. All Kuroko said was that Kou-chan had something happen that causes him to be afraid of crowds. Something that shouldn’t happen to anyone.” Akashi’s gaze pressed him, but Reo protested. “Please, let’s not push it, and let Kou-chan rest.”
The chamberlain’s breath pinched as Seijuro’s eyes continued to bore holes into his soul. Reo was silently pleading it had been enough to convince him to leave it at that, for Furihata’s sake. He knew how stubborn his superior could be, and there was a storm brewing in those mismatched orbs, one he knew had no intention in settling or diminishing anytime soon.
Then, to his relief, Akashi glided past him, without another word, in the opposite direction of where Furihata was resting.
Reo expelled a gust of air. “I didn’t think he’d listen.” But there was a nagging feeling within him that refused to budge.  
Back inside his quarters, Akashi slammed the door closed with such a force that the candles on the wall vibrated. His fingers clenched around the knobs, knuckles becoming white with how firm he was gripping onto them. He could feel his pulse quicken, his emotions whirling through him, and pulling him deeper and deeper into their vortex.
When Kouki had first appeared at the entrance, what had come over him was indescribable. Anger, pain, confusion, and if he had to say, relief. After they had parted, he didn’t believe the masqueraded boy would show again. And yet, he had. Kouki had taken the bait he had hoped would lure him back.
It was impossible to forget, though, and the expression on Kouki’s face only irritated him more. Here, for the past year, he had been dealing with the loss, and Kouki had shown up, clinging to Kuroko’s side as though he had not a single worry in the world. As though he wasn’t in the home of the person he claimed to love, and then left without so much as an explanation.
All of that had enraged the emperor.
Fueled by that pain, it became difficult to control the words that expelled from his own lips. Akashi wanted him to experience the hurt he had been enduring for the past year, to feel what impact he had caused by rejecting him for Kuroko. The words he’d used had shown that, and had caused the masqueraded boy to run from him once more in a fit of tears. He’d wanted to go after him then, but he couldn’t find the will to move in that moment.
That mixture of emotions had vanished into concern when he learned Kouki was unconscious.
A simple argument between them wouldn’t have caused that. Not entirely. There was some underlying cause, and it was only perplexing Akashi more and more.
At first, he thought of letting it slide. After all, he had a promise to uphold. No matter how much it was ripping him apart, he would keep his pledge to Kouki and not reveal anything to Kuroko. That was the way his father had raised him, to be a man of his word.
But that all changed after Reo’s vague explanation, vague but taunting enough to kindle the remains of his sanity. There was a limit, and that limit had finally been reached.
His grip loosened on the door, and Akashi ran a hand through his untied mane. Eyes fluttering, he eased his thundering pulse, and heaved a long, shaky breath.
“Forgive me, Kouki, but I can’t do this anymore.”
Gathering himself, he pulled open the doors and peered out into the hallway to see his chamberlain hadn’t moved from his post. Reo probably was still unsettled from their discussion. This would make everything a bit easier, and hopefully a lot quicker.
The chamberlain was instantly before him.
Akashi didn’t hesitate. “Bring Tetsuya to me.”
He frowned, his brows lowering. “Sei-chan, you don’t —”
“I didn’t call you over here to have a debate. Find him, and tell him to meet me in my quarters.”
Mibuchi bowed his head, knowing it was futile to try to convince him anymore.
“As you wish.”
Turning on his heel, Reo made his way back toward the guest part of the palace. That harrowing feeling had magnified now, and he couldn’t cease the queasiness that was beginning to form. Somewhere in him, he had hope that he had persuaded Akashi to not interfere, that he wouldn’t mingle in everything, and it would work out the way it should.
He should have known better.
“Please, Sei-chan,” he whispered to himself as he stood before the portal, “Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
Knocking twice, Reo waited until one of the servants granted him entrance, and stepped into the room. He forced himself forward, his heart plunging when he saw Kuroko was seated at Furihata’s bedside. Oh, how he didn’t wish to intrude, but these were Akashi’s orders. One would be foolish to try to defy him.  
“I don’t mean to disturb.” Furihata still inert only made him more uneasy, and now Kuroko would be leaving his side. “But Akashi-sama wishes to see you, Kuroko-san.”
Kuroko seemed surprised by the request, but it was for a flicker of a second before his usual blank stare resumed. He slowly nodded, and then turned his gaze to his only servant present within the room with them.
“Kagami-kun, please keep an eye on Kiku-san. If she awakens, make sure she drinks plenty of water.”
With a false smile, to where his teeth were grinding into each other, Reo led Kuroko back out into the dim hallways. They traveled in silence, though Reo wondered if the other took notice of his unstable heart rate.
It couldn’t be helped. He was terrified. For himself, for Furihata, and especially for Kuroko. When Akashi allowed his emotions to control him, anything could happen. Sometimes it had a positive outcome, but as of lately, it had been the entire opposite. The past year had been absolute hell, and it was even more tiring pushing Akashi to rule the damn country since he’d been in this slump.
He could only plead to the gods this time would be different.
Stopping before the grand doors of the emperor’s domain, Reo shrugged off knocking, and pushed them open. He held out a hand, and allowed Kuroko to step through first until they were completely out of the archway.
Reo peered around the large area until he located the other presence, seated across the spacious zone. Carefully guiding Kuroko through with whatever candles were lit at the moment, he stopped before the set of cushioned chairs, where Akashi had rose to greet the lord with a short nod.
“Akashi-kun.” He nodded in return.
His superior’s state was enhancing Reo’s jitteriness. Akashi was far too calm for his liking. Comparing it against a bomb ready to detonate was fairly apt, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to be here any longer.
“You may go now, Reo.” He couldn’t have been more grateful for those words. “Thank you for bringing him.”
The emperor waited until Mibuchi made his exit before gesturing toward one of the chairs.
“Sit down and make yourself comfortable, Tetsuya. I do believe we are in need of a long talk.”
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