#in order to hide this starter hahaha
eurylic · 2 years
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𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄, lies the alter of creation. a ripple in time : her existence a fracture within the the universe. her soul incomplete, broken —— lost within the gateway of the underworld, she was not meant to exist. for eurydice had vanquished, unseen since the fire of asphodel, when orpheus doubted and sought after her spirit. the master of strings had not been successful then, but you... you were different. through your miracles alone, gave rise to someone the fates had long since forgotten. she exist now because of you, as a placeholder / as your inheritor. so rest now, she pleads, dismantle your burden onto her. allow her to spread out her arms, so that she may be shackled in your place. ❝ i never once blamed you, you know. for giving me this purpose.... so please, don't look so guilty. ❞ @orphelic
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luukka · 16 days
It hurt asf but since Tumblr decided to erased it I'll do it again, here's a stupid list of couple and ships from movies and series in which I can see Jim and Ivy and/or inspired myself without realizing in a not specific order :
Lady Marian and Robin Hood - Robin Hood
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Ah yes a lady and her pure-hearted hooligan as we love it. No but seriously, their sweet childhood love that never failed through the years is so adorable. She's gentle and courageous, he's adventurous and loyal, what a combination ! Really, they inspired Jivy's relation a lot ❀
Finn and Flame Princess - Adventure Time
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Ok hear me out. I've seen only four seasons but I love them. My cuties. That's it. That's all. Also this gif makes me understand that they stayed together for a long time and that makes me happy 😘
Nausicaa and Asbel - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
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Now I know they are not a couple but their interaction is aaaaaah I love it ! The respect and trust they grow toward each other makes my heart beat fast ❀ and that's exactly what I want for Ivy and Jim !
Pazu and Sheeta - Castle in the Sky
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The ship I'll never have because they are too young and I respect that (Miyazaki never fails us) No one talks enough about them. Like really, they are. So. Adorable. At no moment did they break each other's trust and were even ready to die together. AT. TWELVE. YEARS OLD. There is no way I couldn't inspire myself from them 🙄💖
Rox (Tod) and Vixie - The Hound and the Fox
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Picture ref is pinterest as you could guess but I haven't the exact source
ok so you can't see them much in the movie but I don't know their cuteness is a marshmallow to me. Also I love how Vixie has fun with Rox's flirt, I think Ivy would play with Jim too lol
Marshall and Lily - How I Met Your Mother
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There's no way I couldn't inspire myself from Marshmallow and Lilypad. Love at first sight + soulmate trope ? YAS BITCH 💅🏿 I thougt of Chandler and Monica but they're not quite as close to Jivy as Marshall and Lily
Tarzan and Jane Porter - Tarzan
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The sweet awkward and passionate woman and the curious unfeared man. The "he fell first she fell harder". Their dynamic is pretty much what I imagine how Jim and Ivy relationship starter was (maybe reversed tho because she fell in love first ?) they are so cute ❀
Odysseus and Pénélope - The Odyssey
Now I don't have an image but here is a Wolfythewitch art that I found very pretty !
20 YEARS. TEN TIMES TWO WINTERS APART. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT IS. I'M TWENTY TWO, IT'S LONG AS FUCK. And they were still in love. They still wait for each other. They never fell out of love. I'm gonna cry... (every time I listen to Epic I just can't help but imagine Jim sings his lungs out lol also Kate is Circe, Amelia is Athena, Zeus is one of Ivy father I see EVERYTHING)
PhƓbe and Mike - Friends
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I love how Mike just loves his wife weirdness and the idea of Jim having a link with Paul Rudd (they don't age lmaooo) plus I noticed that both ship has kinda the same background but PhƓbe and Jim have a similar path and Ivy and Mike have also a similar path xDD
Stiles and Lydia - Teen Wolf
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I could not (again) not put them here. I had the idea of Ivy when I could still watch it on netflix FR đŸ„Č two smartasses with one trying to hide it and the other being stupid about it clearly helped hahaha
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impy96 · 2 years
HC Server-wide event featuring many laughs and fun moments? Hell yes I’m here for it! The Hermitcraft Easter Egg Hunt is genuinely an incredible idea and so far super well executed by Jevin, so here’s a quick recap of what we know!
Participants - 19 in total! In alphabetical order;
Bdubs, Beef, Cleo, Cub, Doc, False, Grian, Hypno, Impulse, Iskall, Jevin, Joe, Pearl, Scar, Stress, Wels, xB, Xisuma, Zedaph
17th April was the deadline for eggy hiding, and now the participating hermits all have until Tuesday/Wednesday to find as many hermit eggs as possible around their bases. 
Scoring system works as follows; Number of eggs hidden (18 max) minus the number of eggs found by other hermits. Jevin has also planned a tiebreaker if multiple hermits end up with the same score!
Several of the hermits have shown some of their hiding shennanigans in recent videos, so I’ll link all those with some of my favourite moments under the cut for spoiler reasons! And I’ll make another post after all the hunting videos have been posted with a recap roundup!
Also, Hermits who have worn their egg as a hat count; Cub, Grian, Iskall, Scar, Impulse, Xisuma
Bdubs - Showed a little bit of hiding in his video! Had a brief interaction with Cub about it, and fell for one of Iskall’s “good” hiding spots that he made to trick hermits lol.
Beef - Didn’t show any hiding, just signing up and collecting his easter basket. He also made an interior for his starter base at spawn to make it more fair for the other hermits trying to hide eggs and actually didn’t create any good hiding spots.
Cleo - No hidey, just sign up. 
Cub - Showed quite a few of his hiding places. Also showed his side of the interaction with Bdubs and found Xisuma stuck in his cactus farm trying to hide an egg. 
Doc - Both sign up and collection for hiding shown in his video. He hid a few, called his egg Lil Doccy, said he felt fatherly towards it, made some extras for himself, and then fed one to Garry the Goat. 
False - She was the first to collect her basket and hid a few on camera, also held her eggs in her hands (Calling them a girl group, maracas, bees, and maggots...). Definitely wanted to keep one for herself.
Grian - Signed up and collected his easter basket (it was named Grain). Hid a couple on camera and his little egg is now a manbun. Followed in Keralis’ footsteps of claiming that this was the best day of his life, better than when he got married lmaooo.
Hypno - Only has his sign up in the video. UPDATE! New video hidey hide. Jevin named Hypno’s instruction book as “Smelly boy”...rude. He also shows a few examples of where he has hidden his eggs. 
Impulse - Sign up only. UPDATE! New video shows that he is the third last to hide his eggs, but hide he does! Only shows a few examples on camera. Also wears his little egg as a manbun. 
Iskall - Please watch the chaos of his and Stress’ interactions around signing up for the egg hunt. Oh my god I was in stitches. Also collected his basket and showed some illegal sneaky hiding. (Jevin clarified the rules and made him change one, please don’t go and give out in his comments). 
Jevin - Didn’t show any hiding of eggs but his last two videos have explained rules etc for the actual event. Would highly recommend checking them both out!
Joe - Has both sign up and collecting the basket in his video, but no hiding. Apparently Iskall paid the commissioned artist extra to make the Joe eggs as his normal skin instead of the Rick Astley april fool’s skin hahaha. 
Pearl - Doesn’t show anything in her latest video, however her vibes are very this season so I would reccommend watching it regardless.
Scar - Collects his easter basket and shows a few hiding spots on camera. His main aim is to make the other hermits laugh when they find his eggs rather than trying to win. Also accidently blows up something under Cleo’s base while Hypno just watches and laughed. 
Stress - Signed up in a previous episode (and showed her POV of the Iskall interaction, again 10/10 would recommend watching) and collects her easter basket. Shows all of her hiding places on camera taking some hints from the Iskall school of cheating sneaky hiding. She wants to win really bad. Does almost get caught by Zed, but he is a good sport and gives her 5 minutes lmao.
Wels - No video from Wels, but he is signed up to play so hopefully we will get a video of the easter egg hunt!
xB - Collects his easter basket and shows a few places where he hid the little eggsB eggs. He also, like a madman, gave the coordinates for his mega base as the place where other hermits can hide eggs. This man lives in a massive cave. I admire him a lot. 
Xisuma - Signs up for the hunt, and then shows a montage of him changing his skin a few times to some “egg” designs (he didn’t specify easter eggs lol) from the community to become Egg-suma. He will be hiding them in the next episode. UPDATE! Xisuma has uploaded a new video where he shows him hiding some of his eggs! He forgets to use his checklist at first and hides eggs in Keralis’ and Gem’s bases lol. 
Zedaph - Just shows his collection of his easter basket, no hidey hidey. 
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Late-night and also half-assed AU idea times?
The one where Luke gets sent back in time (Because Reasons) to Clone Wars era shenanigans.
Also Because Reasons Obi-Wan is put in charge of keeping an eye on this kid, idk, Biggs Antilles because everyone is so hapless in the Star Wars universe when under pressure, like seriously.
Obi-Wan is suspicious like a suspicious person and so is Anakin and Luke is kind of losing his mind because he never knew (suspected, but never had proof) that old Ben was a goddamned menace and all his lectures to Luke about same are like, wow, dude, wow.
Oh, and also his dad.
And Ahsoka?
And all the clones and everyone else and he’s like, ;____________________; at what could have been, you know?
But also not sure if he’ll ever get back to his time - he really hopes so because there’s this Mandalorian with an adorable kid - and oh, God, he needs to check on Grogu in this time stat, but yes.
Shenanigans in which Luke desperately tries to hide his real identity because everyone’s iike “He feels like Anakin,how strange, and Luke in the corner like “Hahaha, yes, STRANGE. :DDDDDD
And then adventures in which he ends up having to save Obi-Wan more than he ever expected to when he woke up twenty-something years in the past, and oh dear God is that his mom? (Leia looks so much like her. Mostly the angry part right now, because Anakin and recklessly endangering his life and uh, oops, he didn’t mean to eavesdrop???
But like. Luke is kind of bleeding again (he,too, recklessly endangered his life alongside his father and Obi-Wan) and thought medbay was this way and -
Wait, why are you looking at him like that?
Anaking and Padme worried Luke’s going to at them out to, idk, the Jedi council or whatever about their ~forbidden love, and Luke is just.
So then the thing about attachments and how they’re bad because emotions is explained to him and Luke looks at his father who clearly loves his mother so much. Thinks about the nonsense about attachment and how scared it would make someone like Anakin, and Obi-Wan -
Luke loves him, but the man’s made mistakes. (And, like. Luke gets it, he does. Some adventure with Obi-Wan and sharing of past loves because they weren’t sure they’d make it out alive and why not share this thing with someone kind of friend-shaped, and anyway,)
Luke is like, okay, wow.
Because one, the thing about attachments is bullshit - show him one Jedi master who isn’t attached to their padawan for starters - and anyway.
Not his business who they love, an then he scurries off to medbay before he bleeds out in hallway or wherever, which is where Obi-Wan finds him and is like  >:((((( at the bleeding thing and :| about the attachment thing but also *SIGH* because Luke reminds him of this padawan he had once, what was his name???
Also, though, also.
Them taking Luke to Coruscant to meet with the Jedi council because they have no idea where he came from - Luke floated the possibility of time travel being real to Obi-Wan once, but as a hypothetical and really, never mind him - and anyway.
Luke being like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ as they ~question (interrogate) him because he has read up on the Jedi Order and their rules and whatnot. And where he might have been in awe of getting to meet all these Jedi masters once, now he just feels. Pity. He feels pity for them.
It shows, a little, and they call it arrogance for someone so young to think they know better than the entirety of the Jedi council and yet?
Luke doesn’t care.
Which kind of makes him a threat in their eyes, this incredibly powerful Jedi who appeared out of nowhere and shows so little - if any, really - respect for their Order.
And, they realize, who both Obi-Wan and Anakin like.
Ahsoka too, but she’s a padawan, young and such, doesn’t know better.
But also, also, after all the fun-times had with the Jedi council Luke walks out to find Palpatine talking to his father and his mother while Obi-Wan stands by and chips in with a comment or observation every so often and he is like !!! because he never expected this???
Somehow after hearing stories from people, he just. Didn’t expect the fall of the old Jedi Order to take place in a tastefully appointed waiting area, potted plants and chairs and such Maybe one of those little fountains you see in an office sometime for the soothing sound of moving water and whatnot.
Maybe it’s his own personal experience with the man in the throne room on the second Death Star with the dramatic lighting and so on, but it’s a wee bit jarring.
He has one of those “episodes” as the others call them, and gets hustled out of there posthaste while Palpatine is all, “Oh, dear, I do hope he feels better,” and Luke does all the meditating exercises so as not to blurt out that hey, so, that sith lord everyone’s trying to find? RIGHT THERE.
Because lack of evidence and such.
And it’s like.
After seeing what things were like, he’s just. He’s stuck here, probably, right? So. Maybe he can fix things, even a little.
(Right the wrongs that Palpatine wrought and so on.)
And while he’s doing that it occurs to him that Din, okay, Din is alive in this time. And he told Luke about the attack that killed his parents, about being rescued by Mandalorians, and is like.
Can he change that too? Should he? Searches everything he can only to realize he’s too late to do anything about it. That the attack happened before Luke arrived in this time and he has this.
This little breakdown in a library or some such somewhere, because all that fretting and whatnot he did about whether or not he should intervene was for nothing, a moot point because he was too late, and it’s like.
Existential crisis time because if he changes things more than he has, will he even exists in the future? Will Leia?
Will any of their friends exist, and on his way back to the quarters he’s been given he runs into Padme - perhaps sneaking out from visiting Anakin - and she’s surprised to see him, maybe a little worried too.
(She knows his views on the whole attachment thing, yes, but her and Anakin have kept their relationship a secret for a long time now and old habits)
Still, she notices he’s obviously not doing well and they talk for a bit, Luke asking her a hypothetical, like if she could go back in time to  change something to save someone she loved from suffering, would she?
And of course she is like. No, because doing so negates their choices and how would it affect others and so on?
Luke is just, right, of course.
But then she goes on and says, as a person, not a politician, a leader, she absolutely would.
Luke is like, oh, because of course that makes sense, doesn’t it.
Good of the many and so on and anyway.
He goes to his quarters and thinks on it for a bit and realizes, yes okay, the thing with Din was mostly selfish - he wants to say he wouldn’t have done it, but he still doesn’t know  - but Palpatine, okay, Palpatine.
How many million, billions, maybe more, lives was he responsible for? (Luke has his own count for the dead, and monstrously high it may be, but Palpatine is at the heart of all of it.)
He he starts laying the groundwork to expose Palpatine, or maybe just build up, idk, say a Rebel Alliance to oppose him - and discovers that oh, would you look at that.
Because Padme and Bail and their closet conspirators who know something is coming, that Palpatine is surely part of it, but they don’t know the full scope of things.
And honestly, even Luke doesn’t, but.
They think he’s a spy or whatever, and there are all these shenanigans in the meantime, and Luke doing what he can to prove that he’s really on their side, and anyway, anyway.
He plants seeds here and there, everything Leia taight him, everything he picked up, and goes to Obi-Wan for help because his former master and watchdog, and anyway.
Before Luke gets to see if anything he’s done in the past pays off he gets booted back to his time.
Or a version of it.
Ripped back to his time and this moment where he’s sure he’s dead - in the middle of a space battle or collapsing temple somewhere and glowy doohickey, something like that, or, okay, Palpatine trying to kill hi again for the first time - and anyway.
Super disorienting.
Especially when he opens his eyes and Obi-Wan is there along with his father and is that Ahsoka?
But, like.
Also, though, Din.
And Grogu and Luke is very confused?
But there’s no time for that, as Padme and Leia run in and tell them the Imperials found them, did you get him? Yes, oh, good, and now with the running???
In which they do the running to a familiar ship Luke knows well, and also a few others he likewise knows, and anyway.
They escape just in time because an Imperial fleet was looking for them, and anyway.
Luke is super confused, but that’s okay because exposition time in which he finds out all those seeds he planted worked.
Palpatine was exposed, but didn’t matter because he had contingency plans, you know?
Order 66 never went into effect because someone - Obi-wan was prompted to go back to Kamino and ask after the clones, any...special features that may have been added and anyway.
Palpatine never got his clone army, but he made up for it with battle droids and conscripts and the Empire didn’t win? But neither did the Alliance.
Not yet, anyway, and they’ve been fighting for years at that point. No Death Star - at least not a completed one - and anyway, yes.
Alderaan’s still there, Leia doesn’t have to pretend she can see it in the night sky, and anyway.
A lot has changed but so much is still the same, and everyone, okay, everyone thinks Luke an idiot.
(They’re also not surprised by that, because Skywalker, but yes.)
This whole thing of Luke’s original memories clashing with this new timeline - he keeps his old ones, but it makes for a confusing time, you know? Some point where Luke gets this faraway look and turns to someone - maybe they were dead in that original timeline - and tells them how different everything is.
If they’re feeling brave enough, and honestly most people in Luke’s life are that brave, they ask what he was thinking about to get that look on his face and he’ll tell them about terrible future that didn’t come to pass.
One he feels a little guilty for missing sometimes because those other versions of the people he knew, loved, are gone and he’s the only one who remembers them? But then he’ll see one of them, or someone who was dead in that other timeline and realizes it’s not as simple as that.
Looks at the life he knew before and the one he’s learning now and can’t decide if what he did was the right thing?
But then he’ll catch his parents on a balcony somewhere lost in on another’s eyes and these soft smiles and the love between them that’s grown over the years. Or see Obi-Wan walking about with Cody, and soft smiles and quiet laughter and hundred dozen little moments like that and thinks, selfishly, he doesn’t truly regret it if these people he’s come to love get something like that, you know?
And, then, of course, then Din finds him, or maybe Luke goes back to their quarters on whatever ship or base they’re at then, and he’ll be waiting for him.
They were on the cusp of something when Luke got thrown back in time, but things changed once he got back.
Slow, awkward, because different timelines and experiences, but something new and good, and anyway, anyway.
Din’s there and Luke is being a little (lot) selfish in wanting to keep whatever the two of them are building between them, and Din seems to want the same, and anyway.
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syubub · 4 years
Disclaimer~tarot is speculative and this is my interpretation of energy. Take it with a grain of salt.
Honey boi time. Strap down because this one is wild. Kinda. And soft. Really really soft. And a little creepy. Buckle in.
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So for starters Yoon has a dark, royal blue color energy. It isn't as opaque as Koos was but it was very... thick? Like its not that it wasn't opaque from a lack of energy but rather that kinda had clear energy mixed in too?? It was really pretty and its kinda like the more you look at it the deeper it gets?
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It was kinda like this but deeper? And it was almost reflective and "sparkly" idk put it was real pretty.
So first thing to note. Yoon is always easy for me to connect with so he didn't have any barriers put up or whatever so when I was going towards him he was in red flannel pj bottoms and I was like, "am I missing something?" But no. He was just being comfy I guess? Now usually when I connect with energy of a person there's this like eternal tree trunk rope colum thing of energy or something that I kinda follow and then there's little platforms that they're on? I always have my back facing the energy colum thing when I connect.
That was not the case this time. Yoon essentially led me to his side to face the energy trunk? And he was like, "its weird on this side, huh?" ??? Hello, sir. What the fuck. This to me hints that maybe he is also going out and consciously connecting to energies? Idk man. But I was like, "yeah, it is kinda weird" It only gets weirder.
Next I was facing yoon and I was like hey I want to read your soulmate and gave him like a big ole energy marble expecting that to kinda get the connection going but the only thing I heard from his soulmate was "I can't tell you" like shit. And then he dissolved my energy offering? Oki. And I essentially couldn't connect with his soulmate at all. Anyway, I floated off the little platform thing (that was real bizarre) and yoongi connected with me.
His soulmates energy wasn't present at all but I was told to continue any way. Now for in my opinion the creepiest part. So, keep in mind yoons is actively connected to me and I was like, "well, if your soulmate isn't here then please guide me to what deck I should use for their personality signifier and he pointed me to the fountain tarot.
I started shuffling and after I did one bridge shuffle and split it to do another one he was like, "hey, you're gonna get temperance reverse fyi" and I was like hahaha no. And he was like, "no. Listen to me. Bridge twice, hand shuffle twice and split into two. And you'll get temperance rev. Turn it ride side up when it comes out" I was like okay but you crazy. Tarot doesn't work like that
Guess what fucking came up? TEMPERANCE REVERSED when I tell you I freaked out I mean I fuckin freaked. I know it sounds made up or unbelievable and if I didn't see it happen I'd say its fake but FUCK DUDE. So i asked my pendulum if it should be reverse and it was like no, flips that shit. And I swear to God yoongi was laughing at me for being spooked like the smug ass that he is.
First note I wrote was sagittarius energy. This person has sagittarius energy. Yep yep yep. This person balances him out. Temperance is the card of sagittarius. Heavy fire influence in the cart.
Oki now onto personality explained. I got 3 of coins, the heirophant, ace of wands and the magician. This person is very spiritual and has been manifesting him (they’ve manesfesting eachother but I'll get to that later?) This is a person that values knowledge and is very creative and has a lot of quick ideas. This person also really values communication of knowledge. Loves to get it loves to share it. Probably the person that can tell you a stupid fact about almost anything.
We also have networked, storyteller, god and mentor. This is someone who loves to teach people about what they've learned. They like to share the wisdom (with the god card im inclined to say that they share spiritual wisdom but I don't see it as a career?) This person values communication and collecting knowledge.
Now, on to relationship. We have wheel of fortune, justice, ace of wands and the lovers. This relationship has been in the works on a spiritual level for a long time. They’ve been actively manifesting eachother. We know Yoon is at least a little psychic so this makes sense. This relationship is founded in balance. They treat eachother as equals. I also wrote, "certainly something devine". They have a witty rapport and its so so so loving! They have really good communication and respect for eachother! They are also good at keeping eachither accountable.
Now for this person's career. They’ve been going through a change so their career is undecided. There was likely a period of depression that put a pause on their career? But there's also the queen of coins which suggests that they will be making good money. Now, I chose 3 clarity cards on the queen of coins to help me figure out where this money will be coming from and I drew three more coin cards so this means this person is on the cusp of making some good money soon!
Now we have answer the call, awakening and share your voice. They are being called to be together. Again yoon is woke af and apparently so is his soulmate. The picture i get is like when they finally meet they're both a little shy because they've been connecting with eachothers energies and they're like, "whos gonna bring it up?" Like they are finally out of hiding when they meet. Its cute as fuck.
Oki. We have answered prayers, spiritual path and make time for self care. THEY ARE MANIFESTING EACHOTHER. They are a woke pair and the energy is so sturdy and solid. I also get the sense that they engage in self care together? Like they'll make sure to take care of themselves spiritual and physical. I also think that they would be that type of couple to have a mad bath bomb collection.
Side note: while I was doing this I got like a cute little picture in my head of them sitting on the couch in pj's and facemasks with towels on their heads sipping wine and that makes me soft.
Now onto the message from his soulmate cards. So we have release all anger, new idea, be positive, take a shot, Have you eaten? You're acting like a big ass baby and shit is going down with your job. Now. I made a note that this is from Yoon to his soulmate? Um, sir? But oki, yoon makes the rules. What I get from this is that his soulmate is currently going through some job related stuff and he's saying, "hey, its okay to start over. Do that thing you've been wanting to do for a while" he wants his soulmate to stop focusing on what isn't going right and just start fresh. I also lowkey think he's like, you need to just fucking chill. The world isn't imploding just because something isn't working out. Its very reassuring and it feels like he wants to comfort them. Cute
Let's talk about the descriptors now. Yoon was very picky with these? Which confused me. They don't know eachother in person is the vibe im getting and I don't think yoon has ever seen this person either? I think maybe he's had dreams of his soulmate? Idk but the cards are: quality time, fashionable, unique, free spirit, independent, short hair, younger, sweet, charming. I also made a note for brown hair and a masculine chart.
For my little word cards we have, fate, vows, serendipity and loyalty. WE GET IT. YOURE ADORABLE TOGETHER
"All men should learn before they die, what they are running from and to and why" is the little fortune. I think that this is yoon telling his soulmate to do some shadow work? Like find out why you do the things you do, why certain things anger you ect.
Now at this point I was told that I had to use the small deck to get more cards about the relationship. I was like "I already did that but whatever" and I did. I pulled 10 of cups, 2 of cups and the lovers again. WHAT. THE. FUCK. This is the most romantic and soulmatey soulmate reading ever. 10 of cups is emotional fulfillment. This is just everything. Everything! 2 of cups is romance, unified love. Its also about partnership. They work so well together. And the lovers card. Love, relationships and harmony. Oh my god its fucking nuts.
Now onto the final card. Again. Very very very clearly told that this is for his soulmate. We have, the perfection of your life. This card talks about a spiritual storm coming to shake things up in order to put things to put things back in perfect order. A quote I like from the book is, "all is unfolding to a perfect higher order." This to me kinda sums it up well. Shit is about to get crazy for his soulmate and its not a bad thing. Change is need for this person and there is change coming that will stir every thing up and place it back in better places. Ugh. I can't. He wants his soulmate not to fear the storm but rather embrace it and know that positive change will come out of it.
Last part. When the reading is over I always disconnect and essentially put the energy back? This time on yoons little platform (I sound like a lunatic trying to describe some of this shit I swear) I was like, "hey thanks for being cooperative and being so active and involved i appreciate that." And then he gave me an energy marble ball thing too? I was like, "thanks but what the fuck" and then I did what he did when I gave him the marble ball energy thing in the beginning and just... put it in my energy? Like thats what he did? so is that like an energy custom that I don't know about? Wtf. My best guess is that I gave him an offering of energy and he gave me some in return at the end? And then the little shit just dissappears? MIN YOONGI I HAVE QUESTIONS YOU CAN'T JUST DISSAPPEAR??
But he did. And that was the end. It was super fucking bizarre. So for say joo I connected to his soulmate through him. So it was a connection with the soulmate but hosted by joons energy? For Jk his soulmate gave me a direct link which was new and awesome but for Yoongi it was just a very direct connection with him. Just him.
That really tells me that he knows his soulmate well on a soul level and his soulmate literally said, "I can't tell you"
I'm confused but very happy for him!
Yoon is a very soft and sweet man, pass it on
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Order Up! (Coffee Shop AU) Chapter 8
Just going to say, Satan you sneaky little shit. Hahaha This chappy was so fun to write.
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Alex walked Lucifer inside, and she began her tour. He was silent and examined things with precise evaluation. The woman relaxed as she led him through the first floor. She often would shake her head and shrug at the old furniture she hasn’t touched like monuments to her dead parents.
It was when she took him up the staircase that she grew edgy. Alex showed him the spare room that Jordan stayed in and shook her head at the furniture left. The other room was a study for her father she never went into.
Alex skipped a door and then pointed to the last door down the hall. “And then my parents’ room. So, yeah, that’s the gist of it. I really just think most of the furniture is going to be sold or given away.”
Lucifer scowled at the closed door at the end of the hall. “You never go inside their room?”
“Oh, I dust and everything. I just haven’t packed anything of theirs,” Alex expressed with a tint to her cheeks.
He hummed and paced past her to the door she skipped. “This is your room?”
She nodded quickly. “Yeah.”
He arched an eyebrow before moving from the door. “We’ll see what you will need immediately later.”
Alex rubbed her forearm and agreed. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Let’s take a walk around the yard before we sit down,” Lucifer declared and beckoned her to the staircase.
The pair traveled out to the backyard, and Lucifer evaluated the lawn furniture, swing, and grass. He moved around the side of the house with Alex, and they went through the gate. He gestured to a few decorations and smiled in the slightest.
“I’ve enjoyed seeing those glass peacocks for many years,” He chuckled.
Alex beamed and stroked one of them. “Yes, my mom got them in India when they went on vacation before I was born.”
“I do hope you plan on keeping them. They are a piece of art,” Lucifer nodded.
“Oi, Lucifer! Why are you parked in the driveway?” Mammon shouted.
The pair jerked, and Mammon was walking out of the house. Well, if he didn’t look around, he wouldn’t have seen them. The tremulous man gasped and raced over with a bouncy stride. “Oh, hey, Alex. Whatcha doing over here?”
“We’re evaluating her home,” Lucifer sighed.
“Her home?” Mammon was scratching his head as he glanced at the house. “Ya buying it?”
“No, I’m selling it,” Alex said.
Mammon’s eyes shot open. “Alex, ya live here?” He gasped.
She rocked her head.
“Yes, and now that we have that fact cleared away. We will be helping her move. All of us,” Lucifer voiced.
Mammon blinked and closed the distance. “Yeah, I mean, sure. She’s just one girl and needs some strong men,” he winked.
Alex groaned as Lucifer smacked Mammon’s head. “We talked about this,” Lucifer growled.
Mammon winced and rubbed the back of his head. “Fuck, Lucifer.”
“Hey, what are all of you doing over there?” Satan called out.
Alex shook her head with a small smile. Of course. Satan left their front yard with Asmodeus in tow. Asmo was whispering to Satan in speedy whispers, and he was nodding. They walked over the grass and met the group.
“What exactly is going on?” Asmo asked with exasperation on his face.
Lucifer rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. “Beel, get your brother and come across the street. The house with the glass peacocks.”
“Um, okay, Lucifer,” Beel grumbled through the speaker.
He hung up and shook his head. “We mind as well do this now.”
“What about Levi?” Mammon puffed.
“He’s at his anime club at the college,” Satan declared.
“Oh, I’m so proud of him!” Alex gasped. “I’ve been trying to convince him that just because he’s doing online classes doesn’t mean he shouldn’t join a club.”
Satan smiled and nodded. “Yes, he said you promised it would be fun.”
The door across the street slammed, and Beel walked outside with Belphegor stomping with him. They saw Alex and scowled together before walking into the yard. “What the fuck do you think I did now?” Belphegor grumbled.
“Nothing, let’s go inside,” Lucifer sighed and glanced at Alex.
Oh, she needed to lead. Okay. She jutted into motion and moved to the front door. Alex welcomed them inside and guided them into the living room. Lucifer stood by the mantle as Alex settled in the armchair. The other brothers sat down on the sofa and loveseat.
“Well, what are we doing here?” Asmo hummed.
“This is Alex’s house,” Lucifer declared.
Asmo gasped and covered his mouth.
Beel and Belphie glanced at each other.
Satan just smirked and nodded.
“How long have you lived here?” Asmo questioned.
“Since I was a baby,” Alex laughed.
“You knew you lived across from us?” Beel inquired.
“Not until Lucifer helped me with my car. That was how he knew I had a flat tire,” Alex explained.
“Alex has to move, and we are offering her a room to rent until she finds a permanent residence after the sale of her house,” Lucifer voiced.
Satan’s eyebrows arched his eyebrows. “Oh, that’s interesting.”
“Before we go into any odd questions,” Lucifer puffed and shook his head. “There are going to be rules.”
“Well, yeah, for starters, Asmo, you can’t just bust into her room,” Belphie teased.
Lucifer exhaled and glanced at her. “Are you positive you can tolerate them?”
Alex shifted and shrugged. “I’ve only ever lived with Jordan and my parents before. I never had to live in a dorm or anything because I had the house.”
“Oh, you’re so cute! She truly is adorable!” Asmo gushed and shook Satan’s arm. “We need to move her today!”
Satan grimaced and took his arm from Asmodeus. “Alex, I think Lucifer is serious. Do you really want that?” he gestured at Asmo.
Asmo pouted and puffed. “Jerk.”
“I think the obvious is the rules that we had about females in the house before are to be abided by,” Lucifer hummed and waved his hand.
Satan scowled. “I wasn’t around for that, Lucifer.”
“It’s fine,” Lucifer hummed. “We’ll go over them later.”
Alex cleared her throat. “I just want to say I’m not going to be too much trouble. I just work and spend plenty of time by myself. I’ll do my best not to get anyone’s way.”
“You won’t be in anyone’s way,” Belphegor snorted.
“We are going to help her move her things. This is your opportunity to do for her what Diavolo and his father did for us. Do I make myself clear? They helped us in grief, and now we can do the same for Alex,” Lucifer voiced as he directed his attention to his brothers.
They all nodded. “For Lilith,” Beel agreed.
“Yes,” Mammon puffed as he grimaced.
“Hey, if you guys help me sell some of the junk I’m getting rid of, I’ll split the cash with you,” Alex offered.
Mammon perked up and grinned. “Yeah? That sounds easy. Leave it to me!”
“No, I’ll take care of that. So it’s fair,” Satan shook his head. “Mammon is too greedy to help it. However, I’m always willing to help, Alex. We talked about this the other day.”
Asmo waved his hand. “I’ll help with the clothes and accessories! I have to make sure you don’t get rid of the vintage for pennies, honey.”
“Yes, we’ll all help,” Beel nodded.
“Levi has a great setup on eBay,” Belphegor nodded. “I can help him with the pictures and all that.”
Alex blinked. This was the strangest thing ever. They all were just going to help without anything in return? She teared up and tried to hide her face with her hand.
Lucifer breathed and rubbed her shoulder. “It’s alright, Alex.”
“I’m just so touched. No one’s ever done this for me before. I’m so used to being abandoned when times get hard,” she murmured.
“We’re a weird fucked up family, welcome,” Belphegor said.
“Whether ya like it or not, girl,” Mammon added.
“Please stop calling her that. She has a name,” Satan complained.
Alex laughed and pulled her hand away to see Lucifer looking down at her. “Thank you.”
He nodded and squeezed her shoulder before standing straight again. “So, we have plenty of work to do.”
Her doorbell rang, and she jumped. “Shit, I forgot,” she stood up and went to the front door.
When it opened, Solomon was smiling with boxes and packing tape. “Hello, Alex. This is a nice location.”
“I know,” she smiled and wiped her face. “Thanks for dropping them by for me.”
The murmuring in the other room drew his attention. “Do you have visitors?” Solomon questioned.
“Good afternoon, Solomon,” Lucifer hummed.
Solomon’s smile grew. “Oh, good afternoon, Lucifer. Had I known I was interrupting, I would have waited to stop by.”
“You’re not interrupting,” Lucifer voiced.
“Mammon, stop!” Asmodeus snapped from the other room.
“Do you have the whole family with you?” Solomon questioned as he looked at Alex.
She nodded and waved for him to come inside. “Come on in and put the boxes right next to the stairs. I don’t know where I’m going to get started, but I’ll figure it out eventually.”
Solomon complied and set the tape down on the table. “I have more in my car.”
She rocked her head and walked with him out the door. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”
He waved his finger. “Don’t mention it. I had them sitting there collecting dust.”
Alex beamed and stood on the sidewalk as he lifted his trunk. He pulled out several flattened boxes and handed them to her. He shut it and glanced at the house with a nod.
“This will go for plenty, Alex. Your parents still continue to take care of you in ways you don’t understand yet,” He expressed while taking the boxes from her grip.
“Well, I think some of that is the brothers currently arguing in my living room,” Alex laughed and shook her head.
Solomon beamed and nodded. “They’re odd, but I do happen to like them. Just do yourself a favor. They all have demons due to their tragedies. Be careful with your own, alright?”
She cocked her head with a scowl. “Solomon, doesn’t everyone have demons?”
He shook his head. “Nothing in this world will ever create more than feeling unwanted by your parents and losing someone who loved you unconditionally after that. You and I are more human because we were raised around love. They were not. They had to learn how to. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I think I understand,” Alex nodded.
Solomon reached out and tucked some of her escaped hair behind her ear. “Don’t worry. You’ll be just fine. It will be a good adventure for you,” he smiled.
Her cheeks darkened, and she tucked her chin toward her neck. “I think so too.”
“Let’s get you back inside so you can wrangle them,” Solomon chuckled and lifted the boxes. They walked instep and Solomon hummed. “You’re quite beautiful, Alex. Appearances matter little. What I'm referring to is your mind. Keep fortifying yourself with experiences. Eat it all with fervor. Stop living for the dead. They’re gone.”
She stopped at the door and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”
His cheeks darkened in the slightest, and he nodded. “Of course, Alex.”
Solomon set the boxes down and patted Alex’s shoulder before they bid each other goodbye. She shut the door behind him and paused in thought. He was right. She really needed to embrace this change. Nodding, she walked back into the living room as Lucifer was speaking.
“And once that’s done, the real estate agent will put up the house for sale,” he finished.
Satan and Beel were nodding. “That’s concise,” Satan agreed.
“So, when are we starting?” Alex questioned.
“Tomorrow afternoon,” Lucifer said. “Then, on Thursday, we shall work all day on such. By Saturday, we should have things together to help you move your things over to the spare room. The workers can start with the lower level next week.”
She arched her eyebrow. “Were you talking to my real estate agent today, Lucifer?”
He nodded. “I’m efficient, Alex. When things need to be done, I don’t waver.”
“You are very efficient, and I’m truly grateful for all of you,” Alex smiled.
“Are you coming over for dinner?” Beel asked.
Asmo rocked his head. “You should.”
“Yeah, totally,” Mammon agreed.
Alex laughed and rocked her head. “Okay, I will.”
“Good,” Lucifer paused at his phone ringing. “Yes, Diavolo?” He asked and walked out of the room.
“Such a good little boot licker,” Belphegor snickered.
“How much do you think he sucks his dick between paperwork?” Satan snorted while rolling his eyes.
Alex blinked and tilted her head. “Wait, they’re together?”
Satan grinned and covered Asmo’s mouth. “Yes.”
Mammon snorted. “Yeah, it wouldn’t surprise me, but I don't give a fuck.”
“Completely. Lucifer’s been sucking Diavolo’s dick for years,” Belphegor nodded.
“Now you’re just lying to me,” Alex snorted.
Asmo pulled Satan’s hand from his mouth and puffed. “What I was going to say is yes! Those two are a big power couple behind closed doors,” he laughed.
Beel scratched his head and shrugged. “I guess.”
Alex bounced her shoulders. “Well, you learn something new every day, I guess.”
There was a little back and forth on the subject, but Alex felt her ego slightly deflate. Well, it makes sense, actually. Lucifer basked in compliments, but that's all that was, and came running to her aid. She was a wounded bird.
The woman sat down in her chair and listened to the brothers as they talked about memories at Diavolo’s estate and living there for a bit with his father. They made her laugh and smile, but mostly they made her feel a part of their weird family. That’s what she was missing; family.
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weirdofrustratedmakata · 4 years
20 Things I Love About One Piece
Hey ya’ll! First entry on my ”revived” Tumblr blog is of course about One Piece. Just a quick background, I’m a One Piece fan since of young age (currently 24) and it has been my #1 Manga/Anime ever since. Most posts you’ll be seeing here will probably be about One Piece (+ other Manga/Anime I’m currently reading/watching, I’ve read/watched, Will read/watch +random thoughts +random creative writing of mine. So hope you’ll like what you’ll be seeing lol
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Actually... Blog came from my Amino account hahaha (3yrs. ago lol)
Just going to repost it here for starters lol add me on Amino :D
Yo! For the 20th Anniversary of my favorite Manga/Anime, I've decided to create a list of the 20 Things I Love About One Piece
Of course, it is not in particular order and incomplete 'cause meeeeen words won't be enough to describe how much I (and we) love One Piece hahahaha
Sooooo... let us begin!
20. Art
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I like the art of One Piece. The color balance and the style of Oda-sama doesn't hurt my eyes. This is one of the first things I look at in a manga I'll read or an anime I'll watch. If I don't like the art, I usually don't continue reading or watching it.
19. Storyline
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Nuff said. The image says it all. I really salute Oda-sama's imagination. There's never been a dull moment in One Piece in my opinion (no bias). The story really progresses and continues in depth.
18. Action
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What else are you looking for in a shonen manga/anime but action. Those awesome fight scenes and power upgrades. The different devil fruits maaaaaan what more can I say? Marines vs. Pirates fighting for glory satisfies me.
17. Drama
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Aside from all the action and fighting, of course there's a reason behind them (those fights). The backstories and flashbacks bring tears to my eyes. (T_T)
16. Humor
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This completes and balances the emotions. Who doesn't care for a good laugh aye?
15. History
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I love how Oda-sama actually uses real pirates' names and real places for the characters and their backstories. There's research and context behind the characters and the story as a whole. History is incorporated and I like that. We like that, don't we?
14. Plot Twists
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Everybody loves plot twists! Damn all those mysteries. These things give you the "ugh", "wtf", "da hell" kinds of emotions. And I can't get enough of all the plot twists One Piece offered and is yet to offer.
One of the best plot twists: SABO IS ALIVE MEN I KNEW IT!!!
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13. Government
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This really affects me. My friends asked me before why I like One Piece and I answered "It's because of the government vs. rebels kind of thing, the core that the gov't hides, and the heroes mistaken as foes, people's justice that is injusticed". And they tell me "WTF, you dig that deep? meanwhile me, just looking after the fight scenes". Maybe I'm a deep person or because this is what really happens in reality 'elite vs. masses' LOL
Ugh hate those tenryuubitos
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12. Marines
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I'm a girl but I'm a reservist in the army and ever since I've been a fan of military shizz. That is why I love the concept of the Marines and the ranks ooooh I love talking about ranks and even memorizing their insignias LOL
11. Cool antagonists
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I have a love-hate relationship with all of One Piece's antagonists. What can I say? Doffy is cool. I hate Akainu but I think he is cool no he's not cool I take it back 'cause he's magma baby MAGMA FREAKING HOT MAGMA LOL and even if I reallyyyy hate Teach he's still cool with the way he talked to Luffy 'bout pirates' dreams.
10. Cool protagonists
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What more can I say? Where can you ever find a protagonist whose power is rubber? What a foolish powerless character righttttttt *wink wink*
09. Awesome characters
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All in all everyone's just awesome (well there are some 'ewww' characters like Wapol tho XD). I just don't know anymore. I really bow down to Oda-sama's imagination. Every character has an identity and a unique one at that. The different races. Amazing. All those different species too, men.
08. Nakama
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True friends. True loyalty. True respect. Will never let you down. Will never leave you behind. Will always be there for you. Hands down.
07. Generation, Family, and Bloodlines
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Man, how amazed I am thinking about Rayleigh-Luffy, Mihawk-Zoro, Zeff-Sanji, Yasopp-Usopp, Hiluluk-Chopper, Tom-Franky, Belmere-Nami, Olvia-Robin... Brook? Laboon-Brook... ugh The Donquixote family, now the Vinsmokes family and the Charlotte family?!!
06. ASL Brotherhood
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This will forever be engraved in my heart
05. Portgas D. Ace
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Sorry guys, no matter what you say I love Ace forever. Some say he's dumb for dying (and I respect everyone's opinion) but damn I like him still. He's freaking hot men, literally and figuratively. HE'S FIRE BAAABY FIIIIREE
04. Dreams
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One Piece taught me a lot and one of them is to never stop dreaming... cliche but yeah, DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM!!!
03. Fighting
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And so... Fight for your dreams... and Fight for what you believe in... conviction and virtue men awww suuuuuper
02. The Strawhats
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The question is will there be an addition to the crew? Mehehehe HYPE!!!
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What the hell is One Piece anyway? Or maybe who? or where? The most intriguing part of it all. HAHAHA damn I LOVE ONE PIECE FOREVER!!!
tldr; sorry for the long post XD
The bottomline is I LOVE ONE PIECE
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bleedingcoffee42 · 6 years
Eureka AU - Part 9
Weeeeee...here we go.  Future Me is going to be so happy when she edits this and has to make up entire fields of shitpost science.  Hahaha.  
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Ed's eyes shifted over to Mustang who now sounded a lot more like the boss they all knew.  His statement was an order, it wasn't a discussion starter, and Al was already reprogramming his tiny robots to do as asked.    He had to admit, it was good to feel like the condescending asshole was back to being himself because they genuinely needed him.
“That would avoid sending her into shock when you kill a massive load of invasive pathogens in her body.”   Knox said.  He was here to remind everyone his patient was human and this wasn't a simulation. Killing a large quantity of anything in her bloodstream could very well have consequences they were not planning for.   In theory a lot of things sounded good, but they were just desperately looking for any idea that could work at this point and that was not how he practiced medicine.   “I do like the idea of giving the virus something else to attack, that will give her own immune system a chance to fight back as well.”
“How are we going to get the nanites out of her system?”  Marcoh asked. “Now they're going to be twice as big, if not bigger, and she's already lost blood?”
Ed watched Mustang stand up, his focus seemed to have returned and his attitude noticeably changed.  He was back to commanding everyone's attention in the room, they all looked to him even though he hadn't made a sound to indicate he had an answer.  
“Chelation.” Roy said as if the answer was simple and had been there the entire time.   “Dr. Comanche has a project that is meant to extract metals from the blood stream, more than just the common treatment for lead and mercury poisoning.   It's been approved for medical use, extensive testing already.   Last proposal he submitted to me implied he was able to use it to extract valuable metals from any source.   He's trying to market it to me as a way to clean waterways of mercury, but his research paperwork tells me he's also looking to harvest more valuable non-toxic metals in the process.“
Ed saw where Mustang was going with this.  “So he has the equipment to synthesize an amino acid to do his bidding in his lab?”
Roy pulled his keys out of his pocket and held them up.  “Shall we?”
Ed smiled and together they left Al's lab to go take what Comanche had available.  Under any other circumstances he would be delighted they were pillaging his colleagues labs and utilizing the incredible array of resources in this building for good.   Right now he was just happy it was here and they were able to take advance of years of research to save someone they all held dear.   He ran over to the elevator to hit the button and open it for them both to head to the next floor. “So what tipped you off about Comanche?”
  “He clearly doesn't think my field of Thermodynamics includes equilibrium thermodynamics because he might as well have highlighted all the documentation of his side project in the proposal he submitted to me.”
“Not to defend the guy, cause he's a dick, but you are notorious for not looking at paperwork.”  Ed reminded him.  Mustang looked over at him and smiled, a smug smile, that made him think that that was a ruse.   The asshole did read everything.  
“In this instance, I thought it best to catch him harvesting his retirement income from the polluted streams instead of trying to prosecute him based on theoretical research that not judge is going to understand.”   Roy replied.  
“Or let him collect next years budget for you since his inventions are contractually property of the government while he's working in this facility.”   Ed countered.
“You have no idea how much this place costs to keep running.”  Roy said and the doors to the elevator closed and they went up to the next floor.  “You especially cost a lot of money.”
“We might not have to beg for Congressional pocket change if you spent more time being a scientist and less time as a politician.”  Ed said to him and Mustang narrowed his eyes at him.  
“There is honestly nothing good that will come from any projects I create with my specialty.”  Roy said.  “I've come to that conclusion long ago.  I'll do more good filtering what the government sees and receives from Eureka.”
“Like the flame-thrower gloves you keep in your desk?”
“Stop breaking into my office.”   Roy hissed as the bell dinged indicating they were on the next floor.   Ed snorted, as if it was his right.   Fine.  He'd put an end to that.  “I have sex with my wife on that desk.”
“What the fuck, Mustang?”
Roy smiled and stepped off the elevator and walked down the hall to Comanche's lab, room 047.   He unlocked the door and turned on the light.   Together he and Ed started turning on equipment and looking for what they needed.  “Comanche used his biological advancements in the field to get himself hired here, now he's focusing on environmental uses for his research.   I suspect he's doing that to not only gain favor within the community here, which is by nature rooted in finding cleaner and less invasive ways of doing things, but also to divert attention from what he may be doing with his original research.”
Ed was already diving into the files on the computer.    There was a lot of information here and it backed up Mustang's theory that Comanche was a really busy guy.   “Well that would explain how a dude his age can hop around on that peg leg like he's a ballerina.  He's using Chelation to clean his own  body of the wear and tear of aging.  I thought that was bullshit pseudo-science.”
“What's commercially available, yes..”  Roy said and turned on the machine that was used to synthesize the amino acids for the particular task needed.   There were profiles in the computer already for the standard uses of cleaning lead, mercury and arsenic from the body.   There was more though and Roy opened them up to see each to consider the formulas.   “EDTA for cleaning his clogged arteries and another for his joint arthritis.”
“Glad he's testing that on himself but I think keeping the obvious advances to himself is bullshit.” Ed shook his head.  “I see what you're saying about his environmental project.   Someone is a naughty alchemist, pulling lead out of the water and with it- gold.”
“He's probably old enough to have called himself an alchemist.”  Roy replied and heard Ed chuckle.   “I'm sure he's hiding it all so he can diversifiy his retirement fund,  quite the windfall when he takes this to the private sector.   I don't feel bad at all for breaking in here to use it for my own personal reasons.”
“It's personal for all of us too.” Ed said.  “Hawkeye is the best thing to happen to this town in a long time.”
“I'm well aware that if our little feuds ever came to taking sides that this town would have all stood behind her.”  Roy said, thankful that those days were behind them but also with a touch of nostalgia for the rivalry they had started with.  She made him work to outmaneuver her and that was something he couldn't say of a lot of people.  
“Alright, I have something promising here.   Let me upload Al's data and see about making us something. Metallurgy is a specialty of mine I got this.”  Ed said and connected his tablet to the computer and started to work his magic.  
“How is your brother going to handle us targeting his nanites and neutralizing them with this? I'm basically having you classify them as a toxin to have them broken down and flushed down the drain.”  Roy asked.   He didn't want to mention the Ultimate Eye tech they had thrown into the tank that was going to be destroyed with them.     He'd figure out that later.
“Al's not selfish, he understands that the sacrifice is worth it.   It's a setback, but he's patient.” Ed said and kept typing.   Heavy metals and elements were a breeze for him, he barely needed to focus to re-calibrate the program.   “Besides I'm sure he's discussing a catheter and collection bag with Knox as we speak.   Nothing gets flushed down the drain.”
“Riza will be thrilled to hear he's called 'dibs' on her piss.   Life in Eureka never ceases to keep her guessing.”  Roy said and saw data being transferred to the machine he was staring at.  Ed was fast.    He looked at the time and realized it wasn't even midnight yet.  It felt like they had been here forever, that he'd lived a few lifetimes between carrying Riza into the infirmary around 1800 and now.   This was a glimpse of her job, what happened when he was away.   This was why she was so adamant of being read in on everything that had the potential to go to hell, because when it did it was a race to stop a catastrophe.   They played on a whole different playing field here, science without regard to established rules and so often bordering on playing God. When it went wrong, it went horribly wrong.  They had so much they still needed to talk about and he hoped he got the chance.
“She'll be pissed.” Ed snorted and Mustang shot him a look.  “She hates sitting out.”
“That she does.”   Roy said and looked at the screen.  They were ready to begin synthesizing the next step in the process.  
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deis-rp-memes · 7 years
Tales of Symphonia Sentence Starters
(Long. Sentences under the cut.)
“Justice and love will always win.”
“ Uuuuugh, I HATE that saying... ”
“Blame your fate.”
“That’s that.”
“Man I rule! I’m so cool!”
“Give me your name and I’ll give you mine.”
“That’s the weakness of your heart!”
“ What an abnormal sized specimen!”
“Arrrgh, stupid, stupid ______!”
“ Maybe he's looking for a four-leaf clover!"
“Why can't you accept the ideal world I have envisioned...”
“People need not introduce themselves to a dog.”
“Hey, _____? If you abandon me here, I swear I'll come back to haunt youuu.”
“I had a sudden violent urge to abandon you...”
“For some reason, I don't think that's what you were focusing on.”
“So this is how money is used...”
“It doesn’t sound like a joke when you say it!”
“...and just who the hell are you?”
“Hahaha! You certainly have guts! But I'm afraid I don't see the need to introduce myself to a miserable little creature like you.”
“What a coincidence. 'Cause I don't see a need to introduce myself either to a moron who doesn't realize how pathetic he is.”
“ Why you little—“
"Violent demonic banshee".
"...I don't think you'd want to eat one."
"Men are so useless these days."
"They've ruined my handsome face!"
"Not the face!"
“Hehe! You're turning re-ed!”
“I'd want a year's worth of Sichuan tofu curry! And maybe a wooden sword set.”
“Am I really this ugly?”
“Bah, studying is for chumps.“
“ Regardless of who your real father is, you’re still you. Nothing’s changed. You just have two fathers. Just think of yourself as being lucky for having more than most people do. “
“What will you accomplish by dying? Nothing! There is no meaning in dying!“
“No matter how right your words are, you have to actually carry it out in order for them to have any meaning.“
“I'm sorry...Dad...”
“I don't quite get it, but I got it.“
“It's more painful not being able to believe, than to worry about betrayal“
“Oh, no! I broke it!! “
“No, I don't understand, that's why I asked. Are you stupid or something?”
“Wait just a moment. I'll translate.“
“In order to change the world, I must first change myself.“
“What needs to be purged are the contents of your pathetic brain!”
“People...change. For better or for worse.”
“That man has risked his life to save you. Think carefully what that means.“
"Living on without hope is worse than death, don't you think?"
“I cannot die until I fulfill my duty.“
“Don't do anything you'll regret...“
“Even I make mistakes. I made a terrible one...”
“In order to do something, you must do it yourself, it is not enough to merely rely on someone else and go along with their ideals.”
“That's why war is so tragic. To win means to make victims of your opponents and give birth to hatred.”
“Damnation or salvation...I guess we're about to find out.“
“You're in for a world of hurt.“
“Oh, you know what? I changed my mind. That won't matter after we beat the snot out of you.”
“Me? You want me to carry this ogre by myself? Are you kidding me?”
“No offense, but I'm not interested in talking to guys.”
“You're an obnoxious brat, you know that?”
“Man, what an arrogant SOB. Talking as if he knows everything...”
“I-isn't anyone gonna say anything?“
“Well, in the end, we're the same. Nobody wanted us to be born.”
“Don't worry, there's hotties in heaven, too!”
“He probably left to find himself some chicks.”
“You criticize and attack people for their birth and upbringing - things they cannot change. It is you who are not human.”
“Are you hiding your face because that outfit is embarrassing?”
“What you've done has caused suffering and death to countless people. Can you feel their pain?”
“The deeper the wound, the more important it is to overcome it.”
“It’s easier to hate than to forgive.“
“Hatred... gives birth to nothing...”
“They're all so violent.”
“You shall not pass!”
“I have no intention of becoming part of the food chain without a fight!”
“At this moment you have two options: choose what you desire to do or what you must do“
“People fear and hate what is not normal. They are scared of those that are different. Then the solution is for everyone to become the same.”
“With revolution comes sacrifice. If you cannot understand that, then you deserve to die with the others.“
“Wow, that was an amazingly corny speech. Congratulations.”
“Human! Don't tell me what's right and wrong!”
“What value does one burdened to exist with cursed blood have? Sometimes running is the only way to save yourself. Humans are...so arrogant.”
“Is it a sin to be weak hearted? Not everyone's strong. Not everyone can stand being despised.”
“And thus, you forget the past
 The countless lives that were lost... and the pain of those that suffered. Crimes must be met with punishment.”
“None of you understand how I feel!“
“That is merely logic. People are not moved by logic.”
“I'll show you the meaning of true power!”
“There's nothing anyone can do.”
“So you've come, like moths to the flame!”
“You want him to live in eternal damnation?”
“That's nothing you lower lifeforms need to concern yourselves with!“
“Drag me down to hell? You inferior beings and your pathetic jokes!”
“I never thought I'd have to see your face again.”
“You who lack the right. I have lost faith in all things. Have you come here to disappoint me as well?”
“You dork. It’s not your fault, so you don’t need to worry about it.”
“Yeah...I’m sorry I woke you.”
“He just called you a fool.”
“Wow! This looks like it’ll be fun!”
“I...I’m going to wait here. Go on ahead without me.”
“I’m not getting in that thing.”
“It looks fun! Come on, let’s get in!”
“I...I was just starting to say, Ahh, this should be fun!”
“I was so excited to see snow for the first time, and I made a snowman in the garden with my mother. Then suddenly, the snowman fell apart. Before I knew what was going on, red snow began to fall.”
“It was my mother's blood. She was murdered.”
“Do you ever say anything original?"
“You're going to fight alone?”
“Okay, that's enough. You're not allowed to apologize any more.”
“Is everyone alright?”
“You should worry about yourself, first!”
“I don't think they can come back.”
“Women are better suited for battle, you know.”
“You're p... p... pretty...”
“P... p... pretty? What is that?”
“I... I... I'm complimenting you!”
“...I see. Then you are p... p... pretty, too.”
“You’re hurt! It must have happened when you fell. Look how much you’re bleeding!”
“But it doesn’t hurt--”
“Uh, I mean, it doesn’t hurt that much.”
“Here, it's hot coffee.”
“Th-that’s not true.”
“Is it that hard for you to trust me?”
“No! It’s not like that! I just...I just didn’t want anyone to worry.”
“What’s happening to you?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize what was going on at all. I’m sorry.”
“You’re so stupid!”
“No! I’m not leaving you behind! I don’t want to sacrifice anyone anymore!”
“Saving the world won’t mean anything if we lose you!”
I don’t understand that at all!”
“You're the one that doesn't understand!”
“You Bastard! I won't let you get away with this!”
“What? You losers got a problem? You wanna fight?”
“...What kind of face is that?!”
“Yeah, so cheer up! When you’re down, everyone feels sad, including me.”
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
I ordered a andrew proposing to akko and i got a extra large order of humor with a side of sassy sucy, i would like to now order a non magic acedent proposal with a pintch of sassy sucy, with a side of fluff and time skip to wedding to dring (it can be connected to the first one if you want)
I think I have an idea, but Magic may be used, just not for the proposal XD You can’t have a Little Witch episode without magic! lol
Tumblr media
After the incident, a lot of news about the growing witch community and charities to keep the school going became very popular and the interest of the community began to support their cause.
Thanks to the school, and Akko’s friends, they were able to hold special events and entertain the public with magic demonstrations.
Although looked down upon by prestigious witch families, it seemed the issue was becoming more and more discussed and even encouraged funding from other cities and states for supporting the school.
Akko was getting fired up with all the shows they put on for fundraising, and she even got a small taste of her dream of being the next Chariot!

“Did you hear?”
“Yes! I wonder what he’s doing here?”
“It couldn’t be a political matter, could it?”
The students were all in a buzz, though Akko could care less, having her head down lazily with a frowning pout on her desk as her eyes shifted to the girls whispering.
Emmm.. Why are we never in the loop?” she whined, before yawning as Lotte smiled down at her, looking away from her open book a moment.
“I wouldn’t let it bother you too much, Akko. Sometimes, it’s better to stay out of the drama.”
“Unless you’re the starter of the drama.” Suzy nonchalantly commented, as Akko slightly glared across from Lotte to her, and then sighed again, sinking deeper down into her desk.
. I wish I could have just one more Sparkling Show of Wonder again
 that performance really made me feel like Chariot
” she ducked her head down so her nose squished against the deck, feeling sad that those fundraisers had already ended for the semester.
“Ah!” Lotte got up and leaned over her desk, her hands hitting it as Akko shook slightly from the abruptness. Suzy just turned her, looking slightly surprised by her outburst and lightly moved her hand away.
“Whaatt..?” Akko looked up, before seeing that the whole class was on their feet but Suzy, and her head started flinging around in all directions, concluding that indeed, everyone was looking out the window.
“Hey! What’s everyone gawking at..?” she turned to the window, before her eyes widened and she leaped up on top of her desk. “AHHH!!!” she flapped her arms around.
“Andrew? Is he back to propose?” Suzy blinked, not getting up at all for a moment before closing her eyes and scooting her chair back, rising calmly from her seat before giving a sneaky and wicked grin to Akko. “Are you really going to go through with it this time? After all, you’re not getting any younger. He-he-he-he~”
“Ahh! Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Akko put her fists up near her, leaned her head back to shout out, as her feet almost tap-danced in result of her spurring nerves.
She then stopped to spread her arms out and down, spreading her legs apart and looking around as if trying to hide.
“What’s wrong, Akko? He shouldn’t really be here to-’ Lotte started, putting a dainty hand up to her chin.
Akko had a goblin’s gritted, open frown on her face. She tensed up before looking back to Lotte, holding her hands to her shoulders, “That paper!” she remembered her.
“Ah.. you mean
 the restraining order?” (Referring to my first prompt –> x )
She looked worried, sweating profusely as she bit her lower lip, a desperate attempt to get it to stop shaking.
“Aw. I think it broke her heart.” Suzy commented before, as Akko’s face turned vicious as she leaned down to her,  not removing her hands from Lotte’s shoulders though.
Her head grew big like in animes, and her eyes sharpened to angry arrows, “KEEP YOUR DEGRADING COMMENTS TO YOURSELF!”
“Oh. Touchy.”
“Oui. I think I could be of some, rather unique, assistance~”
“H-huh?” Akko turned around.
With her feet up, Amanda twirled her wand in her hand, a very cool and fashionable manner.
She had sat back down with all the excitement ruining her chilled mood, and leaned her head to the side before snapping it back to Akko and catching her wand from twirling at the same time.
She smirked, “I’m good at hiding things. What do ya need to get out of here?”
“Ah.. N-not much.” Akko blinked her eyes, surprised by her offer of help.
“Perfect, the clothes on your back are enough for ya? Haha! A girl after my own heart!” she once again spun her wand and suddenly Akko was lifted into the air.
AHH!!!” Akko flailed her arms about, amazed she was flying without a broom, as Amanda got up, putting her hands to her hip. “Constanze.”
Constanze slightly got up from her seat, hunching over, and pulled some specialized googles up off her eyes as she fiddled with a controller of somekind in her hand.
Suddenly, a device detached from a backpack that was on her and sprang upward.
The rod looking device started to form out with locks and gears clicking together to transform it, as Amanda slammed a foot down on her desk, getting momentum, and jumped to reach the object.
With a few cool acrobatic skills, she caught the rod that sprung out a stream of light from some bushy brown bristles that looked like they belonged a broom.
“Woah.” Lotte watched in amazement, as Suzy just blinked at the light show, and Constanze narrowed her eyes with a sparkle, as if proud of her invention working successfully as it was called out.
Amanda jumped on, then floated Akko to her broom’s end.
“This baby can get us out of any place at the speed of light! Illegal in most countries, but pretty cool, right?”
“I-Illegal?” Akko lay across it and gripped it with both hands, before positioning herself forward and making sure her legs and feet overlapped it, trying to get a good grip on it.
“Hahaha! Don’t worry about it. Here we go!” she got serious after her little laugh and the two disappeared in a stream of light, passing the expensive looking cars that had Andrew and his father come out from, walking to the representatives of the school.
“AHH!!! H-hey! It’s Andrew!!” the stream of light had zig-zaggy lines, almost like a skinny dragon, as they flew around the school a few times in the air.
“If we stay up here, we’ll be undetected!”
“Good afternoon, Sir. Is there something we can help you with?” The headmaster looked up, as Andrew’s father’s fixed his tie.
“Yes. My son here has political business with one of your students. We demand a meeting with her at once. Privately.”
“O-of course
 I-I hope you know, o-our student meant no harm
” She looked worried.
“Bring the witch here and we’ll discuss the matter more personally.”
“Y-yes, sir!”
“Huh, looks like you’re in deep trouble.”
“Hmm? That down about it huh?”
 my stomach,
 I’m about tah..tah..ohhhh
“H-hey! Don’t even THINK about-!!”
Amanda and Akko suddenly appeared at normal speed above the crowd, as Amanda’s leg was up and foot pushing Akko’s sick face away from her.
Akko looked like she was about to vomit from the fastness of the mechanized broom.
Akko?” Andrew blinked, turning himself to look over his shoulder and up in the air.
“A-Ah! Andrew!” Akko worriedly looked for an escape, and jumped from the broom to the roof of the school, trying to run away.
“Stop her!” His father called out.
“Woah. You really got the feds after you now!” Amanda leaned up and clinged to the broom, seeing the men all climb the buildings to chase her on the rooftops, as she tried to get away.
She skidded to a halt, seeing them in front of her.
“Eep!!” she turned around, but also had to slide to a full stop while they climbed up there too.
“AH-AH-AH!!” she crawled on all fours with the momentum of the stop to bolt off in another direction before getting on her two legs again, but was caught by one of the professor’s spells that placed her in a bubble.
She was like a hamster, spinning in place within it. “H-Huh?” she blinked, looking down and then freaking out about being trapped.
“Nooo!!!” she fell to her knees and cried out, as the ball rolled her back down to the ground.
As it popped, she held her head down, her hands on her lying legs, before she looked up with sorrow towards the adults.
“What did you do this time!?” 
Jasminka and the other students watched from a long window, but she was scarfing her face with chips, enjoying the show outside.
Professor Finnelan stomped over to her, looking furious.
“I hope you know you’ve caused quite the stir for the students today! Hmph! Such a disgraceful witch!” she turned her head upright and away from her, but her eyes never left their cruel and cold watch over her.
Akko teared up a little bit, sniffing like a child before Andrew bent down.
“I apologize for whatever dear Akko may have done upon you and your son, Good sir
 please, let us make it up to you somehow.” The headmaster tried to extend her arm out in truce, but the father stood like stone before folding his arms.
Akko looked up, “I.. I didn’t break the contract, I swear.” she swung her head away from him, looking upset she had to say that.
Akko, look at me.”
He moved a hand up to her chin and lightly guided her gaze back to him.
Huh?” she was suddenly put in a strange trance, and listened carefully to him, as if he was the only one in the school yard

A few sweat drops appeared on the side of his face, tiny as he struggled it seemed, putting his head down and closing his eyes.
His father narrowed his own, and tapped his shoe with his own.
“Em!” he shot his head up, and then looked more serious.
Marry me
Her face went white.
The students faces went white
 all but Jazminka, who formed a ‘o’ with her mouth at the sudden confession, and then shoved another chip in it.
What?” Akko twitched a smile to her face, but it was more in nerves and confusion.
“I thought you hated me
 Is that spell still on ya? Y-You don’t honestly think I’m still your wife, do you?” She fidgetted, not sure what to do in this situation, before leaning back and swaying her hands up above her, “I-I-I swear! I can fix that! Just-!”
 She was about to summon some magic again but he held a firm hand to her wrist, stopping her as she looked pretty taken aback by that.
My father thinks this union will impress the press.” He closed his eyes, whispering to her as he leaned in.
She blushed, not wanting him to be so close before hearing his words, and widening her eyes.
“He thinks it’s good publicity
 with the growing concern for Witches and all
” he twitched his eyebrow, as if this was the most embarrassing and hardest thing for him to do.
“I promise to be a good husband!” he then rose up, picking her up in the action as her feet were completely up and off the ground, her body disfigured slightly in her astonishment as he held her solely by her waist and held wrist.
Her eyes turned to swirls, her head flinging around in a circle. “Wh-Wh-Wha-wha-what!?”
The camera flashes all took off in swarms, before he closed his eyes and tried to remain poised.
Later that day, Lotte and Suzy were dressed as flower girls, and the whole school was conjuring up magic for the wedding.
Guarded by men, Akko was trapped in a bridal chamber, wearing a gorgeous white dress, but looking very torn-up in her mirror, blinking at her reflection.
She looked at her dress, moving it up slightly. “I
 I don’t want to get married, though
” she admitted, before looking out the window

What about my dream? What about Chariot?” she walked to the window, and opened it up.
Outside, men were also guarding the rooftops.
They knew she liked to jump
She frowned, and took in a deep breath, almost until her cheeks were about to explode as she wiggled her head around before bursting the air out of them in a shout.
“SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!” she cried out.
“Fear not, fair maiden! You’re heroes have arrived!”
“H-huh?” Akko looked down.
The men who were guarding the rooftop were suddenly down and flinching, as magic spiraled back into a wand held by Diana, as Amanda saluted up to her with two fingers held closely together.
She winked.
“Amanda! D-Diana?”
She had her head down, tapping her wand to her folded arm, before looking upset. “I
 I’m only doing this cause they forced me into it!”
“I used an obeying spell. Also illegal.” Amanda stuck her tongue up and to the side of her mouth, smiling and holding her wink.
“Ah-hahaha!” Akko leaned her head back, banging her foot on the ground, thinking that hilarious, before shouting out the window again. “That makes complete and total sense! Diana would never do something nice for me out of her own free will!”
Diana had an anger mark appear on her head, as she unfolded her arms and threw them down by her side, shouting back, but with a much more lady-like way.
“Don’t write me off as a villain!”
“Oh? Maybe a spoiled brat, then?”
“WHAT?!” Diana crinkled her fingers up, insulted, before Amanda whistled off to the side of her, and Akko’s smile faded as she looked off in the distance.
Lotte was riding with spirit beings, as Suzy had a mushroom horde behind her. She sat on one mushroom and flew by Lotte’s side.
” Akko almost teared up, arching her eyebrows back, touched by their efforts.
Amanda looked down and closed her eyes, “Hmph.” she was glad Akko could see they really cared about her, and then looked up. “Well, let’s go princess.”
“Em. Right.” Akko nodded, and started to climb down, before

Men threw open the door.
“It’s time to go, Miss Kagari.”
“Ak.” Akko looked frozen in spot, as one shoe fell off her foot from hanging out the window.
“AH! Miss Kagari! She’s trying to escape!” the man hollered out, more amazed than actually ordering anyone.
She fell down, “Whoops!”
Amanda caught her instantly, standing on her mecha broom, and holding her bridal style. “Time to go!”
“W-wait! What am I suppose to do?” Diana ran a bit after them, before stopping.
“Oh, right.” Amanda turned to her. “Take care of those guards, will ya’s? If you do, I’ll break the enchantment on ya. Sound like a good deal?”
“Ah. You better mean that
” Diana sweat dropped, before turning her wand to the men. “Sorry.” she swiped her arm out and a powerful pulse pushed the men back, showing her raw power and magic potential.
“This is terrible!” The father leaned out another window, seeing Akko escaping on the back of Amanda’s broom. “They must be stopped! You’re reputation was skyrocketing!” He tried to turn to the door, but was amazed that Andrew shut it quickly with his arm.
Andrew? What are you doing!? Out of the way!” He commanded, as Andrew pulled the bow off his suit.
He flipped his hair a bit, shaking his head. “No, father. I refuse to marry anyone I don’t approve of.”
 How dare you! Defying me!?”
“I’m not defying you. I simply refuse to marry someone who doesn’t love me.” he narrowed his eyes, “And furthermore, I barely know her. You’re not just forcing this on me, but on someone else too.”
He strode confidently towards his father, taking one powerfully driven step at a time, as his father grew nervous, and stepped back as well. “Ah
Ahh..” he alternated his arms up over his body as he stepped back.
“You’d hate to have to explain to the press that you forced a young witch to marry your son, wouldn’t you?”
 are you threatening me, boy?” he looked afraid.
.I’m simply using my resources, father.” he closed his eyes and ducked his head down, “According to your instructions, I even use blackmail to my advantage.”
When he looked up, his eyes were like steel, and his father flinched back.
Very well. But I expect you to have a proper engagement AT LEAST to her! We’ll say she got cold-feet in the presence of such esteemed heritage. She felt unworthy of the title, and therefore abandoned her initial promise. To keep what we’ve already gathered in favor of the public eye, we’ll need to protect your image and have you at least try and court her back into an fiancee. Is that clear?”
I will do my best
 Father.” he turned his head down again, avoiding eye contact.
“Good. Once this whole ‘witch praise’ phase is over, you can denounce your relations to her. But until then, you do as I say. Understood?” he straightened up his tie again, seeing he was back in power, as Andrew lowered his eyes.
“What a submissive rascal.”
“A-at least he’s trying to say he’s sorry.. R-right?”
“By wooing her back into a forced marriage?”
“How wonderful.”
Akko once again was crinkling up a letter, this time, a love poem with the most ridiculous language she had ever read.
“Wow, he’s quite poetic.”
“It’s not even him!” Akko crumbled it up and threw it, sitting on the ground with her legs spread out in front of her, she glared towards the trash that it had missed swishing into, as Suzy looked to the flowers, and smirked.
She pulled a vile out and tapped a drop to one flower, turning it poisonous and ugly, before snickering and smelling it.
She looked drunk for a moment, “Such sweet sorrow comes from such roses of names.”
“T-that’s not what the quote is
” Lotte turned around, thinking she heard shakespeare as Akko jumped up, startling her.
“Hmph! If he thinks he can win me back with some cheap tricks, he’s sorely mistaken! I’m gonna cast a spell this time to change him into a frog! Then have an ugly princess kiss him and be rid of this nuisance!!”
“Ahh! She’s snapped!”
“Gone mad.”
“A-Akko! Calm down! T-this doesn’t sound like you at all!”
“Hey, they let us keep the flower-gown
 can I burn it?”
Lotte tried to hold Akko back as her nostrials flared, trying to desperately swish her wand around to spat out curses.
“S-Suzy!” Lotte turned her head back, trying to get Suzy to help her out here.
Suzy turned back to her, “What? She’s terrible with magic anyway. It’s not like she could actually succeed at a curse anyway.” she turned her head back to the viles in her hands which she was randomly taking out from her cloak, all in different colors and casting each drop on the different flowers.
Each one turned into a crazy looking, evil creation. One even snapped at her hand, making her smile creepily.
“Hey, can I keep the bouquet? Hehehehe
Akko slowly stopped her struggles after hearing Suzy’s words, and slipped down in Lotte’s arms, crying in her lap as Lotte held a hand by her side.
“I’m a failure
 even at love
 I’m a failure at every magic possible.” she chibi cried, having it stream down her eyes as she turned and cried in Lotte’s lap.
Lotte held a shy smile as she sweat dropped awkwardly from the side of her face. “There
 there..” she tried to comfort. “Not all endings are sad, right?”
She turned to the trash can, and got her wand out and swiped it in the air.
The magic brought the poem out again and she looked over it.
“How do you know it’s not him?” Lotte read it again, out loud.
Like fires from flames long lost, I met you in secrecy.
Haunted by visions of lonely moons, I transformed that day.
Now I willingly go to the dream, as if to find what I had not obtained.
There, I see your face, and I know I must change.
Therefore, when we meet again, let it be by natural strains, and natural alone.
Though magic be fierce, and the world cruel, let not your heart cease in it’s course.
For I shall requite your path with mine, and in affection long lasting, no magic greater, I shall have this dream of you for life.
She held the paper close to her chest, leaning her head up. “It’s like something straight out of Nightfall!”
“Oh. Looks like he made someone swoon.” Suzy turned back, seeing her reaction.
You.. you actually like that gibberish stuff? I mean
 it make sense to you?” Akko looked up, before getting up to her knees.
“Huh? You mean.. you can’t understand it?” Lotte looked to her, and seemed surprised. “It’s a rejection of ones self for a greater longing. He’s hoping to love you when the time is right, and he, himself, is ready and worthy for you; and your love.” she smiled, loving the message of it.
Akko blinked.
 Akko can barely read the newspaper.”
“SHUT UP, SUZY! I CAN TOO READ! I read Chariot’s collectible cards, don’t I?”
“It’s not quite the same thing
” Lotte sweat dropped, still trying to be polite about it
 “Well, I can explain it, if you want.”
 em.. o-okay.” Akko dipped her head down, losing her anger and putting her shaking fist down to match her other on her knees.
“R..Read it again?”
“KEEP YOUR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF!” Akko burst out again, jumping to now a kneel as she threatened Suzy again, who just grinned up to her, her eyes drooped as usual, as if faking being apologetic.
“It’s just too fun to mess with you~”
“Ohhh!!! Quit it, already!!!” Akko cried out, as Lotte smiled nervously and Suzy stuck out her tongue while attempting to laugh as well, making her look creepy, another usual for her.
(Hope you enjoyed it! I just felt like the show wouldn’t do a real wedding
. lol, sorry about that! ^u^; )
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bad-draft-stuff · 5 years
Fate Goes (to the big city)
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ok ok ok okay o-
Sheepy: Gil: *He's wearing.... Oh. Oh no. Gilgamesh. That's so terrible. No one needs to see your abs.* My favorite clothes store went out of business recently. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, that's a real shame. Sheepy: Gil: I was going to hire the tailor but it turns out there wasn't one. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: So what do you want to do about it? Sheepy: Gil: Find the one who made this shirt and pay him for copies. Sheepy: Gil: That or I'll travel and buy new clothes. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Good plan. We could use Chaldea to get you somewhere good. Sheepy: Gil: I'm tired of this place already. All the sights are the same. It bores me! Sheepy: Gil: Take me to New York one day and I'll forgive you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Sure, I'd love to. I wanna see the city, too. Sheepy: Gil:....Hah? Do you actually want to go? Then I don't want to go. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Then no clothes for you, oh well! Sheepy: Gil: I'll allow you to drag me there just this once. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: It's not dragging if we both wanna go! Sheepy: Gil: What a terrible Master you are, dragging me to such a place. Pah. *...He appears pleased, despite his words...* Sheepy: Gil: You should feel grateful I'm even considering going with you, mutt. You're so readable that I've already finished packing for such a trip. You really should learn how to hide your thoughts better. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, you did something in advance for once? What has this world come to? Sheepy: Gil: I usually do, fool! Sheepy: Gil: Speak for yourself! ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto's peering around the corner* Sheepy: Gil: What is it, clown!? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Where're you going, Hell? :) Sheepy: Gil: New York. You can't come. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: I wouldn't if I had to! Me, in the big city? Hahaha! I'd die. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: They don't need more clowns anyway! Okay, I'll let you two plan your honeymoon alone!~ *and he exits scene, pouting to Emiya once he's out of range* Are we gonna really let her go? With him?! Sheepy: Emiya: No. Sheepy: Emiya: I'll deal with it. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Then you're certainly permitted! Be the hero we need in these gil-centric times, heheh! Sheepy: Emiya: Fine. Sheepy: *Emiya enters the room with Gil and Minako, frowning.* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Hi, Emmy! Did you want to come, too? Sheepy: Emiya: Of course not. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: That's fine, then! You can be head of house until we're back, then! Sheepy: Emiya: Master. Sheepy: Emiya: There's something I want to discuss with you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Yeah? Go ahead. Sheepy: Emiya: We aren't comfortable with you going with Gilgamesh anywhere. Sheepy: Gil: What! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: But haven't I gone on a solo outting with every one of you guys EXCEPT the gils? If I can deal with Herc, I think I can survive Gil. Sheepy: Emiya: Berserker hasn't killed his Master. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: uh. Which one? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Wait, I'm dumb. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: He hasn't, you're right. Sheepy: Gil: Don't act like you know me, mutt. Sheepy: Emiya: If you're going with anyone, you're going with one of us. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Then one of you guys can come with! That's fine with me. Sheepy: Emiya: ................ Sheepy: Emiya: I don't have an interest in going. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Then someone who does can, it's that simple. Sheepy: Emiya: I'd really rather Gilgamesh just goes by himself and you go a different time. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Where are we going this time? Sheepy: Gil: New York. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he looks at Gil, then Mink, then Emiya* Ah, I see what is happening here. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You *he gestures to Emiya* Don't trust him *he now points to Gil* with Minako, but our king doesn't seem to have any ulterior motives this time around. If there are, well, I just haven't observed them yet. *he shrugs* When are we going? Sheepy: Gil: When I decide to. Sheepy: Gil: ...When are we? Sheepy: Gil: Who said we? It's only Minako, Enkidu, and me. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh. That's a shame. I was hoping to hand in some works personally. Sheepy: Gil: Fine. As long as you keep your mouth shut, you can come. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You're too kind. I'll be quiet. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... At least, I will try to be. Sheepy: Gil: Don't just try. Do. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Guarantee that we'll survive the trip, and I'll do so gladly. Sheepy: Gil: Why would you not survive the trip? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Human error. Sheepy: Gil: Hah. I suppose I understand. However, I am above that. Sheepy: Gil: Foolish. Do you believe that I make mistakes? Sheepy: Gil: *He crosses his arms* You clearly don't know me. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he smirks, but doesn't say anything* Sheepy: Gil: Don't smirk at me like that. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You said to be quiet, and I'd like to be alive before the trip even begins. Sheepy: Gil: Of course. So don't push me, mutt. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Am I a dog now? Or a furry? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: It doesn't matter much, you tsundere, but at least go for accuracy. No fur, just scales. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he enters, wearing some of Gil's clothes (which are too big)* Zassu! Sheepy: Gil: *He goes to respond to Andersen, but his attention is quickly caught by Enkidu. His face turns a bright red.* .... Sheepy: Gil: Ahahahahaha! Very funny, my friend! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you, za! I am glad to be of service. Sheepy: Gil: You should come with me. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Was I not to start? Sheepy: Gil: I thought I should ask you first. Sheepy: Gil: however, I already knew you were going. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Of course you did. You can't go ten feet without me, can you? :P Sheepy: Gil: Hah! Of course I can. I wouldn't want you to get lonely. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh, shut up and kiss already! Sheepy: Gil: What? Don't order me around. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: :) Sheepy: Gil: I'll do what I please. I don't have to listen to you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: .... Yeah, I think we'll be okay. Sheepy: Gil: Why wouldn't you be? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Your driving, for starters! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she looks up to Emiya* Thanks for the concern, though! Or was it because you just don't wanna lose servant cred for dying early? Sheepy: Emiya: I don't understand what you mean, Master. Sheepy: Emiya: Why would I die? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Well, if I died, wouldn't you? Sheepy: Emiya: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: So were you concerned for me, or your own survival? Sheepy: Emiya: It's my job to keep you alive, Master. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: But, like, was it actual concern? Sheepy: Emiya: It's my job. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I live with a ton of tsunderes, a clown, and a druggie. What, exactly, is my current life? ArsĂ©-kun: *Minako's still staring up at Emiya* Sheepy: Emiya: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Thank you for still doing your best! *and she goes in to hug Emiya* Sheepy: Emiya: .....! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Disgusting! Sheepy: Gil: Yes, it is. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: So do you now dislike affection as well, my lord? Sheepy: Gil: No. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ...? Sheepy: Gil: He's disgusting. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: For what reason? Sheepy: Gil: He's a waste of space and existence. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You're just jealous of the attention, you glittery fuck. Sheepy: Gil: No I'm not. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Not at all? Sheepy: Gil: Why would I be? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Because Emiya breathes and you get antsy. Sheepy: Gil: I hate him. Sheepy: Emiya: Master, did you know? Sheepy: Emiya: You can get hard-to-get items from rare gold prisms. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: How many prisms would goldie's armor shit out? Sheepy: Emiya: Servants like Gilgamesh give many rare gold prisms when you burn them. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: .... I don't understand. His armor spawns gold when burning? Sheepy: Gil: No. He's suggesting that they execute me in order to use my remaining essence to buy things with. Sheepy: Emiya: I never said that. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Master, gold servants are such a pain! Lets just buy ten craft essences with the doctors face on them! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Everyone shut up! Now's not the time for banter to lead into some sort of war. Can we go now?? Sheepy: Emiya: You're going now? You're not even ready. Sheepy: Emiya: At least let me pack you something to eat beforehand. Sheepy: Gil: There's food to eat there! Sheepy: Emiya: We have food at home! Sheepy: Gil: Variety is important, mutt! Sheepy: Emiya: Being thrifty is important. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Thrifty. Gil. Thrifty??? Sheepy: Emiya: Teaching Master to be wasteful...what a terrible servant he is. Sheepy: Emiya: Be careful with your resources. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: He can waste his own money! I'm just not buying street food. I learned that lesson the hard way. Sheepy: Emiya: I'll pack something for you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Thank youuuu! Sheepy: *Emiya leaves, only for Gil to huff.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Would you like a packed lunch from Mom, too? Sheepy: Gil: No! Sheepy: Gil: He just annoys me! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Just don't bring back anything awful! We'll have to kill you if any of you do! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, why would I? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Who knows? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Dibs on the killing, though! Sheepy: Gil: I'll kill you if you try to kill me. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: School of mutual killing! Sheepy: Gil: No! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: We dang grampis now! Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: That one school murder game. You played it on stream and wouldn't let me watch, remember? Sheepy: Gil: ........Riiiiiight. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: I bet it was just because I'd figure out the murders before you. :I ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Or did you not want my lovely face on screen? Sheepy: Gil: You're hideous. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: You too! ArsĂ©-kun: *mephisto exits stage left, unpursued by bears* Sheepy: Gil: That man annoys me! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Local clown does his job. More at 12. Sheepy: Gil: He should be taught a lesson. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: About what? Responding to insults? Or how to be a proper clown, from the king clown? Sheepy: Gil: About not being annoying. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: When are we going? Sheepy: Gil: I don't know. Sheepy: Gil: We're waiting on Archer. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: How long are we going for? Sheepy: Gil: I haven't thought of that yet. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: More than a day, perhaps? Sheepy: Gil: I don't know. I have all sorts of ideas on what I want to do. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: How exciting! Sheepy: Gil: Of course it is. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I can't wait. *he doesn't look very excited* ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot, meanwhile, has taken Mephisto's lurking position. he ?* Sheepy: Gil: You. Ask Ozymandias or Golden if you want help. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he squints, processing this. Him? He is to do the important thing?* .. I suppose I shall, then. Sheepy: Gil: Have fun. It's a hobby, not a job. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: and that is easily the most positive thing I have ever heard from you, ever. It's nice. Sheepy: Gil: Hah! I only take seriously what I have to. Anyway, Golden likes Animal Crossing but can't read. He's pretty talkative but he won't reply to anyone. He's very bad at games like Monster Hunter but he likes watching. Ozymandias likes exploration games and puzzle games. I plan on making him come out of his coffin and play with me anyway. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Is there anything I... Should not do? Sheepy: Gil: Don't invite Mephisto nor Hyde. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... But Jekyll is permitted? Sheepy: Gil: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I think I can.. Work with that.. Sheepy: Gil: Great. Sheepy: Gil: I don't care what else you do. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Okay. Sheepy: Gil: Ozymandias's cats like trying to eat the wires and Lobo likes being in the camera, but they like animals so I suppose the animals are fine. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Merlin as an animal is still banned though, yes? Sheepy: Gil: Yes, always. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Because the last thing we need is an idol on the show. We'd never hear the end of it. Sheepy: Gil: And he's annoying. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Agreed. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... 'll go set up for tonight. Sheepy: Gil: Good. Have fun. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... I'll try. Sheepy: Gil: Try your best. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... *he grumbles and pats Minako's head before leaving.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and now, the distant sound of the pantry door being opened. silence. the door being closed. Lance cuts back through, empty-handed, to head upstairs. this knight will die of hunger with empty hands* Sheepy: Gil: What happened? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Was in use. Sheepy: Gil: That wasn't the bathroom door, though. Sheepy: Gil: The bathroom is the other way. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I hope it was. Sheepy: Gil: ....you hope that it was the bathroom. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: No. I hope that wasn't the bathroom. ... Not cleaning up the pantry if anything happens. Sheepy: Gil: Gross. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: mmmmmhm. *and he heads upstairs. goodbye lancelot* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Archer, hurry up before someone complains! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Here's your delivery! *and he comes out with the lunchboxes* Emiya's too busy to move ten feet away, so here I am! Sheepy: Gil: Finally! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he hands out the lunchboxes, correctly, before grinning* Don't get your panties in a knot, buddy! Wait till you discover the boredom of the train! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I mean, you could fly a plane! But I wouldn't be there to feed on the rampant hatred that'd result! Sheepy: Gil: Why would I fly a plane? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Why not? Sheepy: Gil: You're acting like I want to fly on a plane. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Sure, why not? Sheepy: Gil: And I don't. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Boooooring! ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Enkidu has ran out- He's already back, carrying two suitcases in his hands, and one in his mouth. Powerful. He's ready.* Sheepy: Gil: Ah, welcome back. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you, my lord. *but his mouth is full, so he answered with the mouth on his... neck. That wasn't there a minute or so ago.* Sheepy: Gil: Good work. Of course I can count on you to remember something so vital! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Excuse me, but what the fuck? Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Please never put a mouth where it doesn't belong ever again. Thank you for your attention. Sheepy: Gil: Don't be a wimp. My friend can do as he pleases. ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu grins with about 3 extra mouths. Sassy* Sheepy: *Gil laughs.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: And there goes any sleep I may get for the week. Thank you very much. ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Minako looks interested. The greatest cool!!* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *hecks given: 0* Lets go, za, lets go! Sheepy: Gil: Yes! *He begins to rush to the door* Let's go! *...He seems to have forgotten about Minako in favor of Enkidu...* ArsĂ©-kun: *It's fine, because she's right behind him and Enkidu. It's Andersen that's lagging* ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Lancelot is sitting on the streaming sofa, staring at the floor. Are you ready for a depressive episode? Aye aye, captain!* Sheepy: Guin: *She walks in and sits down next to him.* ...Lance? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Guinnnnnn. Sheepy: Guin: Is something bothering you? You seem down. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... 've to do this.... I'm gonna mess it up again. Sheepy: Guin: You don't have to if you don't want to. And...messing up is okay. Everyone makes mistakes. That's a part of life. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I want to, but... I am Fuckup McDisappointment. Sheepy: Guin: You aren't a disappointment. Sheepy: Guin: You never have been and never will be a disappointment. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he grumbles. Disagree* Sheepy: Guin: Well, let me correct myself, if you don't agree with that. You'll never, ever be a disappointment in my eyes. I have and always will believe in you! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Merci. Sheepy: Guin: I have an idea. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Aaaah? Sheepy: Guin: If you're worried about how people will respond to you making mistakes, I can join you and make larger mistakes. Sheepy: Guin: I never really had time for games back then and I've never played video games. You definitely couldn't compare to the sort of mistakes I'd make unless you tried. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Merci, merci. Sheepy: Guin: It's no problem. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance leans against her and rumbles. :3* Sheepy: Guin: *She smiles. Good! Lance is happy!* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he's peeking in, locking onto the computer. What is this.. Baby peasant program?* Sheepy: Bedi: What're you doing? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *AAAA* Sheepy: Bedi: What is it!? Is there a monster?! I'll protect you! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he wasn't paying attention, so he only looked when Guin did* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You! *he turns and lightly pulls on Bedi's face* Stop doing that!! Sheepy: Bedi:...Uh?! I-I didn't do anything....! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You keep! Scaring me! You're so quiet! I love it! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Do.... .... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Would you both like to join us..? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Would I!! *and he promptly dives onto their laps. Merlin.* Bonjour!~ ArsĂ©-kun: *and merlin is pushed right off, by all involved parties. begone THOT* Sheepy: Bedi: I - I couldn't possibly join you. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm just a simple knight- not some hero. To be in the Queen's presence for an extended period of time is simply unthinkable! N-no, I am unworthy! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Get the hell over here. Sheepy: *Bedi appears startled by Lance's words. He hesitantly approaches before sitting on the floor instead of the sofa.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he sits up* Shall we invite sir Tristan along for this ride? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know what's going on. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Streaming. .. You don't have to play if you don't want to. Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know what that is. Sheepy: Bedi: I think I've heard Merlin mention it. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's live instead of prerecorded. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: So the editing is minimal but you've gotta be careful with what you do. Sheepy: Bedi: That sounds intimidating. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's not so bad. It's easier to deal with. *he shrugs* Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, but... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: But? Sheepy: Bedi: Ahahah...I can't see myself doing well. B-but I could get things for you if you want. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... You can't do worse than us. Sheepy: Bedi: It's just, eh... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Don't wanna be on screen today? Sheepy: Bedi: I would probably break the controller if I used it. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Right. Well, you can do the ever-important keeping the program on track! Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...I don't know how to do that. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Then lets figure it out together! I'll sit with you instead. Sheepy: Bedi: You will? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Of course! Sheepy: Bedi: Do you think Tristan would want to join...? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: No idea! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's why we need to ask. Sheepy: Bedi: I'll be back with or without him. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What a variety of options! Sheepy: Bedi: Yes! There's two of them! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Wow! Sheepy: Bedi: *He rushes out briefly before returning with Tristan* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Hello, Tristan. Sheepy: Tristan: Hello, Sir Lancelot. Sheepy: Tristan: Why did you want me? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Welcome! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Companionship and moral support. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, so you wanted Sir Bedivere, ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: You too. Sheepy: Tristan: Why me? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Friend. Sheepy: Tristan: I’m a friend... yes. Yes. But I depress everyone. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I can't be depressed when I am already depressed! Sheepy: Bedi: You're depressed? Sheepy: Bedi: Despite me not even comparing to you in terms of my skills, perhaps I lead a much happier life... Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, and the same goes for Tristan, too. Sheepy: Bedi: Perhaps this means that I should help solve your problems ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Maybe! Sheepy: Tristan: What are you doing? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Playing games badly. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... And a live show. ... You may perform for us if you want to. Sheepy: Tristan: ................ Sheepy: Tristan: *he mulls it over* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Oh, but we haven't started it yet... So there is time. Sheepy: Tristan: I'll consider it. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he's turned his attention to the computer. He's already figured the program out, but he's not gonna say that.* Sheepy: Bedi: *He's watching Merlin* ArsĂ©-kun: *and merlin starts going through everything, hovering over every button, seeing what every little thing does* Sheepy: Bedi: *ooooh! interesting!* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he "slips" and "accidentally" presses start. mhm. sure.* Sheepy: *Bedi doesn't comment. It's his secret.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin also... Goes ahead and posts the stream link on the [insert site] account that was not logged out. Adds a message that this isn't a normal stream, because Gil's out. Post.* Sheepy: *It's Bedi's secret.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... *he sighs* ... Is it fair to say I am... Downright terrified? Sheepy: Guin: I understand. Sheepy: Tristan: Are you terrified of me? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Of course not. That would be silly. Sheepy: Tristan: Are you playing Sorry? I've learned a tactic for that game. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Is it "apologize profusely"? Sheepy: Tristan: When you start to lose, accidentally knock over the table. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Isn't it easier to spill something on the board? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, or to distract the other player and then move your piece. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Or to leave the room to clean up and never come back. Sheepy: Tristan: Or to cry until they feel guilty. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: We're not children. That doesn't work. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes it does. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: What have you done? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: What, exactly, have you done this time? Sheepy: Tristan: I used that tactic and won. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Tristan, that's awful. Sheepy: Tristan: It's not awful. It's strategy. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Then I suppose beating someone's head in with the box is also a strategy? They can't take a turn if they're dead. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he rolls his eyes and glances towards the oddly-silent Merlin (and Bedi) before spotting the camera light. It's on.* aaa..? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *processing* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *and he jumps out of his seat about 10 seconds too late. MASH X TO PANIC* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, your singing voice needs work. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Who??? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :3 Sheepy: Bedi: I-I did! My mistake...! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: 3: ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... MEERRRRLLLLIIIIIIIIINN! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: OKAY, TIME TO GO, BEDI YOU'RE IN CHARGE BYE ADIOS AU REVOIR *and he runs out, knocking his chair over in the process* Sheepy: Bedi: Eh!? ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: merlin? merlin? AAAAAAAA! magi mari? merlin?? The merlin?? MAGI MARI?? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he grumbles and drops back onto the sofa, giving the camera a small wave but not saying anything* Sheepy: Tristan: Your song didn't impress Merlin. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Tristan, I wasn't singing. Sheepy: Tristan: No need to be shy. I believe in you. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Merciiii. *and so, he glances towards the camera (but doesn't fully turn to it) and gives a blunt explanation that this weeks streams will exclude Gil and Enkidu because they went travelling.* ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: LEGSALOT AND FRIENDS! no gil allowed knights only final destination. [low rez gil face emoji] PRETTY RED MAN!! [five more low rez gil emojis] BLESSED STREAM LADY HERE Sheepy: Tristan: Who are you talking to? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: The audience. The camera is this way. *and he reaches over to turn Tristan's head in the right direction* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Lady Guinevere is joining us for this one, yes, as is Sir Tristan and Sir Bedivere. ... Bedivere, say hello too. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...uh, hello. ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: IS THIS A COLLAB WITH MAGI MARI??? who's bedyver? *whose THIS IS SO SAD TRISTAN PLAY DESPACITO! shut up and take my money! ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: show us bedver!! Bedver?? I want to see Bedivere! If you scrubs would watch MagiMari, you'd know! Show us bedvr!! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I didn't even pick a game yet. ... We weren't supposed to start yet... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ......... I guess we could start with some racing... But I've never set up the room before... ... Welcome to having a disappointing host! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin could easily do that but I don't know where he went. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he presses his face against the window. He's outside. Why?* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *and he opens the window. It is fucking cold.* You called? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, the grasp of death is upon me. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Close the window!! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, please come in before you get sick. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Coming! *he enters and shuts the window, trailing snow in* Sheepy: Bedi: Are you cold? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Now? A little. Sheepy: Bedi: I can warm you up if you want! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, how romantic- Sheepy: Bedi: *He activates Airgetlam* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, how terrifying. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Please step away from the equipment when you do that! Sheepy: Bedi: ? ...Oh. Sheepy: *The light from Airgetlam dies down.* Sheepy: Bedi: Sorry. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's cool. *he shakes the snow off and just. sits on Lancelot and Tristan to start setting up the server. Lancelot stares* Sheepy: Tristan: I'm dying. Sheepy: Guin: *She raises her eyebrows and looks over at Merlin. merlin blease* Sheepy: *Bedi doesn't seem bothered by this.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yes, Guin? Sheepy: Guin: You're kind of....well. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: On your territory? Sheepy: Guin: No. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: No? So its free real estate? Sheepy: Guin: You're sitting on them. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Okay. *and he does nothing about it* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: We don't deserve this. Sheepy: Tristan: *sob* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Don't deserve... You say that like this is a bad thing! Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, or perhaps they don't think they're good enough for you. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That may be correct. ... I realize in hindsight that sitting between two depressed men may not be the best for me. Oh well! Server's up! Sheepy: Bedi: You can sit with me. *He sits on the opposite side of the couch.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: oh, that works too! *he gets up, gives Lance the controller, and joins Bedi* Sheepy: Bedi: What's the game? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Mario kart. It's a racer. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...have fun! ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: BEDMAGI, BEDMAGI, BEDMAGI ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I'll try... Either way, chat... Chat seems to think you two are an item.. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah? No, we're people. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Thinks you two are together. Sheepy: Bedi: Well, we are together on this side of the couch. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :3c Sheepy: Guin: Like dating. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :3c Sheepy: Bedi: I don't see any calendars. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I:< c ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Don't make me do it. Sheepy: Bedi: Do what? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he leans in close to Bedi and nuzzles him* Oh, you know~ Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, people are going to see. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Aaaaand? Sheepy: Bedi: And people will see! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Is that it? Sheepy: Bedi: Th-that's a lot! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he just curls up next to Bedi and smiles at him* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he glances towards the camera* ... 's confirmed. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to play too. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Sure. *he bends down and picks up a controller for Tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: What're we playing? Monopoly? Yan Qing won't let me play. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... .... Non. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm banned from monopoly at Chaldea. Sheepy: Tristan: This feels weird. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: How did you get banned from monopoly too?? Sheepy: Tristan: I am banned from most games, but I don't see what I did in terms of monopoly as wrong. Sheepy: Tristan: I would feign falling asleep on the board upon losing certain properties. Sheepy: Tristan:....What else ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You're so awful. I'm inspired! Sheepy: Tristan: I kept the monopoly money under the assumption it was real money. Sheepy: Tristan: I tried buying a gift for my previous Master with it and got kicked out of the store. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Oh, the lobby is already full. That was fast.. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ........ *he's looking at the screen* .... Can't he just come downstairs and join us..? Sheepy: Tristan: Whom? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: The pharaoh. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah....the Sun King... ArsĂ©-kun: *the chat is primarily ☌s, PRAISE THE SUN!!, or ??s* ArsĂ©-kun: *and a solid paragraph of laughter in all caps* Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: king of knights > sun king. if I were there I'd clean that smug grin off that pharaoh's face!! ArsĂ©-kun: angrymanOO:: I would pay real money to watch that fight! Sheepy: Ozymandias:: DONT ACT LIKE YOU CAN BEAT ME! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Pharaoh, do join us instead of getting angry on the internet. ArsĂ©-kun: moâ™Șpoâ™Șop:: When are we starting??? Sheepy: *Ozy enters in all of his gloriousness and plops on the couch, one sphinx kitten on his shoulder and the other two following him. His hair is sticking straight up.* Sheepy: Bedi: *What is that hairstyle* Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: it's the man in the flesh!! now fight me for what you did! king of knights > sun king! Sheepy: Ozymandias: Ahahaha! I wouldn't bother fighting you. Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: what are you, a coward? you'll just accept that you're not as good as the king of knights? you actually learned!! Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: Second place doesn't matter. Why fight over it? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he moves over for Ozy to sit down, while glancing at the computer screen. The other one. There's two. So everyone can see the chat* Ah... Hello, Gilgamesh. How is the city so far..? Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: This place needs some cleaning up. This is a job for the *best* king. Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: The King of Knights probably doesn't want to deal with New York! Sheepy: Ozymandias: Hah, of course, I could easily clean it up. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Could you? Could you really? Sheepy: Ozy: Of course, how hard could it be? Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: I'm thinking of creating an arena to pay for the expenses of turning New York into my ideal image of my new city. We'll need to work on the name, too. New Uruk is what I propose! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Are you trying to get the attention of Ishtar? Because that's what you're doing. Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: Of course not! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Then maybe leave the name alone. Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: Fine! But everything else has to change. ArsĂ©-kun: moâ™Șpoâ™Șop:: Just leave the theater and music venues alone! Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: Will do. They're good. ArsĂ©-kun: Mud.tv:: Gilgamesh, can you PLEASE watch where you are going? I'm going to let you get hit by a car at this rate. Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: bbl ArsĂ©-kun: Mud.tv:: And he has just hit a car with his face. Our great king Gilgamesh, everybody. Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: King of Knights > King of Heroes ArsĂ©-kun: Mud.tv:: human decency > you Sheepy: sunnyDtruction:: đŸ€” ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he looks up from his phone* Today, my lord! Please stop imprinting vehicles with your facial features! Sheepy: Gil: I'm not! I'm waiting on you, of course! Ahahahaha! Sheepy: Gil: *He rushes on ahead, visibly embarrassed* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he easily catches up, latching onto Gil's arm* Now, lets not lag too far behind, mm? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Do you want your master and the author to reach our destination first? He will never let us hear the end of it. Sheepy: Gil: No! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Well.... I don't think we get much choice in the matter. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: --- And it took you long enough, King of Heroes! King of Zeroes! King of going zero miles per hour! *he's all bundled up. puffy coat. and his glasses are fogged from his own breath. actually the worst.* It's freezing out here! Are you trying to kill us, or do you want my frostbite to worsen? Would you like to see the results of your slow, slow actions?? Sheepy: Gil: Shut it, pup. Sheepy: Gil: You don't need to bark my ear off. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Actually, talking in large amounts is letting the cold air numb my throat, so I absolutely am required to continue speaking. Sheepy: Gil: You're being obnoxious. I shouldn't have brought you along. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Shut up and open the door so Minako doesn't freeze to death. Sheepy: Gil: Open your own door! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she's also very bundled up, and miserably sitting on the cement* Giiiil! Sheepy: Gil: What? Sheepy: Gil: You don't even know how to open a door? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I couldn't open it. Weak or not, I'm still a servant. Sheepy: Gil: Fine! I'll open it, then. Sheepy: *Gil attempts to open the door.* ArsĂ©-kun: *the door takes some pressure before being pulled open. someone inscribed a spell on the other side. It seems to have been magically enhanced.* Sheepy: Gil: *huff, huff* Who....!? *He crosses his arms and grits his teeth* Whoever did this, I will speak to them about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: How crude. *he strolls on over and casually bashes his arm through the door, ruining the spell* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... In hindsight, I could have done that to begin with. ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Minako rushes inside. Andersen just admires the door* Sheepy: *Gil storms in.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu and Andersen follow him in.* ArsĂ©-kun: *there's heating! which is weird, shouldn't the building be entirely closed? Is it still in use?* Sheepy: Gil: ....................... Sheepy: Gil: *He rashly heads further in without any regard for what could be ahead.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and very quickly ends up at the stadium seating. still warmer than it was outside* ArsĂ©-kun: *probably because the announcer booth doors are open and the heats on* ArsĂ©-kun: *ooor someone used magic* Sheepy: Gil: *He looks around, visibly confused* Sheepy: Gil: Hah, I know. They were expecting me. Sheepy: Gil: They're giving me a warm welcome! Wuhahahahahaha! Sheepy: Gil: Laugh, mongrels! For this is a King of Heroes joke! ArsĂ©-kun: ?: For a King of Heroes joke, that got an awfully cold reception! Sheepy: Gil: Ahahahahaha! Sheepy: Gil:...Hah! Are you the one who put the spell on the door? ArsĂ©-kun: ?: What? No, I did nothing like that. That would be the other guy, zasshu. Sheepy: Gil: Don't call me that! Sheepy: Gil: I am the King of Heroes, not some dirty peasant! ArsĂ©-kun: ?: Aren't we all? I meant the caster, not you, you beautiful bastard. Sheepy: Gil: Caster? Sheepy: Gil: What Caster? ArsĂ©-kun: ?: The one over here, using seats as a bed! Absolutely lowlife-ish! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, he sure sounds it. Sheepy: Gil: *He begins walking forward* ArsĂ©-kun: *as does this other guy. They'll meet in the middle eventually* Sheepy: Gil:....Hah! Hah?! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Hah! I knew you would be vexed by this! Caster told me so! Sheepy: Gil: Why do you look similar to me? ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Greetings, Gilgamesh, I am also Gilgamesh, better edition. Sheepy: Gil: I am the best Gilgamesh! Sheepy: Gil: I'll accept you being better than that brat who claims to be me. ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Ah, but I am the best one! I basically run this city! Sheepy: Gil: What!? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: (what the fuck is going on.) Sheepy: Gil: Th-That doesn't make you better! Sheepy: Gil: Enkidu chose me as his best friend, not you! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Enkidu... Every one of us were friends with him, zasshu! Sheepy: Gil: Yes, but he lives with me. ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: ... ... Fine, but I call second best. Sheepy: Gil:...And the brat too, I suppose.... but he's not Gilgamesh. ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Oh, shush. He's got less flaws than us. Sheepy: Gil: I don't remember being a child! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Me neither, but at least I know it happened! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, you admit weakness! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: If I'm second banana, there's gotta be something holding me down. Sheepy: Gil: Being a child at one point of your life means that you had flaws you needed to grow out of in order to become a man! Sheepy: Gil: I have been, and always will be, flawless. Sheepy: Gil: Therefore! I was never a child. ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: I guess yer just older, so you've got less of em. Sheepy: Gil: By less you mean none! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Same difference! ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Caster has sat up and is irritably looking at them. And then throws his (stone) tablet at them before going back to sleep* Sheepy: Gil:!? Sheepy: Gil: Don't throw things at us, you lazy old man! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Ey, fuck you too, Caster! *but he still retrieves the tablet* ArsĂ©-kun: *all the tablet says on it, in all capital letters, is "Shut up, you Prototype Mongrel, I'll have you do my next shift"* Sheepy: Gil: Don't insult him! He's second best! ArsĂ©-kun: Prototype Gil: Yeah! Yeah, I am! Sheepy: Kogil: You're all the same person so you're only competing in ego. Sheepy: Gil: Shut your trap, br- BRAT?! I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME! Sheepy: Kogil: Oops~ You kept Enkidu all to yourself for so long that I got lonely. Sheepy: Gil: Get your OWN friends, pup! Sheepy: Gil: He was my friend first! Sheepy: Kogil: You’re so mean, Goldie. Sheepy: Gil: Who invited you!? Not me! Sheepy: Kogil: You look different than Goldie. Are you another version of us? I’m Gil~ it’s nice to meet you! *He flashes a big, sweet smile* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Yeah, that's right, lil punk. I'm Prototype Gilgamesh. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: *he squats down to get a better look at Kogil* This is so damn surreal. Sheepy: Kogil: What is? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Y'don't get to see your older and younger selves in one day all that often, do ya? Sheepy: Kogil: Hmmm~ I can't say I've seen my younger self before, but I see Goldie every day. Sheepy: Gil: What do you mean, younger self? This kid's a fake. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: But we already talked about this, it's why I'm second banana to you! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: But hey, my city, my rules. If we're gonna bully anyone, we bully the old geezer! Sheepy: Gil: Old geezer? ArsĂ©-kun: *and Progil throws the tablet (stone) back at Casgil. Casgil.... Catches it and rolls over. ah.* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: That wasn't part of my plan at all. Sheepy: Kogil: Who's that? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: That's Caster Gil. He's old and he works all the time. Sheepy: Gil: Hah? As if I'd ever be a Caster! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: He's got more Noble Phantasms than you. Sheepy: Gil: ................ Sheepy: Gil: But I am stronger!!! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: True that! You nor I would manage to overwork ourselves to death! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, of course! ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu is lurking amidst the seats. They want to join the Gil Party, but he doesn't want to cause a fight.* Sheepy: Kogil: *He looks over at Enkidu and smiles. hello!* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: May I join you, my lords? Sheepy: Kogil: Please do! Sheepy: Gil: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: *he's staring at Enkidu. Give him a minute to process. It takes all Gils a minute to first process Enkidu.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu joins them, rustling Kogil's hair before latching onto Gil's arm. :) * Sheepy: Gil: *A beaming smile forms on his face. Excellent!!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Progil, meanwhile, has a mental slot machine running. What emotion should he be feeling right now? A whole lot!* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: ... Hey? What the fuck? Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: What's... What's all this?? Is he just arm candy for ya, zasshu?? *this is not why he's agitated, and everyone knows it.* Sheepy: Gil: No! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... I believe he is asking for a turn. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... Ah, I live with you two. A few minutes can't hurt. *and he transfers himself to Progil, who looks Thrilled* Sheepy: Gil: Hah. Fine! ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Minako and Andersen are just watching this from way further back. They've got binoculars. I don't know where these were obtained from. This is all unimportant* ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu takes a moment to glance back at Casgil, though. there is a disturbance in the force* ArsĂ©-kun: *the disturbance is a Gil having a bad dream. bad sight? whatever. As Enkidu, this is a thing he has been attuned to.* ArsĂ©-kun: *he doesnt even KNOW this Gil. This Gil is from after Enkidu's time.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: .... I know. Kogil? May I request a favor specifically from you? Sheepy: Kogil: Yes? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: As you would be the least of a disturbance, could you see how the Caster is faring? Sheepy: Kogil: Mhm! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you very much. Sheepy: *Kogil cheerfully skips over to Casgil. hello!* ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: *he's finally, actually awake, and looks fairly rattled- Which is odd to see on ANY Gilgamesh. He's holding his tablet close, like some sort of rock teddy bear. Once he sees Kogil, though, he changes to a more neutral expression* Can I help you..? Sheepy: Kogil: Hello, mister. You looked like you were having a nightmare~ ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: A nightmare? Don't be ridiculous. I don't get those. Visions, sure, but not nightmares. I've got no time for that. Sheepy: Kogil: Mmm. Well, perhaps that's what it was. You didn't look too great, anyway, so I woke you up. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Hah. Mind your business, prince. *but he pats kogil's shoulder and sits up.* Sheepy: Kogil: I'll make sure not to wake you in the future, then.. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: It is fine. I will permit it. *and he looks down towards the other Gils, and Enkidu* ... So all four of us are present? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: ... You don't need to answer that. It's as I expected, of course. I already knew we would all meet here. Sheepy: Kogil: You did? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: I did. The only thing I did not expect was... That. Sheepy: Kogil: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Enkidu's death made me who I am today. His being alive would undo that. Therefore, that must be Kingu and I am ignoring him. Sheepy: Kogil: Ah~ I didn't really think about it that way. Sheepy: Kogil: Enkidu is from after I existed, and him coming into my life represents when my transition between my current state and Goldie finally was complete. Sheepy: Kogil: So in a way, his existence marks the end of my existence. And yet, I've chosen to disregard that because I never actually got to meet him~ Sheepy: Kogil: I wouldn't know if he was Kingu, I'm sorry to say. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: An interesting way to put it.. Let us find out. ArsĂ©-kun: *and so, Casgil starts heading down to the field, using the stairs like a normal human being* Sheepy: *Wow! Kogil follows him.* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Oh, look who's finally joinin' us! Sheepy: Kogil: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: If the next thing out of your hormone-addled brain is "Do you need another nap, old man?", you'll be a smear on the wall. I don't have the time for this. Sheepy: Kogil: Time? Do you have a job? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Every one of you, unseal Sha Naqba Imuru. Don't ask questions. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: We're going to need it quite a bit. Sheepy: Gil: Why? Sheepy: Gil: It's distracting. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Don't be obnoxious. It is a very serious matter. Sheepy: Gil: If it was something worth knowing, I'd know it, wouldn't I? Sheepy: Kogil: But you wouldn't know it without enabling your skill.... Sheepy: Gil: Shut up, brat. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: The prince is entirely correct. Unless you don't mind watching that *he gestures to Enkidu* dying in the near future, I highly suggest you do what I said. Sheepy: Gil: *His smug grin fades, leaving a serious expression*... First of all. He's not a "that", he's my friend. Second of all: Are you threatening him? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: No. I am not that foolish. I am telling you a small part of the future that will occur if nothing is done. Sheepy: Gil: ...What? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: You heard me perfectly clear. Sheepy: Gil:....H-Hah.... Sheepy: Gil: And what can be done? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: If I was able to tell you, I would be doing so instead of having you do it yourself. Keep even those you barely care about close until it is over- I cannot say your loved ones, because you only have one. Sheepy: Gil: Hah. You say it like it's a bad thing! Sheepy: Kogil: People will only put up with your nasty behavior for so long until they begin to hate you. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Now, now, prince. Do not be as insulting as he is. Sheepy: Gil: Shut your trap, brat! ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Yell again and I'll knock you into next week, pup. Sheepy: Kogil: Ah~ Sorry. It was intended as an observation, but I can see how it could be insulting. Sheepy: Gil: Don't threaten me! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Please shut up. Sheepy: Gil: *He huffs but actually shuts up* ArsĂ©-kun: *a moment of silence, because every Gil shut their mouths* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he looks to Casgil* Am I only a "that" to you? Give me attention, Mage-king. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: ... I was avoiding this for a reason, Kingu- ArsĂ©-kun: *and Casgil is unceremoniously bashed into the ground by Enkidu and his quintuple-sized mud arm. Enkidu seems displeased.* Sheepy: Kogil:?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: :) I do not go by that name, for it is not mine. I will certainly combat you over this. Sheepy: Kogil: *He rushes to Casgil's side* Are you okay? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: 'm just peachy... *he's ok* Sheepy: Kogil: That's good. That looked painful. Sheepy: Gil: You deserved that. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Wuahaha! At this rate, you'll be muddier than Enkidu! ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Was that meant to be a King of Heroes joke...? Were we meant to laugh....?? Sheepy: Gil: .....? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ...... .......... That was bad. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Claiming anyone can be muddier than I is purely hyper-bole. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Do laugh, for that was a mud of the gods joke! Sheepy: Gil: ..................... Sheepy: Kogil: .................... Sheepy: *Gil laughs. Kogil pity laughs.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Casgil sighs. Progil just looks confused* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Hyperbole..? Bole being clay..? .... I'll stop speaking now. Sheepy: Kogil: Haha....? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: We're all really bad at this. Sheepy: Kogil: Bad at what? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Jokes. We're all awful at jokes. We're the kings of heroes, not of gaffs and giggles! Sheepy: Kogil:....Mmmm, not laughing at an unfunny joke doesn't make one bad at them. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: But how could one of us be funny if the rest aren't? Sheepy: Kogil: That's not important right now. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I suppose so, but what king wants to sit here and think about bad things for the remainder of the evening? ArsĂ©-kun: *aaaand then it was awkward* Sheepy: Kogil: I'd rather spend our time trying to figure out a solution. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: How do we do that with no idea what's gonna happen?? Sheepy: Kogil: If Goldie dies, that implies Big Sister is going to die as well~ I've grown really attached to her. Sheepy: Kogil: Goldie and you could do what Caster and I have already done. Figure out what's going to happen. Regroup. Sheepy: Gil: Or Caster could tell us what's going to happen. Sheepy: Kogil: Goldie~ If you're capable of doing something, do it yourself rather than making someone else do it for you. Sheepy: Gil: Silence, pup! No one asked for your opinion! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: He already said he couldn't explain! Are your ears full of gold? Sheepy: Gil: "He can't explain" is just a lousy excuse for not wanting to! ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu glances down at Casgil, who has... Gone back to sleep. Nice.* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Hey, wait a sec! What you've already done?? What'd you see, kiddo? Sheepy: Kogil:......Ah~ I spoke a bit too much. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Are you not gonna share?? Sheepy: Kogil: It'd be best if you found it out yourself. Sheepy: Gil: Speak, pup! Sheepy: Kogil: Woof. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Why, you..! Sheepy: Kogil: Learning is about doing things yourself. Sheepy: Kogil: If I have to bail you out every time just because I prepare accordingly, you'll never do it yourself. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he lowers himself to Kogil's level* And what of me, who cannot find out? Sheepy: Kogil: I can tell you~ ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Yes, please. Sheepy: Kogil: I know you'll just tell Goldie and his friend, but it's different. Friends help each other. Sheepy: Gil: As if I'd ever be friends with a brat like you! I'm a king, not some babysitter! Sheepy: *Kogil whispers to Enkidu what he saw.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ..... *his face doesn't change. Poker face* ....... Thank you for telling me. Sheepy: Kogil: You're welcome! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I am now going to repress that entire explanation and pretend I never heard it. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Then what was the point?? Sheepy: Gil: What! Why?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The data is corrupted. Retrying process. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: You took a perfectly good clay and gave it anxiety! Sheepy: Kogil: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I was.... Oh, fuck it! How bad is it? Sheepy: Kogil: Bad. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: How bad is bad? From one to train disaster? Sheepy: Kogil: Worse. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Worse than... Train disaster..? .... 9/11 bad? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: ... Better or worse than Enki? Sheepy: Kogil: Very bad. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: ..... ...... Does it make Ea look like a child's toy? Sheepy: Kogil: Maybe. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: What the fuck. Sheepy: Gil: Why. Didn't. You. Say. Anything? Sheepy: Kogil: You're always telling me to shut up so I expected the same reaction. Sheepy: Gil: When there's something serious, you SAY something! Sheepy: Kogil: You really are singing a different song now. Sheepy: Gil: Silence! Understand your crimes! Sheepy: Gil: You're lucky I'm not punishing you, mongrel! Sheepy: Gil: I'm going to wait until after your use is up to do that. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So what we've learned is to compare tragedies to his noble phantasm! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Could you perhaps tell us peasants what's so utterly disastrous so we may prepare for it? Or are you all going to continue being petty? Sheepy: Kogil: That's not a very nice way of referring to yourself. You're worth a lot~ please don't let Goldie diminish your view of your worth. Sheepy: Kogil: Ah....I suppose I should tell you. Sheepy: Kogil: I was really hoping to keep it from Goldie because I expected that reaction, but now he knows, so it won't hurt. Sheepy: Gil: It will hurt after I'm done with you! Sheepy: Kogil: *He describes what he saw.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: .................... Sheepy: Kogil: So now you know. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ..... I'm. ... I have no words. Pardon me. *and he exits scene, quickly* Sheepy: Kogil: *He's smiling sweetly, not saying a word.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: .... I believe he is being ill right now. Sheepy: Kogil: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I am unsure if I can replicate that function, but now would certainly be the time for it. Sheepy: Gil: ...? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I enjoy living. ArsĂ©-kun: *Another awkward silence, before a phone rings. Who ringing* ArsĂ©-kun: *It's Casgil's, and he's not getting it* Sheepy: *Gil picks it up.* Sheepy: *Gil answers it.* Sheepy: Gil: Hello? ArsĂ©-kun: Roman: It's the director. Return immediately-- We've got a problem! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, I think I've got a worse problem. Sheepy: Gil: "I" happen to be passed out after being slammed into the ground. This is the Archer speaking, not the Caster. Sheepy: Gil: I can try kicking him awake. ArsĂ©-kun: Roman: Do so! We don't have much time! Sheepy: *Gil kicks Casgil.* Sheepy: Gil: Wake up, you lazy bum! ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: ......... Onore! Sheepy: *Gil kicks Casgil again.* Sheepy: Gil: Answer your phone call, fool! It's for you! Don't make a disgrace out of my name! ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: *he takes his phone after he drags himself up, using Enkidu's big, stupid mud arm as leverage* ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: ...... mhmm.. .......! !! I was hoping to have a longer vacation, but so be it. I'll be there shortly. *he hangs up and opens the Gate of Babylon, leaning in to actively fetch something. 's faster.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Casgil retrieves a hat, which he puts on. He vanishes instantly. A few footsteps can be seen in the snow. Then he's gone* Sheepy: Gil: ...Why? Sheepy: Kogil: My hat... ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: We all have that hat, pup! Sheepy: Kogil; But isn’t our gate shared? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Exactly! We all own the contents! Sheepy: Kogil: That’s true, but... I like that hat... Sheepy: Gil: I don’t use it. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I want to. Sheepy: Gil: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Why not? Sheepy: Gil: A king’s most important aspect is his appearance ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: And that hat is pretty stylish! Sheepy: Gil: No one can see you when you wear it, idiot! Sheepy: Kogil: We need to come up with a plan to deal with- ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Who has to? I think I look good! Sheepy: Gil: Oh, shut up! Sheepy: Kogil: But what about- Sheepy: Gil: People need to see you or they’ll steal your throne! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Shut up! Sheepy: Gil: Don’t order me ar-guh! ...Ah. Enkidu. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: We'll protect ourselves tonight. If nothing occurs, we can meet up tomorrow morning and plan our defense. Sheepy: Kogil: Yes, good idea. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I suppose. I don't think it would happen tonight, but I'll keep an eye out. Sheepy: Gil: ...Hah, fine. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you for listening. Let us dismiss this talk- She's coming back. Sheepy: Gil: Fine. Sheepy: Kogil: ..... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: And so is- ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Youse men 're still 'ere? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Great. I thought abo't it. She w'ulnd't be able t'handle the news. N' I brought wine. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I was going to bring it up in the softest way possible, but I suppose we shant. Let us share a drink and be on our ways. Sheepy: Kogil: Let’s go back and then share a drink. Sheepy: Gil: Let’s share many drinks and go back. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Just don't drive afterwards. You wreck it, you fix it yourself! ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Enkidu has already gotten a bottle of wine from Andersen, ripped the cork out with his teeth, and chugging.* Sheepy: Gil: *He raises his eybrows* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: You'll get your turn, za. *he hands the bottle to Progil, over Kogil* ArsĂ©-kun: *Progil takes a small sip before handing it to Gil* Sheepy: Gil: *He conjures a wine glass from the Gates of Babylon, pours the wine into it, and drinks from the glass.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Gee, fancy. Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Just drink from the damn bottle like everyone else! Sheepy: Gil: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Because your ego is inflatin'. You're the bes' guy here becuz you have a cup, ooooooh. Sheepy: Gil: ...Maybe I don't want to share the same drinking spot as everyone else? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: The wine already touch'd it, tho. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So whas'the point? Sheepy: Gil: Cleanliness? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Fuck, whatever. Sheepy: Gil: I care. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I know you do. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Is the Gilsaholic meeting still going on?? *she is BACK from... Shopping, easily noted due to all the bags. And the shopping cart.* Sheepy: Kogil: I want to leave. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Me, too. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: .... ..... *♄* Sheepy: Kogil: ...........? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Uhm, excuse me? You're beautiful. Please go on a date with me. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *oxo??? How does she even respond to this?? She kinda just looks to Gil. Hjelp.* Sheepy: Gil: Stop being desperate. You can find better. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Can I? .. I mean, of course I can! Sheepy: Gil: Are you that lacking in self confidence? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I lost it somewhere. It's probably in some back alleyway, near "Nobody cares who I am" street. Sheepy: Gil: That's why you make them care! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Don't you think I've tried, zasshu? Sheepy: Gil: I don't think you've tried! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I'll give it another shot, but only because you know better. Sheepy: Gil: Of course I do! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Then I'll make those hating mongrels rue the day they cursed our name! Sheepy: Gil: Good! Sheepy: Kogil: ................ Sheepy: Kogil: But don't you want to become known as a good ruler rather than a tyrant? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Please don't hurt anyone too badly. You want respect, not hatred. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Can't you be a good ruler and still take names? ArsĂ©-kun: *in the bg, andersen climbs into the cart and goes to sleep there. real goddamn adult-like and classy* Sheepy: Kogil: A good ruler does not go after those who insult him. Sheepy: Kogil: Instead, he proves them wrong by doing good deeds no matter if he gets attention for it or not. Sheepy: Kogil: A selfless king is the way to go. Sheepy: Gil: A selfless king gets taken advantage of! Sheepy: Gil: A powerful king who knows both his place and the place of those who doubt him is the perfect king! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Do find a happy medium. These two will argue for the next year about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I'll figure something out! Sheepy: Gil: Good. Sheepy: Kogil: I hope you make a choice that you don't regret in the long run. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: But short term disappointments are okay? I'll remember that. Sheepy: Kogil: Of course! Sheepy: Kogil: Short term disappointments are how you learn and improve. Sheepy: Kogil: To run away from disappointment is to run away from life itself. Without occasional failure and disappointment, your accomplishments won't seem as great to you. Sheepy: Gil: Hah! Well, you talk big for a short disappointment! Sheepy: Gil: Wuhahahahahahahahahaha! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Will you two quit it for ten minutes..? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: You can go get started, though, mayor. Get your work done, and don't forget to take regular breaks. ArsĂ©-kun: *so Progil heads off on his own, and everyone else returns to a hotel room. Indoor heating is so good.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: This is much better. *and he sits on the radiator* Sheepy: Kogil: *He's thinking to himself silently. Gil is enjoying the warmth.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen is writing. Minako is sorting the bags and the contents.* Sheepy: Kogil: *This silence is uncomfortable.* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: ....? Sheepy: Kogil: ..................Master~ I have a question. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, yeah? What's up? Sheepy: Kogil: Do you have any, ah....... Sheepy: Kogil: Wishes that you haven't fulfilled yet? Life goals? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Eh? Uhm... It's, uh. It's still the same as before. Why..? Sheepy: Kogil: .............Ah, it's just... Sheepy: Kogil: Well, Master, please work hard and remember: wishes aren't everything~ they're just things to aspire to, but if you can't achieve them, that's OK. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, yeah, I get that. It happens all the time, unfortunately. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: ... I don't mean to me, though! Sheepy: Kogil: I just want to make sure you know that. Sheepy: Kogil: ................. *he goes back to staring at the floor silently...* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: .... You okay, Ko? Sheepy: Kogil: Ah, you know how it is. I just worry about my friends sometimes. Sheepy: Kogil: I think I'm going to try to sleep early~ Try not to miss me too much, okay? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: You're right here. I'm not going anywhere. Sheepy: Kogil: Yes. I know. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, but first... *she goes digging into a bag, and pulls out a white teddy bear* I got this for you! Sheepy: Kogil:......! Sheepy: Kogil: Thank you....! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: You're welcome! Oh, Gil, I got you stuff too! Sheepy: Gil: I will accept your sacrifices, mongrel! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Great, mutt! You're getting them whether you like them or not! Sheepy: Gil: Hahahaha! As if! Sheepy: *Kogil slinks off...* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she pulls out a small dagger in a nice sheathe* You said you were missing something like this? It was the, uh.. *and she trips over "Carnwennan" for the next five seconds* Sheepy: Gil: Yes, I was. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Then here you go! *she hands it over to him* Sheepy: *Gil snatches it and begins to inspect it.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it's a dagger.* Sheepy: Gil: ...Hah, it's nothing worth much. A common dagger at best. I'll accept such a cheap gift just this once, mutt. Sheepy: *...Gil appears pleased.* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Cheap? Cheap?? You don't know what cheap means, you mutt! *and she throws a big, balled up scarf at his face* Sheepy: Gil: -Ow! Sheepy: Gil: Define cheap and I'll tell you if it's right, mongrel! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: A shit gift you get because you can't be bothered to get something good! Snowglobes, socks, n' mugs! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: But you can share that with Mud! Sheepy: Gil: Fine. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Share it..? Is it long enough for that? Sheepy: Gil: Hah? The dagger? Probably not. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The scarf, za. Sheepy: Gil: ....The scarf? Maybe. Sheepy: Gil: You can have it if it doesn't. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I refuse. It's yours. Sheepy: Gil: I don't need it. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I can coat myself in warm fur if I need to. You cannot. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Therefore, I will regift it to you without fail. ArsĂ©-kun: *He gets off the heater and approaches Gil, taking the scarf to put on. It is Far Too Long, so he throws it on Gil too.* ArsĂ©-kun: *During this, Andersen shuts his book and throws himself at the bed. He's so done* Sheepy: Gil: Fine. ArsĂ©-kun: *And then Enkidu tugs on Gil's end of the scarf. Hey. Hey, you* Sheepy: Gil: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: :) ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he gets close to Gil, lowering his voice* If we need time for you to use your clairvoyance, it'd be best we got it over with now rather than later. Sheepy: Gil:...I suppose so. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: If anything happens, I'll protect you with everything I have, my lord. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: You come first, no questions asked. ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu then drags Gil by the scarf to bed, and lays next to him, lightly purring until Gil falls asleep* - *A single flash, and the hotel room freezes over.  Can't move. So cold. Sobbing. Crack. Crack. Flash. White halls, rushing through. Faceless masses, covering themselves. Flash. Snow-covered mountains. Flash. Ice storm, rippling across a city. Nothing withstands it. Flash. Bodies being thrown into the air as streets are ripped apart. They hit the broken ground and instantly shatter. Flash. The world is spinning as Master dies. A faceless child succumbs to the cold and fades away. Flash. Where is he? Falling towards the throne, watching an unmoving clock. Tick, tick. The clock starts moving at a rapid speed. His fall stops and he is jolted upwards. Tick, tick. Flash. His friend's frozen form, stuck in it's mournful pose, shatters. Tick, tick. The streets are silent and clear. A car hits a pole. Tick, tick. Being carried through calm white halls. Tick, tick. The hotel room is tore apart, debris flying before this, too, stops. Tick, tick. He wakes up in the hotel room with nothing amiss. The others are asleep and no one is harmed. He hears the clock ticking. He looks at the clock. There are no clock hands. A surge of nausea washes through him. The sun shines into the room. It's too hot. The hotel room melts away from the heat. Tick, tick, tick, tock goes the clock. He wakes up.* - Sheepy: *Gil shoots up, hyperventilating and sweating. Shaking and nauseous.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Is this real life? Or is this, too, another layer of the vision?* Sheepy: Gil: *He attempts to shakily stand.* ArsĂ©-kun: *He is able to do so! With control over his motions, it can be confirmed that he is Awake.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and alone. In his own room, at the house.* ArsĂ©-kun: *His room is in its normal, neat and clean state. There are no peopl-Enkidu suddenly barrels into the room, slamming the door open* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: You've finally woken up! I've been.... waiting.... *his smile fades as he looks at Gil's face* ... Are you okay, Gilgamesh..? Sheepy: Gil: I saw something. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: It was that bad..? Sheepy: Gil: ....Horrible... Sheepy: Gil: ...and cold. It's so cold. Sheepy: Gil: L-like something like that is going to happen....!! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Indeed. We are still here, are we not..? *he puts an arm around Gil, slowly, unsure if he should* Sheepy: Gil:....How did I end up here...? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I don't know. Sheepy: Gil:...What? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I. Do not know. How we got here. As far as I am aware, we are the only ones who were displaced like this. Sheepy: Gil:..... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Not that I am complaining. Nothing of value was lost. Sheepy: Gil:....Things were lost? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Probably? I haven't asked. I've only been with you and the young prince. Sheepy: Gil: You've seen him? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Yes. Sheepy: Gil: And? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: He's been... Violently ill all morning. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I'd like to say he saw something similar to you. Sheepy: Gil: Ah. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Shall we get you food, so you do not have the same fate as the prince? Sheepy: Gil: ....I suppose so ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Then we will, za! Sheepy: Gil: *He stands back up, stumbling briefly* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he shifts himself to help support Gil* Just ask if you need anything. Sheepy: Gil: I will. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Okay. Lets go, friend. Sheepy: *The two go to get food!* ArsĂ©-kun: *the long and arduous journey is not interrupted by Anyone, and Gil obtains Food and Drink. Where the hell is everyone.* Sheepy: Gil: Where is everyone? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Living room.... Except the prince and two others, they're nearby. .... And two are not in range. Sheepy: Gil: "In range"? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I'm not detecting them at all. Sheepy: Gil: Which ones? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The wizard and the detective are both absent. Sheepy: Gil: ...Hm. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I have been informed that they were both present prior to last night, as well. So either they went out early this morning or.... Sheepy: Gil: ................ Sheepy: Gil: Suspicious. Sheepy: Gil: That wizard and that detective- both of them are suspicious. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The wizard I could understand- He may just be hidden for whatever reason. The detective does not have this advantage. Sheepy: Gil: .......... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: But it is still worrying. Sheepy: Gil: What are they plotting? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: What are they..? We don't know if they are. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Perhaps someone else knows? Or should we try to find out ourselves? Sheepy: Gil: ...Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Yes to which? Sheepy: Gil: To the last part. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Shall we... Do what we were asked not to do? Sheepy: Gil: What do you mean? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I mean, didn't he forbid you from looking at his diary? Sheepy: Gil: ...Hah. Who cares. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Not I. I want answers. Sheepy: Gil: Of course! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Let us be off. Sheepy: Gil: *He heads to Merlin's room.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu follows him* ArsĂ©-kun: *and in the middle of the room, on the floor, is Merlin's diary. The floor around it is wet for some reason.* Sheepy: Gil: ...............? Sheepy: Gil: *He strolls over to the diary and snatches it* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he goes over and.... sniffs the floor. Enkidu.* Smells like the titanic. Cold and salty. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he gets back up* Wait, no. The titanic was the ship. I messed it up. Sheepy: Gil: *He starts flipping through the pages* Yes, yes it is. ArsĂ©-kun: *he quickly finds yesterday's date. "yesterday's".* ArsĂ©-kun: *most of the page is complaining. An awful thing was supposed to happen, but there was no sign of it? what was he worrying for? ... immediately followed by panicked scribbling. It quickly stops being legible* Sheepy: Gil: ............ ArsĂ©-kun: *turn the page?* ArsĂ©-kun: *The next page is written in an entirely different hand, but it only mentions that Merlin was too occupied to write anything. Only at the bottom does Merlin's handwriting come in, and all it says is "They're dead and that's all you had to say?!"* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he leans in and sniffs* Detective. Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: This page smells like the detective. He wrote this, or handled it. Sheepy: Gil: So they're together at least. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Perhaps. Lets keep going. ArsĂ©-kun: *the next page is dated as "today", and is written by Merlin again, detailing.... How most of the planet has been frozen over... And that there were only a few survivors...* Sheepy: Gil:...Lies! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Little Gil reported visions of freezings both yesterday and today... Sheepy: Gil: But we're still here. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: We are... Is there more? Sheepy: Gil:...What? Sheepy: Gil: You said everyone is in the other room. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: No... *he goes to turn the page. there is an entry dated tomorrow. what.* Sheepy: Gil:.....?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: .... *he takes out his phone and checks the date* ......... Gil? Sheepy: Gil:...What? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: My phone says its October. Sheepy: Gil: What.... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... Maybe it's just mine? Sheepy: *Gil takes his phone out* ArsĂ©-kun: *it, too, claims it is the middle of October.* Sheepy: Gil: What?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: How?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: This doesn't make any sense! *he flips the journal forward by a bunch of pages. Entry is dated the middle of march. What.* Sheepy: Gil:.... Sheepy: Gil: H...hah...it's just a prank... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I hope so. Let us present this to the others so that we do not have to worry about it alone. Sheepy: Gil:...Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Okay. Sheepy: *Gil starts looking for the others.* ArsĂ©-kun: *they are found exactly where Enkidu stated: Satoru's living room. Angra is blocking the way in.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Move, I'm gay. *he shoves Angra out of the doorway* ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen looks up at Gil and his eyes widen. Nods, zips his lips, and looks away.* Sheepy: *Lobo looks up and snarls* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Don't you speak to us in that tone of voice! Sheepy: Lobo: *He makes a snapping motion and growls.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: *he looks up from his crocheting and hisses* Heel, Lobo, before I take your tail off. Sheepy: Lobo: *He bares his teeth at Vlad.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: I'll knock them all out if you use them on me! Sheepy: Lobo: *He snaps at Vlad and lets out a mix of a whimper and a snarl.* ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: Oh, shut the hell up. Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrrr! Sheepy: Rider: *He is cleaning his blade...* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she turns to face them* Oh, you're here! ... Whatcha got, Gil? Sheepy: Gil: A diary. Sheepy: Gil: What day is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: October 20th, apparently.. It was just January, right? And we're not all going nuts? Sheepy: Gil: Exactly. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: That's what we were wondering too. But this diary has... Entries daily from then. It's also wet for some reason. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... It's Merlin's. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ...... And upon a quick peek, we can safely say Sherlock was with him. Sheepy: Gil: Why, I wonder. Sheepy: Bedi: M-Merlin...you've seen him!? Sheepy: Gil: No. Sheepy: Bedi: I need to look for him! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Woah, woah, woah, buddy! Sit down. If even you can't get to him, maybe he doesn't want to be found! Sheepy: Bedi: I need to-! Sheepy: Lobo: *He howls angrily.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Lobo, shut up! Sheepy: Lobo: *He stands and fluffs up a bit to make himself look larger* ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Great pomeranian impression. Sheepy: Lobo: ....! Sheepy: Lobo: *He huffs and sits down, setting his glare on Moriarty * ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Don't you look at me like that. Sheepy: Lobo: *He averts his gaze and focuses on one of the bear traps on his legs. He tugs at it briefly before Rider lightly hits his nose. No* Sheepy: Bedi: He’s probably at Chaldea. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Most likely. Sheepy: Bedi: So we should go find him. Sheepy: Yan: We don’t need to! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he looks up* Why don't you tell us? Sheepy: Yan: Tell you what? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Where he is. Why are you even here?! Sheepy: Yan: Because I like it here? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You don't live here! When did you even- How did you get here? Sheepy: Yan: I walked. Sheepy: Yan: You need to chill out~ what’s all the fuss about? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You're from Chaldea, so you know exactly what's going on! Sheepy: Yan: Hah? But your Master works with Chaldea. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Sure, but she doesn't live there. Sheepy: Yan: If she doesn’t know, why should you? Hehehe~ Sheepy: Yan: It’s a secret. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: We've got Merlin's diary. Sheepy: Yan: Then what do you need from me? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: It's simpler to hear it from you than to dig through many entries. Sheepy: Yan: You don’t even want to work for your knowledge? Sheepy: Yan: Hmhmhm~ Fine. Sheepy: Yan: If the world ended during your sleep, how would you ever know? This entire conversation could be a dream. ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu looks at Gil* Sheepy: Gil: .... Sheepy: Yan: But it’s not a dream. Sheepy: Yan: Thank Chaldea for that. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: So that actually did happen.. Sheepy: Yan: Yup! ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu shifts closer to and looks up at Gil* Sheepy: Gil: *He's horrified.* Sheepy: Yan: We saved everything. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Not you!! Sheepy: Yan: Awww... Sheepy: Gil: .......*sigh* I had a dream about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... That does explain a lot. To rattle both of the golden kings? Terrible. Sheepy: Gil: Both? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You and Kogil, though the Pharaoh isn't happy either. Sheepy: Gil: Hah. The kid isn't a king. Stop saying that. Sheepy: Gil: ...Anyway, I'm not surprised Ozymandias is upset. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: *he pops his head in* We're all upset about this! Sheepy: Gil: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: And while I get that it happened, how did it? It doesn't make any sense! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: It was... *he takes the diary and flips through it* Powerful magics and human stagnation. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... I have no idea what that means. Sheepy: Gil: Nor do I. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Wait. *he puts the diary down and looks towards the door* Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The detective is coming. Sheepy: Gil: ....! ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: It's about time. Sheepy: *The door handle jiggles. An attempt at unlocking the door is made. The door handle jiggles. An attempt at unlocking the door is made. There's a single thump at the door - a pathetic attempt at knocking at the door. One last time, an attempt is made- and succeeds. Sherlock stumbles in exhaustedly into the house, dropping his key and leaving the front door open. His clothes are wrinkled-obviously worn for a while. His hair is a mess and dark rings have formed under his eyes since the last time he'd been seen by the group. He trudges towards the couch before collapsing halfway onto it. ... He's already fallen asleep...* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I can't believe he's fucking dead. Sheepy: Bedi: Mer-...ah. No, it's not. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Unfortunately. *he leans over to check Sherlock's pulse. not out of concern or anything. No dying on his property!!* Sheepy: *Sherlock is indeed still alive!* ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: *hm. he picks up the diary himself and starts to read it. just in case* Sheepy: Satoru: *He gives it one curious glance before returning his attention to his coloring book.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Everyone's comms go off!! Chaldea message, chaldea message!* Sheepy: Bedi:!! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she opens her compact com the fastest, turning the volume up* I got it! Sheepy: Satoru: *He presses it* We didn't order a pizza. You have the wrong number. ArsĂ©-kun: *Sorry, Satoru, it's a prerecorded video message. Play?* Sheepy: Satoru: *He plays it* Sheepy: Satoru: *???????* ArsĂ©-kun: Magi☆Mari: Good afternoon, Masters and Servants! As the Director is currently occupied, I have decided to record this message myself! Here goes!! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, I found Merlin in my watch. Sheepy: Bedi: *!!!* ArsĂ©-kun: Magi☆Mari: Due to forseen circumstance, we have been fighting off dire threats for the previous months that seriously endangered us, but we won! Hooray! Everyone is okay! *she cheers a bit* As a side effect, it seems we've missed the summer months, but please do not fret! The next week should still have those warm temperatures you crave so much! Sheepy: Bedi:...... Sheepy: *Satoru goes back to coloring while the message plays.* ArsĂ©-kun: Magi☆Mari: That's all the time I have for this announcement, so please send any questions you may have in for next week, where they will be answered in a QnA panel! ArsĂ©-kun: *the message ends* Sheepy: Bedi: But he didn't say if he was at Chaldea still...or if he needs help...or anything... ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Let us assume that he is still ther- ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: He's in range. Sheepy: Yan: You should try these mini muffins I found in your pantry. They're really good!...Mmmm? Oh, the wizard's back? Sheepy: Yan: Eh, I'll save these for him! Sheepy: Bedi: Where is he, do you know!? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Coming towards the house. That way. *he points* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: My muffins! Sheepy: *Before Yan can grab him, Bedi shoots out of his chair and rushes outside* ArsĂ©-kun: *and Minako lunges for her mini muffins* Sheepy: Yan: Hey! Those are the wizard's! Sheepy: Yan: You can have a few but not all of them! Sheepy: Yan: Sure, you bought 'em, but I ate 'em first! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Ooooh, why, you..! Sheepy: Yan: Ehehehehe! *A mischievous grin spreads across his face* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ...... *he's trudging towards the house, dragging his staff behind him. He looks far worse than he did in the announcement, with eye rings rivaling Sherlock's and his hair resembling the plant life of an untamed jungle. He's just staring at the ground as he goes* Sheepy: Bedi: M-Merlin! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Bedi... *he looks up, tearing up* Bedivere..! Sheepy: Bedi: You-you look terrible! What happened....!? *He hugs Merlin tightly* Are you okay?! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'm just tired... *he kinda just drops on Bedi* 've been working... Months now..... Sheepy: Bedi: H-here, let me bring you inside! *He lifts Merlin up bridal style (rather than bedi's usual style of sack of potatoes) and carries him indoors, glancing around for a place for him to lie down* I can take you to your bed. Do you want that? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Aye. It's... Safer that way. .... 'lo, Master. Sheepy: Eiji: Uh...uh.... Sheepy: Eiji:.......... Sheepy: Eiji: T-try to, uh....yyou know...feel better soon... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Thanks..! Sheepy: *Eiji turns his gaze back to the floor and Bedi carries Merlin to his room, placing him in bed* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ..... *he holds onto Bedi's arm, drowsily looking up at him* Stay please... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Haven't... Seen you in months........ or been with anyone..... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Toldja.... .. Toldja I was loy-al.... *he gives Bedi a lopsided, dopey smile* ... 'id it for you... Sheepy: Bedi: Of course I'll stay! Sheepy: Bedi: Please try to sleep. I'll be with you the entire time. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he hums, sliding his hand down to Bedi's as he gets comfortable. He's out in seconds.* Sheepy: *Bedi, as he said he would, stays with Merlin* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yo, you filthy animals! Sheepy: Lobo: *grrrrrr* Sheepy: Bedi: .......? What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I came! *intended pause* To you! To deliver this wet ass book! *And he tosses the diary to Bedi* ArsĂ©-kun: *plwap.* Sheepy: Bedi: ....! Sheepy: *Bedi catches it and places it down on the nightstand* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you....now, please be quiet. He's trying to sleep. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *surprisingly, he lowers his voice* Yeah, yeah. *he does a 180­­°, picking up one of Lobo's chains as he does* C'mon, pup, lets go harass the golden boys. Sheepy: Lobo: *He grunts in response, turning to head out* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: -- And! And we could get some of those spooky games, too! Oooh, I can barely wait! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Oh, oh, and we need lots and lots of candy! Sheepy: Lobo: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: ?? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: I'm so ready! Lets take some virgins, kill the skeletons, become king of halloween! Sheepy: Lobo: ...........Rrrrrrrr! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Lets change the order a bit! Take some skeletons and kill some virgins! Sheepy: Lobo: !!! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You wanna get some skellys, Lobo? Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Then lets just do it! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Fuck it! World almost ended? Who cares! Lets go break some bones! Sheepy: Lobo: *He licks Angra's face* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Thank you! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Lets get Rider and go! Sheepy: *Lobo starts hunting around for Rider.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Riiiii-der! We're gonna go beheading without youuuu! Sheepy: Rider: *He appears behind Angra.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Is he not coming? Sheepy: *Lobo stares past Angra at Rider* Sheepy: *Rider grabs Angra's shoulder.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Wh- *and he shrieks* Sheepy: Lobo: *He scratches an itch, uncaring about the situation, as Rider imitates laughter.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz, meanwhile, just laughs at Angra* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Y'know what? Fine, I deserved that! Sheepy: Rider: ........."Yes, you did." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: And always will! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Maaaaster! Where you at? Sheepy: Rider: "He hasn't moved since the last time you saw him." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: He tryin' to get fat and lazy? *but he heads to the living room anyway* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Master, me n' Lobo are gonna go crack some skellys. That okay with you? Sheepy: *Eiji has joined him in coloring since earlier. But that's irrelevant.* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *THAT IS NOT IRRELEVANT* Sheepy: Eiji:...Y-your sky is red? And your lion is purple... Sheepy: Satoru: It's not a lion. It's a lobo. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Ah, I see now. It was an easy mistake to make. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Well, your lobo is coming along quite well, Satoru. Sheepy: Satoru: Thanks. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: You're welcome. And how are you doing, Eiji? Sheepy: Eiji:....Ah...*He hasn't gotten very far...* Uh... ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: It's something, sonny. Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh...well. Y-yes. I guess. Someth-thing... ArsĂ©-kun: *Local grandpa has a lightbulb appear over his head. He Think* Sheepy: *Eiji's movements are slow, clumsy, and labored. The artist that once would put his feelings on paper no longer did: one could say it's because he can't, but perhaps it's more accurate to say thay he doesn't need to. That rare smile says more than any picture would.* Sheepy: Satoru: Blanca is orange, right? ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Well, no, but you wouldn't be able to see her if you used white. Sheepy: Satoru: Blanca can be an invisible dog. Sheepy: Satoru: Just like Lobo does sometimes. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Sure, why not. Sheepy: Eiji: Lobo does...what...? Sheepy: Satoru: Sometimes Lobo turns invisible and other times he goes through walls. Sheepy: Eiji: *FEAR* ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Both events are awful. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: ... And sometimes there is a third party. This, too, is awful. Sheepy: Eiji:...R...really...? Sheepy: Eiji: H-he...hates me...so...is th-there a chance.... Sheepy: Satoru: He won't hurt you. Lobo doesn't hurt people. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo just growls because he hates you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Lobo hates everyone. Except when he doesn't, apparently. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Why're we still standin' here with two old guys and the Master? C'mooon, lets go kill some shit. Sheepy: Lobo: *He picks up Angra by the back of his...shirt, if he has one. Otherwise, rip Angra. He then begins to stroll outside.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz grabs onto Rider's sleeve and drags him along. Lets go, lets go, lets go* Sheepy: *Rider follows.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Lets cut through the woods, it's faster and there's less people! Sheepy: Lobo: !!! Sheepy: Lobo: *He rushes towards the woods.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Hey, wait up, puppy! Sheepy: Lobo: *He slows* ...? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *and she catches up* Don't leave me and Rider behind! Sheepy: Lobo: ........... Sheepy: *Lobo stops and waits.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he just crosses his arms. One day he'll be put down* Sheepy: Lobo: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You gonna keep carrying me? Sheepy: Lobo: *He drops Angra* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra lands on his ass* Sheepy: *Lobo steps over Angra and over to Rider, who hops onto his back.* Sheepy: Lobo: *Boof* Sheepy: *Lobo turns and begins to head to the forest once more.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and everyone follows him. He knows where he's goin'* ArsĂ©-kun: *but is the trip there uninterrupted? or are they stopped for any reason?* ArsĂ©-kun: *the trip is... *spins roulette wheel* Uninterrupted!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Welcome to skeleton hell! Welcome to skeleton hell! They're all lookin' at the party! Welcome to skeleton hell!* Sheepy: *Lobo's tail is wagging!* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Go get'em, Lobo! Sheepy: *Lobo chases down skeletons, Rider hacking at any that get close to Lobo's side.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz throws Angra into some skellys like a bowling ball before jumping in herself. Hello, naughty piggies, would you like a concert? ~â™Ș* ArsĂ©-kun: *and they, minus Angra, absolutely devastate the skeleton population. Angra has settled for taunting skeletons into doing stupid things and laughing at them* Sheepy: *Good!* ArsĂ©-kun: *and they gather quite the pile of bones!* Sheepy: Rider: "....What do we do with these?" Sheepy: *Lobo is chewing on one...* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Bring em home with us! You never know what a good bone can do! Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo will probably claim them all." ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: He gets the bones of what he killed~♫ Sheepy: Lobo: *He doesn't care about the conversation. All ofhis feelings of rage have briefly been extinguished through the outlet of murdering skeletons. Everything is good. Everything is fine.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and no demons spawned this time. Thankfully?* Sheepy: Rider:"What will we put the bones in?" ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *she pauses, having not thought that far ahead* I could get a bag for them? Sheepy: Rider: "Yes, do that." ArsĂ©-kun: *she runs off. and then she returns...... a while later, with the bag, but also more bags. She DID have shopping planned and she had no chaperone* Sheepy: Lobo: Rrr? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Bone bag delivery! Sheepy: Lobo:! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: So now weâ™Ș *she puts the bag down* Put them in the bag, and you can carry it! Sheepy: Lobo:....?! Sheepy: *Lobo sticks his nose in the bag.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it's empty right now, silly.* Sheepy: *Lobo whines.* Sheepy: *Rider has begun picking up bones to put in the bag.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Some bones are mysteriously levitated into the bag, as well. Hello, Jack!* Sheepy: Lobo: *He lifts himself up and tries to lick Jack. Hello! I love you friend!!!* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: *OH GOD WHY* Sheepy: Lobo: *Boof* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: I can't see now, you big lump..! *and he wipes his face off with Rider's coat* Sheepy: Rider:.... Sheepy: Lobo: *Whine* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Yeah, yeah. *he pats Lobo's snout* Sheepy: *Lobo wags his tail excitedly. Attention from invisible friend!!* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: ???????????????????? Sheepy: Rider: *He puts the bones he's holding in the bag and begins picking up more.* Sheepy: Lobo: *He attempts to nuzzle Jack.* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Watch it..! *he has to take a step back to avoid falling over. While he himself isn't visible, his steps are. The bit of wolf saliva and fur also betray his location.* Sheepy: Lobo: *Whine* Sheepy: Lobo: *He sits down and huffs* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *she flaps over, squinting* Where's the guy, Lobo? Sheepy: Lobo: *Whiiiiiine* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Whaaaaat? Sheepy: Lobo: *He stares in the general direction of Jack.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz feels for him. She's eventually met with an "God, no!" and a push away* Sheepy: Lobo: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: The last thing we want is a semi-visible vampire dragon whacham'callit! Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrr.... Sheepy: *Rider has been cleaning up the bones meanwhile.* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Rrrrr! Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrrrrrr! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: No, you! Sheepy: Lobo: Bawuff!! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: No, it's you! Sheepy: Lobo: Ruff!!! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: It can't be me! It's you! Sheepy: Lobo:.....!!!!! Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrrr! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: What? It's Rider? Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: *Rider has finished putting the bones into the bag!* Sheepy: Rider: "I am the best boy." Sheepy: Lobo: *He grunts in approval. Good!* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Dibs on the worst boy! Sheepy: Lobo:....*He's okay with this!* Sheepy: *Lobo picks up the bag and Rider hops onto his back.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Jack follows* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz picks her bags back up and takes point on heading the team home. Angra lags behind to goof off.* Sheepy: *Eventually, the group makes it home!* Sheepy: *Lobo drops the bag in the yard and starts sniffing around.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it smells like yard.* Sheepy: Lobo: *Boring.* Sheepy: Lobo: *He starts digging a hole.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Burying your bones? Sheepy: Lobo: *He grunts* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: *he sticks his head out of the doggie door. (Never mind that literally no one can USE that other than Merlin, probably.) What's this? OWO?* Sheepy: Lobo: *Stare* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: *stare* Sheepy: Lobo: *He pulls the bag of bones closer to himself and snarls* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: *he pulls his head back in and opens the door. What was the point, Proto Cu?* Where'd you get all those?? Sheepy: Lobo: ..... Sheepy: Rider: “We stole them from skeleton.” ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: That's all one skeleton?? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Move it, wolfman, I've got stuff! *and she... waits for Proto to move so she can go inside with her 1000 bags* Sheepy: Lobo: *He watches Proto closely.* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: ? Sheepy: *Lobo is going to guard his bones!* Sheepy: Rider: "We got them from different skeletons." Sheepy: Rider: "Skeletons. Plural." ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: Oooh, that makes more sense. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "Did anything happen while we were gone?" ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: Uhhh, not that I can think of! Sheepy: Rider: "I see." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he jumps into the hole to get his bones. He needs some of those!* Sheepy: Lobo: ?! Sheepy: *Lobo snarls.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: They weren't all yours, you big bully! Sheepy: Lobo: !? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'm taking mine and fucking right off! *which he does, taking the smallest bones for himself, and one to throw at Proto at mach three.* ArsĂ©-kun: *which proto easily catches. bone!* Sheepy: Lobo: *He doesn't bother chasing it, instead kicking dirt into the hole* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: At least let me get out first!! Sheepy: Lobo: *He stops* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra easily hops out of the hole* ArsĂ©-kun: *hoorray* ArsĂ©-kun: *And then everyone went back inside* Sheepy: *Sherlock is still fast asleep with his face planted in the sofa. Kintaro and Bear are watching a documentary on bears.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz plants a little top hat on Bear. Beautiful.* Sheepy: *Bear gives Liz a curious expression before turning her attention back to her bear soap opera.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and Kintaro gets a matching hat. Flawless.* Sheepy: Kintaro: A-ain't this a lil' flashy for a biker like me? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Hmmm... *she thinks about this for a solid minute, before pulling out edgy fake tattoos. You know, with skulls and edgy patterns.* Sheepy: Kintaro: What're those? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Fake tattoos! They come off in, like, a week? Sheepy: Kintaro: Boss said I couldn't get tattooes. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Ehhhh? Not even fake ones? Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh...! Sheepy: Kintaro: Mo-Boss'll kill me. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Mo-Boss? Sheepy: Kintaro: Boss! Sheepy: *Lobo plops down next to Bear.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *she's digging through a bag. Ah, here's what she wanted! Fake gold bling. It's got a pumpkin on it* Sheepy: Kintaro: ...! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: How golden is this one, Mr. Golden? Sheepy: Kintaro: It's not real but it's still golden thoughtful of you! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: (owo)b Sheepy: Kintaro: Thanks, lady! ArsĂ©-kun: *and Liz runs off to distribute more treats! Who can hate free stuff?* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Satoru! I've got a treat for you-uuu! Sheepy: *It takes a moment for Satoru to appear, but he peeks in* Sheepy: Satoru:? ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz gives him the fake fangs* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: So you can spook Uncle Vlad! Sheepy: Satoru: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Or be closer to him? Sheepy: Satoru: How? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: You can dress up as a vampire so you can be like him! Sheepy: Satoru: ..............?! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: I bet he'd love it! Sheepy: Satoru:......! Sheepy: Satoru: How do I dress up as one? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he yanks a tablecloth off a table. the tables' contents dont move* Cape incoming! *and he ties it around satoru's neck loosely* Sheepy: Satoru: It's a tablecloth. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It's a cape if you use your iiiiimmmmagination! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: It's a cape-lcloth! Sheepy: Satoru: But we need this, right? The table will wake up and eat me at night if it doesn't have it. Sheepy: Satoru: It's a blanket to keep the table happy and warm while it slumbers for eternity. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Tables don't eat people unless their possessed, silly! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: They don't! Sheepy: Satoru: But....! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I would pay my left leg to watch that though. Sheepy: Satoru: But he said... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Who? Who said it? I'll kill 'em for you. Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Aw, I can't kill him! He's part dragon god! I'll go... Ask where he heard that, then! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra exits scene, not yet pursued by bear* Sheepy: Kintaro: Bear! Bear! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *what's happening in this thread?* Sheepy: *They're still watching the bear documentary.* Sheepy: Bear: *She looks over, still wearing the top hat* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Hiah, bear! Sheepy: Bear: *bear noises* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he drapes himself onto Kintaro, like some sort of retarded cape.* Howdy Sheepy: Kintaro: It's...eh... Sheepy: Kintaro: You. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It's me, Angry Man. *he pokes Kintaro's face* You tell Master tables eat people? Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh? Did I... Sheepy: Kintaro: Only if they're woken up! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: How do you wake up a table?? Sheepy: Kintaro: By removing its blanket! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Ooh, so is that why every table down 'ere has one? Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It'd be a shame if a table didn't have one then, huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: A real downer, a damned shame. Sheepy: Kintaro: ? Sheepy: Kintaro: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Why what? Why would it be bad? Because then we'd have an angry table! Sheepy: Kintaro: Of course! But...what I mean is, why wouldn't one have it? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh, I borrowed a table blanket to give Satoru a cape. Sheepy: Kintaro: !!! Sheepy: Kintaro: Th-the table's going to wake up! Sheepy: Kintaro: That's not golden at all! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he looks at the table* ... Looks pretty chill to me. Sheepy: Kintaro: it's waiting. Sheepy: Kintaro: It's waiting for us to sleep... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: But then the vamps are up! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes, but...not even Vlad can handle it. Sheepy: Kintaro: And, well, he's the poster child for vampires, yeah? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well, duh. *he looks at the table again. it's a fucking table. whoo hoo.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'll throw somethin' on it for now, then. *he gets off of Kintaro to take off his stupid skirt thing. Thankfully, he has shorts on under it, but even those don't have any distinct features. life of being angra. and then he throws his skirt thing on the table. issue solved* Sheepy: Kintaro: Good. Sheepy: Kintaro: 'Cause the table told me it'll get cold, yeah? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he pauses and fully registers what was said* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Wait, what. Sheepy: Kintaro: That's what the table said. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: That's wicked. Sheepy: Kintaro: Haven't you heard it say that? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: No? Sheepy: Kintaro: ?! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Perhaps because it was already covered, that it did not speak up. Sheepy: Kintaro: Oh! That's a golden good point! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well, good to know! I'll relay this to Master now~ Sheepy: Kintaro: Chief is probably worried about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: He was! That's why I came here and asked. Sheepy: Kintaro: Good! He's learning caution! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: And with that, he'll be a better driver! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! Sheepy: Lobo: *He's staring at the table* Sheepy: Bear: *She's grooming herself.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra decides to Inspect the Table.* Sheepy: *What's the table doing?* ArsĂ©-kun: *it's being a fucking table, what did you expect?* Sheepy: *Nothing!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra goes to open the drawer. Any goodies? Is it valuable? Is it breathing ever so slightl-wait* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :0 Sheepy: *Lobo lifts his ears curiously* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: .... That's quite enough of this! *and he pulls Angra away* Lets not bother it, now. Sheepy: Lobo: ???? Sheepy: *Lobo hesitantly approaches the table.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it looks like a ta-ble, and it smells like one tooâ™Ș* Sheepy: Lobo: ................... Sheepy: *Lobo hesitantly pokes at it* ArsĂ©-kun: *the table creaks a little. it is a table* Sheepy: *Lobo huffs and turns away from it, visibly bored.* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Oh, I hear Satoru. Sheepy: Lobo: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Less fortunately, the lizard as well. Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrrrrrrr! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Hellooo, little piggies! Oh, Mr. Mo, I've got something for you, too! *... and she resumes the bag digging.* Sheepy: *Lobo struts over and sticks his snout into one of her bags* ArsĂ©-kun: *it smells like plastic and Liz.* Sheepy: Lobo: *He huffs angrily. Boring!* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *she bops Lobo's snoot* You got your bones! You don't need my bags, too! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Satoru? I hear you from here. What in the world are you wearing that keeps clinking? Sheepy: *Satoru strolls in wearing a halloween costume.* Sheepy: Satoru: I'm pretty. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: You're quite pretty. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: You're so pretty that my eyes are going deaf. Sheepy: Satoru: Your eyes are going death.. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: That is not what I said. Sheepy: Satoru: I wanted to be a vampire. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Speaking of death! ArsĂ©-kun: *and Liz chucks a costume bag at Mozart. He catches it and examines it. Grim Reaper costume......* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Death march! Sheepy: Lobo: *He sniffs at it* Sheepy: Satoru: Death eyes. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: If I were a reaper and made of iron, would I be Death Metal? Sheepy: Satoru: No! Sheepy: Satoru: You'd be Mozart. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Oh, that's good to know. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Oh, right! *she pulls out a box* Mr. Golden, can you give this to Clown? I couldn't find him. Sheepy: Kintaro: *He takes it* Sure thing! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Thank you, Mr. Golden! Okay, Satoru, lets go show Uncle Vlad your pretty outfit! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *and so, Liz throws open the door and descends into the basement, the vampire lair, the catsitting room, the-* ArsĂ©-kun: *there is a cat chasing a rat... Or is the rat chasing the cat?* Sheepy: Satoru: Dad's gone... Sheepy: Satoru: Let's check somewhere else. ArsĂ©-kun: *The rat skids to a stop and-- Oh, that IS Vlad!* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, that's Dad. I thought he was hiding from the rat... Sheepy: *The cat slams into Vlad.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Carmilla, have you no stopping ability at all?? Sheepy: *The cat becomes Carmilla.* Sheepy: Carmilla: O-of course I do! Just not when you stop short like that! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: At least I have an excuse to not stop- You're an assassin. You need it far more than I do! Sheepy: Carmilla: No! Sheepy: Carmilla: I already have it, therefore, I don't need it! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: And if I had turned and attacked you, I'd have won this spar. Sheepy: Carmilla: How were you going to win as a mouse!? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Who said it would have been as the rat? Sheepy: Carmilla: Well, you became a rat! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: So I did. *and he finally looks to Satoru* ...? Sheepy: Satoru: Why were you a mouse? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Practice. What are you wearing? Sheepy: Carmilla: Ah, it's awful. Sheepy: Satoru: ... Sheepy: Carmilla: ...ly nice. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: It's shiny enough to imitate the sun. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... I suppose I cannot complain. I've seen far worse. Sheepy: *Satoru pauses before putting in vampire fangs.* Sheepy: Satoru: Look, Dad, I'm you. ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad takes critical damage* Sheepy: Carmilla: Eh...! And nothing for me? ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz "discreetly" hands Satoru a pair of kitty ears* Sheepy: *Satoru puts them on.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: And now, he's you! Sheepy: Carmila: ...!!! ArsĂ©-kun: *AOE damage.* Sheepy: Satoru: ? ArsĂ©-kun: *They Love It. Even if the costume is awful, the intent wins in the end* Sheepy: Satoru: *Good!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz is satisfied. She did a good! No one died! Look, look, she helped!* Sheepy: *Satoru is pleased even! That's a rarity!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Not shown is Jack, the invisible man, standing on the stairs with someone else's phone. The phone is now the proud owner of at least fifteen pictures of Satoru looking happy. Congratulations.* ArsĂ©-kun: *"And now, a word from our sponsors!" says the tv, finally ending that bear documentary* Sheepy: Kintaro: *Awwwwwwww!* ArsĂ©-kun: *and now that it's over, it's time for only one thing!* ArsĂ©-kun: *I HOPE YOU ARE DOWNNNN TO CLOWNNN* Sheepy: *Kintaro goes to find Mephisto.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto is... Exactly where he is expected to be. In the attic, goofing off with liquid nitrogen. I don't know where he got that from.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose~! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Oh, hi Taro! *and he closes the container of dangerous freezey stuff* Is the bear show over already? Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! I've got a thing for you! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Yeah? What is it? Do I get a hint? Sheepy: *Kintaro hands him the box.* Sheepy: Kintaro: It's a box! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: It sure is a box! *he grabs it, takes one look, and nearly drops it* E-eh?! Taro, where'd you get this?? Sheepy: Kintaro: ? Sheepy: Kintaro: Liz gave it to me to give it to you! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Somehow, this is now much worse! Sheepy: Kintaro: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: How did she get this?? ... Why is labelled as for kids?! Sheepy: Kintaro: What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: This is an ouija board! Sheepy: Kintaro: Weegee board? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Close enough. It's supposed to summon ghosts..! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah? Sheepy: Kintaro: ...Yeah? Sheepy: Kintaro: .... Sheepy: Kintaro: ...!? Sheepy: Kintaro: Why do we need to summon ghosts!? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: We don't! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: We really don't... *he slowly glances at the trex plush nearby. He considers it again.* ... There's no reason to! Sheepy: Kintaro:...? Sheepy: Kintaro: Ain't that the kid's toy? Sheepy: Kintaro:....Bearnstein! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! His name had to do with bears! Man, I wish my name was related to bears! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Beartaro..? Kintaro Sun bear! Sheepy: Kintaro: Naw, I love it when people call me Golden! Sheepy: Kintaro: My name's fine, I like it! But Golden has tons of feeling in it! It rocks!!! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: It rocks? Gold is in rocks! Sheepy: Kintaro: But after a while I settled. But, you call me a nickname that comes from the heart, yeah? And that's better than you just calling me Golden. It has feeling! Soul! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Soul, huh... ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto looks thoughtful, looking over the box again.* Sheepy: Kintaro:...? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: .... This can't end well, but maybe I'll take a peek at it! Sheepy: Kintaro: I'm here to protect you! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Will you? How kind of you! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! Sheepy: Kintaro: I'll smash 'em!! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: You can sure try! ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto takes out his scissors and decimates the plastic on the box. Scissors > plastic* Sheepy: Kintaro: Box!! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: It sure is! Sheepy: Kintaro: ...Now what? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: *he rips the box open and dumps the contents onto a table* No clue! I've never even touched one of these. Sheepy: Kintaro: Let's look at the instructions! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: These have inst- *he cuts himself off, finding a little instruction manual, like what would come with Monopoly or Sorry* Are you kidding me? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: *he opens the instructions, picking up and crossing his legs as he does* Off to a good start here! "Based on the horror movie of the same name"... Definitely not safe! Absolutely not! ArsĂ©-kun: *But he sets it up, anyway, before expectantly looking at Kintaro* Sheepy: Kintaro: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: You can't offer to protect fragile little me and then stand over there! Sheepy: Kintaro: *He approaches* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto grabs the planchette- yknow, the triangle thingy- and puts it to the board. And then everything goes wrong, immediately, at that moment. The planchette yanks itself out of his hand and spells "Stauf" before stopping, pausing, going to "No", and spelling "Faust". Mephisto leaps and clings onto Kintaro in complete and utter fear. The table flips itself, which would be hilarious if not for the enraged ghost that caused it. Kintaro is, somehow, the sane man in the room.* Sheepy: Kintaro: ?! Sheepy: Kintaro: Oi, the table woke up...! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: It's not the table! It's not the table at all! Sheepy: Kintaro: Where's the enemy?! Show yourself, punk! Sheepy: Kintaro: Get ready to get a taste of my knuckle sandwich, prepared just for you! ArsĂ©-kun: *SUDDENLY GOST* Sheepy: Kintaro: Hah! You're just a ghost, huh?! Sheepy: Kintaro: Ain't that a pity! I was hopin' for an actually fun opponent! *He summons his brass (?) knuckles* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *he speaks. But it is not in english. It will be translated for convenience* Not you. Sheepy: Kintaro: I'm pretty selfish, yeah? I want a fight! You can take on Moose afterwards! Sheepy: Kintaro: I can't understand a lick of what you're saying but I'm gonna guess that you're a coward who doesn't want to fight! ArsĂ©-kun: *Angry Ghost has gotten Angrier! Are you trying to rile it up?* Sheepy: Kintaro: It's time to play chicken, punk! *His brass knuckles spark before he takes a swing at the ghost* ArsĂ©-kun: *Swing and a hit! Rider is not very effective against Assassin-class enemies. Faust just looks annoyed* Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh?! That ain't right! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Not you. Not you. *and once more, with feeling! and ENGLISH* Not you. Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh? Well, be polite and fight me first! ArsĂ©-kun: *Faust ignores him, staring directly at Mephisto, who would PROBABLY have gone pale if he COULD* Sheepy: Kintaro: ........He-lllooooo!? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I heard you just fine. Sheepy: Kintaro: Then why are you focused on Moose instead, huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Because... *His aura flares to life! (heheh) +4 attack and critical buffs!* HE IS THE ONE WHO KILLED ME! Sheepy: Kintaro: Ya sure you don't have the wrong Moose? Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose are more dangerous than bears! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I know my own traitorous creation when I see it! Get out of my way! *he lunges at Mephisto (and Kintaro)! Mephisto ducks his head behind Kintaro's shoulder.* Sheepy: *Kintaro takes the blow for Mephisto, attempting to block it with his arms!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Block successful! From Faust's ghostly claws are deep, stinging gashes across Kintaro's arms.* Sheepy: Kintaro: *He grunts, returning with an attempt to kick Faust* ArsĂ©-kun: *The kick connects! Meanwhile, Mephisto finally lets go to let Kintaro have the rest of his arm back* Sheepy: Kintaro: Oi, Moose! Go get Vlad! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: !! *and he throws himself out of the attic, still panicking.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Alright, gimme your best shot! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Fine. *he lets loose a Shock, which is not an electrical shock. Curse inflicted.* Sheepy: Kintaro: ....Guh....! Sheepy: Kintaro: What's this feeling...!? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Curse. You may have that gift while I finish my business. *and he dives through the floor, after Mephisto. oh. bye* Sheepy: Kintaro: O-oi...! Wait up...! *He grunts, pulling himself towards the way down before slipping. Ouch* ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Mephisto has already managed to hide in a room somewhere. This won't last long- Faust can find him. How about... Here!* Sheepy: Mephisto?: Oh, this won't do at all! I can't have you chasing me around my own home! It's like having to write in pen: it's ink-onvenient! Ehehehehe! S-so let's all stop and talk about it! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he barely glances up* Don't piss yourself, you shitty clown. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: .... *+1 att. buff* Sheepy: Mephisto?: What's the ball-point of any of this if I'm dead, huh? Nib-ody wants that result! Eheheh...heh... You won't be happy, I'll come back as a ghost and harass you for all eternity...you know the drill! Sheepy: Mephisto?: Revenge isn't going to help if you deliver it on the wrong guy! It'll be like a nasty revenge merry go round in te end with all the upset ghosts seeking revenge on each other! Or, as you will, a scary-go-round! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *he gains another attack buff PURELY out of irritation. he's still carefully watching Mephisto?* Sheepy: Mephisto?: Hey, hey! You aren't killing me and I'm not peeing myself because you're trying to kill me! You know, we should do this again sometime! Maybe in like... 3 millenia when humanity has died off and the Earth has been burnt to a crisp by the Sun! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: You're being evasive. Give me a yes or a no, Mephistopheles! Did you, or did you not kill me?! Sheepy: Mephisto?: Of course I didn't! Murder is never the answer unless it's convenient! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Then who did?! Sheepy: Mephisto?: Now, that's a toughie! Sheepy: Mephisto?: As much as I'd like to have all the answers, I don't! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Then give me one you can. Where's your other half? Sheepy: Mephisto?: Oh, I sure hope it's given at least a semi-proper burial when you rip my left half from my right! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: You know exactly what I am saying. Where is he. Sheepy: Mephisto?: Oh, no! I've suddenly lost my ability to understand simple sentences and I know nothing now! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Then maybe I should replace your brain. Sheepy: Mephisto?: E-eh?! I wouldn't like that one bit! Sheepy: Mephisto?: I've grown quite attached to it! Sheepy: Mephisto?: You could say I "lobe" it! Ehehehehe! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... Sheepy: Mephisto?: ....? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Stop saying words. Sheepy: Mephisto?: *He makes a zipping motion over his mouth. He's shutting up, just for you!* ArsĂ©-kun: *faust is still staring at Mephisto?* Sheepy: Mephisto?: *eeeehhhhhhhh* Sheepy: *Kintaro suddenly elbow drops Faust!* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Took you long enough. ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, the actual Mephisto is wedged under the sofa, listening to all of this. He now has eye contact with Faust. It's very awkward* ArsĂ©-kun: *... Mephisto promptly moves, diving behind Mephisto? for cover. He's not outright panicked anymore, but he's still not even remotely happy about this* Sheepy: Mephisto?: ...Eheh! Eheheheh! Sheepy: Kintaro: Ehhhh, I'm seein' double but otherwise I'm all good! A'ight, ghost, this is a dead end! Didn't ya learn in driving school what that means? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I was having a civil conversation! Sheepy: Kintaro: Threatening meeses isn't having a civil conversation! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: .... *he smirks, but tries very hard not to. Meeses. snnnrrkkk* Y-yeah, what Rider said! Sheepy: Kintaro: Now, scram! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Yes, yes, fine. *he looks towards the two clowns* You homunculi aren't out of the woods until I can confirm it wasn't you! ArsĂ©-kun: *faust exits scene, not pursued by bear* Sheepy: Mephisto?: Eheh...eheh...how scary, how scary! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Shut up! *he tugs on Mephisto?'s tails. Hard* Sheepy: *Mephisto? becomes Yan, seeming a bit dazed!* Sheepy: Yan: ...Ehehehe...who was that guy, huh? Coming in like that! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: I don't want to talk about it! You were me, so were you incapable of discerning the facts? *he's already back to normal. Fear ended* Sheepy: Yan: Eh... Sheepy: Yan: You may or may not have killed a guy? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Which I did not, thank you for asking! I'd at least have been more subtle about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Of course, by that I mean that'd I have used my noble phantasm instead of just carpet bombing a building! There's nothing useful in carpet bombs. Sheepy: Yan: Uh? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Do forget it! What does a lil ol' clown like me owe you for my life? Sheepy: Yan: A place to take a nap and free food. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Attic's got both! Feel free to use it, Qing. Sheepy: Yan: Great, great, I'll be there. If my phone rings and it's a lady on the line, wake me up. Otherwise, I don't care. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: I'll most likely be joining you, provided I do not start a world domination plan first! Sheepy: Yan: Great, great. Sheepy: Yan: Welp, good night, and just remember, if the lady's name is Haku hang up on that one too. Yup, that sounds good. Unless one of her servants hunt me down. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: She'll do it if Lancelot doesn't throw you out first, but good luck on surviving! Sheepy: Yan: Eh!? He's gonna throw me out!? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: If someone shows up to get you, most likely! If not him, then Heracles! Sheepy: Yan: Why!? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: How should I know? *he grins. Is he making shit up? Questionable.* Sheepy: Yan: Well, I'm going to get the precious sleep I can get then! Sheepy: *Yan turns and heads to the attic* ArsĂ©-kun: *Which leaves Mephisto to stop smiling and lower himself down, to check on Kintaro* Sheepy: *Other than the gashes on Kintaro's arms and his curse, he seems fine. He's not dead, he's just sleeping!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Whew. Mephisto speeds off to get Gauze, Cotton, Jekyll, and Disinfectant. Andersen just kinda watches. He ain't gettin' up from his spot* Sheepy: *Kintaro stays put, unsurprisingly.* ArsĂ©-kun: *how exciting* ArsĂ©-kun: *and thankfully, that's over with! Lets now change channels to uhhhhh* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he's lurking in the background, watching everyone do their business. He's waiting for something. Or someone?* Sheepy: Tristan: ..........? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: .. You. I've been waiting for you. Sheepy: Tristan: Me? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, you. Sheepy: Tristan: Why me? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Cause didn't I tell ya I was gonna do somethin' for you? Sheepy: Tristan: I don't remember you saying that, but I'll believe you. Sheepy: Tristan: What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Didn't I offer to let you beat up that bit of you? Y'know, that? Sheepy: Tristan:...Oh, that. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, about that. You wanna give it a shot? Sheepy: Tristan: I suppose so. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Nice. Lets get this shit over with. Sheepy: Tristan: ...Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra goes to grab Tristan's arm and drag him outside. He's absolutely not holding Tristan's hand. Definitely not, he would never intentionally do that. Never* Sheepy: Tristan: *He accepts his fate.* ArsĂ©-kun: *he is not thrown off the roof again. This is already a better experience* Sheepy: Trisan: What am Sheepy: Tristan: I supposed to do? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Nothing yet! I got it planned out. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I hope you're ready to kick some ass today, Archer. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Great! *he pulls out a shard of... Something. He's been VERY careful to keep it clean. It's very magical.* I've got this! ArsĂ©-kun: *it's very shiny. Y'know how things are shiny and u close ur eyes and still see it? that level of shiny* Sheepy: Tristan: ....? Sheepy: Tristan: Got what? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I've got a magical shard of bullshit. Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: And I'm not afraid to use it! ArsĂ©-kun: *This magical shard is now used. Bippity boppity boo. Something happened.* ArsĂ©-kun: Rev!Tristan: *is now present* You sad, sad man. Sheepy: Tristan: ....!? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, what a familiar voice....! Oh, how it grips my heart with fear. Guilt. Mourning. How sad, how sad. Yes, that is my voice, There's no denying it. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Heart? What heart? We do not have one of those. We do not need it. It would only make us sadder. Sheepy: Tristan: I have a heart. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We do not. There is no heart inside of our chest. We have no heartbeat. Are you so sad you hallucinate? Sheepy: Tristan:....Hmm, I suppose you're right. Sheepy: Tristan: We are monsters. How can we be alive without a heart? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We should not be, yet we are. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Let us make like the monster we are, shall we? Sheepy: Tristan: Make? Sheepy: Tristan: All we do is break things. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: But we enjoy it so much. It feels good causing others to feel our pain. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Sheepy: Tristan: You are wrong, me. Sheepy: Tristan: I am incapable of happiness. Sheepy: Tristan: It doesn't suit a traitor like me. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: But you do not deny giving others our pain? Sheepy: Tristan: How can I? Sheepy: Tristan: All I deliver to those around me is pain. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then why do you deny me? I only intend to do the same. Sheepy: Tristan: Because you take pleasure in it. Sheepy: Tristan: You want to be the one who's causing pain. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: What's so wrong about that? Is it not better than wallowing in our own sadness? Sheepy: Tristan: I deserve to be sad. Sheepy: Tristan: I deserve nothing else. Sheepy: Tristan: I should have never been summoned in the first place. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We do not. We are our own person. And we cannot watch our friends suffer if we are not here. Sheepy: Tristan: Why would I want to watch them suffer? I should be the one to suffer. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Even Lancelot has moved on. Why haven't we? Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot did nothing wrong. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Ha. Sir Lancelot got himself exiled. We know this. Sheepy: Tristan: How is love a crime if you deserve love? Deserve to be loved? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: The only crime here is denying our nature. Sheepy: Tristan: He deserved to be with who he loved, while I did not, for I stole my beloved uncle's sister. Sheepy: Tristan:...Only, years later, to attempt to steal his wife too. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We deserved to be loved then as well. Now, no one does. Sheepy: Tristan: .... Sheepy: Tristan: But Sir Lancelot is loved now. Sheepy: Tristan: And I am not. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Is he? And this is fair to us? Sheepy: Tristan:...Therefore, he must deserve it, while I do not. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: If we do not deserve it, neither does he. Sheepy: Tristan: Why? Sheepy: Tristan: Why does he not deserve it? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Why do we not deserve it? Sheepy: Tristan: Because we are sinners, traitors. Sheepy: Tristan: We are the scum of the Earth. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Imma let you finish, but that's my job. Sheepy: Tristan: I am the one who plants the seed of discord into the lives of those I care for. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then why can we not openly embrace that? *he holds up his Failnaught* Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot, meanwhile, only met his downfall because of the toxic environment I created. Sheepy: Tristan: Because only I deserve to suffer. Sheepy: Tristan: It will solve nothing to hurt those I care for. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes...they may not care for me. They only tolerate me. ...But I am selfish. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Let's find out, shall we? Sheepy: Tristan: Find out? Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not going to hurt them. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then we can. Sheepy: Tristan: No! Sheepy: Tristan: I...want to be tolerated... Sheepy: Tristan:...I can't ask for anything more. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You sad, sad man. You only want that? What a low bar. Sheepy: Tristan: It's all I can have.... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: It is not. We can do better. We can always do better. Sheepy: Tristan: How? Sheepy: Tristan: I ruin everything I touch. There is no hope for me. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You're pathetic! What happened to us? Where are the days we could proudly state who we were? Sheepy: Tristan:.... Sheepy: Tristan: Gone. Sheepy: Tristan: How can you live with what we've done!? Sheepy: Tristan: Those villages didn't need burning! Those people didn't need to die! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: By at least accepting what the public says of me! They say we are strong! They say we are ruthless! I only accepted it! Sheepy: Tristan: We aren't... we aren't. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We are not pathetic doormats! We do not exist to cry over our mistakes! Sheepy: Tristan: We just wanted to be loved... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: The Lion King loved what I was doing! Even if I hated them, I desired the attention and praise. Sheepy: Tristan: And the Knights of the Round Table...would never love us for who we were. Just tolerate us. Use us. Sheepy: Tristan: That is the Lion King. A user. She never cared about us. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: How can you claim Lancelot is your friend if the Round only uses us? Sheepy: Tristan: My desires. Sheepy: Tristan: My wishes. Sheepy: Tristan: I...want a friend. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You finally accept this? Sheepy: Tristan: I am very selfish. Sheepy: Tristan: So...so selfish... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We certainly are. We want- No. We desire the attention! We want to be called good. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad. I can't be selfless like the other knights... they don't want for it. They receive it anyway. Sheepy: Tristan: They receive it because they are selfless. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We want for it because we pretend we cannot be! Sheepy: Tristan: Tell me one instance where I actually helped someone. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You helped to find an innocent child, even after undeserving abuse. Sheepy: Tristan: Innocent child...? Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know what you're talking about... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Or are we to say that the resident child is sinful and deserving of ire? Sheepy: Tristan: I didn't find him. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: But we were of assistance, and you even deny that. Sheepy: Tristan: The Rider would've managed. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We were VITAL in locating that child! The Rider has nothing in comparison to us! Sheepy: Tristan: .... Sheepy: Tristan: Vital. Sheepy: Tristan:...Yes....I want to be vital. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be important. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then do it instead of drowning in your own sorrow. Sheepy: Tristan: Tolerated. Worst of all... ah, I am so greedy, so selfish. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: So what? Let us have our flaws. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be loved. But I don't deserve it. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere has love. Sir Lancelot has love. Merlin. Queen Guinevere. I don't have love. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We get more than you accept! Shall I take it all for myself? Sheepy: Tristan: ....!? Sheepy: Tristan:....Don't lie to me! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I can't lie. I'm you! Sheepy: Tristan: You hurt innocents and then you tell me this trash!? Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not loved! If I were, I wouldn't have this scar upon my chest! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I wanted the love of the King, and I got it. If we were not loved, we would not have taken the offer to remain! Sheepy: Tristan: You liar Sheepy: Tristan: You liar! Don't deny it! You're selfish! You were afraid to die! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Did our previous master tell us to live and find love for nothing, you coward? Sheepy: Tristan: You thought you could atone for your sins! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And I thought wrong. But you- You still can. Sheepy: Tristan: You liar! Sheepy: Tristan: I AM you! If you can't atone, nor can I! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I am a false version of you, created to fill your role when you could not. If either of us can, it is you. Sheepy: Tristan: How dare you come into my presence and try to poison me with these sweet, sweet ideals! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: If I were poisoning you, we'd have both keeled over. Sheepy: Tristan: We're a monster. We are repulsive. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I thought it was only me. Didn't you want to destroy me for all the things I did? Sheepy: Tristan: I despise you. ... I despise myself. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And yet I at least accept my own flaws. How sad you are. Sheepy: Tristan: I accept my flaws! Sheepy: Tristan: I live with them every day! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And I accept my positives! What can you say about it? Sheepy: Tristan: ....Positives? Sheepy: Tristan: We have none. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We are strong! We are willing to take action no matter how we will be viewed! We are absolutely beautiful and no one can change it! Sheepy: Tristan: Why would Iseult have lied to us if we had positives...? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Because that Iseult was not the one we loved! She was a replacement! Sheepy: Tristan: ...Yes Sheepy: Tristan: But... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: No! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You agree with me! That's it! Sheepy: Tristan: But she hated me....because I was a selfish liar. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Our Iseult did not. That is what matters. Sheepy: Tristan: She still came. Sheepy: Tristan: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Because she loved us. There is nothing more. Sheepy: Tristan: It must've been the love potion. How can someone like me be loved? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: By not being a little bitch. Sheepy: Tristan: Hah... Sheepy: Tristan: How sad... Sheepy: Tristan: I suppose I won't be loved then. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: For the love of all that is holy! I will personally kill everyone we love so you can really be sad! Sheepy: Tristan: Why!? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: If we don't deserve it, no one does! Sheepy: Tristan: So by loving them.... Sheepy: Tristan:...I am hurting them? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: By loving them, we get it in return. If we do not deserve it, they do not either. Sheepy: Tristan:... Sheepy: Tristan:....I don't get anything in return. Sheepy: Tristan: Except.. Sheepy: Tristan: Tolerance ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Is that why our friends surrounded us when we lay dying, trying to avert the end? Mere tolerance? Are we stupid? Sheepy: Tristan: To watch us die. Sheepy: Tristan: Pity. Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Why would they avert our deaths to watch us die? What the fuck is wrong with you? Sheepy: Tristan: ... so we can die again? Sheepy: Tristan: It might be more painful next time... Sheepy: Tristan: I'm afraid of that. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: If you don't want their love, I'll take it. I'll have it all to myself, and I will give them your pain. Sheepy: Tristan: No! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: What will you do about it, you sad man? Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be loved! I don't want them to be in pain. Sheepy: Tristan: I can fight, but in the end, you are still me. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then stop me! Stop me from killing them and receive their love as thanks! Sheepy: Tristan: They won't love me nor thank me. No one ever has. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he's still here, and the angst is absolutely fucking delectable.* Sheepy: Tristan: If we leave, they'll be happier. Iseult was happier with my uncle, I'm sure. Why wouldn't they be happier without my presence? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: The only person happy without our presence is Sir Bedivere's brother! Sheepy: Tristan:....Hm? Sheepy: Tristan:....Yes, I'm sure he despises us too, but why is he special? Sheepy: Tristan: I can feel the hate radiating off of him. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You gut him like a fish amid a sparring match! He hates us because of it, and you cannot blame me for it- I had not been created yet! Sheepy: Tristan: I didn't gut him...? Sheepy: Tristan: His guts fell out but I was long dead by then. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Oh, yes, you're right. You only bashed his head in and gave him brain problems from then to now. How sad. Sheepy: Tristan:.....? Sheepy: Tristan: You're blathering nonsense like usual. Sheepy: Tristan: How typical. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: His damage remains even as a servant! Have you been so blind to not notice his fear of you? I cannot lie about something I did not do. Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, I do feel his fear. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And yet you do nothing about it. Do you enjoy his fear? Sheepy: Tristan: No! Sheepy: Tristan: There's nothing I can do! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I personally think it is wonderful. He should be afraid. I can easily kill him. Sheepy: Tristan: Why would I kill him!? Sheepy: Tristan: I can't make him not hate me.... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: To show friend Bedivere that we do not love him in return. We only tolerate in exchange for his tolerance. Sheepy: Tristan: I....! Sheepy: Tristan: I do....! It's not just toleration..... Sheepy: Tristan: We were friends...before everything....we were friends...! Sheepy: Tristan: We fought together so often! Don't tell me I don't care about him! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Yes. And if you refuse to accept that it is the same, I will remove the ability to do so. You cannot be friends with the dead. Sheepy: Tristan: No! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Yes! Sheepy: Tristan: You know nothing! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We're both stupid idiots that cannot understand the way love works. Sheepy: Tristan: They hate idiots. I should leave. Ah. I should leave. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We must be the dumbest moth-- What is that sound? Sheepy: Tristan: ....? Sheepy: Tristan: My signal to leave. Sheepy: Tristan: That must be it. Sheepy: Tristan: It sounds murderous. ArsĂ©-kun: *There is some sort of low sound. It is like a snarl, but it is not Lobo.* Sheepy: Tristan: It's Lobo, here to bury me again. Don't worry about it. Sheepy: Tristan: Anyway, as I was saying, the best solution is to leave. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And let your friend deal with it? We will only be sadder when we wander back and find that they died with our absense. Sheepy: Tristan: Or Lobo burying me six feet under. Sheepy: Tristan: We won't wander back. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We deserve the being buried. Sheepy: Tristan: We won't. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be buried. Sheepy: Tristan: I deserve it. Sheepy: Tristan: But I won't even get that. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I'd enjoy dying. I'd never see my friends again. Nice. Sheepy: Tristan: Instead, I'll continue my wanderings and look for love...how selfish. Sheepy: Tristan: I already can't see my friends. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Oh, shut up. Sheepy: Tristan: Friends. Friends friends friends. Such an odd word. It's so one-sided. ArsĂ©-kun: *Without any other warning comes our favorite armored blur, Lancelot, howling with red-hot rage as he throws himself towards the two Tristans* Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh!? Sheepy: Tristan: What in the...?! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: ..!! Time to go! Good luck--! *he gets punched straight into the ground by Lancelot.* Sheepy: Tristan: Lobo! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You stupid idiot, that's no- *he gets punched even harder again. And again. Reverse Tristan receives a No Holds Barred Beatdown.* Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm...that is a weird noise for Lobo... Sheepy: Tristan: I suppose I should activate my evade skill either way, but being buried by Lobo sounds nice... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot, without losing momentum, turns to and jumps at Tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh! Sheepy: Tristan: Lobo, get off...! Sheepy: Tristan: No, this isn't Lobo...Lobo is nice and warm...you're so cold...! ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot pins Tristan down easily and stares at him, growling with a raised fist* Sheepy: Tristan: Get off....! Sheepy: Tristan:...No, if I die here everyone will be happier...everyone will be happier...They just tolerate me...it's why no one is helping... ArsĂ©-kun: *Tristan is Punched. Punch counter: 1* Sheepy: Tristan: Guh! Sheepy: Tristan: Ahaha...my face... Sheepy: Tristan: I like my face...I have a nice face. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: It took you this long to accept something..? Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not accepting anything. Everyone hates me but I'm pretty Sheepy: Tristan: You're so heavy and cold... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he only growls* Sheepy: Tristan: I feel your anger...you really hate me... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance slams a fist into the ground and screams. He might, just might, disagree. Maybe.* Sheepy: Tristan: You just tolerate me....but you can't anymore. I'm too selfish... Sheepy: Tristan: I should just leave. ArsĂ©-kun: *Punch count: 2* Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh! Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh... Sheepy: Tristan: That's a yes, isn't it... Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...this is so hard...I love all of you so much...but this place isn't for me... Sheepy: Tristan: It's always been about pity... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot hisses. That's a new sound.* Sheepy: Tristan:....? Sheepy: Tristan: What...? Sheepy: Tristan: What was that noise? ArsĂ©-kun: Lancelot: *he does it again, looking up at something. He lets Tristan go.* ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Two idiots, one arrow. *he's back up and pulling back a string on Failnaught.* Finally, the chance for some bloodshed. Sheepy: Tristan: ....Ugh. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Sheepy: Tristan: There's no point in trying to dodge an arrow that can't miss. ArsĂ©-kun: *Punch counter: 3. Lancelot then roars and launches himself off of Tristan.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Impact sound.* Sheepy: Tristan:...Guh. My face... Sheepy: Tristan: Hahahah....how sad...my only positive aspect... Sheepy: Tristan: I don't even deserve that. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Sad sad sad. My other self is being mauled by my former fellow Knight of the Round, and after my other self is dead he'll probably come for me too. Sheepy: Tristan: But it's better this way. Better. I'm a monster to be slain. Sheepy: Tristan: But perhaps if I escape...even if I a monster, Sir Lancelot is kind and my death will rest on his conscience....how kind. If I leave now, he won't have to feel the guilt of my death of his hands. ArsĂ©-kun: *after a bit of armor hitting flesh sounds, and various sounds from Lancelot, he again approaches Tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: .....Hm. Sheepy: Tristan: You're back... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance grunts.* Sheepy: Tristan: .... Sheepy: Tristan: You won't do it because you're too nice...because you pity me... Sheepy: Tristan: Too bad. It'll be a bit of work but I'll manage finding a place alone! I won't have Iseult like I used to when I hid away from the world...but I don't deserve her... Sheepy: Tristan: How does it feel, to be loved? Is it warm? I'm so cold. I'm always so cold. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot proceeds to stomp on Tristan, right in the gut* Sheepy: Tristan: G-guh...! Sheepy: Tristan: N-nice shot... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he grabs Tristan by the shirt and lifts him up* STOP. Sheepy: Tristan:....Stop.....? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes..I'll stop bothering you...don't worry. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *He gives Tristan a hearty shake* Stop it! Sheepy: Tristan: You know. I bet love feels like Lobo. Lobo is so soft and warm, but his claws hurt so much. Yes...that's love. So painful.. Sheepy: Tristan: Guh... ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra watches on, having lowered himself to the ground. If he is small and insignificant, he won't get beat up. This wasn't part of the master plan!* Sheepy: Tristan: I know you pity me. But I pity you, too. Isn't that odd? Sheepy: Tristan: You have to put up with scum like me. Put on a happy face. Act like I'm worth something. That's hard, isn't it? ....No, I suppose you don't have to....you're just kind. Sheepy: Tristan: You're so kind... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot grumbles and whines, letting Tristan go* Sheepy: Tristan: *Rather than standing on his own two feet, Tristan collapses to his knees* Sheepy: Tristan: I just want you to be happy. You're so nice, acting like you're happy around me, but you don't need to... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *Whiiiiiine* Sheepy: Tristan: I'll be gone soon...so you can trashtalk behind my back all you want. I'm sure everyone does. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *Whiiiiiiiiiiiiine* Sheepy: Tristan: What positive is there to talk about? Sheepy: Tristan: You see? I'm upsetting you. I don't want to upset you. I'm sorry. For everything. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm sorry I was summoned in the first place. That I showed up on your doorstep. Sheepy: Tristan: Make sure to apologize to Sir Bedivere for me, too. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... *and he grabs Tristan by the back of his shirt before starting the trudge back inside. 0 choice in the matter.* Sheepy: Tristan: ....! What are you doing?! Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be loved. I can't find love here! Nobody loves me....ahhh, I'm so selfish...! *sob* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... *WHIIIIIIhicIIINE* Sheepy: Tristan: Let go....please.. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot does not.* Sheepy: Tristan: Let go, let go! Sheepy: Tristan: Everyone hates me! Don't inflict me on them! ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: SHUT THE HELL UP! Sheepy: Tristan: See!? Sheepy: Tristan: *He starts struggling* Sheepy: Tristan: No! Stop! Sheepy: Tristan: *He starts struggling even more frantically.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he stops walking and drops onto Tristan, wrapping his arms around him.* Sheepy: Tristan: NO! STOP! Sheepy: Tristan: I can't be loved! I'm horrible, horrible! *Sob* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... *he doesn't do anything else, but he's breathing heavily* Sheepy: Tristan: Why, why... Sheepy: Tristan: It's so cold.... Sheepy: Tristan: Love is so cold...so cold....so unbearably cold...I'm so scared...I don't deserve it...is that why it's cold? ArsĂ©-kun: Acu?: Hey, shut up! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...nobody cares...so I should just shut up. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu?: Finally! *and he tugs on Tristan's hair from an oddly low angle* Now stop crying so much! Sheepy: Tristan:....It's all I can do. ArsĂ©-kun: *Tristan gets a very light slap on the arm. Like a toy hit him or something.* Sheepy: Tristan:....Feels weird.... Sheepy: Tristan: So weird... ArsĂ©-kun: Acu??: Are you calling me weird?! Sheepy: Tristan: You feel weird.... Sheepy: Tristan: I'm so cold. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: ... You're all idiots. *and he promptly drags in this ball of depression and yelling. Look what the dog brought in.* Sheepy: Lobo: *He quickly heads over and starts sniffing at the two.* ArsĂ©-kun: Acu?: *he... Squeaks... and buries his head in Tristan's shirt* ArsĂ©-kun: *The actual Alter Cu is just standing nearby, watching.* Sheepy: *Tristan grows silent.* Sheepy: Lobo: Bawuff! Sheepy: Ozy: Aha! Hahahaha! KUHAHAHAHAHA! How sad you are, O’ Child of Despair! How blind you are, turning your eyes away from the truth to indulge in your selfish ideals! You fool, you absolutely fool! “I deserve not to be loved”! And yet, you are. What a poor excuse for a Knight of the Round you are! Sheepy: Ozy: You say these things because you fault only yourself because you can only see the world revolving around you! A tree falls in the forest and kills an innocent animal! Whose fault is it!? Oh, yours, I suppose, because everything in this world is a result of you causing it, yes? I would compare you to Cleopatra, but while you are forcing your beliefs on others, she was simply afraid of having other’s beliefs forced upon her! Do you truly believe this knight would give you the time of day if he cared not? ArsĂ©-kun: *Uncomfortable silence. How does anyone respond to that??* Sheepy: Ozy: Has everything been resolved now? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: With that sorta rant? Yeah, it better be! Sheepy: Ozy: Rant? Sheepy: Ozy: It was no rant. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You went on long enough to stall out a chess timer! Look, even the sun's going down, that's how long you went off for! Sheepy: Ozy: Hm? You're just delusional. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Okay! Sheepy: Ozy: I used the minimum amount of words I needed to use. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Okaaayyyy~ Sheepy: Ozy: You clearly don't believe me. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra just grins at him* Sheepy: Ozy: Now then. Stop crying. You ruined my perfectly good shower with all your shouting. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot huffs loudly. Good answer* Sheepy: Ozy: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: Do they ever stop. Sheepy: Ozy: Hah, if you don't quit, I'll drop a pyramid on you. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: That will kill all of us. Sheepy: Ozy: Hmmm? Sheepy: Ozy: I suppose so. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: *he grabs Lancelot and throws him down the hallway. This has the effect of throwing Tristan, as well* Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Argh! ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: Problem solved. *and he lies down on the floor, right there. This is his spot.* Sheepy: Ozy: Hmm. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... *he lets go of Tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: ....... Sheepy: Tristan: Happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheepy: Tristan: Happy happy happy day! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I'm sorry. Sheepy: Tristan: Happy day! Happy day! I'm so happy happy happy! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... .... Sheepy: Tristan: Hahahaha. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Do you not forgive me..? Sheepy: Tristan: For what? Sheepy: Tristan: You did nothing. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Fine. Sheepy: Tristan: You seem displeased. What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I lost my temper. Sheepy: Tristan:....Yes, understandable. Sheepy: Tristan: Because I acted like your opinion wasn't worth anything. Sheepy: Tristan:....I can't understand why you'd care about me. I just can't. But I suppose there are things in this world that can never be understood. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Friend. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... That is why. Sheepy: Tristan:...Yes. You're my best friend. Sheepy: Tristan: I mustn't forget that. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu?: *he pulls himself back out from Tristan's shirt. It is time for a high-action escape sequ-- He tripped on Tristan's leg.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...? *he pats Tristan's shoulder and leans over. what that* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...warmth is gone. I'm sad. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... *he leans forward and picks up the tiny a?cu?, depositing it in Tristan's lap. It glares at him the entire time* Sheepy: Tristan: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Warm thing? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: *tiny a?cu? starts ranting. His name is Mini Cu-Chan! Not Warm Thing! Not Stupid Doll! It is very hard to take seriously, with his voice squeaking and his foam spear doing no damage what-so-ever.* Sheepy: Tristan: Hmmm... Sheepy: Tristan: Mini Cu-chan. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Yes! That is my proper name, and the most acceptable. Sheepy: Tristan: Well, nice to meet you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: So who the hell are you? Sheepy: Tristan: I am Tristan, Child of Despair. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Your mother's name is Despair? Sheepy: Tristan: My uncle cared for me, yet I was selfish, and my selfishness lead to my death. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: That sucks. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Sheepy: *Lobo starts snarling and growling at the window.* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: Someone's here! Sheepy: Ozy: Yes, a customer, I'm sure. ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: What..? Sheepy: Ozy: For my Sphinx Rental Service. Sheepy: Ozy: By day I am a businessman, by day I am also a stock trader! ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: But it isn't day anymore. Sheepy: Ozy:...Hm? Sheepy: Ozy: Then I suppose I'm neither, and it's no customer. Sheepy: Ozy: *He opens the door* ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Good evening, sir. Sheepy: Ozy: Hah! To you as well. What is it that you desire? ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I'd like to take the Assassin of Shinjuku off of everyone's hands. Sheepy: Ozy: Hm? I can't say I know who that is, but you can take the Archer off our hands if you so please. Sheepy: Ozy: Hahahahahahaha! ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: *he sighs and lets Ozy finish. He already expects to take longer than he wants to* Sheepy: Ozy: Come in, anyway. ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Thank you. *he enters* Sheepy: Ozy: *He closes the door behind him* Sheepy: *Lobo jumps Tepes.* ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: !! Sheepy: Lobo: *He snarls. You smell familiar but humans are gross.* Sheepy: Ozy: Lobo, back off. Sheepy: Lobo: *He, of course, doesn't, instead sniffing at Tepes. Why do you smell familiar if you're unfamiliar!!!!* Sheepy: Lobo:? ArsĂ©-kun: *Tepes gives Lobo a slow pat, like u do whenever u meet an unfamiliar dog.* Sheepy: Lobo:....*He pulls his front paws off of Tepes, still curious, but not as aggressive.* ArsĂ©-kun: *a single, distant complaint from Vlad. ah. there it is* Sheepy: Lobo: *He turns his attention to the direction of Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad just reaches up and pulls on Lobo's face. this here is the huge wolf. be in awe of how much hes unfazed* Sheepy: Lobo:? Sheepy: Lobo: *He lifts up a paw, placing it on Vlad's face. He's imitating as best as he can.* Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrr? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Thanks. Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Rider: "He's upstairs, asleep." Sheepy: Rider: "His neck is exposed." ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Thank you for both sets of information. Sheepy: Rider: "I wanted to cut it from his body." Sheepy: Rider: "But I was certain he could be useful in the future." Sheepy: Rider: "Oh, make sure to get him while you're here." ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: That's what I'm here for, so of course. Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo seemed to agree with the idea." Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo will let him off for peanut butter." Sheepy: Rider: "That's all. Good night." ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: ... Implying I carry peanut butter on my person? ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Other me can handle it. *and he exits the room, promptly* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Why, you...!! Sheepy: Lobo:......*He stares intently at Vlad* Sheepy: Rider: *He watches Vlad intently.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... Fine. *and he goes to get peanut butter for lobo* Sheepy: *Lobo is excited!* ArsĂ©-kun: *lobo gets peanut buttr* ArsĂ©-kun: *and Tepes descends from the attic with Yan slung over his shoulder. Jury is still out on if Tepes did anything or not.* Sheepy: *Yan Qing is mostly out of it still.* ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I've gotten what I came for. Sheepy: Rider: "Then go." ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I am. Have a good evening. *bye fronds* Sheepy: *Yan Qing does not complain.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and they go Home* Sheepy: *Yan Qing is surprisingly not talkative.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Tepes is thankful for this.* Sheepy: Yan: .......... What's going on over there? ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: ... No idea. Would you like to find out? Sheepy: Yan: *He hesitantly nods.* Sheepy: Yan: I bet it's something fun~ You should try having fun sometime. ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I do have fun. Just not as much as you. *and he goes to check out the happening* Sheepy: Yan: Hey, you make it sound like I don't work! ...Eh, eh? I don't recognize them. ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I recognize some of the people there, but not all of them. Sheepy: Yan: Ehhh...wonder who the new people are. ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Maybe shut up and we can hear. ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Is going from one to three really a good idea..? ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Nope! But we can't just take one without the other.. Sheepy: Okita: Ahhh... I finally thought I was going to get away from the radishes, too... Sheepy: Hijikata: Radishes will cure your illness. Don't you know that? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: I don't think medicine works that way. Sheepy: Hijikata: And what do you know about medicine? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Quite a bit. Thank you for asking, though. Sheepy: Hijikata: Hmm. ....Hrrrgh. Sheepy: Hijikata: Hah. I don't like the kinda fellas who brag about being great without showing any results. ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: I can respect that. Shall I tell you what I do know? Sheepy: Hijikata: Tell me. ArsĂ©-kun: *And Lupin begins an exposition dump, but instead of exposition, it is highly useful and good medical information. A condensed stream of knowledge. Easier to understand than a Sherlock Holmes info dumpℱ!* Sheepy: *There's a loud honking noise!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Everyone collectively mashes X to jump 10000 feet in the air- Except Tepes, who stays grounded and hisses* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: *WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT* Sheepy: *Elyian trots into the middle of the group, spreading out his tail feathers. ... Something about the eyes on his tail is nausea-inducing... are they...watching you...?* Sheepy: Grif: -Elyan! ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: ...!! *and he backs off. he's not having any of it. No thank you! He doesn't want what you are selling!* Sheepy: Grif: ....Mmmm? You aren't a library, and nor are you. Sheepy: Grif: There's no library. Sheepy: Yan: What is that thing...?? ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: For starters, that is a bird. Sheepy: Yan: There's something so wrong with it... like nature attempted a bird but messed up halfway in... Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: You stop that! Sheepy: Elyan: Hello! Hello! ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Peacocks can't talk! What kind of bird are you?? Sheepy: Elyan: ? Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Honk! ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Master, with all due respect, maybe you shouldn't.. Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* Sheepy: Grif: *He huffs* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Elyan, what the hell are you honking about?! This ain't a parkway! ArsĂ©-kun: *Kay enters scene, carrying Kidd* Sheepy: Elyan: *He looks to Kay before staring at Lupin.* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: What is it, Elyan? Did he push someone into a well? Sheepy: Elyan:.... Sheepy: Elyan: *He looks to Kidd and then Lupin* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *he starts to say something, and then shuts up. The ol' rusted gears are turning..* Sheepy: Kidd: You probably shouldn't shout so loudly at night... Sheepy: Elyan: *He ignores Kidd.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Tepes puts Yan down in the background.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: ..... This is not how I planned anything to go. May I request a do-over? Sheepy: Grif: Uh? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I agree with Grif. Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: And you stop honking at me! Sheepy: Elyan: Hello! Sheepy: Grif: Your name is Answers. Sheepy: Grif: Elyan said he was going to show you to us. Are you my opponent? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: N... Not quite... And I certainly hope not...! Sheepy: Kidd: Grif, no. Sheepy: Grif: You aren't? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: I'm not. I'd rather not fight you. Sheepy: Kidd: ...Are you...? Sheepy: *Hijikata has begun filing his nails...* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: *he sighs and accepts his fate* Yes. Sheepy: Kidd:.....?! Sheepy: Grif: Uh. Sheepy: Grif: Uh....uh! Sheepy: Grif:..... ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Me too! I've got no idea what's going on here. Sheepy: Grif: Kaaaaayyy! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I'm right here! Sheepy: Grif: I don't understand! Sheepy: *Kidd is visibly flustered.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Lupin has the same expression. Like father, like son.* Sheepy: Grif: Uh? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: *he recovers his composure* Master, the young one is my descendant. ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Oh, right, that whole thing! So what's this freaky bird got to do with it? Sheepy: Elyan: ............ Sheepy: *Elyan begins preening himself.* ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Great answers! I still know nothing of value! Sheepy: Grif: Elyan is my friend. Do you hate Elyan? Sheepy: Grif: I'll tear you to pieces. ArsĂ©-kun: #57: That told me everything I needed to know, thanks! ArsĂ©-kun: *#57 decides to inspect this bird. From up close. Fantastic decision making skills.* Sheepy: *Elyan looks to #57 and stares* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Uh, Master... ArsĂ©-kun: #57: *he ignores Lupin and squats next to Elyan. this is a bird.* Sheepy: Elyan: ............. ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Master Crevin, with all due respect... Please do not harass the bird. ArsĂ©-kun: *Elyan gets poked* Sheepy: Elyan: *Honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Crev: *he jumps back, hitting his head on a nearby table. 12 damage.* Sheepy: Elyan: ? Sheepy: Kidd: Are you okay!? Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Crev: I'm good! *he gets back up, easily avoiding the table this time* Stop honking at me! Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Crev: What kinda chicken is you? *he's clearly joking* ArsĂ©-kun: *MEANWHILE, IN AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION AKA ABOUT THREE HALLWAYS DOWN, ON THE LEFTHAND SIDE, CLOSEST TO THE STAIRS;* Sheepy: Tristan: What if I use Failnaught to cut the potato and then we toast it? Sheepy: Gawain: You disgust me. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: It'd probably work, but it would be overkill. Sheepy: Gawain: Potatoes can be prepared many ways, but not like that! Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot, let's use your sword to make diced potatoes and then put them in the toaster. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: Why not use excalibur galatine? Just toast them while you cut. Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, or Airgetlam! Sheepy: Gawain: No!! Sheepy: Tristan: The Airgetlam is like a portable stove. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: Somehow I doubt this. Sheepy: Tristan: It's true. Sheepy: Tristan: I smell something burning every time he uses it. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: That's not good. Sheepy: Tristan: I think it smells similar to burning flesh, actually.. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: And you're sure it isn't? Sheepy: Tristan: Is his arm inside of the Airgetlam? Is it a gauntlet? Sheepy: Tristan: I just assumed that it was like a stove. Sheepy: Gawain: I don't know, maybe? Sheepy: Tristan: What do I do if it is burning flesh? ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: Not let him use that?? Sheepy: Tristan: How difficult....you imply that I can order him around.. Sheepy: Gawain: *He has snatched the potato from Tristan and is peeling it.* ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: You're not a doormat. I believe you can do it. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance, aka Berserkerlot, is eyeing a stray potato from his seat by the wall. He growls-- No, wait. That was his stomach. Please eat three times a day, Lance.* Sheepy: Tristan: Did he come with me? I'll consided that a challenge. Sheepy: Gawain: Hmmm...let's have mashed potatoes. Sheepy: Tristan: What a surprise. Sheepy: Gawain: Mashed potatoes are nutritious and delicious. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere said the same thing about those eyeball creatures...but left out the delicious part... Sheepy: Gawain: Let's not talk ill about the dead. Sheepy: Tristan: ? Bedivere isn't dead. Sheepy: Gawain: Are you implying such a forgettable man could be a Servant...? One whose only notable accomplishment was a singularity? ... Well, whatever. This potato is done. I'll peel another. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he grumbles. He seems to disagree with you, Gawain!* Sheepy: Gawain: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Hhh... He is. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Grif. Sheepy: Gawain: And that's no surprise. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Me. Sheepy: Gawain: And that's no surprise. Sheepy: Gawain: ... Sheepy: Gawain: ...No, it definitely is! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Are you making potatoes AGAIN?? Sheepy: Gawain: Is there a problem with potatoes, you potato-hater!? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Get some variety in your life for once! Sheepy: Gawain: They include all the nutrients that you need in your diet! Sheepy: Gawain: There is nothing wrong with potatoes! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: It doesn't have the vital updog. Sheepy: Gawain: Updog. Sheepy: Gawain: What's updog? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *snrk* Not much dog, what's up with you?! *and he explosively starts laughing. you have fallen for his ruse* Sheepy: Gawain: ......... ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: .... *he just sighs* Sheepy: *Grif is looking a potato over. He gently tosses it in the air, catches it, pulls his arm back, and then throws it at Kay at top speed.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Kay is beaned by a potato. He ends up smacking his face against the table. Karma* Sheepy: Grif: It does have the necessary updog. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... I can't even be mad. Sheepy: Grif: .....? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I deserved that. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance has obtained a potato, meanwhile. Plz do not eat it raw- oh, too late.* Sheepy: Gawain: You're st... Sheepy: Gawain:.... ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Why would it need to? *and he picks himself back up* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... Unhinge your jaw like a snake! Sheepy: Gawain: *The most disgusted expression spreads across his face as he watches Lancelot* Sheepy: Grif: Potatoes are best eaten raw. Sheepy: Grif: They're crunchy. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: .. He has a point. Sheepy: Gawain: You don't eat potatoes raw! Sheepy: Grif: My wife would make potatoes sometimes. Sheepy: Grif: She didn't like me doing it butsometimes I'd eat it raw. Sheepy: Grif: So she'd hide the potatoes. Sheepy: Grif: It turned into a game of hide and seek. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I'mma let you finish but you're gonna upset yourself. Sheepy: Grif: I think at some point I stopped doing it because I liked them and started doing it because it ended up being our little game that I looked forward to. .... Aaahhhh...you're right. Sheepy: Gawain: You could at least wait until I finish cooking them. And you, don't cry on the potatoes. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad...how sad...*sob* Sheepy: *Gawain casts the peeled potato aside and grabs another one. Wait. What other one? There's none left.* Sheepy: Gawain: Where are my potatoes? ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: Right over there. Sheepy: Gawain: *He looks.* Sheepy: Bedi: Try to vary your diet, Sir Gawain. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: told you so Sheepy: Gawain: Mmm...? So you are right. Please give those back. Sheepy: Bedi: You need more than just potatoes. Sheepy: Bedi: I can cook for you with ingredients I fought earlier. Sheepy: Gawain: I, Sheepy: Gawain: N,no thank you. Sheepy: Gawain: I don't want mystery meat. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, but it's good for you Sheepy: Gawain: I lost my appetite for anything but potatoes. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'll turn them all into tomatoes and then what will you do? *oh, there he is, on Bedi's other side. he STILL looks tired* Sheepy: Gawain: Ugh, it's you...!? Sheepy: Bedi: I have a skill in instantly recognizing a creature's edibility! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's me again! Sheepy: Gawain: Don't touch my potatoes. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'll think about it. Sheepy: Gawain: Think about it? Sheepy: Bedi: Let's eat boar! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: We may as well use that. Sheepy: Grif: Boar? Sheepy: Grif: Kaaayyy... You need boar? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Can we hunt at this hour? Sheepy: Grif: No. Sheepy: Bedi: I already have. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Nice! Sheepy: Bedi: I'm not that great at cooking, though. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'm not going to try. Not tonight. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Why not? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not feelin' up to it, babe. Sheepy: Bedi: That's fine Sheepy: Gawain: What did we say about flirting? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: The exception rule overrides you! Sheepy: Gawain: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What do you mean "What"?? We talked about this! Sheepy: Gawain: Like you'd ever be in a relationship with anyone Sheepy: Gawain: It's not in your nature. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Maybe not, but I can sure try! ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Saberlot decides to actually help the cooking effort. Lance is still highly uncomfortable from being stared and yelled at while he was eating, and is staying in relative safety. Kay has booze.* Sheepy: Grif:..... ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Grif, don't look at me like that. It's not even open! Sheepy: Grif: Boar.. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: What about it? Sheepy: Grif: Let's eat boar. Sheepy: Tristan: It's boar-ing. Let's have toasted potatoes instead. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Why not both? Sheepy: Tristan:.....*sob* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Stoooop Sheepy: Tristan: My pun... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Are you gonna hog all the attention with puns? Sheepy: Tristan: ....*sob, sob* Sheepy: Tristan: My heart....it yearns for a warm smile to thaw my frozen, shivering soul...a laugh. Ah...and yet. Sheepy: Tristan: It is not raining, but I feel the droplets of sorrow streaming down my face. Perhaps this is the only warmth I am allowed to receive. Sheepy: Tristan: It is what tells me that I truly am alive... Sheepy: *Bedi is cooking.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin is not, so he is free to throw some cloak around Tristan. warm* Sheepy: Tristan: A...ah.... Is this a hug? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It is now. *he presses up against Tristan and snakes an arm around Tris' shoulders* Sheepy: Tristan:.......It's warm.... Sheepy: Grif: *He is lurking to see what's going on with the cooking.* Would Kidd want boar? Sheepy: Grif: Would his dad want boar? Sheepy: Grif: Would Elyan want boar? Sheepy: Bedi: Peacocks don't eat meat, do they? Sheepy: Grif: Elyan eats meat. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I've watched that shithead swallow mice whole. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Who needs a cat when you have murderbird? Sheepy: Grif: I've seen him eat other things, too. Like chicken. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Isn't that cannibalism? Sheepy: Grif: ...Well, peacocks aren't chickens. Sheepy: Grif: Sometimes, peacocks are humans. Sheepy: Bedi: Peacocks are never humans. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: They can sure be cocks though. Sheepy: Grif: But they aren't chickens. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: But he sure does like bacon. Sheepy: Grif: Yes, he does. And pigs are like boars, right? Is boar meat pork? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I think it counts. Sheepy: Grif: Then he'll like boar. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Good for him. If he ever comes in my room at ass o'clock am again yelling for meat, I'll strangle him. He's going to give me a heart attack. Sheepy: Grif: He does that? Sheepy: Bedi: ...Are you really sure he's a peacock? Sheepy: Grif: Peacocks live in fountains. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Do you want a real answer to that, Bedi? And yes, Grif, he HAS! Sheepy: Grif: I never noticed. Sheepy: Grif: He's never done that to me. Sheepy: Bedi: I kind of do.. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's not a normal peacock, Griflet. Sheepy: Grif: But have you ever met another peacock? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... That's fair. I'll ask the resident zookeeper tomorrow. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance continues to just watch. He's got something fluffy. He is pleased.* Sheepy: Grif: It is one. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Ssssssurrrrrrre. Sheepy: Grif: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: It is a birrrrd. Is food done...? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, it's cooking right now. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Aaaaaaaa. Sheepy: Bedi: You must be patient. Sheepy: Bedi: Food take as long as it needs to take, unless you want to eat it mosstly raw. Sheepy: Bedi: Which I suppose is an option... Sheepy: Gawain: It's not. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance huffs. Impatient.* Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot, being impatient won't make it cook faster. Sheepy: Tristan: But your arm will. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: it instaburns. I've tried that. Sheepy: Bedi: Cooking meat is not the purpose of the arm of Nuadha! Sheepy: Tristan: It instantly burns meat...? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Why do you think it smells bad when Bedi uses it? Sheepy: Tristan: :I don't know. I thought it was like an oven. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Unfortunately not. Sheepy: Tristan: It should be multipurpose like a swedish knife. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That would have been brilliant, but I wasn't all that smart with it's design. Sheepy: Tristan: You designed it? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: This iteration of the Arm, yes. Please praise me. Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know what it looks like. Sheepy: Tristan: Just that its capabilities of inflicting pain are high. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That part is accurate. Sheepy: Bedi: It's mostly meant to be a prosthetic arm... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: M-hm. Perhaps I'll do some more work on it so it hurts you less. Sheepy: Bedi: Um, if it wouldn't trouble you... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not at all! Just.. Just not now. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *he's peering into the oven. It doesn't appear to be done yet* Sheepy: Grif: *He's looming behind Kay.* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: .. S'not done yet. Sheepy: *Grif doesn't seem too happy about that, but doesn't complain.* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... Why am I the one watching this?! Sheepy: Bedi: Uh...sorry. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: It's cool, Bedi, but.. Like!! Okay, kids, remember to wash your hands! I'm your mom now?? Sheepy: Grif: .....? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I shouldn't be doin' this! Where'd everyone else go? Sheepy: Tristan: *Snore* Sheepy: Grif: Kidd isn't here. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Gee, really? Sheepy: Grif: Uh...uhh.. Sheepy: Grif:.......Really. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I see ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: .. What is Kiddo up to, anyway? Sheepy: Grif: Uh... Sheepy: Grif: Uhhh... Sheepy: Grif: We left him in a stranger's hands. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Shit! Where's the damn bird? Sheepy: Grif: He's with Kidd. Sheepy: Grif: So he's probably been kidnapped and put up for ransom. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Griflet, that wasn't funny!! Sheepy: Grif: It wasn't a joke. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] Where'd you go??? Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] Home. Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] Elyan brought me home, so I gave him dog treats as a reward. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *he sighs in relief* Sheepy: Grif:...He's safe? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Yeah, Elyan brought him home. For once, he helped. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] Thank Elyan for once. You could've yelled at us, that's your job. Sheepy: Grif: Elyan helps often. Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] Why would I yell at you? I thanked Elyan and he didn't seem to care. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] So we'd bring you home???? ?? We'll be home soon tho Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] You should have a social life. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] We ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] whoops. We're your guards! We're supposed to be with you! Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] It's fine. I have Elyan. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] Well okay! Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] Please enjoy yourself. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] Call if anything happens, but sleep well! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: He really thinks we need to get out more. *he eyes the table where he put his booze. Where is the booze. target lost* ?? Sheepy: Grif: Uh....uh... we do? Sheepy: Bedi: Are you awake? Sheepy: Tristan:....*Snore* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ..... Huh, what? *he picks his head up off of Tristan's arm* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, um, keep resting if you need to. ArsĂ©-kun: *You know when you wake up really disoriented? That's Merlin right now.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: .... I genuinely can't tell if I'm in the waking world or not. This could be my own dream, or somebody else's. ... Please kick me if this is real. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you really want to be kicked? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Surprise me. Sheepy: Bedi: *He pinches Merlin's cheek.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Ow! Sheepy: Bedi: See? You're awake. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yeah, seems that way. Thanks. Sheepy: Bedi: No problem. I didn't hurt you, did I? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not at all. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: But now I'm thinking- How do we know the real world isn't a dream of another? Like, are we really alive and individuals, or just someone else's subconscious constructs? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, there's nothing we can do about that. Sheepy: Bedi: If this is the life we've been given, we might as well work hard and do our best to fulfill it beyond expectations. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Y'all done with a philosophy lesson? It's finally done. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, thank you! Sheepy: Grif: Elyan will miss out on boar.. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: We'll bring home whatever's left. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, Sir Lancelot, you're back. Sheepy: Gawain: *He doesn't seem interested in the boar, instead focused on his potato.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Yes. *and he drops into a seat* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, do you want food? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Sure. Sheepy: Bedi: Okay, it's done ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I just said that. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, I know. Sheepy: Tristan: *He strums his harp* I always dreamed of a nice, warm cottage, away from the lonely night air. Away from the molding leaves whose corpses are a result of their sacrifice. Perhaps it's not as far away as I assumed, or perhaps I haven't woken up. Just this once, I will selfishly, blindly, naively allow myself to enjoy this warmth. If I tell myself it will be eternal, it will be until the pain of reality sets in. Sheepy: Grif: Uhhh. Sheepy: Tristan: Was it "always"? Or just a selfish little wish I came up with on the spot? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he leans over and pinches Tristan* It's still reality, bucko. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah... Ah...but you see. Sheepy: Tristan: Too much of anything will leave you with nothing. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you want boar? Sheepy: Bedi: The boar is done, Sir Tristan. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I do. Sheepy: Bedi: *He goes ahead and serves the boar.* Sheepy: Grif: Boar... ArsĂ©-kun: *And then everybody who is NOT named Tristan stopped speaking words and ate food. It is good food. Tristan still ate, he just doesn't stop talking. Someone had to.* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: .... So which of you took my alcohol? Sheepy: Grif: I'll kill you! Sheepy: Bedi: I didn't. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Wasn't me. Sheepy: Gawain: Nor did I. Sheepy: Tristan: *Snore* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: It wasn't him. ... Or me. Sheepy: Gawain: Hmmmm...how problematic. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And we all just ate, so we can't go on.... Hey, wait! Where's Prancelot? Sheepy: Gawain: Perhaps you're just going senile. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I'm senile?? I'm senile?! You go to bed earlier than the elderly! Sheepy: Bedi: He left a while ago Sheepy: Gawain: I haven't gone to bed yet. I will in an hour. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Oh, Saberlot's got his night shift. He'd be killed on the spot if he brought booze. Sheepy: Gawain: Hmmm. Sheepy: Bedi: Who here drinks alcohol? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not you! But I was standing with Tristan, so it definitely wasn't me. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And Tristan's not drunk- We all know what that sounds like. Sheepy: Gawain: That leaves Sir Lancelot, Sir Griflet, Sir Kay, and me. Sheepy: Bedi: It wasn't Kay. Sheepy: Grif:...Uhhh. Sheepy: Gawain: Sir Kay drinks the most out of all of us. Sheepy: Grif: Stop accusing him or tear you to shreds! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I do, but I didn't drink it. I wouldn't be complaining if I had! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And Grif doesn't drink. He'd either be sobbing, snoring, or committing homicide if he had. Sheepy: Grif: *Grumbling* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: What? Sheepy: Grif: I do more than that. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: It was a rough estimation. Sheepy: Grif: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: It's... 60% the things I said, 40% anything else. Sheepy: Grif: Uhhh.. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: So... Two left. What say you both? Sheepy: Gawain: I didn't drink it. Sheepy: Gawain: Why would I? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Who knows why? We're not mind readers here! Sheepy: Gawain: I'd rather go to a bar to talk to women than to drink alcohol. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And you'd also probably be in bed by now if you had. Sheepy: Gawain: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: If you had stolen my booze, I mean. But you haven't. Sheepy: Gawain: *He looks to Lancelot* Hmmm. Sheepy: Grif: He wouldn't steal it. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...? *he looks at Grif.* Sheepy: Gawain: He totally would. Sheepy: Grif: He wouldn't because he's better than that. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: No, I absolutely would. Sheepy: Grif: Huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: It is the sole reason I'm sitting here and not in the corner. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... And I seem to have lost my mental filter in exchange for false confidence. .. This is a fine exchange. Sheepy: Grif: Well, that's fine. Sheepy: Gawain: What a biased man you are. Sheepy: Grif: I already stabbed him in the face the last time we saw each other. Our differences have been settled. ArsĂ©-kun: *Kay still looks annoyed. He kicks a leg out from under Lance's chair. Lance stops and stares before gravity kicks in* Sheepy: Grif: Oh. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I deserved that. Sheepy: Gawain: *He's grinning a bit smugly... Gawain. I thought you settled your differences with him.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Do you enjoy my pain? Sheepy: Gawain: No, it's not that. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Oh. You may as well kick me while I'm down here. Sheepy: Bedi: No one is going to kick you. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: That's a surprise. Sheepy: Bedi: It shouldn't be. Sheepy: Bedi: We all care about you. Why would we kick someone we care about? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Who knows? It was my self esteem speaking there. Sheepy: Bedi: You don't need to worry. We're here to support you! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Thanks. Sheepy: Bedi: *He puts on a grin* If you ever feel upset, I'll do my best to comfort you! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Don't you already? What do I do for you? Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean, do for me? Your presence is enough - you don't need to do anything for me. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Simple man has simple pleasures, more at 2. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You don't need anything fancy! You're happy with friendship, yes? Sheepy: Bedi: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Good to know. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah? Were you worried I'd expect something out of you? I don't! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Does that also give me permission to do absolutely nothing and still get attention? Sheepy: Bedi: Of course! Sheepy: Gawain: Hmmm. Saber-you would probably like the attention too. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I presume he does. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *he Still looks annoyed* Just don't do that again, you sly dog. *He huffs and looks to Bedi* Can we take some boar with us for Elyan? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, go ahead. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Okay, great. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... So how much counts as "Some"? Five percent? Fifteen percent? Fifty? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... A hundred percent? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: One hundred and five percent? So I can take the dish too, and watch Elyan swallow it whole? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... On second thought, lets not do that. It was horrible enough the first time. Sheepy: Grif: Uhhh? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: If I have to watch him unhinge his entire face again, I might actually quit my job and become a full time alcoholic. Sheepy: Grif: ...He does that? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... You haven't seen that? Sheepy: Grif: He hasn't done it around me. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I don't think I was supposed to see it. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You're going to have to pay me 500 moneys to keep having this conversation! There are people who PROBABLY didn't want to image that! Sheepy: Bedi: Hmmm... Sheepy: Bedi: That ssounds... like a snake, almost. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: What else can unhinge its jaw? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Other than people, and that is bad for you. Sheepy: Bedi: Turtle. Sheepy: Grif: People. Sheepy: Bedi: .... Sheepy: Grif: ...Snails. Sheepy: Bedi:............. Sheepy: Gawain:............ Sheepy: Grif:....Cattle? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ............ ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ............. Merlin's dad? Sheepy: Grif: Merlin has a dad? Sheepy: Gawain: What did you think he came from? Sheepy: Grif: Hell. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: That's not too far off. Sheepy: Grif: And I came from a stork. Sheepy: Gawain: *Snrrrrk* Sheepy: Bedi:...Griflet, how did you have a child and not know where babies come from? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: No, no, he said from a stork, not brought by one. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: He's actually half birdbrain, clearly. Sheepy: Bedi: What does that mean... Sheepy: Grif: I'm not a bird. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And Lancelot was made out of lake dirt and baked at 350°. Sheepy: Grif: He was? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: No. Sheepy: Grif: Sir Lancelot is a golem... Sheepy: Grif: Is that why I can't beat him...? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I certainly was not and am not. Sheepy: Grif: But you came from a lake. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I had human parents, thank you. Sheepy: Grif: So then are you family with Elyan? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: No? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And Gawain came from the sun. That's easy. That's boring. Like Gawain. Sheepy: Grif: What? Sheepy: Grif: Hmmmm... ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Grif, buddy. I'm making insults. Sheepy: Grif: And Bedivere came from an affair. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I thought Lucan was the bastard? Both definitions. Sheepy: Grif: Hmmm? But what can be defined as an affair? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I think we know the answer to that. Sheepy: Grif: Your loyalty lies with the wife, but you're also lying to the mistress. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: But not always. Sheepy: Grif: Ah? Sheepy: Bedi: Ummmm... ArsĂ©-kun: Magi☆Mari: Yoo-hoo, shitheads, can you all Paypal me five thousand monies so I can bleach my brain out? Thank you, love you! Sheepy: Grif: I don't have money. ArsĂ©-kun: *It's, of course, just Merlin, who shifts back* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: fuck Sheepy: Grif:...Are you demanding money from us!? I'll tear you to bits! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not again. Sheepy: Bedi: Again? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It sounded good in my head. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, I was worried that he had previously attacked you... Sheepy: Grif: No! I haven't! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: In related news, that stunt has taken whatever energy I had left, and I am now running purely on you guys existing. I think I'm going to lose my personality. It's time to go home! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh....! *He gently lifts Merlin* Yes, if you're tired, you should rest at home. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I take it we should part ways? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes. Let's see each other again soon! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Oh, definitely! Sheepy: *And so, everyone heads home!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance puts Tristan to bed, and then goes to his own fucking room. bye lancelot* Sheepy: *And Bedi brings Merlin to their room.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Which means they all fail to stop and observe the herd of nocturnal servants lurking in a doorway* Sheepy: *And Eiji is painting!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Eiji, it is 3 am. What are you doing?* Sheepy: *He's worried and can't sleep so he's painting.* ArsĂ©-kun: *No servants are making any noise. Presence concealment A* Sheepy: *Good job!* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :3c ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *it's a shame things are okay right now! Lemme just...* Nice. Sheepy: Eiji: Uh....! *He jumps and drops his paintbrush.* Sheepy: Eiji: I-...I-I didn't sssee you. ... Sheepy: Eiji:...Th-thank you. *He goes to pick up his paintbrush and then pauses halfway down, letting out a soft whimper. Ow. Back.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad has already fetched it. Here is your object, good sir* Sheepy: Eiji:!? Sheepy: Eiji:...Um...th-thanks... ... Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh. I d-didn't know you were...uh, you know, there. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, we noticed, old man! What're we doin'? Arts n' farts? ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad stares at Angra. He was GOING to be polite..* Sheepy: Eiji: I...um, I'm just... painting. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: At three in the morning? What, too scared to do it in the daytime? Sheepy: Eiji: N-no! Sheepy: Eiji: I just c-can't sleep. ... ... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You nocturnal? Actually a vampire- oh Sheepy: Eiji: *He's shifting nervously...* Sheepy: Eiji: No, and no. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well, I failed that one! Sheepy: Eiji: Am I b-bothering you? ... I'm really s...sorry, I'll...uh, I'll stop...sorry. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: No way, old man. Am I bothering you? That's my job. Sheepy: Eiji:....? No... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Great! *and he sits down. He's not leaving. Vlad doesn't look impressed.* Sheepy: Eiji:....... Sheepy: Eiji:.....D...do you want something? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Nope! Sheepy: Eiji: .....*He shifts his attention to the painting, visibly uncomfortable as he continues it.* Sheepy: Rider: *He is looming behind Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... *he mimics backhanding Rider in the face. is joke* Sheepy: Rider: *He would show his amusement if he could.* Sheepy: *Instead, he places a hand where his head would be and another on his stomach before bending forward some.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... *and he shifts to the side so Rider is visible to everyone else. hekk u* Sheepy: Eiji: *He doesn't appear to notice...* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra starts making faces at Rider* Sheepy: Rider:........... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :3c ? Sheepy: Rider: .................."It's almost Halloween." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :o Sheepy: Rider: *He (somehow) looks to Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad understands the movement of Rider's upper torso. He squints.* Sheepy: Rider:...."It's almost Halloween". ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... "Ew." Sheepy: Rider: "Why ew?" ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: "You know why." Sheepy: Rider: "So is that a no?" ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "You're cruel." ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: "Thank you." Sheepy: Rider:..... Sheepy: Rider: *He crosses his arms, unhappy, and walks out. Through the wall near Eiji, who jumps. Rider you jerk.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad exits as well, slipping out the door. gone* Sheepy: Eiji: ..Uh.. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: What a bunch of weirdos. Sheepy: Eiji: ...M-maybe it’s time for bed... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Heh, maybe! Or you can flip of society's norms. That's on you! Sheepy: Eiji:....N-no thanks. Sheepy: *Eiji stiffly stands and heads to bed.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: oh. ok ArsĂ©-kun: *REJECTED!*
0 notes
badlydrawnstuff · 6 years
Fate Goes (to the big city)
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ok ok ok okay o-
Sheepy: Gil: *He's wearing.... Oh. Oh no. Gilgamesh. That's so terrible. No one needs to see your abs.* My favorite clothes store went out of business recently. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, that's a real shame. Sheepy: Gil: I was going to hire the tailor but it turns out there wasn't one. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: So what do you want to do about it? Sheepy: Gil: Find the one who made this shirt and pay him for copies. Sheepy: Gil: That or I'll travel and buy new clothes. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Good plan. We could use Chaldea to get you somewhere good. Sheepy: Gil: I'm tired of this place already. All the sights are the same. It bores me! Sheepy: Gil: Take me to New York one day and I'll forgive you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Sure, I'd love to. I wanna see the city, too. Sheepy: Gil:....Hah? Do you actually want to go? Then I don't want to go. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Then no clothes for you, oh well! Sheepy: Gil: I'll allow you to drag me there just this once. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: It's not dragging if we both wanna go! Sheepy: Gil: What a terrible Master you are, dragging me to such a place. Pah. *...He appears pleased, despite his words...* Sheepy: Gil: You should feel grateful I'm even considering going with you, mutt. You're so readable that I've already finished packing for such a trip. You really should learn how to hide your thoughts better. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, you did something in advance for once? What has this world come to? Sheepy: Gil: I usually do, fool! Sheepy: Gil: Speak for yourself! ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto's peering around the corner* Sheepy: Gil: What is it, clown!? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Where're you going, Hell? :) Sheepy: Gil: New York. You can't come. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: I wouldn't if I had to! Me, in the big city? Hahaha! I'd die. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: They don't need more clowns anyway! Okay, I'll let you two plan your honeymoon alone!~ *and he exits scene, pouting to Emiya once he's out of range* Are we gonna really let her go? With him?! Sheepy: Emiya: No. Sheepy: Emiya: I'll deal with it. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Then you're certainly permitted! Be the hero we need in these gil-centric times, heheh! Sheepy: Emiya: Fine. Sheepy: *Emiya enters the room with Gil and Minako, frowning.* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Hi, Emmy! Did you want to come, too? Sheepy: Emiya: Of course not. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: That's fine, then! You can be head of house until we're back, then! Sheepy: Emiya: Master. Sheepy: Emiya: There's something I want to discuss with you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Yeah? Go ahead. Sheepy: Emiya: We aren't comfortable with you going with Gilgamesh anywhere. Sheepy: Gil: What! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: But haven't I gone on a solo outting with every one of you guys EXCEPT the gils? If I can deal with Herc, I think I can survive Gil. Sheepy: Emiya: Berserker hasn't killed his Master. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: uh. Which one? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Wait, I'm dumb. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: He hasn't, you're right. Sheepy: Gil: Don't act like you know me, mutt. Sheepy: Emiya: If you're going with anyone, you're going with one of us. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Then one of you guys can come with! That's fine with me. Sheepy: Emiya: ................ Sheepy: Emiya: I don't have an interest in going. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Then someone who does can, it's that simple. Sheepy: Emiya: I'd really rather Gilgamesh just goes by himself and you go a different time. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Where are we going this time? Sheepy: Gil: New York. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he looks at Gil, then Mink, then Emiya* Ah, I see what is happening here. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You *he gestures to Emiya* Don't trust him *he now points to Gil* with Minako, but our king doesn't seem to have any ulterior motives this time around. If there are, well, I just haven't observed them yet. *he shrugs* When are we going? Sheepy: Gil: When I decide to. Sheepy: Gil: ...When are we? Sheepy: Gil: Who said we? It's only Minako, Enkidu, and me. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh. That's a shame. I was hoping to hand in some works personally. Sheepy: Gil: Fine. As long as you keep your mouth shut, you can come. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You're too kind. I'll be quiet. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... At least, I will try to be. Sheepy: Gil: Don't just try. Do. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Guarantee that we'll survive the trip, and I'll do so gladly. Sheepy: Gil: Why would you not survive the trip? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Human error. Sheepy: Gil: Hah. I suppose I understand. However, I am above that. Sheepy: Gil: Foolish. Do you believe that I make mistakes? Sheepy: Gil: *He crosses his arms* You clearly don't know me. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he smirks, but doesn't say anything* Sheepy: Gil: Don't smirk at me like that. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You said to be quiet, and I'd like to be alive before the trip even begins. Sheepy: Gil: Of course. So don't push me, mutt. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Am I a dog now? Or a furry? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: It doesn't matter much, you tsundere, but at least go for accuracy. No fur, just scales. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he enters, wearing some of Gil's clothes (which are too big)* Zassu! Sheepy: Gil: *He goes to respond to Andersen, but his attention is quickly caught by Enkidu. His face turns a bright red.* .... Sheepy: Gil: Ahahahahaha! Very funny, my friend! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you, za! I am glad to be of service. Sheepy: Gil: You should come with me. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Was I not to start? Sheepy: Gil: I thought I should ask you first. Sheepy: Gil: however, I already knew you were going. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Of course you did. You can't go ten feet without me, can you? :P Sheepy: Gil: Hah! Of course I can. I wouldn't want you to get lonely. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Oh, shut up and kiss already! Sheepy: Gil: What? Don't order me around. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: :) Sheepy: Gil: I'll do what I please. I don't have to listen to you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: .... Yeah, I think we'll be okay. Sheepy: Gil: Why wouldn't you be? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Your driving, for starters! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she looks up to Emiya* Thanks for the concern, though! Or was it because you just don't wanna lose servant cred for dying early? Sheepy: Emiya: I don't understand what you mean, Master. Sheepy: Emiya: Why would I die? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Well, if I died, wouldn't you? Sheepy: Emiya: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: So were you concerned for me, or your own survival? Sheepy: Emiya: It's my job to keep you alive, Master. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: But, like, was it actual concern? Sheepy: Emiya: It's my job. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I live with a ton of tsunderes, a clown, and a druggie. What, exactly, is my current life? ArsĂ©-kun: *Minako's still staring up at Emiya* Sheepy: Emiya: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Thank you for still doing your best! *and she goes in to hug Emiya* Sheepy: Emiya: .....! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Disgusting! Sheepy: Gil: Yes, it is. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: So do you now dislike affection as well, my lord? Sheepy: Gil: No. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ...? Sheepy: Gil: He's disgusting. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: For what reason? Sheepy: Gil: He's a waste of space and existence. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You're just jealous of the attention, you glittery fuck. Sheepy: Gil: No I'm not. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Not at all? Sheepy: Gil: Why would I be? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Because Emiya breathes and you get antsy. Sheepy: Gil: I hate him. Sheepy: Emiya: Master, did you know? Sheepy: Emiya: You can get hard-to-get items from rare gold prisms. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: How many prisms would goldie's armor shit out? Sheepy: Emiya: Servants like Gilgamesh give many rare gold prisms when you burn them. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: .... I don't understand. His armor spawns gold when burning? Sheepy: Gil: No. He's suggesting that they execute me in order to use my remaining essence to buy things with. Sheepy: Emiya: I never said that. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Master, gold servants are such a pain! Lets just buy ten craft essences with the doctors face on them! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Everyone shut up! Now's not the time for banter to lead into some sort of war. Can we go now?? Sheepy: Emiya: You're going now? You're not even ready. Sheepy: Emiya: At least let me pack you something to eat beforehand. Sheepy: Gil: There's food to eat there! Sheepy: Emiya: We have food at home! Sheepy: Gil: Variety is important, mutt! Sheepy: Emiya: Being thrifty is important. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Thrifty. Gil. Thrifty??? Sheepy: Emiya: Teaching Master to be wasteful...what a terrible servant he is. Sheepy: Emiya: Be careful with your resources. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: He can waste his own money! I'm just not buying street food. I learned that lesson the hard way. Sheepy: Emiya: I'll pack something for you. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Thank youuuu! Sheepy: *Emiya leaves, only for Gil to huff.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Would you like a packed lunch from Mom, too? Sheepy: Gil: No! Sheepy: Gil: He just annoys me! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Just don't bring back anything awful! We'll have to kill you if any of you do! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, why would I? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Who knows? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Dibs on the killing, though! Sheepy: Gil: I'll kill you if you try to kill me. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: School of mutual killing! Sheepy: Gil: No! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: We dang grampis now! Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: That one school murder game. You played it on stream and wouldn't let me watch, remember? Sheepy: Gil: ........Riiiiiight. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: I bet it was just because I'd figure out the murders before you. :I ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Or did you not want my lovely face on screen? Sheepy: Gil: You're hideous. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: You too! ArsĂ©-kun: *mephisto exits stage left, unpursued by bears* Sheepy: Gil: That man annoys me! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Local clown does his job. More at 12. Sheepy: Gil: He should be taught a lesson. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: About what? Responding to insults? Or how to be a proper clown, from the king clown? Sheepy: Gil: About not being annoying. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: When are we going? Sheepy: Gil: I don't know. Sheepy: Gil: We're waiting on Archer. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: How long are we going for? Sheepy: Gil: I haven't thought of that yet. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: More than a day, perhaps? Sheepy: Gil: I don't know. I have all sorts of ideas on what I want to do. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: How exciting! Sheepy: Gil: Of course it is. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I can't wait. *he doesn't look very excited* ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot, meanwhile, has taken Mephisto's lurking position. he ?* Sheepy: Gil: You. Ask Ozymandias or Golden if you want help. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he squints, processing this. Him? He is to do the important thing?* .. I suppose I shall, then. Sheepy: Gil: Have fun. It's a hobby, not a job. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: and that is easily the most positive thing I have ever heard from you, ever. It's nice. Sheepy: Gil: Hah! I only take seriously what I have to. Anyway, Golden likes Animal Crossing but can't read. He's pretty talkative but he won't reply to anyone. He's very bad at games like Monster Hunter but he likes watching. Ozymandias likes exploration games and puzzle games. I plan on making him come out of his coffin and play with me anyway. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Is there anything I... Should not do? Sheepy: Gil: Don't invite Mephisto nor Hyde. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... But Jekyll is permitted? Sheepy: Gil: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I think I can.. Work with that.. Sheepy: Gil: Great. Sheepy: Gil: I don't care what else you do. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Okay. Sheepy: Gil: Ozymandias's cats like trying to eat the wires and Lobo likes being in the camera, but they like animals so I suppose the animals are fine. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Merlin as an animal is still banned though, yes? Sheepy: Gil: Yes, always. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Because the last thing we need is an idol on the show. We'd never hear the end of it. Sheepy: Gil: And he's annoying. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Agreed. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... 'll go set up for tonight. Sheepy: Gil: Good. Have fun. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... I'll try. Sheepy: Gil: Try your best. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... *he grumbles and pats Minako's head before leaving.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and now, the distant sound of the pantry door being opened. silence. the door being closed. Lance cuts back through, empty-handed, to head upstairs. this knight will die of hunger with empty hands* Sheepy: Gil: What happened? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Was in use. Sheepy: Gil: That wasn't the bathroom door, though. Sheepy: Gil: The bathroom is the other way. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I hope it was. Sheepy: Gil: ....you hope that it was the bathroom. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: No. I hope that wasn't the bathroom. ... Not cleaning up the pantry if anything happens. Sheepy: Gil: Gross. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: mmmmmhm. *and he heads upstairs. goodbye lancelot* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Archer, hurry up before someone complains! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Here's your delivery! *and he comes out with the lunchboxes* Emiya's too busy to move ten feet away, so here I am! Sheepy: Gil: Finally! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he hands out the lunchboxes, correctly, before grinning* Don't get your panties in a knot, buddy! Wait till you discover the boredom of the train! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I mean, you could fly a plane! But I wouldn't be there to feed on the rampant hatred that'd result! Sheepy: Gil: Why would I fly a plane? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Why not? Sheepy: Gil: You're acting like I want to fly on a plane. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Sure, why not? Sheepy: Gil: And I don't. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Boooooring! ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Enkidu has ran out- He's already back, carrying two suitcases in his hands, and one in his mouth. Powerful. He's ready.* Sheepy: Gil: Ah, welcome back. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you, my lord. *but his mouth is full, so he answered with the mouth on his... neck. That wasn't there a minute or so ago.* Sheepy: Gil: Good work. Of course I can count on you to remember something so vital! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Excuse me, but what the fuck? Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Please never put a mouth where it doesn't belong ever again. Thank you for your attention. Sheepy: Gil: Don't be a wimp. My friend can do as he pleases. ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu grins with about 3 extra mouths. Sassy* Sheepy: *Gil laughs.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: And there goes any sleep I may get for the week. Thank you very much. ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Minako looks interested. The greatest cool!!* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *hecks given: 0* Lets go, za, lets go! Sheepy: Gil: Yes! *He begins to rush to the door* Let's go! *...He seems to have forgotten about Minako in favor of Enkidu...* ArsĂ©-kun: *It's fine, because she's right behind him and Enkidu. It's Andersen that's lagging* ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Lancelot is sitting on the streaming sofa, staring at the floor. Are you ready for a depressive episode? Aye aye, captain!* Sheepy: Guin: *She walks in and sits down next to him.* ...Lance? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Guinnnnnn. Sheepy: Guin: Is something bothering you? You seem down. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... 've to do this.... I'm gonna mess it up again. Sheepy: Guin: You don't have to if you don't want to. And...messing up is okay. Everyone makes mistakes. That's a part of life. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I want to, but... I am Fuckup McDisappointment. Sheepy: Guin: You aren't a disappointment. Sheepy: Guin: You never have been and never will be a disappointment. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he grumbles. Disagree* Sheepy: Guin: Well, let me correct myself, if you don't agree with that. You'll never, ever be a disappointment in my eyes. I have and always will believe in you! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Merci. Sheepy: Guin: I have an idea. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Aaaah? Sheepy: Guin: If you're worried about how people will respond to you making mistakes, I can join you and make larger mistakes. Sheepy: Guin: I never really had time for games back then and I've never played video games. You definitely couldn't compare to the sort of mistakes I'd make unless you tried. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Merci, merci. Sheepy: Guin: It's no problem. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance leans against her and rumbles. :3* Sheepy: Guin: *She smiles. Good! Lance is happy!* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he's peeking in, locking onto the computer. What is this.. Baby peasant program?* Sheepy: Bedi: What're you doing? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *AAAA* Sheepy: Bedi: What is it!? Is there a monster?! I'll protect you! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he wasn't paying attention, so he only looked when Guin did* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You! *he turns and lightly pulls on Bedi's face* Stop doing that!! Sheepy: Bedi:...Uh?! I-I didn't do anything....! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You keep! Scaring me! You're so quiet! I love it! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Do.... .... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Would you both like to join us..? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Would I!! *and he promptly dives onto their laps. Merlin.* Bonjour!~ ArsĂ©-kun: *and merlin is pushed right off, by all involved parties. begone THOT* Sheepy: Bedi: I - I couldn't possibly join you. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm just a simple knight- not some hero. To be in the Queen's presence for an extended period of time is simply unthinkable! N-no, I am unworthy! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Get the hell over here. Sheepy: *Bedi appears startled by Lance's words. He hesitantly approaches before sitting on the floor instead of the sofa.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he sits up* Shall we invite sir Tristan along for this ride? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know what's going on. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Streaming. .. You don't have to play if you don't want to. Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know what that is. Sheepy: Bedi: I think I've heard Merlin mention it. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's live instead of prerecorded. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: So the editing is minimal but you've gotta be careful with what you do. Sheepy: Bedi: That sounds intimidating. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's not so bad. It's easier to deal with. *he shrugs* Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, but... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: But? Sheepy: Bedi: Ahahah...I can't see myself doing well. B-but I could get things for you if you want. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... You can't do worse than us. Sheepy: Bedi: It's just, eh... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Don't wanna be on screen today? Sheepy: Bedi: I would probably break the controller if I used it. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Right. Well, you can do the ever-important keeping the program on track! Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...I don't know how to do that. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Then lets figure it out together! I'll sit with you instead. Sheepy: Bedi: You will? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Of course! Sheepy: Bedi: Do you think Tristan would want to join...? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: No idea! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's why we need to ask. Sheepy: Bedi: I'll be back with or without him. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What a variety of options! Sheepy: Bedi: Yes! There's two of them! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Wow! Sheepy: Bedi: *He rushes out briefly before returning with Tristan* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Hello, Tristan. Sheepy: Tristan: Hello, Sir Lancelot. Sheepy: Tristan: Why did you want me? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Welcome! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Companionship and moral support. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, so you wanted Sir Bedivere, ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: You too. Sheepy: Tristan: Why me? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Friend. Sheepy: Tristan: I’m a friend... yes. Yes. But I depress everyone. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I can't be depressed when I am already depressed! Sheepy: Bedi: You're depressed? Sheepy: Bedi: Despite me not even comparing to you in terms of my skills, perhaps I lead a much happier life... Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, and the same goes for Tristan, too. Sheepy: Bedi: Perhaps this means that I should help solve your problems ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Maybe! Sheepy: Tristan: What are you doing? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Playing games badly. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... And a live show. ... You may perform for us if you want to. Sheepy: Tristan: ................ Sheepy: Tristan: *he mulls it over* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Oh, but we haven't started it yet... So there is time. Sheepy: Tristan: I'll consider it. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he's turned his attention to the computer. He's already figured the program out, but he's not gonna say that.* Sheepy: Bedi: *He's watching Merlin* ArsĂ©-kun: *and merlin starts going through everything, hovering over every button, seeing what every little thing does* Sheepy: Bedi: *ooooh! interesting!* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he "slips" and "accidentally" presses start. mhm. sure.* Sheepy: *Bedi doesn't comment. It's his secret.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin also... Goes ahead and posts the stream link on the [insert site] account that was not logged out. Adds a message that this isn't a normal stream, because Gil's out. Post.* Sheepy: *It's Bedi's secret.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... *he sighs* ... Is it fair to say I am... Downright terrified? Sheepy: Guin: I understand. Sheepy: Tristan: Are you terrified of me? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Of course not. That would be silly. Sheepy: Tristan: Are you playing Sorry? I've learned a tactic for that game. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Is it "apologize profusely"? Sheepy: Tristan: When you start to lose, accidentally knock over the table. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Isn't it easier to spill something on the board? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, or to distract the other player and then move your piece. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Or to leave the room to clean up and never come back. Sheepy: Tristan: Or to cry until they feel guilty. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: We're not children. That doesn't work. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes it does. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: What have you done? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: What, exactly, have you done this time? Sheepy: Tristan: I used that tactic and won. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Tristan, that's awful. Sheepy: Tristan: It's not awful. It's strategy. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Then I suppose beating someone's head in with the box is also a strategy? They can't take a turn if they're dead. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he rolls his eyes and glances towards the oddly-silent Merlin (and Bedi) before spotting the camera light. It's on.* aaa..? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *processing* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *and he jumps out of his seat about 10 seconds too late. MASH X TO PANIC* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, your singing voice needs work. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Who??? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :3 Sheepy: Bedi: I-I did! My mistake...! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: 3: ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... MEERRRRLLLLIIIIIIIIINN! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: OKAY, TIME TO GO, BEDI YOU'RE IN CHARGE BYE ADIOS AU REVOIR *and he runs out, knocking his chair over in the process* Sheepy: Bedi: Eh!? ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: merlin? merlin? AAAAAAAA! magi mari? merlin?? The merlin?? MAGI MARI?? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he grumbles and drops back onto the sofa, giving the camera a small wave but not saying anything* Sheepy: Tristan: Your song didn't impress Merlin. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Tristan, I wasn't singing. Sheepy: Tristan: No need to be shy. I believe in you. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Merciiii. *and so, he glances towards the camera (but doesn't fully turn to it) and gives a blunt explanation that this weeks streams will exclude Gil and Enkidu because they went travelling.* ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: LEGSALOT AND FRIENDS! no gil allowed knights only final destination. [low rez gil face emoji] PRETTY RED MAN!! [five more low rez gil emojis] BLESSED STREAM LADY HERE Sheepy: Tristan: Who are you talking to? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: The audience. The camera is this way. *and he reaches over to turn Tristan's head in the right direction* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Lady Guinevere is joining us for this one, yes, as is Sir Tristan and Sir Bedivere. ... Bedivere, say hello too. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...uh, hello. ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: IS THIS A COLLAB WITH MAGI MARI??? who's bedyver? *whose THIS IS SO SAD TRISTAN PLAY DESPACITO! shut up and take my money! ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: show us bedver!! Bedver?? I want to see Bedivere! If you scrubs would watch MagiMari, you'd know! Show us bedvr!! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I didn't even pick a game yet. ... We weren't supposed to start yet... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ......... I guess we could start with some racing... But I've never set up the room before... ... Welcome to having a disappointing host! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin could easily do that but I don't know where he went. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he presses his face against the window. He's outside. Why?* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *and he opens the window. It is fucking cold.* You called? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, the grasp of death is upon me. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Close the window!! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, please come in before you get sick. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Coming! *he enters and shuts the window, trailing snow in* Sheepy: Bedi: Are you cold? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Now? A little. Sheepy: Bedi: I can warm you up if you want! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, how romantic- Sheepy: Bedi: *He activates Airgetlam* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, how terrifying. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Please step away from the equipment when you do that! Sheepy: Bedi: ? ...Oh. Sheepy: *The light from Airgetlam dies down.* Sheepy: Bedi: Sorry. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's cool. *he shakes the snow off and just. sits on Lancelot and Tristan to start setting up the server. Lancelot stares* Sheepy: Tristan: I'm dying. Sheepy: Guin: *She raises her eyebrows and looks over at Merlin. merlin blease* Sheepy: *Bedi doesn't seem bothered by this.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yes, Guin? Sheepy: Guin: You're kind of....well. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: On your territory? Sheepy: Guin: No. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: No? So its free real estate? Sheepy: Guin: You're sitting on them. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Okay. *and he does nothing about it* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: We don't deserve this. Sheepy: Tristan: *sob* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Don't deserve... You say that like this is a bad thing! Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, or perhaps they don't think they're good enough for you. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That may be correct. ... I realize in hindsight that sitting between two depressed men may not be the best for me. Oh well! Server's up! Sheepy: Bedi: You can sit with me. *He sits on the opposite side of the couch.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: oh, that works too! *he gets up, gives Lance the controller, and joins Bedi* Sheepy: Bedi: What's the game? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Mario kart. It's a racer. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...have fun! ArsĂ©-kun: the chat:: BEDMAGI, BEDMAGI, BEDMAGI ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I'll try... Either way, chat... Chat seems to think you two are an item.. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah? No, we're people. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Thinks you two are together. Sheepy: Bedi: Well, we are together on this side of the couch. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :3c Sheepy: Guin: Like dating. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: :3c Sheepy: Bedi: I don't see any calendars. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I:< c ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Don't make me do it. Sheepy: Bedi: Do what? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he leans in close to Bedi and nuzzles him* Oh, you know~ Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, people are going to see. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Aaaaand? Sheepy: Bedi: And people will see! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Is that it? Sheepy: Bedi: Th-that's a lot! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he just curls up next to Bedi and smiles at him* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he glances towards the camera* ... 's confirmed. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to play too. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Sure. *he bends down and picks up a controller for Tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: What're we playing? Monopoly? Yan Qing won't let me play. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... .... Non. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm banned from monopoly at Chaldea. Sheepy: Tristan: This feels weird. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: How did you get banned from monopoly too?? Sheepy: Tristan: I am banned from most games, but I don't see what I did in terms of monopoly as wrong. Sheepy: Tristan: I would feign falling asleep on the board upon losing certain properties. Sheepy: Tristan:....What else ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You're so awful. I'm inspired! Sheepy: Tristan: I kept the monopoly money under the assumption it was real money. Sheepy: Tristan: I tried buying a gift for my previous Master with it and got kicked out of the store. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Oh, the lobby is already full. That was fast.. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ........ *he's looking at the screen* .... Can't he just come downstairs and join us..? Sheepy: Tristan: Whom? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: The pharaoh. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah....the Sun King... ArsĂ©-kun: *the chat is primarily ☌s, PRAISE THE SUN!!, or ??s* ArsĂ©-kun: *and a solid paragraph of laughter in all caps* Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: king of knights > sun king. if I were there I'd clean that smug grin off that pharaoh's face!! ArsĂ©-kun: angrymanOO:: I would pay real money to watch that fight! Sheepy: Ozymandias:: DONT ACT LIKE YOU CAN BEAT ME! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Pharaoh, do join us instead of getting angry on the internet. ArsĂ©-kun: moâ™Șpoâ™Șop:: When are we starting??? Sheepy: *Ozy enters in all of his gloriousness and plops on the couch, one sphinx kitten on his shoulder and the other two following him. His hair is sticking straight up.* Sheepy: Bedi: *What is that hairstyle* Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: it's the man in the flesh!! now fight me for what you did! king of knights > sun king! Sheepy: Ozymandias: Ahahaha! I wouldn't bother fighting you. Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: what are you, a coward? you'll just accept that you're not as good as the king of knights? you actually learned!! Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: Second place doesn't matter. Why fight over it? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he moves over for Ozy to sit down, while glancing at the computer screen. The other one. There's two. So everyone can see the chat* Ah... Hello, Gilgamesh. How is the city so far..? Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: This place needs some cleaning up. This is a job for the *best* king. Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: The King of Knights probably doesn't want to deal with New York! Sheepy: Ozymandias: Hah, of course, I could easily clean it up. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Could you? Could you really? Sheepy: Ozy: Of course, how hard could it be? Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: I'm thinking of creating an arena to pay for the expenses of turning New York into my ideal image of my new city. We'll need to work on the name, too. New Uruk is what I propose! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Are you trying to get the attention of Ishtar? Because that's what you're doing. Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: Of course not! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Then maybe leave the name alone. Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: Fine! But everything else has to change. ArsĂ©-kun: moâ™Șpoâ™Șop:: Just leave the theater and music venues alone! Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: Will do. They're good. ArsĂ©-kun: Mud.tv:: Gilgamesh, can you PLEASE watch where you are going? I'm going to let you get hit by a car at this rate. Sheepy: gilgameshTV:: bbl ArsĂ©-kun: Mud.tv:: And he has just hit a car with his face. Our great king Gilgamesh, everybody. Sheepy: sunnyDstruction:: King of Knights > King of Heroes ArsĂ©-kun: Mud.tv:: human decency > you Sheepy: sunnyDtruction:: đŸ€” ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he looks up from his phone* Today, my lord! Please stop imprinting vehicles with your facial features! Sheepy: Gil: I'm not! I'm waiting on you, of course! Ahahahaha! Sheepy: Gil: *He rushes on ahead, visibly embarrassed* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he easily catches up, latching onto Gil's arm* Now, lets not lag too far behind, mm? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Do you want your master and the author to reach our destination first? He will never let us hear the end of it. Sheepy: Gil: No! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Well.... I don't think we get much choice in the matter. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: --- And it took you long enough, King of Heroes! King of Zeroes! King of going zero miles per hour! *he's all bundled up. puffy coat. and his glasses are fogged from his own breath. actually the worst.* It's freezing out here! Are you trying to kill us, or do you want my frostbite to worsen? Would you like to see the results of your slow, slow actions?? Sheepy: Gil: Shut it, pup. Sheepy: Gil: You don't need to bark my ear off. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Actually, talking in large amounts is letting the cold air numb my throat, so I absolutely am required to continue speaking. Sheepy: Gil: You're being obnoxious. I shouldn't have brought you along. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Shut up and open the door so Minako doesn't freeze to death. Sheepy: Gil: Open your own door! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she's also very bundled up, and miserably sitting on the cement* Giiiil! Sheepy: Gil: What? Sheepy: Gil: You don't even know how to open a door? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I couldn't open it. Weak or not, I'm still a servant. Sheepy: Gil: Fine! I'll open it, then. Sheepy: *Gil attempts to open the door.* ArsĂ©-kun: *the door takes some pressure before being pulled open. someone inscribed a spell on the other side. It seems to have been magically enhanced.* Sheepy: Gil: *huff, huff* Who....!? *He crosses his arms and grits his teeth* Whoever did this, I will speak to them about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: How crude. *he strolls on over and casually bashes his arm through the door, ruining the spell* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... In hindsight, I could have done that to begin with. ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Minako rushes inside. Andersen just admires the door* Sheepy: *Gil storms in.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu and Andersen follow him in.* ArsĂ©-kun: *there's heating! which is weird, shouldn't the building be entirely closed? Is it still in use?* Sheepy: Gil: ....................... Sheepy: Gil: *He rashly heads further in without any regard for what could be ahead.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and very quickly ends up at the stadium seating. still warmer than it was outside* ArsĂ©-kun: *probably because the announcer booth doors are open and the heats on* ArsĂ©-kun: *ooor someone used magic* Sheepy: Gil: *He looks around, visibly confused* Sheepy: Gil: Hah, I know. They were expecting me. Sheepy: Gil: They're giving me a warm welcome! Wuhahahahahaha! Sheepy: Gil: Laugh, mongrels! For this is a King of Heroes joke! ArsĂ©-kun: ?: For a King of Heroes joke, that got an awfully cold reception! Sheepy: Gil: Ahahahahaha! Sheepy: Gil:...Hah! Are you the one who put the spell on the door? ArsĂ©-kun: ?: What? No, I did nothing like that. That would be the other guy, zasshu. Sheepy: Gil: Don't call me that! Sheepy: Gil: I am the King of Heroes, not some dirty peasant! ArsĂ©-kun: ?: Aren't we all? I meant the caster, not you, you beautiful bastard. Sheepy: Gil: Caster? Sheepy: Gil: What Caster? ArsĂ©-kun: ?: The one over here, using seats as a bed! Absolutely lowlife-ish! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, he sure sounds it. Sheepy: Gil: *He begins walking forward* ArsĂ©-kun: *as does this other guy. They'll meet in the middle eventually* Sheepy: Gil:....Hah! Hah?! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Hah! I knew you would be vexed by this! Caster told me so! Sheepy: Gil: Why do you look similar to me? ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Greetings, Gilgamesh, I am also Gilgamesh, better edition. Sheepy: Gil: I am the best Gilgamesh! Sheepy: Gil: I'll accept you being better than that brat who claims to be me. ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Ah, but I am the best one! I basically run this city! Sheepy: Gil: What!? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: (what the fuck is going on.) Sheepy: Gil: Th-That doesn't make you better! Sheepy: Gil: Enkidu chose me as his best friend, not you! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Enkidu... Every one of us were friends with him, zasshu! Sheepy: Gil: Yes, but he lives with me. ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: ... ... Fine, but I call second best. Sheepy: Gil:...And the brat too, I suppose.... but he's not Gilgamesh. ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Oh, shush. He's got less flaws than us. Sheepy: Gil: I don't remember being a child! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Me neither, but at least I know it happened! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, you admit weakness! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: If I'm second banana, there's gotta be something holding me down. Sheepy: Gil: Being a child at one point of your life means that you had flaws you needed to grow out of in order to become a man! Sheepy: Gil: I have been, and always will be, flawless. Sheepy: Gil: Therefore! I was never a child. ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: I guess yer just older, so you've got less of em. Sheepy: Gil: By less you mean none! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Same difference! ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Caster has sat up and is irritably looking at them. And then throws his (stone) tablet at them before going back to sleep* Sheepy: Gil:!? Sheepy: Gil: Don't throw things at us, you lazy old man! ArsĂ©-kun: Gil?: Ey, fuck you too, Caster! *but he still retrieves the tablet* ArsĂ©-kun: *all the tablet says on it, in all capital letters, is "Shut up, you Prototype Mongrel, I'll have you do my next shift"* Sheepy: Gil: Don't insult him! He's second best! ArsĂ©-kun: Prototype Gil: Yeah! Yeah, I am! Sheepy: Kogil: You're all the same person so you're only competing in ego. Sheepy: Gil: Shut your trap, br- BRAT?! I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME! Sheepy: Kogil: Oops~ You kept Enkidu all to yourself for so long that I got lonely. Sheepy: Gil: Get your OWN friends, pup! Sheepy: Gil: He was my friend first! Sheepy: Kogil: You’re so mean, Goldie. Sheepy: Gil: Who invited you!? Not me! Sheepy: Kogil: You look different than Goldie. Are you another version of us? I’m Gil~ it’s nice to meet you! *He flashes a big, sweet smile* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Yeah, that's right, lil punk. I'm Prototype Gilgamesh. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: *he squats down to get a better look at Kogil* This is so damn surreal. Sheepy: Kogil: What is? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Y'don't get to see your older and younger selves in one day all that often, do ya? Sheepy: Kogil: Hmmm~ I can't say I've seen my younger self before, but I see Goldie every day. Sheepy: Gil: What do you mean, younger self? This kid's a fake. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: But we already talked about this, it's why I'm second banana to you! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: But hey, my city, my rules. If we're gonna bully anyone, we bully the old geezer! Sheepy: Gil: Old geezer? ArsĂ©-kun: *and Progil throws the tablet (stone) back at Casgil. Casgil.... Catches it and rolls over. ah.* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: That wasn't part of my plan at all. Sheepy: Kogil: Who's that? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: That's Caster Gil. He's old and he works all the time. Sheepy: Gil: Hah? As if I'd ever be a Caster! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: He's got more Noble Phantasms than you. Sheepy: Gil: ................ Sheepy: Gil: But I am stronger!!! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: True that! You nor I would manage to overwork ourselves to death! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, of course! ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu is lurking amidst the seats. They want to join the Gil Party, but he doesn't want to cause a fight.* Sheepy: Kogil: *He looks over at Enkidu and smiles. hello!* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: May I join you, my lords? Sheepy: Kogil: Please do! Sheepy: Gil: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: *he's staring at Enkidu. Give him a minute to process. It takes all Gils a minute to first process Enkidu.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu joins them, rustling Kogil's hair before latching onto Gil's arm. :) * Sheepy: Gil: *A beaming smile forms on his face. Excellent!!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Progil, meanwhile, has a mental slot machine running. What emotion should he be feeling right now? A whole lot!* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: ... Hey? What the fuck? Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: What's... What's all this?? Is he just arm candy for ya, zasshu?? *this is not why he's agitated, and everyone knows it.* Sheepy: Gil: No! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... I believe he is asking for a turn. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... Ah, I live with you two. A few minutes can't hurt. *and he transfers himself to Progil, who looks Thrilled* Sheepy: Gil: Hah. Fine! ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Minako and Andersen are just watching this from way further back. They've got binoculars. I don't know where these were obtained from. This is all unimportant* ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu takes a moment to glance back at Casgil, though. there is a disturbance in the force* ArsĂ©-kun: *the disturbance is a Gil having a bad dream. bad sight? whatever. As Enkidu, this is a thing he has been attuned to.* ArsĂ©-kun: *he doesnt even KNOW this Gil. This Gil is from after Enkidu's time.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: .... I know. Kogil? May I request a favor specifically from you? Sheepy: Kogil: Yes? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: As you would be the least of a disturbance, could you see how the Caster is faring? Sheepy: Kogil: Mhm! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you very much. Sheepy: *Kogil cheerfully skips over to Casgil. hello!* ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: *he's finally, actually awake, and looks fairly rattled- Which is odd to see on ANY Gilgamesh. He's holding his tablet close, like some sort of rock teddy bear. Once he sees Kogil, though, he changes to a more neutral expression* Can I help you..? Sheepy: Kogil: Hello, mister. You looked like you were having a nightmare~ ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: A nightmare? Don't be ridiculous. I don't get those. Visions, sure, but not nightmares. I've got no time for that. Sheepy: Kogil: Mmm. Well, perhaps that's what it was. You didn't look too great, anyway, so I woke you up. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Hah. Mind your business, prince. *but he pats kogil's shoulder and sits up.* Sheepy: Kogil: I'll make sure not to wake you in the future, then.. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: It is fine. I will permit it. *and he looks down towards the other Gils, and Enkidu* ... So all four of us are present? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: ... You don't need to answer that. It's as I expected, of course. I already knew we would all meet here. Sheepy: Kogil: You did? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: I did. The only thing I did not expect was... That. Sheepy: Kogil: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Enkidu's death made me who I am today. His being alive would undo that. Therefore, that must be Kingu and I am ignoring him. Sheepy: Kogil: Ah~ I didn't really think about it that way. Sheepy: Kogil: Enkidu is from after I existed, and him coming into my life represents when my transition between my current state and Goldie finally was complete. Sheepy: Kogil: So in a way, his existence marks the end of my existence. And yet, I've chosen to disregard that because I never actually got to meet him~ Sheepy: Kogil: I wouldn't know if he was Kingu, I'm sorry to say. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: An interesting way to put it.. Let us find out. ArsĂ©-kun: *and so, Casgil starts heading down to the field, using the stairs like a normal human being* Sheepy: *Wow! Kogil follows him.* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Oh, look who's finally joinin' us! Sheepy: Kogil: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: If the next thing out of your hormone-addled brain is "Do you need another nap, old man?", you'll be a smear on the wall. I don't have the time for this. Sheepy: Kogil: Time? Do you have a job? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Every one of you, unseal Sha Naqba Imuru. Don't ask questions. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: We're going to need it quite a bit. Sheepy: Gil: Why? Sheepy: Gil: It's distracting. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Don't be obnoxious. It is a very serious matter. Sheepy: Gil: If it was something worth knowing, I'd know it, wouldn't I? Sheepy: Kogil: But you wouldn't know it without enabling your skill.... Sheepy: Gil: Shut up, brat. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: The prince is entirely correct. Unless you don't mind watching that *he gestures to Enkidu* dying in the near future, I highly suggest you do what I said. Sheepy: Gil: *His smug grin fades, leaving a serious expression*... First of all. He's not a "that", he's my friend. Second of all: Are you threatening him? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: No. I am not that foolish. I am telling you a small part of the future that will occur if nothing is done. Sheepy: Gil: ...What? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: You heard me perfectly clear. Sheepy: Gil:....H-Hah.... Sheepy: Gil: And what can be done? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: If I was able to tell you, I would be doing so instead of having you do it yourself. Keep even those you barely care about close until it is over- I cannot say your loved ones, because you only have one. Sheepy: Gil: Hah. You say it like it's a bad thing! Sheepy: Kogil: People will only put up with your nasty behavior for so long until they begin to hate you. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Now, now, prince. Do not be as insulting as he is. Sheepy: Gil: Shut your trap, brat! ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Yell again and I'll knock you into next week, pup. Sheepy: Kogil: Ah~ Sorry. It was intended as an observation, but I can see how it could be insulting. Sheepy: Gil: Don't threaten me! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Please shut up. Sheepy: Gil: *He huffs but actually shuts up* ArsĂ©-kun: *a moment of silence, because every Gil shut their mouths* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he looks to Casgil* Am I only a "that" to you? Give me attention, Mage-king. ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: ... I was avoiding this for a reason, Kingu- ArsĂ©-kun: *and Casgil is unceremoniously bashed into the ground by Enkidu and his quintuple-sized mud arm. Enkidu seems displeased.* Sheepy: Kogil:?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: :) I do not go by that name, for it is not mine. I will certainly combat you over this. Sheepy: Kogil: *He rushes to Casgil's side* Are you okay? ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: 'm just peachy... *he's ok* Sheepy: Kogil: That's good. That looked painful. Sheepy: Gil: You deserved that. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Wuahaha! At this rate, you'll be muddier than Enkidu! ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: Was that meant to be a King of Heroes joke...? Were we meant to laugh....?? Sheepy: Gil: .....? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ...... .......... That was bad. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Claiming anyone can be muddier than I is purely hyper-bole. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Do laugh, for that was a mud of the gods joke! Sheepy: Gil: ..................... Sheepy: Kogil: .................... Sheepy: *Gil laughs. Kogil pity laughs.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Casgil sighs. Progil just looks confused* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Hyperbole..? Bole being clay..? .... I'll stop speaking now. Sheepy: Kogil: Haha....? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: We're all really bad at this. Sheepy: Kogil: Bad at what? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Jokes. We're all awful at jokes. We're the kings of heroes, not of gaffs and giggles! Sheepy: Kogil:....Mmmm, not laughing at an unfunny joke doesn't make one bad at them. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: But how could one of us be funny if the rest aren't? Sheepy: Kogil: That's not important right now. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I suppose so, but what king wants to sit here and think about bad things for the remainder of the evening? ArsĂ©-kun: *aaaand then it was awkward* Sheepy: Kogil: I'd rather spend our time trying to figure out a solution. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: How do we do that with no idea what's gonna happen?? Sheepy: Kogil: If Goldie dies, that implies Big Sister is going to die as well~ I've grown really attached to her. Sheepy: Kogil: Goldie and you could do what Caster and I have already done. Figure out what's going to happen. Regroup. Sheepy: Gil: Or Caster could tell us what's going to happen. Sheepy: Kogil: Goldie~ If you're capable of doing something, do it yourself rather than making someone else do it for you. Sheepy: Gil: Silence, pup! No one asked for your opinion! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: He already said he couldn't explain! Are your ears full of gold? Sheepy: Gil: "He can't explain" is just a lousy excuse for not wanting to! ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu glances down at Casgil, who has... Gone back to sleep. Nice.* ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Hey, wait a sec! What you've already done?? What'd you see, kiddo? Sheepy: Kogil:......Ah~ I spoke a bit too much. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Are you not gonna share?? Sheepy: Kogil: It'd be best if you found it out yourself. Sheepy: Gil: Speak, pup! Sheepy: Kogil: Woof. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Why, you..! Sheepy: Kogil: Learning is about doing things yourself. Sheepy: Kogil: If I have to bail you out every time just because I prepare accordingly, you'll never do it yourself. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he lowers himself to Kogil's level* And what of me, who cannot find out? Sheepy: Kogil: I can tell you~ ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Yes, please. Sheepy: Kogil: I know you'll just tell Goldie and his friend, but it's different. Friends help each other. Sheepy: Gil: As if I'd ever be friends with a brat like you! I'm a king, not some babysitter! Sheepy: *Kogil whispers to Enkidu what he saw.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ..... *his face doesn't change. Poker face* ....... Thank you for telling me. Sheepy: Kogil: You're welcome! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I am now going to repress that entire explanation and pretend I never heard it. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Then what was the point?? Sheepy: Gil: What! Why?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The data is corrupted. Retrying process. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: You took a perfectly good clay and gave it anxiety! Sheepy: Kogil: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I was.... Oh, fuck it! How bad is it? Sheepy: Kogil: Bad. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: How bad is bad? From one to train disaster? Sheepy: Kogil: Worse. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Worse than... Train disaster..? .... 9/11 bad? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: ... Better or worse than Enki? Sheepy: Kogil: Very bad. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: ..... ...... Does it make Ea look like a child's toy? Sheepy: Kogil: Maybe. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: What the fuck. Sheepy: Gil: Why. Didn't. You. Say. Anything? Sheepy: Kogil: You're always telling me to shut up so I expected the same reaction. Sheepy: Gil: When there's something serious, you SAY something! Sheepy: Kogil: You really are singing a different song now. Sheepy: Gil: Silence! Understand your crimes! Sheepy: Gil: You're lucky I'm not punishing you, mongrel! Sheepy: Gil: I'm going to wait until after your use is up to do that. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So what we've learned is to compare tragedies to his noble phantasm! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Could you perhaps tell us peasants what's so utterly disastrous so we may prepare for it? Or are you all going to continue being petty? Sheepy: Kogil: That's not a very nice way of referring to yourself. You're worth a lot~ please don't let Goldie diminish your view of your worth. Sheepy: Kogil: Ah....I suppose I should tell you. Sheepy: Kogil: I was really hoping to keep it from Goldie because I expected that reaction, but now he knows, so it won't hurt. Sheepy: Gil: It will hurt after I'm done with you! Sheepy: Kogil: *He describes what he saw.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: .................... Sheepy: Kogil: So now you know. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ..... I'm. ... I have no words. Pardon me. *and he exits scene, quickly* Sheepy: Kogil: *He's smiling sweetly, not saying a word.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: .... I believe he is being ill right now. Sheepy: Kogil: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I am unsure if I can replicate that function, but now would certainly be the time for it. Sheepy: Gil: ...? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I enjoy living. ArsĂ©-kun: *Another awkward silence, before a phone rings. Who ringing* ArsĂ©-kun: *It's Casgil's, and he's not getting it* Sheepy: *Gil picks it up.* Sheepy: *Gil answers it.* Sheepy: Gil: Hello? ArsĂ©-kun: Roman: It's the director. Return immediately-- We've got a problem! Sheepy: Gil: Hah, I think I've got a worse problem. Sheepy: Gil: "I" happen to be passed out after being slammed into the ground. This is the Archer speaking, not the Caster. Sheepy: Gil: I can try kicking him awake. ArsĂ©-kun: Roman: Do so! We don't have much time! Sheepy: *Gil kicks Casgil.* Sheepy: Gil: Wake up, you lazy bum! ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: ......... Onore! Sheepy: *Gil kicks Casgil again.* Sheepy: Gil: Answer your phone call, fool! It's for you! Don't make a disgrace out of my name! ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: *he takes his phone after he drags himself up, using Enkidu's big, stupid mud arm as leverage* ArsĂ©-kun: Casgil: ...... mhmm.. .......! !! I was hoping to have a longer vacation, but so be it. I'll be there shortly. *he hangs up and opens the Gate of Babylon, leaning in to actively fetch something. 's faster.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Casgil retrieves a hat, which he puts on. He vanishes instantly. A few footsteps can be seen in the snow. Then he's gone* Sheepy: Gil: ...Why? Sheepy: Kogil: My hat... ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: We all have that hat, pup! Sheepy: Kogil; But isn’t our gate shared? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Exactly! We all own the contents! Sheepy: Kogil: That’s true, but... I like that hat... Sheepy: Gil: I don’t use it. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I want to. Sheepy: Gil: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Why not? Sheepy: Gil: A king’s most important aspect is his appearance ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: And that hat is pretty stylish! Sheepy: Gil: No one can see you when you wear it, idiot! Sheepy: Kogil: We need to come up with a plan to deal with- ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Who has to? I think I look good! Sheepy: Gil: Oh, shut up! Sheepy: Kogil: But what about- Sheepy: Gil: People need to see you or they’ll steal your throne! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Shut up! Sheepy: Gil: Don’t order me ar-guh! ...Ah. Enkidu. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: We'll protect ourselves tonight. If nothing occurs, we can meet up tomorrow morning and plan our defense. Sheepy: Kogil: Yes, good idea. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I suppose. I don't think it would happen tonight, but I'll keep an eye out. Sheepy: Gil: ...Hah, fine. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Thank you for listening. Let us dismiss this talk- She's coming back. Sheepy: Gil: Fine. Sheepy: Kogil: ..... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: And so is- ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Youse men 're still 'ere? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Great. I thought abo't it. She w'ulnd't be able t'handle the news. N' I brought wine. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I was going to bring it up in the softest way possible, but I suppose we shant. Let us share a drink and be on our ways. Sheepy: Kogil: Let’s go back and then share a drink. Sheepy: Gil: Let’s share many drinks and go back. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Just don't drive afterwards. You wreck it, you fix it yourself! ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Enkidu has already gotten a bottle of wine from Andersen, ripped the cork out with his teeth, and chugging.* Sheepy: Gil: *He raises his eybrows* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: You'll get your turn, za. *he hands the bottle to Progil, over Kogil* ArsĂ©-kun: *Progil takes a small sip before handing it to Gil* Sheepy: Gil: *He conjures a wine glass from the Gates of Babylon, pours the wine into it, and drinks from the glass.* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Gee, fancy. Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Just drink from the damn bottle like everyone else! Sheepy: Gil: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Because your ego is inflatin'. You're the bes' guy here becuz you have a cup, ooooooh. Sheepy: Gil: ...Maybe I don't want to share the same drinking spot as everyone else? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: The wine already touch'd it, tho. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: So whas'the point? Sheepy: Gil: Cleanliness? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Fuck, whatever. Sheepy: Gil: I care. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: I know you do. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Is the Gilsaholic meeting still going on?? *she is BACK from... Shopping, easily noted due to all the bags. And the shopping cart.* Sheepy: Kogil: I want to leave. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Me, too. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: .... ..... *♄* Sheepy: Kogil: ...........? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Uhm, excuse me? You're beautiful. Please go on a date with me. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *oxo??? How does she even respond to this?? She kinda just looks to Gil. Hjelp.* Sheepy: Gil: Stop being desperate. You can find better. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Can I? .. I mean, of course I can! Sheepy: Gil: Are you that lacking in self confidence? ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I lost it somewhere. It's probably in some back alleyway, near "Nobody cares who I am" street. Sheepy: Gil: That's why you make them care! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Don't you think I've tried, zasshu? Sheepy: Gil: I don't think you've tried! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I'll give it another shot, but only because you know better. Sheepy: Gil: Of course I do! ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Then I'll make those hating mongrels rue the day they cursed our name! Sheepy: Gil: Good! Sheepy: Kogil: ................ Sheepy: Kogil: But don't you want to become known as a good ruler rather than a tyrant? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Please don't hurt anyone too badly. You want respect, not hatred. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: Can't you be a good ruler and still take names? ArsĂ©-kun: *in the bg, andersen climbs into the cart and goes to sleep there. real goddamn adult-like and classy* Sheepy: Kogil: A good ruler does not go after those who insult him. Sheepy: Kogil: Instead, he proves them wrong by doing good deeds no matter if he gets attention for it or not. Sheepy: Kogil: A selfless king is the way to go. Sheepy: Gil: A selfless king gets taken advantage of! Sheepy: Gil: A powerful king who knows both his place and the place of those who doubt him is the perfect king! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Do find a happy medium. These two will argue for the next year about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: I'll figure something out! Sheepy: Gil: Good. Sheepy: Kogil: I hope you make a choice that you don't regret in the long run. ArsĂ©-kun: Progil: But short term disappointments are okay? I'll remember that. Sheepy: Kogil: Of course! Sheepy: Kogil: Short term disappointments are how you learn and improve. Sheepy: Kogil: To run away from disappointment is to run away from life itself. Without occasional failure and disappointment, your accomplishments won't seem as great to you. Sheepy: Gil: Hah! Well, you talk big for a short disappointment! Sheepy: Gil: Wuhahahahahahahahahaha! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Will you two quit it for ten minutes..? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: You can go get started, though, mayor. Get your work done, and don't forget to take regular breaks. ArsĂ©-kun: *so Progil heads off on his own, and everyone else returns to a hotel room. Indoor heating is so good.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: This is much better. *and he sits on the radiator* Sheepy: Kogil: *He's thinking to himself silently. Gil is enjoying the warmth.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen is writing. Minako is sorting the bags and the contents.* Sheepy: Kogil: *This silence is uncomfortable.* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: ....? Sheepy: Kogil: ..................Master~ I have a question. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, yeah? What's up? Sheepy: Kogil: Do you have any, ah....... Sheepy: Kogil: Wishes that you haven't fulfilled yet? Life goals? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Eh? Uhm... It's, uh. It's still the same as before. Why..? Sheepy: Kogil: .............Ah, it's just... Sheepy: Kogil: Well, Master, please work hard and remember: wishes aren't everything~ they're just things to aspire to, but if you can't achieve them, that's OK. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, yeah, I get that. It happens all the time, unfortunately. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: ... I don't mean to me, though! Sheepy: Kogil: I just want to make sure you know that. Sheepy: Kogil: ................. *he goes back to staring at the floor silently...* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: .... You okay, Ko? Sheepy: Kogil: Ah, you know how it is. I just worry about my friends sometimes. Sheepy: Kogil: I think I'm going to try to sleep early~ Try not to miss me too much, okay? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: You're right here. I'm not going anywhere. Sheepy: Kogil: Yes. I know. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Oh, but first... *she goes digging into a bag, and pulls out a white teddy bear* I got this for you! Sheepy: Kogil:......! Sheepy: Kogil: Thank you....! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: You're welcome! Oh, Gil, I got you stuff too! Sheepy: Gil: I will accept your sacrifices, mongrel! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Great, mutt! You're getting them whether you like them or not! Sheepy: Gil: Hahahaha! As if! Sheepy: *Kogil slinks off...* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she pulls out a small dagger in a nice sheathe* You said you were missing something like this? It was the, uh.. *and she trips over "Carnwennan" for the next five seconds* Sheepy: Gil: Yes, I was. ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Then here you go! *she hands it over to him* Sheepy: *Gil snatches it and begins to inspect it.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it's a dagger.* Sheepy: Gil: ...Hah, it's nothing worth much. A common dagger at best. I'll accept such a cheap gift just this once, mutt. Sheepy: *...Gil appears pleased.* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Cheap? Cheap?? You don't know what cheap means, you mutt! *and she throws a big, balled up scarf at his face* Sheepy: Gil: -Ow! Sheepy: Gil: Define cheap and I'll tell you if it's right, mongrel! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: A shit gift you get because you can't be bothered to get something good! Snowglobes, socks, n' mugs! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: But you can share that with Mud! Sheepy: Gil: Fine. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Share it..? Is it long enough for that? Sheepy: Gil: Hah? The dagger? Probably not. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The scarf, za. Sheepy: Gil: ....The scarf? Maybe. Sheepy: Gil: You can have it if it doesn't. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I refuse. It's yours. Sheepy: Gil: I don't need it. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I can coat myself in warm fur if I need to. You cannot. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Therefore, I will regift it to you without fail. ArsĂ©-kun: *He gets off the heater and approaches Gil, taking the scarf to put on. It is Far Too Long, so he throws it on Gil too.* ArsĂ©-kun: *During this, Andersen shuts his book and throws himself at the bed. He's so done* Sheepy: Gil: Fine. ArsĂ©-kun: *And then Enkidu tugs on Gil's end of the scarf. Hey. Hey, you* Sheepy: Gil: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: :) ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he gets close to Gil, lowering his voice* If we need time for you to use your clairvoyance, it'd be best we got it over with now rather than later. Sheepy: Gil:...I suppose so. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: If anything happens, I'll protect you with everything I have, my lord. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: You come first, no questions asked. ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu then drags Gil by the scarf to bed, and lays next to him, lightly purring until Gil falls asleep* *A single flash, and the hotel room freezes over.  Can't move. So cold. Sobbing. Crack. Crack. Flash. White halls, rushing through. Faceless masses, covering themselves. Flash. Snow-covered mountains. Flash. Ice storm, rippling across a city. Nothing withstands it. Flash. Bodies being thrown into the air as streets are ripped apart. They hit the broken ground and instantly shatter. Flash. The world is spinning as Master dies. A faceless child succumbs to the cold and fades away. Flash. Where is he? Falling towards the throne, watching an unmoving clock. Tick, tick. The clock starts moving at a rapid speed. His fall stops and he is jolted upwards. Tick, tick. Flash. His friend's frozen form, stuck in it's mournful pose, shatters. Tick, tick. The streets are silent and clear. A car hits a pole. Tick, tick. Being carried through calm white halls. Tick, tick. The hotel room is tore apart, debris flying before this, too, stops. Tick, tick. He wakes up in the hotel room with nothing amiss. The others are asleep and no one is harmed. He hears the clock ticking. He looks at the clock. There are no clock hands. A surge of nausea washes through him. The sun shines into the room. It's too hot. The hotel room melts away from the heat. Tick, tick, tick, tock goes the clock. He wakes up.* Sheepy: *Gil shoots up, hyperventilating and sweating. Shaking and nauseous.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Is this real life? Or is this, too, another layer of the vision?* Sheepy: Gil: *He attempts to shakily stand.* ArsĂ©-kun: *He is able to do so! With control over his motions, it can be confirmed that he is Awake.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and alone. In his own room, at the house.* ArsĂ©-kun: *His room is in its normal, neat and clean state. There are no peopl-Enkidu suddenly barrels into the room, slamming the door open* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: You've finally woken up! I've been.... waiting.... *his smile fades as he looks at Gil's face* ... Are you okay, Gilgamesh..? Sheepy: Gil: I saw something. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: It was that bad..? Sheepy: Gil: ....Horrible... Sheepy: Gil: ...and cold. It's so cold. Sheepy: Gil: L-like something like that is going to happen....!! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Indeed. We are still here, are we not..? *he puts an arm around Gil, slowly, unsure if he should* Sheepy: Gil:....How did I end up here...? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I don't know. Sheepy: Gil:...What? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I. Do not know. How we got here. As far as I am aware, we are the only ones who were displaced like this. Sheepy: Gil:..... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Not that I am complaining. Nothing of value was lost. Sheepy: Gil:....Things were lost? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Probably? I haven't asked. I've only been with you and the young prince. Sheepy: Gil: You've seen him? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Yes. Sheepy: Gil: And? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: He's been... Violently ill all morning. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I'd like to say he saw something similar to you. Sheepy: Gil: Ah. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Shall we get you food, so you do not have the same fate as the prince? Sheepy: Gil: ....I suppose so ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Then we will, za! Sheepy: Gil: *He stands back up, stumbling briefly* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he shifts himself to help support Gil* Just ask if you need anything. Sheepy: Gil: I will. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Okay. Lets go, friend. Sheepy: *The two go to get food!* ArsĂ©-kun: *the long and arduous journey is not interrupted by Anyone, and Gil obtains Food and Drink. Where the hell is everyone.* Sheepy: Gil: Where is everyone? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Living room.... Except the prince and two others, they're nearby. .... And two are not in range. Sheepy: Gil: "In range"? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I'm not detecting them at all. Sheepy: Gil: Which ones? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The wizard and the detective are both absent. Sheepy: Gil: ...Hm. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I have been informed that they were both present prior to last night, as well. So either they went out early this morning or.... Sheepy: Gil: ................ Sheepy: Gil: Suspicious. Sheepy: Gil: That wizard and that detective- both of them are suspicious. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The wizard I could understand- He may just be hidden for whatever reason. The detective does not have this advantage. Sheepy: Gil: .......... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: But it is still worrying. Sheepy: Gil: What are they plotting? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: What are they..? We don't know if they are. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Perhaps someone else knows? Or should we try to find out ourselves? Sheepy: Gil: ...Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Yes to which? Sheepy: Gil: To the last part. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Shall we... Do what we were asked not to do? Sheepy: Gil: What do you mean? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I mean, didn't he forbid you from looking at his diary? Sheepy: Gil: ...Hah. Who cares. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Not I. I want answers. Sheepy: Gil: Of course! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Let us be off. Sheepy: Gil: *He heads to Merlin's room.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu follows him* ArsĂ©-kun: *and in the middle of the room, on the floor, is Merlin's diary. The floor around it is wet for some reason.* Sheepy: Gil: ...............? Sheepy: Gil: *He strolls over to the diary and snatches it* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he goes over and.... sniffs the floor. Enkidu.* Smells like the titanic. Cold and salty. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he gets back up* Wait, no. The titanic was the ship. I messed it up. Sheepy: Gil: *He starts flipping through the pages* Yes, yes it is. ArsĂ©-kun: *he quickly finds yesterday's date. "yesterday's".* ArsĂ©-kun: *most of the page is complaining. An awful thing was supposed to happen, but there was no sign of it? what was he worrying for? ... immediately followed by panicked scribbling. It quickly stops being legible* Sheepy: Gil: ............ ArsĂ©-kun: *turn the page?* ArsĂ©-kun: *The next page is written in an entirely different hand, but it only mentions that Merlin was too occupied to write anything. Only at the bottom does Merlin's handwriting come in, and all it says is "They're dead and that's all you had to say?!"* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: *he leans in and sniffs* Detective. Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: This page smells like the detective. He wrote this, or handled it. Sheepy: Gil: So they're together at least. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Perhaps. Lets keep going. ArsĂ©-kun: *the next page is dated as "today", and is written by Merlin again, detailing.... How most of the planet has been frozen over... And that there were only a few survivors...* Sheepy: Gil:...Lies! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Little Gil reported visions of freezings both yesterday and today... Sheepy: Gil: But we're still here. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: We are... Is there more? Sheepy: Gil:...What? Sheepy: Gil: You said everyone is in the other room. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: No... *he goes to turn the page. there is an entry dated tomorrow. what.* Sheepy: Gil:.....?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: .... *he takes out his phone and checks the date* ......... Gil? Sheepy: Gil:...What? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: My phone says its October. Sheepy: Gil: What.... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... Maybe it's just mine? Sheepy: *Gil takes his phone out* ArsĂ©-kun: *it, too, claims it is the middle of October.* Sheepy: Gil: What?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: How?! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: This doesn't make any sense! *he flips the journal forward by a bunch of pages. Entry is dated the middle of march. What.* Sheepy: Gil:.... Sheepy: Gil: H...hah...it's just a prank... ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: I hope so. Let us present this to the others so that we do not have to worry about it alone. Sheepy: Gil:...Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Okay. Sheepy: *Gil starts looking for the others.* ArsĂ©-kun: *they are found exactly where Enkidu stated: Satoru's living room. Angra is blocking the way in.* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Move, I'm gay. *he shoves Angra out of the doorway* ArsĂ©-kun: *Andersen looks up at Gil and his eyes widen. Nods, zips his lips, and looks away.* Sheepy: *Lobo looks up and snarls* ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Don't you speak to us in that tone of voice! Sheepy: Lobo: *He makes a snapping motion and growls.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: *he looks up from his crocheting and hisses* Heel, Lobo, before I take your tail off. Sheepy: Lobo: *He bares his teeth at Vlad.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: I'll knock them all out if you use them on me! Sheepy: Lobo: *He snaps at Vlad and lets out a mix of a whimper and a snarl.* ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: Oh, shut the hell up. Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrrr! Sheepy: Rider: *He is cleaning his blade...* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she turns to face them* Oh, you're here! ... Whatcha got, Gil? Sheepy: Gil: A diary. Sheepy: Gil: What day is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: October 20th, apparently.. It was just January, right? And we're not all going nuts? Sheepy: Gil: Exactly. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: That's what we were wondering too. But this diary has... Entries daily from then. It's also wet for some reason. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... It's Merlin's. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ...... And upon a quick peek, we can safely say Sherlock was with him. Sheepy: Gil: Why, I wonder. Sheepy: Bedi: M-Merlin...you've seen him!? Sheepy: Gil: No. Sheepy: Bedi: I need to look for him! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Woah, woah, woah, buddy! Sit down. If even you can't get to him, maybe he doesn't want to be found! Sheepy: Bedi: I need to-! Sheepy: Lobo: *He howls angrily.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Lobo, shut up! Sheepy: Lobo: *He stands and fluffs up a bit to make himself look larger* ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Great pomeranian impression. Sheepy: Lobo: ....! Sheepy: Lobo: *He huffs and sits down, setting his glare on Moriarty * ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Don't you look at me like that. Sheepy: Lobo: *He averts his gaze and focuses on one of the bear traps on his legs. He tugs at it briefly before Rider lightly hits his nose. No* Sheepy: Bedi: He’s probably at Chaldea. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Most likely. Sheepy: Bedi: So we should go find him. Sheepy: Yan: We don’t need to! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he looks up* Why don't you tell us? Sheepy: Yan: Tell you what? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Where he is. Why are you even here?! Sheepy: Yan: Because I like it here? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You don't live here! When did you even- How did you get here? Sheepy: Yan: I walked. Sheepy: Yan: You need to chill out~ what’s all the fuss about? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You're from Chaldea, so you know exactly what's going on! Sheepy: Yan: Hah? But your Master works with Chaldea. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Sure, but she doesn't live there. Sheepy: Yan: If she doesn’t know, why should you? Hehehe~ Sheepy: Yan: It’s a secret. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: We've got Merlin's diary. Sheepy: Yan: Then what do you need from me? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: It's simpler to hear it from you than to dig through many entries. Sheepy: Yan: You don’t even want to work for your knowledge? Sheepy: Yan: Hmhmhm~ Fine. Sheepy: Yan: If the world ended during your sleep, how would you ever know? This entire conversation could be a dream. ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu looks at Gil* Sheepy: Gil: .... Sheepy: Yan: But it’s not a dream. Sheepy: Yan: Thank Chaldea for that. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: So that actually did happen.. Sheepy: Yan: Yup! ArsĂ©-kun: *Enkidu shifts closer to and looks up at Gil* Sheepy: Gil: *He's horrified.* Sheepy: Yan: We saved everything. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Not you!! Sheepy: Yan: Awww... Sheepy: Gil: .......*sigh* I had a dream about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: ... That does explain a lot. To rattle both of the golden kings? Terrible. Sheepy: Gil: Both? ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: You and Kogil, though the Pharaoh isn't happy either. Sheepy: Gil: Hah. The kid isn't a king. Stop saying that. Sheepy: Gil: ...Anyway, I'm not surprised Ozymandias is upset. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: *he pops his head in* We're all upset about this! Sheepy: Gil: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: And while I get that it happened, how did it? It doesn't make any sense! ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: It was... *he takes the diary and flips through it* Powerful magics and human stagnation. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: ... I have no idea what that means. Sheepy: Gil: Nor do I. ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Wait. *he puts the diary down and looks towards the door* Sheepy: Gil: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: The detective is coming. Sheepy: Gil: ....! ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: It's about time. Sheepy: *The door handle jiggles. An attempt at unlocking the door is made. The door handle jiggles. An attempt at unlocking the door is made. There's a single thump at the door - a pathetic attempt at knocking at the door. One last time, an attempt is made- and succeeds. Sherlock stumbles in exhaustedly into the house, dropping his key and leaving the front door open. His clothes are wrinkled-obviously worn for a while. His hair is a mess and dark rings have formed under his eyes since the last time he'd been seen by the group. He trudges towards the couch before collapsing halfway onto it. ... He's already fallen asleep...* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I can't believe he's fucking dead. Sheepy: Bedi: Mer-...ah. No, it's not. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Unfortunately. *he leans over to check Sherlock's pulse. not out of concern or anything. No dying on his property!!* Sheepy: *Sherlock is indeed still alive!* ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: *hm. he picks up the diary himself and starts to read it. just in case* Sheepy: Satoru: *He gives it one curious glance before returning his attention to his coloring book.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Everyone's comms go off!! Chaldea message, chaldea message!* Sheepy: Bedi:!! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: *she opens her compact com the fastest, turning the volume up* I got it! Sheepy: Satoru: *He presses it* We didn't order a pizza. You have the wrong number. ArsĂ©-kun: *Sorry, Satoru, it's a prerecorded video message. Play?* Sheepy: Satoru: *He plays it* Sheepy: Satoru: *???????* ArsĂ©-kun: Magi☆Mari: Good afternoon, Masters and Servants! As the Director is currently occupied, I have decided to record this message myself! Here goes!! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, I found Merlin in my watch. Sheepy: Bedi: *!!!* ArsĂ©-kun: Magi☆Mari: Due to forseen circumstance, we have been fighting off dire threats for the previous months that seriously endangered us, but we won! Hooray! Everyone is okay! *she cheers a bit* As a side effect, it seems we've missed the summer months, but please do not fret! The next week should still have those warm temperatures you crave so much! Sheepy: Bedi:...... Sheepy: *Satoru goes back to coloring while the message plays.* ArsĂ©-kun: Magi☆Mari: That's all the time I have for this announcement, so please send any questions you may have in for next week, where they will be answered in a QnA panel! ArsĂ©-kun: *the message ends* Sheepy: Bedi: But he didn't say if he was at Chaldea still...or if he needs help...or anything... ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Let us assume that he is still ther- ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: He's in range. Sheepy: Yan: You should try these mini muffins I found in your pantry. They're really good!...Mmmm? Oh, the wizard's back? Sheepy: Yan: Eh, I'll save these for him! Sheepy: Bedi: Where is he, do you know!? ArsĂ©-kun: Enkidu: Coming towards the house. That way. *he points* ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: My muffins! Sheepy: *Before Yan can grab him, Bedi shoots out of his chair and rushes outside* ArsĂ©-kun: *and Minako lunges for her mini muffins* Sheepy: Yan: Hey! Those are the wizard's! Sheepy: Yan: You can have a few but not all of them! Sheepy: Yan: Sure, you bought 'em, but I ate 'em first! ArsĂ©-kun: Minako: Ooooh, why, you..! Sheepy: Yan: Ehehehehe! *A mischievous grin spreads across his face* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ...... *he's trudging towards the house, dragging his staff behind him. He looks far worse than he did in the announcement, with eye rings rivaling Sherlock's and his hair resembling the plant life of an untamed jungle. He's just staring at the ground as he goes* Sheepy: Bedi: M-Merlin! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Bedi... *he looks up, tearing up* Bedivere..! Sheepy: Bedi: You-you look terrible! What happened....!? *He hugs Merlin tightly* Are you okay?! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'm just tired... *he kinda just drops on Bedi* 've been working... Months now..... Sheepy: Bedi: H-here, let me bring you inside! *He lifts Merlin up bridal style (rather than bedi's usual style of sack of potatoes) and carries him indoors, glancing around for a place for him to lie down* I can take you to your bed. Do you want that? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Aye. It's... Safer that way. .... 'lo, Master. Sheepy: Eiji: Uh...uh.... Sheepy: Eiji:.......... Sheepy: Eiji: T-try to, uh....yyou know...feel better soon... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Thanks..! Sheepy: *Eiji turns his gaze back to the floor and Bedi carries Merlin to his room, placing him in bed* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ..... *he holds onto Bedi's arm, drowsily looking up at him* Stay please... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Haven't... Seen you in months........ or been with anyone..... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Toldja.... .. Toldja I was loy-al.... *he gives Bedi a lopsided, dopey smile* ... 'id it for you... Sheepy: Bedi: Of course I'll stay! Sheepy: Bedi: Please try to sleep. I'll be with you the entire time. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he hums, sliding his hand down to Bedi's as he gets comfortable. He's out in seconds.* Sheepy: *Bedi, as he said he would, stays with Merlin* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yo, you filthy animals! Sheepy: Lobo: *grrrrrr* Sheepy: Bedi: .......? What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I came! *intended pause* To you! To deliver this wet ass book! *And he tosses the diary to Bedi* ArsĂ©-kun: *plwap.* Sheepy: Bedi: ....! Sheepy: *Bedi catches it and places it down on the nightstand* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you....now, please be quiet. He's trying to sleep. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *surprisingly, he lowers his voice* Yeah, yeah. *he does a 180­­°, picking up one of Lobo's chains as he does* C'mon, pup, lets go harass the golden boys. Sheepy: Lobo: *He grunts in response, turning to head out* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: -- And! And we could get some of those spooky games, too! Oooh, I can barely wait! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Oh, oh, and we need lots and lots of candy! Sheepy: Lobo: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: ?? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: I'm so ready! Lets take some virgins, kill the skeletons, become king of halloween! Sheepy: Lobo: ...........Rrrrrrrr! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Lets change the order a bit! Take some skeletons and kill some virgins! Sheepy: Lobo: !!! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You wanna get some skellys, Lobo? Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Then lets just do it! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Fuck it! World almost ended? Who cares! Lets go break some bones! Sheepy: Lobo: *He licks Angra's face* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Thank you! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Lets get Rider and go! Sheepy: *Lobo starts hunting around for Rider.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Riiiii-der! We're gonna go beheading without youuuu! Sheepy: Rider: *He appears behind Angra.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Is he not coming? Sheepy: *Lobo stares past Angra at Rider* Sheepy: *Rider grabs Angra's shoulder.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Wh- *and he shrieks* Sheepy: Lobo: *He scratches an itch, uncaring about the situation, as Rider imitates laughter.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz, meanwhile, just laughs at Angra* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Y'know what? Fine, I deserved that! Sheepy: Rider: ........."Yes, you did." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: And always will! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Maaaaster! Where you at? Sheepy: Rider: "He hasn't moved since the last time you saw him." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: He tryin' to get fat and lazy? *but he heads to the living room anyway* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Master, me n' Lobo are gonna go crack some skellys. That okay with you? Sheepy: *Eiji has joined him in coloring since earlier. But that's irrelevant.* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *THAT IS NOT IRRELEVANT* Sheepy: Eiji:...Y-your sky is red? And your lion is purple... Sheepy: Satoru: It's not a lion. It's a lobo. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Ah, I see now. It was an easy mistake to make. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Well, your lobo is coming along quite well, Satoru. Sheepy: Satoru: Thanks. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: You're welcome. And how are you doing, Eiji? Sheepy: Eiji:....Ah...*He hasn't gotten very far...* Uh... ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: It's something, sonny. Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh...well. Y-yes. I guess. Someth-thing... ArsĂ©-kun: *Local grandpa has a lightbulb appear over his head. He Think* Sheepy: *Eiji's movements are slow, clumsy, and labored. The artist that once would put his feelings on paper no longer did: one could say it's because he can't, but perhaps it's more accurate to say thay he doesn't need to. That rare smile says more than any picture would.* Sheepy: Satoru: Blanca is orange, right? ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Well, no, but you wouldn't be able to see her if you used white. Sheepy: Satoru: Blanca can be an invisible dog. Sheepy: Satoru: Just like Lobo does sometimes. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Sure, why not. Sheepy: Eiji: Lobo does...what...? Sheepy: Satoru: Sometimes Lobo turns invisible and other times he goes through walls. Sheepy: Eiji: *FEAR* ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Both events are awful. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: ... And sometimes there is a third party. This, too, is awful. Sheepy: Eiji:...R...really...? Sheepy: Eiji: H-he...hates me...so...is th-there a chance.... Sheepy: Satoru: He won't hurt you. Lobo doesn't hurt people. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo just growls because he hates you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mori: Lobo hates everyone. Except when he doesn't, apparently. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Why're we still standin' here with two old guys and the Master? C'mooon, lets go kill some shit. Sheepy: Lobo: *He picks up Angra by the back of his...shirt, if he has one. Otherwise, rip Angra. He then begins to stroll outside.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz grabs onto Rider's sleeve and drags him along. Lets go, lets go, lets go* Sheepy: *Rider follows.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Lets cut through the woods, it's faster and there's less people! Sheepy: Lobo: !!! Sheepy: Lobo: *He rushes towards the woods.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Hey, wait up, puppy! Sheepy: Lobo: *He slows* ...? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *and she catches up* Don't leave me and Rider behind! Sheepy: Lobo: ........... Sheepy: *Lobo stops and waits.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he just crosses his arms. One day he'll be put down* Sheepy: Lobo: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You gonna keep carrying me? Sheepy: Lobo: *He drops Angra* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra lands on his ass* Sheepy: *Lobo steps over Angra and over to Rider, who hops onto his back.* Sheepy: Lobo: *Boof* Sheepy: *Lobo turns and begins to head to the forest once more.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and everyone follows him. He knows where he's goin'* ArsĂ©-kun: *but is the trip there uninterrupted? or are they stopped for any reason?* ArsĂ©-kun: *the trip is... *spins roulette wheel* Uninterrupted!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Welcome to skeleton hell! Welcome to skeleton hell! They're all lookin' at the party! Welcome to skeleton hell!* Sheepy: *Lobo's tail is wagging!* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Go get'em, Lobo! Sheepy: *Lobo chases down skeletons, Rider hacking at any that get close to Lobo's side.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz throws Angra into some skellys like a bowling ball before jumping in herself. Hello, naughty piggies, would you like a concert? ~â™Ș* ArsĂ©-kun: *and they, minus Angra, absolutely devastate the skeleton population. Angra has settled for taunting skeletons into doing stupid things and laughing at them* Sheepy: *Good!* ArsĂ©-kun: *and they gather quite the pile of bones!* Sheepy: Rider: "....What do we do with these?" Sheepy: *Lobo is chewing on one...* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Bring em home with us! You never know what a good bone can do! Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo will probably claim them all." ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: He gets the bones of what he killed~♫ Sheepy: Lobo: *He doesn't care about the conversation. All ofhis feelings of rage have briefly been extinguished through the outlet of murdering skeletons. Everything is good. Everything is fine.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and no demons spawned this time. Thankfully?* Sheepy: Rider:"What will we put the bones in?" ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *she pauses, having not thought that far ahead* I could get a bag for them? Sheepy: Rider: "Yes, do that." ArsĂ©-kun: *she runs off. and then she returns...... a while later, with the bag, but also more bags. She DID have shopping planned and she had no chaperone* Sheepy: Lobo: Rrr? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Bone bag delivery! Sheepy: Lobo:! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: So now weâ™Ș *she puts the bag down* Put them in the bag, and you can carry it! Sheepy: Lobo:....?! Sheepy: *Lobo sticks his nose in the bag.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it's empty right now, silly.* Sheepy: *Lobo whines.* Sheepy: *Rider has begun picking up bones to put in the bag.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Some bones are mysteriously levitated into the bag, as well. Hello, Jack!* Sheepy: Lobo: *He lifts himself up and tries to lick Jack. Hello! I love you friend!!!* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: *OH GOD WHY* Sheepy: Lobo: *Boof* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: I can't see now, you big lump..! *and he wipes his face off with Rider's coat* Sheepy: Rider:.... Sheepy: Lobo: *Whine* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Yeah, yeah. *he pats Lobo's snout* Sheepy: *Lobo wags his tail excitedly. Attention from invisible friend!!* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: ???????????????????? Sheepy: Rider: *He puts the bones he's holding in the bag and begins picking up more.* Sheepy: Lobo: *He attempts to nuzzle Jack.* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Watch it..! *he has to take a step back to avoid falling over. While he himself isn't visible, his steps are. The bit of wolf saliva and fur also betray his location.* Sheepy: Lobo: *Whine* Sheepy: Lobo: *He sits down and huffs* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *she flaps over, squinting* Where's the guy, Lobo? Sheepy: Lobo: *Whiiiiiine* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Whaaaaat? Sheepy: Lobo: *He stares in the general direction of Jack.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz feels for him. She's eventually met with an "God, no!" and a push away* Sheepy: Lobo: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: The last thing we want is a semi-visible vampire dragon whacham'callit! Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrr.... Sheepy: *Rider has been cleaning up the bones meanwhile.* ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: Rrrrr! Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrrrrrr! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: No, you! Sheepy: Lobo: Bawuff!! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: No, it's you! Sheepy: Lobo: Ruff!!! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: It can't be me! It's you! Sheepy: Lobo:.....!!!!! Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrrr! ArsĂ©-kun: Jack: What? It's Rider? Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: *Rider has finished putting the bones into the bag!* Sheepy: Rider: "I am the best boy." Sheepy: Lobo: *He grunts in approval. Good!* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Dibs on the worst boy! Sheepy: Lobo:....*He's okay with this!* Sheepy: *Lobo picks up the bag and Rider hops onto his back.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Jack follows* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz picks her bags back up and takes point on heading the team home. Angra lags behind to goof off.* Sheepy: *Eventually, the group makes it home!* Sheepy: *Lobo drops the bag in the yard and starts sniffing around.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it smells like yard.* Sheepy: Lobo: *Boring.* Sheepy: Lobo: *He starts digging a hole.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Burying your bones? Sheepy: Lobo: *He grunts* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: *he sticks his head out of the doggie door. (Never mind that literally no one can USE that other than Merlin, probably.) What's this? OWO?* Sheepy: Lobo: *Stare* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: *stare* Sheepy: Lobo: *He pulls the bag of bones closer to himself and snarls* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: *he pulls his head back in and opens the door. What was the point, Proto Cu?* Where'd you get all those?? Sheepy: Lobo: ..... Sheepy: Rider: “We stole them from skeleton.” ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: That's all one skeleton?? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Move it, wolfman, I've got stuff! *and she... waits for Proto to move so she can go inside with her 1000 bags* Sheepy: Lobo: *He watches Proto closely.* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: ? Sheepy: *Lobo is going to guard his bones!* Sheepy: Rider: "We got them from different skeletons." Sheepy: Rider: "Skeletons. Plural." ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: Oooh, that makes more sense. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "Did anything happen while we were gone?" ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: Uhhh, not that I can think of! Sheepy: Rider: "I see." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he jumps into the hole to get his bones. He needs some of those!* Sheepy: Lobo: ?! Sheepy: *Lobo snarls.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: They weren't all yours, you big bully! Sheepy: Lobo: !? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'm taking mine and fucking right off! *which he does, taking the smallest bones for himself, and one to throw at Proto at mach three.* ArsĂ©-kun: *which proto easily catches. bone!* Sheepy: Lobo: *He doesn't bother chasing it, instead kicking dirt into the hole* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: At least let me get out first!! Sheepy: Lobo: *He stops* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra easily hops out of the hole* ArsĂ©-kun: *hoorray* ArsĂ©-kun: *And then everyone went back inside* Sheepy: *Sherlock is still fast asleep with his face planted in the sofa. Kintaro and Bear are watching a documentary on bears.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz plants a little top hat on Bear. Beautiful.* Sheepy: *Bear gives Liz a curious expression before turning her attention back to her bear soap opera.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and Kintaro gets a matching hat. Flawless.* Sheepy: Kintaro: A-ain't this a lil' flashy for a biker like me? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Hmmm... *she thinks about this for a solid minute, before pulling out edgy fake tattoos. You know, with skulls and edgy patterns.* Sheepy: Kintaro: What're those? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Fake tattoos! They come off in, like, a week? Sheepy: Kintaro: Boss said I couldn't get tattooes. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Ehhhh? Not even fake ones? Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh...! Sheepy: Kintaro: Mo-Boss'll kill me. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Mo-Boss? Sheepy: Kintaro: Boss! Sheepy: *Lobo plops down next to Bear.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *she's digging through a bag. Ah, here's what she wanted! Fake gold bling. It's got a pumpkin on it* Sheepy: Kintaro: ...! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: How golden is this one, Mr. Golden? Sheepy: Kintaro: It's not real but it's still golden thoughtful of you! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: (owo)b Sheepy: Kintaro: Thanks, lady! ArsĂ©-kun: *and Liz runs off to distribute more treats! Who can hate free stuff?* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Satoru! I've got a treat for you-uuu! Sheepy: *It takes a moment for Satoru to appear, but he peeks in* Sheepy: Satoru:? ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz gives him the fake fangs* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: So you can spook Uncle Vlad! Sheepy: Satoru: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Or be closer to him? Sheepy: Satoru: How? ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: You can dress up as a vampire so you can be like him! Sheepy: Satoru: ..............?! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: I bet he'd love it! Sheepy: Satoru:......! Sheepy: Satoru: How do I dress up as one? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he yanks a tablecloth off a table. the tables' contents dont move* Cape incoming! *and he ties it around satoru's neck loosely* Sheepy: Satoru: It's a tablecloth. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It's a cape if you use your iiiiimmmmagination! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: It's a cape-lcloth! Sheepy: Satoru: But we need this, right? The table will wake up and eat me at night if it doesn't have it. Sheepy: Satoru: It's a blanket to keep the table happy and warm while it slumbers for eternity. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Tables don't eat people unless their possessed, silly! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: They don't! Sheepy: Satoru: But....! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I would pay my left leg to watch that though. Sheepy: Satoru: But he said... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Who? Who said it? I'll kill 'em for you. Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Aw, I can't kill him! He's part dragon god! I'll go... Ask where he heard that, then! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra exits scene, not yet pursued by bear* Sheepy: Kintaro: Bear! Bear! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *what's happening in this thread?* Sheepy: *They're still watching the bear documentary.* Sheepy: Bear: *She looks over, still wearing the top hat* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Hiah, bear! Sheepy: Bear: *bear noises* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he drapes himself onto Kintaro, like some sort of retarded cape.* Howdy Sheepy: Kintaro: It's...eh... Sheepy: Kintaro: You. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It's me, Angry Man. *he pokes Kintaro's face* You tell Master tables eat people? Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh? Did I... Sheepy: Kintaro: Only if they're woken up! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: How do you wake up a table?? Sheepy: Kintaro: By removing its blanket! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Ooh, so is that why every table down 'ere has one? Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: It'd be a shame if a table didn't have one then, huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: A real downer, a damned shame. Sheepy: Kintaro: ? Sheepy: Kintaro: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Why what? Why would it be bad? Because then we'd have an angry table! Sheepy: Kintaro: Of course! But...what I mean is, why wouldn't one have it? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Oh, I borrowed a table blanket to give Satoru a cape. Sheepy: Kintaro: !!! Sheepy: Kintaro: Th-the table's going to wake up! Sheepy: Kintaro: That's not golden at all! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he looks at the table* ... Looks pretty chill to me. Sheepy: Kintaro: it's waiting. Sheepy: Kintaro: It's waiting for us to sleep... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: But then the vamps are up! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes, but...not even Vlad can handle it. Sheepy: Kintaro: And, well, he's the poster child for vampires, yeah? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well, duh. *he looks at the table again. it's a fucking table. whoo hoo.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I'll throw somethin' on it for now, then. *he gets off of Kintaro to take off his stupid skirt thing. Thankfully, he has shorts on under it, but even those don't have any distinct features. life of being angra. and then he throws his skirt thing on the table. issue solved* Sheepy: Kintaro: Good. Sheepy: Kintaro: 'Cause the table told me it'll get cold, yeah? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he pauses and fully registers what was said* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Wait, what. Sheepy: Kintaro: That's what the table said. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: That's wicked. Sheepy: Kintaro: Haven't you heard it say that? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: No? Sheepy: Kintaro: ?! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Perhaps because it was already covered, that it did not speak up. Sheepy: Kintaro: Oh! That's a golden good point! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well, good to know! I'll relay this to Master now~ Sheepy: Kintaro: Chief is probably worried about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: He was! That's why I came here and asked. Sheepy: Kintaro: Good! He's learning caution! ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: And with that, he'll be a better driver! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! Sheepy: Lobo: *He's staring at the table* Sheepy: Bear: *She's grooming herself.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra decides to Inspect the Table.* Sheepy: *What's the table doing?* ArsĂ©-kun: *it's being a fucking table, what did you expect?* Sheepy: *Nothing!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra goes to open the drawer. Any goodies? Is it valuable? Is it breathing ever so slightl-wait* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :0 Sheepy: *Lobo lifts his ears curiously* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: .... That's quite enough of this! *and he pulls Angra away* Lets not bother it, now. Sheepy: Lobo: ???? Sheepy: *Lobo hesitantly approaches the table.* ArsĂ©-kun: *it looks like a ta-ble, and it smells like one tooâ™Ș* Sheepy: Lobo: ................... Sheepy: *Lobo hesitantly pokes at it* ArsĂ©-kun: *the table creaks a little. it is a table* Sheepy: *Lobo huffs and turns away from it, visibly bored.* ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Oh, I hear Satoru. Sheepy: Lobo: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Less fortunately, the lizard as well. Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrrrrrrrrr! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Hellooo, little piggies! Oh, Mr. Mo, I've got something for you, too! *... and she resumes the bag digging.* Sheepy: *Lobo struts over and sticks his snout into one of her bags* ArsĂ©-kun: *it smells like plastic and Liz.* Sheepy: Lobo: *He huffs angrily. Boring!* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: *she bops Lobo's snoot* You got your bones! You don't need my bags, too! ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Satoru? I hear you from here. What in the world are you wearing that keeps clinking? Sheepy: *Satoru strolls in wearing a halloween costume.* Sheepy: Satoru: I'm pretty. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: You're quite pretty. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: You're so pretty that my eyes are going deaf. Sheepy: Satoru: Your eyes are going death.. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: That is not what I said. Sheepy: Satoru: I wanted to be a vampire. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Speaking of death! ArsĂ©-kun: *and Liz chucks a costume bag at Mozart. He catches it and examines it. Grim Reaper costume......* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Death march! Sheepy: Lobo: *He sniffs at it* Sheepy: Satoru: Death eyes. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: If I were a reaper and made of iron, would I be Death Metal? Sheepy: Satoru: No! Sheepy: Satoru: You'd be Mozart. ArsĂ©-kun: Mozart: Oh, that's good to know. Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Oh, right! *she pulls out a box* Mr. Golden, can you give this to Clown? I couldn't find him. Sheepy: Kintaro: *He takes it* Sure thing! ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: Thank you, Mr. Golden! Okay, Satoru, lets go show Uncle Vlad your pretty outfit! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. ArsĂ©-kun: *and so, Liz throws open the door and descends into the basement, the vampire lair, the catsitting room, the-* ArsĂ©-kun: *there is a cat chasing a rat... Or is the rat chasing the cat?* Sheepy: Satoru: Dad's gone... Sheepy: Satoru: Let's check somewhere else. ArsĂ©-kun: *The rat skids to a stop and-- Oh, that IS Vlad!* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, that's Dad. I thought he was hiding from the rat... Sheepy: *The cat slams into Vlad.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Carmilla, have you no stopping ability at all?? Sheepy: *The cat becomes Carmilla.* Sheepy: Carmilla: O-of course I do! Just not when you stop short like that! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: At least I have an excuse to not stop- You're an assassin. You need it far more than I do! Sheepy: Carmilla: No! Sheepy: Carmilla: I already have it, therefore, I don't need it! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: And if I had turned and attacked you, I'd have won this spar. Sheepy: Carmilla: How were you going to win as a mouse!? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Who said it would have been as the rat? Sheepy: Carmilla: Well, you became a rat! ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: So I did. *and he finally looks to Satoru* ...? Sheepy: Satoru: Why were you a mouse? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Practice. What are you wearing? Sheepy: Carmilla: Ah, it's awful. Sheepy: Satoru: ... Sheepy: Carmilla: ...ly nice. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: It's shiny enough to imitate the sun. ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... I suppose I cannot complain. I've seen far worse. Sheepy: *Satoru pauses before putting in vampire fangs.* Sheepy: Satoru: Look, Dad, I'm you. ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad takes critical damage* Sheepy: Carmilla: Eh...! And nothing for me? ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz "discreetly" hands Satoru a pair of kitty ears* Sheepy: *Satoru puts them on.* ArsĂ©-kun: Liz: And now, he's you! Sheepy: Carmila: ...!!! ArsĂ©-kun: *AOE damage.* Sheepy: Satoru: ? ArsĂ©-kun: *They Love It. Even if the costume is awful, the intent wins in the end* Sheepy: Satoru: *Good!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Liz is satisfied. She did a good! No one died! Look, look, she helped!* Sheepy: *Satoru is pleased even! That's a rarity!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Not shown is Jack, the invisible man, standing on the stairs with someone else's phone. The phone is now the proud owner of at least fifteen pictures of Satoru looking happy. Congratulations.* ArsĂ©-kun: *"And now, a word from our sponsors!" says the tv, finally ending that bear documentary* Sheepy: Kintaro: *Awwwwwwww!* ArsĂ©-kun: *and now that it's over, it's time for only one thing!* ArsĂ©-kun: *I HOPE YOU ARE DOWNNNN TO CLOWNNN* Sheepy: *Kintaro goes to find Mephisto.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto is... Exactly where he is expected to be. In the attic, goofing off with liquid nitrogen. I don't know where he got that from.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose~! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Oh, hi Taro! *and he closes the container of dangerous freezey stuff* Is the bear show over already? Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! I've got a thing for you! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Yeah? What is it? Do I get a hint? Sheepy: *Kintaro hands him the box.* Sheepy: Kintaro: It's a box! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: It sure is a box! *he grabs it, takes one look, and nearly drops it* E-eh?! Taro, where'd you get this?? Sheepy: Kintaro: ? Sheepy: Kintaro: Liz gave it to me to give it to you! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Somehow, this is now much worse! Sheepy: Kintaro: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: How did she get this?? ... Why is labelled as for kids?! Sheepy: Kintaro: What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: This is an ouija board! Sheepy: Kintaro: Weegee board? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Close enough. It's supposed to summon ghosts..! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah? Sheepy: Kintaro: ...Yeah? Sheepy: Kintaro: .... Sheepy: Kintaro: ...!? Sheepy: Kintaro: Why do we need to summon ghosts!? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: We don't! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: We really don't... *he slowly glances at the trex plush nearby. He considers it again.* ... There's no reason to! Sheepy: Kintaro:...? Sheepy: Kintaro: Ain't that the kid's toy? Sheepy: Kintaro:....Bearnstein! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! His name had to do with bears! Man, I wish my name was related to bears! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Beartaro..? Kintaro Sun bear! Sheepy: Kintaro: Naw, I love it when people call me Golden! Sheepy: Kintaro: My name's fine, I like it! But Golden has tons of feeling in it! It rocks!!! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: It rocks? Gold is in rocks! Sheepy: Kintaro: But after a while I settled. But, you call me a nickname that comes from the heart, yeah? And that's better than you just calling me Golden. It has feeling! Soul! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Soul, huh... ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto looks thoughtful, looking over the box again.* Sheepy: Kintaro:...? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: .... This can't end well, but maybe I'll take a peek at it! Sheepy: Kintaro: I'm here to protect you! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Will you? How kind of you! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yeah! Sheepy: Kintaro: I'll smash 'em!! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: You can sure try! ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto takes out his scissors and decimates the plastic on the box. Scissors > plastic* Sheepy: Kintaro: Box!! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: It sure is! Sheepy: Kintaro: ...Now what? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: *he rips the box open and dumps the contents onto a table* No clue! I've never even touched one of these. Sheepy: Kintaro: Let's look at the instructions! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: These have inst- *he cuts himself off, finding a little instruction manual, like what would come with Monopoly or Sorry* Are you kidding me? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: *he opens the instructions, picking up and crossing his legs as he does* Off to a good start here! "Based on the horror movie of the same name"... Definitely not safe! Absolutely not! ArsĂ©-kun: *But he sets it up, anyway, before expectantly looking at Kintaro* Sheepy: Kintaro: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: You can't offer to protect fragile little me and then stand over there! Sheepy: Kintaro: *He approaches* ArsĂ©-kun: *Mephisto grabs the planchette- yknow, the triangle thingy- and puts it to the board. And then everything goes wrong, immediately, at that moment. The planchette yanks itself out of his hand and spells "Stauf" before stopping, pausing, going to "No", and spelling "Faust". Mephisto leaps and clings onto Kintaro in complete and utter fear. The table flips itself, which would be hilarious if not for the enraged ghost that caused it. Kintaro is, somehow, the sane man in the room.* Sheepy: Kintaro: ?! Sheepy: Kintaro: Oi, the table woke up...! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: It's not the table! It's not the table at all! Sheepy: Kintaro: Where's the enemy?! Show yourself, punk! Sheepy: Kintaro: Get ready to get a taste of my knuckle sandwich, prepared just for you! ArsĂ©-kun: *SUDDENLY GOST* Sheepy: Kintaro: Hah! You're just a ghost, huh?! Sheepy: Kintaro: Ain't that a pity! I was hopin' for an actually fun opponent! *He summons his brass (?) knuckles* ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *he speaks. But it is not in english. It will be translated for convenience* Not you. Sheepy: Kintaro: I'm pretty selfish, yeah? I want a fight! You can take on Moose afterwards! Sheepy: Kintaro: I can't understand a lick of what you're saying but I'm gonna guess that you're a coward who doesn't want to fight! ArsĂ©-kun: *Angry Ghost has gotten Angrier! Are you trying to rile it up?* Sheepy: Kintaro: It's time to play chicken, punk! *His brass knuckles spark before he takes a swing at the ghost* ArsĂ©-kun: *Swing and a hit! Rider is not very effective against Assassin-class enemies. Faust just looks annoyed* Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh?! That ain't right! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Not you. Not you. *and once more, with feeling! and ENGLISH* Not you. Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh? Well, be polite and fight me first! ArsĂ©-kun: *Faust ignores him, staring directly at Mephisto, who would PROBABLY have gone pale if he COULD* Sheepy: Kintaro: ........He-lllooooo!? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I heard you just fine. Sheepy: Kintaro: Then why are you focused on Moose instead, huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Because... *His aura flares to life! (heheh) +4 attack and critical buffs!* HE IS THE ONE WHO KILLED ME! Sheepy: Kintaro: Ya sure you don't have the wrong Moose? Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose are more dangerous than bears! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I know my own traitorous creation when I see it! Get out of my way! *he lunges at Mephisto (and Kintaro)! Mephisto ducks his head behind Kintaro's shoulder.* Sheepy: *Kintaro takes the blow for Mephisto, attempting to block it with his arms!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Block successful! From Faust's ghostly claws are deep, stinging gashes across Kintaro's arms.* Sheepy: Kintaro: *He grunts, returning with an attempt to kick Faust* ArsĂ©-kun: *The kick connects! Meanwhile, Mephisto finally lets go to let Kintaro have the rest of his arm back* Sheepy: Kintaro: Oi, Moose! Go get Vlad! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: !! *and he throws himself out of the attic, still panicking.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Alright, gimme your best shot! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Fine. *he lets loose a Shock, which is not an electrical shock. Curse inflicted.* Sheepy: Kintaro: ....Guh....! Sheepy: Kintaro: What's this feeling...!? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Curse. You may have that gift while I finish my business. *and he dives through the floor, after Mephisto. oh. bye* Sheepy: Kintaro: O-oi...! Wait up...! *He grunts, pulling himself towards the way down before slipping. Ouch* ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, Mephisto has already managed to hide in a room somewhere. This won't last long- Faust can find him. How about... Here!* Sheepy: Mephisto?: Oh, this won't do at all! I can't have you chasing me around my own home! It's like having to write in pen: it's ink-onvenient! Ehehehehe! S-so let's all stop and talk about it! ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: *he barely glances up* Don't piss yourself, you shitty clown. ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: .... *+1 att. buff* Sheepy: Mephisto?: What's the ball-point of any of this if I'm dead, huh? Nib-ody wants that result! Eheheh...heh... You won't be happy, I'll come back as a ghost and harass you for all eternity...you know the drill! Sheepy: Mephisto?: Revenge isn't going to help if you deliver it on the wrong guy! It'll be like a nasty revenge merry go round in te end with all the upset ghosts seeking revenge on each other! Or, as you will, a scary-go-round! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: *he gains another attack buff PURELY out of irritation. he's still carefully watching Mephisto?* Sheepy: Mephisto?: Hey, hey! You aren't killing me and I'm not peeing myself because you're trying to kill me! You know, we should do this again sometime! Maybe in like... 3 millenia when humanity has died off and the Earth has been burnt to a crisp by the Sun! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: You're being evasive. Give me a yes or a no, Mephistopheles! Did you, or did you not kill me?! Sheepy: Mephisto?: Of course I didn't! Murder is never the answer unless it's convenient! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Then who did?! Sheepy: Mephisto?: Now, that's a toughie! Sheepy: Mephisto?: As much as I'd like to have all the answers, I don't! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Then give me one you can. Where's your other half? Sheepy: Mephisto?: Oh, I sure hope it's given at least a semi-proper burial when you rip my left half from my right! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: You know exactly what I am saying. Where is he. Sheepy: Mephisto?: Oh, no! I've suddenly lost my ability to understand simple sentences and I know nothing now! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Then maybe I should replace your brain. Sheepy: Mephisto?: E-eh?! I wouldn't like that one bit! Sheepy: Mephisto?: I've grown quite attached to it! Sheepy: Mephisto?: You could say I "lobe" it! Ehehehehe! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: ... Sheepy: Mephisto?: ....? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Stop saying words. Sheepy: Mephisto?: *He makes a zipping motion over his mouth. He's shutting up, just for you!* ArsĂ©-kun: *faust is still staring at Mephisto?* Sheepy: Mephisto?: *eeeehhhhhhhh* Sheepy: *Kintaro suddenly elbow drops Faust!* ArsĂ©-kun: Andersen: Took you long enough. ArsĂ©-kun: *Meanwhile, the actual Mephisto is wedged under the sofa, listening to all of this. He now has eye contact with Faust. It's very awkward* ArsĂ©-kun: *... Mephisto promptly moves, diving behind Mephisto? for cover. He's not outright panicked anymore, but he's still not even remotely happy about this* Sheepy: Mephisto?: ...Eheh! Eheheheh! Sheepy: Kintaro: Ehhhh, I'm seein' double but otherwise I'm all good! A'ight, ghost, this is a dead end! Didn't ya learn in driving school what that means? ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: I was having a civil conversation! Sheepy: Kintaro: Threatening meeses isn't having a civil conversation! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: .... *he smirks, but tries very hard not to. Meeses. snnnrrkkk* Y-yeah, what Rider said! Sheepy: Kintaro: Now, scram! ArsĂ©-kun: Faust: Yes, yes, fine. *he looks towards the two clowns* You homunculi aren't out of the woods until I can confirm it wasn't you! ArsĂ©-kun: *faust exits scene, not pursued by bear* Sheepy: Mephisto?: Eheh...eheh...how scary, how scary! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Shut up! *he tugs on Mephisto?'s tails. Hard* Sheepy: *Mephisto? becomes Yan, seeming a bit dazed!* Sheepy: Yan: ...Ehehehe...who was that guy, huh? Coming in like that! ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: I don't want to talk about it! You were me, so were you incapable of discerning the facts? *he's already back to normal. Fear ended* Sheepy: Yan: Eh... Sheepy: Yan: You may or may not have killed a guy? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Which I did not, thank you for asking! I'd at least have been more subtle about it. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Of course, by that I mean that'd I have used my noble phantasm instead of just carpet bombing a building! There's nothing useful in carpet bombs. Sheepy: Yan: Uh? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Do forget it! What does a lil ol' clown like me owe you for my life? Sheepy: Yan: A place to take a nap and free food. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: Attic's got both! Feel free to use it, Qing. Sheepy: Yan: Great, great, I'll be there. If my phone rings and it's a lady on the line, wake me up. Otherwise, I don't care. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: I'll most likely be joining you, provided I do not start a world domination plan first! Sheepy: Yan: Great, great. Sheepy: Yan: Welp, good night, and just remember, if the lady's name is Haku hang up on that one too. Yup, that sounds good. Unless one of her servants hunt me down. ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: She'll do it if Lancelot doesn't throw you out first, but good luck on surviving! Sheepy: Yan: Eh!? He's gonna throw me out!? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: If someone shows up to get you, most likely! If not him, then Heracles! Sheepy: Yan: Why!? ArsĂ©-kun: Mephisto: How should I know? *he grins. Is he making shit up? Questionable.* Sheepy: Yan: Well, I'm going to get the precious sleep I can get then! Sheepy: *Yan turns and heads to the attic* ArsĂ©-kun: *Which leaves Mephisto to stop smiling and lower himself down, to check on Kintaro* Sheepy: *Other than the gashes on Kintaro's arms and his curse, he seems fine. He's not dead, he's just sleeping!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Whew. Mephisto speeds off to get Gauze, Cotton, Jekyll, and Disinfectant. Andersen just kinda watches. He ain't gettin' up from his spot* Sheepy: *Kintaro stays put, unsurprisingly.* ArsĂ©-kun: *how exciting* ArsĂ©-kun: *and thankfully, that's over with! Lets now change channels to uhhhhh* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he's lurking in the background, watching everyone do their business. He's waiting for something. Or someone?* Sheepy: Tristan: ..........? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: .. You. I've been waiting for you. Sheepy: Tristan: Me? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, you. Sheepy: Tristan: Why me? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Cause didn't I tell ya I was gonna do somethin' for you? Sheepy: Tristan: I don't remember you saying that, but I'll believe you. Sheepy: Tristan: What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Didn't I offer to let you beat up that bit of you? Y'know, that? Sheepy: Tristan:...Oh, that. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, about that. You wanna give it a shot? Sheepy: Tristan: I suppose so. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Nice. Lets get this shit over with. Sheepy: Tristan: ...Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra goes to grab Tristan's arm and drag him outside. He's absolutely not holding Tristan's hand. Definitely not, he would never intentionally do that. Never* Sheepy: Tristan: *He accepts his fate.* ArsĂ©-kun: *he is not thrown off the roof again. This is already a better experience* Sheepy: Trisan: What am Sheepy: Tristan: I supposed to do? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Nothing yet! I got it planned out. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I hope you're ready to kick some ass today, Archer. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Great! *he pulls out a shard of... Something. He's been VERY careful to keep it clean. It's very magical.* I've got this! ArsĂ©-kun: *it's very shiny. Y'know how things are shiny and u close ur eyes and still see it? that level of shiny* Sheepy: Tristan: ....? Sheepy: Tristan: Got what? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: I've got a magical shard of bullshit. Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: And I'm not afraid to use it! ArsĂ©-kun: *This magical shard is now used. Bippity boppity boo. Something happened.* ArsĂ©-kun: Rev!Tristan: *is now present* You sad, sad man. Sheepy: Tristan: ....!? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, what a familiar voice....! Oh, how it grips my heart with fear. Guilt. Mourning. How sad, how sad. Yes, that is my voice, There's no denying it. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Heart? What heart? We do not have one of those. We do not need it. It would only make us sadder. Sheepy: Tristan: I have a heart. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We do not. There is no heart inside of our chest. We have no heartbeat. Are you so sad you hallucinate? Sheepy: Tristan:....Hmm, I suppose you're right. Sheepy: Tristan: We are monsters. How can we be alive without a heart? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We should not be, yet we are. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Let us make like the monster we are, shall we? Sheepy: Tristan: Make? Sheepy: Tristan: All we do is break things. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: But we enjoy it so much. It feels good causing others to feel our pain. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Sheepy: Tristan: You are wrong, me. Sheepy: Tristan: I am incapable of happiness. Sheepy: Tristan: It doesn't suit a traitor like me. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: But you do not deny giving others our pain? Sheepy: Tristan: How can I? Sheepy: Tristan: All I deliver to those around me is pain. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then why do you deny me? I only intend to do the same. Sheepy: Tristan: Because you take pleasure in it. Sheepy: Tristan: You want to be the one who's causing pain. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: What's so wrong about that? Is it not better than wallowing in our own sadness? Sheepy: Tristan: I deserve to be sad. Sheepy: Tristan: I deserve nothing else. Sheepy: Tristan: I should have never been summoned in the first place. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We do not. We are our own person. And we cannot watch our friends suffer if we are not here. Sheepy: Tristan: Why would I want to watch them suffer? I should be the one to suffer. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Even Lancelot has moved on. Why haven't we? Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot did nothing wrong. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Ha. Sir Lancelot got himself exiled. We know this. Sheepy: Tristan: How is love a crime if you deserve love? Deserve to be loved? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: The only crime here is denying our nature. Sheepy: Tristan: He deserved to be with who he loved, while I did not, for I stole my beloved uncle's sister. Sheepy: Tristan:...Only, years later, to attempt to steal his wife too. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We deserved to be loved then as well. Now, no one does. Sheepy: Tristan: .... Sheepy: Tristan: But Sir Lancelot is loved now. Sheepy: Tristan: And I am not. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Is he? And this is fair to us? Sheepy: Tristan:...Therefore, he must deserve it, while I do not. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: If we do not deserve it, neither does he. Sheepy: Tristan: Why? Sheepy: Tristan: Why does he not deserve it? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Why do we not deserve it? Sheepy: Tristan: Because we are sinners, traitors. Sheepy: Tristan: We are the scum of the Earth. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Imma let you finish, but that's my job. Sheepy: Tristan: I am the one who plants the seed of discord into the lives of those I care for. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then why can we not openly embrace that? *he holds up his Failnaught* Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot, meanwhile, only met his downfall because of the toxic environment I created. Sheepy: Tristan: Because only I deserve to suffer. Sheepy: Tristan: It will solve nothing to hurt those I care for. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes...they may not care for me. They only tolerate me. ...But I am selfish. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Let's find out, shall we? Sheepy: Tristan: Find out? Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not going to hurt them. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then we can. Sheepy: Tristan: No! Sheepy: Tristan: I...want to be tolerated... Sheepy: Tristan:...I can't ask for anything more. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You sad, sad man. You only want that? What a low bar. Sheepy: Tristan: It's all I can have.... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: It is not. We can do better. We can always do better. Sheepy: Tristan: How? Sheepy: Tristan: I ruin everything I touch. There is no hope for me. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You're pathetic! What happened to us? Where are the days we could proudly state who we were? Sheepy: Tristan:.... Sheepy: Tristan: Gone. Sheepy: Tristan: How can you live with what we've done!? Sheepy: Tristan: Those villages didn't need burning! Those people didn't need to die! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: By at least accepting what the public says of me! They say we are strong! They say we are ruthless! I only accepted it! Sheepy: Tristan: We aren't... we aren't. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We are not pathetic doormats! We do not exist to cry over our mistakes! Sheepy: Tristan: We just wanted to be loved... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: The Lion King loved what I was doing! Even if I hated them, I desired the attention and praise. Sheepy: Tristan: And the Knights of the Round Table...would never love us for who we were. Just tolerate us. Use us. Sheepy: Tristan: That is the Lion King. A user. She never cared about us. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: How can you claim Lancelot is your friend if the Round only uses us? Sheepy: Tristan: My desires. Sheepy: Tristan: My wishes. Sheepy: Tristan: I...want a friend. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You finally accept this? Sheepy: Tristan: I am very selfish. Sheepy: Tristan: So...so selfish... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We certainly are. We want- No. We desire the attention! We want to be called good. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad. I can't be selfless like the other knights... they don't want for it. They receive it anyway. Sheepy: Tristan: They receive it because they are selfless. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We want for it because we pretend we cannot be! Sheepy: Tristan: Tell me one instance where I actually helped someone. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You helped to find an innocent child, even after undeserving abuse. Sheepy: Tristan: Innocent child...? Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know what you're talking about... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Or are we to say that the resident child is sinful and deserving of ire? Sheepy: Tristan: I didn't find him. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: But we were of assistance, and you even deny that. Sheepy: Tristan: The Rider would've managed. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We were VITAL in locating that child! The Rider has nothing in comparison to us! Sheepy: Tristan: .... Sheepy: Tristan: Vital. Sheepy: Tristan:...Yes....I want to be vital. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be important. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then do it instead of drowning in your own sorrow. Sheepy: Tristan: Tolerated. Worst of all... ah, I am so greedy, so selfish. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: So what? Let us have our flaws. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be loved. But I don't deserve it. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere has love. Sir Lancelot has love. Merlin. Queen Guinevere. I don't have love. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We get more than you accept! Shall I take it all for myself? Sheepy: Tristan: ....!? Sheepy: Tristan:....Don't lie to me! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I can't lie. I'm you! Sheepy: Tristan: You hurt innocents and then you tell me this trash!? Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not loved! If I were, I wouldn't have this scar upon my chest! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I wanted the love of the King, and I got it. If we were not loved, we would not have taken the offer to remain! Sheepy: Tristan: You liar Sheepy: Tristan: You liar! Don't deny it! You're selfish! You were afraid to die! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Did our previous master tell us to live and find love for nothing, you coward? Sheepy: Tristan: You thought you could atone for your sins! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And I thought wrong. But you- You still can. Sheepy: Tristan: You liar! Sheepy: Tristan: I AM you! If you can't atone, nor can I! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I am a false version of you, created to fill your role when you could not. If either of us can, it is you. Sheepy: Tristan: How dare you come into my presence and try to poison me with these sweet, sweet ideals! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: If I were poisoning you, we'd have both keeled over. Sheepy: Tristan: We're a monster. We are repulsive. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I thought it was only me. Didn't you want to destroy me for all the things I did? Sheepy: Tristan: I despise you. ... I despise myself. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And yet I at least accept my own flaws. How sad you are. Sheepy: Tristan: I accept my flaws! Sheepy: Tristan: I live with them every day! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And I accept my positives! What can you say about it? Sheepy: Tristan: ....Positives? Sheepy: Tristan: We have none. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We are strong! We are willing to take action no matter how we will be viewed! We are absolutely beautiful and no one can change it! Sheepy: Tristan: Why would Iseult have lied to us if we had positives...? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Because that Iseult was not the one we loved! She was a replacement! Sheepy: Tristan: ...Yes Sheepy: Tristan: But... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: No! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You agree with me! That's it! Sheepy: Tristan: But she hated me....because I was a selfish liar. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Our Iseult did not. That is what matters. Sheepy: Tristan: She still came. Sheepy: Tristan: Why? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Because she loved us. There is nothing more. Sheepy: Tristan: It must've been the love potion. How can someone like me be loved? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: By not being a little bitch. Sheepy: Tristan: Hah... Sheepy: Tristan: How sad... Sheepy: Tristan: I suppose I won't be loved then. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: For the love of all that is holy! I will personally kill everyone we love so you can really be sad! Sheepy: Tristan: Why!? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: If we don't deserve it, no one does! Sheepy: Tristan: So by loving them.... Sheepy: Tristan:...I am hurting them? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: By loving them, we get it in return. If we do not deserve it, they do not either. Sheepy: Tristan:... Sheepy: Tristan:....I don't get anything in return. Sheepy: Tristan: Except.. Sheepy: Tristan: Tolerance ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Is that why our friends surrounded us when we lay dying, trying to avert the end? Mere tolerance? Are we stupid? Sheepy: Tristan: To watch us die. Sheepy: Tristan: Pity. Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Why would they avert our deaths to watch us die? What the fuck is wrong with you? Sheepy: Tristan: ... so we can die again? Sheepy: Tristan: It might be more painful next time... Sheepy: Tristan: I'm afraid of that. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: If you don't want their love, I'll take it. I'll have it all to myself, and I will give them your pain. Sheepy: Tristan: No! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: What will you do about it, you sad man? Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be loved! I don't want them to be in pain. Sheepy: Tristan: I can fight, but in the end, you are still me. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Then stop me! Stop me from killing them and receive their love as thanks! Sheepy: Tristan: They won't love me nor thank me. No one ever has. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *he's still here, and the angst is absolutely fucking delectable.* Sheepy: Tristan: If we leave, they'll be happier. Iseult was happier with my uncle, I'm sure. Why wouldn't they be happier without my presence? ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: The only person happy without our presence is Sir Bedivere's brother! Sheepy: Tristan:....Hm? Sheepy: Tristan:....Yes, I'm sure he despises us too, but why is he special? Sheepy: Tristan: I can feel the hate radiating off of him. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You gut him like a fish amid a sparring match! He hates us because of it, and you cannot blame me for it- I had not been created yet! Sheepy: Tristan: I didn't gut him...? Sheepy: Tristan: His guts fell out but I was long dead by then. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Oh, yes, you're right. You only bashed his head in and gave him brain problems from then to now. How sad. Sheepy: Tristan:.....? Sheepy: Tristan: You're blathering nonsense like usual. Sheepy: Tristan: How typical. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: His damage remains even as a servant! Have you been so blind to not notice his fear of you? I cannot lie about something I did not do. Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, I do feel his fear. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And yet you do nothing about it. Do you enjoy his fear? Sheepy: Tristan: No! Sheepy: Tristan: There's nothing I can do! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I personally think it is wonderful. He should be afraid. I can easily kill him. Sheepy: Tristan: Why would I kill him!? Sheepy: Tristan: I can't make him not hate me.... ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: To show friend Bedivere that we do not love him in return. We only tolerate in exchange for his tolerance. Sheepy: Tristan: I....! Sheepy: Tristan: I do....! It's not just toleration..... Sheepy: Tristan: We were friends...before everything....we were friends...! Sheepy: Tristan: We fought together so often! Don't tell me I don't care about him! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Yes. And if you refuse to accept that it is the same, I will remove the ability to do so. You cannot be friends with the dead. Sheepy: Tristan: No! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Yes! Sheepy: Tristan: You know nothing! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We're both stupid idiots that cannot understand the way love works. Sheepy: Tristan: They hate idiots. I should leave. Ah. I should leave. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We must be the dumbest moth-- What is that sound? Sheepy: Tristan: ....? Sheepy: Tristan: My signal to leave. Sheepy: Tristan: That must be it. Sheepy: Tristan: It sounds murderous. ArsĂ©-kun: *There is some sort of low sound. It is like a snarl, but it is not Lobo.* Sheepy: Tristan: It's Lobo, here to bury me again. Don't worry about it. Sheepy: Tristan: Anyway, as I was saying, the best solution is to leave. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: And let your friend deal with it? We will only be sadder when we wander back and find that they died with our absense. Sheepy: Tristan: Or Lobo burying me six feet under. Sheepy: Tristan: We won't wander back. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: We deserve the being buried. Sheepy: Tristan: We won't. Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be buried. Sheepy: Tristan: I deserve it. Sheepy: Tristan: But I won't even get that. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: I'd enjoy dying. I'd never see my friends again. Nice. Sheepy: Tristan: Instead, I'll continue my wanderings and look for love...how selfish. Sheepy: Tristan: I already can't see my friends. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Oh, shut up. Sheepy: Tristan: Friends. Friends friends friends. Such an odd word. It's so one-sided. ArsĂ©-kun: *Without any other warning comes our favorite armored blur, Lancelot, howling with red-hot rage as he throws himself towards the two Tristans* Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh!? Sheepy: Tristan: What in the...?! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: ..!! Time to go! Good luck--! *he gets punched straight into the ground by Lancelot.* Sheepy: Tristan: Lobo! ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: You stupid idiot, that's no- *he gets punched even harder again. And again. Reverse Tristan receives a No Holds Barred Beatdown.* Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm...that is a weird noise for Lobo... Sheepy: Tristan: I suppose I should activate my evade skill either way, but being buried by Lobo sounds nice... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot, without losing momentum, turns to and jumps at Tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh! Sheepy: Tristan: Lobo, get off...! Sheepy: Tristan: No, this isn't Lobo...Lobo is nice and warm...you're so cold...! ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot pins Tristan down easily and stares at him, growling with a raised fist* Sheepy: Tristan: Get off....! Sheepy: Tristan:...No, if I die here everyone will be happier...everyone will be happier...They just tolerate me...it's why no one is helping... ArsĂ©-kun: *Tristan is Punched. Punch counter: 1* Sheepy: Tristan: Guh! Sheepy: Tristan: Ahaha...my face... Sheepy: Tristan: I like my face...I have a nice face. ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: It took you this long to accept something..? Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not accepting anything. Everyone hates me but I'm pretty Sheepy: Tristan: You're so heavy and cold... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he only growls* Sheepy: Tristan: I feel your anger...you really hate me... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance slams a fist into the ground and screams. He might, just might, disagree. Maybe.* Sheepy: Tristan: You just tolerate me....but you can't anymore. I'm too selfish... Sheepy: Tristan: I should just leave. ArsĂ©-kun: *Punch count: 2* Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh! Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh... Sheepy: Tristan: That's a yes, isn't it... Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...this is so hard...I love all of you so much...but this place isn't for me... Sheepy: Tristan: It's always been about pity... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot hisses. That's a new sound.* Sheepy: Tristan:....? Sheepy: Tristan: What...? Sheepy: Tristan: What was that noise? ArsĂ©-kun: Lancelot: *he does it again, looking up at something. He lets Tristan go.* ArsĂ©-kun: RevT: Two idiots, one arrow. *he's back up and pulling back a string on Failnaught.* Finally, the chance for some bloodshed. Sheepy: Tristan: ....Ugh. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Sheepy: Tristan: There's no point in trying to dodge an arrow that can't miss. ArsĂ©-kun: *Punch counter: 3. Lancelot then roars and launches himself off of Tristan.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Impact sound.* Sheepy: Tristan:...Guh. My face... Sheepy: Tristan: Hahahah....how sad...my only positive aspect... Sheepy: Tristan: I don't even deserve that. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad. Sad sad sad. My other self is being mauled by my former fellow Knight of the Round, and after my other self is dead he'll probably come for me too. Sheepy: Tristan: But it's better this way. Better. I'm a monster to be slain. Sheepy: Tristan: But perhaps if I escape...even if I a monster, Sir Lancelot is kind and my death will rest on his conscience....how kind. If I leave now, he won't have to feel the guilt of my death of his hands. ArsĂ©-kun: *after a bit of armor hitting flesh sounds, and various sounds from Lancelot, he again approaches Tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: .....Hm. Sheepy: Tristan: You're back... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance grunts.* Sheepy: Tristan: .... Sheepy: Tristan: You won't do it because you're too nice...because you pity me... Sheepy: Tristan: Too bad. It'll be a bit of work but I'll manage finding a place alone! I won't have Iseult like I used to when I hid away from the world...but I don't deserve her... Sheepy: Tristan: How does it feel, to be loved? Is it warm? I'm so cold. I'm always so cold. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot proceeds to stomp on Tristan, right in the gut* Sheepy: Tristan: G-guh...! Sheepy: Tristan: N-nice shot... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he grabs Tristan by the shirt and lifts him up* STOP. Sheepy: Tristan:....Stop.....? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes..I'll stop bothering you...don't worry. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *He gives Tristan a hearty shake* Stop it! Sheepy: Tristan: You know. I bet love feels like Lobo. Lobo is so soft and warm, but his claws hurt so much. Yes...that's love. So painful.. Sheepy: Tristan: Guh... ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra watches on, having lowered himself to the ground. If he is small and insignificant, he won't get beat up. This wasn't part of the master plan!* Sheepy: Tristan: I know you pity me. But I pity you, too. Isn't that odd? Sheepy: Tristan: You have to put up with scum like me. Put on a happy face. Act like I'm worth something. That's hard, isn't it? ....No, I suppose you don't have to....you're just kind. Sheepy: Tristan: You're so kind... ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot grumbles and whines, letting Tristan go* Sheepy: Tristan: *Rather than standing on his own two feet, Tristan collapses to his knees* Sheepy: Tristan: I just want you to be happy. You're so nice, acting like you're happy around me, but you don't need to... ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *Whiiiiiine* Sheepy: Tristan: I'll be gone soon...so you can trashtalk behind my back all you want. I'm sure everyone does. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *Whiiiiiiiiiiiiine* Sheepy: Tristan: What positive is there to talk about? Sheepy: Tristan: You see? I'm upsetting you. I don't want to upset you. I'm sorry. For everything. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm sorry I was summoned in the first place. That I showed up on your doorstep. Sheepy: Tristan: Make sure to apologize to Sir Bedivere for me, too. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... *and he grabs Tristan by the back of his shirt before starting the trudge back inside. 0 choice in the matter.* Sheepy: Tristan: ....! What are you doing?! Sheepy: Tristan: I want to be loved. I can't find love here! Nobody loves me....ahhh, I'm so selfish...! *sob* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... *WHIIIIIIhicIIINE* Sheepy: Tristan: Let go....please.. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot does not.* Sheepy: Tristan: Let go, let go! Sheepy: Tristan: Everyone hates me! Don't inflict me on them! ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: SHUT THE HELL UP! Sheepy: Tristan: See!? Sheepy: Tristan: *He starts struggling* Sheepy: Tristan: No! Stop! Sheepy: Tristan: *He starts struggling even more frantically.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he stops walking and drops onto Tristan, wrapping his arms around him.* Sheepy: Tristan: NO! STOP! Sheepy: Tristan: I can't be loved! I'm horrible, horrible! *Sob* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... *he doesn't do anything else, but he's breathing heavily* Sheepy: Tristan: Why, why... Sheepy: Tristan: It's so cold.... Sheepy: Tristan: Love is so cold...so cold....so unbearably cold...I'm so scared...I don't deserve it...is that why it's cold? ArsĂ©-kun: Acu?: Hey, shut up! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...nobody cares...so I should just shut up. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu?: Finally! *and he tugs on Tristan's hair from an oddly low angle* Now stop crying so much! Sheepy: Tristan:....It's all I can do. ArsĂ©-kun: *Tristan gets a very light slap on the arm. Like a toy hit him or something.* Sheepy: Tristan:....Feels weird.... Sheepy: Tristan: So weird... ArsĂ©-kun: Acu??: Are you calling me weird?! Sheepy: Tristan: You feel weird.... Sheepy: Tristan: I'm so cold. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: ... You're all idiots. *and he promptly drags in this ball of depression and yelling. Look what the dog brought in.* Sheepy: Lobo: *He quickly heads over and starts sniffing at the two.* ArsĂ©-kun: Acu?: *he... Squeaks... and buries his head in Tristan's shirt* ArsĂ©-kun: *The actual Alter Cu is just standing nearby, watching.* Sheepy: *Tristan grows silent.* Sheepy: Lobo: Bawuff! Sheepy: Ozy: Aha! Hahahaha! KUHAHAHAHAHA! How sad you are, O’ Child of Despair! How blind you are, turning your eyes away from the truth to indulge in your selfish ideals! You fool, you absolutely fool! “I deserve not to be loved”! And yet, you are. What a poor excuse for a Knight of the Round you are! Sheepy: Ozy: You say these things because you fault only yourself because you can only see the world revolving around you! A tree falls in the forest and kills an innocent animal! Whose fault is it!? Oh, yours, I suppose, because everything in this world is a result of you causing it, yes? I would compare you to Cleopatra, but while you are forcing your beliefs on others, she was simply afraid of having other’s beliefs forced upon her! Do you truly believe this knight would give you the time of day if he cared not? ArsĂ©-kun: *Uncomfortable silence. How does anyone respond to that??* Sheepy: Ozy: Has everything been resolved now? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: With that sorta rant? Yeah, it better be! Sheepy: Ozy: Rant? Sheepy: Ozy: It was no rant. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You went on long enough to stall out a chess timer! Look, even the sun's going down, that's how long you went off for! Sheepy: Ozy: Hm? You're just delusional. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Okay! Sheepy: Ozy: I used the minimum amount of words I needed to use. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Okaaayyyy~ Sheepy: Ozy: You clearly don't believe me. ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra just grins at him* Sheepy: Ozy: Now then. Stop crying. You ruined my perfectly good shower with all your shouting. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lancelot huffs loudly. Good answer* Sheepy: Ozy: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: Do they ever stop. Sheepy: Ozy: Hah, if you don't quit, I'll drop a pyramid on you. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: That will kill all of us. Sheepy: Ozy: Hmmm? Sheepy: Ozy: I suppose so. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: *he grabs Lancelot and throws him down the hallway. This has the effect of throwing Tristan, as well* Sheepy: Tristan: Ugh! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Argh! ArsĂ©-kun: Acu: Problem solved. *and he lies down on the floor, right there. This is his spot.* Sheepy: Ozy: Hmm. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... *he lets go of Tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: ....... Sheepy: Tristan: Happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheepy: Tristan: Happy happy happy day! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... I'm sorry. Sheepy: Tristan: Happy day! Happy day! I'm so happy happy happy! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... .... Sheepy: Tristan: Hahahaha. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Do you not forgive me..? Sheepy: Tristan: For what? Sheepy: Tristan: You did nothing. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ..... Fine. Sheepy: Tristan: You seem displeased. What is it? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I lost my temper. Sheepy: Tristan:....Yes, understandable. Sheepy: Tristan: Because I acted like your opinion wasn't worth anything. Sheepy: Tristan:....I can't understand why you'd care about me. I just can't. But I suppose there are things in this world that can never be understood. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Friend. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... That is why. Sheepy: Tristan:...Yes. You're my best friend. Sheepy: Tristan: I mustn't forget that. ArsĂ©-kun: Acu?: *he pulls himself back out from Tristan's shirt. It is time for a high-action escape sequ-- He tripped on Tristan's leg.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...? *he pats Tristan's shoulder and leans over. what that* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...warmth is gone. I'm sad. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... *he leans forward and picks up the tiny a?cu?, depositing it in Tristan's lap. It glares at him the entire time* Sheepy: Tristan: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Warm thing? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. ArsĂ©-kun: *tiny a?cu? starts ranting. His name is Mini Cu-Chan! Not Warm Thing! Not Stupid Doll! It is very hard to take seriously, with his voice squeaking and his foam spear doing no damage what-so-ever.* Sheepy: Tristan: Hmmm... Sheepy: Tristan: Mini Cu-chan. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Yes! That is my proper name, and the most acceptable. Sheepy: Tristan: Well, nice to meet you. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: So who the hell are you? Sheepy: Tristan: I am Tristan, Child of Despair. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: Your mother's name is Despair? Sheepy: Tristan: My uncle cared for me, yet I was selfish, and my selfishness lead to my death. ArsĂ©-kun: Mini Cu: That sucks. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Sheepy: *Lobo starts snarling and growling at the window.* ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: Someone's here! Sheepy: Ozy: Yes, a customer, I'm sure. ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: What..? Sheepy: Ozy: For my Sphinx Rental Service. Sheepy: Ozy: By day I am a businessman, by day I am also a stock trader! ArsĂ©-kun: Proto: But it isn't day anymore. Sheepy: Ozy:...Hm? Sheepy: Ozy: Then I suppose I'm neither, and it's no customer. Sheepy: Ozy: *He opens the door* ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Good evening, sir. Sheepy: Ozy: Hah! To you as well. What is it that you desire? ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I'd like to take the Assassin of Shinjuku off of everyone's hands. Sheepy: Ozy: Hm? I can't say I know who that is, but you can take the Archer off our hands if you so please. Sheepy: Ozy: Hahahahahahaha! ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: *he sighs and lets Ozy finish. He already expects to take longer than he wants to* Sheepy: Ozy: Come in, anyway. ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Thank you. *he enters* Sheepy: Ozy: *He closes the door behind him* Sheepy: *Lobo jumps Tepes.* ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: !! Sheepy: Lobo: *He snarls. You smell familiar but humans are gross.* Sheepy: Ozy: Lobo, back off. Sheepy: Lobo: *He, of course, doesn't, instead sniffing at Tepes. Why do you smell familiar if you're unfamiliar!!!!* Sheepy: Lobo:? ArsĂ©-kun: *Tepes gives Lobo a slow pat, like u do whenever u meet an unfamiliar dog.* Sheepy: Lobo:....*He pulls his front paws off of Tepes, still curious, but not as aggressive.* ArsĂ©-kun: *a single, distant complaint from Vlad. ah. there it is* Sheepy: Lobo: *He turns his attention to the direction of Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad just reaches up and pulls on Lobo's face. this here is the huge wolf. be in awe of how much hes unfazed* Sheepy: Lobo:? Sheepy: Lobo: *He lifts up a paw, placing it on Vlad's face. He's imitating as best as he can.* Sheepy: Lobo: Rrrr? ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Thanks. Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Rider: "He's upstairs, asleep." Sheepy: Rider: "His neck is exposed." ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Thank you for both sets of information. Sheepy: Rider: "I wanted to cut it from his body." Sheepy: Rider: "But I was certain he could be useful in the future." Sheepy: Rider: "Oh, make sure to get him while you're here." ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: That's what I'm here for, so of course. Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo seemed to agree with the idea." Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo will let him off for peanut butter." Sheepy: Rider: "That's all. Good night." ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: ... Implying I carry peanut butter on my person? ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Other me can handle it. *and he exits the room, promptly* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: Why, you...!! Sheepy: Lobo:......*He stares intently at Vlad* Sheepy: Rider: *He watches Vlad intently.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... Fine. *and he goes to get peanut butter for lobo* Sheepy: *Lobo is excited!* ArsĂ©-kun: *lobo gets peanut buttr* ArsĂ©-kun: *and Tepes descends from the attic with Yan slung over his shoulder. Jury is still out on if Tepes did anything or not.* Sheepy: *Yan Qing is mostly out of it still.* ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I've gotten what I came for. Sheepy: Rider: "Then go." ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I am. Have a good evening. *bye fronds* Sheepy: *Yan Qing does not complain.* ArsĂ©-kun: *and they go Home* Sheepy: *Yan Qing is surprisingly not talkative.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Tepes is thankful for this.* Sheepy: Yan: .......... What's going on over there? ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: ... No idea. Would you like to find out? Sheepy: Yan: *He hesitantly nods.* Sheepy: Yan: I bet it's something fun~ You should try having fun sometime. ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I do have fun. Just not as much as you. *and he goes to check out the happening* Sheepy: Yan: Hey, you make it sound like I don't work! ...Eh, eh? I don't recognize them. ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: I recognize some of the people there, but not all of them. Sheepy: Yan: Ehhh...wonder who the new people are. ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: Maybe shut up and we can hear. ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Is going from one to three really a good idea..? ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Nope! But we can't just take one without the other.. Sheepy: Okita: Ahhh... I finally thought I was going to get away from the radishes, too... Sheepy: Hijikata: Radishes will cure your illness. Don't you know that? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: I don't think medicine works that way. Sheepy: Hijikata: And what do you know about medicine? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Quite a bit. Thank you for asking, though. Sheepy: Hijikata: Hmm. ....Hrrrgh. Sheepy: Hijikata: Hah. I don't like the kinda fellas who brag about being great without showing any results. ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: I can respect that. Shall I tell you what I do know? Sheepy: Hijikata: Tell me. ArsĂ©-kun: *And Lupin begins an exposition dump, but instead of exposition, it is highly useful and good medical information. A condensed stream of knowledge. Easier to understand than a Sherlock Holmes info dumpℱ!* Sheepy: *There's a loud honking noise!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Everyone collectively mashes X to jump 10000 feet in the air- Except Tepes, who stays grounded and hisses* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: *WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT* Sheepy: *Elyian trots into the middle of the group, spreading out his tail feathers. ... Something about the eyes on his tail is nausea-inducing... are they...watching you...?* Sheepy: Grif: -Elyan! ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: ...!! *and he backs off. he's not having any of it. No thank you! He doesn't want what you are selling!* Sheepy: Grif: ....Mmmm? You aren't a library, and nor are you. Sheepy: Grif: There's no library. Sheepy: Yan: What is that thing...?? ArsĂ©-kun: Tepes: For starters, that is a bird. Sheepy: Yan: There's something so wrong with it... like nature attempted a bird but messed up halfway in... Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: You stop that! Sheepy: Elyan: Hello! Hello! ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Peacocks can't talk! What kind of bird are you?? Sheepy: Elyan: ? Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Honk! ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Master, with all due respect, maybe you shouldn't.. Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* Sheepy: Grif: *He huffs* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Elyan, what the hell are you honking about?! This ain't a parkway! ArsĂ©-kun: *Kay enters scene, carrying Kidd* Sheepy: Elyan: *He looks to Kay before staring at Lupin.* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: What is it, Elyan? Did he push someone into a well? Sheepy: Elyan:.... Sheepy: Elyan: *He looks to Kidd and then Lupin* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *he starts to say something, and then shuts up. The ol' rusted gears are turning..* Sheepy: Kidd: You probably shouldn't shout so loudly at night... Sheepy: Elyan: *He ignores Kidd.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Tepes puts Yan down in the background.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: ..... This is not how I planned anything to go. May I request a do-over? Sheepy: Grif: Uh? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I agree with Grif. Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: And you stop honking at me! Sheepy: Elyan: Hello! Sheepy: Grif: Your name is Answers. Sheepy: Grif: Elyan said he was going to show you to us. Are you my opponent? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: N... Not quite... And I certainly hope not...! Sheepy: Kidd: Grif, no. Sheepy: Grif: You aren't? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: I'm not. I'd rather not fight you. Sheepy: Kidd: ...Are you...? Sheepy: *Hijikata has begun filing his nails...* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: *he sighs and accepts his fate* Yes. Sheepy: Kidd:.....?! Sheepy: Grif: Uh. Sheepy: Grif: Uh....uh! Sheepy: Grif:..... ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Me too! I've got no idea what's going on here. Sheepy: Grif: Kaaaaayyy! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I'm right here! Sheepy: Grif: I don't understand! Sheepy: *Kidd is visibly flustered.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Lupin has the same expression. Like father, like son.* Sheepy: Grif: Uh? ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: *he recovers his composure* Master, the young one is my descendant. ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Oh, right, that whole thing! So what's this freaky bird got to do with it? Sheepy: Elyan: ............ Sheepy: *Elyan begins preening himself.* ArsĂ©-kun: #57: Great answers! I still know nothing of value! Sheepy: Grif: Elyan is my friend. Do you hate Elyan? Sheepy: Grif: I'll tear you to pieces. ArsĂ©-kun: #57: That told me everything I needed to know, thanks! ArsĂ©-kun: *#57 decides to inspect this bird. From up close. Fantastic decision making skills.* Sheepy: *Elyan looks to #57 and stares* ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Uh, Master... ArsĂ©-kun: #57: *he ignores Lupin and squats next to Elyan. this is a bird.* Sheepy: Elyan: ............. ArsĂ©-kun: Lupin: Master Crevin, with all due respect... Please do not harass the bird. ArsĂ©-kun: *Elyan gets poked* Sheepy: Elyan: *Honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Crev: *he jumps back, hitting his head on a nearby table. 12 damage.* Sheepy: Elyan: ? Sheepy: Kidd: Are you okay!? Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Crev: I'm good! *he gets back up, easily avoiding the table this time* Stop honking at me! Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* ArsĂ©-kun: Crev: What kinda chicken is you? *he's clearly joking* ArsĂ©-kun: *MEANWHILE, IN AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION AKA ABOUT THREE HALLWAYS DOWN, ON THE LEFTHAND SIDE, CLOSEST TO THE STAIRS;* Sheepy: Tristan: What if I use Failnaught to cut the potato and then we toast it? Sheepy: Gawain: You disgust me. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: It'd probably work, but it would be overkill. Sheepy: Gawain: Potatoes can be prepared many ways, but not like that! Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot, let's use your sword to make diced potatoes and then put them in the toaster. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: Why not use excalibur galatine? Just toast them while you cut. Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, or Airgetlam! Sheepy: Gawain: No!! Sheepy: Tristan: The Airgetlam is like a portable stove. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: Somehow I doubt this. Sheepy: Tristan: It's true. Sheepy: Tristan: I smell something burning every time he uses it. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: That's not good. Sheepy: Tristan: I think it smells similar to burning flesh, actually.. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: And you're sure it isn't? Sheepy: Tristan: Is his arm inside of the Airgetlam? Is it a gauntlet? Sheepy: Tristan: I just assumed that it was like a stove. Sheepy: Gawain: I don't know, maybe? Sheepy: Tristan: What do I do if it is burning flesh? ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: Not let him use that?? Sheepy: Tristan: How difficult....you imply that I can order him around.. Sheepy: Gawain: *He has snatched the potato from Tristan and is peeling it.* ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: You're not a doormat. I believe you can do it. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance, aka Berserkerlot, is eyeing a stray potato from his seat by the wall. He growls-- No, wait. That was his stomach. Please eat three times a day, Lance.* Sheepy: Tristan: Did he come with me? I'll consided that a challenge. Sheepy: Gawain: Hmmm...let's have mashed potatoes. Sheepy: Tristan: What a surprise. Sheepy: Gawain: Mashed potatoes are nutritious and delicious. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere said the same thing about those eyeball creatures...but left out the delicious part... Sheepy: Gawain: Let's not talk ill about the dead. Sheepy: Tristan: ? Bedivere isn't dead. Sheepy: Gawain: Are you implying such a forgettable man could be a Servant...? One whose only notable accomplishment was a singularity? ... Well, whatever. This potato is done. I'll peel another. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: *he grumbles. He seems to disagree with you, Gawain!* Sheepy: Gawain: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Hhh... He is. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... Grif. Sheepy: Gawain: And that's no surprise. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Me. Sheepy: Gawain: And that's no surprise. Sheepy: Gawain: ... Sheepy: Gawain: ...No, it definitely is! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Are you making potatoes AGAIN?? Sheepy: Gawain: Is there a problem with potatoes, you potato-hater!? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Get some variety in your life for once! Sheepy: Gawain: They include all the nutrients that you need in your diet! Sheepy: Gawain: There is nothing wrong with potatoes! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: It doesn't have the vital updog. Sheepy: Gawain: Updog. Sheepy: Gawain: What's updog? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *snrk* Not much dog, what's up with you?! *and he explosively starts laughing. you have fallen for his ruse* Sheepy: Gawain: ......... ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: .... *he just sighs* Sheepy: *Grif is looking a potato over. He gently tosses it in the air, catches it, pulls his arm back, and then throws it at Kay at top speed.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Kay is beaned by a potato. He ends up smacking his face against the table. Karma* Sheepy: Grif: It does have the necessary updog. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... I can't even be mad. Sheepy: Grif: .....? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I deserved that. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance has obtained a potato, meanwhile. Plz do not eat it raw- oh, too late.* Sheepy: Gawain: You're st... Sheepy: Gawain:.... ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Why would it need to? *and he picks himself back up* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... Unhinge your jaw like a snake! Sheepy: Gawain: *The most disgusted expression spreads across his face as he watches Lancelot* Sheepy: Grif: Potatoes are best eaten raw. Sheepy: Grif: They're crunchy. ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: .. He has a point. Sheepy: Gawain: You don't eat potatoes raw! Sheepy: Grif: My wife would make potatoes sometimes. Sheepy: Grif: She didn't like me doing it butsometimes I'd eat it raw. Sheepy: Grif: So she'd hide the potatoes. Sheepy: Grif: It turned into a game of hide and seek. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I'mma let you finish but you're gonna upset yourself. Sheepy: Grif: I think at some point I stopped doing it because I liked them and started doing it because it ended up being our little game that I looked forward to. .... Aaahhhh...you're right. Sheepy: Gawain: You could at least wait until I finish cooking them. And you, don't cry on the potatoes. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad...how sad...*sob* Sheepy: *Gawain casts the peeled potato aside and grabs another one. Wait. What other one? There's none left.* Sheepy: Gawain: Where are my potatoes? ArsĂ©-kun: Saberlot: Right over there. Sheepy: Gawain: *He looks.* Sheepy: Bedi: Try to vary your diet, Sir Gawain. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: told you so Sheepy: Gawain: Mmm...? So you are right. Please give those back. Sheepy: Bedi: You need more than just potatoes. Sheepy: Bedi: I can cook for you with ingredients I fought earlier. Sheepy: Gawain: I, Sheepy: Gawain: N,no thank you. Sheepy: Gawain: I don't want mystery meat. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, but it's good for you Sheepy: Gawain: I lost my appetite for anything but potatoes. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'll turn them all into tomatoes and then what will you do? *oh, there he is, on Bedi's other side. he STILL looks tired* Sheepy: Gawain: Ugh, it's you...!? Sheepy: Bedi: I have a skill in instantly recognizing a creature's edibility! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It's me again! Sheepy: Gawain: Don't touch my potatoes. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'll think about it. Sheepy: Gawain: Think about it? Sheepy: Bedi: Let's eat boar! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: We may as well use that. Sheepy: Grif: Boar? Sheepy: Grif: Kaaayyy... You need boar? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Can we hunt at this hour? Sheepy: Grif: No. Sheepy: Bedi: I already have. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Nice! Sheepy: Bedi: I'm not that great at cooking, though. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: I'm not going to try. Not tonight. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Why not? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not feelin' up to it, babe. Sheepy: Bedi: That's fine Sheepy: Gawain: What did we say about flirting? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: The exception rule overrides you! Sheepy: Gawain: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: What do you mean "What"?? We talked about this! Sheepy: Gawain: Like you'd ever be in a relationship with anyone Sheepy: Gawain: It's not in your nature. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Maybe not, but I can sure try! ArsĂ©-kun: *meanwhile, Saberlot decides to actually help the cooking effort. Lance is still highly uncomfortable from being stared and yelled at while he was eating, and is staying in relative safety. Kay has booze.* Sheepy: Grif:..... ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Grif, don't look at me like that. It's not even open! Sheepy: Grif: Boar.. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: What about it? Sheepy: Grif: Let's eat boar. Sheepy: Tristan: It's boar-ing. Let's have toasted potatoes instead. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Why not both? Sheepy: Tristan:.....*sob* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Stoooop Sheepy: Tristan: My pun... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Are you gonna hog all the attention with puns? Sheepy: Tristan: ....*sob, sob* Sheepy: Tristan: My heart....it yearns for a warm smile to thaw my frozen, shivering soul...a laugh. Ah...and yet. Sheepy: Tristan: It is not raining, but I feel the droplets of sorrow streaming down my face. Perhaps this is the only warmth I am allowed to receive. Sheepy: Tristan: It is what tells me that I truly am alive... Sheepy: *Bedi is cooking.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Merlin is not, so he is free to throw some cloak around Tristan. warm* Sheepy: Tristan: A...ah.... Is this a hug? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It is now. *he presses up against Tristan and snakes an arm around Tris' shoulders* Sheepy: Tristan:.......It's warm.... Sheepy: Grif: *He is lurking to see what's going on with the cooking.* Would Kidd want boar? Sheepy: Grif: Would his dad want boar? Sheepy: Grif: Would Elyan want boar? Sheepy: Bedi: Peacocks don't eat meat, do they? Sheepy: Grif: Elyan eats meat. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I've watched that shithead swallow mice whole. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Who needs a cat when you have murderbird? Sheepy: Grif: I've seen him eat other things, too. Like chicken. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Isn't that cannibalism? Sheepy: Grif: ...Well, peacocks aren't chickens. Sheepy: Grif: Sometimes, peacocks are humans. Sheepy: Bedi: Peacocks are never humans. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: They can sure be cocks though. Sheepy: Grif: But they aren't chickens. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: But he sure does like bacon. Sheepy: Grif: Yes, he does. And pigs are like boars, right? Is boar meat pork? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I think it counts. Sheepy: Grif: Then he'll like boar. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Good for him. If he ever comes in my room at ass o'clock am again yelling for meat, I'll strangle him. He's going to give me a heart attack. Sheepy: Grif: He does that? Sheepy: Bedi: ...Are you really sure he's a peacock? Sheepy: Grif: Peacocks live in fountains. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Do you want a real answer to that, Bedi? And yes, Grif, he HAS! Sheepy: Grif: I never noticed. Sheepy: Grif: He's never done that to me. Sheepy: Bedi: I kind of do.. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That's not a normal peacock, Griflet. Sheepy: Grif: But have you ever met another peacock? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... That's fair. I'll ask the resident zookeeper tomorrow. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance continues to just watch. He's got something fluffy. He is pleased.* Sheepy: Grif: It is one. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Ssssssurrrrrrre. Sheepy: Grif: ? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: It is a birrrrd. Is food done...? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, it's cooking right now. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Aaaaaaaa. Sheepy: Bedi: You must be patient. Sheepy: Bedi: Food take as long as it needs to take, unless you want to eat it mosstly raw. Sheepy: Bedi: Which I suppose is an option... Sheepy: Gawain: It's not. ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance huffs. Impatient.* Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot, being impatient won't make it cook faster. Sheepy: Tristan: But your arm will. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: it instaburns. I've tried that. Sheepy: Bedi: Cooking meat is not the purpose of the arm of Nuadha! Sheepy: Tristan: It instantly burns meat...? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Why do you think it smells bad when Bedi uses it? Sheepy: Tristan: :I don't know. I thought it was like an oven. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Unfortunately not. Sheepy: Tristan: It should be multipurpose like a swedish knife. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That would have been brilliant, but I wasn't all that smart with it's design. Sheepy: Tristan: You designed it? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: This iteration of the Arm, yes. Please praise me. Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know what it looks like. Sheepy: Tristan: Just that its capabilities of inflicting pain are high. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: That part is accurate. Sheepy: Bedi: It's mostly meant to be a prosthetic arm... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: M-hm. Perhaps I'll do some more work on it so it hurts you less. Sheepy: Bedi: Um, if it wouldn't trouble you... ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not at all! Just.. Just not now. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *he's peering into the oven. It doesn't appear to be done yet* Sheepy: Grif: *He's looming behind Kay.* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: .. S'not done yet. Sheepy: *Grif doesn't seem too happy about that, but doesn't complain.* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... Why am I the one watching this?! Sheepy: Bedi: Uh...sorry. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: It's cool, Bedi, but.. Like!! Okay, kids, remember to wash your hands! I'm your mom now?? Sheepy: Grif: .....? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I shouldn't be doin' this! Where'd everyone else go? Sheepy: Tristan: *Snore* Sheepy: Grif: Kidd isn't here. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Gee, really? Sheepy: Grif: Uh...uhh.. Sheepy: Grif:.......Really. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I see ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: .. What is Kiddo up to, anyway? Sheepy: Grif: Uh... Sheepy: Grif: Uhhh... Sheepy: Grif: We left him in a stranger's hands. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Shit! Where's the damn bird? Sheepy: Grif: He's with Kidd. Sheepy: Grif: So he's probably been kidnapped and put up for ransom. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Griflet, that wasn't funny!! Sheepy: Grif: It wasn't a joke. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] Where'd you go??? Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] Home. Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] Elyan brought me home, so I gave him dog treats as a reward. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *he sighs in relief* Sheepy: Grif:...He's safe? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Yeah, Elyan brought him home. For once, he helped. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] Thank Elyan for once. You could've yelled at us, that's your job. Sheepy: Grif: Elyan helps often. Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] Why would I yell at you? I thanked Elyan and he didn't seem to care. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] So we'd bring you home???? ?? We'll be home soon tho Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] You should have a social life. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] We ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] whoops. We're your guards! We're supposed to be with you! Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] It's fine. I have Elyan. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] Well okay! Sheepy: Kidd: [text: to Kay] Please enjoy yourself. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: [text: to Kidd] Call if anything happens, but sleep well! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: He really thinks we need to get out more. *he eyes the table where he put his booze. Where is the booze. target lost* ?? Sheepy: Grif: Uh....uh... we do? Sheepy: Bedi: Are you awake? Sheepy: Tristan:....*Snore* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ..... Huh, what? *he picks his head up off of Tristan's arm* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, um, keep resting if you need to. ArsĂ©-kun: *You know when you wake up really disoriented? That's Merlin right now.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: .... I genuinely can't tell if I'm in the waking world or not. This could be my own dream, or somebody else's. ... Please kick me if this is real. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you really want to be kicked? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Surprise me. Sheepy: Bedi: *He pinches Merlin's cheek.* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Ow! Sheepy: Bedi: See? You're awake. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Yeah, seems that way. Thanks. Sheepy: Bedi: No problem. I didn't hurt you, did I? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not at all. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: But now I'm thinking- How do we know the real world isn't a dream of another? Like, are we really alive and individuals, or just someone else's subconscious constructs? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, there's nothing we can do about that. Sheepy: Bedi: If this is the life we've been given, we might as well work hard and do our best to fulfill it beyond expectations. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Y'all done with a philosophy lesson? It's finally done. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, thank you! Sheepy: Grif: Elyan will miss out on boar.. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: We'll bring home whatever's left. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, Sir Lancelot, you're back. Sheepy: Gawain: *He doesn't seem interested in the boar, instead focused on his potato.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Yes. *and he drops into a seat* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, do you want food? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Sure. Sheepy: Bedi: Okay, it's done ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I just said that. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, I know. Sheepy: Tristan: *He strums his harp* I always dreamed of a nice, warm cottage, away from the lonely night air. Away from the molding leaves whose corpses are a result of their sacrifice. Perhaps it's not as far away as I assumed, or perhaps I haven't woken up. Just this once, I will selfishly, blindly, naively allow myself to enjoy this warmth. If I tell myself it will be eternal, it will be until the pain of reality sets in. Sheepy: Grif: Uhhh. Sheepy: Tristan: Was it "always"? Or just a selfish little wish I came up with on the spot? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: *he leans over and pinches Tristan* It's still reality, bucko. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah... Ah...but you see. Sheepy: Tristan: Too much of anything will leave you with nothing. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you want boar? Sheepy: Bedi: The boar is done, Sir Tristan. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I do. Sheepy: Bedi: *He goes ahead and serves the boar.* Sheepy: Grif: Boar... ArsĂ©-kun: *And then everybody who is NOT named Tristan stopped speaking words and ate food. It is good food. Tristan still ate, he just doesn't stop talking. Someone had to.* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: .... So which of you took my alcohol? Sheepy: Grif: I'll kill you! Sheepy: Bedi: I didn't. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Wasn't me. Sheepy: Gawain: Nor did I. Sheepy: Tristan: *Snore* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: It wasn't him. ... Or me. Sheepy: Gawain: Hmmmm...how problematic. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And we all just ate, so we can't go on.... Hey, wait! Where's Prancelot? Sheepy: Gawain: Perhaps you're just going senile. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I'm senile?? I'm senile?! You go to bed earlier than the elderly! Sheepy: Bedi: He left a while ago Sheepy: Gawain: I haven't gone to bed yet. I will in an hour. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: ... Oh, Saberlot's got his night shift. He'd be killed on the spot if he brought booze. Sheepy: Gawain: Hmmm. Sheepy: Bedi: Who here drinks alcohol? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not you! But I was standing with Tristan, so it definitely wasn't me. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And Tristan's not drunk- We all know what that sounds like. Sheepy: Gawain: That leaves Sir Lancelot, Sir Griflet, Sir Kay, and me. Sheepy: Bedi: It wasn't Kay. Sheepy: Grif:...Uhhh. Sheepy: Gawain: Sir Kay drinks the most out of all of us. Sheepy: Grif: Stop accusing him or tear you to shreds! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I do, but I didn't drink it. I wouldn't be complaining if I had! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And Grif doesn't drink. He'd either be sobbing, snoring, or committing homicide if he had. Sheepy: Grif: *Grumbling* ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: What? Sheepy: Grif: I do more than that. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: It was a rough estimation. Sheepy: Grif: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: It's... 60% the things I said, 40% anything else. Sheepy: Grif: Uhhh.. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: So... Two left. What say you both? Sheepy: Gawain: I didn't drink it. Sheepy: Gawain: Why would I? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Who knows why? We're not mind readers here! Sheepy: Gawain: I'd rather go to a bar to talk to women than to drink alcohol. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And you'd also probably be in bed by now if you had. Sheepy: Gawain: What? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: If you had stolen my booze, I mean. But you haven't. Sheepy: Gawain: *He looks to Lancelot* Hmmm. Sheepy: Grif: He wouldn't steal it. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ...? *he looks at Grif.* Sheepy: Gawain: He totally would. Sheepy: Grif: He wouldn't because he's better than that. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: No, I absolutely would. Sheepy: Grif: Huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: It is the sole reason I'm sitting here and not in the corner. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ... And I seem to have lost my mental filter in exchange for false confidence. .. This is a fine exchange. Sheepy: Grif: Well, that's fine. Sheepy: Gawain: What a biased man you are. Sheepy: Grif: I already stabbed him in the face the last time we saw each other. Our differences have been settled. ArsĂ©-kun: *Kay still looks annoyed. He kicks a leg out from under Lance's chair. Lance stops and stares before gravity kicks in* Sheepy: Grif: Oh. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I deserved that. Sheepy: Gawain: *He's grinning a bit smugly... Gawain. I thought you settled your differences with him.* ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Do you enjoy my pain? Sheepy: Gawain: No, it's not that. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Oh. You may as well kick me while I'm down here. Sheepy: Bedi: No one is going to kick you. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: That's a surprise. Sheepy: Bedi: It shouldn't be. Sheepy: Bedi: We all care about you. Why would we kick someone we care about? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Who knows? It was my self esteem speaking there. Sheepy: Bedi: You don't need to worry. We're here to support you! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: .... Thanks. Sheepy: Bedi: *He puts on a grin* If you ever feel upset, I'll do my best to comfort you! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Don't you already? What do I do for you? Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean, do for me? Your presence is enough - you don't need to do anything for me. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Simple man has simple pleasures, more at 2. Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You don't need anything fancy! You're happy with friendship, yes? Sheepy: Bedi: Of course. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Good to know. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah? Were you worried I'd expect something out of you? I don't! ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Does that also give me permission to do absolutely nothing and still get attention? Sheepy: Bedi: Of course! Sheepy: Gawain: Hmmm. Saber-you would probably like the attention too. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I presume he does. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: *he Still looks annoyed* Just don't do that again, you sly dog. *He huffs and looks to Bedi* Can we take some boar with us for Elyan? Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, go ahead. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Okay, great. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... So how much counts as "Some"? Five percent? Fifteen percent? Fifty? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... A hundred percent? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: One hundred and five percent? So I can take the dish too, and watch Elyan swallow it whole? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... On second thought, lets not do that. It was horrible enough the first time. Sheepy: Grif: Uhhh? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: If I have to watch him unhinge his entire face again, I might actually quit my job and become a full time alcoholic. Sheepy: Grif: ...He does that? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ... You haven't seen that? Sheepy: Grif: He hasn't done it around me. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I don't think I was supposed to see it. ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: You're going to have to pay me 500 moneys to keep having this conversation! There are people who PROBABLY didn't want to image that! Sheepy: Bedi: Hmmm... Sheepy: Bedi: That ssounds... like a snake, almost. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: What else can unhinge its jaw? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: Other than people, and that is bad for you. Sheepy: Bedi: Turtle. Sheepy: Grif: People. Sheepy: Bedi: .... Sheepy: Grif: ...Snails. Sheepy: Bedi:............. Sheepy: Gawain:............ Sheepy: Grif:....Cattle? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: ............ ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: ............. Merlin's dad? Sheepy: Grif: Merlin has a dad? Sheepy: Gawain: What did you think he came from? Sheepy: Grif: Hell. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: That's not too far off. Sheepy: Grif: And I came from a stork. Sheepy: Gawain: *Snrrrrk* Sheepy: Bedi:...Griflet, how did you have a child and not know where babies come from? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: No, no, he said from a stork, not brought by one. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: He's actually half birdbrain, clearly. Sheepy: Bedi: What does that mean... Sheepy: Grif: I'm not a bird. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And Lancelot was made out of lake dirt and baked at 350°. Sheepy: Grif: He was? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: No. Sheepy: Grif: Sir Lancelot is a golem... Sheepy: Grif: Is that why I can't beat him...? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I certainly was not and am not. Sheepy: Grif: But you came from a lake. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I had human parents, thank you. Sheepy: Grif: So then are you family with Elyan? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: No? ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: And Gawain came from the sun. That's easy. That's boring. Like Gawain. Sheepy: Grif: What? Sheepy: Grif: Hmmmm... ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Grif, buddy. I'm making insults. Sheepy: Grif: And Bedivere came from an affair. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I thought Lucan was the bastard? Both definitions. Sheepy: Grif: Hmmm? But what can be defined as an affair? ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: I think we know the answer to that. Sheepy: Grif: Your loyalty lies with the wife, but you're also lying to the mistress. ArsĂ©-kun: Lance: But not always. Sheepy: Grif: Ah? Sheepy: Bedi: Ummmm... ArsĂ©-kun: Magi☆Mari: Yoo-hoo, shitheads, can you all Paypal me five thousand monies so I can bleach my brain out? Thank you, love you! Sheepy: Grif: I don't have money. ArsĂ©-kun: *It's, of course, just Merlin, who shifts back* ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: fuck Sheepy: Grif:...Are you demanding money from us!? I'll tear you to bits! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: Not again. Sheepy: Bedi: Again? ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: It sounded good in my head. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, I was worried that he had previously attacked you... Sheepy: Grif: No! I haven't! ArsĂ©-kun: Merlin: In related news, that stunt has taken whatever energy I had left, and I am now running purely on you guys existing. I think I'm going to lose my personality. It's time to go home! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh....! *He gently lifts Merlin* Yes, if you're tired, you should rest at home. ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: I take it we should part ways? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes. Let's see each other again soon! ArsĂ©-kun: Kay: Oh, definitely! Sheepy: *And so, everyone heads home!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Lance puts Tristan to bed, and then goes to his own fucking room. bye lancelot* Sheepy: *And Bedi brings Merlin to their room.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Which means they all fail to stop and observe the herd of nocturnal servants lurking in a doorway* Sheepy: *And Eiji is painting!* ArsĂ©-kun: *Eiji, it is 3 am. What are you doing?* Sheepy: *He's worried and can't sleep so he's painting.* ArsĂ©-kun: *No servants are making any noise. Presence concealment A* Sheepy: *Good job!* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :3c ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: *it's a shame things are okay right now! Lemme just...* Nice. Sheepy: Eiji: Uh....! *He jumps and drops his paintbrush.* Sheepy: Eiji: I-...I-I didn't sssee you. ... Sheepy: Eiji:...Th-thank you. *He goes to pick up his paintbrush and then pauses halfway down, letting out a soft whimper. Ow. Back.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad has already fetched it. Here is your object, good sir* Sheepy: Eiji:!? Sheepy: Eiji:...Um...th-thanks... ... Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh. I d-didn't know you were...uh, you know, there. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Yeah, we noticed, old man! What're we doin'? Arts n' farts? ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad stares at Angra. He was GOING to be polite..* Sheepy: Eiji: I...um, I'm just... painting. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: At three in the morning? What, too scared to do it in the daytime? Sheepy: Eiji: N-no! Sheepy: Eiji: I just c-can't sleep. ... ... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: You nocturnal? Actually a vampire- oh Sheepy: Eiji: *He's shifting nervously...* Sheepy: Eiji: No, and no. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Well, I failed that one! Sheepy: Eiji: Am I b-bothering you? ... I'm really s...sorry, I'll...uh, I'll stop...sorry. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: No way, old man. Am I bothering you? That's my job. Sheepy: Eiji:....? No... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Great! *and he sits down. He's not leaving. Vlad doesn't look impressed.* Sheepy: Eiji:....... Sheepy: Eiji:.....D...do you want something? ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Nope! Sheepy: Eiji: .....*He shifts his attention to the painting, visibly uncomfortable as he continues it.* Sheepy: Rider: *He is looming behind Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... *he mimics backhanding Rider in the face. is joke* Sheepy: Rider: *He would show his amusement if he could.* Sheepy: *Instead, he places a hand where his head would be and another on his stomach before bending forward some.* ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... *and he shifts to the side so Rider is visible to everyone else. hekk u* Sheepy: Eiji: *He doesn't appear to notice...* ArsĂ©-kun: *Angra starts making faces at Rider* Sheepy: Rider:........... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :3c ? Sheepy: Rider: .................."It's almost Halloween." ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: :o Sheepy: Rider: *He (somehow) looks to Vlad* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad understands the movement of Rider's upper torso. He squints.* Sheepy: Rider:...."It's almost Halloween". ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: ... "Ew." Sheepy: Rider: "Why ew?" ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: "You know why." Sheepy: Rider: "So is that a no?" ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "You're cruel." ArsĂ©-kun: Vlad: "Thank you." Sheepy: Rider:..... Sheepy: Rider: *He crosses his arms, unhappy, and walks out. Through the wall near Eiji, who jumps. Rider you jerk.* ArsĂ©-kun: *Vlad exits as well, slipping out the door. gone* Sheepy: Eiji: ..Uh.. ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: What a bunch of weirdos. Sheepy: Eiji: ...M-maybe it’s time for bed... ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: Heh, maybe! Or you can flip of society's norms. That's on you! Sheepy: Eiji:....N-no thanks. Sheepy: *Eiji stiffly stands and heads to bed.* ArsĂ©-kun: Angra: oh. ok ArsĂ©-kun: *REJECTED!*
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