#in other cultures they refer to parents as “[insert child's name]'s mom/dad” and it's actually seen as being so respectful
fuwaprince · 9 months
When somebody only uses my chosen name while putting me down, it kind of makes me wish I didn't have a name at all.
And when somebody only uses my pronouns when they try to coerce me into something, then switch back to they/them when talking about me to anybody else, it kind of makes me uncomfortable af.
I sincerely do not enjoy being labeled or referred to. Being referred to is such a negative experience for me irl.
Yet not giving people a set of name/pronouns when they ask automatically seems to make them think you're secretly a serial killer trying to cover up something?????? Or like you're untrustworthy and must be hiding because you're a Bad Person instead of just not wanting to label yourself.
Can I just please not be forced to label myself for everybody else's comfort?
I feel like that information is so personally intimate anyways like unless you know me and we're close, why do you even care? I don't think it's necessary for the first stages of getting to know somebody even though in this culture we've normalized it to be that way.
Plus if I don't give you a name then I have the opportunity to earn one. Give me a name that you think I deserve and let it be what you honor me by instead! How about that? It's probably the only way I'll be comfortably perceived since some people will change my labels as they see fit regardless. Just call me what you like, I feel like my name/pronouns have been corrupted as is
#i feel weird about having a name and a gender and pronouns assigned to me.... such a weird thing to make a big deal#i mean it's a big deal as in you need to write names down for job apps#and when i walked in to request for emergency aid the person looking at my case asked for my pronouns#which just felt so irrelevant and it didn't make me feel any more respected#and i can tell some people are so uncomfortable using the pronouns that i say are mine that they'll opt out for ones they give me instead#which is like WHY DID YOU ASK IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO DO THAT ANYWAYS#silly things just don't make sense and to me they bring more trouble than they're worth#those things have been used as weapons against me so why keep giving ammo yk?#also i like the process of earning a nickname#one time this girl got offended that i reffered to her as snake girl the second time we met and i was like???#imagine being offended that somebody remembered you for having 4 corn snakes instead of using your boring old name#like when people call me fuwa i feel like they're honoring me as a blogger#i get it i get it this culture is just so strictly uncreative and boring#if i had a cool new name from each person who knew me i would be so cool with that#like if somebody i met found out i liked sasuke and then started referencing to me as sasuke boy i would actually be so happy#idk dude#also sorry to that girl for calling her snake girl but honestly her loving her 4 snakes actually felt more significant to me than her name#in other cultures they refer to parents as “[insert child's name]'s mom/dad” and it's actually seen as being so respectful#like it's the family bond that gets honored instead of the individual and idk maybe some people take that to be a negative thing but#imagine as a parent loving your kid so much and then everybody identifies you as the parent who loves their kid#maybe that's dehumanizing in a sense idk#i see it as an honorable thing to be bestowed by others#yeah maybe people can be mean and call you “poop boy” for the one time you shit your pants while drunk#i get not liking being called “poop boy” but like dude... you're a legend and the story behind you earning that name would be legendary#idk i guess it's all about perspective#i don't know if I'm making sense#feel free to share thoughts#late night blogging
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
Book 3 FAQ!
Need to catch up? Heres all the previous FAQs 1 * 2 Heres the master post of all three books 1 * 2 * 3
Wow...you would think that with the whole pandemic that I’d get these chapters out faster. But alas this year got the best of me too. I’ve been a lil vulnerable in the tags with y’all and the check-in messages really touched me. So thank you very much to everyone that has checked up on me and enjoyed the chapters! I appreciate all of you :3 So lets roll out the questions!
Q: Who is Iwata based off? A: Iwata is based off my self-insert, which is also me. I know that sounds a lil narcissistic but it’s that real life reference that you’re a spitting image of your parent. Iwata was designed to look and act very similar to his mother based off that. What made him a little more original and not a copy of my self-insert is the tropes I added. I mirrored the trope of that of the relationship between Steven and his mom in Steven Universe; where he adored, then hated but then came to terms that he is not his mom but someone better. A whole journey of self-discovery and self-worth.
Q: The representation is amazing! How did you come up with these queer characters? A: Glad you liked them! Like I’ve said in previous FAQs and in the tags, all these characters were dreamt and I just build upon them in writing. So yes, most of my characters were created queer in my dreams but I make them more in depth by setting up how they discovered they’re queer. I did a bit of research on coming out stories and self-discovery epiphanies to have these characters more relatable so a fellow queer reader feels seen in a way. There’s already too much hetero works out there, I just want to gay it up in a respectful way. 
Q: The culture mixing is really good and consistent, how do you do it? A: For starters, I am latina. But the culture mixing stems from my knowledge about other cultures through language. I’ve been studying Japanese for almost a decade now and Chinese for about 4 years, so it’s no surprise that I’m referencing them in my work. Maybe what I depict isn’t what other half-Japanese half-Latinx families do, but it’s what I’d do if I started such a family. Plus there’s some overlap within those cultures and it makes it easy to put into writing.
Q: So. much. drama! Why is this book more dramatic than the previous two? A: Book 3 is were main on-going plot gets picked up more and shows signs of resolution. In book 2, it was to focus on not only Lili and the family dynamic but to remind the reader that life moved on with little resolve for the self-insert character. Iwata has a HUGE role in the resolution but in his own special way. And I’m not saying the answer is love...but it’s leaning there. 
Q: You reference specific food and snacks in this AU/ what are your favorite Cheetos? A: Like I said, I’m latina! Of course I write in the food of my home culture. Mainly the home cooked meals my mom would make for me and my siblings. It might not seem like much to the reader, but those simple meals add to the narrative of being home and traditions that help them embrace their mixed heritage. The reference of Cheetos are all over this AU because they’re my favorite hot chip. Naturally, my favorite Cheetos are the Hot con Límon with chamoy. 
Q: Love that there’s no canon character deaths in this book so far, but are there any major deaths planned? A: Just one but it’s not a tragic, hero fallen type death. It’s a natural death but it’s gonna be a tear jerker. That death won’t come until the WAY end of this AU, so I’m not gonna spoil anything yet.
Q: Can’t believe you predicted Dabi’s true identity. A: It was obvious tho. I didn’t really predict anything canon if you’re an anime only for BNHA. In this AU (without spoiling too much) there’s no Endeavor redemption and Dabi doesn’t cause that big drama on live TV. So if you’re an Endeavor hater like me, you’re gonna love what I have in store for them in the next book!
Q: I love Tenya being a dad and loving husband in this AU! Will we see more dad moments? A: Glad you like those snippets of dad Tenya! I love writing them for my own indulgence since there isn’t enough love for this character in the fandom. Plus I see a whole lot of consistent readers are Iida-stans and that makes me want to write more married fluff whenever I can.
Q: Beizu is best boi/Who is Beizu based off of? A: Beizu is the genius trope in this book. I made his character a more chill version of his mom but with that ‘who is my dad’ trope. Beizu is part of a trio that’s to mirror the agent trio of Ita, Jin and Mimi. The third member is yet to be revealed but they’re a BIG plot device in the coming book. But Beizu is one of my favorite OCs, maybe I’ll do a ranking of my OCs when everyone is introduced. 
Q: The villains and Hawks plot has me SHOOK! What’s going to happen to hero society when this case gets solved? A: Without spoiling it, the truth is going to expose the corrupt higher ups in hero society. The kids in the household has a part in taking down hero society as well but in their own, special way. Iwata has the biggest part in closing the case (but it’s spoiler if I say how), Lili and twins help tearing down minor things like education systems and laws. I will say though, the case gets resolved after the trio retires because Ita gets to return to America and found an heir to the company before they could draw to a conclusion. Which is a happy ending at the end of the storyline, no major deaths!
Q: Confirmed weddings? A: Yes :) because Lili and Iwata deserve good things and love. The twins have it easy in the coming book. Lili’s comes first and Iwata’s comes later than expected (can’t say why yet, gotta keep reading :3). I guess I can say that all of them get married but Lili’s and Iwata’s are the only queer ones. All the spouses that marry into the family take the Iida name, so Lili and Hanaka don’t change family names when they get married! Y’all already know those wedding chapters are gonna be lavish and take up most of the chapter, you’ll love them.
Q: But are the kids Joji stans? A: Oh jeez...they are the same way we like 80′s music. It’s pleasant to listen to but kinda cringe when you see your parents dance to it. I don’t really portray it, but the family digital library has all of Joji’s music in a playlist called ‘Sad hours Soundtrack’. If you ask Mr Muffins 2.0 who last listened to the playlist, they’ll snitch who and how many times it has been looped. That’s how Tenya knows who needs cheering up.
Q: I love the little references to their childhood, what else can you tell us about their pre-book childhood? A: As I said a few times in the tags, I cut a ton of stuff that isn’t relevant to the plot. Most of it was their childhood and how they manifested their quirks. Lili really liked to scream before she learned to talk, a very fast learner and at 3 years old got her engine quirk and later that year showed signs of a second quirk. Iwata was very quiet child, hardly cried or gets upset but latched on to mom a lot. His first words were in Spanish but struggled a bit with Japanese before entering kinder. Tensei was born first, then Hanaka followed 10 minutes later. Hanaka’s fire quirk manifested after the first breast feeding when she was getting burped by mom in the hospital. Mom likes to believe Tensei came out first to warn everybody that Hanaka can breathe fire. Tensei didn’t manifest his metal quirk until the age of 7, making him a very late bloomer. Though very different in personalities, Hanaka and Tensei get along and get very creative when it’s playtime. Up until the age of 5, mom would place Hanaka in kindling to get the BBQ grill or bonfire started. Hanaka has been known to randomly burst into flames as a baby, so Tensei had to sleep in a different crib for his safety. Tensei spent more time reading as a child because everyone was focused on managing Hanaka’s flames, thus making him a very studious boy.
Q: Not an AU question, but how are you doing?/ We don’t mind waiting for the chapters! Please take your time. A: I’ve been getting check ins and validation in my asks for the inconsistent schedule. Too many things came at me this year, both good and bad. I was doing well in speech and debate that I went to nationals and prepared myself for some serious competition, leaving no time to do chapters. Then I fell in and out of depressive episodes during lockdown where I’m from. In the summer my grandmother passed away from the virus in Mexico, then my beloved dog Mr Muffins passed away of old age. Those deaths hurt me and my family the most that I was having a hard time trying to cope plus trying to be responsible by adhering to CDC guidelines (I’m in the immune-comprised group). In my want to get over my grief, I trained and received my certificate in ordained ministry (yea I know that’s not the best first step, but I just needed to feel like I’ve achieved something being cooped up at home). I’ve very grateful that theres some readers that see the tags and check up on me. All your kind words gives me a little strength to write and finish every chapter at my pace.
Q: More art please? A: Yes :3 I have one coming up real soon! After the end of this book is where I’ll be releasing some art as a sort of place holder.
Q: Is the the estate drama eluding to the ending? A: Yup! And it will show up every now and then in the next book.
Q: This is a really good self insert AU! There’s complexity to your character and others...how do you write these interactions/relationships really close to actual ones? A: Thanks for the complement :3 When I first started this AU, I was in the middle of my semester of a creative writing course. Near the end of book 2 was when I finished the course work for it and by then you could see the progression in writing. ALSO, I’m a communications major as well! Writing these relationships and other social things were things that I remembered learning in my interpersonal communications class. I was a bit on fence on whether or not to start this AU because I didn’t think my writing skill was at all that good. With some encouragement from my classmates and friends, I pushed myself to write this whole AU out. I don’t plan on stopping until I finish the storyline, plus I hate leaving things unfinished.
And that wraps up this FAQ! Hopefully I got everyone’s questions since most were check-ins for me. But expect the last chapter for book 3 in the next few days. After Book 3, I’m going on a lil hiatus until the end of February. I have so many life events happening in the upcoming weeks that I’m gonna need time to recharge before resuming this AU. Y’all know I bounce back as promised, in the meantime, I have some art things queued to remind y’all that Book 4 is in the works. Only 2 more books to go! Thanks again for reading and I’ll talk you y’all again later in the tags~
-Love, Palma-sama
P.S. Heres the end of Book 3 for your connivence :3 other links are at the top of this post! 
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Management Styles Evaluation.
That is actually for a fact that being a parent is never ever effortless. Torches for youngsters include humor to the black, as well, as some little ones's flashlights look like silly animals with sunlight originating from their oral cavities or elsewhere. This develops a sensation of nearness and also assists to obtain the little one in the right placement when it is actually opportunity to take account. Nearly all the various other youngsters which didn't have go for a swim suit with floats inserted possessed water wings or a rubber band to keep them a float in the pool.These devices seemed to be to limit the child's action and they really did not seem to be as self-assured in what they where performing. " This really does happen," he said, noting that in addition to the various disclosed healthcare facility check outs, many near-fatal happenings go unlisted considering that parents are actually afraid or even also humiliated from possible Kid Defensive Services notifies to bring their children to the medical facility. Although different authorizations pressure a different variety of developmental stages, 2018-sportowyrok.info Baseding upon Exactly How Children Build, little one development refers to a child's ability to discover and learn abilities phoned breakthroughs as she ages. I suspect I experienced that the affection I needed to provide kids had been actually offered to me by my two parents.
I on my own have actually been falsely charged numerous times by my kids' s daddy and also his family members. - excellent for how language modifications and also just what individuals consider that. Necessary reading for Paper 2. The expense of providing diapers daily for the first year or 2 from the little one's lifestyle may come to be a higher price. Our lookings for, which recommend that genes influence just how well a youngster will definitely do all over the span of their time at institution, must offer extra incentive to identify youngsters wanting interferences as early as possible, as issues are actually most likely to remain throughout the year. That much of the making it through languages are jeopardized and some are even on the aspect of termination births testament to inexorable social, financial, linguistic, and also market forces that remain to marginalize as well as consume aboriginal cultural and linguistic minorities. In every autistic little one I have been around either one or each parents possess some autistic characteristics, commonly certainly not as pronounced but they are there none the less, delighted someone eventually analyzed it and also determined the link rather than making it possible for these moms and dads to tackle injections and whatever else under the sun to aim to show that their kids are autistic and in truth that is their genes that caused this.Consist of the kid's label, your name, times of the travel as well as the total labels from both parents, suggests. As a parent, you recognize your little one's toughness and interests, as well as are actually better able to assist him.Laminate a developing breakthrough to-do list for the moms and dads. Primary little ones will definitely often view their moms and dads and near relative as their buddies. Edna performs adore her kids, they are actually the only 2 individuals she takes into consideration just before her fatality.
0 notes
bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 2]
Lost and confused? See this post to catch up!
Chapter 3: *Nicki Minaj Only Meme on Loop*
“Who did you choose Lili?” Hoshi asked me on our way to lunch at our usual spot “you kept quiet when some of us were sharing in class.”
“I chose the other offer” I stretched my arms “my parents were freaking out over it, so it must be good.”
“Oh dang both of them?” I nod as we sat at the stone table “well I trust your mom’s word, so I guess you chose well.”
“See, like, I’m not sure if I made the right choice” I opened my lunch bag “yea we have the same quirk but what can he show me that I already don’t know?”
“He was a top hero before, I’m sure he can bestow some knowledge on how things used to be?” he peered into my bag “did your mom pack lunch?”
“How can you tell?”
“I don’t recognize a single food product in that bag aside from the cut mango” he snickered “what’s for lunch?”
I peer in my bag “A torta, hot cheetos, mango con chamoy and an Arizona green tea” I gasped as I grab one of the items “OH BOY A TWINKIE YESSSSSS!”
“What’s a twinkie?” 
All jazz music stopped in my head “You’ve never had the joy of having the delicious, golden, creme filled wonder that’s a twinkie?!” I watch him shake his head cautiously “here, today I’m blessing you with some American culture that my mother took for granted when she lived there.”
He looks at me presenting the twinkie in my open palms “You sure? From your guttural screech earlier, seems like you want it more.”
“As a proud half latina-American, I can’t be selfish with food experiences” I put the wrapped snack cake in his hands “on my momma’s word they’re good!”
“I did say I trust your mom” he unwrapped the twinkie and took a bite, his eyes widened and glistened “oh my god, Lili what the fuck?” he took another bite and savored it “this is the best thing in my sad, pathetic life!”
“I said the same thing when I was 6 years old” I recalled “good times! Now my siblings and I get in near fist fights over them. Mom keeps them under lock in the snack pantry so we never know if there’s any.”
“Fist fights? You 4 seem to get along so well” he finishes the snack “I guess nobody gets in the way of your imported snacks huh?”
“Yup!” I pick up my torta and take a bite “oh fuck yea! she put extra queso fresco in mine!”
After a very passionate lunch of me just explaining ethnic eating, we go about the rest of our day as usual. I countdown the days until I need to go to my internship, according to his requests, I have to bring a lot of extra things. 
“That’s quite the line of luggage you got there” Hoshi commented on my 3 rolling suitcases and large duffle bag “you need help?”
“No, I’m fine” I take a calming breath “my ride is going to come any minute now” I look at my phone for the time “looks like you should get a move on too, the train to Saitama is departing soon.”
“Okay then, I’ll see you in 2 weeks” he grabbed his costume case “um text me when you get to your destination?”
“I will, take care!” I smile at him. I watch him start to walk away, then turned back to hug me “Oh?”
“Sorry it’s just that I needed this” he squeezed a little tighter “my mom would hug me good bye all the time when she had to go away for days at a time, it doesn’t feel right for me to say bye without a hug.”
That made me soft and a little sad that I reminded him of his mom. The best I could do was hug him back until he had to run off to catch his train. Not long after, a town car rolled up to where I was waiting.
“Hello Miss, are you Iida Lili Perla?” spoke the man in the drivers seat.
“Are you from the Best Jeanist agency?”
“Yes I am! Very nice to meet you” he gets out from the car and I can see the tent like pants in full view “I’m Jinko Punky from the Best Jeanist agency” he bows “it’s an honor to escort one of Agent 19′s very own.”
“You know my mom?” I was very confused on how this man knows my mother’s agent number and why he addressed her as such.
“Yes, she’s a very beloved agent in the agency” he gestured to my luggage “but lets load these into the car and I’ll explain things as we go.”
I help him put my things in the trunk and sat in the front of the car. The more I think about it, the more I’m confused on this man’s appearance “Alright, let me explain more, I bet you have a lot of questions.”
“Yes, my parents were freaking out over this offer. But all I know is that he’s a retired hero and my mom interned under his agent sector.” I couldn’t stop looking at his ugly tent pants “what does he want to do with hero work after all this time?”
“He’s an eccentric man, and he adored your mother when she was your age” he chuckled “I’ve never seen him so soft after interacting with her, like something in him changed for the better.” He sighed “Your mother showed her loyalty to us and helped in solving cases and gaining very valuable intel that no other could get! But what a strange twist of fate that her daughter is doing the same thing?!” We drive another 20 minutes and we arrive somewhere in Taito “Alright, this is your first destination.”
“First destination?”
“Yes, for this week you’ll be with the man himself” he unloads my bags “and next week you’ll be at the agency.”
He leads me into the building and tells me which floor and room I should go to. As I ascend to the top floor, I get nervous on how this man is going to be and what my mother felt when she met him. Finding the room wasn’t hard and I knocked on the door.
“Who’s there?” responded a semi-robotic voice.
“This is Lili Iida, from UA heroics program.”
I heard a click and the door opened “Please come in!” greeted a long-haired, white cat “I’ll let my owner know you’re here, please have a seat on the couch.”
I watched the cat trot away in awe. It was one of the fancy cat robo models my mom’s company developed! If I remembered correctly, the model name is Chiffon and was named after somebody’s beloved cat that passed away of old age. I looked at the room around me, it was spacious and clean. Seemed almost too big for just one person to be living here but there wasn’t any pictures of a family to show that more people lived here. Actually, there wasn’t any pictures on the wall, just artwork and hanging houseplants. I caught a glimpse of a silhouette of a tall figure coming closer from the hall the cat went in. I stood up and there he was, tall and in all denim.
“Hello there” he stopped in his tracks when he saw me “it’s very nice to see you after so long. My how you’ve grown up!”
I felt so comforted somehow after he spoke to me like we were family “I wish I could say the same about you” I bowed “I’ve heard so much about you!”
“Oh child, don’t bow to me” he walked up to me and tilted my chin up “we’re like distant family. Did Jinko explain things?”
“Yes he did” I stood up straight, unsure on how I should be addressing him “I’m going to be under your guidance this week and next week with the agency.”
“Correct” he turned toward the other side of the room “come this way, I’ll show you to your room for this week.” I follow him with all my things “here’s your room, it’s a bit plain but you’ll have your own bathroom and don’t mind the mannequin busts.”
I walk into the room and it was white and gray with a large window and decent sized wardrobe “Thank you, um”
“Um? OH my name!” he caught on to Lili’s struggle “call me Mr. Hakamada, I don’t like being called sir.”
“Okay, got it Mr. Hakamada!” I smiled.
“Great, I’ll let you get settled and meet me up in the loft when you’re done” he turns to leave “and wear a practice suit, training starts today.”
I watch him leave and the nervousness sets in. Never in my life has fear struck me! Dad said I was a fearless baby and rarely cried but I’m feeling a bit like a child. Probably just the fact that this is a pro-hero that’s way more experienced than my dad and has the same quirk. I put on my leotard and muslin stash and make my way to the loft. His place has hard wood, so you can hear me clicking about on my pistons. If I were sneaking, I’d be so dead, but I put on my rubber soles so I don’t ruin his floors. The loft was just as spacious but it looked more like a dance studio but without the mirrors. He sees me and starts to give me that ‘what are you wearing?’ look.
“Is there something the matter?”
“It just that” he pointed at my sash “that muslin doesn’t go with your whole look, what do you use this thing for?”
“Oh this is my extra layer when I do quirk practice” I explained “I can control any fiber cloth material and make anything! As long as I have a mental reference of said thing or I’ve practiced making something.”
“Any fiber?” he said in awe “then I’ve underestimated you!” he unraveled his denim turtle neck “you have a wider range than I do, but can you think fast!”
I almost got caught in his string attachment attack, thank the lord for rocket feet! I unraveled my sash “I can do more than that!”
“Lets see how you feel about not being able to move!” he wrapped my ankles together “hard isn’t it?”
“Two can play at that game!” I binded his pant legs together with my sash “now who’s vulnerable?!”
“You, you don’t have anymore cloth to use” he smirked “you have much to learn.”
I pulled the ribbons out of my hair and used them to bind his wrists together “You don’t tell me when the fights over, I DO!”
“Okay okay, I surrender” he chuckled “you really are your mother’s child.”
I un-binded him “How so?”
“She has the same battle attitude” he freed me from my ankles “it’s a little dangerous how that passed down to you, actually, it’s strange how she created such a child.”
“What do you mean?” I was curious “I’m just doing what feels right.”
“I saw your spars at the sports festival and I was just impressed that you graced the stage with your presence and dance-like moves” he sat on the floor and I followed suit “all the techniques you did like the puppeteer move and the sling were very reminiscent of your mother and I knew I had to mentor you.” He picked up the piece of ribbon that hanged on his wrist “I consider your mother more like my daughter, and I guess making you my grand-daughter.”
“Like a daughter?” that make me think “do you have a family?”
“I don’t, it’s one of my regrets in life” he sighed as he tied the ribbon into a bow “I spend my time working on being a top hero that I just lost contact with anybody remotely interested in me. All my friends were in hero work so it didn’t hit me that I was alone until one of my side-kicks asked for paternal leave because his wife was due any day and he wanted to be there for her and the baby. That really put my life in perspective, what does it matter if I’m a top hero if I don’t have anybody to come home to?” he pulled at the bow to undo it “then I met your mother, a young but tragic girl that wasn’t ready to leave her parents. I felt the need to care for her, so I’d check up on her and such. I went as far as giving her some spending money and giving her gifts on her birthday and Christmas! In return she always lends her abilities and comes to me for help.” He gasps “I can show you actually, come with me.”
He leads me to his workroom, bolts of fabric on the wall and other cloth pieces scattered about. He hands me a photo album “What’s this?”
“I have pictures of your mother when she was your age and other life stages” he opened the book “That’s her when she first arrived, that’s on her last day of her internship” he flips a few pages “here’s what I wanted to show you, I’ve created all of your mother’s iconic looks.”
“All of them?! I’ve only seen some of these in magazines and video!” I was in awe at all of my favorite looks “the whole reason I got into making my own costumes for dance was because I was inspired by some of these iconic looks” I pointed at a picture “like her blush pink power-business suit and the electric blue geometric dress at her Techies Gala premiere!” I turn the page and saw pictures of my parents “you made those too? My dad must’ve really loved my mom to be matching with her in these get ups!” I turn another page “that’s the wedding! You made her wedding dress?! Mom won’t even let me near that dress! I loved the sleeves and the shape of the train, especially the obi.” I pointed at my sash “it was my inspiration to my hero costume, I have an obi like middle that I use in battle.”
“You like my works to that point?” he was flattered “oh sweet child, I hoped you liked my designs” he turned to the next page “do you remember this dress?”
“Oh hey thats me!” I look at the picture of me in my toddler years “I loved that dress so much I never wanted to take it off! I cried when I out grew it but by then I could make another one with my quirk.” I looked at the pictures before it “oh, those are also me. You did hold me when I was a few weeks old.” I look up at him “why didn’t you visit?”
He sighed “I joined the fashion scene under an artist name and got very busy” you could feel the guilt in the air “I was traveling to China and Milan, parts of Europe for work and I just didn’t really have time to come by and visit.” he smiled “but your mother always sent me pictures of you and your siblings. On those rare days when our schedules align, we go out for some dim sum in disguises. On my rough days, I look at the pictures of you guys and it makes me feel like I’m working hard for my family and it gives me purpose to keep going.”
“Well, if it gives you purpose then I’m happy to be part of your family” I smile back “should we go back to training?”
“I think we’re good for today” he checked the time “it’s nearly time for dinner, what would you like to eat?”
“Rice and cold dish!” I tap my feet excitedly.
“Alright then, lets start cooking” he makes his way to the kitchen and I follow him. We have pleasant conversation over food and I felt less nervous around him. “Oh and before I forget! We’re going on a day patrol in plain clothes, be sure to be ready to go at 8am.”
I paused before I made my way to my room “Plain clothes at 8am, got it!”
“Good night Lili”
“Good night Mr Hakamada”
-Next morning-
“Alright, it’s just a short ways this way” he said as we hopped off the train “reason why we’re patrolling here is for more insider experience.”
“What do you mean?” I was a bit confused on why he couldn’t just tell me.
“You’ll see” he stops in front of a 3 story building “we’re here.”
After a few turns in the winding hallways of this place, he opens the door to a large professional fashion workroom “Oh my goodness! It’s the ICONIQUE workroom!” I turn to him “you work for them?!”
“I do, after your mother’s wedding dress went viral” he took off his scarf and light coat “it caught wind of this place that wanted to know who I was and wanted to give me a spot to design and create without the media knowing it’s me.”
“That’s so cool! What do you design here?” I look at the half finished gown on a mannequin “I’ve only seen snapchat stories of this place and they have different featured categories.”
“I do the statement and traditional designs” he points to a covered mannequin “this is what I just finished but yet to be featured on the platforms” he pulled the cloth covering to show me “a chiffon kimono with the obi to match.”
“OOOH! Translucent!” I loved this bold traditional piece “what an honor to get the insider on the next feature!” I remembered why I was here, not to tour this place but to do my internship “oh! what’s the reason to bring me here?”
“The point of being plain clothes patrolling is to lead a double identity” he hands them a lanyard with a badge “today, you are my understudy, Miss Natalan Ono. You are an arts student that was selected to observe and assist me on my next piece.” He sat at this work chair “You’re a legacy child because you’re related to Yoko Ono and is following in their footsteps. Now, back-stories aside, your role is to observe everyone and report suspicious activity to me. Nobody knows who I was before and I’ve noticed some suspicious heads.”
“Got it! One question though” I pointed at my badge “why Yoko Ono? Doesn’t the arts community hate her?”
“Yes but I’m not that creative” he chuckled “your mother is the master of backstory, maybe you can fill in some of the blanks that I left.” He swiveled to his work bench “now, can you get me some tea from the lounge? We passed it in the hallway.”
“Sure thing!” I put the badge on and made my way to the lounge. There were quite a few people in there and I was on high alert for any suspicious activity.
“Hi there!” called out a cheery voice as I poured some tea “haven’t seen you around here before? Are you a new hire?”
I gulped hard before turning to them, think of something Lili! “Um hello, I’m sadly not a new hire” I fixed my glasses shyly “I’m just interning for someone.”
I see their eyes shift to my badge, their smile disappeared “Oh...you’re that Ono legacy child Hakamada-kun has been talking about” she gave me a dirty look “I don’t care how good you are, you don’t deserve to be in his presence!”
“Um if I may ask, why do you think I’m not worthy?” I was getting whiplash from their change of tone.
“He’s a genius! Not to mention tall and brooding, nobody understands him except me!” she was giving off major yandere vibes and I was getting scared “he might turn down my help but it should be me in that workroom!”
I watch her turn away and the others in the room were staring at me now. Oof I probably gave myself away for everyone to pester me. Making my way around that office was harder now, everyone was giving me dirty looks and didn’t talk to me.
“Ready to go?” He asked as he put on his scarf.
I check the time, it was 5pm “Let me just get my bag and I’ll be ready.”
“How was your patrolling?”
“Awful, everyone was giving me dirty looks after that one yandere lady approached me.”
“You had the displeasure of meeting her huh?” he cringed “I have a feeling she’s taking her obsession a little too far.”
“What makes you believe that?”
“Well, some of my key patterns come up missing and it forces me to talk to her because she’s in the patterns department” he recalls “some of my embroidery hoops get roughed up when I want to use them, and my mannequins get moved around every time I come in the studio.”
“If that’s the case, then I guess some confrontation will have to do” I walk with him down the hall to leave and we run into her.
“Oh! You’re heading out for the day?”
“Yes I am, my intern and I were going for some dinner before going home.”
My heart stopped, why the fuck did he say that? Now it sounds like we’re in a relationship! Say something Lili! “As a thank you for taking me in! We should get going Mr. Hakamada! My parents are waiting at the dim sum place” I bow to the lady “it was nice meeting you! Have a nice evening.” We scurry out of earshot “What the hell are you trying to do! Get yourself accused of romancing your intern in front of a yandere?!”
“I realized my mistake the second it came out of my mouth” he turned red “I have a feeling I’m going to see a lot of things missing tomorrow.”
We get home and spend time just hanging out, cooked dinner and pleasant conversation. Just like a family, but I knew in the back of my mind that it’s not a pleasure stay here. It was almost like he arranged things to be like this so he wouldn’t be alone. We went to the studio the next day to find no mannequins in the room.
“Oh this is bad Lili” He said as he checked all around the space for one “I have to present this chiffon kimono today for the media directors to post on the platforms.”
Think Lili, THINK! “Does it have to be on a mannequin?”
“No but where am I going to find an alternative in time?”
I give twirl “I might of gained some muscle on my slender physique but I’m a good clothes model” I point to the bolt of muslin “we can make a full body suit of muslin on me to mimic the look of one but I do some movement and complex posing.”
“You know what, I love that idea” he took the bolt out of the wall of fabric “Lets get started!”
It took almost an hour to get me ready for the spread but of course the yandere lady walks in on him dressing me in the kimono.
“Oh! Is that what you’re presenting today?! It’s gorgeous!” 
“It’s my greatest work yet” he sighed “say, have you heard of all the mannequins going missing?”
“Can’t say that I have!” her tone was so fake, I wanted to punch her in the face “why? Have yours gone missing?”
“They have! But my intern is on the case” he was ad libbing “She’s amazing and quick thinking! She’s at the head of security right now checking the security cameras for theft.”
“Is that so? I hope security doesn’t give her trouble” you can hear the panic in her voice, wish I could see her face “well I’ll go fetch her for you.”
He waits for her to leave “Thanks for not moving, that would’ve set her off.”
“I was trying so hard not to call her out or punch her face!” I huffed “seriously, the nerve of her!”
The people came in to take pictures and such. They were surprised to see that I was the mannequin and said that it adds to the aesthetic of the garment. It was cool to see how they set things up for showcasing, I couldn’t wait to tell Rosa and my mom that I was the model for the garment! Once everything was done, I unraveled the muslin off me and I looked at myself in the mirror with the kimono on. I loved the shade of pink and the shape of it, I couldn’t stop looking at myself.
“You really love that garment huh?”
“I do! I’ve been a fan of kimono and all the traditional Japanese clothing” I look at him from the mirror “when I get married, I want to have a Japanese wedding and wear my mother’s obi and a custom kimono.”
“I hope to be in attendance then!” he chuckled as he came up behind me in the mirror “will this old man have a place in the audience?”
I turn to face him “Always, aren’t we family?” I hugged him “I don’t care if this is a little weird.”
“Oh child” his voice cracked a bit “you’re as loving as your mother” he hugged back “I wish I could’ve been there to see you grow up.”
“Well, I’m still growing” I didn’t break the hug yet “it’s not too late, you can still be in my life as I go through hero school and become a dancer.”
“Hmmm, why did you go the hero route?” he broke the hug “you clearly have a passion for dance and costuming.”
“Well, aside from not getting into any of the schools I applied to” I felt like I got caught “I’m attending UA to spite my dad. He puts pressure on me as the oldest to follow in his footsteps but I don’t want to be one of the great and noble Iida family!” I stomped my feet to show my frustration “I want to go to a dance academy but mom says I’m too young to be sent away like that. So the plan is to get strong and more than capable to be sent away for dance academy like I were to go to college. That way I can defend myself to give my parents the ease of mind while I’m away.”
“Are you planning to use your hero skills in anyway?”
“Um, uhhh I’m not sure” that really got me thinking “maybe if dad decides to step down as Ingenium, then I could take over if need be.”
“So you’re here with no plan and no real motive?”
“No sir” if he put it like that, then I feel guilty for being here.
“Child, I’m not here to shame you” he got down to my level “I want to give you motive to be the best hero you can be, even if you don’t plan on being one per-say.”
“Huh? How can I be one without being one?”
“You can inspire a new type of hero” he put his hands on my shoulders “being the dancing hero that graces the stage and apprehends villains. Who knows, you might even start an academy of your own!”  
“Dancing hero...I like the sound of that!” I smile and hop in place “do you really think I can be an inspiration?”
“Your mother did, I don’t see how you can’t” he stood up and put his hand on my head “come on, we have some more work to do.”
I take the garment off and get back to being his intern. His words filled that void of belonging in this hero world. He tells me more stories of his hero days when we got home, like a grandfather telling stories to their grandchildren. Now I really feel like I’m at a family member’s house and not at my internship!
“Hey can I call you grandpa?” I asked before going to my room for the night “like in a respectable way?”
He looked at me in shock but then thought about it “You may as long as it’s respectable.”
“Okay then!” I watch him walk to his room “good night grandpa!”
He stopped to respond “Good night Lili.”
The next day we did actual training and I was engrossed in everything he was teaching me. From the way I’m supposed to move to the new techniques I’ve never heard of...everything was being soaked in. Because now I have purpose, I don’t want to spite my dad, I want to make grandpa proud of me! I want to be a hero that little 5 year old me would be inspired by to start dancing and feel confident in their rocket feet...I know what I have to do now.
-Chapter 3, End-
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