#in retrospect i should have chopped her hair instead of having it being completely up ah well
averlym · 1 year
may 19 is anne boleyn’s deathday ~holiday anon
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paid the price with the swordsman's swing
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sunjaesol · 3 years
Kiss prompt 19 Juke
19. One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
(high school au)
In retrospect, the game ‘Seven Minutes In Heaven’ was a really bad idea. It could’ve really fucked them over had it not been the right time or place. It had been, thank God, but neither would risk it all again any time soon.
Julie was a mess. 
Carrie’s house parties were, as expected, completely out of control. The kitchen was filled to the brim with alcohol, music boomed from stereos that probably reached the other side of LA, drunkards jumped in the pool and drinking games were started on a whim. 
She’s avoided ‘Circle Of Death’, ‘Fuck The Dealer’, beer pong, flip cup, ‘Avalanche’ and whatever else existed. All she really wanted to do was dance and forget Luke had been flirting with Yasmine, a senior girl. 
God, she was such a cliché. Of course, she was in love with her best friend. It didn’t help he was a year older nor that it was uncommon for her to feel like a child. She knew that was stupid. They were completely on the same wavelength and were super close, but then she saw some of the girls he liked talking to… 
Yasmine was pretty and experienced and Julie was definitely not. Not in that way, at least. It wasn’t like she had a shot with Luke either, both strictly friends, but his interest in Yasmine didn’t help her self-esteem. 
In a moment of weakness, (a combination of too many White Claws, the buzz of dancing, the taste of teenage angst, the bitter fantasy of being with him) Flynn and Kayla managed to drag her to the den. It was slightly quieter here. A group of kids were sprawled over the many couches in a circle, Carrie standing in the middle like some warrior in glitter. 
Luke was there too. He saluted at her from the other side of the room as she sat down, amusement pulling on his lips.
“Alright,” Carrie declared. “Seven minutes in heaven! If you’re not into it, leave!”
A few left, Julie almost joining them in fright, when Flynn held her down. Her nails dug in her arm, a coy look crossing her hazy features.
“You either get over Luke, or you get with Luke.”
Julie shook her head. “No. This isn’t happening.”
“It is,” Kayla grinned. The girls high-fived each other. “You’re welcome.”
The game began. A suffering Julie watched on as Alex and Willie had no qualms pulling each other into the wall closet. They were lucky, basically already a couple with their very blatant flirting. She focused on talking to the girls or teasing the ones that were chosen, pointedly not looking in Luke’s direction. 
What if he saw it in her eyes? That she wanted him? She’d die of mortification. 
It was hard to not like Luke. He was the definition of effervescence. Every little thing he did had intention. Dialling his charm up to eleven, laughing harder than anyone else, encouraging her to chase all the dreams tucked in her dream-box with awed conviction. It was like he didn’t even have to try to be all-encompassing; he just was.
And she wasn’t the only who noticed. Ever since they’ve been friends - her a freshman and he a sophomore - she has seen girls come and go on his radar. Nothing ever stuck. Whenever Alex and Reggie called him out for it, he claimed he was too focused on music to care about that stuff. 
She didn’t know whether that should make her happy or not. 
Just as she was getting bored, leaning against Flynn while her friend recounted a story from her job, the bottle was handed to Luke. Instinctively, Julie straightened up. Her heart pounded in her throat, muscles straining and lungs constricting. This crush would kill her one day. 
It spun and spun and spun and slowed down and twisted precariously, lingered and then… landed undoubtedly on Julie.
Kayla gasped, cause of course she had to be unsubtle about it, while Flynn slapped her arm. Her friends were fucking wonderful. 
Their eyes met, hers nervous and his apprehensive. God, that hurt. They didn’t even have to do anything. 
“Chop chop,” Carrie smirked. Everyone knew they were best friends and a handful, like Carrie, picked up on Julie’s differing emotions. She was eating this up. “Go and make out!”
The crowd hollered as they stood up, this time with Luke rolling his at her, as if that would be comforting. She knew what he was trying to do, silently calling them idiots, but she just felt like the biggest idiot of all. 
The closet door slammed shut. Encased in the dark, Julie tried to even her breathing. 
“Huh,” Luke mused, so close she felt the words ghost her face. “Thought it would be bigger.”
She crossed her arms and leaned back as best as she could. “This is so lame.”
“Then why were you in the circle?”
“Why were you in the circle?” she retorted. Though usually a terrible liar, the obscurity helped her sell it. No way he saw her red cheeks and skittish gaze. 
Her body was burning. He was too near, every cell of her all too aware of where he was. The hairs on their skin brushed when they inhaled, their hands mere inches away. They didn’t need to move to kiss; only needed to tilt her head to kiss him.
Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him. 
“Where were you, by the way?” he asked, faux-offended. “‘Toto’ was playing and I didn’t have my dance partner!” 
She laughed, the tension marginally eased. “Sorry. I was busy avoiding Flynn from pulling me into a drinking game.”
“Aha! So, this is also Flynn’s plan.”
She shrugged. “More or less.” And then- “Were you hoping for Yasmine?”
What the fuck. Why did she say that?! It sounded so jealous! If he could see her, he’d remark she was going green with envy. Her eyes shut in embarrassment, waiting for a bark of laughter and a coy confession that yes, he was hoping to get alone with her. 
Instead, she got a hesitant pause. “You- you think I wanna get with Yasmine?”
Swallowing back the pain, she uttered: “She’s pretty.”
“I guess.”
Another pause, more loaded with unsaid implications and rising temperatures. She felt him shifting on his feet, his arm swiping past hers and alighting her heart into a frenzy. 
Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him.  
“I want you.” Her eyes widened as she blurted out the double entendre. “To keep talking! I want you to keep talking.”
“Right,” he chuckled, a nervous edge to his tone. “Uh…”
Julie sighed, frustration building in her chest. “How long does seven minutes take?”
Luke scoffed. “Damn, Jules, it’s that bad to be in a closet with me?”
“No!” Gah! She was doing everything wrong! “That’s not… I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just-” Letting out a breath, she took a risk: “-nervous.”
All at once, she deflated with relief. It was out. No turning back. He could do whatever he wanted with that information.  
“Good or bad nervous?” he whispered.
And then she felt it again, his hand coming near, knuckles bumping against hers. It pricked and sparked and she was losing her mind a little. But they were so close to something and Julie was too curious - too dazed - to not see where it led to.  
“Good.” Her head tilted up, brave. “Very good.”
The quiet words lit a match, Luke surging forward as his hands slipped around her face and pressed an urgent kiss on her lips. It was so fast, so unexpectedly dizzying, that she didn’t have time to react. Right as she leaned in, he pulled away. 
His voice trembled, thumbs swiping her cheeks. “Do you wanna do this?”
An incredulous chuckle leapt from her mouth, a beat later crashing their lips back together with two years of hidden passion pouring out. He groaned, hands clenched around her jaw and waist as hers were gripping his neck. Her soul was on fire, adrenaline coursing through her bloodstream at a tempo she couldn’t keep up with. 
They deepened the kiss, tongues grazing past lips and teeth and eliciting pleasurable sighs and needy whimpers. Falling onto her side of the closet, Julie interrupted the kiss to giggle at his frantic rush. 
“Don’t laugh,” he giggled along, muffling the sound with another kiss as he crowded over her. 
It was intoxicating. The faint scent of his cologne, allowing her nails to trail his jaw, arching into him like he etched a space for her long ago. Kissing Luke was better than any drink she could get here.  
When his face shifted, lips dropping to her jaw and shrivelling any rational thought she might’ve had, she gasped out: “I take it you weren’t interested in Yas?”
“Never,” he mumbled. Having him so close, she saw the way his hooded eyes flicked up at her. “Is this real to you?”
The nod was fast and the kiss even faster, their incessant grins keeping them from tilting off their axis. This was the realest she’s ever been with him. This was the only way she could ever be with him; impossible to go back to friends after this. Every touch drove her further into her feelings, that delicious type of wild she’d been craving for so long. 
His hands snuck underneath her top, its warmth causing shivers up her spine and a pleased smile to curl his lips. The move made her push the beanie from his head and rake her fingers through the soft locks. It was the right call, their teasing game washing away any sense of doubt or fear. 
Or sense of time.
The door flung open. Instantly, everyone in the room started screaming and whistling at the sight of the pair’s compromising position. Flynn and Kayla were hugging each other as if their favourite artists just appeared in front of them. Alex and Reggie body-slammed in victory. 
Julie couldn’t be bothered to feel embarrassed. Luke and her were finally where they were supposed to be. Noting the cocky grin crawling up his face, he was thinking the same thing.  
Carrie was unfazed, a quirked brow assessing them.
“Had fun?”
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
100 Days of Comics! 094/100: Fantastic Four #294 (1986)
And today’s selection is more Byrne Fantastic Four! But with 100% less small child setting himself on fire or the Beyonder. Instead we have an adventure that the Fantastic Four are particularly good at.
A journey into mystery. A strange tale. An amazing fantasy. Some weird-ass shit.
The Fantastic Four plus Wyatt Wingfoot have been investigating a large black dome that covered what used to be California’s Central City. The West Coast Avengers were investigating it too and Iron Man flew in only to be blasted back out a split-second later, looking as if he had gone through a war.
And then the dome started to expand and pulled in She-Hulk (who is taking Ben’s place on the team but is also with the Avengers). The Fantastic Three plus Wyatt arrived and entered a half hour later but Reed realizes there’s some wibbly wobbly time differential going on and a half-hour outside the dome is 150 years inside.
Speaking of inside, inside the Fantastic Three and guest find a most strange sight. A futuristic city and a giant shrine of the Fantastic Four, including some divine looking statues.
The Fantastic Group continues to investigate, little realizing they’re being watched from the shadows by mystery people who call them demons and that two of them are sacrilegiously wearing ‘the holy sign.’
And then while Johnny is flying around, he’s attacked by a vacuum blast which snuffs his flames and knocks the wind out of him. He manages to reignite and light the emergency flare but then more attacks come.
Giant orange clad Juggernaut looking fellows who continually shout “CLOBBER-TIME!” Blue clad people wearing glider suits. Two-headed blond psychics in blue. And red clad men who can turn themselves into a ball of fire.
Or the ‘clobber patrol’, the ‘wing patrol’, the ‘head patrol’ and the ‘burner patrol.’ Hmm. I’m sensing a theme here.
The fight does not go well for the Fantastic Three and Wyatt. In fact, aside from Sue, they all get beaten down and captured. Until a Priestess Livia shows up and halts the fight.
Livia recognizes that these interlopers are the real Fantastic Four, returned to them at last.
So now instead of a fight, there’s a big parade through the city back to the plaza with the giant statues. With people cheering and proclaiming that the Four will “heal the world, and make it whole!” And Reed finds himself pressed to probe for information without ruining his guise as Richards the All-Knowing.
Thankfully, Wyatt. He claims to be a new follower, forbidden to hear the story directly from the Four. So, hey. Exposition dump.
And to translate from olde timey legend to normal speak, there was a scientist called Jessup who was worried about nuclear power and how nuclear power plants were cutting safety corners to save money. When he complained, he was fired. But he continued to have nightmares about nuclear bombs destroying everything. Until he happened to catch an interview with Reed Richards, talking about field-effect phenomena and how it can create space-time disruptions.
Jessup realized that this was the key to safeguarding his family and town from a nuclear holocaust, took out a loan, and built a giant salvation generator to shield Central City from nuclear war. His plan was that time would be slowed inside the field so a nuclear war could pass and the long wait for the radiation to settle while much less time passed inside.
Here’s where things went sideways. First, its clear there’s a flaw in the generator. Its borking time the wrong way. Second, as soon as the generator was complete, Jessup activated it rather than wait for a nuclear war that could strike out of the blue.
Jessup also spread the Word of the Four to the people inside the dome and as generations passed, they became figures of salvation, who would appear when the dome would come down and release them into a reborn Earth.
Well. The dome is coming down. That’s why its expanding. But there hasn’t bee any cleansed Earth or anything. So a city full of highly advanced fanatical people, some genetically enhanced into superbeings, who worship the Fantastic Four is about to be released into the world. A world they expect to be empty.
But there’s some hope. The coordinator, aka Jessup, is still alive. Spending most of his time in deep sleep and awakened periodically to advise on matters beyond the city’s understanding. And since the Four (well, Three) have arrived, they have had Coordinator Jessup woken up.
Reed gets things off on the wrong foot by having one of the first things he says to the guy that his plan has gone all wrong and asking to see his equipment. And Jessup knows that Reed Richards must be long dead by this point, as millions of years have passed outside (which they haven’t). So clearly the Three and Guest are frauds. Demons sent to lead the city astray - like that armored one or green woman.
Reed insists that they’re the real deal so Jessup proposes to test them with his helmet, the Ultimate Adjudicator which can probe into the heart of their psyches and determine if they truly believe what they say.
Sue is worried that the helmet might be a weapon but Jessup claims that its only a weapon against the guilty. And then Jessup starts blasting them, seemingly disintegrating them as we see their musculature and then their skeleton bones.
Jessup: “Woe be upon those who would bear witness against my teachings! For they shall endure the full white heat of my wrath!”
Reed: “Wha--?”
Jessup: “You should never have come here! You should have stayed in your own time.”
Reed: “J-Jessup... why...”
Jessup: “Because,” says the old man under his breath, “A society may have many gods -- but there is room enough for only one savior! I am sorry, Richards... good-bye!”
That’s a pretty good hook. I’m now interested in where this story goes. I have to wonder if Jessup did make a mistake with his machines. Or an intentional. Intentionally creating a time displaced advanced army he could lead to conquer the outside world and stop the danger of nuclear proliferation by force. He has mythologized his motives and the Four and convinced the city that everyone outside his demons. How prepared are they to overthrow the demons and conquer a world they see as theirs? With technology advanced by 10,800ish years.
I’m going to look at the letters column too this time. There’s contention on whether She-Hulk should stay on the Fantastic Four or whether Ben should come back. There’s also somebody complaining about the trend of female characters cutting their hair short.
“The She-Hulk is sure as heck better-looking [than Ben], and green is my favorite color. Also, I like her hair. In this day when most of the female super-heroes are getting their lovely tresses chopped off -- i.e. the Invisible WOman and especially (yech!) Storm -- the She-Hulk’s emerald tresses flow long as always, and I love it.”
So apparently that was a controversy in the fandom in the 80s. I guess some people didn’t love Storm’s glorious mohawk. Including the artist on the issue where she got the new haircut, who called it “a bad joke that got way out of hand.” I guess there’s no accounting for taste.
I don’t think there’s ever been this amount of distaste over male character haircuts. Unless it involves mullets. Everyone hates mullets, apparently. But I think that's largely in retrospect considering how many characters spent the 90s bemulleted.
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