#in return you BETTER contribute to the ask game. /lh/nf
brick-a-doodle-do ยท 1 year
Here's my first dip into chaos bc there is no surrender...it looks longer than it is so speeeeeed read it...you'll want to bc there's g!Quickvine
".....being in the middle of a fight against each other, Voidshire is leading Quickvine on as usual and generally having a lot of fun while poor Quickvine is thinking he's fighting for his life. But..."
A. Suddenly Voidshire disappears with a yelp, nowhere to be seen. Quickvine runs to where he last saw Voidshire, listening for the shadows and confused as to why he hadn't seen or heard the magic being used. Only for his sensitive ears to pick up the sound of a small rapid heartbeat. When he turns towards it, he finds he has almost trampled right over a now finger sized villain. He's stuck in a staring contest with the clearly frightened, now tiny man, only for it to be broken by the shouting of other heros. The volume makes them bother flinch and without thinking it through, Quickvine grabs the tiny villain, hiding him out of sight. A huge part of him was screaming that if he didn't, something horrible would happen to the guy. Of course, Voidshire is struggling in his grip and protesting, but he smothers the insult shouting with his other hand as he calls out to the other heroes before hurrying off. He looks at the villain in his hands once he's out of sight, but is at a loss. What is he supposed to do about this?
B. Quickvine disappears, making Voidshire pause in confusion. After a long moment of silence with the background screaming of civilians and police sirens, he steps forward. With sharp eyes he scans the entire area closely, only to see a flash of green zip by where Quickvine had just been. Fully aware his steps were still soundless, he went closer, finding a rather miniscule Quickvine quivering as he cowered behind some rubble muttering to himself. He stared for a long time before an amused smirk found its way onto his lips. Without warning the now tiny hero, he crouches and his hand dashes out, successfully snagging the small cat. In an instant Quickvine was screaming bloody murder and struggling in a panic, his tiny tail lashing as he scrambled against the tough skin. The screaming made him flinch and feel a momentary pang of guilt, but in the end he simply sighed and stood up, the two actions immediately silencing the hero. His arms were over his head and...Voidshire was pretty sure the guy was crying, of all things. He hummed lightly and glanced up when the other heroes began to arrive shouting at him. He felt a pang of possessiveness and dodged an attack deftly, keeping Quickvine safe as he did. Not wasting another second, he went into his shadows to leave the area, bringing the apparently shrunken hero with him. He felt like it was far too dangerous to leave his favorite person out there with those rude heroes. He'd get hurt...but right now he was terrified of the villain. It was hard to decide which was a better choice. Now...what to do with him?
Wanna tell me how these two choices end? ๐Ÿ‘€
Tell me all about your favorite one.....
man im so tempted to just reply with . but i know that'd be so bad so i'll refrain
anyway how much money did you put on g!quickvine being my favorite? it DEFINITELY IS.
and hMMM idk how you should continue that one,, honestly if i was in that situation i would put irza somewhere he can't get out (for the time being) and try to talk to him. idk. maybe vara tries to find the reason irza shrunk?
and for g!voidshire hgghhhhh i can see some kind of him going back to his apartment to try and get vara to fix it cause. social interaction and also he doesn't wanna deal with it at all
IDK this is hard sobbbb sob
i love how both of them just like pop down randomly. love it. it's a good g/t trope. and in a,,,, vara grabbing irza and just running away i LOVE THEM. vara can be so like. clingy and protective i love i love i love <33
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