#in snow** obviously whanvansjsjwj
vivaindiffrnce · 7 years
in honour of graduating in less than two weeks i wanna make a basic summary of the shit i pulled off in high school
drank vodka straight from a mug in latin class without the teacher noticing and when she asked me to do some task i nailed it by saying “scio me nihil scire”
got pizza for money collected from class with my friends. multiple times. 
had an energy drink every single day of senior year. each one.
asked my history teacher if i could leave to get coffee (a coffee machine is right outside our history classroom) and left to starbucks. 
skipped class to make blingees
when secretary approached me to tell me that tattoos are against school regulations i pulled my sleeves down and said “what tattoos”
got a principal’s reprimand for leaving school grounds (it’s important for the story i’ll write later on)
right after harambe happened i started a Harambe Movement at my school which was basically just putting harambe pictures and memes around school
one of the memes was making fun of our principal for giving reprimands to adult students leaving school grounds and i won’t be exaggerating if i say that every high schooler in my town knows this meme.
the funniest thing- i was threatened with principal’s reprimand for sharing a meme making fun of our principal for giving reprimands for stupid reasons. the fanpage is annonymous tho so i didn’t have any consequences.
after time harambe movement somehow turned into a Communist Student Party, now everyone knows that people who put memes around school are angry communists who fight for students liberation. 
i have a habit of drawing in maths and once in test i drew a hundred chairs just to picture it better. got additional points for drawing skills and patience for drawing a hundred identical chairs.
every single project i had i made sure there was one slightly disturbing thing on my pendrive (”blood kink fanfics”, “michael jackson & booze”) and watched my classmates look at it in terror
had a detailed plan to vaporize booze on my prom (which failed only because i got a tattoo appointment for my best friend 7 hours before prom and didn’t have time to get everything done)
did my friend’s full face make up in history class. when my teacher asked what i was doing i just said “makeup”
forced my biology teacher to tell us about zombie ants and spent entire hour asking questions about that topic. (honestly research that, metal as fuck)
got very stoned before my social studies test and it was the only time when i got a good grade. my teacher wanted to become a philosopher as a child.
when it snowed my friend and i wrote “bio-chem sux” in snow on our school’s court, each letter was like 3 meters tall. we are bio-chem class.
when in additional bio class (starting at 7:20) our teacher asked me to explain photosynthesis i just answered with “i don’t know, the only thing that matters is that it works, why do we even have to look into that” while drinking coffee
learnt definition of personal space by heart and said it to everyone who tried to hug me on “national hugs day” because our school hosted some kind of fucked competition on number of hugs.
went to a gay bar with physics teacher on a school trip
threw a birthday party for my friend in school basement, with champagne, birthday cake and candles
brought cards against humanity to each english class for two weeks straight. after that we gave our teacher a cake as an apology for not paying attention to her subject, she was so happy she let us play CAH for one more class and while she was listening to pink floyd
went to church with class because we were all supposed to go and complained about “shitty karaoke equipment” for the whole mass
i still have a few days left and i’m thinking about making my “vaporize vodka” plan real. 
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