#in strategy games in general I keep playing Austria
da-riya · 5 months
>Plays map game for 2 days straight
>Doesn't take a screenshot
What even is the point
4 notes · View notes
3/15/20 corona extra: cracking open cold covid facts
Announcements & Thank Yous
“About This Newsletter” has been moved to the bottom so it’s easier to skip if you’ve seen the other ones.
Some institutions do not update on Sundays. I have included the date of everything that is in question. That is also why this update is early :)
Thank you to @hysterical-random-things for letting me know about the first death in NYC and where to find that news, to @nanook2000 for information and links about KY’s response, and to @akashicsage for all of the good deets on San Diego county. If you have reliable information from a good source that I don’t seem to have, please shoot me a message/ask/pigeon!
Places now included in the newsletter are: Utah, Oregon, Washington, the Netherlands, Minnesota, Kentucky, Georgia, Nebraska, the UK, and possibly some others I missed here but included in the newsletter. Please send an ask or a message if you would like a place included!
A word on mortality rates: they look very high in some places in the US right now because testing is limited to the sickest patients. People who have mild illness and are well enough to go or stay home may not have been tested until very recently when several states started mass testing/drive through testing. Testing is still limited in a lot of states, so this will be a rolling increase situation, I anticipate.
A word on case numbers: due to the aforementioned expansion of testing capacity in the US (thank fuck), case numbers are gonna grow in a really, really scary-looking way this week. This is not actually as scary as it seems, because it means we are catching more of the cases that would have gone unnoticed and have better information to help more people.
Just The Numbers
Case numbers
Total cases: 153,517 (10,982 new)
Total deaths: 5,735 (343 new)
China: 81,048 cases (27 new!!), 3204 deaths (10 new)
This gives us a mortality rate of ~3.95%
Excluding China: 72,469 cases (10,955 new), 2531 deaths (333 new)
143 countries/territories reporting cases, 9 are new today including:
Kazakhstan: 6 cases
Curacao: 2 cases
Namibia: 2 cases
Central African Republic: 1 case
Congo: 1 case
Equatorial Guinea: 1 case
Eswatini: 1 case
Mauritania: 1 case
Mayotte: 1 case
Italy is reporting over 20,000 cases with over 1400 deaths
Iran is reporting over 10,000 cases with over 700 deaths
South Korea, Spain, and Germany are reporting over 5,000 cases
SK reports 75 deaths
Spain reports 289 deaths
Germany reports 11 deaths
International/General News
Many places experiencing a worsening epidemic are following the lead of countries including South Korea and instituting drive-through testing and high-throughput testing. Some tests (like the ones being used in Vietnam) can have a result in as soon as an hour, enabling people to be quickly cleared or quarantined. (This is super cool science! Yay, science!)
Johns Hopkins University is putting on a webinar on Tuesday, 3/17. If you are interested, you can sign up/check it out here: https://www.jhsph.edu/events/2020/covid-19/
South Korea’s epidemic is currently being driven by a fringe religious group, which represents approximately 60% of all cases.
Italy’s health system is overwhelmed, which is likely why their case-fatality rate is so high. Doctors, nurses, respiratory techs, first responders, lab personnel, and everyone else involved in hospitals/health care are working their butts off and doing some frankly heroic shit to help people.
Singapore has instituted strict travel restrictions on visitors/transiting people from European countries, including Italy, France, Spain, and Germany; this is in addition to restrictions on visitors from Iran, China, and South Korea.
Some doctors from Washington state, USA (the ones seeing the most cases) are noticing that myocarditis (viral infection & inflammation of the heart) seems to be what kills patients, not the ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) that requires ventilation. This is obviously in early stages and more research is ongoing.
The World Health Organization is setting up three hospitals with advanced respiratory care capabilities in Erbil, Baghdad, and Basra, Iraq.
Virology Corner
Today’s topic: where did SARS-CoV-2 come from?
SARS-CoV-2 is what’s known as a zoonotic virus. This means that it spread from animals to humans, and then gained the ability (through mutations) to pass from human to human.
We think that SARS-CoV-2 came from bats (Rhinopholus) or pangolins- which doesn’t mean we need to blame bats or pangolins for this, they’re innocent bystanders in the game of cat-and-mouse viruses and animals are constantly playing over evolutionary timescales. Also they’re pretty ding dang cute.
(Not to get much more depressing, but here goes, as humans encroach on more and more land and as climate change progresses, more zoonoses will affect humans. Sorry to be a mega-bummer.)
Question Tuesday
Today’s question comes from @adventurecalls! They ask (paraphrased because the ask got eaten): “If I do get sick, how do I know when it’s ok to go back to doing stuff?”
This is a really good question, and one that’s rapidly being worked out by public health people as we speak (whoa)!
In general, the thought is that once you’re totally recovered you’re not able to spread the virus, but there’s not concrete data on this. The best we have is this recent study in the Lancet (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30566-3/fulltext) which indicates that people who recover shed virus for 20 days from symptom onset, whereas those who die shed virus continuously until their death, a maximum course of 37 days.
I obviously can’t give individual medical advice, which this is not, but the guidance from the WHO is excellent in general, and I will keep readers posted when there’s more information.
If you have questions, ask them and they’ll appear here in the next issue of corona extra!
Regional News (if you want somewhere added just let me know. Don’t be shy!! I highly recommend you just skip to your area if you don’t wanna be overwhelmed.)
Canada: last updated 9:00 AM EST 3/15/20
Total cases: 249 confirmed (+5), 4 presumed (-1), 1 death (3/9/20, no change)
All current cases had symptoms starting between 1/17/20 and 3/9/20
One of these cases is the PM’s wife (mild case); the couple are in quarantine for 14 days now. This is not expected to affect Canada’s management, but is definitely a reminder that being a political leader does not grant one immunity to COVID-19.
12% of cases have required hospitalization
79% of cases are in travellers, and a further 8% in their close contacts
Affected provinces include (both confirmed and presumptive cases): BC (73, +0), Alberta (39, -2), Saskatchewan (2, +0), Manitoba (4, +0), Ontario (103, +2), Quebec (24, +3), Newfoundland and Labrador (1) New Brunswick (2, +0), and PEI (1).
Newly affected provinces include: Newfoundland and Labrador
4 cases in repatriated travellers
The Netherlands
I do not speak Dutch so please correct me if I’ve fucked something up royally
1135 confirmed cases, 20 deaths
176 new cases, 8 new deaths
Provinces (?) affected include: Drenthe (15), Flevoland (19), Friesland (10), Gelderland (100), Groningen (9), Limburg (129), North Brabant (446), North Holland (90), Overijssel (28), Utrecht (109), South Holland (110), and Zeeland (12).
I think this is all of them based on a quick Wikipedia investigation?
Interestingly they tested a bunch of people who work in a hospital and found a pretty high (4%) rate of asymptomatic infection. This seems like bad news (are these people spreading, etc) but it’s actually pretty good news because it means the mortality rate is lower than we think. I’ll update here as I find out more, which is hampered by my inability to speak Dutch.
New Zealand
8 confirmed cases, 2 probable cases
2 new cases, one of which was diagnosed in Australia
Both patients were on international flights and there is extensive contact tracing underway
2 patients have required hospitalization but both have been discharged
6700 people have completed self-isolation, 3015 people continue to be isolated
These people all deserve a medal, thank you for protecting your communities!
Golden Princess cruise berthed in Akaroa has one confirmed and two potential cases. The ship is quarantined now.
1077 cases, 166 of which are new
I still don’t speak Norwegian so if I screwed up lemme know
Only 1 confirmed death, possibly one more to be confirmed 3/16 but only official numbers go here
Also possible that it’s been confirmed and I don’t know because I don’t speak Norwegian
287 cases are due to community transmission, 710 acquired outside of Norway, the rest are undetermined
Locations where people became infected include Austria (491), Italy (144), Switzerland (14), UK (12), Spain (9), France (8), USA (7), Iran (5), China (1), Hong Kong (1), other countries with more than 3 cases (80), and other countries with less than 3 cases (20).
Breakdown of cases by area: Agder (55, +3), Innlandet (72, +16), Møre og Romsdal (20, +4), Nordland (8, +0), Oslo (281, +59), Rogaland (127, +9), Troms og Finnmark (20, +4), Trøndelag (50, +4), Vestfold og Telemark (48, +9), Vestland (118, +9), and Viken (278, +47)
Good job Nordland! No new cases today! :D
United Kingdom in general: this is pretty rough because apparently the public health strategy coming from Boris is “herd immunity” aka let everyone get sick and then they’ll all be immune, since the only other way to get herd immunity is a vaccine that…..we don’t have yet. Boris does not understand how to medicine. 
Fuck you, Boris.
1372 total cases (+20%), 232 are new today
35 total deaths, 14 new today
1099 total cases
Affected NHS regions are as follows: London (407), South East (175), Midlands (94), North East and Yorkshire (91), North West (76), East of England (71), and South West (61).
Deaths are not being reported by the PHS but I will do my best to split these out in the next few editions using news reports etc
153 cases total and 1 death
Affected health boards are as follows: Ayrshire and Arran (6), Borders (7), Fife (7), Forth Valley (10), Grampian (12), Greater Glasgow and Clyde (39), Highland (2), Lanarkshire (16), Lothian (28), Shetland (11), and Tayside (15).
I don’t know if this is all of the health  boards in Scotland but it sure is the ones that have confirmed covid19.
94 cases, 34 new
Welsh authorities are now recommending that anyone who develops a persistent cough and/or fever self-isolate, and only call 111 if they are unable to cope with their symptoms at home
Affected areas include: Blaenau Gwent County (3, +2), Bridgend County (1, +0), Caerphilly County (11, +4), Carmarthenshire County (7, +3), City & County of Swansea (18, +4), City of Cardiff (8, +3), Conwy County (1, +0), Flintshire County (1, +0), Isle of Anglesey (1, +0), Monmouthshire County (5, +1), Neath Port Talbot (11, +0), Newport City (5, +3), Pembrokeshire (2, +0), Powys County (5, +0), and Wrexham County (1, +0).
Newly affected areas include: Ceredigion County (1), Rhondda Cynon Taf County (2), Torfaen County (2), and Vale of Glamorgan (1).
Northern Ireland
45 cases, 11 new
This is all the data I have, sorry
This may actually be a thing that makes northern/southern Ireland cooperate, which is a small spark of hope in the raging dumpster fire that is this pandemic (I hyperbolize, but only slightly)
US in general: All this info is from the state & county health departments unless I say otherwise. The national response is a trash fire (but maybe hopefully improving this week??) CDC information is updated weekdays; total US cases are from 3/13 at 4 PM
1629 total cases, 41 deaths (2.5% mortality rate), with 46 states and DC reporting cases.
CDC is now recommending all in person gatherings with more than 50 people be canceled for the next 8 weeks. This sucks for me personally and probably a lot of you all too. Hang in there.
California: updated around 10 AM PST, 3/15/20
The state dept of health is not providing a ton of info right now, so all of this is coming from county health departments, which are doing really excellent work btw. Love local public health departments <3
My official take is that the higher level government orgs in the US are muzzled from above and therefore totally shitting the bed and the county-level public health officials are really stepping up to the plate
Total cases not including the ones at Miramar (discussed below): 363, with 4 total deaths
Affected counties include: Alameda (7), Calaveras (2), Contra Costa (29), Fresno (2), Humboldt (1 - recovered), Imperial (2), Los Angeles (53, +11), Madera (1), Marin (5), Orange (14), Placer (8), Riverside (10), Sacramento (29) San Benito (3 - 2 recovered), San Diego (8), San Francisco (28), San Joaquin (8), San Luis Obispo (1), San Mateo (32), Santa Clara (91), Santa Cruz (7), Shasta (1), Solano (6), Sonoma (4), Stanislaus (2), Tulare (2), Ventura (5), Yolo (2)
San Diego: My numbers are not gonna include the federal quarantine situations at Miramar (for repatriated people and the Diamond Princess passengers) because that’s what makes sense right now regarding community transmission. If this changes I will say so.
Unaffected counties include: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Plumas, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yuba
Counties with confirmed community transmission include: Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Riverside, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Sonoma
Newly affected counties include San Luis Obispo (3/14)
Colorado - last updated 3/14 at 3 PM
Colorado Springs Bridge Center is under an advisory for possible exposure
Drive-up testing is available now, in Denver and Lowry and possibly other places
1 death, 3/13/20, in El Paso County, a female in her 80s
Community spread has been confirmed
101 confirmed cases, 1 death
Affected counties include: Adams (6), Arapahoe (10), Denver (20), Douglas (4), Eagle (18), El Paso (3), Gunnison (6), Jefferson (9), Larimer (1), Mesa (1), Pitkin (2), Pueblo (1), Summit (2), Weld (3)
Out of state visitors who have tested positive are tallied separately. They are located in the following counties: Pitkin (9), Eagle (2), Routt (1), Denver (1), unknown (2 - wtf??)
Florida - last updated 145 AM EST 3/15/20
115 (+45) cases and 4 deaths (+0)
Florida has not yet confirmed community transmission but it’s almost certainly happening. I’m no longer separating counties with and without confirmed community transmission because of that.
Also, the numbers by county do not add up to the same total because locations are updated less frequently by FLDPH than the total number of cases.
Affected counties  include: Alachua (1, +0), Broward (36, +16), Charlotte (1, +0), Clay (3, +2), Collier (5, +2), Duval (4, +3), Hillsborough (4, +2), Lee (5, +1), Manatee (4, +0), Miami-Dade (13, +5), Nassau (1, +0) Okaloosa (1, +0), Orange (2, +1), Osceola (1), Palm Beach (5, +0), Pasco (2, +1) Pinellas (2, +0), Santa Rosa (1, +0), Sarasota (1, +0) Seminole (1, +0), Volusia (5, +1)
Newly affected counties include: Citrus (1), St. John’s (1)
Port Everglades is under an advisory due to several cases connected to a cruise company based there.
Georgia: last updated 3/15 at 11:43 AM
Y’ALL THEY MADE A HASHTAG. I am NOT making this up. It’s #covid19ga if you want to use that, I guess???
99 cases, 1 death
Affected counties include: Bartow (9), Charlton (1), Cherokee (6), Clayton (2), Clarke (2), Cobb (19), Coweta (2), Dekalb (10), Dougherty (6), Fayette (5), Floyd (4), Fulton (20), Gordon (2), Gwinnett (4), Henry (1), Lowndes (2), Lee (2), Newton (1), and Polk (1).
Illinois: last updated 3/14/20
64 confirmed cases, 16 new, with confirmed community spread
New cases: Chicago (7), Cook not Chicago (4), Kane (1), Lake (1)
195 pending persons under investigation
Affected counties include Cook, Kane, McHenry
Newly affected counties include: Woodford (1), Cumberland (1), St. Clair (2), DuPage (1, first long-term care facility case)
Iowa: last updated 3/14/20
Total cases: 18, 1 new 3/14
Affected counties include: Carroll (1), Dallas (1), Harrison (1), Johnson (14), and Pottawattamie (1)
Community spread confirmed on 3/14/2020
Kansas: last updated 3/14/20
8 confirmed cases
Affected counties include: Johnson (5), Wyandotte (1), Butler (1), Franklin (1)
Kentucky: last updated 3/14 at 6 pm local time
18 confirmed cases
2 new cases, both in Fayette County
One patient in Nelson County tested positive but left the hospital and refused to quarantine himself. Don’t be like this guy. Please. I’m expecting a lot more cases to pop up in Nelson county over the next couple weeks all connected to this one patient.
Apparently there’s now a bunch of cops sitting outside his house to make sure he stays there. Ffs.
Affected counties include: Harrison (6), Fayette (7), Jefferson (3 or 4, possible repeat test), Bourbon (1), Nelson (1), and Montgomery (1)
Governor is recommending hospitals stop elective procedures and childcare centers plan for closure by 3/17/20. Also put in place a bunch of important protections for people who don’t have insurance and stuff. Good job, KY!
First patient has fully recovered! Yay!
Louisiana: last updated 9:30 am 3/15/20
91 cases reported, 14 new
2 deaths, 1 new
Parishes affected:  Jefferson (12, +1), Lafourche (1, +0), Orleans (65, +12), St. Charles (2, +0), St. John the Baptist (1, +0), St. Tammany (4, +2), and Terrebonne (2, +1)
New parishes affected: Bossier (1), Caddo (1), St. Bernard (1)
Massachusetts: last updated 4 pm 3/14/20
138 cases (19 lab confirmed, 119 presumptive positives)
1 new lab confirmed case, 14 new presumptive positives
1083 people in quarantine
Affected counties include: Berkshire (9, 0% change), Essex (5, +150%), Middlesex (65, +8%), Norfolk (28, +16%), Suffolk (27, +3%), and Worcester (2, 0% change)
Newly affected counties include: Barnstable (1) and Bristol (1)
5 cases travel related, 104 (+10%) in one community transmission cluster, others unknown
11 hospitalized, 105 not hospitalized, the rest pending (22)
1 new hospitalization
Michigan: last updated 3/14/20 in the evening
33 cases, 8 new, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Bay (1), Charlevoix (1), Ingham (1), Kent (3), Macomb (2), Monroe (1), Montcalm (1), Oakland (9), St. Clair (1), Wayne (8), and Washtenaw (4)
Likely community transmission
Minnesota: last updated 3/15
35 cases, community transmission confirmed
Affected counties include: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Olmstead, Ramsey, Renville, Stearns, Waseca, Washington, and Wright
County numbers are not currently being provided by MN dept of health, just ranges. Hennepin and Ramsey counties have 6-20 cases each.
Hopefully they’ll pull an Ohio and help a girl out soon
Drive through testing available in Olivia
Nebraska: last updated 3/15
Community transmission confirmed: many locations in Douglas County are potential places where transmission has occurred; if you live or have traveled to Douglas County (Omaha), please check the Douglas County COVID-19 monitoring site.
There were also two exposures in Knox County on March 5, at basketball games at Lincoln Southwest HS and North Star HS.
17 cases, no deaths
Affected counties include: Cass (1), Douglas (15) and Knox (1)
New Jersey : last updated 3/14 at 2 pm
69 cases (+38%), 1 death (none new)
Affected counties include: Bergen (25, +47%), Burlington (3, no change), Camden (2, +1), Essex (7, +1), Hudson (5, +2), Middlesex (10, +6), Monmouth (8, +1), Morris (3, no change), Ocean (1, no change), Passaic (2, -1 apparently?), Somerset (1, no change), and Union (1, no change)
Newly affected counties include: Mercer (1)
I dread updating NJ just because the website sucks so bad
Thank you to the commenter who noted that the help line apparently rules and they’ve been advertising it heavily, that’s awesome public health work by NJ!
So that’s a bright spot, eh?
New York: last updated 3/14 at 8 PM
613 cases, 192 new, 1 new death
Affected counties include: Westchester (178, +12%), Nassau (79, +54%), Suffolk (41, +13), Rockland (12, +3), Ulster (5, +0), Dutchess (4, +1), Orange (6, +3), Saratoga (3), Albany (5, +3), Broom (1, +0), Delaware (1, +0), Herkimer (1, +0), Monroe (2, +1), and Schenectady (1, +0).
NYC has 269 cases (+75%) as of 3/15 at noon
Newly affected counties include: Erie (3), Tioga (1), and Tompkins (1)
Drive through testing in New Rochelle and Long Island
All public places are closed in New Rochelle through March 25.
Ohio: last updated 3/15 at 2 pm
36 confirmed cases, 10 new
350 people under investigation
Affected counties include: Belmont (2), Butler (6), Cuyahoga (14), Franklin (3), Lorain (2), Lucas (1), Medina (1), Stark (2), Summit (2), Trumbull (2), Tuscarawas (1)
Oregon: last updated 3/14 at 11:00 AM
36 cases, 13 hospitalized at time of positive test, 1 death (3/14)
The following counties are affected: Clackamas (1), Deschutes (3), Douglas (1), Jackson (2), Klamath (1), Linn (9), Marion (2), Multnomah (1), Polk (1), Umatilla (2), and Washington (13).
Pennsylvania: last updated 3/15 at noon
Gritty is now loose and is singlehandedly responsible for all cases in Philadelphia, if you see the orange monster, RUN
63 total cases, 16 new today
No deaths, Gritty is thankfully failing in his mission to murder
Counties affected include: Allegheny (3, +1) Bucks (4, +1), Chester (2, +0), Cumberland (5, +2), Delaware (7, +1), Monroe (6, +3), Montgomery (24, +4), Northampton (1, +0), Philadelphia (6, +2), Pike (1, +0), Washington (1, +0), Wayne (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Lehigh (1) and Luzerne (1)
446 people under investigation pending test results
Rhode Island: last updated 3/13/20
~500 people in quarantine for close contact situations
57 pending people under investigation
20 confirmed cases, no deaths
Next expected update 3/16 in the AM
South Dakota: last updated 3/15
9 confirmed cases, no new cases since 3/14
6 pending cases under investigation
Affected counties include: Beadle (1), Bon Homme (1), Charles Mix (1), Davison (1), McCook (1), Minnehaha (3), and Pennington (1)
No community transmission
Texas: last updated 3/15
56 total cases, 5 new.
Highly likely that there has been community transmission, unconfirmed currently
Affected counties include: Bell (1, +0), Bexar (3, +2), Brazoria (2, +0), Collin (6, +1), Dallas (8, +0), El Paso (1, +0), Fort Bend (9, +0), Galveston (1, +0), Gregg (1, +0), Harris (10, +0), Hays (1, +0), Lavaca (1, +0), Montgomery (3, +0), Smith (4, +1), Tarrant (3, +0), and Travis (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Matagorda (1)
The Texas DPH has corrected a tabulation error that affected Gregg and Travis counties.
Utah: last updated 3/15
21 total cases, 14 cases in Utah residents
Affected health districts include: Davis County (3), Salt Lake county (14), Southwest Utah (1), Summit County (2), and Weber-Morgan (1)
The Utah Jazz managed to get more testing than the rest of the country for awhile there, so that’s great for them
Whoever does your graphic design, *greatjob* (the little virus instead of the UDPH logo is CHOICE)
Also, the website is super useful and readable, 10/10 good job Utah
First case of community spread identified on 3/14/20, in Summit County
Schools and universities are closed starting 3/16/20, Mormonism is closed until further notice, and skiing is canceled in Park City and Cottonwood Canyon for a minimum of a week. If you are interested in skiing in Utah, check Ski Utah for a list of closures.
Virginia: last updated 3/15
45 cases total, 4 new
Affected counties/cities include: Arlington (8, +1), Chesterfield (1, +0), Fairfax (10, +0) James City (8, +1), Loudoun (5, +0), Virginia Beach City (4, +1), Prince William (3, +1), Spotsylvania (1, +0), Prince Edward (1, +0), Hanover (1, +0), Harrisonburg City (1, +0), and Alexandria City (1, +0)
No newly affected areas today.
Washington: last updated 3/14 at 2:45 PM
Godspeed, y’all are having a real rough time right now. Yipes. Washington is really hard hit right now, especially King County. Look to Washington State and how they’re coping for a preview of how things are gonna go as the cases develop elsewhere.
642 total cases, 40 deaths (6.2% mortality)
Affected counties include: Clark (3), Columbia (1), Grant (2), Grays Harbor (1), Island (6), Jefferson (1), King (387), Kitsap (3), Kittitas (3), Pierce (26), Skagit (4), Snohomish (154), Spokane (3), Thurston (3), Whatcom (2), and Yakima (4).
39 cases are currently unassigned to a county. These are expected to resolve in the coming days, hopefully.
Deaths have occurred in the following counties: Grant (1), King (35), Snohomish (4),
Wisconsin: last updated 3/15 at 2 PM
33 total cases (6 new), 1 recovered, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Dane (6, +0), Fond du Lac (11, +5), Milwaukee (7, +1), Pierce (1, +0), Racine (1, +0), Sheboygan (3, +0), Waukesha (3, +0), and Winnebago (1, +0)
Today’s Hot Tips
Make sure you have ibuprofen and tylenol/acetaminophen/APAP/paracetamol at home before you get sick. This isn’t just covid advice, this is life advice in general. (Obvs, ask your doctor about what’s safe to take if you have chronic health conditions etc but this is a general recommendation, not medical advice. As I said, life advice.)
As far as I know, ibuprofen and tylenol are ok, but research may change this. Current research indicates that steroids, which are used in other severe respiratory conditions, may make COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) worse. More on this later.
It still can’t hurt to have some tylenol around, though, ya know?
Hand Washing Song of the Day
If you hate singing happy birthday while you wash your hands, I certainly do, try Good as Hell by Lizzo instead!
Sing from “I do my hair toss” to “If he don’t love you anymore” at minimum (if you’re like me and can’t leave a lyric unfinished, go ahead and dry your hands while making your brain happy.) to follow CDC handwashing guidelines! Use soap and water for maximum virus-murdering.
Chill Cat  Otter Corner
Please watch these otters sproing and chase!
About this newsletter
I’m Emily, I’m a 4th year med student w/ a degree in molecular biology. I wrote this because I’m an infectious disease and epidemiology nerd and also all my friends have questions & anxiety. Hi internet!
All this info is sourced from regional & national public health organizations, plus the WHO. It’s as up to date as humanly possible. I’ve been beaming information about this outbreak directly into my brain 24/7 but I still miss stuff. Please let me know if I miss something!
Most public health departments stop updating their information around 4-5 PM local time on weekdays. That means that the earliest this will come out is around 6 PM Pacific time on weekdays going forward. On weekends things update more sporadically and earlier, so who knows what I’ll do then, but I’ll do my best.
Thank you to @marywhal for the excellent title!
For More Information
JHU COVID-19 data center: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
List of peer-reviewed publications: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/publications.html
WHO daily sitrep: https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200315-sitrep-55-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=33daa5cb_6
WHO FAQ: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
CDC cases in the US (take w/ a grain of salt due to Political Garbage, as detailed above): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html, this also has links to each state’s health dept which may or may not be more up to date than the CDC
517 notes · View notes
meaningofmotorsport · 3 years
Styrian Grand Prix Preview
As we reach the one third distance in the championship, this has been in the past, where Mercedes has started to put the pressure on teams like Ferrari, before then pulling away in the final third. Red Bull currently look very good, but they cannot let their guard down, if they want to win this title!
This track does not favour either team really, as they have won 2 races each, of the past 4 runnings. As we have seen previously, Red Bull may be able to nail it in qualifying, and give themselves the advantage, yet they could be under huge pressure in the race, as Mercedes will do all they can to break their streak of wins! Red Bull still have the straight line speed they had in France, with the Merc’s coming back in the corners, which could make it hard for them to pass the Honda powered cars again! This could be another race where the ‘2nd driver’ plays a big role in how the strategy plays out, so given that both Perez and Bottas were down on the times today, the one who bounces back best, could be crucial come Sunday!
Talking of Bottas, he had a rather clumsy mistake in FP2, as he spun the car whilst leaving rubber from his pit box. News has just broke, that he has been given a 3 place penalty, which is a bit harsh for what he did! My pick for the win is Red Bull, partly due to their straight line speed and general confidence right now, however, also when you look over at Mercedes, they just don’t look quite the same as the team that got 7 titles in a row!
This could be a real hot take, but seeing how well McLaren went today, considering they normally sandbag on a Friday, they could even put pressure on the top 2 teams, at least on Saturday. We saw them go well here last year, with a podium, and with that Mercedes engine, given the number of straights here, you never know what might happen, especially if we get some rain in the mix! At the very least, I would be surprised if they are not best of the rest, and grow the gap to Ferrari behind.
Alpha Tauri and Alpine once again are showing pace in Austria, I would have more belief in Alpha Tauri continuing that pace, as they have been rather consistent, with Gasly at least. Whereas, Alpine can be hit and miss, and didn’t deliver as much last weekend, as they suggested on Friday. Alpine seriously need to up their game, as currently they are set to end up 7th in the constructors, and have fallen way off the trajectory they were on 3 years ago! Ocon and Tsunoda need to get in the points here really, after not having anything to shout about in France!
On a power track like this, Ferrari are expected to not do well, and off the back of France, it may start to dampen what has been a great year for them otherwise! Getting any points they can, would be a victory for them here. Apparently, it was a tyre overheating issue, which destroyed the front tyres for them at Paul Ricard. They better hope they have fixed it, or that it was a one off issue!
Aston Martin and Alfa Romeo should be hoping for rain over the weekend, to give them an opportunity to get in the points. Although, Aston Martin is making a habit of running well in the race, which could transfer over well to here. Alfa Romeo, with the Ferrari engine, may not find it as easy, and could even be under threat from Williams!
We will find out tomorrow, if Williams can get their cars to work around here, with their ‘peaky’ car! I still cannot believe the luck of Russell, that the one time he beats so many midfield cars, no one DNF’s, so he is still out of the points! Last year he went well here in the rain, so he could be praying for that again! Haas just need to finish, learn, and make sure their 2 drivers don’t crash into each other!
This track, perched on the side of a mountain, is a real gem, and has given us some iconic battles over the years, such as 2015 and 2019! There is a good chance that 2021 could bring us another one!
Thank you very much for reading this article! To keep up to date with when they go out, and to see my reactions to races and other news, follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MeaningofMotor1
Also, if you want to support me, I have a Patreon Page at: https://www.patreon.com/meaningofmotorsport
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bellarodriguez460 · 3 years
GTA Online: Aggressive 먹튀검증사이트목록 Heist Guide (Minimal Money Lost) #1865
In most casinos nowadays, a shuffle machine shuffles the cards and groups of five cards each are spit out. The groups are dispersed among the players and only after the dealer turns one of his cards up can you look at your hand. This is where you have to decide whether or not you want to make the Bet.  http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/적토마게임 You’re playing against the house at all times - not other players.Outside of those small differences, you’re ready to play Caribbean Stud poker! Modern Tarot cards evolved in 56-card decks with 14 cards comprising of four suits. Tarot was originally a card game that branched off into mysticism and magic. Depending on the usage, Tarot decks were divided into occult-decks and non-occult decks. Occult fanatics used Tarot cards to tell the future. Even if you’ve played poker all your life, as you walk through the tables you'll find poker variations all over the floor you might never have heard of.
What is interesting about the four driving forces of society depicted here is that two of them involve economic activities - "Peace" has a plowshare at his feet and his motto is "prosperity"; "Commerce" is sitting on some cargo and has a ship's anchor at his feet (along with several other symbols of economic activity) and his motto is "wealth". 32 card pack: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7 in each suit This type of pack is widely used in Europe - for example in the national games of France (Belote), Germany (Skat) and the Netherlands (Klaverjassen). In central and eastern Europe, it is used for Preference, for example in Russia and Austria. In the binomial distribution, SD = √npq, where n = number of rounds played, p = probability of winning, and q = probability of losing. But the outcome of the roulette wheel is random and it does not have a memory. Number 23 has the same chance of winning on any spin.
These graphic symbols, or “pips,” bear little resemblance to the items they represent, but they were much easier to copy than more lavish motifs. A pachinko machine resembles a vertical pinball machine but is different from Western pinball in several ways. Due to patent laws at the time, he was unable to patent the game but instead trademarked it and gave it a trial run at Vegas World. Due to unfortunate family circumstances, he didn’t follow up on it. Up to today it works out really well as players get a nice card game and the chance winning a nice local jackpot, the house still has the house edge, although I do believe some poker skills can get this percentage down a bit.
The random number generators used by casinos are 35-year-old technology, so they’re reliable and trustworthy, but table games were designed to be played with real dealers. Live dealer Caribbean Stud Poker restores the game to the way it first gained its popularity. Cutting edge streaming video keeps the camera on the cards the entire time they are dealt. Bostock notes that queens have not enjoyed similar reverence. Pallas, Judith, Rachel, and Argine variously ruled each of the four suits, with frequent interruption.Betting point numbers (which pays off on easy or hard rolls of that number) or single-roll ("hop") bets (e.g., "hop the 2–4" is a bet for the next roll to be an easy six rolled as a two and four) are methods of betting easy ways. Once every player at the table has decided either paid the extra bet or folded, the dealer will then look at the full hand in front of them.
Apart from that I know there are Japanese card designs but those are not of interest here. Nowadays, in Macau casinos, the house commission is uniformly set at 5%. For example, assume a bettor has $100 wagered on a 3 to 1 wager; if the bet wins, the bettor is paid $285 ($300 less 5%).Compared to commercial properties, tribal casinos pay much lower taxes, if any, as they have special treatment under federal law. A ball that enters a catcher will trigger a payout, in which a number of balls are dropped into a tray at the front of the machine.
The serious ones present one or more counting methods to find out the best strategy when betting high, stay or buy, double or split. The D590 also goes from Bertrichamps and passes through the town continuing north-west to Azerailles. The D19 goes north from the village to Gélacourt.Here are some of the craziest, most interesting facts you probably don't know about the wild world of casinos and gambling. Due to the high payout rate (RTP) approximately 99.41%, it is also one of the top table games in any casino.
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When it opened in 1989, The Mirage was the first casino to use cameras full-time on all table games. If you've been betting on "Even" in roulette and odd numbers have shown up ten times in a row, the next spin is no more or less likely to be an even number than any other spin. 카지노사이트 There are occasional promotional variants that provide either no house edge or even a player edge. There have been instances where a dealer has been caught cheating and casino security has been able to uncover the cheating.
Like single-roll bets, hard way bets can be lower than the table minimum; however, the maximum bet allowed is also lower than the table maximum. With currently over 1,000 casinos, the United States has the largest number of casinos in the world. The number continues to grow steadily as more states seek to legalize casinos.Rather, the Arizona technological aid system allows a player to deposit money into a unique individual player's account, pay for the games played out of that account, and at the end of play redeposit the value of any unused games that player may have purchased or won back into that account. If the casino allows put betting a player may increase a Come bet after a point has been established and bet larger odds behind if desired. Put betting also allows a player to bet on a Come and take odds immediately on a point number without a Come bet point being established.
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majormajorcom369 · 3 years
Why did I start playing 우리카지노계열? #1885
Baccarat is located some 25 km south-east of Lunéville and 30 km north-west of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges in the Meurthe river valley between the Deneuvre plateau and the wooded hills of Grammont. https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=사설바둑이사이트 Interestingly, the relationship between cards and cartomancy reveals the linguistic power of playing cards. By the start of the 21st century, about $25 billion annually was being bet at some 200 Internet casinos. Today the process of making playing cards is highly automated. Large sheets of paper are glued together to create a sheet of pasteboard; the glue may be black or dyed another dark color to increase the card stock's opacity.
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So they still continue to lose their money. Hand craftsmanship and high taxation made each deck of playing cards an investment. As such, cards became a feast for the eye. As important as this claim is, especially from a rhetorical perspective, it fails to study how the playing cards themselves are symbolic in nature, as opposed to the type of talk that is generative from their use. However, unlike standard poker games, Caribbean Stud Poker is played against the house rather than against other players. There is no bluffing or other deception.
Fully compatible with most servers, however always good to check with your admin team or host company.Naturally achieving 100% compatibility across every device screen size is very difficult, but all games created are tested on the most common of all web browsers and devices including Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera, tablets, laptops, iPhone and Android devices. They are dated to the 12th and 13th centuries (late Fatimid, Ayyubid, and early Mamluk periods). These reports state that the game spread to many of the other resort hotels in the Caribbean, with the most popular games being played in a Dutch hotel in Aruba called ‘The King International’ known today as the ‘Excelsior Casino’. If player folds he forfeits his cards, ante bet, and side bet (if made)-If player raises then he must make a raise wager exactly equal to twice the ante-The dealer will turn over his other four cards-The dealer must have an ace and a king or higher to qualify.
Now that you’ve read up on the rules and strategies you can choose to implement whilst playing Caribbean Stud Poker, you should go ahead and play our free game. By playing CasinoTop10’s Free Caribbean Stud Poker game, which can be played on desktop, tablet or mobile, you’ll be able to determine whether you enjoy playing the casino game or not as well as if it will prove to be lucrative. When players wish to exchange their winnings, they must call a parlor staff member by using a call button located at the top of their station. The optional wager will allow the player to participate in play for a progressive jackpot. As tokens are accepted, the progressive meter will advance by a predetermined amount for each token placed through the coin-in slots.But other countries, such as Germany and Austria, became the chief 19th-century producers of packs of fanciful cards meant for use in card games in polite society.
Some of the most interesting facts about casinos and gambling come from societies where it isn't allowed, proving that it's hard to keep people from the allure of a potential big win. The player is paid based on how many numbers were chosen (either player selection, or the terminal picking the numbers), the number of matches out of those chosen, and the wager. The rules by which gambling games are played sometimes serve to confuse the relationship between the components of the game, which depend on skill and chance, so that some players may be able to manipulate the game to serve their own interests.For instance, since the liberalization of casino licensing in 2002, gaming revenues in Macau reached a record high of $45.09 billion U.S. dollars in 2013 and the annual revenues of casino gambling in Singapore reached $4.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2013.
The full pay version of Joker Two Pair or better (6-7-8), once common but now rare, is one of the highest return versions of video poker offered, but the play strategy is very complex and mastered by few. However, there are 3620 distinct sets of 4 tiles when the tiles of a pair are considered indistinguishable. Once you've decided how much to budget for the day, play at a level appropriate to your bankroll.The trick is that the deck with few cards favors the casino, while the deck with a high number of cards favors the player.
This study examines the viewpoints of Macau and Singapore residents to the development of casino gambling and the social, economic, and environmental impacts that are thought to arise. This type of bet is popular in Germany and many European casinos. It is also offered as a 5-chip bet in many Eastern European casinos. As a 5-chip bet, it is known as "zero spiel naca" and includes, in addition to the chips placed as noted above, a straight-up on number 19. The true odds are 17:1 and 35:1, resulting in a house edge of 11.11% and 13.89% respectively. 퍼스트카지노 If you have $20 for a couple of hours in the casino, you can't afford to play $1 slots or $5 blackjack.
he European-style layout has a single zero, and the American style layout is usually a double-zero. There are also nearly unlimited patterns that may be specified for play. In the United States, bingo is a game of chance in which each player matches numbers printed in different arrangements on cards with the numbers the game host (caller) draws at random, marking the selected numbers with tiles.Only take cash. Don’t take your bank cards or credit cards with you when you gamble.
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lopezayiesha01 · 3 years
How to Play 온라인카지노 Switch #5891
As of 2015, Japan's pachinko market generates more gambling revenue than that of Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore combined. Many gamblers believe that if they have bet on a slot machine many times in a row and lost, this increases the odds of the next bet being a winner. *The better paytable is only available on the ‘Without House Edge’ version of the game. It should be noted that at the end of any winning session the casino charge a 10% of win fee when playing Without House Edge games. By continuing, you bet twice the amount of the ante wager. You should also raise and carry on with the match if you are given an A and a Q and the dealer’s first card is not an Ace. Fold your hand whenever you are at a disadvantage to keep the house edge at an absolute minimum. You see the cards, they are dealt right in front of you and all of them are facing up. Let’s analyze this scenario. You are dealt two pairs. The dealer upcard is a 4. What do you do? Of course, you Bet/Raise and win the match in progress. In other words, it makes perfect sense for you to carry on when you have at least one good pair. It’s a simple game, don’t over-complicate it. Keep your advantage close to 100% and make the best out of the hand you were dealt as long as you have at least a pair! Remember, if the dealer does not qualify and you have no cards, you still win and your ante bet is paid 1:1. When it comes to the live sessions, Caribbean Stud Poker tables are among the busiest in a live casino.
Thought up one summer night by Austrian gamester Walther Marseille, Ph.D., rules were first devised for a fifth suit based on a green or invulnerable suit. In 1937, a book for rules using the fifth suit was written in Vienna, Austria, and patented for this set of rules. http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/비트게임 For high-rollers -- people who bet hundreds of dollars a hand -- the casino might give free airfare, room, food, beverages, or limousine service. The cards were hand-painted, and sometimes engraved. They depict hunting themes with suits of falcons, stags, hounds and ducks. An Arboretum and rose garden (Michaut Park - 7 hectares) behind the Hotel de Ville.
When a card game is played, the players arrange themselves in a circle around a horizontal surface on which the cards will be played. I will refer to this surface as the "table" although of course any flat surface can be used. The players face inwards, and are approximately evenly spaced (so that they cannot see each other's cards). A ball that enters a catcher will trigger a payout, in which a number of balls are dropped into a tray at the front of the machine. In Deuces Wild, the payout for a four of a kind makes up approximately ⅓ of the payback percentage of the game, and a four of a kind occurs on average approximately every fifteen hands. The substitution of wood blocking and hand coloring with copper plate engraving during the sixteenth century was the next significant innovation in the manufacturing of playing cards.
The game is played by placing two handfuls of beans or other objects on a board, and - after players have cast bets on values of 1 through 4 - repeatedly removing four beans from the board until only one, two, three or four beans remain, determining the winner. The design of the standard English playing-card is now well known throughout the world because of the spread of card games like bridge and poker. If these are the only sort of playing-cards you have come across you may think that there is only one basic design for the faces of cards, with just the design on the back varying.There’s no exchanging cards or other features, and what you see is what you get, making this one of the easiest poker games to pick up and play. If you want to take a shot at some real money action, you’ll find all of the Playtech table games featured here at Mr Gamez, including this one, at the greatest casinos featured in the top right corner of this page. If you are a blackjack fan or just want to learn more, you should read on. You can learn its origin and other useful information.
In either case, the ball enters the playing field, which is populated by numerous brass pins, several small cups into which the player hopes the ball will fall (each catcher is barely the width of the ball), and a hole at the bottom into which the ball will fall if it does not enter a catcher. Studies concerning the social impacts of casino gambling suggest that this industry has distinctively yielded both positive and negative effects toward local communities and the lives of local residents. For instance, Giacopassi et al.The problem with this strategy is that, remembering that past results do not affect the future, it is possible for the player to lose so many times in a row, that the player, doubling and redoubling his bets, either runs out of money or hits the table limit. The payout for making a Flush is cut from 6x your bet to 5x your bet, but all other payouts remain the same.
The dealer designates one of the players to cut, and the plastic insert card is placed so that the last 60 to 75 cards or so will not be used. (Not dealing to the bottom of all the cards makes it more difficult for professional card counters to operate effectively.) Ohio, for example, has a so-called "Voluntary Exclusion" program for gamblers looking to kick the habit that allows them to ban themselves for either a year, five years, or life.Another player must choose to cover the shooter to create a stake for the game to continue. Eleven other local lotteries in Nebraska followed suit, until the state banned the devices, effective 1985.
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It isn't true: besides being a felony, it's also a fire hazard. The game is played in rounds and these "Pass" and "Don't Pass" bets are betting on the outcome of a round. 안전메이저놀이터 At casinos in Iowa and South Dakota, for example, such devices have contributed up to 89 percent of annual gaming revenue. With a total of 10, he should double down unless the dealer shows a ten-card or an ace.
This reduces the maximum payout percentage to 96.15% for players betting five coins per hand to receive the Royal Flush bonus. Commercial bingo games in the US are primarily offered by casinos (and then only in the state of Nevada), and by Native American bingo halls, which are often housed in the same location as Native American-run casinos.one fascinating thing about blackjack is it has 52 cards in a deck, and surprisingly, there are 52 weeks in a year. With the expansion of computer technology in bingo, electronic random number generators (RNG) are now commonplace in most jurisdictions.
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - As the Hartford Wolf Pack gets set for their first three-games-in-three-days this weekend with the Laval Rocket coming to Hartford on Friday night at the XL Center. Then the Pack plays a home-and-home with the Bridgeport Sound Tigers on Saturday and then on Sunday afternoon at 3 pm at the Webster Bank Arena. Pack Associate Head Coach, Gord Murphy’s hiring in the off-season, where he was accompanying his last year's fellow Philadelphia Flyers assistant, Kris Knoblauch, who were both relieved at the end of last season, coming to the AHL was a new interesting option. “I really like it so far. When I was researching the position, I talked to a number of former and current AHL coachers, and the one thing they all said was, 'You will like the time you have to really teach and develop.' In the NHL you don’t have all the time to practice. In fact, you're manufacturing time to talk to a player about certain things. "I really appreciate the time so far where a player can learn, process, and prepare for a game at the American (Hockey) League level,” Murphy, who spent 17 years as an assistant coach after retiring from playing, said. Murphy recognizes there's a learning curve. “I know this isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes time to set up and implement procedures and the structure the organization is looking for. We're all new (the coaching staff) and many new players with a lot of skills with leadership and veterans added to the mix.” One of the big mantras is defense-first. “I don’t care what level of hockey you're at, you have defense first, and that’s just not your defensemen. The goal is to keep the puck out of the net. That gives you a chance to win the game. If you don’t have the defense, it's not a recipe for success.” The team saw its shootout loss last Sunday against Rochester in which the Americans scored late to force overtime, and then the team defensive core held against the Springfield Thunderbirds in a 1-0 shutout win. The six-on-five is a part of a defensive strategy that all teams work at as the season starts to progress especially with the Wolf Pack heading into its first heavy dose of games with six games over the next eleven days. “It’s a learning experience. It’s an area we haven’t really touched on yet, only briefly. We obviously have had talks now about what our setups should be. We have been practicing this, and like everything else, it takes time.” The changes in defensive combinations last weekend is all part of the plan to build a stronger team defensively. “Changes are inevitable in this game, especially on defense. There will be injuries and call ups at some point, so it's better we learn, so we'll know how the players work together, finding the strengths and weaknesses will make the team and the player better.” The sport that he mastered playing in 735 NHL games has changed, especially from his early days with the Hershey Bears back in 1987-88. “There weren’t the skills coaches, the nutrition aspect, or the systems that we have today. Back then, we were taught certain positioning, but we were left on our own to use our skills all that we had. The dynamics now is the players are simply so much faster than in our day. We might have had three or four really top skaters, today is like closer to 15. The skill sets are far different today in what goes into making a 'player.'” Among Murphy's teammates were ex-Hartford Whalers, Kevin Maxwell, Don Nachbaur, Ray Allison, Kevin McCarthy, Nick Kypreos, and John Stevens. He also played with ex-New Haven Nighthawks, Brian Dobbin, and Mark Lofthouse, and former Wolf Pack assistant coach, JJ Daigneault. Teaching the new generation trust is an important component. “I’m trying to help them, and I can relate my experiences. The kids can Google about my past and that’s what is the past. Now I can share my knowledge. The kids have been very receptive and have worked very hard, but at the end of the day I have to earn their trust and respect.” For Murphy, the relationship with his troops now is akin to a parent-child relationship, in some ways. “Its like when they’re riding a bike learning that they’ll fall and skin their knee, but you get right back at it. We're helping to shape them, not only as players but as young men. Many are out on their own for the first time and learning to make good decisions on-and-off ice is a part of the equation of their professional growth and development.” Murphy’s experience is hopefully going to produce up top in New York for the Rangers and hopefully for Hartford when next April rolls around. NOTES: The Rangers recalled Ty Ronning to Hartford from the team's ECHL affiliates, the Maine Mariners. Ronning had five points in four games. Laval will be without Michael McCarron who is serving the second of his two-game suspension for a major interference penalty in Providence. He missed Wednesday’s game in Belleville. Not only are the Lindgren brothers, Ryan (Hartford) and Charles (Laval), playing against each other tonight, but two former members of the St. Cloud Huskies (NCHC) who were college teammates will be facing each other, in Patrick Newell (Hartford) and Ryan Poehling (Laval). In addition, ex-Pack/CT Whale, Dale Weise, makes his first appearance back in Hartford since 2010-11. Bridgeport has recalled highly-regarded Czech-born netminder, Jakub Sharek from the Worcester Railers. Sharek posted a 1.42 GAA in two games. The team reassigned another European goalie they like in Swedish Linus Soderstrom to Worcester. Riley Stillman, the grandson of ex-Nighthawks and Springfield Indians player, Bud Stefanski, was recalled from Springfield by Florida. Ex-Pack, Daniel Walcott, is assigned to Syracuse by Tampa Bay. Mitch Eliot, the son of former Nighthawk, Daren Eliot, is reassigned from Utica to Kalamazoo (ECHL). Ex-Pack, and Sound Tiger, Jack Combs signs a deal with Wichita (ECHL). Ex-Pack, and Ranger, Connor Brickley, signed a deal today with EC Salzburg (Austria-EBEL) for the rest of the season. He will report to the Red Bulls next week. Brickley played 13 games in Hartford last year after being acquired. Josh Primeau, the nephew of ex-Whaler, Keith Primeau, signs with HC Sierre (Switzerland-LNB) his eighth Swiss team in his career, all spent in Switzerland. Read the full article
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Lottery Winning Secrets You Need Know
Do you want to know the secret behind playing the odd and even number lottery strategy? There was a time when I realized i was in the identical boat along with you. Then, I discovered the secret and shared it along with you in melt off my previous articles. Now, I discovered yet another secret hidden within the most important and will share it with your here. To set the stage for their early time readers, let's recap a small portion.
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It is useful to keep in mind that unlike before, were the Austria lotto is just open to its citizenry, nowadays; anyone from all of parts of the planet can play in Austria lotto. Winners of the Austria Lotto are paid through salary. Austria Lotto shares its revenue for the projects and development activities of Sweden.
To answer the question, why you must have a lotto system to make. the reason is when you now have the small understanding of numbers we have they work, the odds are more for your benefit to victory. There are many lotto systems out there, but folks who distinguish themselves from all others are those consistently produce winners. Listed below 3 pointers to in order to know.
When is the most beneficial time give up - so now. What is the fastest and fastest way to smoking cigarettes? Replace the gambling habit with a non-gambling inclination. Programming your subconscious with positive thoughts and desires is obviously quit which it is the most convenient way to quit gambling.
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milenasanchezmk · 7 years
I Thought Any Weight Issue Could Be Corrected With Chronic Exercise
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I contemplated writing this Mark’s Daily Apple success story a few times over the last three years and every time I decided it wasn’t a good idea, mainly because I thought “who am I and who would really care anyway”? The other reason is the last thing I wanted people to see plastered on the internet are my before and after pictures, how embarrassing! Being comfortable and confident with my body is never an attribute I have possessed. I actually even used a before photo that was about 10 pounds lighter than when I was my heaviest, but that was because I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror at that point, let alone take a picture.
Despite all of this, I think sharing my story (and those pictures) is important because I think it can help people, it can show the powerful changes that can be made in health and body composition by making some very important lifestyle adjustments. I wanted to use the words “simple” or “easy” adjustments in that last sentence, but they are not always simple and easy. Yet, they are important.
I don’t think my exact formula will be right for everyone, but the majority of people can find something that they can apply to their life to make a positive change. And whether or not you find something in my story that inspires you, I have just landed you on one of the most powerful websites to change your health and your life, so for that you’re welcome. I think it is important to take your health into your own hands—research, read, ask questions—because it is obvious conventional wisdom and general health/nutrition information are deeply flawed, and Mark’s Daily Apple can help in your quest for knowledge!
Below I have organized my story in categories- “Before,” “After,” “Resources,” and “Moving Forward.” If you want to jump right into the details of how I went from 220-plus pounds to the 180-185 pounds I consistently stay at now, then scroll down to the “After” portion and start there.
Below is a summary of the different phases of my life until five years ago when I turned thirty-years-old.
I was born in the 1980s and grew up in the 90s, which seems to be prime time for the low fat era. At home, school, and in the media we were taught that fat should be avoided in our diet, and we had to make sure we get our 6-11 servings of cereals, grains, and pasta. For me that was not a problem, I could eat carbohydrates all day long!
I loved to play sports growing up and tried to be outside as much as possible playing football, basketball, and baseball. I never really thought about how food affected my performance in sports, or my body composition, I just ate whatever I could as fast as possible so I could get to the next game. My weight fluctuated when I was younger. I was never obese or even too overweight, I would describe myself as “slightly chubby” at times. There were other moments during growth spurts, and highly active moments of a sports season, where I was normal weight and not carrying any extra fat on my body.
High School
Once I got to high school I made the brilliant decision as a five foot ten inch tall, fairly slow kid, to focus on playing basketball. I was consistently carrying 10-15 pounds of extra weight, and not only was I teased a bit for it, but I wasn’t the best player I could be due to the extra weight, and that is what bothered me the most. Of course the comments about how my body looked hurt a bit, but I was a good enough player that most people looked past it and appreciated me for my play on the court.
The food environment in high school wasn’t always great, with getting older came more independence and opportunities to eat outside of my home, which lead me to fast and affordable food choices.
I really had no clue what healthy eating was. In fact healthy for me was heading to a juice place for a sugar filled beverage and a soft pretzel. Thank goodness I played a lot of basketball and was introduced to lifting weights at the same time, otherwise I have no doubt I would have been considered obese.
Even with a few extra pounds on my frame at the end of high school I had become a good enough player that I was able to move on and become a member of the men’s basketball team at a NCAA Division 2 university. Thanks to the support of my family and coaches I was able to live my dream of playing college basketball.
Once I got to Sonoma State University (located in Sonoma County-Northern California) it was obvious that physically I was going to have a tough time on the basketball court. It took me a few years to get in good enough shape to consistently make a contribution in games, but eventually I would be an all-conference guard and conference champion my senior year (for more on the many basketball related adjustments I made check out my book “Bench Rules: A Guide to Success On and Off the Bench” on Amazon). In fact, one of the strategies I joked about with my teammates, but it had a little truth to it, is that every time I went to a fast food restaurant I just stopped ordering french fries. Boom! Ten pounds lost very quickly.
The biggest adjustment I made was tracking what I ate. I started to add a lot more real food in my diet and eating less food that came from a box, package, or fast food restaurant. It was far from an optimal diet, but the actual process of writing it down made me think about what I was putting in my body, how it made me feel and perform, and that helped me make better decisions.
Post College
I had a short stint in a European basketball league, which enabled me to live in beautiful Vienna, Austria for a few months and get paid to play a game I love. That experience also helped me realize I had reached my full potential as a player, and I was done putting my body through the stress it took me to perform at that level. I decided it was time to move on to a different stage of my life.
A couple years after I left Vienna I married my college girlfriend Megan, who was a soccer player when we were at SSU, and a couple years later we had our first child. In those four years of not playing basketball, and not really making any adjustments to my Standard American Diet (I was still tracking what I ate on and off), I managed to put on more weight than I ever had.
Now, at this time I was still lifting weights and running, my two preferred forms of exercise, but this was not enough to keep the weight off as it was nothing close to the volume and intensity of exercise I endured as a basketball player.
With the increase in weight came some minor health issues, for instance I was diagnosed with GERD. I would get constant heartburn that felt bad enough to make me think I was having some kind of heart attack. I even got hooked up to an EKG machine at one point because I was so convinced something was wrong. A doctor I saw recommended I take a Prilosec pill everyday and eat a low fat diet, which I followed religiously until I saw I was putting on more weight. It was extremely frustrating to see zero changes in my body composition with an increased focus on my health and diet. There had to be something else I could do!
After Finding A New Way
I was turned on to primal/ancesteral health when I was told about a cbssports.com article on nutrition in the NBA. The story revolved around Dr. Cate Shanahan and her work with the LA Lakers. The whole series of articles led me to a Google search and one of the first websites I found was Mark’s Daily Apple (MDA). The website piqued my interest right away, it was so informative, filled with many wonderful articles and success stories, and ultimately I knew I had to give it a try.
One of the first inforgraphics I saw, and it still sticks out in my head to this day, is the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve. This is one I still share with people who ask me how I eat now, that and of course the ten primal laws. Mark’s Daily Apple is still my “go-to” source when I have any question on health or nutrition. What I love about MDA is that if I have a question about any topic, I can search for it and I am guaranteed to find an article with Mark’s point of view and links to any necessary studies or additional information. It is also an absolute must to check out the Primal Blueprint 101 section if you are new to the website, everything you could possibly need to know is there!
Below are the major adjustments I made to my life. Growing up in organized sports, and as a victim of conventional wisdom, I thought any weight issue could be solved with exercise. It wasn’t until I bought into the idea that “80 percent of your body composition is determined by what you eat” that I saw real change. It is for that reason that “Diet” is first on this list, and by far the most important. I am now low enough in body fat to somewhat see my abs, this was never the case even in 2-3 hours a day of college basketball practice over a five-year span (I spent one year as a redshirt). I had to make a change to my diet for this to happen, and I exercise less than I ever have.
Inspired by the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve I limit daily carbohydrate intake to less than 100 grams per day. Most days I aim to stay under 50 grams, and often I decide to restrict low enough and consistently enough to dip into in to ketosis. Aiming to keep my carbohydrates low has helped me to EAT REAL FOOD and avoid most processed/packaged foods.
I also eliminated sugars and grains from my diet. Obviously these calories had to be replaced so I started eating more healthy fat- olive oil, coconut oil (MCT Oil as well), and butter. However, the majority of my food is animals and plants along with nuts, healthy fats (listed above), and some fruit and dark chocolate. Check out the Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid, I also like Time Noakes’ Real Meal Revolution Food List.
This way of eating becomes very easy very quickly. Like I said above I like to keep carbohydrates fairly low, so once you learn the macronutrient make-up of food you can easily make a selection of what to eat anywhere you go. I suggest tracking what you eat at first, but eventually there is no need once you get used to it. I do not want to demonize carbohydrates, I like what world renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin says about them, his thought is that you must “deserve your carbohydrates. Your levels of muscle mass, volume and intensity of training, percentage of body fat and insulin sensitivity will determine how many grams of carbs you can afford. Some people obviously need to restrict their carbs to 10 licks of a dried prune every six months.”
If you restrict carbohydrates enough your body will be forced to start to use your own body fat for fuel. Transitioning your body to a lower carb eating strategy, essentially turning your body into a fat burning beast, can be tough for a few days up to to a few weeks, especially the first time coming from a Standard American Diet. Give it time, trust the process, it works.
I don’t count calories, or feel they are the whole story in relation to weight loss, I also believe the effect on hormones in the body is very important to normalizing/losing weight. In relation to calories I do think a low carb high fat diet is more satiating, while also not subjecting your body to insulin spikes all day, and ultimately causes many to eat less food. That is the case for me anyway.
I do occasionally eat foods that are higher in carbohydrates, foods that are definitely not “healthy” by anyone’s standards, and I usually feel terrible after eating them. Probably the one thing I found that aggravates my stomach the most, the one that hurt the most to eliminate, was beer. I will still drink a beer on rare occasions, and naturally my digestive system and sleep suffer because of it.
Food quality is not something I worried about at first. Initially I think it is easiest to just worry about limiting carbohydrates and eating as much fat and protein as necessary so you are never hungry. Once I adapted to the diet and got my bearings, I started to worry more about finding properly raised meat and local organic vegetables. While it does cost more, and I realize I am lucky enough to be able to afford these costs, it is important to both my health and the environment.
I have experimented with intermittent fasting, both 16-hour fasts and some 24 hour fasting. This past month of July I did a 18/6 fast every day, and while I don’t find it hard to skip breakfast in the morning, I like to eat breakfast. I generally workout first thing in the morning and find I feel better eating post workout. I still may occasionally fast on a non-workout day, simply holding off breakfast until early afternoon.  Now I just let my hunger dictate meal timing, if I am hungry I eat, if I am not I don’t eat. Hunger on a low carbohydrate diet is much different than hunger on a diet filled with carbohydrates, my family still jokes about my “Hanger Issues” from the past that were constant because of the types of food I was eating.
Since beginning this new lifestyle my wife (Megan) has joined on and she has also seen big improvements in her body composition following two pregnancies. She has allowed me to share a before and after picture of us, in the before picture she has the excuse of only being three months out from having a baby, I did not have the same excuse. What is also impressive about my wife’s improvement in body composition is that she has done it with pretty much zero structured exercise, which to me shows the power of changing what you eat to change how you look and feel. Megan was a soccer player at Sonoma State and she is now at the same weight she was when she was practicing/playing soccer six days a week for 2-3 hours, again with zero structured exercise. Our next task moving forward is to navigate the world of raising children, trying to give them the best life we can, and helping them face the food environment they will encounter in school and beyond.
Next up for me is to use the training I received from the Primal Health Coach Program I just finished last month. I have seen such drastic improvements in my life I was inspired to start the program earlier this summer with the hope to use my increased knowledge to help others. I currently work in a high school setting (PE and Athletics), I love what I do and the people and students I work with, and I have no plans to leave there to start a health coaching business. I will at first offer to help my friends and family in any way I can and see where I go from there. I look forward to sharing the amazing resources and knowledge I have gained from the program with anyone willing to listen. Combining that with my past experiences will be a good foundation to help others better their lives in any way possible. Hopefully, I can make an impact.
— Kevin Christensen
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
0 notes
watsonrodriquezie · 7 years
I Thought Any Weight Issue Could Be Corrected With Chronic Exercise
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I contemplated writing this Mark’s Daily Apple success story a few times over the last three years and every time I decided it wasn’t a good idea, mainly because I thought “who am I and who would really care anyway”? The other reason is the last thing I wanted people to see plastered on the internet are my before and after pictures, how embarrassing! Being comfortable and confident with my body is never an attribute I have possessed. I actually even used a before photo that was about 10 pounds lighter than when I was my heaviest, but that was because I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror at that point, let alone take a picture.
Despite all of this, I think sharing my story (and those pictures) is important because I think it can help people, it can show the powerful changes that can be made in health and body composition by making some very important lifestyle adjustments. I wanted to use the words “simple” or “easy” adjustments in that last sentence, but they are not always simple and easy. Yet, they are important.
I don’t think my exact formula will be right for everyone, but the majority of people can find something that they can apply to their life to make a positive change. And whether or not you find something in my story that inspires you, I have just landed you on one of the most powerful websites to change your health and your life, so for that you’re welcome. I think it is important to take your health into your own hands—research, read, ask questions—because it is obvious conventional wisdom and general health/nutrition information are deeply flawed, and Mark’s Daily Apple can help in your quest for knowledge!
Below I have organized my story in categories- “Before,” “After,” “Resources,” and “Moving Forward.” If you want to jump right into the details of how I went from 220-plus pounds to the 180-185 pounds I consistently stay at now, then scroll down to the “After” portion and start there.
Below is a summary of the different phases of my life until five years ago when I turned thirty-years-old.
I was born in the 1980s and grew up in the 90s, which seems to be prime time for the low fat era. At home, school, and in the media we were taught that fat should be avoided in our diet, and we had to make sure we get our 6-11 servings of cereals, grains, and pasta. For me that was not a problem, I could eat carbohydrates all day long!
I loved to play sports growing up and tried to be outside as much as possible playing football, basketball, and baseball. I never really thought about how food affected my performance in sports, or my body composition, I just ate whatever I could as fast as possible so I could get to the next game. My weight fluctuated when I was younger. I was never obese or even too overweight, I would describe myself as “slightly chubby” at times. There were other moments during growth spurts, and highly active moments of a sports season, where I was normal weight and not carrying any extra fat on my body.
High School
Once I got to high school I made the brilliant decision as a five foot ten inch tall, fairly slow kid, to focus on playing basketball. I was consistently carrying 10-15 pounds of extra weight, and not only was I teased a bit for it, but I wasn’t the best player I could be due to the extra weight, and that is what bothered me the most. Of course the comments about how my body looked hurt a bit, but I was a good enough player that most people looked past it and appreciated me for my play on the court.
The food environment in high school wasn’t always great, with getting older came more independence and opportunities to eat outside of my home, which lead me to fast and affordable food choices.
I really had no clue what healthy eating was. In fact healthy for me was heading to a juice place for a sugar filled beverage and a soft pretzel. Thank goodness I played a lot of basketball and was introduced to lifting weights at the same time, otherwise I have no doubt I would have been considered obese.
Even with a few extra pounds on my frame at the end of high school I had become a good enough player that I was able to move on and become a member of the men’s basketball team at a NCAA Division 2 university. Thanks to the support of my family and coaches I was able to live my dream of playing college basketball.
Once I got to Sonoma State University (located in Sonoma County-Northern California) it was obvious that physically I was going to have a tough time on the basketball court. It took me a few years to get in good enough shape to consistently make a contribution in games, but eventually I would be an all-conference guard and conference champion my senior year (for more on the many basketball related adjustments I made check out my book “Bench Rules: A Guide to Success On and Off the Bench” on Amazon). In fact, one of the strategies I joked about with my teammates, but it had a little truth to it, is that every time I went to a fast food restaurant I just stopped ordering french fries. Boom! Ten pounds lost very quickly.
The biggest adjustment I made was tracking what I ate. I started to add a lot more real food in my diet and eating less food that came from a box, package, or fast food restaurant. It was far from an optimal diet, but the actual process of writing it down made me think about what I was putting in my body, how it made me feel and perform, and that helped me make better decisions.
Post College
I had a short stint in a European basketball league, which enabled me to live in beautiful Vienna, Austria for a few months and get paid to play a game I love. That experience also helped me realize I had reached my full potential as a player, and I was done putting my body through the stress it took me to perform at that level. I decided it was time to move on to a different stage of my life.
A couple years after I left Vienna I married my college girlfriend Megan, who was a soccer player when we were at SSU, and a couple years later we had our first child. In those four years of not playing basketball, and not really making any adjustments to my Standard American Diet (I was still tracking what I ate on and off), I managed to put on more weight than I ever had.
Now, at this time I was still lifting weights and running, my two preferred forms of exercise, but this was not enough to keep the weight off as it was nothing close to the volume and intensity of exercise I endured as a basketball player.
With the increase in weight came some minor health issues, for instance I was diagnosed with GERD. I would get constant heartburn that felt bad enough to make me think I was having some kind of heart attack. I even got hooked up to an EKG machine at one point because I was so convinced something was wrong. A doctor I saw recommended I take a Prilosec pill everyday and eat a low fat diet, which I followed religiously until I saw I was putting on more weight. It was extremely frustrating to see zero changes in my body composition with an increased focus on my health and diet. There had to be something else I could do!
After Finding A New Way
I was turned on to primal/ancesteral health when I was told about a cbssports.com article on nutrition in the NBA. The story revolved around Dr. Cate Shanahan and her work with the LA Lakers. The whole series of articles led me to a Google search and one of the first websites I found was Mark’s Daily Apple (MDA). The website piqued my interest right away, it was so informative, filled with many wonderful articles and success stories, and ultimately I knew I had to give it a try.
One of the first inforgraphics I saw, and it still sticks out in my head to this day, is the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve. This is one I still share with people who ask me how I eat now, that and of course the ten primal laws. Mark’s Daily Apple is still my “go-to” source when I have any question on health or nutrition. What I love about MDA is that if I have a question about any topic, I can search for it and I am guaranteed to find an article with Mark’s point of view and links to any necessary studies or additional information. It is also an absolute must to check out the Primal Blueprint 101 section if you are new to the website, everything you could possibly need to know is there!
Below are the major adjustments I made to my life. Growing up in organized sports, and as a victim of conventional wisdom, I thought any weight issue could be solved with exercise. It wasn’t until I bought into the idea that “80 percent of your body composition is determined by what you eat” that I saw real change. It is for that reason that “Diet” is first on this list, and by far the most important. I am now low enough in body fat to somewhat see my abs, this was never the case even in 2-3 hours a day of college basketball practice over a five-year span (I spent one year as a redshirt). I had to make a change to my diet for this to happen, and I exercise less than I ever have.
Inspired by the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve I limit daily carbohydrate intake to less than 100 grams per day. Most days I aim to stay under 50 grams, and often I decide to restrict low enough and consistently enough to dip into in to ketosis. Aiming to keep my carbohydrates low has helped me to EAT REAL FOOD and avoid most processed/packaged foods.
I also eliminated sugars and grains from my diet. Obviously these calories had to be replaced so I started eating more healthy fat- olive oil, coconut oil (MCT Oil as well), and butter. However, the majority of my food is animals and plants along with nuts, healthy fats (listed above), and some fruit and dark chocolate. Check out the Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid, I also like Time Noakes’ Real Meal Revolution Food List.
This way of eating becomes very easy very quickly. Like I said above I like to keep carbohydrates fairly low, so once you learn the macronutrient make-up of food you can easily make a selection of what to eat anywhere you go. I suggest tracking what you eat at first, but eventually there is no need once you get used to it. I do not want to demonize carbohydrates, I like what world renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin says about them, his thought is that you must “deserve your carbohydrates. Your levels of muscle mass, volume and intensity of training, percentage of body fat and insulin sensitivity will determine how many grams of carbs you can afford. Some people obviously need to restrict their carbs to 10 licks of a dried prune every six months.”
If you restrict carbohydrates enough your body will be forced to start to use your own body fat for fuel. Transitioning your body to a lower carb eating strategy, essentially turning your body into a fat burning beast, can be tough for a few days up to to a few weeks, especially the first time coming from a Standard American Diet. Give it time, trust the process, it works.
I don’t count calories, or feel they are the whole story in relation to weight loss, I also believe the effect on hormones in the body is very important to normalizing/losing weight. In relation to calories I do think a low carb high fat diet is more satiating, while also not subjecting your body to insulin spikes all day, and ultimately causes many to eat less food. That is the case for me anyway.
I do occasionally eat foods that are higher in carbohydrates, foods that are definitely not “healthy” by anyone’s standards, and I usually feel terrible after eating them. Probably the one thing I found that aggravates my stomach the most, the one that hurt the most to eliminate, was beer. I will still drink a beer on rare occasions, and naturally my digestive system and sleep suffer because of it.
Food quality is not something I worried about at first. Initially I think it is easiest to just worry about limiting carbohydrates and eating as much fat and protein as necessary so you are never hungry. Once I adapted to the diet and got my bearings, I started to worry more about finding properly raised meat and local organic vegetables. While it does cost more, and I realize I am lucky enough to be able to afford these costs, it is important to both my health and the environment.
I have experimented with intermittent fasting, both 16-hour fasts and some 24 hour fasting. This past month of July I did a 18/6 fast every day, and while I don’t find it hard to skip breakfast in the morning, I like to eat breakfast. I generally workout first thing in the morning and find I feel better eating post workout. I still may occasionally fast on a non-workout day, simply holding off breakfast until early afternoon.  Now I just let my hunger dictate meal timing, if I am hungry I eat, if I am not I don’t eat. Hunger on a low carbohydrate diet is much different than hunger on a diet filled with carbohydrates, my family still jokes about my “Hanger Issues” from the past that were constant because of the types of food I was eating.
Since beginning this new lifestyle my wife (Megan) has joined on and she has also seen big improvements in her body composition following two pregnancies. She has allowed me to share a before and after picture of us, in the before picture she has the excuse of only being three months out from having a baby, I did not have the same excuse. What is also impressive about my wife’s improvement in body composition is that she has done it with pretty much zero structured exercise, which to me shows the power of changing what you eat to change how you look and feel. Megan was a soccer player at Sonoma State and she is now at the same weight she was when she was practicing/playing soccer six days a week for 2-3 hours, again with zero structured exercise. Our next task moving forward is to navigate the world of raising children, trying to give them the best life we can, and helping them face the food environment they will encounter in school and beyond.
Next up for me is to use the training I received from the Primal Health Coach Program I just finished last month. I have seen such drastic improvements in my life I was inspired to start the program earlier this summer with the hope to use my increased knowledge to help others. I currently work in a high school setting (PE and Athletics), I love what I do and the people and students I work with, and I have no plans to leave there to start a health coaching business. I will at first offer to help my friends and family in any way I can and see where I go from there. I look forward to sharing the amazing resources and knowledge I have gained from the program with anyone willing to listen. Combining that with my past experiences will be a good foundation to help others better their lives in any way possible. Hopefully, I can make an impact.
— Kevin Christensen
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
0 notes
fishermariawo · 7 years
I Thought Any Weight Issue Could Be Corrected With Chronic Exercise
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I contemplated writing this Mark’s Daily Apple success story a few times over the last three years and every time I decided it wasn’t a good idea, mainly because I thought “who am I and who would really care anyway”? The other reason is the last thing I wanted people to see plastered on the internet are my before and after pictures, how embarrassing! Being comfortable and confident with my body is never an attribute I have possessed. I actually even used a before photo that was about 10 pounds lighter than when I was my heaviest, but that was because I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror at that point, let alone take a picture.
Despite all of this, I think sharing my story (and those pictures) is important because I think it can help people, it can show the powerful changes that can be made in health and body composition by making some very important lifestyle adjustments. I wanted to use the words “simple” or “easy” adjustments in that last sentence, but they are not always simple and easy. Yet, they are important.
I don’t think my exact formula will be right for everyone, but the majority of people can find something that they can apply to their life to make a positive change. And whether or not you find something in my story that inspires you, I have just landed you on one of the most powerful websites to change your health and your life, so for that you’re welcome. I think it is important to take your health into your own hands—research, read, ask questions—because it is obvious conventional wisdom and general health/nutrition information are deeply flawed, and Mark’s Daily Apple can help in your quest for knowledge!
Below I have organized my story in categories- “Before,” “After,” “Resources,” and “Moving Forward.” If you want to jump right into the details of how I went from 220-plus pounds to the 180-185 pounds I consistently stay at now, then scroll down to the “After” portion and start there.
Below is a summary of the different phases of my life until five years ago when I turned thirty-years-old.
I was born in the 1980s and grew up in the 90s, which seems to be prime time for the low fat era. At home, school, and in the media we were taught that fat should be avoided in our diet, and we had to make sure we get our 6-11 servings of cereals, grains, and pasta. For me that was not a problem, I could eat carbohydrates all day long!
I loved to play sports growing up and tried to be outside as much as possible playing football, basketball, and baseball. I never really thought about how food affected my performance in sports, or my body composition, I just ate whatever I could as fast as possible so I could get to the next game. My weight fluctuated when I was younger. I was never obese or even too overweight, I would describe myself as “slightly chubby” at times. There were other moments during growth spurts, and highly active moments of a sports season, where I was normal weight and not carrying any extra fat on my body.
High School
Once I got to high school I made the brilliant decision as a five foot ten inch tall, fairly slow kid, to focus on playing basketball. I was consistently carrying 10-15 pounds of extra weight, and not only was I teased a bit for it, but I wasn’t the best player I could be due to the extra weight, and that is what bothered me the most. Of course the comments about how my body looked hurt a bit, but I was a good enough player that most people looked past it and appreciated me for my play on the court.
The food environment in high school wasn’t always great, with getting older came more independence and opportunities to eat outside of my home, which lead me to fast and affordable food choices.
I really had no clue what healthy eating was. In fact healthy for me was heading to a juice place for a sugar filled beverage and a soft pretzel. Thank goodness I played a lot of basketball and was introduced to lifting weights at the same time, otherwise I have no doubt I would have been considered obese.
Even with a few extra pounds on my frame at the end of high school I had become a good enough player that I was able to move on and become a member of the men’s basketball team at a NCAA Division 2 university. Thanks to the support of my family and coaches I was able to live my dream of playing college basketball.
Once I got to Sonoma State University (located in Sonoma County-Northern California) it was obvious that physically I was going to have a tough time on the basketball court. It took me a few years to get in good enough shape to consistently make a contribution in games, but eventually I would be an all-conference guard and conference champion my senior year (for more on the many basketball related adjustments I made check out my book “Bench Rules: A Guide to Success On and Off the Bench” on Amazon). In fact, one of the strategies I joked about with my teammates, but it had a little truth to it, is that every time I went to a fast food restaurant I just stopped ordering french fries. Boom! Ten pounds lost very quickly.
The biggest adjustment I made was tracking what I ate. I started to add a lot more real food in my diet and eating less food that came from a box, package, or fast food restaurant. It was far from an optimal diet, but the actual process of writing it down made me think about what I was putting in my body, how it made me feel and perform, and that helped me make better decisions.
Post College
I had a short stint in a European basketball league, which enabled me to live in beautiful Vienna, Austria for a few months and get paid to play a game I love. That experience also helped me realize I had reached my full potential as a player, and I was done putting my body through the stress it took me to perform at that level. I decided it was time to move on to a different stage of my life.
A couple years after I left Vienna I married my college girlfriend Megan, who was a soccer player when we were at SSU, and a couple years later we had our first child. In those four years of not playing basketball, and not really making any adjustments to my Standard American Diet (I was still tracking what I ate on and off), I managed to put on more weight than I ever had.
Now, at this time I was still lifting weights and running, my two preferred forms of exercise, but this was not enough to keep the weight off as it was nothing close to the volume and intensity of exercise I endured as a basketball player.
With the increase in weight came some minor health issues, for instance I was diagnosed with GERD. I would get constant heartburn that felt bad enough to make me think I was having some kind of heart attack. I even got hooked up to an EKG machine at one point because I was so convinced something was wrong. A doctor I saw recommended I take a Prilosec pill everyday and eat a low fat diet, which I followed religiously until I saw I was putting on more weight. It was extremely frustrating to see zero changes in my body composition with an increased focus on my health and diet. There had to be something else I could do!
After Finding A New Way
I was turned on to primal/ancesteral health when I was told about a cbssports.com article on nutrition in the NBA. The story revolved around Dr. Cate Shanahan and her work with the LA Lakers. The whole series of articles led me to a Google search and one of the first websites I found was Mark’s Daily Apple (MDA). The website piqued my interest right away, it was so informative, filled with many wonderful articles and success stories, and ultimately I knew I had to give it a try.
One of the first inforgraphics I saw, and it still sticks out in my head to this day, is the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve. This is one I still share with people who ask me how I eat now, that and of course the ten primal laws. Mark’s Daily Apple is still my “go-to” source when I have any question on health or nutrition. What I love about MDA is that if I have a question about any topic, I can search for it and I am guaranteed to find an article with Mark’s point of view and links to any necessary studies or additional information. It is also an absolute must to check out the Primal Blueprint 101 section if you are new to the website, everything you could possibly need to know is there!
Below are the major adjustments I made to my life. Growing up in organized sports, and as a victim of conventional wisdom, I thought any weight issue could be solved with exercise. It wasn’t until I bought into the idea that “80 percent of your body composition is determined by what you eat” that I saw real change. It is for that reason that “Diet” is first on this list, and by far the most important. I am now low enough in body fat to somewhat see my abs, this was never the case even in 2-3 hours a day of college basketball practice over a five-year span (I spent one year as a redshirt). I had to make a change to my diet for this to happen, and I exercise less than I ever have.
Inspired by the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve I limit daily carbohydrate intake to less than 100 grams per day. Most days I aim to stay under 50 grams, and often I decide to restrict low enough and consistently enough to dip into in to ketosis. Aiming to keep my carbohydrates low has helped me to EAT REAL FOOD and avoid most processed/packaged foods.
I also eliminated sugars and grains from my diet. Obviously these calories had to be replaced so I started eating more healthy fat- olive oil, coconut oil (MCT Oil as well), and butter. However, the majority of my food is animals and plants along with nuts, healthy fats (listed above), and some fruit and dark chocolate. Check out the Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid, I also like Time Noakes’ Real Meal Revolution Food List.
This way of eating becomes very easy very quickly. Like I said above I like to keep carbohydrates fairly low, so once you learn the macronutrient make-up of food you can easily make a selection of what to eat anywhere you go. I suggest tracking what you eat at first, but eventually there is no need once you get used to it. I do not want to demonize carbohydrates, I like what world renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin says about them, his thought is that you must “deserve your carbohydrates. Your levels of muscle mass, volume and intensity of training, percentage of body fat and insulin sensitivity will determine how many grams of carbs you can afford. Some people obviously need to restrict their carbs to 10 licks of a dried prune every six months.”
If you restrict carbohydrates enough your body will be forced to start to use your own body fat for fuel. Transitioning your body to a lower carb eating strategy, essentially turning your body into a fat burning beast, can be tough for a few days up to to a few weeks, especially the first time coming from a Standard American Diet. Give it time, trust the process, it works.
I don’t count calories, or feel they are the whole story in relation to weight loss, I also believe the effect on hormones in the body is very important to normalizing/losing weight. In relation to calories I do think a low carb high fat diet is more satiating, while also not subjecting your body to insulin spikes all day, and ultimately causes many to eat less food. That is the case for me anyway.
I do occasionally eat foods that are higher in carbohydrates, foods that are definitely not “healthy” by anyone’s standards, and I usually feel terrible after eating them. Probably the one thing I found that aggravates my stomach the most, the one that hurt the most to eliminate, was beer. I will still drink a beer on rare occasions, and naturally my digestive system and sleep suffer because of it.
Food quality is not something I worried about at first. Initially I think it is easiest to just worry about limiting carbohydrates and eating as much fat and protein as necessary so you are never hungry. Once I adapted to the diet and got my bearings, I started to worry more about finding properly raised meat and local organic vegetables. While it does cost more, and I realize I am lucky enough to be able to afford these costs, it is important to both my health and the environment.
I have experimented with intermittent fasting, both 16-hour fasts and some 24 hour fasting. This past month of July I did a 18/6 fast every day, and while I don’t find it hard to skip breakfast in the morning, I like to eat breakfast. I generally workout first thing in the morning and find I feel better eating post workout. I still may occasionally fast on a non-workout day, simply holding off breakfast until early afternoon.  Now I just let my hunger dictate meal timing, if I am hungry I eat, if I am not I don’t eat. Hunger on a low carbohydrate diet is much different than hunger on a diet filled with carbohydrates, my family still jokes about my “Hanger Issues” from the past that were constant because of the types of food I was eating.
Since beginning this new lifestyle my wife (Megan) has joined on and she has also seen big improvements in her body composition following two pregnancies. She has allowed me to share a before and after picture of us, in the before picture she has the excuse of only being three months out from having a baby, I did not have the same excuse. What is also impressive about my wife’s improvement in body composition is that she has done it with pretty much zero structured exercise, which to me shows the power of changing what you eat to change how you look and feel. Megan was a soccer player at Sonoma State and she is now at the same weight she was when she was practicing/playing soccer six days a week for 2-3 hours, again with zero structured exercise. Our next task moving forward is to navigate the world of raising children, trying to give them the best life we can, and helping them face the food environment they will encounter in school and beyond.
Next up for me is to use the training I received from the Primal Health Coach Program I just finished last month. I have seen such drastic improvements in my life I was inspired to start the program earlier this summer with the hope to use my increased knowledge to help others. I currently work in a high school setting (PE and Athletics), I love what I do and the people and students I work with, and I have no plans to leave there to start a health coaching business. I will at first offer to help my friends and family in any way I can and see where I go from there. I look forward to sharing the amazing resources and knowledge I have gained from the program with anyone willing to listen. Combining that with my past experiences will be a good foundation to help others better their lives in any way possible. Hopefully, I can make an impact.
— Kevin Christensen
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
0 notes
cristinajourdanqp · 7 years
I Thought Any Weight Issue Could Be Corrected With Chronic Exercise
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I contemplated writing this Mark’s Daily Apple success story a few times over the last three years and every time I decided it wasn’t a good idea, mainly because I thought “who am I and who would really care anyway”? The other reason is the last thing I wanted people to see plastered on the internet are my before and after pictures, how embarrassing! Being comfortable and confident with my body is never an attribute I have possessed. I actually even used a before photo that was about 10 pounds lighter than when I was my heaviest, but that was because I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror at that point, let alone take a picture.
Despite all of this, I think sharing my story (and those pictures) is important because I think it can help people, it can show the powerful changes that can be made in health and body composition by making some very important lifestyle adjustments. I wanted to use the words “simple” or “easy” adjustments in that last sentence, but they are not always simple and easy. Yet, they are important.
I don’t think my exact formula will be right for everyone, but the majority of people can find something that they can apply to their life to make a positive change. And whether or not you find something in my story that inspires you, I have just landed you on one of the most powerful websites to change your health and your life, so for that you’re welcome. I think it is important to take your health into your own hands—research, read, ask questions—because it is obvious conventional wisdom and general health/nutrition information are deeply flawed, and Mark’s Daily Apple can help in your quest for knowledge!
Below I have organized my story in categories- “Before,” “After,” “Resources,” and “Moving Forward.” If you want to jump right into the details of how I went from 220-plus pounds to the 180-185 pounds I consistently stay at now, then scroll down to the “After” portion and start there.
Below is a summary of the different phases of my life until five years ago when I turned thirty-years-old.
I was born in the 1980s and grew up in the 90s, which seems to be prime time for the low fat era. At home, school, and in the media we were taught that fat should be avoided in our diet, and we had to make sure we get our 6-11 servings of cereals, grains, and pasta. For me that was not a problem, I could eat carbohydrates all day long!
I loved to play sports growing up and tried to be outside as much as possible playing football, basketball, and baseball. I never really thought about how food affected my performance in sports, or my body composition, I just ate whatever I could as fast as possible so I could get to the next game. My weight fluctuated when I was younger. I was never obese or even too overweight, I would describe myself as “slightly chubby” at times. There were other moments during growth spurts, and highly active moments of a sports season, where I was normal weight and not carrying any extra fat on my body.
High School
Once I got to high school I made the brilliant decision as a five foot ten inch tall, fairly slow kid, to focus on playing basketball. I was consistently carrying 10-15 pounds of extra weight, and not only was I teased a bit for it, but I wasn’t the best player I could be due to the extra weight, and that is what bothered me the most. Of course the comments about how my body looked hurt a bit, but I was a good enough player that most people looked past it and appreciated me for my play on the court.
The food environment in high school wasn’t always great, with getting older came more independence and opportunities to eat outside of my home, which lead me to fast and affordable food choices.
I really had no clue what healthy eating was. In fact healthy for me was heading to a juice place for a sugar filled beverage and a soft pretzel. Thank goodness I played a lot of basketball and was introduced to lifting weights at the same time, otherwise I have no doubt I would have been considered obese.
Even with a few extra pounds on my frame at the end of high school I had become a good enough player that I was able to move on and become a member of the men’s basketball team at a NCAA Division 2 university. Thanks to the support of my family and coaches I was able to live my dream of playing college basketball.
Once I got to Sonoma State University (located in Sonoma County-Northern California) it was obvious that physically I was going to have a tough time on the basketball court. It took me a few years to get in good enough shape to consistently make a contribution in games, but eventually I would be an all-conference guard and conference champion my senior year (for more on the many basketball related adjustments I made check out my book “Bench Rules: A Guide to Success On and Off the Bench” on Amazon). In fact, one of the strategies I joked about with my teammates, but it had a little truth to it, is that every time I went to a fast food restaurant I just stopped ordering french fries. Boom! Ten pounds lost very quickly.
The biggest adjustment I made was tracking what I ate. I started to add a lot more real food in my diet and eating less food that came from a box, package, or fast food restaurant. It was far from an optimal diet, but the actual process of writing it down made me think about what I was putting in my body, how it made me feel and perform, and that helped me make better decisions.
Post College
I had a short stint in a European basketball league, which enabled me to live in beautiful Vienna, Austria for a few months and get paid to play a game I love. That experience also helped me realize I had reached my full potential as a player, and I was done putting my body through the stress it took me to perform at that level. I decided it was time to move on to a different stage of my life.
A couple years after I left Vienna I married my college girlfriend Megan, who was a soccer player when we were at SSU, and a couple years later we had our first child. In those four years of not playing basketball, and not really making any adjustments to my Standard American Diet (I was still tracking what I ate on and off), I managed to put on more weight than I ever had.
Now, at this time I was still lifting weights and running, my two preferred forms of exercise, but this was not enough to keep the weight off as it was nothing close to the volume and intensity of exercise I endured as a basketball player.
With the increase in weight came some minor health issues, for instance I was diagnosed with GERD. I would get constant heartburn that felt bad enough to make me think I was having some kind of heart attack. I even got hooked up to an EKG machine at one point because I was so convinced something was wrong. A doctor I saw recommended I take a Prilosec pill everyday and eat a low fat diet, which I followed religiously until I saw I was putting on more weight. It was extremely frustrating to see zero changes in my body composition with an increased focus on my health and diet. There had to be something else I could do!
After Finding A New Way
I was turned on to primal/ancesteral health when I was told about a cbssports.com article on nutrition in the NBA. The story revolved around Dr. Cate Shanahan and her work with the LA Lakers. The whole series of articles led me to a Google search and one of the first websites I found was Mark’s Daily Apple (MDA). The website piqued my interest right away, it was so informative, filled with many wonderful articles and success stories, and ultimately I knew I had to give it a try.
One of the first inforgraphics I saw, and it still sticks out in my head to this day, is the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve. This is one I still share with people who ask me how I eat now, that and of course the ten primal laws. Mark’s Daily Apple is still my “go-to” source when I have any question on health or nutrition. What I love about MDA is that if I have a question about any topic, I can search for it and I am guaranteed to find an article with Mark’s point of view and links to any necessary studies or additional information. It is also an absolute must to check out the Primal Blueprint 101 section if you are new to the website, everything you could possibly need to know is there!
Below are the major adjustments I made to my life. Growing up in organized sports, and as a victim of conventional wisdom, I thought any weight issue could be solved with exercise. It wasn’t until I bought into the idea that “80 percent of your body composition is determined by what you eat” that I saw real change. It is for that reason that “Diet” is first on this list, and by far the most important. I am now low enough in body fat to somewhat see my abs, this was never the case even in 2-3 hours a day of college basketball practice over a five-year span (I spent one year as a redshirt). I had to make a change to my diet for this to happen, and I exercise less than I ever have.
Inspired by the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve I limit daily carbohydrate intake to less than 100 grams per day. Most days I aim to stay under 50 grams, and often I decide to restrict low enough and consistently enough to dip into in to ketosis. Aiming to keep my carbohydrates low has helped me to EAT REAL FOOD and avoid most processed/packaged foods.
I also eliminated sugars and grains from my diet. Obviously these calories had to be replaced so I started eating more healthy fat- olive oil, coconut oil (MCT Oil as well), and butter. However, the majority of my food is animals and plants along with nuts, healthy fats (listed above), and some fruit and dark chocolate. Check out the Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid, I also like Time Noakes’ Real Meal Revolution Food List.
This way of eating becomes very easy very quickly. Like I said above I like to keep carbohydrates fairly low, so once you learn the macronutrient make-up of food you can easily make a selection of what to eat anywhere you go. I suggest tracking what you eat at first, but eventually there is no need once you get used to it. I do not want to demonize carbohydrates, I like what world renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin says about them, his thought is that you must “deserve your carbohydrates. Your levels of muscle mass, volume and intensity of training, percentage of body fat and insulin sensitivity will determine how many grams of carbs you can afford. Some people obviously need to restrict their carbs to 10 licks of a dried prune every six months.”
If you restrict carbohydrates enough your body will be forced to start to use your own body fat for fuel. Transitioning your body to a lower carb eating strategy, essentially turning your body into a fat burning beast, can be tough for a few days up to to a few weeks, especially the first time coming from a Standard American Diet. Give it time, trust the process, it works.
I don’t count calories, or feel they are the whole story in relation to weight loss, I also believe the effect on hormones in the body is very important to normalizing/losing weight. In relation to calories I do think a low carb high fat diet is more satiating, while also not subjecting your body to insulin spikes all day, and ultimately causes many to eat less food. That is the case for me anyway.
I do occasionally eat foods that are higher in carbohydrates, foods that are definitely not “healthy” by anyone’s standards, and I usually feel terrible after eating them. Probably the one thing I found that aggravates my stomach the most, the one that hurt the most to eliminate, was beer. I will still drink a beer on rare occasions, and naturally my digestive system and sleep suffer because of it.
Food quality is not something I worried about at first. Initially I think it is easiest to just worry about limiting carbohydrates and eating as much fat and protein as necessary so you are never hungry. Once I adapted to the diet and got my bearings, I started to worry more about finding properly raised meat and local organic vegetables. While it does cost more, and I realize I am lucky enough to be able to afford these costs, it is important to both my health and the environment.
I have experimented with intermittent fasting, both 16-hour fasts and some 24 hour fasting. This past month of July I did a 18/6 fast every day, and while I don’t find it hard to skip breakfast in the morning, I like to eat breakfast. I generally workout first thing in the morning and find I feel better eating post workout. I still may occasionally fast on a non-workout day, simply holding off breakfast until early afternoon.  Now I just let my hunger dictate meal timing, if I am hungry I eat, if I am not I don’t eat. Hunger on a low carbohydrate diet is much different than hunger on a diet filled with carbohydrates, my family still jokes about my “Hanger Issues” from the past that were constant because of the types of food I was eating.
Since beginning this new lifestyle my wife (Megan) has joined on and she has also seen big improvements in her body composition following two pregnancies. She has allowed me to share a before and after picture of us, in the before picture she has the excuse of only being three months out from having a baby, I did not have the same excuse. What is also impressive about my wife’s improvement in body composition is that she has done it with pretty much zero structured exercise, which to me shows the power of changing what you eat to change how you look and feel. Megan was a soccer player at Sonoma State and she is now at the same weight she was when she was practicing/playing soccer six days a week for 2-3 hours, again with zero structured exercise. Our next task moving forward is to navigate the world of raising children, trying to give them the best life we can, and helping them face the food environment they will encounter in school and beyond.
Next up for me is to use the training I received from the Primal Health Coach Program I just finished last month. I have seen such drastic improvements in my life I was inspired to start the program earlier this summer with the hope to use my increased knowledge to help others. I currently work in a high school setting (PE and Athletics), I love what I do and the people and students I work with, and I have no plans to leave there to start a health coaching business. I will at first offer to help my friends and family in any way I can and see where I go from there. I look forward to sharing the amazing resources and knowledge I have gained from the program with anyone willing to listen. Combining that with my past experiences will be a good foundation to help others better their lives in any way possible. Hopefully, I can make an impact.
— Kevin Christensen
Want to make fat loss easier? Try the Definitive Guide for Troubleshooting Weight Loss for free here.
0 notes
cynthiamwashington · 7 years
I Thought Any Weight Issue Could Be Corrected With Chronic Exercise
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I contemplated writing this Mark’s Daily Apple success story a few times over the last three years and every time I decided it wasn’t a good idea, mainly because I thought “who am I and who would really care anyway”? The other reason is the last thing I wanted people to see plastered on the internet are my before and after pictures, how embarrassing! Being comfortable and confident with my body is never an attribute I have possessed. I actually even used a before photo that was about 10 pounds lighter than when I was my heaviest, but that was because I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror at that point, let alone take a picture.
Despite all of this, I think sharing my story (and those pictures) is important because I think it can help people, it can show the powerful changes that can be made in health and body composition by making some very important lifestyle adjustments. I wanted to use the words “simple” or “easy” adjustments in that last sentence, but they are not always simple and easy. Yet, they are important.
I don’t think my exact formula will be right for everyone, but the majority of people can find something that they can apply to their life to make a positive change. And whether or not you find something in my story that inspires you, I have just landed you on one of the most powerful websites to change your health and your life, so for that you’re welcome. I think it is important to take your health into your own hands—research, read, ask questions—because it is obvious conventional wisdom and general health/nutrition information are deeply flawed, and Mark’s Daily Apple can help in your quest for knowledge!
Below I have organized my story in categories- “Before,” “After,” “Resources,” and “Moving Forward.” If you want to jump right into the details of how I went from 220-plus pounds to the 180-185 pounds I consistently stay at now, then scroll down to the “After” portion and start there.
Below is a summary of the different phases of my life until five years ago when I turned thirty-years-old.
I was born in the 1980s and grew up in the 90s, which seems to be prime time for the low fat era. At home, school, and in the media we were taught that fat should be avoided in our diet, and we had to make sure we get our 6-11 servings of cereals, grains, and pasta. For me that was not a problem, I could eat carbohydrates all day long!
I loved to play sports growing up and tried to be outside as much as possible playing football, basketball, and baseball. I never really thought about how food affected my performance in sports, or my body composition, I just ate whatever I could as fast as possible so I could get to the next game. My weight fluctuated when I was younger. I was never obese or even too overweight, I would describe myself as “slightly chubby” at times. There were other moments during growth spurts, and highly active moments of a sports season, where I was normal weight and not carrying any extra fat on my body.
High School
Once I got to high school I made the brilliant decision as a five foot ten inch tall, fairly slow kid, to focus on playing basketball. I was consistently carrying 10-15 pounds of extra weight, and not only was I teased a bit for it, but I wasn’t the best player I could be due to the extra weight, and that is what bothered me the most. Of course the comments about how my body looked hurt a bit, but I was a good enough player that most people looked past it and appreciated me for my play on the court.
The food environment in high school wasn’t always great, with getting older came more independence and opportunities to eat outside of my home, which lead me to fast and affordable food choices.
I really had no clue what healthy eating was. In fact healthy for me was heading to a juice place for a sugar filled beverage and a soft pretzel. Thank goodness I played a lot of basketball and was introduced to lifting weights at the same time, otherwise I have no doubt I would have been considered obese.
Even with a few extra pounds on my frame at the end of high school I had become a good enough player that I was able to move on and become a member of the men’s basketball team at a NCAA Division 2 university. Thanks to the support of my family and coaches I was able to live my dream of playing college basketball.
Once I got to Sonoma State University (located in Sonoma County-Northern California) it was obvious that physically I was going to have a tough time on the basketball court. It took me a few years to get in good enough shape to consistently make a contribution in games, but eventually I would be an all-conference guard and conference champion my senior year (for more on the many basketball related adjustments I made check out my book “Bench Rules: A Guide to Success On and Off the Bench” on Amazon). In fact, one of the strategies I joked about with my teammates, but it had a little truth to it, is that every time I went to a fast food restaurant I just stopped ordering french fries. Boom! Ten pounds lost very quickly.
The biggest adjustment I made was tracking what I ate. I started to add a lot more real food in my diet and eating less food that came from a box, package, or fast food restaurant. It was far from an optimal diet, but the actual process of writing it down made me think about what I was putting in my body, how it made me feel and perform, and that helped me make better decisions.
Post College
I had a short stint in a European basketball league, which enabled me to live in beautiful Vienna, Austria for a few months and get paid to play a game I love. That experience also helped me realize I had reached my full potential as a player, and I was done putting my body through the stress it took me to perform at that level. I decided it was time to move on to a different stage of my life.
A couple years after I left Vienna I married my college girlfriend Megan, who was a soccer player when we were at SSU, and a couple years later we had our first child. In those four years of not playing basketball, and not really making any adjustments to my Standard American Diet (I was still tracking what I ate on and off), I managed to put on more weight than I ever had.
Now, at this time I was still lifting weights and running, my two preferred forms of exercise, but this was not enough to keep the weight off as it was nothing close to the volume and intensity of exercise I endured as a basketball player.
With the increase in weight came some minor health issues, for instance I was diagnosed with GERD. I would get constant heartburn that felt bad enough to make me think I was having some kind of heart attack. I even got hooked up to an EKG machine at one point because I was so convinced something was wrong. A doctor I saw recommended I take a Prilosec pill everyday and eat a low fat diet, which I followed religiously until I saw I was putting on more weight. It was extremely frustrating to see zero changes in my body composition with an increased focus on my health and diet. There had to be something else I could do!
Finding A New Way
I was turned on to primal/ancesteral health when I was told about a cbssports.com article on nutrition in the NBA. The story revolved around Dr. Cate Shanahan and her work with the LA Lakers. The whole series of articles led me to a Google search and one of the first websites I found was Mark’s Daily Apple (MDA). The website piqued my interest right away, it was so informative, filled with many wonderful articles and success stories, and ultimately I knew I had to give it a try.
One of the first inforgraphics I saw, and it still sticks out in my head to this day, is the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve. This is one I still share with people who ask me how I eat now, that and of course the ten primal laws. Mark’s Daily Apple is still my “go-to” source when I have any question on health or nutrition. What I love about MDA is that if I have a question about any topic, I can search for it and I am guaranteed to find an article with Mark’s point of view and links to any necessary studies or additional information. It is also an absolute must to check out the Primal Blueprint 101 section if you are new to the website, everything you could possibly need to know is there!
Below are the major adjustments I made to my life. Growing up in organized sports, and as a victim of conventional wisdom, I thought any weight issue could be solved with exercise. It wasn’t until I bought into the idea that “80 percent of your body composition is determined by what you eat” that I saw real change. It is for that reason that “Diet” is first on this list, and by far the most important. I am now low enough in body fat to somewhat see my abs, this was never the case even in 2-3 hours a day of college basketball practice over a five-year span (I spent one year as a redshirt). I had to make a change to my diet for this to happen, and I exercise less than I ever have.
Inspired by the Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve I limit daily carbohydrate intake to less than 100 grams per day. Most days I aim to stay under 50 grams, and often I decide to restrict low enough and consistently enough to dip into in to ketosis. Aiming to keep my carbohydrates low has helped me to EAT REAL FOOD and avoid most processed/packaged foods.
I also eliminated sugars and grains from my diet. Obviously these calories had to be replaced so I started eating more healthy fat- olive oil, coconut oil (MCT Oil as well), and butter. However, the majority of my food is animals and plants along with nuts, healthy fats (listed above), and some fruit and dark chocolate. Check out the Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid, I also like Time Noakes’ Real Meal Revolution Food List.
This way of eating becomes very easy very quickly. Like I said above I like to keep carbohydrates fairly low, so once you learn the macronutrient make-up of food you can easily make a selection of what to eat anywhere you go. I suggest tracking what you eat at first, but eventually there is no need once you get used to it. I do not want to demonize carbohydrates, I like what world renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin says about them, his thought is that you must “deserve your carbohydrates. Your levels of muscle mass, volume and intensity of training, percentage of body fat and insulin sensitivity will determine how many grams of carbs you can afford. Some people obviously need to restrict their carbs to 10 licks of a dried prune every six months.”
If you restrict carbohydrates enough your body will be forced to start to use your own body fat for fuel. Transitioning your body to a lower carb eating strategy, essentially turning your body into a fat burning beast, can be tough for a few days up to to a few weeks, especially the first time coming from a Standard American Diet. Give it time, trust the process, it works.
I don’t count calories, or feel they are the whole story in relation to weight loss, I also believe the effect on hormones in the body is very important to normalizing/losing weight. In relation to calories I do think a low carb high fat diet is more satiating, while also not subjecting your body to insulin spikes all day, and ultimately causes many to eat less food. That is the case for me anyway.
I do occasionally eat foods that are higher in carbohydrates, foods that are definitely not “healthy” by anyone’s standards, and I usually feel terrible after eating them. Probably the one thing I found that aggravates my stomach the most, the one that hurt the most to eliminate, was beer. I will still drink a beer on rare occasions, and naturally my digestive system and sleep suffer because of it.
Food quality is not something I worried about at first. Initially I think it is easiest to just worry about limiting carbohydrates and eating as much fat and protein as necessary so you are never hungry. Once I adapted to the diet and got my bearings, I started to worry more about finding properly raised meat and local organic vegetables. While it does cost more, and I realize I am lucky enough to be able to afford these costs, it is important to both my health and the environment.
I have experimented with intermittent fasting, both 16-hour fasts and some 24 hour fasting. This past month of July I did a 18/6 fast every day, and while I don’t find it hard to skip breakfast in the morning, I like to eat breakfast. I generally workout first thing in the morning and find I feel better eating post workout. I still may occasionally fast on a non-workout day, simply holding off breakfast until early afternoon.  Now I just let my hunger dictate meal timing, if I am hungry I eat, if I am not I don’t eat. Hunger on a low carbohydrate diet is much different than hunger on a diet filled with carbohydrates, my family still jokes about my “Hanger Issues” from the past that were constant because of the types of food I was eating.
Since beginning this new lifestyle my wife (Megan) has joined on and she has also seen big improvements in her body composition following two pregnancies. She has allowed me to share a before and after picture of us, in the before picture she has the excuse of only being three months out from having a baby, I did not have the same excuse. What is also impressive about my wife’s improvement in body composition is that she has done it with pretty much zero structured exercise, which to me shows the power of changing what you eat to change how you look and feel. Megan was a soccer player at Sonoma State and she is now at the same weight she was when she was practicing/playing soccer six days a week for 2-3 hours, again with zero structured exercise. Our next task moving forward is to navigate the world of raising children, trying to give them the best life we can, and helping them face the food environment they will encounter in school and beyond.
Next up for me is to use the training I received from the Primal Health Coach Program I just finished last month. I have seen such drastic improvements in my life I was inspired to start the program earlier this summer with the hope to use my increased knowledge to help others. I currently work in a high school setting (PE and Athletics), I love what I do and the people and students I work with, and I have no plans to leave there to start a health coaching business. I will at first offer to help my friends and family in any way I can and see where I go from there. I look forward to sharing the amazing resources and knowledge I have gained from the program with anyone willing to listen. Combining that with my past experiences will be a good foundation to help others better their lives in any way possible. Hopefully, I can make an impact.
— Kevin Christensen
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The post I Thought Any Weight Issue Could Be Corrected With Chronic Exercise appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/china-live-streaming-would-be-internet-stars-boost-billion-dollar-market/
China live streaming: Would-be internet stars boost billion-dollar market
Jing Qi, a part-time presenter on the stay streaming platform Huajiao, underwent a cosmetic surgical procedure in March to improve her probabilities of becoming a web movie star.
After 5 hours of rhinoplasty and facial fat injections that left her with gauze covering her nostril, eyes, brow and cheeks, the 27-12 months-vintage stated she felt “even worse than dead”. However the struggling become well worth it.
Jing is amongst tens of lots hoping to locate online stardom as an anchor at the live video streaming phenomenon sweeping China’s media.
The quickest-emerging net zone barely existed in China 3 years in the past, however, final 12 months produced revenues of extra than 30 billion yuan ($4.3 billion) and in step with an estimate by way of funding bank China Renaissance Securities, is set to extra than triple that by using 2020. That puts it on course to overhaul cinema field workplace receipts in some 12 months’ time.china stock market
“I want extra people to observe me, to spend Huajiao cash on me,” Jing explained, regarding the digital gifts her on-line fans purchase that she can later redeem in part for cash.
“Ultimately, I’ll be capable of marrying a tall, good-looking and rich guy,” Jing said.
The fast growth of live streaming in China has attracted a hurry of investment, led by China’s tech heavyweights, Tencent Holdings, Alibaba Institution Retaining and Baidu Inc. They wish live streaming can increase present offerings in e-commerce, social networking, and gaming.
Facts about china
Tencent, the USA’s largest online gaming and social networking business enterprise, is backing a slew of streaming and interactive enjoyment corporations, including gaming platform Douyu. Alibaba’s Taobao marketplace released a stay-streaming platform early last year, permitting sellers to promote products without delay to on-line visitors in real time.
What’s Being Shipped Out of China
We assume you will agree that logistics and cargo volume play an important function in the success of an eCommerce commercial enterprise.
Both measure the health of one’s business as well as the economic increase of a country; the greater shipments, the better financial system.
Delivery services range in price from one u. S . A . to any other, but they percentage one not unusual goal – to supply the goods as rapid as viable.
However, if a rustic has been consistently shipping an overwhelming quantity of parcels, wouldn’t this pique your interest as an enterprise owner?
In case you ask us, we might check out it proper away, and so we did!
The united states of America with the largest Parcel volume
Based totally on worldwide shipping records, China has been transporting the biggest parcel volume.
It money owed for 68.79% of total packages shipped internationally as of October of this year.
The primary destination of China’s parcels turned into the united states in which there may be a growing range of customers patronizing Chinese language products because of their aggressive costs.
Aside from that, China’s speedy and cheaper Delivery service also keeps drawing more US clients to its online stores.
One example of a fast and less costly Chinese delivery provider is ePacket, China Post’s specific Delivery arm, that is answerable for turning in online orders to us, Uk, France, Russia and Australia.
What’s Coming out of China?
Granting that China offers low-fee transport, what merchandise are non-Chinese language consumers buying with the intention to avail themselves of this provider?
Based on the information collected with the aid of our research group, most of China’s shipments comprise pinnacle-selling products from online shops like Alibaba and AliExpress, namely:
Smartphones and smart watches
Garb Footwear Computer systems and hand-held devices Domestic home equipment Domestic décor and out of doors products Chinese language sellers on Amazon’s market who are leveraging Amazon Prime China, which became launched remaining month, have also considerably contributed to the variety of parcels shipped out of China.
Although China’s eCommerce continues to flourish and growth the quantity of shipments for its B2C phase, the 2015 records on Chinese exports display that China’s top 10 exports account for over 60% of the united states of America’s international shipments.
Amongst those lucrative export products are:
Electronic merchandise High tech merchandise Machinery Food and drinks Clothing Clinical and commercial garb and gadget Plastic and ceramic merchandise Vehicles and mills Metal products Shoes The main export destinations of China encompass America, United kingdom, Netherlands, Hong Kong and countries in the Eu Union.
Subsequent to China, Malaysia recorded the biggest volume of shipped parcels last month, making up eight.13% of the whole range of shipments global.
Consistent with Malaysia’s 2015 exports facts, the pinnacle 20 exports of u. S . encompass:
Included circuits Petroleum oils Semiconductors Crude oil Laptop components clothing and add-ons Television monitors and projectors Printers Asphalt mixes Animal fats Low-voltage switches and fuses Smartphone devices Optical readers Sound system Domestic furnishings In the meantime, huge volumes of parcels shipped from Netherlands, which account for 5% of parcels shipped globally, incorporate the delivery system and Equipment.
The important destinations of that merchandise are Austria, Africa, and the united states.
In the meantime, Singapore’s general parcel shipment of three.70% consists of Clothing, Domestic home equipment, and groceries.
Hong Kong money owed for 2.60% of the arena’s total parcel shipments, and the majority of the goods shipped out of it grabs objects, accessories, skincare products, Footwear, and purses.
Relationships: Why Would Someone Accuse Their Partner Of Cheating
If one is in a dating, they might start to wonder what has come about to it. This may be a sign that it is now not having the equal effect on them because it used to have.
What This could show is that they have not been putting in as plenty attempt as they did in the past. Possibly they’ve spent extra time at paintings than they usually do, or their companion isn’t always as available as they had been within the beyond.
Any other Path
At a deeper level, This will display that they’re now not at the same page, so to speak. For one reason or Every other, they are not going to have the same form of connection as they did before.
It can be said that things like this manifest, and that there may be nothing that you can still do approximately it. At the end of the day, human beings are people, and this means that they’ve their very own paths to follow.
No Guarantees
If this wasn’t the case, there is as strong risk that numerous relationships could remain lots longer than they do. Everybody could then have the equal wishes, and there could be no cause for them to enjoy the struggle.
As this isn’t how life works, there may be usually the threat one character can grow to be having the preference to experience life in a different way. And it is not going to be feasible for them to stay with the identical character.
Whilst this occurs, it does not suggest that one individual is good and Any other is awful; it’s miles without a doubt a part of life. Even if one became to alternate, it would not suggest that the opposite individual would stay.
Their time together will have come to an end, and the greater they are attempting to resist this the more difficult their lifestyles may be. In this state of affairs, the nice thing for them to do can be to simply accept what is taking place.
The identical enjoy
One element they might do to make it easier can be to assume that they’re in the equal function. This may then give them an experience of what the other character is going thru, and why they are unable to preserve.
Why The Stock Market Will Soon Favor Value Investing Again
Value Investing is a famous funding strategy which enables to identify best stocks (by using the use of an approximation of the shares’ Cost) which are currently undervalued inside the market. The worth/Price of each stock is based on the performance of the agency in addition to a view of its destiny sustainable profitability (known as normalized go back on equity).
When you consider that the beginning of 2009,
The worldwide markets have confronted a monetary repression era. It became a length of low-interest prices in addition to chance-encouragement that has led to a super time for growth Making an investment. Moreover, the marketplace has provided a lack top class to nearly all those corporations that could grow in such an environment of confined financial enlargement possibilities. Meanwhile, the market has paid less interest to the traditional Cost elements, which include P/E (fee-to-income) ratios and dividend yields. But, those factors have supplied big go back premiums over the long-term.
The entirety has its season and it’s far completely truthful to say, this has been a long and cold iciness for Cost buyers which might be devoted to the fashion. Sincerely after the excessive-flying days of the tech bubble within the late Nineties, Price has not been this out of favor.
It’s miles extremely essential to keep in mind that the Cost/growth cycles have a tendency to be imply-reverting. Moreover,
They have lasted between 7 and 10 years from trough to peak on common. With the boom fashion now in its 9th 12 months of relative out-performance, the contemporary segment of this cycle may be drawing to a near. We may additionally soon input into an environment which once again favors Value Making an investment.
After the incidence of this shift within the market, the day before today’s laggards could end up tomorrow’s leaders. Further, investors may additionally need to be positioned, therefore. Even though nobody has any crystal ball that could inform precisely whilst the cycle will turn. But, there are still some signs and symptoms that a shift may already be occurring.
0 notes
webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/china-live-streaming-would-be-internet-stars-boost-billion-dollar-market/
China live streaming: Would-be internet stars boost billion-dollar market
Jing Qi, a part-time presenter on the stay streaming platform Huajiao, underwent a cosmetic surgical procedure in March to improve her probabilities of becoming a web movie star.
After 5 hours of rhinoplasty and facial fat injections that left her with gauze covering her nostril, eyes, brow and cheeks, the 27-12 months-vintage stated she felt “even worse than dead”. However the struggling become well worth it.
Jing is amongst tens of lots hoping to locate online stardom as an anchor at the live video streaming phenomenon sweeping China’s media.
The quickest-emerging net zone barely existed in China 3 years in the past, however, final 12 months produced revenues of extra than 30 billion yuan ($4.3 billion) and in step with an estimate by way of funding bank China Renaissance Securities, is set to extra than triple that by using 2020. That puts it on course to overhaul cinema field workplace receipts in some 12 months’ time.china stock market
“I want extra people to observe me, to spend Huajiao cash on me,” Jing explained, regarding the digital gifts her on-line fans purchase that she can later redeem in part for cash.
“Ultimately, I’ll be capable of marrying a tall, good-looking and rich guy,” Jing said.
The fast growth of live streaming in China has attracted a hurry of investment, led by China’s tech heavyweights, Tencent Holdings, Alibaba Institution Retaining and Baidu Inc. They wish live streaming can increase present offerings in e-commerce, social networking, and gaming.
Facts about china
Tencent, the USA’s largest online gaming and social networking business enterprise, is backing a slew of streaming and interactive enjoyment corporations, including gaming platform Douyu. Alibaba’s Taobao marketplace released a stay-streaming platform early last year, permitting sellers to promote products without delay to on-line visitors in real time.
What’s Being Shipped Out of China
We assume you will agree that logistics and cargo volume play an important function in the success of an eCommerce commercial enterprise.
Both measure the health of one’s business as well as the economic increase of a country; the greater shipments, the better financial system.
Delivery services range in price from one u. S . A . to any other, but they percentage one not unusual goal – to supply the goods as rapid as viable.
However, if a rustic has been consistently shipping an overwhelming quantity of parcels, wouldn’t this pique your interest as an enterprise owner?
In case you ask us, we might check out it proper away, and so we did!
The united states of America with the largest Parcel volume
Based totally on worldwide shipping records, China has been transporting the biggest parcel volume.
It money owed for 68.79% of total packages shipped internationally as of October of this year.
The primary destination of China’s parcels turned into the united states in which there may be a growing range of customers patronizing Chinese language products because of their aggressive costs.
Aside from that, China’s speedy and cheaper Delivery service also keeps drawing more US clients to its online stores.
One example of a fast and less costly Chinese delivery provider is ePacket, China Post’s specific Delivery arm, that is answerable for turning in online orders to us, Uk, France, Russia and Australia.
What’s Coming out of China?
Granting that China offers low-fee transport, what merchandise are non-Chinese language consumers buying with the intention to avail themselves of this provider?
Based on the information collected with the aid of our research group, most of China’s shipments comprise pinnacle-selling products from online shops like Alibaba and AliExpress, namely:
Smartphones and smart watches
Garb Footwear Computer systems and hand-held devices Domestic home equipment Domestic décor and out of doors products Chinese language sellers on Amazon’s market who are leveraging Amazon Prime China, which became launched remaining month, have also considerably contributed to the variety of parcels shipped out of China.
Although China’s eCommerce continues to flourish and growth the quantity of shipments for its B2C phase, the 2015 records on Chinese exports display that China’s top 10 exports account for over 60% of the united states of America’s international shipments.
Amongst those lucrative export products are:
Electronic merchandise High tech merchandise Machinery Food and drinks Clothing Clinical and commercial garb and gadget Plastic and ceramic merchandise Vehicles and mills Metal products Shoes The main export destinations of China encompass America, United kingdom, Netherlands, Hong Kong and countries in the Eu Union.
Subsequent to China, Malaysia recorded the biggest volume of shipped parcels last month, making up eight.13% of the whole range of shipments global.
Consistent with Malaysia’s 2015 exports facts, the pinnacle 20 exports of u. S . encompass:
Included circuits Petroleum oils Semiconductors Crude oil Laptop components clothing and add-ons Television monitors and projectors Printers Asphalt mixes Animal fats Low-voltage switches and fuses Smartphone devices Optical readers Sound system Domestic furnishings In the meantime, huge volumes of parcels shipped from Netherlands, which account for 5% of parcels shipped globally, incorporate the delivery system and Equipment.
The important destinations of that merchandise are Austria, Africa, and the united states.
In the meantime, Singapore’s general parcel shipment of three.70% consists of Clothing, Domestic home equipment, and groceries.
Hong Kong money owed for 2.60% of the arena’s total parcel shipments, and the majority of the goods shipped out of it grabs objects, accessories, skincare products, Footwear, and purses.
Relationships: Why Would Someone Accuse Their Partner Of Cheating
If one is in a dating, they might start to wonder what has come about to it. This may be a sign that it is now not having the equal effect on them because it used to have.
What This could show is that they have not been putting in as plenty attempt as they did in the past. Possibly they’ve spent extra time at paintings than they usually do, or their companion isn’t always as available as they had been within the beyond.
Any other Path
At a deeper level, This will display that they’re now not at the same page, so to speak. For one reason or Every other, they are not going to have the same form of connection as they did before.
It can be said that things like this manifest, and that there may be nothing that you can still do approximately it. At the end of the day, human beings are people, and this means that they’ve their very own paths to follow.
No Guarantees
If this wasn’t the case, there is as strong risk that numerous relationships could remain lots longer than they do. Everybody could then have the equal wishes, and there could be no cause for them to enjoy the struggle.
As this isn’t how life works, there may be usually the threat one character can grow to be having the preference to experience life in a different way. And it is not going to be feasible for them to stay with the identical character.
Whilst this occurs, it does not suggest that one individual is good and Any other is awful; it’s miles without a doubt a part of life. Even if one became to alternate, it would not suggest that the opposite individual would stay.
Their time together will have come to an end, and the greater they are attempting to resist this the more difficult their lifestyles may be. In this state of affairs, the nice thing for them to do can be to simply accept what is taking place.
The identical enjoy
One element they might do to make it easier can be to assume that they’re in the equal function. This may then give them an experience of what the other character is going thru, and why they are unable to preserve.
Why The Stock Market Will Soon Favor Value Investing Again
Value Investing is a famous funding strategy which enables to identify best stocks (by using the use of an approximation of the shares’ Cost) which are currently undervalued inside the market. The worth/Price of each stock is based on the performance of the agency in addition to a view of its destiny sustainable profitability (known as normalized go back on equity).
When you consider that the beginning of 2009,
The worldwide markets have confronted a monetary repression era. It became a length of low-interest prices in addition to chance-encouragement that has led to a super time for growth Making an investment. Moreover, the marketplace has provided a lack top class to nearly all those corporations that could grow in such an environment of confined financial enlargement possibilities. Meanwhile, the market has paid less interest to the traditional Cost elements, which include P/E (fee-to-income) ratios and dividend yields. But, those factors have supplied big go back premiums over the long-term.
The entirety has its season and it’s far completely truthful to say, this has been a long and cold iciness for Cost buyers which might be devoted to the fashion. Sincerely after the excessive-flying days of the tech bubble within the late Nineties, Price has not been this out of favor.
It’s miles extremely essential to keep in mind that the Cost/growth cycles have a tendency to be imply-reverting. Moreover,
They have lasted between 7 and 10 years from trough to peak on common. With the boom fashion now in its 9th 12 months of relative out-performance, the contemporary segment of this cycle may be drawing to a near. We may additionally soon input into an environment which once again favors Value Making an investment.
After the incidence of this shift within the market, the day before today’s laggards could end up tomorrow’s leaders. Further, investors may additionally need to be positioned, therefore. Even though nobody has any crystal ball that could inform precisely whilst the cycle will turn. But, there are still some signs and symptoms that a shift may already be occurring.
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