#in the boys class and when she came to pick us up instead of lauging along she got genuinely upset thinking both classes had had a fight
agentemo Β· 6 months
nowhere near a cute lil boop message so I'm over it but read tags for an epic prank my class pulled in 6th grade spoilers it doesn't go well the whole time
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mint-kook Β· 7 years
The Mute || Kim Namjoon
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Word Count: 2.1k
Genre: Fluff
He was the typical quiet kid. Always seen at the back of the class, hidden behind a few books and his laptop. Never was he seen at social gatherings, parties, school events. You could walk into the library any night of the week and there he would be, in the back like always. Most people tended to ignore him, forget that he was even there, but that wasn't the case with you.
There was something about the silence that drew you in, the natural look of curiosity on his face as he typed away on his keyboard. It was almost mesmerizing in a way, and you found yourself staring at him before lectures started, and on nights when a friend and you went to go and study for upcoming tests. Nobody seemed to notice that you had become completely captivated by the boy.
"What are you staring at?" You felt an arm come around you as the person scooted their chair closer to yours and you turned to look at who it was. Kim Jongmin had been a friend of yours from high school, and you two had remained close even when you had entered college together. It was normal for the two of you to sit close together or have your shoulders pressed against each other.
"Nothing." You replied, turning in your seat to fully look at your friend. He gave you a slight smile before rolling his eyes and turning to face you as well. Jongmin knew you better than you knew yourself at times and he could already see what was transpiring behind your eyes as you stared off into the back of the classroom. You may have just you wanted to be friends, because that's the way you were, but he could see what was going to happen.
"I know you were staring at 'The Mute'." Jongmin accused. Your face fell as you heard the nickname everybody called him. For the longest time you had called him The Mute as well, but as you started watching him more and more you could see the ways he communicated without talking and you didn't consider him mute anymore. You could see the subtle way he covered the chair next to him to prevent others from being to close, or cracked his fingers when he was getting stressed, or even breathing heavily because he was tired.
It had amazed you on how many things you had picked up on without even knowing him. You could read him like an open book by now and you didn't even know his first name. Jongmin snapped his fingers in your face, returning your attention to him and you blinked slowly. Before you turned to look back at Jongmin, you looked up and your eyes locked with his.
"Seriously you should just go over and talk to him." Jongmin suggested. You thought about what he said, your eyes pulling away from the guy's and turning back to Jongmin. You looked up at the ceiling for a moment and took a deep breath, exhaling dramatically.
"Maybe later." You replied. Jongmin let out a sigh before standing up and patting your head slightly, returning to his seat before the lecture started. You looked back to the back of the class and you could see his eyes had returned to his laptop, totally ignoring you like he had been before.
Your classes had ended for the day and you thought quietly to yourself. You sat alone on one of the benches, nearby one of the coffee shops you frequented often. It only took a couple of minutes before you heard the sounds of voices beside you. When you looked up from your spot you could see a bunch of girls walking by, one of them looking to almost be in tears.
"I just asked him if he had any notes from class." The one girl explained. She took a deep breath before her friends decided to speak up.
"Well that's what happens when you talk to freaks like him. Who knew he would be so rude for someone who has no friends." The one girl said. You could only assume who they were talking about and it made you upset to hear such things come from people. You still hadn't talked to him but you knew that was going to change now as you got up from your spot on the bench.
You turned and walked in the direction of the coffee shop where the girls had walked out of and found yourself marching inside. Without a second thought you decided to look a little bit normal, walking over to the barista and ordering your usual. You paid happily and as you waited for your drink your eyes scanned for wherever he was sitting.
His brown hair caught your eyes almost instantly and you found him. He was sat alone at a table, an open seat across from him. He was absorbed in his laptop, the coffee beside him looking almost untouched, as if he had decided it wasn't even worth his presence either. You took a deep breath before hearing your name called along with your order.
Just before you turned to grab your cup you could have sworn you saw him look up and in your direction. Your hand grasped the hot cup and you turned to head over to where he was sitting. As you approached the table, a feeling in your stomach started and you felt nervous. You pushed your way through it, not letting it get the better of you and finally arriving at his table.
"Hi, I'm Y/N." You outstretched your hand to him but he didn't even bother to look up at you completely ignoring you standing there. You pulled your hand away quickly before letting the next words slip out of your mouth. "Do you mind if I sit?"
At this question he looked up at you, his hands still flying across the keyboard. As he took in who you were his hands started to slow down and he took in a deep breath.
"There are thousands of other places to sit, you want to sit here why?"
"Because you looked lonely." You replied. You didn't say anything else as you sat down and he went back to ignoring you. Your chin rested on your one hand while the other held the coffee cup tightly. You took a sip, reminding yourself to breath and calm down. You needed to be able to think about what you were going say without looking like a complete idiot.
"So what do you want to talk about?" You asked. He didn't reply to your question and so you were once again left to your own defenses, trying to come up with something to talk about. "What did you think about the lecture today?"
"Look, if this really isn't important I'm busy right now, so can I ignore you some other time?" The words flew out of his mouth and you were slightly taken aback at first. As you thought about what he said you couldn't help but laugh a little bit. It wasn't something you had expected, and it definitely made your day. "What, did your coffee say something funny?"
"No, in fact, you did." You replied. You looked up to see him roll his eyes before returning to his laptop and it only made you laugh more. His behavior was that of an offended child and seeing it on a grown man was comedic. You were finding this whole interaction amusing and you had only been talking to him for a second. "So what are you working on?"
"I could tell you, but with your IQ I don't think you would understand it." The reply was just as quick as the last one and you felt another burst of laughter come over you. There was something about the way he just automatically knew what to say that made you laugh happily. For as long as you had been talking to other people and going to school, everyone had been nice to you.
You had been the person in school that everyone somehow knew because you always put yourself out there and never stopped to think about it. If anybody needed to find you, you were always with someone else. So that's why you were finding this interaction funny know, because it was something you had never experienced before, and instead of being offended you were enjoying it. It was different then what you were used to, and it made you happy.
"I'll have you know you're not that much smarter than me. I'm the top student in almost all of my classes, except the one I share with you." You admitted. Something in you clicked and you started to understand something. "You're Kim Namjoon, aren't you?"
"Looks like I underestimated the number of brain cells you have." He said. This time he looked up from his laptop for a moment, his eyes briefly locking with your own. There was the hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth and you knew he was finding this just as amusing as you were. Knowing that he had become less annoyed and more happy you decided to keep going with the conversation.
"I feel so stupid right now. I should have known."
"It's okay to feel what you are."
"That one was low Kim Namjoon, we just discussed how I'm almost as smart as you." You said, trying to keep the smile off of your face. He looked up at you this time, holding eye contact instead of looking down again. You took a deep breath as you finally saw his eyes for the first time, for more than just the few milliseconds they locked with yours.
"Almost is a funny word isn't it, because there's no actual scale describing how far 'almost' is from 'being'. You are almost as smart as me, but still miles behind." You found yourself captivated by Namjoon's words as you listened to them and you found a question lingering at the back of your brain, something you wanted to ask, and found yourself doing.
"Are you a writer?" You asked. Namjoon looked taken aback for a second before regaining his composure and keeping his cool in check. He smiled a little bit before nodding and you smiled as well. "I could hear it, in the way you speak. It's as if you just know how words are meant to flow together, to make them sound like music."
You watched as Namjoon lowered his head slightly, his eyes looking back down at his computer screen as a slight blush came over his cheeks. You couldn't help but think about how adorable it was to see the man so flustered. It was something you had never seen before and you were glad that you were the first to be seeing it. It was something you didn't want to share with anybody.
"Thank you." He whispered quietly.
"Oh my god, did you just say thank you? I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me since I sat down." You remarked. This made Namjoon smile more and he let out his own laugh. You were amazed by just how much you had managed to break his shell within a short period of time. It was almost amazing to you that you had managed to do it, but you were glad you had.
"Look, sarcasm is the body's natural defense against stupidity. But I can see now that you're not as stupid as most people." He said.
"I'm going to assume that's a compliment." You replied. This made both of you laugh and Namjoon looked up at you again, the smile staying put on his face. "You're not as bad as everyone makes you out to seem."
"Here." You watched as Namjoon took a piece of napkin beside him and pulled out a pen from his bag. He jotted something down quickly before handing it to you and packing up his things. "I have to get going now but it was nice talking to you. Text me sometime."
You watched as Namjoon picked up his bag and left the coffee shop and as you looked down at the napkin you could see the messy scrawl of a phone number and the name Namjoon written beside it. A smile came over your face and you looked up as you heard the chair across from you being taken. Jongmin sat there with a shocked expression on his face, one you had seen countless times.
"Kim Namjoon just gave you his number." He said amazed. You nodded before looking back down once more and smiling to yourself happily. "I don't know how you do it Y/N, you're just something aren't you."
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