#in the main verse i had them meet in ‘97 so this one is totally seperate
aristobun · 1 year
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‘ You were the inspiration for that song, Helene, ‘ he says, eyes trained on her face to see what reaction he would get.
Helene found her mouth falling open in complete shock when he said those words, the thought of being the reason for such a beautiful song being written, it rendered her speechless. The pair had only been dating for the last six months, but they had been head over heels for each other the entire time.
‘ Joakim, I… ‘ she says, eyes beginning to well up with tears at the thought of being a muse for him. ‘ It’s such a lovely song. I had no idea you wrote that for me. I love you so much, ‘ she is crying properly now, brushing away the tears with the back of her hand as he moves closer, pulling her into an embrace.
‘ You inspire me everyday, Helene. You’ve given me a new way of life since you came into it.. and I wanted to give something back, for all that you are and all that you’ve done, ‘ with arms so securely around her now shaking frame, he chuckles.
‘ You’ve no idea how happy that makes me, honestly.. that is the sweetest and most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me, in my whole life. They’re such gorgeous lyrics, ‘ she’s thanking him over and over while clinging to his shirt.
While holding her still, Joey begins to sway, one hand trailing down her arm until his fingers tangle with her own and a slow dance begins, his vocals picking up in the brief silence and he starts to sing that song directly to her. It was a delight being able to experience these moments, completely breathtaking, much more exciting than in the studio or an arena.
eyes like a rainbow, they cut right through, oh I'm lost in time, all through my mind, i’m in love what can I do, sweet love child, I shiver and shake, it's been a long, long time, when she touches me, every part of me, just comes back alive
‘ I love you, älskling, you mean the world to me and I just can’t imagine my life without you now, ‘ he says, smiling softly as he dips his head, lips locking with her own in a heated and private moment between the pair of them.
‘ I love you, too, Joakim. I can’t imagine my life without you in it either.. and I don’t want to. You’ve changed everything and I couldn’t be happier than I am when I’m with you, ‘ she replies, another tear working its way down her cheek.
Joey continues to smile as he listens to her words, his belief in himself increasing with every positive affirmation from her. In all the years he had been dating, he had never met a woman so taken by him and vice versa. He was so thankful for having met her and each day was an adventure that they got to share with one another. Both of them were full of the need to explore the world and so, that is exactly what they had been doing.
Helene felt her stomach flutter when he gripped her chin with his finger and thumb, tipping her gaze up to meet his own and flashing her another smile. She was going to open her mouth to say something else, to hopefully redirect his attention away from the blush she knew was creeping across her face, but he dove in much too quick for another kiss, this time deeper.
The sound that came up from her throat was comical but she managed to regain composure enough to lift both hands up to his shoulders and curl her fingers into the material of his shirt, enough to stop her from falling into a puddle at his feet. After he allowed a gasp to leave her, she breathlessly informed him of the impact he had on her and received a knowing grin.
‘ I have a surprise planned for tomorrow, Helene. I need you to wear your best outfit for the show. You’re gonna be called up on the stage with me, ‘ he says, watching her closely, trying so hard not to crack up at the look on her face.
‘ Me? up on that stage in front of all those people? I.. can’t do that, Joakim. Oh god, I might fall flat on my face, ‘ she panics, gawking up at him with those wide doe eyes he loved so much and internally freaking out.
‘ Oh, you will be coming up there. You’re gonna be performing one of the songs with me, Helene. I’ll hold your hand the whole time, so you don’t fall down, ‘ he can’t fend off the laugh that’s wanting to escape, so he doesn’t, chuckling heartily. ‘ I want to show you off to the rest of the world. It’s time they knew my girl is always a few steps away, ‘ he adds, grinning.
Her face flushes for the second time then, the heat coming off of it making it quite clear to her that it is probably bright red in the aftermath of the numerous amounts of affection from him and his complete lack of being secretive. She didn’t mind that about him at all, but she was a bag of nerves and he could tell as she shook a little in his embrace.
‘ I.. you want me to sing with you, Joakim? Oh my god, always wondered how I was gonna go, guess that will be the night, ‘ a forced laugh comes out at the poor joke she makes before her eyes meet his own again and she calms down.
‘ Helene, you have a beautiful voice, so that’s a good reason on its own to get you up there, but I mostly just want everyone to know you’re the woman who loves me, ‘ he says, pecking her lips as they tremble and another teardrop escapes, which he brushes away himself that time.
‘ I love you, ‘ she says, barely above a whisper, closing her eyes as he moves closer and rests their foreheads together.
‘ I love you, too, älskling, ‘ he responds, holding her close.
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