vegalores · 1 year
i'll be your baby tonight
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Helene had watched them perform no more than two hours ago at one of the local London venues not too far from the hotel they’d chosen for their stay. Usually, they would be on a bus immediately after the show, heading to the next location for another performance in another city, but London was their last stop on this mini tour. They had done so well that Helene stopped by a little grocery store on the way, picked up a bottle of wine to congratulate them and some grub.
Joey had actually met the brunette a few weeks ago when he and the boys had arranged a meet and greet before the week of shows began in the area. The pretty brown eyed girl wasn’t a surprise they expected when she delivered flowers from the endless number of fans who had called in a favour just in time for their arrival.
The meeting had left a lasting impression on him specifically, while the other lads went about their business as though they hadn’t just met the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth—though they got to hear about it for days.
“ Hi.. “ she says, barely above a whisper, as Norum answers the door expecting it to be room service, but recognising her, he steps aside to let her in because he knows that Joey would do damage if he didn’t. She was all he had been talking about since they got to London, besides the response from the fans after each show every night.
“ Helene! come in.. I’ve been.. we’ve been waiting for you, “ he corrects himself pretty quickly, noticing the chuckle from his bandmate right away after the little slip up there. While they’d all been waiting for her arrival, that was true, the one who had arranged to have her drop by in the first place was Joey and it didn’t take much for everyone to see he was fully smitten.
“ I brought some things, I hope you don’t mind, just as a well done for the last weeks performances. You guys were so good, “ she beams, handing the bag over to Joey after lifting out the wine bottle in case it breaks.
“ Food! “ a voice shouts, as footsteps bound into the room to quickly retrieve the bag of food from Joey’s hands and racing off to the kitchen area to start prepping some. Helene looked up at the sudden loud sound, seeing Ian flying through at the mere sight of a full grocery store bag. It left her giggling while Joey apologised for the behaviour of some of his friends, even though she wasn’t at all offended or shocked, as they needed to eat after such a long day.
“ Don’t worry about it, Joakim. I’m just happy to help.. I know you didn’t ask, but I figured that bag of food is better than the cheap and awful stuff you’d get here in the hotel store, “ she’s smiling warmly with her hands clasped in front of her, rocking a little on her heels because she doesn’t know if she’s allowed to take a seat at all, not wanting to be rude.
Joey’s head tilted and even John and Ian paused to look at the sound of their frontmans given name, marvelling at the way in which she had been able to pronounce it correctly, as well as the fact that most people just used his alias. A pang hit him in the chest and he felt the warmth and comfort fill him by her use of the name his Mother had gifted him at birth. Her eyes danced between the three of them at different areas of the room then, uncertain if she had done something wrong.
“ Come sit, Helene, the food should be ready in no time seeing as Ian is already cooking half of it, “ he chuckles, taking a seat himself on the sofa near the full length windows overlooking the city and finding a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
“ I’m so sorry. I didn’t even consider you may not like the name but I wanted to be as polite as possible show a little initiative, “ she finds a spot on the sofa cushion he pats beside him and glances down, fiddling with her nails now and feeling a bit out of place for having possibly offended him somehow.
“ You didn’t do anything wrong, Helene, trust me, “ he tells her as he lifts her face by the chin, a thumb and finger delicately resting under it to achieve that goal, while searching her eyes and waiting for them to land on him again so she understands she is not at fault even in the slightest. “ I’ve just never met a single person over the last six years who even wanted to learn my name or ever use it.. and you said it perfectly, “ he smiles.
UB40’s cover of Cherry Oh Baby stilled her for a moment as she processed Joey’s words and then smiled herself, a blush of her own creeping onto her cheeks, deepening the second she realised he was still holding her chin up to get a look at her more closely in the dimly lit room.
Clearing her throat was not an option because she was now almost certain her voice had run away with the kindness he possessed and the gentleness in which he was touching her and making her feel at ease.
“ Um.. “ she utters, but it is Norums remark of letting the poor girl go that startles Joey into retreating his hand away from her face. Snapping out of it, the long haired male looks down apologetically for a few brief moments and then starts to ask her questions to remove them both from the tension.
“ Do you live far from this hotel, Helene? “ he asks, pulling her free from her timidness almost right away as she goes about getting a little more comfortable on the sofa, leaning an elbow on the back of it so she can see both outside and Joey at the same time, the lights of the city adding atmosphere to what she considers a beautiful night for her.
“ About 20 minutes from here.. a tiny one bed apartment but it keeps a roof over my head and I can’t complain. It’s close to work for me, too, “ she answers, not minding at all that he has taken to asking questions and getting to know her better. Any and all possible routes the night could take were welcome as far as she was concerned, more so if they took the heat off her and put a stop to her blushing and shyness.
“ Would you like me to walk you home when you’re ready? “ it was a question he found himself asking very suddenly, even though he realises that might not be appropriate because in all actuality, this was only their second official meeting. But it was when another smile slowly formed on her features that he knew he was in the clear for being so bold as to ask.
“ That would be very kind of you, Joakim, thank you, “ brown eyes dance with happiness and something that could mirror the likes of deep longing, which he picked up on swiftly and called to Ian, who was still in the kitchen area across the room, to bring two wine glasses over to the table so he could pour Helene and himself a drink or two as they conversed.
“ I love hearing my name from your lips, “ he says, not really acknowledging the words that left his mouth until the shock on her face, accompanied by the deep red blush and a holler from John who had just walked back in to grab himself a wine after Joey set it back down and shakily handed Helene hers, hoping the ground would swallow him up.
I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight is playing through the hotel radio now and both herself and Joey turn red in unison, which ignites the other two males in the room into fits of laughter, before dings from the oven and microwave go off and the room is back to some form of normality again as everyone filters back into the lounge area. All of them acknowledge Helene as they enter in a way that makes her feel completely welcome.
“ That was a lovely compliment, by the way, “ she tells him, of his remark about his name leaving her lips, while she takes a much needed long sip of the bubbly liquid in her own glass. “ I love the way you say mine, too, “ she adds, though this time in a hushed tone, so as not to alert the boys to their flirting, and he is enormously thankful for her doing so.
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aristobun · 1 year
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colleenmurphy · 1 year
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If I follow you to the river Send my blues out to the sea Will you stay with me forever? Will you chase me in my dreams?
@aristobun in honor of one of our favorite ships and Col's dear friends we made them a little something. We hope you like it as much as we love Helen & Joey <3
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vegaflow · 2 years
Helene: Is something burning?
Joey: Just my love for you.
Helene: Joey, the toaster is on fire.
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joakimlarsson · 2 years
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‘ You wouldn’t believe me if I said I was fine, would you? ‘ she asks.
‘ No, Helene.. I wouldn’t. What the hell happened? —— was it Joel, again? ‘ he fumes.
All she offers him in response is a simple nod of her head, indicating it was indeed that vile man in the same instance as suggesting she was powerless against him. That was a given, because of the state he left her face in, but it was a miracle to Joey that she had kept it hidden these last few weeks without him or her best friend, at the very least, finding out about it. 
She hadn’t given mention to her condition at all and though he was infuriated with the situation, his efforts instead went toward not displaying that particular emotion and rage upon his face.
‘ It’s not too bad, at least. I’m still in one piece. I’ve had much worse, ‘ she suggests.
‘ ..älskling, ‘ he begins, slowly and gently reaching his hand out toward the bruise and gash upon the right side of her face that had completely and utterly darkened one of her eyes. 
Helene, surprisingly, allows him to do this and as the tenderness in his touch reaches her, every ounce of her being gives in to the contrast between what she is used to and what only Joey has been capable of since they began their relationship. 
Her heart was hammering delicately as she was pulled softly toward him and he enclosed her within the protection of his arms, guiding both her wounded pride and dainty features into the comfort of an embrace that would never hurt her under any circumstances.
‘ You know I have to call the police, don’t you? ‘ he said, though it was more of a statement.
‘ I told him I would, this time.. and that’s when he balled his fists and came after me. I was in the florist, though, but there were no customers, no one there to keep him from beating me within an inch of my life and I just.. panicked. I tried to fight him off, Joey, I tried, ‘ she cries.
Joey immediately pulls her even closer still, wrapping his arms securely around her waist so she feels at ease and relaxed, guarded by him no matter what the world might throw her way. Words are hushed and velvety, furthering the calm that he is hoping to provide her in that moment so all of her troubles begin to fade, as he whispers promises of safety. 
He tells her how he is not going to give up or give in until Joel has been arrested and put away for the damage he has caused for far too long. The people in Helene’s life who know about it all have been begging her for years to finally put her foot down and stop allowing the violence to continue, but she’s been afraid.
‘ I’ll fix this, Helene. You won’t need to worry about any of it anymore. I’m so tired of him showing up all the time and hurting you, especially when I’m not in the country to stop it, ‘ he admits all of this has been wearing on his own psyche as well, for many months.
‘ —that’s why I put my foot down, more than I’ve ever done before. I know it’s hard for you just as much as it is for me, being on the other side of the world when he takes a swing. I’m sorry I have put up with it for so long, Joey. I don’t really have much of a backbone these days, ‘ she admits.
‘ Does your father know about any of this? Have you managed to keep this quiet for the years it’s been happening? ‘ he asks, glancing down to read her defeated expression.
‘ He doesn’t know and I would rather it stayed that way—that’s too much for him. One of the very reasons I chose not to tell him is because he’s surrounded by guns all day, everyday, ‘ there is a chuckle that manages to pass through her lips following these words, but he is frowning.
‘ Wouldn’t be the worst outcome in the world if he used one.. ‘ Joey trailed off, leaning down and pressing a very tame kiss to her lips, then another, scattering all present fears she has.
‘ Oh.. yea, sure that would solve the problem, get my old man arrested, that sort of thing.. ‘ she’s very amused by the point he is trying to make and had considered it a time or two herself, but to have her father locked up for life would destroy her far more than Joel ever could.
‘ I’d be in his corner before that could ever happen, ‘ he says, raising his brows.
‘ Wonderful, yea, get you both arrested for conspiracy to murder on my behalf.. ‘ her brown eyes are staring up at him now with complete and utter disbelief, before she stands on her toes so her smaller frame can actually reach for another kiss.
‘ Come on, let’s get you back home— ‘ he says, taking her hand in his own and pulling her in the direction of his own apartment instead of hers, which makes her perk up instantly. ‘ I intended to ask you if you wanted to move in with me before I left for the last tour but.. got caught up in all of the stress a bit too easy this time. But.. yea, Helene, would you like to? ‘ he asks.
‘ Absolutely, ‘ she jumps at the chance, giving his hand a squeeze and then bouncing in place to further show her approval of the new development. ‘ Holborn seems a much nicer area to live in, to be fair.. I ended up stuck in a pretty run down spot when I first got here, ‘ she adds. ‘ I’m stuck paying out most of my wages every month just to rent the place, though! it’s nice.. but it’s costly, which is fine I suppose but I did have plans to relocate nearer Islington. ‘ 
‘ There’s some really gorgeous houses in and around Islington, especially one I’ve had my eyes on for the last two months.. maybe we could work towards ownership of that.. together? ‘ there is a warmth burrowed between the lines as he asks this question and hopes for the best.
‘ That would be wonderful, Joey. We’ve been together for three years now.. it’s probably time we took the next step— ‘ she is delighted that he asked and every bone in her body is antsy as she waits to get back to his place and call Colleen, to let her know what’s happened this afternoon in such a short span of time. Her whole life has just changed for the better.
‘ You know how happy you make me, right? ‘ he asks, turning to look at her as he asks this very crucial question, one that has defined his own happiness for as long as he has known her.
‘ I do, Joey. You make me incredibly happy, too. I love you very much, ‘ she beams.
‘ I love you, too, älskling, ‘ he tells her, placing a kiss on the back of her hand.
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vegaprose · 3 years
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lebratprincess · 5 years
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stevesimage · 6 years
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follow me on xstumblr at https://www.xstumbl.com/starsson/default
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neopolitancheshire · 5 years
Hope Riley Starsson
2 marzo
-Minirole #NiteipGdr - [Piano -1, Ala Est - 28 Agosto 2115, mattina - Hope & Ɲeopolitan]
Hope era particolarmente allegra, quella mattina. Nonostante la mole di lavoro incredibile che continuava ad accumularsi sulla sua scrivania -metaforicamente parlando, dal momento che era tutto automatizzato-, le cose sembravano andare particolarmente bene, in quei giorni. Nuove amicizie, vecchie amicizie... e adesso anche quella piccola novità. Aveva ricevuto una mail direttamente dall'Altissimo, in cui le veniva accordato di poter effettivamente lavorare assieme alla ragazza dai capelli rosa conosciuta durante le Kronia, e da quel momento non era più stata nella pelle. Per quello, quella mattina, anzichè essere seduta alla propria postazione, Hope si trovava in una stanza che non conosceva affatto, in cui si trovavano soltanto un tavolo, due sedie e due computer di ultima generazione, cui si era già premurata di collegare il proprio tablet. E il proprio diaphone. E l'handlop. Una ragazza cibernetica, con dei folgoranti capelli giallo canarino e blu cobalto, quella mattina. Le gambe incrociate sotto il sedere, la ragazza aspettava sulla sedia l'arrivo di Neopolitan, che -a rigor di logica- sarebbe arrivata scortata da qualche guardia, senza avere la più pallida idea di cosa stesse succedendo. A quel pensiero, Hope esclamò un paio di comandi vocali, voltando la sedia girevole in modo da dare le spalle alla porta, mentre la musica di un vecchissimo film -Il Padrino- si spandeva nella stanza. Si chiese per un secondo perchè non l'avessero ancora licenziata, poi sentì dei passi fuori dalla porta e si calò nella parte.
Ɲeopolitan Beauchamp
Aveva la mattina libera quel giorno, per cui non aveva esitato a recarsi nelle sue stanze dopo la visita in infermeria. Non poteva esattamente esercitarsi con le proprie arti marziali — pure se lo desiderava tanto — per cui puntava sul migliorare il proprio equilibrio. Le guardie infatti, la trovarono proprio mentre cercava di bilanciarsi su una gamba, sul materasso del proprio letto ( rendeva la mole di lavoro più difficoltosa ) solo che l'irruzione da parte loro l'aveva allarmata talmente tanto che non solo era caduta, ma si era ripromessa di non farlo più visto che la privacy lì dentro era un'opzione.
Non le dissero nulla, lei poteva solo obbedire — ed era frustrante, davvero tanto. Non badava più neanche ad esaminare i passanti, le armi indosso alle guardie, i punti deboli del loro completo — sapeva tutto a memoria, ormai.
Tuttavia, Neo ritenne che la frustrazione era valsa la pena — non appena aveva varcato l'ingresso del reparto tecnologia: non solo aveva capito tutto, con un mezzo sorriso, ma era rimasta stupita dagli oggetti avanzati presenti. Venne scortata in una camera ove una ragazza, dai capelli coloratissimi, era circondata da molteplici apparecchi che Neo seppe riconoscere: la musica che si stava dissolvendo nell'aria però, non la conosceva.
« Hope? »
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victorconrads · 6 years
LiveStream Hangout för prenumeranter 19 mars - Tommy Starsson gör kanalr...
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r3l04d3d · 6 years
En Kanalrecension om min Youtube-kanal inne på Tommy Starsson's kanal.. checka in den vetja.. riktigt bra video och grymt bra tips man fick :)
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vegalores · 10 months
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ooc. i'm so obsessed with this generator and creating actual visuals of my muses <3 it's not always perfect by any means, but when it's accurate to the description, it's magical <3 it's the perchance generator if anyone wants it <3 my favourite art styles from the dropdown are ' casual photo ' and ' cinematic ', but there's a bunch of them, including different decades which is fun.
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aristobun · 10 months
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‘ I can’t believe you remembered my favourite book, ’ her eyes scan his own as she holds the beautifully decorated book with both hands, pressing it close to her chest. ‘ I always wanted to be Cathy growing up, ’ she chuckles.
‘ Of course I remembered, älskling—we’ve been together for a long enough time for me to not forget, ’ he laughs, amused as he imagined why she would ever believe he might forget such an important detail about her.
This particular copy of the book was very special, compared to most others. It had gold printing on the cover, as well as highly illustrated pages on the inside, which had made her tear up an awful lot when she noticed. A special edition that cost him too much money, according to Helene, but he would only ever buy her the best in every situation, no matter the price.
‘ This is one of the best gifts you’ve ever bought me, Joakim, ’ her smile bloomed all the more as she took a few steps closer and placed a kiss on his lips as a thank you. Her hands held on to the book the whole time, the smooth cover adorned in gold leaf illustration present beneath her fingertips. ‘ Thank you. ’
Joey smiles at her adoringly, his arms circling around her and pulling her closer to him to go in for another kiss. He couldn’t be happier to see such a response from a book he had chosen for her, on a random tuesday afternoon. There was no special occasion to speak of, he just felt like surprising his wife.
‘ You’re worth every penny I spend on you, Helene. I’m so glad you like the book—maybe we could watch the ‘92 film tonight, if you’d like to? ’ he suggests, pulling away just enough to look at the expression on her face, one of complete happiness.
‘ Are you after something? ’ she asks, chuckling as she jokingly implies that all of this is some sort of bribe.
A gasp leaves him, but the twinkle in his eyes indicates he’s in on the joke and knows she’s only pulling his leg. ' I would never do anything so outrageous, ’ he chuckles right along with her, grabbing her hand while she holds the book in her other, then guides her through to the living room where the whole room is set up for movie night, complete with lighting and popcorn.
Now it is her turn to gasp, shifting her gaze from the room to her husband and flinging her arms around his neck after very carefully placing the delicate book down on the coffee table in case it gets damaged. Nothing was sweeter than this moment right here and she refused for a good ten minutes to let go of him.
‘ I love you so much, Joakim, ’ she says, teary eyed.
' And I, you, Helene, ’ he responds, perching on the sofa with her and making sure they are both snuggly under the blanket and the bowl of popcorn is between them, as he flicks the tv on to browse for one of her favourite movies.
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vegalores · 11 months
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ooc. she barely looks old enough in these gifs to be his mother 🤣 ty is 22 so he isn’t gonna look as young as he needs to be - but lets imagine, because emmett is her youngest with joey so i need to do what i can. emmy is now 37 but we can ignore 🤣 in this verse where her youngest is 18, she is 44 yrs old, so lets just pretend thats whats happening in this gifset cause damn i want a gifset for her and emmett so bad 💞 she loves her boy very much and he is the image of his father can we see it. shh.
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aristobun · 8 months
There was a segment of a live show ( wasn’t this one ), on the first dvd of theirs I bought in 2003, that also featured this song and I completely wore it out. To be fair, the whole dvd is very lovingly scratched and worn because of how much time I spent watching it. It contained a selection of their music vids, interviews and live performances ( I can’t find those specific live performances anywhere but youtube ), but I will find it so I can upload that particular version of this song ‘cause while this one is nice, there was something very serene sbout the other one. Also, my efforts toward finding Europe stuff to post are sending Helene hurtling back to Joey like a cannonball.
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aristobun · 1 year
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i feel so lucky he grew up to look like that lmao cause as the fc of helene and joey’s youngest son, boy sure does look like ‘em now he’s older 💐
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