#in the real world sense of the word and not the actual fraternity lmao
mabaris · 7 months
it's. interesting. the way that irving is popularly interpreted. i regularly see people who imply that he purposely leads mages into performing blood magic, only to pull the rug out from under them and expose them to the templars, in order to fulfill some type of quota (?unclear) because “see? we catch x number of suspected maleficar a year, we must be doing our jobs right”
so, okay. kinloch hold has the reputation of being the most liberal circle, because it doesn’t censor information. knowledge about blood magic rituals isn’t suppressed, necessarily; they hope that their teachings (and the implicit threat of the templars) are enough to keep people from acting on it, but people are still allowed to read about it. this is wild
the codex entry “Irving’s Mistake” reveals a lot. he writes, “The environment of the tower is such that certain modes of thought are encouraged, both for good and ill.” and it’s easy to take this as an admission that these “certain modes of thought” means they're just. straight up encouraging blood magic. but in tandem with the above fact (kinloch mages don’t censor information just because they disagree with it), ive always assumed it means that they encourage apprentices to question authority and use their Critical Thinking Skills to decide what chantry rules are actually worth following, rather than obeying blindly.
the danger with that is, everyone holds different values, and some people believe “blood magic is forbidden” is a rule that’s not worth listening to. and then we get uldred.
this is still irving’s fault, because he encourages his circle to question authority, but it’s not entrapment. he’s encouraging his circle to wring freedom and independence out of the small bit they’re offered
i also think his treatment of jowan is a little bit of. trying to play 4d chess without fulling understanding the pieces. he identifies jowan as someone of weak will, who could be easily manipulated by a bad actor. i honestly believe it was an empty threat, and irving’s thinking was something like:
-i am the first enchanter and i have blind spots. i know there are people in the circle who operate in those blind spots to prey on apprentices
- i have identified one of these vulnerable apprentices. i will present a false accusation, which will hopefully scare him straight if he was considering it. he may also reveal names of people who tried to influence him. if he has done nothing wrong, there’s nothing to worry about; we can investigate and it will turn up nothing because he is already innocent :)
his biggest problem was, in my opinion, having too much trust that everyone else would share his perspective. sort of has the mindset of "well, i read about some ancient tevinter blood magic rituals and i turned out okay" without realizing how insidious uldred etc. had gotten at manipulating people from the time they were children
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phantaloon-books · 4 years
I finally read The Tyrant's Tomb and boi I loved this one so much, so here's some my opinion on it (they're not in chronological order)
warning, this is long af and sorry for cursing a bit, I can't help it
Apollo's character arc is lowkey one of the best Rick has written, I'm sorry if you don't agree, but he's gone from wanting others to solve his problems and relying on the halfbloods to intentionally avoiding others doing things for him, volunteering for the quests and saying it should be him that faces the terrible stuff so that demigods and other creatures don't suffer
something really interesting is how his perception of himself has changed, and it's almost worrying how genuinely self depreciating his inner dialogue is, because he no longer sees himself as mighty Apollo, he sees himself as worthless and useless Lester, and his narration is highkey depressing
Also, Apollo disliking and being somewhat disgusted of the god he used to be, realizing the horrible things he had done and how horrible he was and that he looked worse as the former Apollo than as Lester, regretting things he'd done, that's top tier development
(I'm sorry but I love the entire scene with the ravens, the part where he just screams "I'm sorry" it feels as if he isn't just apologizing to the ravens, but to everyone who's been affected by what he's done as a selfish god)
Reyna so openly turning down and laughing at Apollo for suggesting they be together is my favorite thing ever lmao I couldn't stop laughing, like she knew what gods can do if you turn them down (even if it was just mortal Lester) and she didn't give a damn, it was so fucking funny
people say Rick only includes diversity for the sake of including it and to gain popularity, but I still enjoy the fact that he does, because as a teacher he must have had all kinds of students of all religions, colors and sexualities, he includes diversity because he's seen diversity. anyway my point is I love that we have Lavinia, a Jewish lesbian from a Russian family, and she's not ashamed of being any of them
I'm sorry I just love Apollo so much, I've grown to respect him so much, and even if Hermes once said them gods often forget their oaths and promises, I have a feeling Apollo won't ever forget Jason's request that he never forgets what's it like to be mortal
Frank still admiring Apollo despite everything, and despite the fact that he looks like a messed up teen makes me go all uwu
Frank being portrayed as this clumsy and awkward kid but also this powerful and brave leader is my favorite thing ever because I think Frank is underrated and I dare to say that he's one of the strongest demigods we've ever met, even stronger than some of the nig three children
the whole thing about the undead army is honestly so creepy, especially when we see it from Apollo's perspective cause se him slowly succumb to the venom's effect, and that part in Tarquin's tomb where he "calls Lester to be part of his undead" was genuinely disturbing, at least to me
some books in the past have touched the part of the nature spirits not being given enough attention, but I really enjoyed how Apollo comes to realize that he only worries about demigods and gods when all lives are worth the same - mortals, halfbloods, nature spirits, gods, and even monsters
again, I love Apollo's arc, it's just AHH he's becoming so caring of life it just makes me happy
Reyna choosing herself to make herself happy is everything, and inspiring to every single woman who is told by others that they need someone to be happy, I just love it, because self love is the most important love of all
I haven't said anything about it, but man I love Meg and Apollo's friendship, they just care so much for each other, Meg who's so scared of losing her loved ones and Apollo who's so scared of not being able to be loved or to love, but they still love each other, and I'm glad it's not romantic, because yes fraternal love is also what people need, and their friendship is what they need
aurum and argentum being cute doggos rather than the steely (no pun intended) and cold dogs we met in HoO warms my heart. I don't understand why they're so cute and adorable, or maybe that's just how Apollo sees them, but they seem to act like actual dogs in this book
the fact that Reyna never confirmed nor denied being attracted to Thalia just makes me all hyped up, like we love Theyna
Apollo just gives off Eddie Brock vibes throughout the entire book and that's hilarious asf. ever since the start he's said to look like shit, feel like shit and be injured with deathly poison that will turn him to a zombie. if that isn't Venom vibes I don't know what is
I've said it once and I'll say it again, Frank Zhang is one of the strongest demigods Rick has ever introduced in a series, and him facing two immoral and godly in power emperors, burning one to death with his own life fire and injuring the other enough for Apollo to do the final kill is top tier
"If I'm going to burn, I might as well burn bright. This is for Jason." bitch actual goosebumps
We've seen countless deaths before, but something about Frank killing Caligula and Apollo killing Commodus seems so... mature I guess is the word, or well for a more mature audience. I can't describe how or why, but it feels more real, more like actual human death
I can't deal with how human Apollo seems in this book gosh I really am sorry I keep bringing this up, but I feel such warmth
the story of how Frank overcame his curse is actual BS and as much as I love Frank, it makes no sense that they spent all that time thinking of ways to keep the wood secure only for this. idk I mean id that were the case wouldn't the curse had vanished when he broke Thanatos free? he was willing to die then just like against Caligula, so why now but not then?
Don reincarnating into a laurel is peak bittersweet feeling and it actually hurt because in a camp where fauns were seen as dumb and useless, he helped Lavinia organize everything and destroy the canon things on the yachts
I'm still not over Jason's death, he really did deserve better. It makes sense, plotwise, because out of all of the huge characters from the past, Jason, Percy and Annabeth's deaths would impact others the harder, and push them to do better. And I understand that you gotta show, not even the main characters survive sometimes. Still, I'm hurt.
Thalia talking to Apollo during the funeral for the fallen campers made me actually weep. I'm not sure if it was because of Jason, or when Thalia talked about how much Artemis loves Apollo, or when Apollo "accepted" halfblood children of Zeus as his family
Also, you know who deserved better? Harpocrates, damn right he deserved better. I nearly cried when I read his death, cause he embraced it like one would an old friend in happiness. He and the Sybil deserved better. Dakota also deserved better
On the other hand, I tried so hard not to laugh at 2 am as I read Tarquin demand answers from a cat? he genuinely thought a cat would tell him where the Sybilline Books where and I couldn't handle that
This book is cruel but in a much more human way? The maiming of the pegasi wings? that's horrifying, but in such a human way, unlike what we've seen in any of the greek/roman gods series, and it's unsettling
Meg is braver than any of the other demigods were at that age (maybe excepting Nico), cause she's not embarking on a quest to retrieve an item or rescue someone or bring back their sister from the dead, she's facing her own abusive father while aiding a somewhat weak mortal in releasing the oracles and gaining godhood back. what's she getting from it all? absolutely nothing, she's gifted some seeds and she hangs out with unicorns more than other people and she's lost everything, but she's willing to lose more to help her friend. she's heroic like no one else is, because she's the first who doesn’t want anything more than being with her friend (Percy wanted whoever was taken back, Annabeth wanted to be able to be more, Nico wanted to bring back Bianca, even Bianca wanted freedom). the only other person who didn't have somewhat selfish (but kot wrong) interests while doing something heroic at a young age has been Hazel. What I mean is I love Meg and everything she does
Thalia being that chill over Jason's death bothers me so much, as if she wasn't the happiest when she found out the brother she lost 14 years ago was alive after all, and she had a part of her family back, and it was ripped from her, and Thalia is just not one to easily forget or move on from things, it's just unrealistic that she would only need a little furious session of throwing things to be okay with Jason's death as if her brother was not just taken from her all over again. it's impulsive Thalia we're talking about, who fought Percy when dealing with Annabeth going missing, it's just not her to be over his death that quickly. Sorry for Rick but I think differently
I also kinda don't like that Tyson went from being freaking General of the Cyclops, to the guy that has the Sybilline prophecies or whatever, it's important and all, but he would have been of great help during the battle and they had him waiting for help in the shrine hill like his potential went down the drain
but a thing I really loved was how different Camp Jupiter seems from Lester eyes compared from Percy's or Hazel's or Frank's perspective, it's hilarious. The other three see this place where everyone is serious and shit but Apollo just sees beyond the seriousness and it's actually refreshing, cause he's the first not to make CHB seem immature in comparison and like I said before I hated that in previous books
also Reyna laughing watered my plants, cured my depression, and made the world okay again, I just love her
all in all, this is my favorite book of ToA so far, and I'm really excited to see what's to come, and how Apollo and Meg will face Nero and Python, but more  than anything I'm looking forward to what will happen to Apollo, and whether if given the choice, he'd go back to being a selfish god or remain mortal for a while, with his newfound friends
Also I really miss Annabeth so can I please see Annabeth, I just want to see her cause she won't deal with Apollo's shit and I can't wait to see that, I miss my girl
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readyplayerhobi · 6 years
Blow Your Mind
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; Hoseok x Reader, Fantasy Soyeon x Reader (G)-Idle
; Genre: Smut
; Word Count: 3.4k
; Warnings: Penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, very light spanking, fantasy fxf oral and fingering
; Synopsis: When you can’t stop gushing about a classmate you find talented and beautiful, your boyfriend decides to paint a fantasy for you involving her while he makes your night
; A/N: Hi, yes. Still struggling to write. Started writing this as just a way to get something done. Ended up with 3.4k. I love Hoseok. I love Soyeon. This happened lmao Please enjoy and I haven’t proof read
“Have you heard this song that Soyeon’s produced for her music production class? Oh my god, I’m dying it’s so damn good. What the actual fuck,” You whine to your boyfriend, rolling halfway onto his body as you flail with too much energy. “Maybe you should ask if she wants to collaborate on a song or something for your final project.”
Hoseok hums lightly to himself, looking down at his phone as he scrolls through aimless pages on some subreddit he’s got obsessed with lately. He’s looking particularly fine tonight, with his white shirt clinging to him delightfully as it twists on his slim figure, and you blame that for your sudden rise in hormones.
There’s been a lack of intimate contact over the last week due to busy commitments on both your sides. One of the down sides to you both working a part-time job to fund the little apartment you’d moved into for your last year of college was that it meant you actually had to work around your class schedule.
Which meant that Hoseok was often working when you were free and you were working when he was. Today however, was a rare night off for you both and you’d begged him to stay in and just spend quality time with each other instead of going to the giant rager his fraternity brothers were throwing.
They’d given him only a mild amount of teasing when he’d decided to leave the frat house to move in with you after three years of dating, and you knew that they all loved you. Well, they loved your cooking at least and there was that old saying about the way to a man’s heart…
Still, he’s obviously been working hard in his dance classes that are scheduled carefully around his music classes as you feel the firm muscles of his abdomen flex underneath your fingertips as you trail them gently along the expanse of his front. “Baby...are you listening?”
“Of course I am. You’re gushing about Soyeon again.” Hoseok says idly, bottom lip mushed underneath his top as his eyes go a little wide behind his large circular glasses. He’s got a weird fashion craving lately for wearing increasingly odd looking spectacles and though you tease him relentlessly...he manages to pull it off.
“That’s because she’s amazing. And I think you’re amazing, so I think you’d both make a great song together. You’ve heard her rapping right? Along with the voice of a demon in disguise as an angel. That would be a song for the ages.” You sigh and flop back onto your back, letting your head rest against his stomach as he chuckles and runs his fingers through your hair.
“You know, at this rate I’m half convinced that you want me to start dating her or marry her or something. Shouldn’t it be me you’re always getting excited about?” Twisting your head, you look up at him where his brow is quirked up, pink lips turned up into a smirk and your face scrunches automatically.
“I suck your dick, isn’t that enough to inflate your ego?” He sorts out loud before contorting himself until he can press a kiss to your lips, the position awkward and not romantic or sexy. Still, the way his hand trails along the bare skin of your chest between the straps of your top has you getting hot for him fast.
He never has to do much work because despite his teasing, you’d always be hot for one Jung Hoseok.
“Oh yeah? I bet you’d let her eat you out if she asked.” Humming to yourself, you work hard to control your breathing as his fingers run along the edge of your top and skim the sensitive skin of your stomach underneath. He’s playing with the elastic waistband of your pyjama shorts lazily and despite your best intentions, you can’t stop the way your hips wriggle in anticipation of his touch.
“Of course I would. Have you seen her? You’d let your dick get sucked by her too. And I’m half tempted to say I’d watch because it’d be hot as shit.” A tiny whimper leaves you as his hand slyly makes it way beneath your shorts and the band of your boy short style underwear, your senses going wild as he explores the area just above where you need him.
“I don’t know. I do like your pretty lips wrapped around me. And I think I’d get more enjoyment watching you lose yourself to her. Can you imagine it? She’d give you that narrow eyed look that just screams sex and you’d melt into a puddle at her feet, falling to your knees as you give her those needy eyes that just beg for you to be taken care of.” He shifts behind you, tugging at your body with his free hand until you’re firmly in between his legs with your back to his chest.
The position is familiar, as you’ve cuddled in it plenty of times before but this is the first time you’ve done anything sexual like this. Normally you’d be on top of him, but despite the prodding of his erection against your lower back, he seems pretty content in building a fantasy world for you that involves another woman.
A tut falls from his lips as the movement distracts you away from the image he’s building and with a quick move of his wrist he has his index finger pressing against the sensitive bud of your clit firmly. Soft whimpers leave your mouth as you close your eyes, pressing back into him while your hips try to lift and he presses a kiss to your neck.
“Get them wet for me baby, we’ve got a bit of work to do.” He says as he pulls his hand out and gestures for you to relieve yourself of your lower garments before pressing his fingers into your mouth, a quiet groan leaving his mouth as you let your tongue play with him as you get them plenty wet enough for his needs.
As his hand moves back down, you immediately spread your legs and gasp slightly as the cool air hits your vulnerable centre, shuddering slightly. The gasp soon turns sensual as his presses his fingers back against where you need him most, moving them in slow but steady circles just like you’d taught him all those years ago.
“Are you imagining it for me baby? Imagine we’re in this position on our bed, me at your back while she’s laying between your legs. Looking up at you now with those big eyes that are letting you know just how desperate she is to taste you here.” He gives a particularly hard swivel of his fingers then and the jolt of pleasure has you gasping out as your body shivers delightfully.
“I bet she’d lean forward slowly, so slowly that you feel the heat of her breath on your pussy and she can smell you long before she’s had that taste she wants so badly. You’d be glistening for her, so wet that you’re almost dripping with excitement as you whine against me, rutting your hips against nothing while I grind my cock against your back.” You let out a garbled noise for him as your hips lift up in response to his words, getting the pressure of his fingers just right against you as he takes some of the wetness that’s leaking from your desperate entrance now and rubbing it against the swollen flesh in the centre.
“Oh god Hoseok.” Breathes fall from you in pants, the hint of a moan laced in every one as you keep your eyes closed tightly to let the fantasy world he’s taking you to stay real. He’s always had a way with words, and you’ve never been more grateful until now.
“She’d press that pretty pink tongue of hers against this wet pussy, sliding it deep into you before slowing moving up and giving you tiny, little kitten licks against your clit. Just enough to make you moan but not enough to give you what you really need. All you’d see of that beautiful face would be her eyes focused on you while her nose presses against you, her mouth busy with eating you out with the sole intention of making you scream out her name.” His fingers slide down your pussy with ease, the slick wetness making his movements easier than ever and you groan out, skin hot and sticky with sweat.
A quick move of his wrist has his index and middle finger sliding into your soaked channel, your body so turned on and ready for him that there’s almost no resistance to his intrusion. He moves slowly, letting his fingers get reacquainted with the heat of your silken walls and you pant as he scissors them for a second, the stretch burning ever so slightly with a pain that’s more pleasure than anything else.
“You know she’d see the way you keep clenching around nothing, your pussy quivering for something and leaking all that wetness that she keeps lapping up so eagerly. She’d tell you that you taste so good, that she never wants to stop tasting you and she wonders if you’d feel as good as you taste.” They slide out of you once more to run tight circles around your clit till your thighs tremble before he’s stopping again, letting the high that had been building relax as his fingers slip back into the slick warmth of you.
Hoseok growls against your neck as you tighten around them, his mouth coming down on your skin to suck a bruise into it before he’s biting down hard enough to make it smart. Almost immediately you groan and let your head fall to the side before he lets go, licking along your neck before nosing at your ear and letting his tongue trail along it so slowly it sends shivers down your back.
“I bet she’d push her fingers into this tight little pussy then; two of them would slip into you so easily that she’d add a third just so that you get something to make you feel full. Sliding into you with no resistance because you’re so wet and ready for her; moaning out as she feels every ridge inside you while you clench around them. She’d know how to please you so well too, twisting those fingers around until she’s rubbing against that spot that makes you moan and whine so prettily, pressing down on that bundle of nerves insistently until you can’t feel your toes.” It’s almost fascinating how well he’s describing it, his own fingers curling and hitting your g-spot so exquisitely that your toes are indeed curling while your legs start to feel funny.
You’d described the experience to him often, and you’re almost surprised at how well he must have listened to you. It makes it all the better now.
“Fuck Hoseok, fuck-” You gasp out, writhing against his body desperately as you feel the edge of an orgasm coming quick at the insistent touch of him. His fingers drive into you relentlessly while the heel of his palm rubs at your clit with each movement, rising the pleasure in your body higher and higher until you feel like an elastic band ready to snap at any moment.
“Imagine it baby, she’d finger you so hard that you can hear how wet you are, so slick all for her while you rut against me pathetically. She’d laugh all husky and low like you love, give you that smirk that makes your knees weak before moving forward and sucking your clit into her mouth tightly.” You keen highly against him, one hand squeezing at your covered breast needily while the other grasps at his wrist. Whether it’s to stop him or keep him going, you don’t know but he ignores you anyway as he presses an open mouthed kiss to the tendon of your throat.
“Yeah, you’d make these same noises as she did that. Mewling and whining pathetically, wiggling as you try to reach that orgasm that she’s driving you towards. And she’d be so good at it too. Her tongue would be so hot and wet against you, firm and slick against your pussy while her fingers would fill you up and press against all the right spots. You’d be so wet for her, leaking everywhere and ruining the covers.” The sounds of your bedroom consist of your heavy breathing now, lust filled moans punctuating the air frequently while the slick sounds of flesh against flesh provide a sensual soundtrack that has you going even further.
“Cum for me baby, cum for her. Cum against her mouth and soak her face, tighten that pussy around her fingers till she can barely even move them inside you.” He whispers devilishly, biting down on your neck once more while his hand works furiously inside you.
The deep tone of his voice tickling your skin combines with his fingers in your pussy and the surreal fantasy he’s built in your head until you clench around him tightly, a hand clamping on his wrist firmly while your entire body seizes up before you’re convulsing as orgasmic bliss washes over you. A long moan leaves your throat, deep and filled with all the pleasure you’re feeling as your hips buck up to meet his hand as he continues to finger you almost furiously, curled up against your g-spot that feels so sensitive now.
It’s only when you’re whining against him, pressing your face into his that he finally relents and brings his hand up for you both to look at. Tiredly, you watch as he flexes his fingers before stretching them out and you both admire the wet juices that coat his hand so beautifully, thick enough to string together.
He lets out a happy sigh before popping them into his mouth, licking each one clean before shifting your face to his and pressing his lips to yours in a deep kiss. It’s one of possession and triumph, his tongue licking into your mouth to claim every part of you and you submit to it with happily, your post-orgasmic state making you content to let him do whatever he wants.
“I’m going to fuck you now.” Hoseok whispers against your lips when he pulls away, still close enough for your noses to brush and for you to see the way his pupils are blown out in sheer lust. The thick length pressed to your lower back lets you know that he probably won’t be too long, but you just nod happily with a smile before rolling over onto your front, lifting a leg up just enough that he can see the sticky mess that’s your pussy.
A quiet curse leaves him as he shifts onto his knees, pushing his sweatpants off him and throwing them somewhere into the depths of your room before yanking that delightful white shirt off. Letting your head rest on your arms, you look back at him with a smile as he takes his cock into his hand and gives himself a good stroke or two.
Hoseok’s eyes focus on you and a brow raises as he shuffles closer, using his free hand to stroke the exposed skin of your ass before he swats it lightly. “Do you want it bare or condom?”
“Bare. You’ve already made a mess of me, might as well make it really messy. Besides, that was a hot fantasy. Now I want you to fulfil my cum kink and let you get off on your fantasy.” You tease lightly and he lets out a soft chiding noise, another swat making the round of your ass jiggle slightly.
“Rude. I was so nice to you, giving you this hot lesbian fantasy with the girl you’re half in love with. Letting you imagine yourself getting eaten out and fingered by her when it was my fingers that made you cum.” He grumbles to himself quietly, running his fingers along your pussy to catch your wetness which he uses as a makeshift lube on his cock.
You’re so wet that you don’t even need lube now, and as he moves over you to stroke the tip of his erection against your entrance you sigh happily. The fantasy was nice, but there’s nothing as nice as your boyfriend’s dick inside you.
Hoseok pushes in, not bothering to move slowly as you welcome the slight stretch he gives you that two fingers just can’t accomplish. A strained moan leaves him as he bottoms out, his hips pressed firmly to your ass while he places his hands on either side of your shoulders to give him the best position to drill into you.
And drill he does, not even bothering to try to give you a second orgasm or anything. The sensation of his thick cock stroking all those sensitive parts inside you that he’d coaxed into the wonderful orgasm earlier was more than enough for you, and you play your part in encouraging him to come wonderfully.
Tensing your thighs, you lift your hips up in the awkward position till you’re meeting Hoseok’s own hips and the sound of skin slapping against skin plays out once more in the room. Only this time it’s more intense and the texture of the fabric of your covers rubbing against your clit provides even more sensations that overwhelm your senses.
“Oh god Hoseok, yes.” You gasp out quietly into your arms, closing your eyes once more to focus on the sensations as your body jerks forward with each insistent thrust of his hips. He grunts in response, breathing loud against your ear and you squeeze down tightly on your inner muscles to grasp at him in a silken grip he can never replicate.
The sensation has him gasping out himself, a slight whine making it higher pitched than usual as he fucks through the tightness you’ve created for him and you just know that the extra friction and pressure is doing it right for him. “Cum for me Hoseok, I know you want to. Come on, cum for me baby.”
You’ve never been on his level of dirty talk, but you know he likes the vocal encouragement from you anyway. The words fall from your lips repeatedly, begging him to cum inside you until you’re leaking him for hours afterwards as the tiny sounds of lustful need that fall from his lips are truly music to your ears.
It’s as his thrust become more forceful and insistent yet increasingly sloppy that you know he’s reaching his peak, the ball of tightness forming in his stomach before snapping cleanly as a sharp groan escapes his throat and he’s fucking into you in tiny, short thrusts as his orgasm takes over. Each thrust is accompanied with the twitching of his cock as he ejaculates inside you before he finally comes to a stop, his forehead resting against your shoulder while you feel the layer of sweat on his body as he rests it against your own for a moment.
The shift in position causes him to slip out of you and almost immediately you feel his cum begin to escape as well, but neither of you care much as he rolls onto his back at your side after pressing a soft kiss to the skin he can reach. It’s gentle, despite the intensity of what you’d just done.
Even if it wasn’t the kinkiest thing you’d ever done, it was definitely up there in your top 5 sex with Hoseok list.
For a few minutes afterwards, the two of you lay on the bed in near silence. Hoseok’s chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath while your entire body just rests in contentment, the fantastic sex leaving you feeling just plain good. Shifting your head over to look at him, uncaring that you’re dirtying up the covers as you feel more of his cum leaking out of you and falling to the bed, you give him a small smile before moving to rest a hand against his toned bicep.
“Hmm...yeah you can definitely marry her. As long as you’re married to me too and I’m the centre of attention.” You muse quietly, giving him a quick grin as he lets out a tired laugh before looking at you with amusement.
“I think I can do that,” He smiles back, letting his fingers trail along the exposed skin of your lower back in a decidedly non-sexual manner. “Especially if you’re going to react like that again. Sign me up.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
“It’s fine. You’re my number one though.”
“Disgustingly cute.”
“Only for you.”
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seokjinchuriki · 5 years
baby, you is a vampire? (4) | jjk
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 1024
Genre: Fluff
Summary: you, reader, meet jeon jungkook on a fine summer’s day and wow, after a year of dating! you learn he’s a vampire! how dumb could you have been? WOW vampires are real!
Warnings: none- falling asleep in chem-
a/n: yeehaw part 4 these were all pre-written, so if you like these and enjoy them i’m not sure when i’ll get some parts done
1 2 3 4 5
Jungkook was sat on the couch, watching TV, more specifically a cartoon (We Bare Bears, if anyone wanted to know) and just lounging, waiting for you to come home from your day of classes. He missed you, but you were his scholar and he KNEW you were an independent woman who needed her education. You couldn't just lounge on the couch all day with him... despite the fact that because of his many years on earth, he was quite wealthy and you were both well-off together.
You, (y/n) (l/n), were literally the smartest dumb person he has ever met, you were book smart, but your common sense? Sometimes he wondered if you had any. He loved you, nonetheless, happily awaiting your arrival.
While he is """old""", Jungkook has this youthful nature to him that can't ever be replaced or taken away, which explains all the knick knacks in your house. You both share a Funko Pop collection, you have it all: Pokémon, Marvel, Game of Thrones, you name it!
Jungkook was happily staring at the TV screen, legs crossed and set on top of the coffee table, his ears perking as soon as he heard a key enter the lock of the front door.
You were home!
Usually, Jungkook had things to do, but it was Friday and he wanted to lounge at home and spend time with his favorite girl.
The door opened and closes within seconds and your voice was ringing throughout the hallways, "Kook!" No need for you to yell, but it was the routine thing to do, despite your love having superhuman hearing. You made your way to the living room to see the vampire's eyes firmly set on the TV, completely entranced by whatever was on.
We Bare Bears must be at The Amazing World of Gumball level for him to be this entranced or he's probably zoning out and thinking of something right now.
Literally inside Jungkook's head: Spongebob is a sponge who lives under the sea- Wouldn't he just absorb all the water rather than staying in his consistent rectangular/square shape? Why do they have a beach under water? How do they light fires under water? I love my girlfriend, she loves Spongebob too. If I was never a vampire, I wouldn't live to see Spongebob, I'm one of the lucky ones.
"Kook?" You called once more, pulling him out of his Spongebob-induced trance. He hopped up off the couch immediately, excited to see you in all of your bundled up glory. It was cold outside, so he made sure to put you in the comfiest and warmest clothes of his he could find. You were absolutely adorable.
Mr. Wrinkles was happy to see you too, hissing at Jungkook as an alert (Kook pulled out his fangs and hissed back, but the hairless cat was anything but intimidated), making his way to your legs and rubbing himself against you.
"Hi Mr. Wrinkles!" You excitedly greeted your cat, bending down to scratch the top of his head.
(a/n: this is a vampire au but it's fucking fluffy and i like it lmao i do what i want jk, i do what i want that's reasonable)
You then got up to formally greet your boyfriend, "Hi Jungoo," you said warmly, running into his strong arms, "tough day at school today! In lab, we worked with hazardous chemicals and something accidentally dropped a beaker full onto the ground. Luckily, we're all safe!"
"Ah, really?" Jungkook was always excited to hear about your day, especially since you were always so enthusiastic about it.
"Yeah! And in my chem lecture, I ended up playing club penguin as a way to help me not fall asleep- [i actually did this to not fall asleep in my chem lecture lol] and that was definitely fun! I'm a few steps away from earning my fire suit!"
Club penguin was a regular thing you and Jungkook played together, you, however, were more into it than he was. Spending most of your time when you weren't in class or when you weren't with your lovely boyfriend playing said game... or maybe even minecraft. Jungkook was just happy to know you had something to take your stresses away when he wasn't there.
He had to go to these """vampire council""" meetings once a week, which were the lamest things to ever be invented, but in each county, all vampires had to meet with their councils to discuss, you know, life coexisting with humans. Most people turned to Jungkook for that information because he was 'fraternizing' with a human, not that he cared. Most of the vamps here were once human anyway, so what's wrong with humans?
You both also had active social lived, so you didn't spend every dying second together, that's just a weird relationship. You're in love, but you're not tied together at the hip. You aren't conjoined twins. Which doesn't need to be stated, but here it is... being stated.
Jungkook's friends mostly consisted of the supernatural, while yours were all pretty human, each kind of lame due to the fact that they were all friends you met in your classes, and as a biochem major, most of the people you meet are almost as boring as the subject when being taught by an old man who's ready to die. Your friends are somewhat cool, he has only met them once or twice.
You were also friends with his friends, Taehyung especially, who, as mentioned before was very fond of you. Finding out he was a werewolf didn't come as a shock to you, neither did finding out that Jimin was a vampire.
The dude had prominent blood red eyes! Now, you'd be a real idiot if you didn't see those, unless he had REALLY nice contact lenses. You suspected, but at the same time, what if Jimin was just some all-time cosplayer and Taehyung was a furry... no hate though, because as long as they enjoy what they do and it's not harming anyone, hate is not needed!
You and Jungkook's life together never got boring and for that, you were both grateful!
a/n: this sucks i'm so sorry, but i like it! everything is unedited lolol
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lianors · 5 years
FOURTH CHALLENGE  — character personality tests for lianor montagu: (4/12)
wc: 1,592 / points earned (thus far): 20
tw: light mention of abusive parental relationship; sexuality discourse (with mentions of: religion, homophobia, internalized misogyny and traditional gender roles); a ridiculous shitload of word vomiting without proofread yike !
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1 — creepiest thing about you
𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖚𝖑𝖙𝖘: you are a disturbing control freak — caring for people and things does not work the way you think it does. you are so invested in making sure that everything around you is perfect that instead of showing you care, you plan and control without asking for any input (which, of course, you justify by telling yourself that you aren’t burdening anyone else with extra work). you call this “dedication,” but it’s not - it’s needing personal control so badly that you’ve confused it for real connection — which is not really a great quality in a friend, but a very helpful quality in an aspiring serial killer.
𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖞: i remember when this challenge first came out -- lmao why am i such a sloth -- i wrote an intricate, awed response at this result, but my computer turned off on itself so i guess i gotta content with this whatever lmao.
anyhow, incrediblé. i believe i have touched on the controlling nature lianor has in her -- it is born from her own mother’s, how the woman had wanted her daughter to be a puppet from a tender age; not to displease beatriz, lia was to assure just that. she easily became a sort of dominating figure in the welsh nursery, gently advising and guiding the royal kids to do her way, which is the right way. unlike her mother, she knew honey would catch more flies than vinegar (a mantra she tries to live by whenever ugly, awfully humane sentiments rush through her) and, thus, lianor continues pulling strings quietly, with a caress there, a gentle word here. 
she grows impatient and vexed as her powers begin to fade on people, and now that she’s older, she more actively struggles against being controlled by others, though she is wise enough to know that, as a woman, in many situations she just will not have control and she must bow her head and follow. still, she tries to manipulate the outcome to favor her in some way, even if it is a minuscule silver lining she clings to in order to maintain her sanity and her illusion of power.
2 — four temperaments
𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖚𝖑𝖙𝖘: your temperament is phlegmatic (15) — the phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. they are accepting and affectionate. they may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. they are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. they can also be passive-aggressive.
𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖞: let me just say, i took this test on my first week portraying lia and i got a tie between sanguine and melancholic -- who is lying then?? are you telling me i’ve grown her enough for that to change??? fight me!! but hey at least sanguine and melancholic tied again, only two points behind phlegmatic so!!!
dumbassery aside, i guess this makes sense. as i usually take most of these tests as i am building my muse, i base their behavior on these results as much as the muse that flows through me on the day i am writing, but i think it’s silly to deny this result just for the sake of being a hater -- especially when the phlegmatic result does fit her: lianor is not particularly lazy, as her anxiety and fear of becoming useless makes that an inability, but if she does allow herself a time off, there is little she would really want to do other than partaking in that noble girl lying on a ottoman couch fantasy! 
more importantly, she is definitely on the quiet side, and kindness and warmth are traits she intends to display and, though i haven’t said it outright, i believe it can be assumed rightfully so that she is a good administrator, with a good head for finances and overall stability over risk.
3 — tea type
𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖚𝖑𝖙𝖘: chamomile tea — you are a warm blanket in the form of a human. you’re welcoming and comforting, and loved ones know they can turn to you when they need a hug or a soothing word. you appreciate the cozy things in life, like wrapping up in a blanket and listening to the rain. in a world full aggression, competition and noise, you believe there’s bravery in being soft.
𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖞: reading this blurb makes me feel so uwu, in a very romantic way i imagined when i first wrote lianor (if you ignore how big of an angst whore i am lmao), so sure, i will take it. lia intends to be this sort of safe, cozy harbor for her loved ones, where they all can forget of the harsh realities of ruling -- though she found herself quite able to do so before, she becomes more cynical, and fearful this ability will become an impossibility soon enough (which in return makes her despise those she judge that are to blame for this demystification of her idyllic world).
4 — sexuality
𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖚𝖑𝖙𝖘: for 40% you are heterossexual. this means that you are attracted only to the opposite sex. this is the most accepted and ‘normal’ sexuality, so don’t worry about fitting in with sexuality -- you will be fine.
you could also get this result:
for 30% you are bisexual. this means that you are attracted to both sexes. this sexuality is very broad -- you can love whomever you want. in reality, both boys and girls. it’s also fairly accepted, as you are both straight and gay.
𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖞: as someone with about 5 scorpios in my zodiac map, i have no qualms about discussing sex and sexuality in any way, so this is going to be an interesting ride. as always, i thought i should discuss character origins, as lianor really has bloomed ever since i began planning her, to as she was actually played. so, originally, she was as straight as a board -- as someone who has had primarily one romantic and sexual connection, she remains constant with her affections and desires, which are invested on a cismale, as it should be expected for a pious noblewoman as she is. thus, i insisted she was a hetero for quite a bit, only for her to come at me and make me proud with just a huge amount of gay -- god i love one (1) sapphic babe! because, well, i envisioned her relationship with the princess of england as one of sisterly love, but because there was a sapphic route me and the princess’ former player went by, i am interested in discussing that again with her player (who shall hopefully be here soon). 
lia enjoys women -- she thinks they are gorgeous, strong beings, and she also envies them, well rooted in the environment she is at. the fateful night she did engage in intercourse with one, she powered through with mild distaste, making her purpose to appeal for the male gaze, to prove to her male partner she was not just another whore he would take to his bed and forget the next morning. she claims kissing women have become a boring affair, that she has tired of pretending and would rather go for the real thing -- a man, in which she would be expected to conceive with -- but everything she speaks must be taken with a grain of salt, since this is the 15th century and even if there is no penis, so there is no sodomy, a love for a woman that is something more than fraternal is wrong, for a woman is made for a man, and she believes she has already found her match.
this single sexual encounter and her insistence in telling herself she is disgusted by homosexuality rings to me not only of religious-infused prejudice, but also of a notion many claim secondary: the ace aspect. being a literal assexual definitely does not work for lianor, who has fire running in her veins and is not at all against asking for her earthly desires to be quenched by the right man -- but demisexuality’s definition interest me a lot; demisexuals require a good amount of bonding to be able to enjoy the sexual act -- they may do it anyways, as i know people in real life to have done and as lia does in her marital bed, but enjoying it is a whole other thing. thus, it makes sense she could not find sexual joy in a random encounter that was fashioned more to please her partner than herself. when she did think of a woman she had a deep connection with -- her dearest french penpal -- though there was an immense shame, lia found no difficulty in enjoying herself.
however, again, this should all remain entirely circumstantial due to the mentality of the century; she would rather not strain from what is normal, and resign herself to her feminine position, in which she should please her man and bear his children, regardless of her own pleasure in the matter. female friendships should remain just that, and otherwise she would seek to distance herself from the personification of sin for her own sake. to go through with modern, anachronistic notions would strip the verse of what it is and instead would make me speak of the bi icon lianor beauchamp that was born in the 1990s -- and that is a whole other talk.
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