#in this e&e really do think that gil-galad is probably ereinion
eleneressea · 1 year
…but what if Anastasia AU
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aredhels · 4 years
okay but also, i just had a pretty random thought while starting to read a fic. you know Gil-Galad right? Yeah you do. Well, before I was in the Silmarillion fandom (aka before I read it etc.), whenever someone would mention him I thought he was this super stern and kinda old dude. but now, after joining the silm fandom & reading it, I CAN'T HELP BUT THINK "MY BABY OMG BABY BOYYYYY" WHENEVER HE COMES BECAUSE OMFG HE'S A BABY I LOVE HIM!!! and now he's so young and precious in my mind akfhjsjs
I'M BUT IT'S LOVING EREINION GIL-GALAD HOURS (aka i need more gil content my bby 🥺🥺❤)
that lowkey counts for Celebrimbor too!! It's interesting how differently I saw some characters when I didn't really know much about them but a couple of (mostly basic) things and they seemed like old and grumpy and maybe a bit wise? AND THEN THEY TURNED INTO BABIES!! B A B I E S !!!
so yes i agree w u about gil galad being a beautiful young baby boy but then again with tyelpe my first encounter with him was probably when my bf was playing shadow of mordor so i will forever see him as he was in that game djfhdjhf
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Ok! For the fic ask meme: #1, #5 for "Tales from the Black Book," and #10 about "Tilion's Night"! If you like, of course :)
My answer for #1 can be found here. :) 5. Did you make an outline for Tales from the Black Book? Did you stick to it? HAHAHA! That ridiculous story?? Seriously though (and funny enough), despite the shenanigans and everything that is wrong with that story, the answer is "yes" to both questions. Tales is actually my most organised and well-behaved story (er, writing process-wise, that is) and is the one story in my list that stuck to its outline. All chapters published to date came out as planned (which NEVER happens to me), with only a slight tweak to the Beauty and the Beast chapter (which actually had me rewriting that part, but eh, that is probably more me being anal than an actual significant change). 10. What are some facts readers might not know about Tilion's Night?Uh, please let it go on record that I am not sure if fanfiction facts is a thing, so if this question completely flew over my head then I am so sorry. ^^;Fact #1: Glorfindel in Tilion's Night is the "true" Glorfindel in my head--that is, outside of the sometimes weird world of shipping and fandom, this is actually how I imagine Glorfindel the character, still somewhat fresh from Aman, is like. There is something lonely about the idea of Glorfindel to me, returned after thousands of years in a wholly different world and mingling suddenly with people who know so much about him. There are a lot of things one can assume with such a story, but most poignant to me is how alienating that might have felt. I also think that every once in a while, he would remember Beleriand and even Valinor from where it was said he dwelt for some time again after being released from Mandos; I have no doubt that there were days when he missed those places. I think it would have taken a while for Glorfindel to find his footing in Middle-Earth, but being the good fellow that he is, he would not have bothered anyone about it, and would have weathered it all on his own if he believed that was the right thing to do. Fact #2: The original rating was E (lol, I wonder if this is bad news). Personally, I usually grab at every opportunity to give a story a higher rating, but I found that this one wrapped up best with an M rating. In the end, I got so into Glorfindel's longing for things with Erestor to work out despite things initially being just a result of a ritual bonding. As the story progressed, really at the threshold of the ritual, he found a sudden and unexpected connection with Erestor, and had Erestor not left him in the crowd, Glorfindel would have backed out of the ritual altogether. In the days to follow, he would have sought a true romance with Erestor outside of magical myths and legends. Alas, things unfolded the way they did, and with only a year of partnership promised to him, Glorfindel began their union and laid with Erestor that night with the fervent hope that what he would get would be more than the year. I wanted to stick to that bittersweet feeling of newfound love and the possibility of it not lasting, instead of making it purely physical between them, even if the act was part of the story. It was the first time that I encountered such a scene distracting from the mood of a story, and that had been an interesting moment for me as a writer who actually enjoys writing *cough* smut.Fact #3: While the entire song of "Dust to Dust" was my companion (played on loop) while writing the story, the specific lines that initially inspired it are in the chorus, which goes:Let me in the wallsYou've built aroundWe can light a matchAnd burn them downLet me hold your handAnd dance 'round and 'round the flamesIn front of usDust to dustThe image inspired by the song and around which I built the story was Erestor pulling Glorfindel by the hands towards a large flame, and Glorfindel hesitantly but finally smiling. There is something very comforting to me about Erestor, having lived across the ages and being more rooted and stable in Middle-Earth, taking under his wing a Glorfindel weighed down by so much change and the role he had to bear. Fact #4: My stories are often inspired by the weather around me at the time of writing. Tilion's Night was written in late November, which is usually when the Siberian winds arrive in my country and the temperature change can be quite noticeable. Being in the tropics, the cold season is a treat for me and generally gives a nice mood well suited for writing. It is why elements like the cold breeze, long nights, and other such things pointing back to cooler seasons can be found in the story, too.Fact #5: Do I think the backstory I gave Glorfindel was overkill? Yeah, a bit. Glorfindel is my unrepentant Gary Stu, but tbh, Glorfindel is a character straddling that line in canon to begin with anyway. I actually still believe Círdan took care of things in Lindon for the most part, but I also believe that Glorfindel, had he been under Ereinion Gil-galad until the conclusion of the Last Alliance, would not have easily left the city and its people at its time of loss and mourning. He would have helped, perhaps not at the helm, but certainly he would have played a significant role in Lindon's transition to the Third Age. Whew, I ended up babbling again. But thank you very much for the fun ask! :)
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