#in this fictional universe where there’s no ramifications for being crazy? i’m gonna be crazy
k-atsukibakugou · 4 months
which of your f/o’s is fucking you until the bed breaks when your boyfriend suggests opening the relationship?
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leverage-commentary · 3 years
Leverage Season 3, Episode 2, The Reunion Job, Audio Commentary Transcript
Jonathan Frakes: Hello everyone I'm Johnathan Frakes.
Michael Colton: Michael Colton.
John Aboud: John Aboud.
Aldis Hodge: This is Al Hodge.
Chris Downey: Chris Downey.
John Rogers: Am I sexual chocolate if you’re Al Hodge?
John Rogers: It's John Rogers.
Aldis Hodge: Sexual chocolate is coming up.
John Rogers: Executive Producer of this particular episode, along with Chris Downey. And those other gentlemen are the writers and director down at the end. Welcome to The Reunion Job. Boys, which we always ask in the opening sequence, where'd this episode come about?
Michael Colton: The- initially you guys told us you wanted to do a high school reunion episode. And I think all you had was ‘they go undercover at a high school reunion’ and I think you had the end beat of the dancing.
John Rogers: Yes.
Michael Colton: At the dance. 
John Rogers: Right, yeah.
Michael Colton: And so from that we started thinking, you know, who would be a good villain for this episode? Someone who high school meant a lot to.
Jonathan Frakes: You talked over my Bourne Identity opening!
John Rogers: Sorry. Frakes why don't you tell us about the-
Jonathan Frakes: No, I got my-
John Rogers: Where'd that particular opening come from?
John Aboud: Bourne Supremacy.
Jonathan Frakes: I'm kidding. Bourne Supremacy.
John Rogers: Bourne Supremacy.
Jonathan Frakes: Carry on.
John Rogers: That was a very aggressive style.
Jonathan Frakes: Where’d you get the rest of this story?
John Aboud: Well as nerds, we were able to channel the rage of a software magnate. Why would a software magnate be bad in the Leverage universe? Well maybe he's supplying his software to some very bad people overseas.
Michael Colton: Well right at the time we were writing this, there was the Irianian- the aftermath of the Iranian elections, so it was actually in the news that this kind of thing could be happening.
John Aboud: And this episode aired on the one year anniversary of that election. And around- and the protests.
Michael Colton: There was enough propaganda.
John Rogers: It was actually funny, we did get one phone call that's like ‘are we gonna get in trouble for like- can we be open to litigation?’ I went ‘if one of the most evil regimes on earth wants to sue us, I don't really see that as a problem.’
Michael Colton: That would be good press for the show. Iran sues-
Jonathan Frakes: Any publicity is good publicity.
John Rogers: Exactly. Now who's playing our victim here? Did a great job.
Jonathan Frakes: That's Ricki Bhullar.
John Rogers: Yep, fantastic job. And now Frakes, why don't you tell us about that opening? What- cause it was a very different opening than what we usually do.
Jonathan Frakes: Well I think what we try to do with each of our cold opens is to either pay an homage or, in other words, steal stylistically from a show. 
Chris Downey: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: From a Hitchcock show, or from you know-
John Rogers: It lets you know what the rest of the shows gonna be like.
Jonathan Frakes: Well- hopefully. Or that you just feel like the story of this show is in this particular style. That was a Bourne Supremacy rip off. 
John Rogers: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: How many shots can we get? How fast can we cut it? How fast can this action happen? And it has that vibe of international espionage.
John Rogers: Yep. Also that room was great, it was built totally on set. That was actually just a two wall set, wasn’t it?
Jonathan Frakes: That was a three-wall set, but we shot the shit out of it.
John Rogers: Yeah.
Chris Downey: And then so you put your energy into that and the rest of the episode you sort of coasted? Is that- you sorta let it…?
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah it's an approach I've found very useful.
Jonathan Frakes: Now.
John Rogers: Now.
Jonathan Frakes: Who do you think that- oh!
Everyone: Woahhh!!! 
Michael Colton: There we go.
Chris Downey: And reveal.
John Aboud: Didn't see that coming.
Michael Colton: That worked really well.
John Rogers: It did; it did. Johnathan Frakes knows what he’s doing. Yeah and this was also part of the mandate for the opening of the third season, where we wanted to start opening it up into international stories. Kind of open up the Leverage universe in a way that, you know, this is a fictional universe wherein certain rules apply. And it’s close to ours but you know we wanted to start seeing the ramifications of crime world and politics.
Jonathan Frakes: It also suggests the backstory of a lot of these characters has been, in fact, international.
John Rogers: Yeah.
Jonathan Frakes: So that they have experience with all these things. It makes them look, or appear to have more experience than-
Michael Colton: Right.
John Rogers: And sometimes people ask where we get the cases, and we’re kinda establishing here there's a lot of-
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I'm inside your head!’
John Rogers: ‘I'm living rent free.’
Aldis Hodge: Yeah, haha.
John Rogers: You know, kind of establish there's a community of people out there who take freedom of software, the internet's role in being free of government regulations and rules and internationalism very seriously, and Hardison is part of that group. That's part of the hacker group he fell in with.
Aldis Hodge: Yes indeed.
John Rogers: And that's how he knows this guy. That's his background.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘Yeah that's right, we are here to inspect your restaurant.’
John Rogers: Also based on a real spy safehouse that came up in research. But with better locks I think that one had. Ah this is crazy. How'd we get the roach?
Chris Downey: That’s a digital roach.
John Aboud: Digitally inserted.
Michael Colton: It's a real roach, but that plate was not there, it's like the whole thing.
Jonathan Frakes: More discussion about this cockroach than there was about the script!
John Rogers: We tried to be a little robotic cockroach that went poorly. It went actually too well because it killed.
Jonathan Frakes: What about the real cockroach that we had that nobody liked? Cause it didn’t-
Chris Downey: Oh look at that! Boy that's great.
John Rogers: I think the close up was the real one, that one digital. 
Chris Downey: Is that one digital?
John Rogers: I love this, and the little.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah, this tees up later. 
John Rogers: Yep.
Jonathan Frakes: They don't get much to do together, it's nice to see those two have a little beat.
Michael Colton: I feel like there's a lot of improv in this scene with you guys.
John Aboud: Absolutely.
Aldis Hodge: Yeah this- you know, anytime you get me and Christian in a room together it's over.
Aldis Hodge: It's like ‘script, what?’ We just talk. 
John Rogers: Yeah, we’re just pretty much superfluous. Maybe next year without writers.
Jonathan Frakes: That was how-
John Rogers: And that was a great way of using Jessie by the way.
Jonathan Frakes: How to make an entrance.
Chris Downey: We’re running out of ways for her to get out of a duct. I mean I feel like is there-
John Rogers: You know what? I just I may be speaking for-
Jonathan Frakes: Cirque du Soleil in town next year.
Chris Downey: We need to watch and take notes, cause there needs to be something new.
John Rogers: I may be speaking for a certain percentage of the audience, but anytime we have her in black jeans and that leather jacket coming out of a duct it's a good day. Really, the dismounts- really now you're really.
Aldis Hodge: I'm glad you said it, cause I was about to.
Jonathan Frakes: How about this shawarma?
John Rogers: I love the shawarma, by the way.
Jonathan Frakes: Who doesn’t?
Aldis Hodge: That shawarma was disgusting though, it was cold and greasy.
John Rogers: You can't shoot around hot shawarma.
Chris Downey: Prop shawarma was not?
John Aboud: Prop shawarma.
Aldis Hodge: Prop shawarma.
John Rogers: Don't eat the prop shawarma.
John Aboud: Don't recommend.
Jonathan Frakes: Not much room to move in this location as I recall, remember this place?
John Aboud: It was very narrow.
Jonathan Frakes: It feels as narrow as it was.
John Aboud: Hard to maneuver.
John Rogers: What was it? Was it a real restaurant we redressed?
John Aboud: It was a Hawaiian barbeque restaurant.
Jonathan Frakes: Real restaurant, Hawaiian barbeque.
Michael Colton: That's right.
John Aboud: And the production had to buy them out for the day, so there was a lot of the-
Jonathan Frakes: Are we happy with the yellow choice on the inside of the van?
Michael Colton: It's a little late to be asking that.
John Rogers: Yeah, I think we might want to change that. Could you fix that in post? Could you just go and… And yes it's the first time- when do we air this? Episode two or three?
Chris Downey: This is second- this is first night.
Michael Colton: First night.
John Rogers: That's right even though we shot it- did not shoot it second, it aired second. And that was re-establishing- that was establishing the new Lucille.
John Aboud: That's right. Near and dear to Hardison's heart.
John Rogers: This is also fun is that- it always amazes me the amount of international espionage that is actually kept in notebooks. 
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah.
John Rogers: No, the people-
Jonathan Frakes: Old school.
John Rogers: Old school. Yeah, but people- 
Aldis Hodge: It keeps them off the radar.
John Rogers: Yeah. You can, you can burn it. You know it can't be hacked, it can't be stolen.
John Aboud: Now that dishwasher, I believe he was also in the prison- in the Jail Break Job?
John Rogers: Oh so this is the jail- it's the job.
John Aboud: In my mind the backstory is: he's on a work release.
John Rogers: Oh that's right.
Chris Downey: Already fell into the wrong element.
John Aboud: Yeah, right away.
John Rogers: Well he doesn't know, they don't tell him.
Chris Downey: His parole officer is not doing a very good job.
John Aboud: Right away, right away.
Jonathan Frakes: The victim. Now we get the villain Arye Gross. Very reliable character actor, been doing it for years. 
Michael Colton: You worked with him…?
Jonathan Frakes: I worked with him on Castle. Recommend him to the gang and he nailed it.
Aldis Hodge: Nice.
John Rogers: Your career is banterific. Eliot, of course, learned to make amazing tea, and that is English Breakfast from his samurai master when he studied for 18 months. [pause] Wait no that was Wolverine.
Jonathan Frakes: Now whose idea was this to add this whole sequence?
Michael Colton: Well this is all based on NLP which means neuro linguistic programming. And all this is actually based on a guy named Derren Brown, who is British. And what would you- what would you call him? A magician slash-
John Rogers: He calls himself a mentalist, but he uses like a quotation marks around it because he duplicates the effects of charlatans by using psychological techniques.
Michael Colton: You can look him up on YouTube. Look up Derren Brown and NLP and there's stuff he does that is, we sort of basically ripped off for this episode.
John Rogers: Yeah ‘D-e-r-r-e-n’. Yeah, the primary one being he hires two advertising guys to come to his office and give him a campaign- a possible campaign for a children's zoo. They do the sketches and then he reveals his own sketches he did hours earlier and they're almost exactly the same. And then he reveals the visual cues he planted along the way into their head. And that really was the crux of this whole thing.
Michael Colton: And the one where Simon Pegg from Shaun of the Dead has- sits him down and asks him what he wants for his birthday, and he says he wants a bike.
John Aboud: BMX bike.
Michael Colton: But earlier he had written down he had wanted something completely different.
Chris Downey: A leather jacket, I think.
Michael Colton: A leather jacket! And throughout this whole discussion he was just doing cues to get him to say bike. It's kind of amazing.
Aldis Hodge: Wow.
John Rogers: It was also fun to kind of get into the mechanics of- it's easy with a grifter character to say they're just natural at it. To get into the intellectual work that Sophie does in her job.
Chris Downey: And also the idea of hacking into someone's head. I think that's what made this-
John Aboud: Wanted to establish that up front.
Jonathan Frakes: How infuriating it was that it was this character who [unintelligible].
John Rogers: Yeah, and also the fact that once you guys came up with the whole hacker/villain- the whole hacker theme, that really led us to the other material. 
Jonathan Frakes: And here we are, Dubertech.
Chris Downey: And this a great location too, this is very-
Jonathan Frakes: On the campus of-
John Aboud: The community college.
Jonathan Frakes: The community college in Portland.
John Aboud: It’s a great building.
John Rogers: The digital overlay on the sign.
John Aboud: It's a theater, actually.
John Rogers: A lot of digital signage.
Jonathan Frakes: It's the theater department, ironically.
John Rogers: It looks evil. 
John Rogers: Got an evil vibe to it. This was a lot of fun and this was one of the- one of the times that we took something we could do in a beat, and turned it into almost the entire act. We have broken into someone's office in like half a scene.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah.
John Rogers: But sometimes you just.
Jonathan Frakes: What we go through to get the fingerprint.
John Rogers: And it's great. And sometimes you find ways to do- you find stuff you want to do, you want to explore and kind of revel in, and that's the fun of this show. You know there's no real template to this show. So if you have an act where you have a bunch of cool stuff you wanna showcase, you can. Yes, tons of fun.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom.
John Aboud: We wanted this to be a real showcase for Hardison. 
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: Because obviously we're dealing with his world. We are in the world that he knows well, and we really liked the idea of him confronting this 1980s technology. I think that was one of our initial pitches to you guys-
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: For an episode.
John Rogers: I think that- you pitched that as a freelancer.
Michael Colton: Our pitch was Hardison hacks an ENIAC.
John Rogers: Yes.
John Aboud: In a museum.
Michael Colton: And that became a TRS-80.
Chris Downey: An abacus really.
John Rogers: Yeah a giant, giant vacuum tube. Yeah and that blended right into this. No, that was- and by the way, if you're gonna pitch a Leverage, pitch a high concept, don't come in with a procedural. You know, ‘he has to hack a 60 year old computer’, I love it, you know. That was an easy one.
Chris Downey: And this is great, I mean how great did they dress this set?
Jonathan Frakes: I love that we [unintelligible].
John Aboud: The music was-
John Rogers: It's the music.
Michael Colton: The set’s great but it’s the music that put us over the edge and sold it.
John Rogers: Yeah Joe LoDuca again giving us that 80s synth pop vibe. It was fantastic. And Aldis you’re great here just the total shock and horror.
John Aboud: This take is wonderful.
Aldis Hodge: This took me back a couple years. I mean, this stuff was older than me but still.
John Rogers: Thank you, thanks for reminding us of that.
Chris Downey: We love to confront Hardison with old technology. Audio tapes things like that.
Jonathan Frakes: He’s appalled here.
John Aboud: His horror.
Aldis Hodge: He's offended, he's insulted.
Jonathan Frakes: And there it is!
Aldis Hodge: This takes me back to when-
Chris Downey: Look at that.
John Rogers: Five and a quarter right there, baby.
Aldis Hodge: I used to run off of floppys though, I still remember those.
John Rogers: You were a baby though.
Aldis Hodge: It took like 10 hours to upload a page.
John Rogers: Yep.
Michael Colton: We used to use the war games. The phone doesn’t-
John Aboud: War dialer.
Chris Downey: They used to be on cassettes too.
John Rogers: Yeah they used to be on cassettes.
Jonathan Frakes: What was this computer called?
Michael Colton: TRS-80. Although I don't think we could say that.
John Aboud: We weren't allowed to.
Michael Colton: Yeah, it's just generic 1980s computer.
John Aboud: For clearance reasons.
Jonathan Frakes: I remember part of our prep was the ebay version of the TRS-80 that we shopped for, for two weeks trying to find the one that was actually going to be programmable.
John Rogers: Yeah. Yeah apparently Tandy Corporation has a problem with us saying that freedom is oppressed in Iran through the use of their product. Oh we’re the bad guy? That’s some sort of brand infringement I guess.
John Rogers: I love the caricature- oh the caricature kills me!
Chris Downey: I didn't even notice that! The caricature of him winning the chess trophy.
John Rogers: He was twelve!
Michael Colton: Well they had photos all around of Arye Gross from that era.
John Aboud: From his personal archive.
Jonathan Frakes: With the hair. When he had that big John Hughes hair.
Michael Colton: The pre-Soul Man. Old stuff.
Chris Downey: That is pre-Soul Man]. He's great in Soul Man, by the way. Soul Man is-
John Rogers: That's a great little shot, by the way. That's kind of an iconic shot of Hardison being distracted and annoyed while Parker quietly freaks out next to him. It's just a nice vibe.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘How much time are you really gonna spend in here after I told you that the bad guys are on the way?’
John Rogers: Yeah.
John Rogers: But they saw the bad guy in the sweater vest on the way in. I mean, they're not that intimidating.
John Aboud: They knew they could take him. They knew they could take him.
John Rogers: What do you think the origin for the- oh that's great.
Chris Downey: Oh that’s great!
John Rogers: A locked off comedy frame people!
Chris Downey: It's a locked off comedy frame.
John Aboud: Yep.
Jonathan Frakes: The third in three shows!
John Rogers: Can't go wrong. This was fun, by the way, the- this one when he says ‘it's adorable you still think there's privacy’.
Jonathan Frakes: Isn't this where some of our regulars drink when we do the 360?
John Rogers: Yes, yeah, we drink and we shoot it, too. But you guys had found out- who- was it Albert cause he was a journalist he knew that you could buy people's yearbooks?
John Aboud: Well he did that all the time at People.
Michael Colton: That’s what it was, yeah.
John Aboud: As a celebrity journalist he would go buy people's yearbooks. And it was the easiest thing in the world.
John Rogers: And there's actual services out there that will help you buy the yearbooks of different high schools. There's an enormous amount of creepy shit in this episode.
Aldis Hodge: Your embarrassment is on sale.
Michael Colton: Here's where we bring up the Roman Room, which a lot of people thought we made up but is just another-
John Aboud: By a lot of people you mean Tim Hutton.
Michael Colton: Yes.
John Aboud: Thought we made it up.
Michael Colton: Just another curious thing from the mind of John Rogers.
Chris Downey: It's just one of your many hobbies.
John Rogers: One of my many hobbies.
Michael Colton: Memorizing everything.
John Aboud: Memorizing disconnected pieces of information.
Chris Downey: What was last season, whaling?
John Rogers: It was whaling. I remember I made you that scrimshaw-
Michael Colton: What, you memorized famous whalers?
John Aboud: Wow.
John Rogers: No. I am- a hobby of mine is memory techniques, and I use the Roman Room, and we wound up using it here. And it was just a great way- if we're gonna hack- the big problem was why do we need to go to this high school? We can go to this high school without this guy. Well no, we need context. Well what's the context? Well… It was interesting how this episode kind of organically came up. It was the flashback, it was the 80s thing. And that was that he was using, like I do, he was using his Roman Room for his passwords. And the- actually yes they did not believe this. I was up visiting them and I wound up doing the complete works of Shakespeare based on my high school gym in order to convince Tim that I was- that this was a real thing. 
Aldis Hodge: Right.
John Rogers: Aldis you were in the limo that night, that's right. The- we didn’t take Colton or Aboud with us.
John Aboud: Well it coincided with Comic Con.
John Rogers: There you go that's right. Yeah this is, by the way, a really easy memory technique, you can learn it really quickly and with a little bit of practice and imagination. The key is making everything as filthy as possible.
Jonathan Frakes: Seriously?
John Rogers: Has to be obscene.
John Aboud: Ahh, there you go.
John Rogers: Actually Chris Downey made me not use him in my Roman Room techniques because he was distrubed by the fact that I was having him have sex with people and things.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: Well he knows what goes on in that room.
John Rogers: He knows that the Roman Room is a horrible place.
Chris Downey: And John you'll be at the Allentown Marriott this week doing the Roman Room technique, won’t you? Doing it on your tour.
John Rogers: If you'd like to advance yourself in business or socially. If you’d like to amaze salesmen and other people in your company.
John Aboud: Whenever you see those signs on a light posts that say ‘make money from home’ the number rings at John Rogers home.
John Rogers: I'm not just running a TV show. I'm running a lot of small businesses out of my garage. Oh was- was that the Psych yellout?
Michael Colton: Oh that was- it in this scene where we talked about what's on his Netflix queue. 
John Aboud: That show Psych.
Michael Colton: I wanted Turk 182 to be on his Netflix queue but that was rejected.
Chris Downey: It’s a little too meta.
Jonathan Frakes: I thought it was Rockford?
Chris Downey: It is Rockford.
John Rogers: Well it is Rockford, we went with Rockford and Psych- we added Psych in the end cause Psych had given us a nice little shoutout in their show.
Michael Colton: I think Sex and the City was thrown out there.
John Rogers: Why Sex and the City?
Michael Colton: I think it was an improv, wasn't it?
John Aboud: Humor?
Aldis Hodge: It was an improv.
John Aboud: Humor. Cause it was funny.
John Rogers: Nothing funny about Sex and the City.
Aldis Hodge: Very serious show.
Jonathan Frakes: Not that Gina likes to do accents.
John Rogers: This was a lot of fun.
Chris Downey: This was the tour de force.
John Rogers: And the difference- and what's great is watching this with the sound off is watching her physicality change and the smile, yeah, that character smiles and the other one is angry, yeah. It's lovely. And this is also one of those ones where it originally started much more complicated and turned into ‘let’s just have Gina talk, she can do the accents’.
Jonathan Frakes: We cut it all together, let her do the two characters.
Chris Downey: In, sort of, the Facebook era, one of the things I think helped this episode was that you are kind of confronted by people from your high school all the time that you have no recollection of.
John Aboud: Right, right.
Chris Downey: So it really sort of helped the idea that they could actually bomb into somebody's high school reunion as other people and they would just be accepted.
Michael Colton: Yeah this is kind of The Social Network of Leverage episodes, I think it's fair to say.
John Rogers: But before The Social Network- they stole this from you right? The Social Network is stolen from you.
John Aboud: And Facebook, the idea for Facebook.
Michael Colton: We came up with Facematch.
John Rogers: This is the skype of evil.
Chris Downey: We got the finger pyramid of evil going too.
John Rogers: He's got the finger pyramid of evil.
Aldis Hodge: That was scripted right? Finger pyramid.
John Rogers: The finger pyramid of malfeasance I believe, this is the Skype of evil. 
Jonathan Frakes: Wait heavies right, there's heavies in dark clothes behind him.
John Rogers: Yes exactly I like to think he prepped it ‘alright let's Skype this- wait turn off the lights!’ I can't.
Chris Downey: Oh I love this.
Michael Colton: This turn here is fantastic. After he hangs up with them.
Jonathan Frakes: Unafraid to milk.
John Rogers: And also one of the things I like about- that you guys did in the script just wanted the general attitude you want to give the villains - ahh there you go - is nobody’s a villain in their own head.
Michael Colton: ‘Larry Duberman?’
John Aboud: ‘Larry Duberman?’
Michael Colton: It took so long, but it worked.
Jonathan Frakes: And we stayed on it! We kept it all in. 
John Aboud: You did.
Jonathan Frakes: Confidant actor.
John Rogers: Yeah somebody said if schadenfreude is the pleasure of other people doing worse than you, what is the German word for delight in doing better than everyone else but not being able to come out and say it? The Germans should have a word for it. Yeah it's pretty impressive- that's a great match for Tim by the way, was that an actor or did we pick an-?
John Aboud: Stock. It was stock.
John Rogers: It was stock, wow.
Aldis Hodge: Now whose stock photos because there were some fugly people in there.
John Rogers: We went to fugly.com.
Aldis Hodge: All right. 
John Rogers: That’s where we got that stock.
Aldis Hodge: I'm just saying there’s a select few you didn't know exactly.
John Rogers: Well it's also 80s hair.
Aldis Hodge: There’s that.
John Rogers: 80’s hair was just a nation making a bad choice.
Michael Colton: Evil speech of evil.
Chris Downey: Oh here it is. It's the slow push in on the evil speech of evil.
Aldis Hodge: You gotta get in his nostrils, nice and tight right up there.
John Rogers: Well it's a 40 ft screen; it's a different look when they're on TV.
Chris Downey: And now here we go!
John Rogers: Now where was this?
Chris Downey: And now we're off!
John Aboud: Actual high school.
Michael Colton: This was an actual high school.
John Rogers: They let us redress, and yeah fantastic.
Jonathan Frakes: This is the gym of- what's the high school called? Hall? James T Hall High School?
Chris Downey: Now how many days were you here at the school?
Michael Colton: We were there-
John Aboud: Three days.
Michael Colton: Three, I think.
John Rogers: You managed to get all this done in three days?
Jonathan Frakes: Well the exterior was stock, and not our greatest effort.
John Rogers: Still pretty good.
Jonathan Frakes: This is- here we go!
John Aboud: Here we go.
Michael Colton: Now this was unused-
John Rogers: This was unused footage.
Aldis Hodge: Unused footage from the first season.
John Aboud: Season one.
Chris Downey: Using every part of the animal.
Aldis Hodge: Yes indeed. It’s probably one of my favorite scenes I've shot.
John Rogers: By the way, that is fearless of you. Not a lot of actors would go in the braces and throw on the-
Jonathan Frakes: Aldis is fearless.
Aldis Hodge: Very much so.
John Rogers: Throw on the hat. You really did manage to spot-weld Will Smith and the other guys from Fresh Prince into one character there.
Chris Downey: Alfonso Ribeiro, you mean?
John Rogers: Alfonso Ribeiro. That's the Fresh Prince of Alfonso Ribeiro right there. And this is great that we-
Jonathan Frakes: Eliot pre-hair.
John Rogers: Eliot pre-hair.
Jonathan Frakes: Like wait a minute.
John Aboud: Still the same guy, he looks to camera.
John Rogers: Well it's a flashback.
John Aboud: He looks to flashback camera.
John Rogers: As one does.
Chris Downey: That's good man, that's a good match.
John Rogers: I also like the dialogue fix. Cause it was originally the dialogue-
John Aboud: Brutal punch.
John Rogers: Where we actually lay in that he learned about the knives in context not from a murderous Guatemalan, but from a sexy Home Ec teacher.
Chris Downey: Sexy home ec teacher.
Jonathan Frakes: He's the one who doesn't get to go to the high school.
John Rogers: Ooh yeah that was fun.
Jonathan Frakes: It was easy to take that guy out with one shot.
John Aboud: Little minion did not deserve the brutality of that one punch.
Chris Downey: But it's also nice like-
John Rogers: You know what he knows he's screwing the Iranian kids. He's an accessory after the fact.
John Aboud: It's true, he's complicit.
John Rogers: Absolutely more than complicit, he's an accessory. And therefore worthy of scorn. Ah this was again the Joe LoDuca score. Amazing.
Aldis Hodge: This the song that's playing in this scene right now is the band that Dean Devlin was in.
Chris Downey: Oh that's right. What’s the name of Dean’s band?
John Aboud: What was the name of that band?
John Rogers: Nervous Service.
John Rogers: This was Dean’s band from the 80s. 
Aldis Hodge: Sure it wasn't Dean and the Devlins? 
John Rogers: No, no, that was his 50s band. And that's Beth in the badger suit right?
Aldis Hodge: Yeah.
John Aboud: Yes.
John Rogers: Yeah that is Beth.
John Aboud: Yes, spoiler warning.
Chris Downey: Well they've seen it already.
John Aboud: No, they haven’t.
Michael Colton: This is like their sixth viewing.
John Aboud: I only watch Leverage with the commentaries on.
John Rogers: Really? Interesting.
John Aboud: Yes.
Michael Colton: You don't know what happens in this one?
John Aboud: Nope. No clue.
John Rogers: That would explain why your pitches were so weird first year.
John Aboud: Well then Rogers drinks, right? And we do a zoom to see he pours the alcohol into the glass. 
John Rogers: Oh yeah this was a lovely bit of scripting, by the way, on the NLP on this, guys. Very subtle.
Michael Colton: Yeah it's subtle it’s incredibly tight knit it’s-
John Rogers: And great dress. Is this Aboud or Colton on this scene?
Michael Colton: It's mostly Colton.
Jonathan Frakes: It's Grace Peltz! Look at Peltz in the middle of that shot.
John Rogers: That was a nice frame up on that shot.
Chris Downey: Look at that right there.
John Aboud: That's an actual Arye Gross high school photo in the row below.
John Rogers: Are you really?
John Aboud: Yup Lawrence Duberman, first one on the second row.
Aldis Hodge: Yup.
Jonathan Frakes: And here’s how it happened.
John Rogers: All you have to do is insert one page. Who doubts the evidence before their eyes? Where’s Arye Gross?
John Aboud: He's cross eyed. First one on the second row.
Aldis Hodge: That's really him?
John Aboud: That's really him.
Michael Colton: Now what kind of alphabetical order is this? Grace Peltz above Larry Duberman.
John Rogers: Oh, the honor society had their own photos.
Michael Colton: Oh there you go. That’s computer club.
John Rogers: One of these days you gotta learn to just lie quick.
Chris Downey: You know how to retcon.
Michael Colton: Most of those names are from my high school. Jack Lebowski. I used my-
John Rogers: Don't say that, people have to sign forms for that.
Michael Colton: My high school girlfriend is in there.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom.
Chris Downey: Here we go.
Jonathan Frakes: Don't always get a ninja zoom into the socks and sandals.
John Rogers: He's enjoying that way too much.
Chris Downey: He is. Cleaning pools. I love that- I love that about him. Former quarterback now cleaning pools.
Jonathan Frakes: Tim owned Drake.
John Rogers: Yes.
Jonathan Frakes: He totally owned Drake Macintyre.
John Rogers: He really was enjoying that. There really was a moment you saw Tim kind of like ‘I wouldn’t mind cleaning pools. It’s nice and quiet’.
Michael Colton: Mandy Babson. 
John Rogers: Yep.
Michael Colton: What do his pins say?
John Rogers: I don't remember.
John Aboud: One of them said ‘I'll wash first’.
John Rogers: Wha- why? Why would you have a pin that said that?
Chris Downey: Not blondie or something?
John Aboud: That's the kind of guy you are. They were all slogans. Oh my voice is really giving out.
Michael Colton: Maybe you should stop talking.
John Aboud: Apologies to the home viewer.
John Rogers: Just let Colton- he’ll be honest about who did what.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Rogers: There's no way he’ll-
John Aboud: How can that go wrong?
John Rogers: Yeah. And it was also fun coming up with the idea that: of course there's a villain. Everyone has a narrative in their head, everyone had the villain in high school. You know the person who made their life hell. Unless you were the villain.
Jonathan Frakes: There he is! ‘Oh Doucherman!’
John Rogers: I'm glad we got that past Standards and Practices, cause Doucherman really was-
Michael Colton: The whole episode was built around Doucherman.
Jonathan Frakes: Whole episode.
John Aboud: It really would’ve fallen apart.
Michael Colton: It's the first thing we started with.
Aldis Hodge: All you thought about at first, and then you built the story around it.
John Aboud: It came later.
Aldis Hodge: ‘Doucherman, hmm we need to write a show’.
John Rogers: And she anchors it with a touch every time, nice acting, nice use of space.
Chris Downey: Who's that guy?
John Aboud: That guy was wearing a kilt! That guy was wearing a kilt.
John Rogers: I know, I saw him in the opening shot.
John Aboud: In the opening shot you can see he was wearing a kilt.
Chris Downey: Good variety of alumni characters.
Michael Colton: You know when I was on Twitter when this was airing to watch it, and Tim was- I thought it was very flattered he was just repeated ‘Douchermans got lady parts’.
John Rogers: Yes over and over again. He loved that. This was also fun showing Hardison scrambling. There's just some stuff you can’t prep for.
Aldis Hodge: Well Frakes, that was the first scene we shot for this episode, but it was also in the middle of shooting another episode the same day.
Jonathan Frakes: Same day in the van, here’s what’s gonna happen.
Aldis Hodge: I remember all that banter.
Chris Downey: That was the violin stuff.
Jonathan Frakes: Well this was the double up day.
Aldis Hodge: Double up day. All that banter was- I'm not even gonna lie I learned that right then and there in like ten minutes. Because I was on the other episode-
John Aboud: It worked.
John Rogers: You were on the other episode.
Michael Colton: Well you were on the violin.
John Rogers: Other episode was a giant part.
Aldis Hodge: Really shoot five pages just straight out? ‘Ok guys!’
John Aboud: Who’s this guy?
John Rogers: And there's our line producer!
Jonathan Frakes: There's our producer Paul Bernard as Schmitty!
Michael Colton: Star of the show.
Jonathan Frakes: I will tell you, he did have the 80s hair, that's not a haircut.
John Rogers: That's just what Paul Bernard looks like.
Jonathan Frakes: He works in that hair.
John Rogers: He works, he plays in that hair. That’s not stunt hair people.
Michael Colton: Is it true TBS is interested in a Schmitty spin off? Is that happening?
John Rogers: Yeah I think we might do ‘Here’s Schmitty.’
John Rogers: ‘We’re up to our necks in Schmitty.’ We haven’t decided yet.
Chris Downey: I think there was a reality show in which somebody- they had hidden cameras and people led-
Michael Colton: Someone made like a 2020 special about someone who- some woman who didn't want to go to her thing so she hired a- I think it was a stripper.
Chris Downey: I think it was a stripper.
Michael Colton: To play herself.
Jonathan Frakes: At her high school reunion?
Michael Colton: At her high school reunion.
John Aboud: She coached the stripper through an earpiece-
Chris Downey: Yes.
John Aboud: As she was watching on a video feed.
Michael Colton: While she was watching Hardison-style in a hotel room.
Aldis Hodge: Doesn't it seem like it takes a lot more effort than just showing up?
John Aboud: Just go to your reunion.
Jonathan Frakes: Here's the Roman Room!
John Rogers: Turns out not. See you're young, you still remember what these people look like. You have to remember after 20 years everyone's kind of- what's the great line from Grosse Pointe Blank? Swollen? Everyone just doesn't quite look like what they used to.
Aldis Hodge: I'm young, but I'm an actor, but I don't remember a damn thing past 5 minutes ago.
John Rogers: ‘I don't remember other people, I'm an actor’.
Aldis Hodge: Hey.
Chris Downey: It's fun, too, seeing Eliot typing stuff.
Michael Colton: Ten go to twenty stuff.
John Rogers: It was- and this was actually fun too, we were originally developing this trying to figure out what the hell Eliot was doing and then we realized just put him over there. For once he's gotta- yeah. Also allowed us to do the fight in an interesting way. This- god all high schools do look alike.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah this high school is perfect. The shiny floors, the lockers. We said, ‘We’re looking for a broom closet.’ They said, ‘Well what about the broom closet?’ We said ‘Good, that'll be fine.’
John Rogers: ‘That'll absolutely work!; And by the way Gina seems to really enjoy when her character doesn't like Tims character. She seems to be digging in a little bit more, I'm just saying. Yeah the utter scorn of the good looking asshole is fantastic. Oh we're past that. That was the-
Michael Colton: This is fun also ‘cause so much- I mean just ‘cause the nature of the show often Tim’s or Nate’s character is playing the shady businessman and this is totally opposite.
John Rogers: Yeah this is a low status character.
Chris Downey: He doesn't do a lot of low status.
John Aboud: He's not worn a hat like this on previous jobs.
Aldis Hodge: I just saw one of the other buttons said ‘I’m a handyman’.
Chris Downey: Is that what it said?
Aldis Hodge: One of them yeah. The yellow one.
Chris Downey: ‘I’m a handyman’.
John Rogers: The bright green one says ‘if you can't be handsome be handy’.
Michael Colton: There's very few of his characters where he can wear that necklace.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I should give you my card’.
Aldis Hodge: The necklace is questionable.
John Rogers: Questionably- is it a surfer? Or what is that?
Aldis Hodge: It's a surfer, man.
Chris Downey: Oh is that what that is?
John Rogers: He's still a Boston guy, so I don't know what he's wearing that for.
John Aboud: Well he's around water all the time.
John Rogers: That’s true.
John Aboud: Pools.
Chris Downey: That's right.
Aldis Hodge: He's a great surfer in his mind.
John Rogers: The great surf pools of Route 9.
Aldis Hodge: Surfer in his mind.
John Aboud: Uh-oh what is this?
Chris Downey: Someone is coming down the stairs.
John Aboud: What’s this what’s this?
John Rogers: Oh yeah, the lovely Kari Wuhrer.
Chris Downey: Now uh MTV? I mean best known-
John Aboud: Oh absolutely.
John Rogers: The sliders, the-
Michael Colton: What’s it called?
John Aboud: Class of ‘96.
Michael Colton: Remote Control. 
Chris Downey: Remote Control, that’s right.
Michael Colton: That was a formative influence on me. So I was very happy when I got to work with her.
John Rogers: Yeah, she's fantastic, by the way. She’s really sweet, worked her butt off and just-
Jonathan Frakes: Also happens to be married to our UPM [Editor’s Note: Unit Production Manager]. 
Chris Downey: But certainly we’re not giving away parts to people connected to the show!
John Aboud: No no.
Jonathan Frakes: Otherwise Jeanie Francis would be on the show by now.
Michael Colton: I did not know-
John Rogers: She didn't want to work with you, that's the problem. We called here and-
Michael Colton: I did not know she was married to the Leverage team until after she was cast. Her audition was great.
Chris Downey: She was.
John Rogers: Well that's the- Jim Scoura, her husband, the UPM, plays of course the assassin in the finale, in the summer finale.
Michael Colton: It's a double assassin household.
John Rogers: In our heads actually they are married in the Leverage verse; they’re like the bad Mr and Ms Smith.
John Aboud: Neither one of them can actually complete a kill.
John Rogers: They just- but they work hard, they get a lot of-
Jonathan Frakes: Watch them roll down these lockers.
Chris Downey: Was Jim here for this sequence?
Jonathan Frakes: He avoided this scene.
John Rogers: Interesting.
John Aboud: Stayed in the office.
Michael Colton: Stayed with the kids this day.
John Rogers: Having your improbably hot wife all over a good looking actor is just-
John Aboud: Why improbable? Why improbably hot?
Jonathan Frakes: Watch this, watch Tim with these- is this where he does the-
Michael Colton: That’s coming up.
Chris Downey: Oh man.
Jonathan Frakes: The stuff with the-
Aldis Hodge: Did this in one take right? Just one take.
Chris Downey: Jeez she's devouring him. This is like an episode of V!
John Rogers: She’s gonna unhinge her jaw any second now.
John Aboud: And here we go.
Jonathan Frakes: Oof what a surprise that she'd have it there.
John Rogers: It's a warm key.
Jonathan Frakes: Look at Tim! Look at Tim working those props!
John Aboud: Battling the brooms.
Chris Downey: Nothing like-
John Aboud: And then he stands back up.
John Rogers: Come on the doors right there. 
Jonathan Frakes: Come on, come on. Tried and true.
John Rogers: ‘And now I'm gonna go kill a dude.’
Jonathan Frakes: Lucky for us, Beth is in the building.
John Rogers: Yep. This is a real broom closet, that's great. How did you have room to shoot in there?
Jonathan Frakes: Went for the big broom closet.
John Rogers: Ah there you go, as opposed to the little one. Also this is a recurring bit: how Parker will just dump food everywhere. It actually turns out to a plot point in the Rashomon episode.
Chris Downey: Apparently we can have food.
Michael Colton: We can if it's chicken wings. They had like three giant trays of chicken wings.
John Rogers: Ahh good spark welding effect. Thank you, thank you props and special effects, appreciate it.
Jonathan Frakes: This works great, actually.
John Rogers: Yes that was better than the lightsaber through the door in the Star Wars prequel.
John Aboud: That’s a low bar sir.
John Rogers: Well it's still- it's a feature bar I'll take it.
John Aboud: Feature bar.
Michael Colton: ‘I’m for clean fun’. That's another button,
Chris Downey: Is that what it says?
John Aboud: That’s another one, another button.
John Rogers: The one on the left is haunting me, I can't quite make out the one on the left.
Aldis Hodge: It says- wait.
Michael Colton: Can we enhance?
John Rogers: Stop and enhance, enhance, push in. 
Michael Colton: Push in.
John Rogers: And yeah,this was a lot of fun just zooming in on- cause lets face it, not a lot of women can edge Gina Bellman out of that situation.
Jonathan Frakes: I know, and throw wine on her!
John Rogers: Yep.
Chris Downey: And the fun of this was having them revert to their high school personas and being offended by the cheerleader muscling in on her. I mean right? I mean this is- that's what-
Michael Colton: It's called subtext.
John Aboud: Seeing Sophie confront a mean girl.
Chris Downey: Yes.
John Rogers: Yes. It's great everyone had- everyone had their thematic little hook in this. One of the reasons we originally were attracted to the idea, even a year earlier, was because high school is that period where just the shell isn't on yet.
Chris Downey: And a high school reunion-
Jonathan Frakes: Had you done this before where the con men get conned in the middle of their con?
John Rogers: We play around with it, but rarely in this particular thing. Rarely this particular style.
Chris Downey: You mean an assassin showing up late in the episode?
Jonathan Frakes: No, no, no, I mean two con- our con and another con trying to duke it.
Chris Downey: Oh right.
John Rogers: Intersecting? Two Live Crew kinda.
Chris Downey: Well Order 23 we had a guy pretending to be a Marshall and he was an assassin.
John Rogers: Yeah but not a- those are the crucial- the crucials of surveillance photos.
Jonathan Frakes: Oh, she's on Interpol!
John Rogers: You need a half turn, you need a glasses-
Chris Downey: By the way you never see somebody eating spaghetti in surveillance photos.
John Rogers: Well what are the odds that when you see that person they'll be eating spaghetti? You really don't want that on the wanted photo. That you can't recognize a killer without the spaghetti. You want a spaghetti free context.
John Aboud: ‘Here, eat this.’
John Rogers: ‘Oh, you're that person!’
John Aboud: ‘We've got our man!’
Jonathan Frakes: Mission Impossible.
John Rogers: Yeah great little three way walk, nice.
Jonathan Frakes: Boom. ‘You go this way I'll take this way’. Taking a long time to get through that door.
Chris Downey: Really is. It's a really thick door.
John Aboud: Very secure door.
Michael Colton: They stopped for a break.
Jonathan Frakes: Thick door they established that early.
John Rogers: This, by the way- this is great. Not a lot of guys could land this joke. ‘The health inspector?’
Michael Colton: Was that in the script or was that?
Jonathan Frakes: That was on the day.
John Rogers: That was on the day, that was an improv, right?
Michael Colton: Yeah, Chris did a lot of improv in this scene. Entire fight was improvised.
John Rogers: And that was fun, too, is coming up with the- I remember ‘ok what’s- what’s from the 80s you can hit people with?’
Chris Downey: Oh that's great.
John Rogers: This is a great fight.
John Aboud: First take on that smash.
Chris Downey: Oh that's great.
Michael Colton: Oh I know, ‘they give trophies for chess’ was Christian’s.
John Rogers: That's right.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Rogers: Sorry mouthful of Irish whiskey.
Chris Downey: Yeah this is a great fight oh and the bowling trophy.
John Rogers: The bowling for chess. 
Jonathan Frakes: There’s no prop he doesn't flip!
Aldis Hodge: He flips everything.
Jonathan Frakes: Am I right?
Chris Downey: Or twirl.
Aldis Hodge: He’ll flip a table.
Jonathan Frakes: Never found a prop he couldn't twirl.
John Rogers: And that's interesting, because on the big screen, you cut from the dude sort of cracking his neck behind Christian, and it's a slam cut into two people kissing. For a second I'm like ‘what the hell? Wait what the hell is going on here? Oh alright.’
Jonathan Frakes: Here's something we've all looked forward to. The fox fight in the girls dressing room.
Michael Colton: Well that- when we were writing the high school show and we came up with this character we knew we had to have a girl fight in the locker room.
John Aboud: And where was that silencer?
Jonathan Frakes: Gina resisted, and then ended up saying, ‘When can I do this again?’
John Rogers: She loves fighting, you see.
Chris Downey: She does.
John Rogers: You're always worried you're going to get hurt fighting, but the stunt people know what the hell they're doing, everyone’s super safe and you wind up just having fun. And also that was a big thing, you know Sophie’s character is not a killer, she has to cheat.
Chris Downey: Oh and the shoes!
John Rogers: The shoes come off.
Jonathan Frakes: Now it's real. Boom.
Chris Downey: And there's another locked off comedy frame!
John Rogers: And then the cross.
Jonathan Frakes: Locked off comedy!
John Rogers: The cross cutting between the two fights was a lot of fun. And yeah, she could probably take her if she didn't have the fire extinguisher. It- Kari’s frustration in ‘what the hell are you talking about’ here is hilarious, actually.
Jonathan Frakes: These stunt doubles are quite good, this is intercut nicely.
John Rogers: Yup it is. And- 
Chris Downey: Oh and she uses a gun, look at that.
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah, look at that.
Michael Colton: Yeah, but she missed.
John Rogers: Yeah that's the problem, silencers are really useless anywhere over 10 feet. She should've unscrewed it but by then she'd be gone. 
Jonathan Frakes: Woah, woah, woah. 
John Rogers: And this is a great- actually of the early episodes this season this was one of my sort of favorite sort of character twists is that Drake actually has an arc. 
John Aboud: Right.
John Rogers: You know no person is without redemption, including Drake. Oh yeah.
Aldis Hodge: And the taser!
John Rogers: And the taser. Again, crucial for the finale for us to plant it that soon.
John Aboud: Her weapon of choice for the season.
John Rogers: Yeah catering. We originally had her lowering from the ceiling, and then that was just crazy. Used the taser. Oh the hug, that's nice.
Jonathan Frakes: Oof.
John Rogers: Oh the- and then the double turn this, is this is dense. This one’s actually got a lot going on in this act.
Michael Colton: I have no idea what's happening now.
John Aboud: Truly lost.
John Rogers: Is this the fourth act? This is the fourth act
John Aboud: I think we're in act nine.
John Rogers: Yeah this is the fourth action act, and there's an awful lot of story going on here.
Chris Downey: Oh here we go. 
John Rogers: And what I kinda like here is where Arye Gross is playing not just angry, but hurt.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Rogers: It's like ‘I thought all my high school dreams had come true and now you're lying to me.’
Michael Colton: He's great in this. 
John Rogers: Genuinely never- can't go wrong with a shot down the gun.
Jonathan Frakes: Nope. Reliable.
John Rogers: Gonna react to it? Nope, just go to the reverse.
Jonathan Frakes: Go out number one.
Michael Colton: Bang.
Aldis Hodge: Commercial, people.
John Rogers: Remember, a guy pulling a gun for the act break is always better than a guy leaving with a gun. And now we do- what's sad is this was the plan. That's- when you think about it this is the most convoluted possible way to get this information in this guy’s head. I don't mean sad in a bad way, I mean this guy really just has no chance whatsoever. And yeah the mixture of like ‘I’m a villain’ and- this may be the saddest villain we’ve ever had.
Michael Colton: Well I was watching this with my sister, who said- this scene happened, she's like ‘oh I feel bad for him’ then he has a line about ‘cause you brutally beat the Iranian’ then she's like ‘oh now I don’t feel bad for him.’ It was the perfect-
Chris Downey: You're like, ‘Ooh I'm glad I put that in there.’
John Rogers: It's a little- it is sometimes a little funny that you know you realize television very much leads you through the emotions of the show. So it’s- you sorta feel like an idiot resetting the emotions as a writer but it’s important. You know you're in a contract with the viewer.
Jonathan Frakes: Well we’ve been in the school for two acts. 
John Rogers: Yeah.
Jonathan Frakes: Absolutely true. And the hacker getting hacked we've forgotten about that.
John Rogers: Yeah 42 minutes is- what is it, average American attention span is like 10 minutes? Which is why act length is probably just about right.
John Aboud: ‘Nice try fake Drake’.
Chris Downey: Fake Drake.
John Aboud: And he pointed out that that sounded a little like a Batman villain.
John Rogers: Fake Drake.
John Aboud: ‘Very well Fake Drake.’
John Rogers: The- and again, these are people- these are professional spies. These are people who are hired to take care of people like Eliot.
Aldis Hodge: So it's okay for them to get hurt.
John Rogers: So it's okay for them to get beat up.
John Aboud: For his arm to bend that way.
Aldis Hodge: Yeah we don't feel bad for him, no.
John Rogers: I love the ASCII art there. 
John Aboud: Yep, yep.
John Rogers: I love that he would go to the effort of making an ASCII manticore. Cause that's not easy. And you can't have an intern do that cause it's your secret logo.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: I think that probably took Derek all of five seconds. And then it even animates! It even animates when it dies.
John Rogers: x o x o x o yeah. Again, he would've had to do that. So at some point Arye Gross' character had to have gone, ‘What if somebody hacks this? I should put a death animation in just in case.’
Chris Downey: Yeah well you want to know that it's gone.
John Rogers: Yeah exactly. Made unaware.
Jonathan Frakes: This is the fifth Beatle, played strong in this show.
John Rogers: Yeah Derek Frederickson. And of course manticore based on various intercept methods that you can use. And that's kinda tricky is social media is both a tool of insurrection and makes you vulnerable. As soon as you network with other people it's a weakness.
John Aboud: We talked about Carnivore I think wasn’t that the-
John Rogers: Yes, that was the FBI one.
John Aboud: Was the decryption.
Chris Downey: Now how long did it take to ‘Badger 85’? ‘Cause you had to find ways to implant it.
Michael Colton: That- actually that was kind of fun because we had to figure out ways to use the word ‘badger’ or ‘85’.
John Aboud: For this.
Michael Colton: Yeah.
John Aboud: For this sequence.
Chris Downey: For the flashes.
Jonathan Frakes: There was a wonderful alliteration in this.
Chris Downey: ‘Five years’.
John Aboud: ‘Wasn't all bad-ger brain hold onto every detail’.
John Rogers: And there's the badger. You gotta remember that badger.
Aldis Hodge: AKA Beth.
Michael Colton: ‘I already ate, five months’.
John Rogers: I've had this dream so many times.
Michael Colton: ‘You hacked me?’
John Rogers: And now the meltdown. We don't really give them a gloat here, we don't really give them a gloat.
John Aboud: He pre-gloats.
Aldis Hodge: With the Fred Flinstone run out.
John Rogers: That’s a chess club run.
Chris Downey: He was in the chess club.
John Aboud: Schmitty.
Jonathan Frakes: Can’t believe we’re out of beer.
Chris Downey: ‘Out of beer!’
Jonathan Frakes: Never happened to Paul.
John Rogers: I don’t think that was a line, I think we just ran out of beer on set.
John Rogers: Oh Larry Duberman, millionaire, the stress has gotten to him, he's melting down. I'll take him away.
Jonathan Frakes: Here's where we toyed with having our favorite FBI guys in this.
Chris Downey: We almost did but the scheduling didn't work. But we tried to have-
Michael Colton: Yep.
John Rogers: Again always the pain but real humans are attached to these roles. They don't wait around for us.
Chris Downey: Taggert and McSweeten.
John Aboud: Doucherman!
Aldis Hodge: Doucherman.
John Aboud: So disappointed.
Chris Downey: Gave him a nice shot there.
John Aboud: So disappointed.
Jonathan Frakes: He's a friend, he gets a good close up.
John Rogers: That's good.
Jonathan Frakes: And this- I love this end. I love this.
Michael Colton: This is what the show started with.
John Rogers: We held onto this end for two years.
Michael Colton: This was all we had.
John Aboud: This is the image from which the episode sprung.
Michael Colton: From whence it sprang.
John Aboud: Yep.
John Rogers: Like the head of Zeus.
Aldis Hodge: It's a red party cup.
John Aboud: I love that shirt. I love that shirt. I do love that shirt.
Chris Downey: Is that what that is?
Aldis Hodge: Yup yup.
John Aboud: Red party cup.
Michael Colton: Which is a line-
Chris Downey: Oh I want that.
Jonathan Frakes: And he gives it up to. This actor gives it up again.
John Rogers: Yeah, well didn't we put cayenne pepper in his eyes?
Jonathan Frakes: No we did not.
John Rogers: Oh we don't do that anymore? Alright. No he was-
Aldis Hodge: It's how we motivate our actors. They go hard.
John Rogers: Absolutely fantastic work. 
John Aboud: I made him cry.
Aldis Hodge: It’s cause you called him fat right before you shot it.
John Rogers: That's a big part of the show by the way, the victim isn't just pathetic.
John Aboud: It was the insults that did it.
John Rogers: That was a spinoff, too, we talked about - Mandy and Schmitty.
John Aboud: Mandy/Schmitty.
John Rogers: Unwittingly getting involved in cons.
Michael Colton: Schmitheads.
Jonathan Frakes: Mandy was thrilled to get to play a girl with big boobs cause she had just had a baby, so she never had boobs like this before. So she was thrilled to be asked-
Chris Downey: I'm sure she can enjoy hearing that on this.
Jonathan Frakes: Lana[?] told me this for sure.
Michael Colton: They look wonderful.
John Rogers: The- and this was fun. The whole idea that they were so convincing at the con and so charming-
Jonathan Frakes: Yeah that they become-
John Rogers: You could've done an entire subplot like that. 
Chris Downey: Oh look at that.
John Rogers: I think that's you  know that's a good day for Schmitty, he really lost track of his friends, and he's just happy to know Drake’s doing okay.
Jonathan Frakes: And you can't miss the beer bowl, John Hughes. Thank you very much.
John Rogers: No he- and this is Joe LoDuca giving us- and we originally wanted words and then he gave us the melody as a sample before he put the words on and realized we don't want words.
Chris Downey: No, yeah, that's perfect.
John Rogers: This is perfect. This sounds exactly like an 80s tune.
Aldis Hodge: Now which one of your guys' high school dreams is this, here?
John Rogers: Dancing with Gina Bellman?
Michael Colton: Dancing with Tim Hutton?
Aldis Hodge: Becoming prom king after like 85 years.
Jonathan Frakes: I love the callback to these two characters, in these costumes, in this place. I think this is lovely, actually.
Michael Colton: Magical.
John Rogers: This is fantastic. This is one of my favorite endings. It really is.
Aldis Hodge: Bit of redemption for what they’ve gone through.
Jonathan Frakes: No, but it’s in front of all these people. Their pasts-
John Rogers: Yeah, and she's not gonna tell him the name, but she's-
Chris Downey: And high school reunions like we said are full of, like, emotion. I mean it's just that’s what's- it kinda takes you back so it’s-
John Aboud: Well and of course what we liked was that Parker never experienced this stuff. So to her it's an alien world and by the end-
Chris Downey: And here's the shot.
John Aboud: This is it.
Jonathan Frakes: Well the metaphor of her feet being off the ground. Here we go bring it on.
Aldis Hodge: Yup.
Michael Colton: Oh yeah.
John Rogers: Yeah, just never actually touching the ground.
Aldis Hodge: I'm just that strong, I'm holding her up.
Chris Downey: That is great.
Aldis Hodge: Oh yeah.
Chris Downey: And of course look! The one who- the one guy who didn't get to have any fun.
Jonathan Frakes: ‘I don't get to go.’
John Rogers: ‘Did anybody ask if Eliot's okay? Is Eliot alive?’
Jonathan Frakes: Sorry buddy.
John Rogers: Pissed off Christian is a funny Christian. And then pan up and then find both of them. Oh I love this shot.
Jonathan Frakes: Excellent use of the crane.
John Rogers: This is kind of the whole reason to do- yeah. And-
John Aboud: Fan favorite, gonna call it.
John Rogers: Fan favorite, yep.
Chris Downey: Yeah.
John Aboud: Calling it yeah.
Chris Downey: Both of your episodes guys have endings of real-
Michael Colton: The rest of them are shit, but the endings really land.
Chris Downey: But I'm saying-
Michael Colton: Stick the landing.
John Rogers: Gotta hold on for the ending of Colton and Aboud episode.
Chris Downey: I’m trying to pay you a compliment!
Jonathan Frakes: Makes you wanna put in another DVD doesn't it?
John Rogers: Yes, yes, you should go-
Jonathan Frakes: Let’s watch another episode!
John Rogers: You should go watch another episode right now.
Jonathan Frakes: Go run to the fridge, get some stuff, put another one in.
John Rogers: Get some stuff. If you're pantless that's cool we’re pantless.
Michael Colton: You’re saying for douchbags to go hard.
Aldis Hodge: If Hardison-
Michael Colton: We wrote two endings-
John Aboud: Fake it- we fake it well.
Michael Colton: That are actually heartwarming.
Chris Downey: Very heartwarming.
John Rogers: Well you were given one of them.
Jonathan Frakes: Thanks for watching.
Aldis Hodge: Peace people.
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